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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 14. 191' TWO BIG FIGHTS ; RAG1NGJN WEST Germans Begin Offeniire Movement . HtKT Tprei and French Troopa Advance North of Arrai. COSSACKS DISLODGE AUSTRIANS LONDON. May 13. Ixindon a3 cheered today by the publications of a dispatch from Athens reciting a decided advanea or the British and Frerren troopa along the Gallipoll peninsula. Soma reports even claimed the occupation of certain heights, which would mean that the entire peninsula was tinder control of the InTaders. At two polnta on the western line of operations offensive movements are under way. The first. Initiated by the Germans, is against the Brit Ish. French and Belgian forces near Ypres, while the ivcond la the push ing of French troopa against the Ger mans to the north of Arras. For the moment, however, both of these at tarks would appear to have been checked. tut the Hukowtna frrintJer. Petrnarrad reports brilliant .success won by the Russian coaaecka cavalry over the Aus trlan Infantry- The Rtieslan horaemen, tortfng their way through a aeries of barbil wire entarie;1ementa. dlslodsed the Auatrlnna from' IhrM llnee nf frunrh. and raptured lino prisoners, a battery of quick, firing (una. several searchlight and a whole string of cslaeons Ruaata admlta that the Austro-German offensive la still proceeding- in western Oallrla. while Vienna claims lhat the (Ruaataa retreat la fa becoming a rout, with the Invaders suffering enormous losses. .The antl-Oermen rioting I dying down In England, but It la reported aa con tinuing with great violence In Aouth Afrioe, The London Daily News, which la a government organ, aeserts that the cab inet la Prepared to order the Intern men f all male alien enemies In Great Britain, but that women and children and natur allied aliens will not be Interned. Some positive action on the part of the united btatea aa well aa on the part of aiy. is awaited with the keenest im patience. Freaeh Official Report. PARIS. May It The. rnnm r. flee thle afternoon leaued the following abatement on the progress of hostilities: won. brilliant succeaaes Wedaesday morning an) Wedneeday evening and Wednesday night to the north of Arras, ."At Notre Dame De I-orette we are masters of the fort as well aa the chapel. "In the vast auadrllatoral of trenches and earthworks which Is to the south of the'chapel of. "Notre Dame De Loretto we have been subjected to' a very violent counter attack. A ferocious combat which lasted all night long developed In this quadrilateral. - In thelmornlng we were eompUU maatars Of the altuatlon, having Innioted very heavy losses on the enemy. 'During Wedneeday-wlgbt we also took by assault all the- village of Caerncy. aa wU aa the forest t the north of It. Hill No. ia. The German garrieon .stationed In this village and In this foreat was composed of one battalion . of the 109th tv-glment of Infantry, one battalion of the 1M regiment of Infantry, one battalion of Bavarian Chaaaeura and els com panies of pioneers, BOO men to a company. These forces had made of Carenay and of Hill No. IS In the foreat a position f great strength. In spite of the fact that their numbers had been' very much reduced by their loaaea In killed, wounded nd prisoners on previous days, these forces during the entire week put up a desperate rejri stance delivered agalnat a mate of trenches, blockhouaee and nar row paasagea. Haadreda Killed with Rayoaete. "We broke down thle realatance of the nemy and at break of day were In com plete maatery of the" altuatlon. Our troops killed hundreda or Germane at the' point f the bayonet. We made 1,060 prtaoners. Pf whom about thirty are officers. In cluded fa theae utter is a colonel and the commandant of the battalion of battalion of chaaaeura. "At the southern exit of douches our boslUona were subjected yeeterday to Wolent attack M the part or the enemy. Pevertheleea we retained there. "At Neuvtlle eur .attacks on the village ftsalf and to the north of the village rde perceptible progress. To the north ef Neuvnie we took possession of trenohee heveral hundred yarda long and we oe- Etupled the road called the Highway Dee arrterea, which runa frem Neuvllie tu Ivenchy. In, the vtllage itealf we oo supled yaeUrday morning only the eouth kra portion, the enemy atlU holding the banter and the northern part. An at tack delivered late In the afternoon re trulted la our occupying, house by hooae, W the central portion, of fhle village. he Germans -were driven back to the txtreme northern part, where we are autflanking them. Our troopa In this lighting gave - admirable evldenoea ef ourage and teancy. "In the forest of I Pre t re we occupied feeterday a new line of German trenches. Battle 4m w. i-i T A KNOW. Oallcla. Uav ii n. - -f Hourier to Cracow.) The at ruffle the legion north ef the Vlatula river and Mi the borders of G allele, which well In formed pereons here expect and hope HI bring a final declaion in the battle teralttat the Ruaaian armlee, appears to e approaching a conducive phaae. Tai-rlfle engagemeate were fought today at positions twenty-two mtlee to the east if Tamow. In the vicinity of Deek-a and stielle, where the Auatrtan army, wnder