Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
Bringing Up Father TIIT, BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1015 Cor-vrlsht. IH1V International New Service. (jtXrat MOTCOIN3 OUT nuniQMT AND TO BE. WWT ttX) TO "TAY BY CCi 1 v YOU ANbVER OEroRE I AS EM JKeCi VAMTt, ME TO STRAJCHTEN UP i know y 10T BEFORE YOU VTART -TAKE. THIS WASTE RASKFT SWfl ,N ' 'U TUP irirz-ui-i. rWaOE- KIM i ;o dowm in THE UWAfVr TOIT A COOK TO READ "V" , Drawn for The Bee by George McManus 34 7 1 I I 1 1 7 T -T IT - T.S-, J ...w i vw. r,.,-j HANI IT " I rl .11 THE WAX I 11 . HilUIUJ'I I II . 1 I v a -. a - . . . I --K I " ' f r I. II - - - IP II A-' ' v . I 1 TAKF TuitV II IUG A IX1TK I I W I MaJM I 111 IK J I ? 1 .r- I I I r X. j-a v 1 1 i rADR I ' a. fT c, I -" ' j i i- rv-rv c I I I -w I I -w . I ! I v I K r-e- .. r a I BOOSTERS CLOUT W ILLISAND WIN Itorirk; Pitcher It Submarined in the Eighth and Ninth, and Bourkei Drop, S to 3. EARL SMITH MAKES HOME BUN ' A yonng submarine! ancaked Into Rourke perk'yeeterday afternoon and hin the. eighth Innlnc of the battla be ing at aged, bet ween Pa Rourke' s crew of rttwittrsand the crowd from TVee Moines r j) around aatd r submarine .uncoupled cnSrtorpedo, .which' a truck Ralph Willis amldahlp and the , Rourkea aunk from V.w, t to V Tha coroner a Inquest colled tha affair wholesale murder. . For aeven rouoda Wlllla breeted along In hla allckeet vein and aa tha home boya .t ad counted once It looked Ilka a, victory. Then tha lnvr.dlng hoat began to muss up Ralph'a anointed delivery In a moat 'scandalous faahton and aent four rtint rrroae in the eighth and ninth, while the HQ fane- present contributed orlflnal little lna oajculated to appeaja tha aore heaft,, ( , Kmltk Illta Horner. To open tha combat In a perfectly fit ting and proper manner. Earl Smith ad-fciu-d to tha rubber In tha opening tfiame and buated tha aeoond alant hurled ly Trfty Mogrldge over tha left canter ffnee. . Thua waa ona of tha Rourka runa made. In the third, with two out, Breen kot . aaaonaV . when 4tkn - mif fed hla fly. Cy Jj'orajrtha poled a two-ply blow to IriMlii". and tUck huatled ' acroaa for Una ri-cond marker. , - '.. Nothing happened In the fourth or fifth eicept a freak catch by ' Hunter. . Kafora alammad a drive to left and when (Pilla threw Jii handa high In. the air to jeiear It the pill bounced out and up- v arda, whereupon Hunter apeeded - over janu captured the' ball before it hit tha ff round. Thua Hunter got tha-out and Bllla waa credited with an aaalaL Kafora got clear to 'aeoond . while all thla waa S going on and aank prone upon the earth when he learned what had happened, Rooster Artillery Utarla, . In the alzth tha Dooater artillery opened fire on .poor Wlllla. Hunter beat out a 'bunt' and, after a llf.e'when Bchllfbner raurrea iua loui, jonea poked a knock to fright , H(ll forced Hunter at third, but sawyer waa en hand wltto the blow to tecunt Jonea. '" ' In the eighth Jonea opened with a bit He waa forced. ataecond by Bllla, but .Sawyer connected with a apttter for two baaea and the welKknown pharmaclat hiked home. TannehlU'a clout to canter frcountad Sawyer. Tha attack waa followed up In the (ninth when the oppoaltloa acored two rmore. Uogrldge, the hitting at pitcher In the loop, buated one over light field fence tor a circuit clout. Ifahn hit to center and went to aeoond on Tbomaeon'a error. 'Hunter laid down a aoiirioa and waa cafe on Waita erron, A aaortfioe Uif by Jonea acored Hahn. Rally ralU abort. The Rourkee tried te come back In the plinth and pluck the brand from the buro but got aoorched Inatead. Hchliebner Dined out to TanoehlU, that gent making fta clreua one-handed atab whloh looked Bucky If It waan'L Whalen made a tcretch two-bagger through Sawyer and tKrueger pinrh-hlt to left. An error by QIartford counted "VYtjalen. but that waa (ua far aa the Rourkea got. I Embryo runa on two orcaalona were ut off by awell pegging by Rourka out Sfieldera. In the flrat round Hahn opened twlth a double and when ha tried to take third waa caught by a wonderful throw ty Koreythe clear from the corner of the lot to Marty Krug at third. In the igbth Taonehttl attempted to come home 'tm eecond on Brren'a hit. and Pmtth'a iirfe peg to the plat rauht him a city The Rourkea and Booetera battle again today, it will be ladloa day. The game UI be called at t o'clock. Pro re: AB. R. 11. O. A. K. 1 1 1 ' , 4 " 1 I .. ... rlflre hlla: Hunter. Krug. Bacrtflce fly: Jonea. Wolrn baee: Kawyer. Feeea on hulls. Off Mogrldge, 2; off WUlle, 2. lKuhle playa: Hahn to Hartford, VYlmlcn to lirenn to Prhltebner. Hit by plt'-hed aU: Hrthllebner. Wild pitch: Wlllla. Struck out: Hy Mngiilge, 6; by Wlllia, 1. Ift on baaea: Dee Molnea. k: Omaha. 7. Time: 1:10. I'mpire: Oelael. DOTIB WILD AlfO JOIIEI Wl le Oaapar Iferla Or eat Mall, kit Given Poor ltirt. PIOT'X CITY M 1rnvla mmm wl1 In the aeoond inning and St. Jneeph made four runa, winning tha game, 4 to a. (limpar pltrhed great ball, but the Indiana rauea to nacK mm up with, hlta. Bcore: SIOUX CITT. Brhlpke, Jb Clarke, If Kane, lb Le)eiine, cf McCormlek. rf.. Callahan, ea.... Henaling. 3b.... Crlp. c Jioyle, p Hpar, p i'helpa AB. R. 0 0 0 . 1 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. 0 0 1 0 1 I 1 i 0 0 YANKS WIN FROM CLEVELAND TEAH Ragged Fielding of Indians and Coumbe't Wildneii Givei New York Victory. MAISEL HAS FINE DAY AT BAT Totata 2 I ST. JOSEPH. Pnge, Jb Foi, if Watson, cf H. I'atterann, lb, Brltton. b WlllUma. rf Kwoldt, aa n. White, c Brown, p Totale AB. R. I 0 .20 H. 0 1 (V 0 1 t I II 1 O. A. K. t 2 0 0 0 0 7 10 1.1 0 I 10 1 1 1 0 1 A ! 4 10 0 1 0 0 10 0.0 0 27 14 1 O. A. E. 16 0 0 0 0 i 2 0 0 I M 0 0 o i e 0 1 o 1 I f 4 I H 0 I 0! 27 "o, CI.EVBIANn, O., May 13. Bpratiae of Cleveland'a ragged fielding and Coumbe'a v.lldneaa New York won from Cleveland toddy, to 1. F.rrora were reanoniiihle for four of New York'a runs. Malitnl had a perfect day at the bat. making two a'nglea, and a home run and drawing two laeaea. Pecklnpaugh'a work at short waa eleo a feature. Score: CIIJDVBIJkNr). NEW YORK. AB H O A H AH. H O. A. E. TlhnM. rf.. t 1 II eMalMl. lb . 1 t 1 (I Tnrner. b . 1 1 I I 1l'rklnp M I t Chapman, ae I 1 I I 0Hih, rf t tint .larkann, rf . 4 I 1 0 01'lpp. lb 4 0 1 0 Oraiwy, If... 4 I I nCnok, rf 4 0 s Wood. b.. . 4 lt nilaruell, If . I 0 0 Wnihaina, lb 4 111 I Hnnne. Ih....a 3 I 0 r.nn, p , e s , nNuimmakr, e I A 4 I Coumba. ... I a a 1 ftCaldwall, Haratail, p.. S I ft i a a e e Toiaia Standing of Teams WESTERN LEAGUE. Played. Won. Lost Pet Topeka 17 f en fr Oea Molnea Omaha ft. Jnaeph Lincoln Hloux Cltv . Wichita .... 11 ti .Ml 9 . 11 8 .b'9 10 It 10 .CM 7 ' .i.fJ 7 14 .8 11 .SIS ttmirh Tola la mil I p. 4 e o i n t 17 II 0 Batted for Oaapar In ninth. htoux City 0 I 0,1 0 0 0 0-4 St Joaeph 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 (M-4 Two-base hits: WU llama. MoCormb. Criap. Sacrifice hlta: Kox, Henaling. Mil. llama. Double playa: Henaling to kane to Henaling. le)eune to Schlpka, Page to Ewolot to Pattereon, Page to Fattrraon Stolen baae: Henaling. Hlta: Off Doyle. I In one Inning (none out in aeoondi. "ft Oaapar, I in eight Innings. Baaea on balls: Off Doyle. ; off Hrown, 7. Btru-k unt: By Brown. 4; by Oaapar, . Time: Umpire: Cnali'li. . .. TOPEKA DGFBATI THB W1CIIRS Kiwi lilt Coaalatoatly a Wis, Throe to Ooe. TOPEJOV. Kan.. May It Topeka hit consistently and won before the vbrltora substituted Slagla for Cochran thla after noon. . boore: Talllon, aa.y .: Trainer. If. .. Mayer, rf. ... Ittimore, lb.'.. Jackaon, cf. . Itooha, lb.; ... Bappa, lb. .'. .. Monroe, e. ... Daatuier, p. ... Totale TOPEKA. AB. R 4 a e WICHITA. Nlcholaon. If. . Wares, to. (Charles, lb Ha rp. ib Tdeman. rf. .. Pownall. cf Hoan, aa. Griffith, c ... Cochrane, p. .... Slagle, p. Totale ........ Topeka Wichita-. .., a H. O. A. E. 1111 (10 0 2 10 0 14 10 1-400 10 0 0 110 0 7 6 10 10 10 12 XI "l H. O. A. E. 1110 112 0 17 0 0 12 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14(0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 8 24 W "s 15 19 m 18 1 ....21 M AMER. LEAGUE.! NAT. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct.1 W.L.Pct. Detroit ....18 .667 Phlla. 14 8 .636 New York. .14 8 .Mfl! hlrago .. . .14 10 .(MS Chlrago ....1 10 .61J! Boston 12 .671 Boeti.n 11 9 .MO' ll'ttshurgh .12 13 .41) leveland ..11 14 .41' Clnclnantl ..1112.478 Waahlng'n .10 13 .43fv Prooklvn ...11 13 .4f.8 Phlla 8 15 .848 St. Louis 11 16 .4H1 8t. Ixula ... 8 18 .308 New York... 8 13 .3H1 FED. LEAGUE. AMER. ASSN. W.L.Pct. W.L.Pct. Pilteburgh .18 8 .mz, Indlanap'e .18 .7 Kan. City.. .14 11 .fH Ixiutsvlile ..16 11 .f77 Chicago ....14 12 .638 8t Paul 13 12 .620 Newark ...13 12 .;a Milwaukee .13 12 .620 Brooklyn ..14 12 .MkI Cleveland ..12 13 .41 Baltimore ..11 Iti .407 Kan. City.. .12 11 .47X St. Iuls....1l 13 .4.w Mlnneap's .. 9 12 .4 Buffalo .... 8 19 m Columbus .. 7 19 .29 Yesterday's' Reunite. WESTERN LEAGUE. Pes Moines, B; Omaha. 3. St. Joseph. 4: Rlouit City, a Wichita, 1: Topeka, 6. Lincoln. 2; Denver. 3. AMERICAN' LRU QUE. Washington. 8: Chicago, 4. Philadelphia, 6: 8t. Loula. 6. New York, i: Cleveland, 1. Boston, 4; Detroit, 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis-Boston, rain. , . . Chicago,. I; Brooklyn, 3. Cincinnati. 8; Nw York. 4. Pittsburgh, i; Philadelphia. 1. FEDERAL LEAGUE.' ' St. Iuls. 9; Baltimore. 0. 4'hlcaso, I; Brooklyn, 6. Kansas City. 12; Newark, 1. Pittsburgh. 12; Buffalo. 7. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. -.JU; . Indlanaicills, 1: Milwaukee. . Cleveland. fi At. Paul. 7. - - i - 1 Columbus, A. Minneai-olls, L . , liulavillei 8; Kansas City. UT , . (asaea Today. Western League Dea Moines at Omaha, St. Joseph at Sioux City. Wichita at Topeka. . , American League No games scheduled. National League St. Louis at Boston, Chicago at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at few York, Pittsburgh at Philadelphia. Federal League Chicago at Pittsburgh, Newark at Buffalo, Brooklyn at Balti-inure. Htate league York at Kearney, Haat- 0 0 I 0 2 1 0 0 -4 .......10 0 9 0 0 0 0 0-1 Thtao-base hlta: Mayer, Jaoksnn. Two bsse hits: Rapre. Daahner. W ares. Sac rlflco hlta: Hoche, Charles. Iloubie plays; Nicholson to Hosp: Nicholson to Griffith tn Rapps: Warea to lUsp to Charles. Stolen baaea: TsJilon, Mayer, Jackson, Hits: Off Cochrane, 0 In five Inninan. Baaea on balls: Off Daahner, 2- off Cochrane. 1 Struck out: By Daahner, 4: by Cochrane. 2; by Slagle, 1. Balk: Cochrane. Time: 2 00. Umpire: Van Sickle. BBAaia DEFEAT THK 'LOPES Deaver Takes Ganso After It A p pea re Lost. PENVETt, Mey IX With two out In the last of the ninth, Oallowsy and Spencer TIPS SLAUGHTER WHALERS Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 New York 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 14 Earned runs: New York, 2. Two-basu hit: Jackson. Home run: Malsel. Sacri fice hlta: Boone, PI pp. Pecktnpaugh. Hacrlflce fly: Nunamaker. Stolen bajo: High. Double playa: Pecklnpaugh to Boone to Plpp (2). Hits: Off Coumbe, 7 In eight innings; off He retail 2 in ono inning. Bases on balls: Off Coumba, ; off Caldwell, 3. Struck out: Bv Coumbe, a. ku rv i ... . M a .. a v. m v- - . .. . ..v. v. mum ...m im. 1 1 , . . . v, w mr m maker. - First base on errors; New York, 4 I. kjeM on baaea: Claveland, 7; New York, 7. Umpires: Evana and "Caldwell. Leonard1 Trlms"Tlgrrs. DETROIT. Mich.. May 11 Butoh Ieonard. who had not started a ssme sgalnat Detroit aince 1913, pitched Boston to a 4 to 2 victory over the Tiarers here today. Scott's single In the seventh In ning acored Lewis with tha llnnlna mm Cobb waa passed the first two times up ana the next time was hit- by a pitched ball. Hcore: BOSTON. - - i DfJTROIT. AB H O A E AB H O. A K. Hooper, rf .. 4 t enuah. aa..... 4 1 a wagnar, lb.. 4 1 t 1 ovm ib ... 8 t a e ""aie iwu-ior ai ivearney, llaat Pp.ak.r. cf.. 4 lis ocobb. rf i A 4 s Ings at Grand Island, Falrbury at Colum lwia, if.... 4 t l l (N-rw ton), rf 4 I i 1-us, Beatrice at Norfolk. Hoblltial, ll lift S OVaarb. f....4 1 I 0 miott. lb.... I I e t SJacobeos. lb 4 111 1 ' eirnaur, I I 0Toun, lb. ..14041 Tbamas e... I t IRaaer, .... I 8 S Leonard, p.. I 0 I 0 Inland, p... I 1 I Caret, p 4 S 0 4 Totals W mi l'arnacii ,1 4 4 Dubuo I s ' ToUU to 4 n 11 1 Batted for Boland In seventh. Batted for Young In ninth. Boaton 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 ( Detroit 1 0:0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Two-haao hlta: Wagner, Speaker. Baker. Three-base hits Hoblltxel, Crawford. Jacobaon. Stolen bases: Cobb (2) Earned runs: Off Boland, 3: oft Leonard. 1 Sacrifice hits: Vitt, Hnhlltiel tlj. riac rlflce fly; Scott. Double playa: Jacoo son to Boland, Scott to Wagner to Hon Ittaeil. ,Ift on .beaes: , Boston, 8; De troit, a ' Bases on balls:' Off Boland. 1; off Leonard, 2. Hits: Off Boland, 6 In seven Innings; off Cavet. 1 in two innings. Hit by pitched ball: By lonard. Ctmh. Struck out: By Boland. 1: bv Cavet. 1: I by Ieonard, 4. Umpires: Dlnecn and isaiun. M atter Ioara Aaolher. . CHICAGO. May 13 -Etldle Clcotte out pitched the great Walter Johnson today wmie nia leammatea runcned tnelr hlta and Chicago won from Washington by 4 to 1 Mlnglea by J. Collins. Brief and Weaver acored the winning runa Mor gan of the Washington, clun was ordered out of the game when he disputed a de cision by Umpire Chill. ekre; WASHINGTON. TOlCAOn. AB.H.OA g Art H O A r Mnallar, rf..4 I ea-alarb, cf...4 0 10 0 rslar. lb... 4 til OHmh. lb 4 e 1 1 1 Connolly. If, 4 1 14 OK Collins. b I I 1 I Mllaa. if.... 4 12 0 IFourol.r. If 4 t 4 1 111 I I I oj iMiina, rf 4 I 1 -s PIRATES TORPEDO PHILLIES' CRAFT Harmon Giren Wonderful Support and Pittsburgh Defeats Home Team, Three to One. h ISC shoulder so core: ! cuirlnn AB H Ono4. rf 1 1 Knlaeloy. If. 4 1 Ktahar, aa... I Schulta, l-rf I 1 Zimrman, fttl D galar, lb.... 4 1 Wtlllamav cf I e Awher, e. ... 4 1 Phalan, lb.. 4 . 3 VaugtiD, p". .' 8 ' 0 Beaanahaa . 1 severely that he retired. WAGNEB ACCEPTS 14 CHANCES Johnatfm. lb 4 1 It Kalrd. cf.... J 1 3 Hlw-hmn. rfl 1 Wainar, .. I 0 t Vim. lb 4 3 1 Oarber. lb., t 1 PHILADELPHIA. May 13. Harmon waa given wonderful support today and Pittsburgh defeated Philadelphia, 8 to 1. Wagner, who accepted fourteen chances, and Johnston, figured in three double plays, Carey made two wonderful run ning catchea and Vlox and Gerber also handled drives Which looked good for hits. The visitors acored all their runa In the second Inning on three single', two rasses and a double steal. Score: PlTTSBrilOH. PHILADELPHIA. AJI.H.O A K AH H O A Carar, If.... 4 ISO OBrme, lb.... 4 0 4 (0 I 1 Bancroft, aa. a 1 7 I 0 0 AHecker. If .. 4 1 1 0 (I 0 OCrarath, rf.. I 1 1 1 0 t OWhlttei, lb. 4 I IS I I 4 OSirhoff. lb . I A I 3 0 1 tPaakart. cf.. 4 1 0 Ptrbanf, e.i.3 4 14 ORurns. 0 .... I 8 3 2 4 riarmoB, p.. I e 0 t OArtama. e.... 0 e A 0 Permree. p. 3 1 1 1 0 Totals tt t 17 17 lMrr. .... A 0 0 Pusay A A A - Wotaer .... 0 0 0 Totals II T 27 3D 4 Ran for Burns In eighth. Batted for Demaree in eighth. Pittsburgh 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Home run: Oavath. Stolen bases; Gerber Harmon Earned runs: Pitts burgh, 8? Philadelphia. 1. Sacrifice hit: Gerber. Double plays: .Wagner to John aton, Johnston to Wagner to Johnston (2). Iert on bases? Pittsburgh-, 3:- Phtladel--phla, 6. Bases on balls: Off Harmon. 8: off Demaree, 4. Hlta: Off Demaree, 7 In eight Innings; off Mayer, none In one Inning. Struck out: By Harmon, 1; by Demaree, 2. Umpires: TClem and Envslie. Cabs Lose to Dodgers. ' f BROOKLYN. May 13. Wheat's home run In the first Inning, with Stengel on second and two out. waa the telling factor today when Brooklyn beat Chi cago, I to 2, In a pitchers' battle between Smith, a Brooklyn recruit, and Jim Vaughn. Good turned a somersault In making a spectacular catch of O'Mara'a low ny in the grst inning and bruised hla OAK imoosxTN.' A8.H.O.A E. ArVMara. .. 4 e 1TaoneTl. lb. '4 t tSi'itcel, rf..4 OW.Mcat. If ... 4 3 STutaba. tb. t SMrara. cf ... S 1 OOet,. b., ('Miliar, e. 1 OSmim, p. 1 4 0 O ToUls.. . t .. I .. 8 1 1 0 A .11 T 71 I I Seaton Holds Chicago to Three Hits and Brookfedi Win by Six to One Score. ZWIUJNG HITS OUT A HOMEB BROOKLYN. May 12. Beaton held Chi cago to three hlta today and Brooklyn won by to 1' The only Chicago run waa made,- In the. first Inning when zwlllint drove the ball over the right field fence, for. the rlrcutt The Brooklyna batted both Black and Jobnaon freely. Store: : . R-ir.K. Chicago ..' " 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 8 3 Brooklyn 0, 0 2 0, 2 2 0 0 , 14 0 Batteries- Black, Johnson and Wilson: Seatnn and Simon'. Rrbela ( lea a l Series. BUFFA1XD, May U.-Plttaburgh cleaned up the series today, taking the last game by 12 to 7. The Bufalo team waa outhit and outplayed. A ninth-Inning rally by the home team was started too late to tie the score Score: RU E. Plttaburgh ..4 2 0 0 4 0 20 0 U 19 0 Buffalo 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 7 14 4 Batteries: Leclalre and Berry, Ehmke, I Marsnall. Ford and Blair. j Terriers Trtaa Trrrafiu. aonred on the former's drive Into right. Morsa. la. 4 t I I iim aa . a t a I wmun oounaea pan me iieiaer, ana iien ver won, I to 2. Score: DENVER. AB. R. Spenoer, rt Dell, rf Whalen. If Galloway, 8b..., Kellener. as Klsher. lb Matthewa, 2b... Kpabr, e...u.... Mitchell, p. Total.. Hahrv'rf..' Humef; ef..i;.. Jonea, lb. Hills. If.? ...... -raw yer, Jb...-. Hartford, as.. Tsnnehill. 8b.. I.reen. c, Mogrii(e, p. .. ' Total.' Kmlth. If. : Brern. 21. t Foray th. rf Thuiitasvn. of..... Krug, lb Kafora. 0.. I r'-niu-bner. 'vVhalen. s. I Wilila. p... Krutger .. lb. 8S 6 OMAHA. AB. R & ; 4 U it u H. a u A. K. Wnrfe, If... Molafflgan. as ... . 4 NMlliama, lb 8 V I LINCOLN. AB. R. 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 H. O. A K. 5 I 0 ol 0 10 0 0 2-0 0 1 10-1 0 2 2 0 0 8 0 1 8 6 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 6 v ii t H. O. A B. 110 0 2 2 2 1 W 1 a 110 0 0 6 7 1 2 I u olio 2 2 2 0 110 1 ii 1 Mclntyre, rf.. Daley. 3b Rclirelber, cf. . Krueger, 8b... Yants. e Powell, p.!.... Totals Two out when winning mn scored. Lincoln 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 S J Denver 0 0 0 0 1 1 ) Stolen base: Wolfe. Sacrifice flv Powell. Sacrifice hlta: Krueger. 1II. Three-base hit: Yants. Struck out: By XI I telle II, 4; by Powell, 2. Basra on balls: Off Powell. 2. Double playa: MeUafnan to Wllllama, Krueger to Dalev to Will iams. Time: 1:87. Umpires: Myers and Parent. BALTIMORE. May It St. Louis hit Naif, th 4 4 a OBrief. ib....! 4 t 1 I viciously today and defeated Baltimore Ainamiih, t. 4 1 4 4 lialr.' e I a 4 i si by 9 to 0. Smith waa touched up In every 'n, aa. a v ixtcutta, p.. I I i injung, wnue-itoD urooni proven an juaaava. p .e e t 4 I eiuaiua throughout, fnore: R.H E r. 1 " Toula M t IT M I i St. Louis ....0 2 2 0 0 0 11 88 IS 0 None out when winning run acored. Washington 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-8 Chicago 0 0000080 14 Two-base lilts: Alnamlth. Mm ran Stolen baaes: MoBrlde, K. Collins. Ksrned runs: off Johnson. 3. off Clcotte. 1 sc rlf lc hit: Wllllunut . Ift n . Washington. 4: Chicago, t Klrst bam on error: Washington, 1. Struck out: By i ico i e. , oy jonnson, a. lid pitch. Johnson. Umpires: Connolly and Chill. Marks Lose to Hranai, COLUMBUS WINS FROM CENTRAL CITY IN TENTH CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. May 12 (Special Telegram.) Central City opened 37 16 6 1th eeason loday with Columbua State I league team, in a fine tti Innlnt game. ! Central Cltv loalnar ai errors. Knun'i 4 211 !f'ldl1" nd '"""y'O pitching featured. iwr.gui nil a noma run. r-cora. k It K ..1.4) I 0 0 1-I Columbus 10081000 14 S 2 .2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 2-8 Central City 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 1 06 t livnie rilns: M iglidgs. Smith. Tan- I Itatterira ( t')a-t-nv HibT - loia-a Hawyer. Tanne- I Klrshenev Shouberg; Central City, Denny iilii. Forvytl-e, Krug. axultti. V balsa. Save-land UraoL Totals M 2 Batted for WlUla ia ninth. !les Molnea l:ina ...,...:.9 0 0 0 0 1 0 Hits 2 2 0 t limsha Huns .... Hits ST. LOUIS. May 11 Two singles Vy St. I.OUIS. followed by Walnn's muff of Ptatt'a fly. gave St. Iwiuls victory In the ninth inning over Philadelphia here to day. I to k Score: rHILADWHlA ST UM'IH. AH H O A R AB H O A g J Waiah, rf. 4 I 3 S lIQxMiaa. If . I I I 4 ! OUrli.. It Ills OAuailn. Ib... I 11 trb. et ... 4 It "rratt. ib.. . 6 I t 4 he Is on his way here. He Is a right 4 t t I t.VlTe'r: 15! f'i : tlhander and. last year, worked twenty ai. iuaia. is. a t a n-.,r.M r 4 4 4 t 4 : came for the Klvi. winning eight and Baltimore ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 8 Batteries: Groom and Hartley; Smith, Bailey and Owen. Rourke Makes Deal For Jack Ridgeway From vTopeka Club Pa Rourke has nipped another pitcher. Th new one Is Jack Ridgeway, who hurled for Topeka last year. - Ridgeway got a peen-e on the Topeka club this spring and refused to report. Magnate Savage told Rourke he could have Ridge way If that youth would report Jack haa written from .Philadelphia to aay that Harry, aa. ... 4 4 tlllaau. rf 4 1 4 1 Ik I 4 I I vl.aa, aa ..t 4 Bwa. p.. v.. 4 11 rrry p .... Walkar. . 1 4 Totals N I tlaeraah. pi Howard ... 4 4 4 4 Totals 14 I rt 14 "t On out when winning run acored. Batted for Perrv in second. Batted fur Lowdermllk In ninth. toeing ten. with an average of three and one-third runa made off hhn per game. Philadelphia 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 04 St. 1-oulo 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 24 Two-base hit: J. Walsh. Three-base hit: Olilrlns Rtrilcn m. - 1, ...... ... j. Walsn. Shot ton. Howard I'rutt Karnei ! field and Johnsoo. runa. rr erry. i. o;r l.lrrinil, 1,1 At JJinneapoMo off Bush. 1. Nainftce hits: lvan. iColuuihua Strunk. lft on !: Plillatelphia. 7: Minnvapolls c-i. uouia, a. r irsi nsae on enor: St. Ixiuls, 1. Baaea on balls: off IVrry. 1; off liwdermiik, 2; off Bush. 2 Mils: Off Perry, 6 In two innings, off Luwrier mtlk, 8 In seven Innings. Hit bv pitched hall: Mchang by 1'erry. C. Walker bv Buah. Struck nut: By Ixderiuilk. . by Buah. i. Umpirea: UU'Wtkl an4 u'Lougblla. tatrrlraa Aaaaclatloa At Milwaukee: Indianapolis Milwaukee ,...t .. Batteries: Mera and Oossett; and Brannan. At Hi. Paul: Cleveland .. St. Fail! 7 8 ' Batter !: Collamore and Devogt; Lei R.H E. . 1 7 0 .8 Young RUE. .06 R lt E. 4 11 1 7 Detunes: Davis and Coleman: Inger- soil ami Gharrliy tthlrlevn Innuiga). At Kansas Cty: it H fc Ixtuisvlile , 8 U Ksoeas 1ty .....11 13 Battorlrs. Mlildleton, N.Hihrop, Marks. Fill anal (.'Uiuoiis, Geora , Altiaon. iiaaaa. banaer anl Aleaanaer. UetbeL Total tl 8 84 8 1 Batted for Vaughn In ninth. Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Brooklyn 2 0 01 0 0 - Two-base hlta: Phelan, Knifiely, Sten gel. Three-base hits: Archer. Cutshaw. Home run: Wheat. Earned runs: Chi cago, 1; Brooklyn, 8. Fac-rlfje hits: Fisher (2), Williams. Sacrifice fly: Schulte. Left on bases: Chicago. S; Brooklyn. 4. First base on errors: Chicago, 1; Brook lyn. 1. Baae on balls: Off Smith, 1. Hit bv pitched ball: By Smith. Williams. Struck out: By Smith, X. Umpires: Rlg ler and Hart. Perrltt Wins Victory. NEW YORK, May 12. Poll Perrltt pitched his first victory of the season with New York today when he held Cincinnati to six hlta and the Gianta won, 4 to 2. The Giants bit Ames hard for a total of eleven hlta. Both teams fielded neatly. Von Kolnlta for the third time In as many games delivered a pinch hit at an opportune time. Score: CINCINNATI. AB.H.O Laach, cf.... 14 1 Orob. lb..... 3 3 Twombly, If 8 1 1 NEW TORK. A E AB.H.O. A FX A 0 Burn a. If ... I 4 1 A 0 I 0 Dor la, 3b ... 4 1 A ALobert. lb.. 4 Wlngo 1 1 4 OFlatcher, sa 4 lYiiiuwr, it., v o i e vjtobertan. rr 4 Rrimth. rf.. 4 A A 4 OBralnerd, lb 8 Wagner, tb.. 14 8 1 OMayars. ... 3 Heraog. sa.. 8 14 1 0 Murray, cf.. I Mollwtta. lb. I II I t 0 Perrltt, p... 8 i ar. a 4 0 4 B S Am", P 4 3 a - Totals 81 U 37 14 1 VoDKoislts. 1 1 4 0 A Olaoe 1 4 0 4 4 Totals 33 4 24 11 4 . Batted for Twombly in eighth. Batted for Herxog In ninth. Batted for Ames in ninth. ' v Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 12 New York:.....;.... I 0 0 1 0IT 0--4 Two-base hits:. .Wlngo, .Fletchei. Groh (2), Murray, Von Koinltg. Sevorifioe hit; Mollwlta. Double playa: Lobert to Doyle to Brainerd, Groh to Wagner to Mollwlta. Doyle to Fletoher to Brainerd. Left on baaea: Cincinnati, S; New York 6. First base- on error: Cincinnati, L Baaea on balls: Off Amss, 1; off Perrltt, 2. Hit by pitched bail: By Perrltt, -Leach and Groh. Struck out: By Ames, 4i by. Perrltt, 6. Umpirea: Byron and Orth.' toother a Association. Atlanta, 0; Memphis, 6. New Orleans, 4; Nashville, 1. Birmingham. 8: Chattanooga, L Mobile, 0; Little Rock, 8. or- BELL RINGS IH THE STATE LOOP TODAY Season of 1915 Will Be Inaugurite'd . in Kearney, Grand Island, .Co--Jumbus and Norfolk. . . - INTEBEST IS AT HIGH '.PITCH Today the bell will ring Bending pff to a Tying start the' 1315 eeason of the Ne braska State league. From the rtrorts emanating from state loop' towna there t.111 be considerable . openings In "fjach city and even where there Isn't an open ing today the enthusiasm and hope for victory , will be evident, anyhow. Opening games will be played, today aa follows: . . . - .j York at Kearney. -.: .Hastings at Grand Island. ., .. . Falrbury at Columbus. . . ( .-. Beatrice at Norfolk. . , Prospects for a big year In the , Stat league have never been better. President Miles declares that everything is, on a safe and sound basia and . that he ex pects no club In the league to lose money on the year. Of course, they cannot ex pect to make a great deal of money; no class V league does, but It ia practically certain there will big. losses, aa there were last yean New blood, haa been Introduced 4o the league In . every - city. Several-of "the manager are new and every club haa a fldck of tuffr fcthletes.- The flew men thla year aeem to be better .'players, then , did th new .men, ltv.jreatg j?MtWai3Lit J pected that a 'number' of them wfU'grad- wlien August rolls around. M -Tha schedule In- the state calls 4or rlnety-etKltt ' games this year, but UMa probable that soene of the cities, atich as-Hastings and Grand Island, will stage post-season combats in. case they finish well up In the race.. - i ' L s To pick a winner would be difficult. Nobody-can tell even which club, looka sirohg4st on paper.-' They all look strong and a mighty 'close--fight' until .the very finish tan be expected. i. ' 1 T. aaive a 2 1 III' m f J I ;l I II Mr T TAU g ,JC 1 - a u v awi -gi -t, . mm i m jl?- m 1 1 1 1 it u ii 2 ast i t iwm x a r mi i 11 i p x 7- ti . wt --- -n r tb ii . r i i i n i mm t jt . t. mr r r .hi llj! PRICE CURRENT: July 27, 1840. The price of oer- forming the marriage ceremony in Iowa territory is three goat skins or four bushels of sweet potatoes. 1840 1915 Seventy five years ago when goat, skins were a coin of the realm, Lremp beers were winning favor for Lemp's is the oldest brewery in America with a national patronage. y Out of the experience of nearly four score years came the skill to produce, the delightful -flavor of "SX cAomirft mrxtcuct . . , of tie rrwtb mrt Falstaff is Falstaff too distinctive to be de scribed; too perfect to be praised. B"d beer ar mad ef tbe same mawnala: cereals ytasi and oater Br..J tW&'lt&yiTZ " "'" oourlfV. w ii . rrrlb beer te broduce en.r.i wMzJm 7tWt- -J f a V&rZ. f-Xpi - i v n Main 1 II M.r. .twH.t: ... , -nt r it,.,,,': !'a.t..i-ia.-.iMill-i.jHti ";llllilUlllii'iii .I ...... Jtl. ,,.,., rid , i I Henry RoUff OxnpavBy, DIatribator. 25679 Leearenworth SL, Omaha, Neb. TelepkcktMK Doag. 876