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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1915)
Tim BEE: OMAHA. F1UPAY, MAY 14. 0 MS. BALTZLY HEAD OF WOMEJTS SOCIETY (hath Woman President of the Women"! Home and Foreign Missionary Society. KEXT YEAS AT WHEELING Mrg. O. D. BalUly. wife of the pas tor of Kountie Memorial Lutheran church, waa unanimously elected na tional president of the Women 'n Hone and foreign Missionary soeletv of tha general synod of the Lutheran church at the final session of the con gestion Thursday. Mr. BalUly Is the first president of this big organization tp be elected from west of the Mississippi river. Other officers wans elects at follows: Vie presideriU.Mrs. Wlllard Larkln of Cobleeklll, N. T.; Mrs. J. P. Krechtlng of Washington. T., C; Mrs. A. V. Hunter of Cblumbla City, Ind.; Mrs. Alice O. Bond of Ballna, Kan., and Mrs. J. H. W. etnekenberc of V'ocster, O.; record ing secretary. Mist Margery D. H. IJlly of . afechardcsbura. Pa.; corresponding secretary. Miss Mary Hay Morris of LtrthervlDe, Md.; treasurer, Mlas M. Margaret Miller of Kansas City, Mo.; historian. Mrs. E. B. School of Balti more, Md. Vest Year tn Wheeling. Wheeling:, W. Va,, won the contest for the next meeting place. Telegrams were received from all the Lutheran churches In that place and from the Whaeltng Board of TraJe and the Wheel Ins; Board of Control. "It has been a most successful conven tion." aald Dr. Bslttly. "The weather has been good and everything has co operated to success. Omaha has been splendidly advertised to Influential peo ple from all over the country. One day we took the delegates on a thirty-mile automobile trip around the city and they were loud in their praises of Omaha." All noon and evening meals were served In the church parlors. The ladles of St. Mark's church provided and served the meals on Wednesday. The convention ended Its six days' ses sion at noon Thursday. The delegates sre departing, most of them not going directly to their own homes. Some will go to the Pacific coast to visit the expo sitions. Others are leaving for Lincoln to see the Tsbltha home, an Institution for orphans, the aged, and a hospital. Still others are going to Atchison, Kan., where there Is the Western Theological seminary anil a large Lutheran college. LORD HERSEY to head inquiry into loss of Lust tania. After confering with officers of the board of trade and with Lord Hersej who presided over the Titanic and Empress of Ireland inquiries, the admiralty decided to call the investigation as soon as possible. ROBISON BUYS A SECTIOHHEAR CITY Insurance Man Payi $100,000 for Four-Fifths of the Old Hallen heck Farm. ABOUT MILE WEST OF MILLARD 'i . , . ''irv lt jf - v I k " V ? i . t m --4- Hew Mrs. Kami Got Rid of Her .Stoasavck Trovble. "Ii suffered with stomach trouble for years and. -triad everything I heard of, but the only relief I got was temporary until last - spring I saw Chamberlain's Tablets, advertised and procured a bottle ef them at our drag store. I got Immedi ate relief from' that dreadful , heaviness after 1 eating and from - pain ' In . the stomach," " writes . Mrs. . Linda Harrod, Fort Wayne. Ind.',. Obtainable every, where- Advertisement. - Two Big Conventions Scheduled on Same Dates This Fall Omaha will he called upon to entertain two gigantic conventions with a total of 6,000 delegates during the same Week this fall. This Is the week selected two years sgo by the National Letter Carriers as sociation and now comes C. H. Qustafaon of Mead, who says that all arrangements have been made for the meeting here of the State Farmers' union September 7, 8 and !. They say they will have 1,500 dele gatea and the letter carriers expect 3.M0 delegates. One of the largest single sales of farm lands made In Douglas county for some time is the sale the Pay no Investment company has Just closod with B. H. Hoblson, president of the Bankers' Reserve IJfe Insurance company, who purchased a section of land Just west of Millard for $100, 000. The section of ground Is four of the five quarters of the John Hal- lenbecx estate at that place. Tlie price paid amounts to $156.25 per acre. When John Hallenhech, ons of the early pioneers of this section of the country, died last Septcmter at the see of T years, he left his laige real rotate holding t hla relatives The executors sre Meaars. I llallenheck snd Prown, nephews of the I late Mr. Hallenberk They live at Glovers- vllle. N. T. The will authorised them to j sell thla land and divide the proceeda among the heirs. The executors placed the lands In the handa of the Pavne In vestment enrrrany of Omaha for dis posal The real estate company placed a ! price upon each quarter separately and ' Issued a pamphlet showing the lay of the ground snd specifying the price eased i for each quarter. Negotiation with Mr. I Roblirn led to the parchaae ot a single ' deal of four Adjoining quartera of the land .mo and a half miles west of Millard. Negotiations are on with another party for the purchase rt the remaining quar ter. Mr. HnllenberH arrived In Omaha from New Tork In Wi'. Omaha was little morn than a fort then There the settler periodically gat h red to r apo the rav ages of the Indian, lie took tip 14 a re of land wot of Millard and later p'ir chaard more, which now cortitltt.te the (arm land holtflnc of the evtate trie Payne Investment company la rloelnc out The land purchased by Mr. Koblsion has one pet of farm building now on It. Mr. Robtaon expects to apend Mn,W0 In equipping the place for a first claas stock fsrm which hs Intends to stock Im mediately with thoroughbred Hereford. He haa engaged the aervlces of sn expert herdamsn from Iowa who Is to take charge of the Hereford farm. MANEY MILLING CO. IS DOUBLING ITS STORAGE The Msney Mltrmg Compsny Is build ing sn addition to Its elevator and stor age house st Twenty-eeventh and Arbor streets, which Is expected to double Its storsge rspaclty. Have Reajalar Bowel Movement. - Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and have a dolly easy movement of the bow els. . Cure constipation. Only 25c . All druggists Advertiser-is t. r,-rTWaiw TONE'S SPICES are economical, bVcatiae unusual precautions preserve their original strength from the time thev are picked till they are ready for use. Thev are delightfully piquant and are guaranteed pure. Your grocer sells them at ten cents a package. Allspice, Cloves, Pepper, Paprika, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Mace, Celery Salt, Pickling Spice, Mustard, Sage, Poultry Seasoning and others. TONE BROS., Des Moines Established 1873 Vewefsra pfthm famous Old CeUmn CoAs Be up to date. Save all the drudgery and trouble of washday. in cool or lukewarm water, and don't hard-rub nor boil the clothes. It's quicker as well as easier to do all your work the Fels N apt ha way. Pals SI Co.. PbiladetDhla. VETERAN POLICE OFFICER GETS RID OF PILES AND RHEUMATISM John Morrow, 228 Stanyan Street, San Francisco, Uses Akoz Mineral to Correct Ailments. 'T owe my present good health to Akos mineral." said Police Officer John Mor row, who la now stationed at the Golden Oste Park Museum. Mr. Morrow resides at 228 Ptanyan street. Pan Francisco, and has been an officer for over twenty-six years. He suffered many years with sciatic rheumstlam and piles and after a few weeks' use of Akos the rheumatism hss left htm and the piles are much bet ter. He says: "I had eristic rheumatism for many years and with the changes of the weather the pains would come and go In my hips and thighs and I would suffer untold agony. I have also had piles for some tame, and so bad at Umea that I would have to lay off Airty. The dif ferent remedies I used for both ailments did not do a particle of good. I read and heard of many officers being helped by Akos and decided to try the remedies myself. The Akos plssters and the water marie from the Akos internal powder drove out the sclatla In a short time. For ths piles, the Akos ointment and Akos suppositories and Akoa mineral water have almost rid me of the ailment. The mineral water, I notice. Is a grand (yx9iZi,pr ii iiiii joaor mouov. tonio and my general health la better than It haa been for years and expect to be active for many years to oome. I owe all thla to Ako mineral, and fully en dorse and recommend It to anyone." Akos haa proven effective In treating; cases of stomach, liver, kidney and blad der trouble, uloers. ecsema, akin diseases and other ailments. Akos Is sold In Omaha at fherman A MoConneJl's four stores, where further Information may be had regarding this advertisement. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quick ly and cheaply by a Beo "For Bent" want ad. ii - - - I I 1 ' "I i i ! .. Mi I k VE LAMDC TPft Li I'-X m nil FIEDM TTTf IF A IS NOW BEING SERVED EXCLUSIVELY AT C A 1717 TCDI A G National LAf Ll 1 EiKl A Bank Building LUNCH ROOMS ffiH LOOK FOR THE CAP OVER EVERY BOTTLE What Certified Milk Really Is: Of the thoussnds of milk users in Omaha very few know the 'meaning . of "certified milk." That doubtlee Is due to the fact that there ar comparatively few Omahans using It, because of Its excessive cost. To In- . dividual patrons the price Is lust twice that of milk purchased from the ordinary milk dealer. To start with every ounce of it must test up to 16 per cent more butter fat than Is required of any other milk. That ' Insures the wholesomeness ef It. But ths most Important thing is ths iron-clad provisions of ths city or dlnancs which provides the condi tions under -which producers may sell their product aa certified milk Here are a few of ths provisions: Ths sanitary inspection of the dairy must register 1 per cent or better ' of tbe score required by the federal government.' Certified milk must be takes from cowa not reacting to tuberculin tests ' aod each cow roust be tuberculin . tested every six months - (or two and once annually thereafter. "WJK ni ii 1 1 is 'iiin' ' s si;;; .-' ! . I t, ; , 4 ' ? if i"m v. I. i: ..!! i .- -I -' (I.. I : v at i hi THIS CAP INSURES ABSOLUTE MILK PURITY l ir. i 4 i ' t ' i 1 1 I K-t. r. TS tr a regularly llcsased veterlnartsji. ?ater used at tbe dairy must be ex- and bacterlologloall; ajnlaed twice a year, both chemically oaity. Certified milk must eoptaln 4 per eeni butter fat; thla Is 26 per eeut ' mors than required of any otnsr oillk. Baatsrlal counts shall be mads . at least twice a week. The oaes on tbe milk bottles are furnished by the Omaha Milk Commwelon. through ths health offloe and shall pear the date upon which it must be sold. Actual Photo graph Take a at Lo7hnd Farm Where Our Milk Comet From "! ' ;- - ? : ' J t I : I r;? is ' Up? u I J U - ' . - . ;--4 ... -i ft 1JeiSt1'""' y ' v f 4 iV" -so. r mai, . ,. ,,.1(nej-V- ' v f . ) ' 1 , . ; ( - 4T w n Use Certiiied milk: There are only two farms which furnish certified milk in Omaha and the Welch byetem will take practi cal ly the entire outuut of one ot them. Mr. Welch baa kept well la from In the matter of progrreas In the catering bunlnesa and he l now far ajid away the biggest buyer of foodstuffs; of any business man In omalia This fact has made It posv slble for hUn to buy much cheaper than others and bis patrons receive the benefit In pnoes and duality of food. This latest Innovation has) beon an expensive one for Welch, but he ooa iiilere there lit nothing too rto.i.l ror the thousands who patronize hie ittfote.-liis. 7o further enhance tn valu uf his "pure milk for paurons" motto, ha has secure- for hie placa the exclusive use in Omahs. of aerm liroof and dirt -proof Individual drink ing glasses. The luwa and Nebras ka food commissions have toyn mendad the laes highly. In this connection, it may be aeJd that Welch Inaugurated the Indi vidual serving bottle eyataar- eight years before It was ever Hioiortit of by any restauranteur or the Health, Commission. The Welch Cafeterias la Omaha serve over 4.000 persons every day. If you will bring- Into your mind a city of 4.000 Inhabitants, the grocery stores, meat markets and bake shops necessary to aupoly those Inhabi tants, you will get a better idea of the quantities of food needed to sud 1,1 v Welch's patrons dally, and the Immeuss buying power he has eom psred to that of other restaurants. His facilities for eooklne- the dainty dishes snd serving them In tasty style la unexcelled anywhere In the country. It has come to be a aclenoe with Welch, and he personally over seea every department himself, al though he haa employed a big oorps of skilled men In the art of preparing delectable dishes of substantial food and desserts. , . From time to time Welch expects to add to the excellent menu ead other comforts of ble Patrons aa hs has In ths past. Note the Absolute Sani tation That Prevails