archduke. Francis Joseph, came into eroe con1 lot with Buealan forcee which ere tretaeeltag eaetward from the Duna be rrver and Tamow. Airman who flew ever the battlefield paay reported that the entire front barked by burning vtllagee. moat ef I -. "mm-a. inrr eay t looks exartly like a glgantlo pralne sar are. . . To the north of the VutuU river the luatiiaa corpa commended by Count fclrchbaoh, has forced the Ntde line, ae twdlng to Information reaching here. Today and :eaterday the wind brought fith It as far aa Tarnow the iuceeaant kar of gunfire. Indicating that Count tirrhbach'a forcee are trying to advance and In hand with the troopa of Arch kike Joeepb Ferdinand and General Voa lackensen. Along the Carpathian frent also the f-ietrlan armlee have made a forward tove. brtnrli.g the Third Ruaaiaa army ad the remainder of the Eigitth Ruaaiaa may l Imminent daeger of being aur unded and destroyed. The. first train auto Ternew was re taken hy the Teutonic elites arrived here today. Raeeleae etaadlna Firm. tyONno.N, May 1T-A rtcutrr dlpat. h from Trtroitrad give the following of fi lal slalcmrnt regarding Ruaaian mlll lary operation: In the flhtn between the Vlatula and the Carpathians Msy I end the Germane planned to break our front by the lightning rapidity of the blow di rected at the nelahhorhood of Kroano hv aeven dlvlalons of the flower of the German srmy, after a heavy artillery reparation. "On a general front of forty mllea the cnmy gathered three-quartera of the Austrian ermv. one-ninth of the German arnjy, the flrat reeerve. half the con tlngenta of the eeonnd, beeldea eight divi sions from the fterhlan frontier. Heveral new Auatnen dlvlalona and twenty In fantry dlvlalone. aa well aa eight new dlvlalona and nine cavalry dlvlalona from the weatern front. Only one of our armlea participated In the flrat attack. "The Germane gained no tactical atic teae. Our reeervea. by a flank blow, enabled our army to rearrange a line of advantageotia poaltlona eliminating all fear of final retreat. Our army has re ceived strong relnforeemente and la ready to exect hearty revenge. Our fall ing hack wee carried out methodically. The enemy's loaa was heavy. "When our troopa occupied the moun talnoue sectors which the enemy hold to day the enemy's official communlcatlona declared three poaltlona were of no Im U. S. NOTE OF PROTEST SENT TO THE KAISER (Continued from Page One.) afeamer Cuahing; the torpedoing without warning of the American eteamer Oulflight. flying the Htars and Mr I pea. and finally the torpedoing without warning of the Lualtanla with Its loaa of more than 1,000 lives of non-combatants, among them more than 100 Americans. "Two These acta are declared to be Indefenailile under international law. The United txtea polnta out that It Kevrr uunuluu uvuimui'i rl..i vo do them, and 1 warned the Imperial government thet It would be held to a 'strict accountability' for attacks on American vessels or Uvea. A strict accounting, therefore. Is now asked from Germany. Money Reparation Soaght. "Three The uaual flnanoial repara tion will be aought, although Ger many la In effect reminded that no reparation ran reatore the Uvea of thoee eacrlfloed In the elnklng of the Iuaitanla and other ah I pa. "Four Expreaetona of regret may comply with the legal preoedenta, but they are valueleaa unleaa accom panied by a ceaeatlon of the t-rac-tloes endangering Uvea of non-combatants. "Five The right of neutra'o to travel any point of the high seaa on neutral or belligerent merchantmen is asserted. "Six In the name of humanity and International law, the United Btatea demands ' a - guarantee that theae rights wll be reanected, and '-that there be no repetition of the atlacks on merchantmen carrying norv-em-batants. , "Seven The- giving of warnings to the American ' publlo without offi cially communicating them to the United .Btatea government la com mented on In connection with the Oermaa einbasay'e printed advertlee ment before the celling of the Lual tanla, but Irreapectlve of the failure to advlae the American government of Germany's purpose the point Is made that notice of e .mention to do an unlawful act neither justified nor legalised It. ' Leave Loophole. 'Elght-lhe suggeatlon la conveyed that the German government, of eouree, could not have Intended to destroy Innocent Uvea, and that consequently the German submarine commanders mtiat nave misunderstood their In structions. The American government ' Indlcatea lla hope that thla will be found to be tru, and a ceaeatlon of the unlawful, practices thereby will reeulL "Nine In conclusion. Germany's at tention la called to the earneetneaa of the government and people of the ' United Htatea In this situation. It la made plain that the United fltatee will leavo nothing undone either In diplomatic representation. or other ac tion to obtain a compliance by Ger many with the requeat made. The note throughout la couched In friendly terme but It la unmlatakabty firm. By the euggeatlon that German submarlnea rommendere muat have mla understood their Instructions or that the Albert Lea, Minn., Aug. 7, 1914. Mr. F. M. Sanders, Treat., Bankers Life Insurance Co. Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sir: This to acknowledge receipt of your check No. 35773 for $2725.54 in settlement my insurance policy No. 3294 which was a 20 year pay. ment Bond Policy. The total amount of money I paid in to your com pany on this policy waa $1905.00. My return is a cash settlement of $2725.54 or $320.54 more money than I paid in, and besides this I have had the insurance of $3000.00 for 20 years for nothing. I am well pleased with the settlement and cheerfully commend your company to others. Very truly, A. L. BRANDON, Ask the man who owns one Ciermin government could not have In tended to destroy Int.ocent Uvea, room la given for a disavowal hy Germany of the pra'tl-fB in the war xone and an aesur ante that future ettacka will be pro hibited. Dlploenatlata Aaalaoa. In executive quart era Interne Intereat prevalle.1 today and newa of what the ' sought y offleiala Ir the government de partments and In diplomatic circles gen erally. Home International lawyera and dlplo mate who have followed closely Oer many'e conree since beginning the sub' j marine wnrfare were of the opinion that I a compliant hy Germany with th terme of the American note would not be eur prising and even that such a course would not he a departure from prevloue xprea elona. Germany haa maintained. It waa contended, that the submarine activity waa begun only because Ergland would not permit foodetuffa and conditional contraband destined to clvlllana to reach Germany, and beeauee the neutrals In their pnteata had been pcwerleaa to effect an adherence to the rules of International law by I he alllee In queationa of contra band. Should Germany announce Ita In tention to abandon eubmarine warfare. It wae believed by eome dtplometa It would not necessarily jnake a stipulation, but would etafe Its expectation that the lnltd atatea aa the greatest neutral would secure equal guaranteea from the alllea or questions of contraband. Leave Reel to Mreamelanrra in ine event thet Germany took the opposite course and refused to comply with the wlahce of the United Btatea, high offleiala decline to predict what steps would be taken beyond Indicating that the vteehlngton government would deal with each oevelopment In the altuatlon as It sroae. Reporta that Americana had been ad vlaed to leave Germany on account of the erltlcel atate Of relatione with the United fit a tea were declared to be wholly un founded by officials. Americana in sll belligerent countries were advised by the State department at the outbreak of hoatllltlee to leave the danger sone, and no special Instructions have since been given to American en voys In Europe. Meaaagea continued to flood the Vhlle Mouse and State department today, sur- : Resting varloua lines of pollcv. Many ex- preaaed entire confidence In the president. Conspicuous among theae waa a peraonal letter from former Preatdent Taft. ex- preaalng his confidence In end his sup port or Mr. Wilson In the delicate situa tion. He gave hie own suggestions of what should be done by the United States, which. It was aald, did not differ materially from the courae the prealdent had adopted. The White House let It be known the prealdent was gratified over Mr. Taffs action. Ksprresee Sympathy. Ptephan Phanaretoff, the Bulgarian mlniater. called at the State department during the day and expreaeed to Secre tary Bryan hie eympethy for the loaa of American lives cauaed by the sinking of the Lualtanla. It became known tonight that Justice department offlclae are giving consider etlon to the question of whether publica tions containing matter such as editorials seeking to Justify the elnklng of the Lue- iiania and advlalng the repetition of guch acta can be kept out ef the malla under the provialdns of the penal code, making It an offense to circulate "matter of a character Intended to Incite araon. mur der or.,aasaaalnatlon." gome officials think the law might be construed to ap ply to publlahed speeches of a similar character. Dr. Bombard Demberg's utterances still are being given attention In high official quarters, and It la atrongly Intimated that aome stepe will be taken to end bis ao tlvlty. It was suggeeted today that the German embassy might be Informed that Dr. Dernberg. a German subject, wae making hlmeelf offensive to the American government and people. ESSEX FARMER MAY BE VICTIM OF LUSITANIA SKriN'ANDOAH. la.. M IS iRmaI.ii It Is feared that Albin Aneted. a young larmer or near Races, went down with the Lualtanla. ae no wnrit hea k.. -a from Mm since he sailed for the old country. Friends think he might have engaged passage on the ill-fated liner as It sailed on the date he planned to leave New York. DEATH RECORD. Jerome Loaararake. HEBRON. Neb., May 11 (Bpaclal.) Jerome Longbrake waa born In Fairfield county. Ohio, October 11. 1UC. and died at his home In Hebron May It, 191s. aged Tt years. He married Mlae Caroline Stair In Ohio January 3, 1U0, frre children being born to them, three of whom, to gether with the widow, are riving. They came to Hebron In 187! and have lived here forty years. The funeral will be held Friday at t p. m. of our policies. . Have you HOME OFFICE WILL INTERN OR DEPORT ALIENS Great Britain Will Lock Up Male Germans of Military Afe and Send Other. Home. RI0TX5G IN LONDON CEASES LONDON, May II. