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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1915)
THK HKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 14. 1.Q1.V 3 Nebraska 1NTERURBAN FILES GREAT BIG PROTEST Object! to State Tax Levied Against Short Line that Eat Its Oper ating End in Lincoln. GOVERNOR GOES TO FALLS CITY (FVom a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINOOLN. May l.-(Pcla! Tha Ftate Board of Assessment held a short session this momlnc with Secretary H. 8. Norton of tha Omaha, linooln St Bea trix Intenirfcan Railroad company. Mr. Korton frits that his road haa been as sessed "exorbitantly and unconscion ably" by the state board In the past hen the earnings of the road have not been adequate to pay the expenses. Ho presented a list of figures to prove Ms statement, showing that there has been a deficit all along; the whole Una. lie presnnted a taWe to show the net earn ings of the road since Its xlstenoe, an follows: TT tdeftclO. J! Jons 1C10 .M.sw . 2,17 . i,ai9 . MB 111 vnz 118 19H (deficit). ,.2.:10 . 6.97 . l.?3 .. 1.417 The outstanding Indebtedness of the road Is shown to be: For power, I11.19S; taxes, $.49; banks. Jft.OOO. and other debts. 3,407, making a total of J28.4PO. The valutlon of the road for assessment purposes (one-fifth actual value) In 19M ft as 114,900 and the taxes paid were Vl. In 1914 the assessed valuation was I6J.731 and taxrs paid $2,975. The actual valuation of tha road Is placed at $196,000. being about five miles out of Lincoln to Bethsny. Morehead to Fall CHr. Governor Morehead went to Falls City last night and will spend the balance of the week recreating and looking after Ills farms, lie will keep In touch with the executive office In order to keep advised as to whether political mixers have witched him from the vice presidency to some other job. The presidency looks lust as good to the governor as the vice presidency, and if they will consult him In the matter he might convince thcin that the presidency would suit him better. To Investigate Donrlne. Next Monday Htate Veterinarian J. 8. Anderson will go to Mullen to meot rep resentatives of the government to In vestigate the dourlne disease which It Is claimed prevails In Cherry. Blaine, Hooker, Thomas and Grant counties. Five horses have already been killed and it Is understood that more have become af fected. In the case of the animals killed the state pays half of their value and the government tha other half, the valua tion not to exceed two-thirds of tha full yalue and not over $300. Thomas Visits at Nehawka. State Superintendent Thomaa visited Nehawka yesterday and looked over tha proposition of a consolidation of five dis trict surrounding that town, comprising a district five miles square. He was a guest while there of E. M. Pollard. Railroad Appeal. Tha Chicago. Milwaukee oV St. Paul rail road ha appealed to the supreme court from a judgment secured la the Douglas county district court by Alfred Peterson (or 'VAOOO. Peterson sued for $SO.oc. alleging that he waa permanently injured by having his legs cut off by a switch engine while crossing a railroad bridge at Nsola, la., the engine overtaking him before he could get across. Plaed (or Snooting Quail. . John P. Holmes, a special deputy game warden of Orleans haa notified Game .Warden Rutenbeck that he haa suc ceeded in bringing to trial Oranso Fare, who has been hunting and killing game out of season near Oxford, the charge this time being for killing quail. He was fined $10 and costs, all amounting to about $18. Omahana Married. License to wed haai been granted to Theodore D. Schnetderwlnd of Omaha, aged'S, and Matilda L. Larson of Omaha, aged 23, by the Lancaster county license clerk. f YOUNG SALVATION ARMY WORKER IS DROWNED KEARNEY, Neb., May 11 (Special Telegram.) Lemuel Brown, a member of the Salvation Army corps In this city, waa drowned In Lake Kearney this aft ernoon at o'clock near the ppwer house Intakes where there is always a strong current. When the young man went under the water he was swimming with several companions, who made two attempts to save his lifo. He was reached on one oc casion, but In his excitement he fought off bis rescuers. The body was recovered one hour later. He waa 18 years of aga and was married. STR0MSBURG EDITOR GETS JUDGMENT FOR ATTACK TORTC. Neb.. May 13. (Ppeclal Tele gram.) The Jury In the case of Harry Tase against Dr. George Fllppen of etromsburg brought In a verdict this morning In favor of the plaintiff for $4f.o. This was a suit brought In the district court for $10,075, growing out,of an at tack by Ir. Fllppen on Pass on the plat form of the railroad station at Stroms burg. Pane claimed he was permanently Injured. The assault was for publication of articles In the Btromsburg News, a newspaper editad by Pase. WhoopVna Cough. "When my daughter had' whooping cough she coughed so hard at one time that she had hemorrhage of the lungs. I waa terribly alarmed about her condi tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy so highly recommended, I got her a bottls and It relieved the cough at once. Before she had fintshsd two bottles of this remedy she waa entirely well," writes Mra 8. F. Grimes. Crooksvllle, Ohio. Obtainable everywhere. Advertise ment. Twelve Cases ( Elfl Stolen. BEATRICE. Neb.. May li. (Special.) Thieves entered the local plant of Swift 4 Co. Tuesday night and stole twelve esses of eggs which were hauled away Ir. a spring wagon. Home of the eggs v ere sold here Wednesday to a local dealer. The police relieve It to be the work of local partlea and expect to ap piehend them soon. The eggs were val ued at about 160. The Brat Medicine fur (. The firt doe uf Dr. King s New DU i overy he.px your coufch, sootims throat, get a bottle today. iV. All drugi.iis. Advert'sciucnt. E Broke Out in Blisters. So Bad Could Hardly Bear To Wash Heads. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. Children Were Healed. Gilchrist. Mich. " My two children were covered all over their heads with sore erup tion which I was told was enema It broke out In blisters; a patch as large as a quarter would break out and j on top of the sore was a scale, I rut the hair a near down to the head as I could when the first eruption broke out. The eruption wsa so bad I could hardly bear to wash their heads and there was not a spot as large a a pin on the head that wsa not broken out. "I shampooed their hair, then rubbed the Cuticura Ointment on. After I had used the sample I bought one box of Ointment and one cake of Soap and I bad not used all of them when the eruption had dried up and ray children were healed." (Signed) Mrs. Joha Rolston. August 6. 1914. Sample Each Free by Mall With 33-p. Skin Book en request. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T, Boa ton." Sold throughout the world. Pharmacy Board Matter is Settled (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, May 1R. (Special Telegram.) The panning which the State Board of Pharmacy was expected to give their bosrd of secretaries at the meeting this afternoon turned out to be a 6 o'clock tea. and everybody was satisfied. The board made no very great demands on the secretaries and the secretaries agreed to everything the board demanded, the demand being enforced by the question, "Is this satisfactory to you fellows?" "Sure, that's all right," was the response by some secretary and the meeting ad journed. The secretaries' will be required to file a list of applicants for examination for druggists' licenses and an Itemised ac count of expenses with the state board. TWO CHURCH CONVENTIONS ARE HELD AT HARVARD HARVARD, Neb., May 13. (Special) The Hastings District Methodist Minis terial association closed a very enjoysblc session on Wednesday evelnlng. The sessions were presided over by District Superintendent Mlarsh. Rev. C.TX Ruch of Sutton was elected secretary -treasurer. After organization the time was spent In reading papers upon different subjects of vital importance to the church work. "The Financial Work of lh Church," "The Social Life of the Church How to Control and Promote It." "The Laws Con cerning the Reception of Members,'' The Place of the Brotherhood." "The 8unday School and Epworth League" and 'Evangollsm" were among the sub jects discussed. The association closed Wednesday night with an address by Chancellor Fulmer on "Christian Educa tion." A vote of thanka was extended to the people of Harvard for their hos pitality and to the Epworth league for their excellent supper. The Christian churches of the Seventh district met In convention In this olty on Wednesday and Thursday. Sessions were held at the Christian church and there was a large attendance. Prominent ministers of this denomination were pres ent and gave some excellent addresses. The work of the Christian Kndeavor, the Sunday school and the Christian Women's Board of Missions received principal at tention. Dinners and suppers were served In the church dining room by the women of the church. MYERS' GENERAL STORE AT SUTHERLAND IS BURNED SUTHERLAND, Neb., May 13. (Spe cltl.) Fire yesterday destroyed or dam aged practically all of the general mer chandise stock of the Myers Department store, owned by F. G. Myers, at this place. The value of the stock Is placed at about K'.OiW, with Insurance amounting to $7,00. The building, which is the property of S. A. Thomaa was damaged possibly to the extent of $1,000. It was Insured. . Owing to prompt work of volunteer aggregation of firemen. It waa possible to confine the blaze to one building, whloh la situated between the postofTlce and Farmers' State bank. Save Time! Most toilet and bath soaps must be rubbed and rubbed to set a lather, particularly when the water Is hard. KIRK'S Soap lathers Instantly and freely In hard or soft water. rinses away like magic, leavlna the skin soft and perfectly clean. Vour Dealer Sells It I ECZEMA CO CHILDREN'S EOS Nebraska Eclectics Confer In Annual Session (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May IS. (Special.) The fortieth annual meeting of the Nebraska Stste Eclectic Medical society Is on at the Lindell hotel today with a gone! at tendance. The section devoted to hygiene and health had the program this forenoon. .Tr. R. T. Knight of Lincoln and Pr. H. B. cummins of Seward occupied a part of the time In discussions, the ormer talking on school inspections and the lat ter on recent medlcsl legislation. In the afternoon Dr. C. A. Lutgren of uhiirn. president of the sssoclatlon. and Dr. W. D. Guttery, superintendent of the Norfolk asylum, were the pr!clpal speakers, the former talking upon the subject of deafness and Dr. Guttery tak ii g the mstter of w ho are Insane 'or his M.hject. The printed program was not followed closely and the different speakers were brought into the program when the time atemed most opportune. Officers of the association are: C. A. I.utgren. president. Auburn: E. T.Wright, vice president. Cereseo; n. A. Root, treas urer; D. J. Bowman, secretary, i , COLUMBUS COMMERCIAL CLUB BOOSTS FOR CITY COI.l-MBT-S, Neh., Mav 13.-(Speclal.-Sm-enty-flve members of the Columbus Commercial club met last night In a get- together banquet. M. II Hathhurn was tonntmsster and railed upon Secretary C. L. Dickey to give a short leport of the work done by the club since its Inst meet ing. Mr. Dickey said that the club Is working In conjunction with the County Itoard of Supervisor en the good roads question, thst the supervisors wilt be taken In the near future by the club to Aurora, Neb., to Inspect a traction ma chine used there for the roads. Mr. Dickey further remarked that the two telephone - companies in the city should consolidate. Ho read a communi cation from the Omnha Automobile flub encouraging advertising the Unooln hlgh ws y. John C. Byrnes Poke of the coining county fair, anticipating good results and active work In progress. Mr. Stuart. C. C. Gray, A. R. Miller and Mr. Reed of Hastings gave short talks concerning the welfare of the club. In conclusion a resolution was Intro duced by G. XV. Phillips asking those parties resident of the city) who are oh atructlng the pavement of the streets t withdraw their suit filed In the district court for the benefit of the city, which waa unanimously adopted. JUDGE PERRY T0H EAR SUPERIOR SALOON CASE SUPERIOR. Neb.. May IS. (Ppeclal Telegram.) Judge Hurd today, without requiring a written showing and upon an oral request, granted the remonstrators a change of Judges to hear and decide three remonstrance cases from Superior which involved the same facts, laws and the same applicants who have been In volved In the saloon litigation in Superior for the lest year. ' Judge Perry of ' Cambridge waa called In to preside over the trials and agreed tc be on the bench Friday morning. A Chf 11m Hickey-Freeman Co., Hand-Tailored . All Sizes aMNOtCnCfeW. Several days ago aevwBier-Sis I messages from eastern clothes makers to come and secure unheard of values. Our ability to handle big purchases is well known in the eaxt this store's tremendous outlet U a by-word. Mr. Swanson made a flying trip to Rochester, N. V., and was offered the wholesale surplus of three of America's finest clothes makers at a sacrifice. Aa everyone knows, it is the custom of this store to sell as it buy.'. $2.00 Balmaccan Hats ?l Men's high gTl Bnl- V maeean Hats. All wanted colors. Choice of our entire stock Fridav at $1.00. Nebraska Cheyenne Boosters Travel Over Highway SIDNEY. elv. May 13 -(PpcUl Tele gram. Fifteen antes flllrd with members of the Cheyenne Motor club and the city officials of Cheyenne. Wo.. arrived here today on an inspection trip over the Lin coln highway aa far as HI Spitngs. They came from Cheyenne in four hours. a distance of Ha miles, and found the road In fine shape for the automobiles that are passing through here dally for Cali fornia. This part of the Lincoln high way Is marked aa well as any strip In Nebraska, it Hill be Inspected weekly by the road commissioners of the coun ties the highway passes through and will be kept in good condition all year. EASTERN STAR TO MEET NEXT YEAR AT MXOOK HASTINGS. Neb.. May I.T-tSpeclal Telefrram.) The convention of the East ern Star lodge adjourned tonight after selecting M-Cook as the place for the 1911 meet. Omaha and Lincoln presented Invitations. Falrbarr tntes. FAIRHfRT. Neh.. May !:!.( Special.! "Wednesday was "sneak day" for the graduating class of the Kalrhurv High s.-hool. The fifty-three graduates ..pent the day at DeWltt. The annual Commercial ( luh ban. met waa given In Rartlett a hnll tonight ;i:id the wives and sweethearts of the mem bers attended. Cliff Crooks i,r-.,H.,. r the club, acted as tonslmaater. Cnlted 1 states Senator Q. M. Hitchcock of amahs, and Congressman Sloan of llcneva re sponded to toasts. A telegram was received In th. ,.i'. late last night stating that Mrs. Kffie Moon, nee i.ffio Harris of this city, died Wednesday from the effects of an blow on the head. Mrs. Moon was alone and It Is said burglars committed the act. Deceased was born and reared In this city and after her marriage to John Moon, three years ago, moved to I,a Grande, Ore. Dr. O. L. rrltchett sold the OIoIh? phar macy to J. W. Rurwell of Lincoln und F. L. Spear of Topeka, Kan. Dr. rrltchett haa owned thla drug store for the last thirty years. He will devote his time to his piactlce. """ -- -- -- - - - ' -i-i-i-,-inriririi"i.rij'i.ruui. Appetite Follows Good Digestion Nearly everyone indulges their appetite and the digestive organa ale abused, resulting In a congee, lion of poisonous waste that clogs the bowels and causes much misery and distress. The most effective remedy to correct this condition is the com blnatloii of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, known as !r. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. This Is a natural, pleasant-tasting rented v, gentle yet positive in action, and quickly relieves Indigestion, con stipation, sick headache, belching, . etc. Drug stores, sell . Dr. Cald well s Syrup Pepsin at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, and in thousands of homes it Is the In dispensable family remedy. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W ft Caldwell, 462 Washington St.. uoniiceiio, ill, JOHN A. SWANSON, Pre.. Announcing QJJ Wonderful Special Purchases of Wholesale Surplus Stocks From Three of America's Leading: Clothes Makers at Tremendous Price Concessions Celebrated Quality Clothes. Hundreds of Men's a w r . ana Young men s $25 $30 $35 Suits Will Be Placed On Sale, Friday and Saturday, $17 ii In This Most Wonderful Sale of Suits You'll Find the Style Hits of the Hour Broad Lapel Sulta, Form-Fitting: Suits, Patch Pocket Suits, Glen Urquhart Plaids, Neat Stripe Blue Suits, Needle Poiut Lapels, Hiffh-Gheeted Suits, Welt Pocket Suits, Check and Stripe Suits, Gray Mixture Suits, Long Lapel Suits, Trim-WaUted Suits, 1, 2, 3-Button Suits, Brown and Clive Suits, Fancy Worsted Suit?, Narrow Lapel Suits, Conservative Cut Suit;, High Vent SuiU Black and White Suits, Scotch Cheviot Suits. "Regulars," "Stout," "Short Alen's and Young Men's $15 Hand-tailored Spring Suits Positively every suit hand-tailored, even at this absurdly low price. High-grade clothes have never been known to pell at Rtich figures. Newest colors, models, fabrics. Men's and young men's $15.00 new Spring Suits, all sizes, 31 to 46, Friday and' Saturday, at 2 The Whole Story About This Masterstroke in Clothes Buying our Mr. John A. Swanson received urgent Hts'a 4Ct1N A SWANSOHmm. VMlHOtZMAM Sweetheart Assists Accused Man Escape UKATUICK. Neb . May l.t -(Special Telegram ) scsr Draper, wanted here on a charge of rtesllng fifteen esses of eirgs from the local plant of Swift A Co., evaded the officers today in an auto procured by his sweetheart. Martha Har mon, who met him In the outskirts of the cltv with a driver Sheriff Acton learned that the couple went to Ylrslnla, this county, where Ihey b.vmht tickets for Morton, Kan. T e officers there hne been notified to arrest the couple if they stop at that place. N.ilea from llrslrlre. BEATRICE. Neb.. May H -(Spe ik1 Clyde Lynch of ymore. who filed his p. tltinn last aeek for u lluuor llccmo at I'll Hois, pawnee rmmM . Wednesday v.ithdrew his application at a meet'ng of Browning, King Tlit' connoisHours linvt oVeulcd tlint Friday, May 14th, is tlio )Mmng Day for Men's Straw Hats. The prevailing )topulnr Straws will ho worn. Panamas Bahgkolcs Leghorns Split-Straw Fancy Straw Full Sennit I ggo3kuTOlal For Friday Adler Rochester Internationally Famous Hand-Tailored Clothes. W Stout," "Long Stout," "Long," "Extra Long" snd "Short" Mod's aaa Issst Ufa's ClatsJas; De' . V.)rl l- JJ J Jl II. ii in n.. J the village board. There are no saloons fit I m Hoi.', and residents of that place say they will opposn any effort to atart si.rh an establishment of that kind In jt'ie town. I Anna slusher of this cltv filed s pen sion In the district court ssklng thst she ilc granted a divorce from Oscar Slusher. I The couple was married at Lincoln in I Feptenvher. 1!1V ! At a meeting of the Hoard of Super visors Wednesday the Standard Hridg company of Omaha was awarded the ' contract for building all brldgea in Gage county the coming year. The bid waa ; n i ch lower than last year i Frank W. Walters and Miss Myrtle j Wherry, employes of the Lincoln Tele phone and Telegrsph company st this .olnt, were msrried at the Christian par- isonace Wednesday at 11 o'clock by Rev. (. F. Stevens. The Hee Want Ads Are Heat Hustnesa Boosters. 'The Store of the Town" aTYt.K sos Straw Hat Time Browning-King Special Straw Prices range from $2.C0 to $10. 1 ' I'. 3rsvning.'5ing Geo. T. Wilson, Mgr. and WM. L. IIOLZMAN, Treas. Saturday TMPTl RosenbeTg Bros. & Co., Distinctively Styled Fashion Clothes. A Bona Fide Special Purchase, Offers $25 s30 $35 Suits All the Season's Styles, Colors and Fabrics, $17 ash was a big factor we were given the advantage of first piek. We selected the cream of these fine clothes. The clothes are here and our opportunity is yours make the most of it, attend this scle of sales. Never before in the history of this city have such astonish ing values been offered. Don't confuse this sale with "special" offers of left-overs on sale elsewhere. Every suit is hand-tailored and strictly newest 1915 spring and summer style. Sale starts Friday at 8 a. m. risav. MMeSMSmMMIHMMnWMMMMHMVl If You Have Good Teeth Without good teeth It la' Im possible to masticate your food properly therefore your dlgestlen causes poisoned blood poisoned blood causes pimples, headaches, drowsiness, rheumatism, kldnev trouble snd general tearing down of vour svstem. PAIXIiKSH EXTIlAmOX nr VITALIZED AIR. Taft's Dental Rooms 1M7 IMnf3T,AS 8TRF.KT. & Co. S CQ O Clothes 33 to AM hv4 easvaMirT isis I $1.00 Porosknit :Qr Union Suits-- Men's short sleeve, knee, or ankle length Porosknit union suits. Special for Friday, 69c wbss 1111 ' ITT? j CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND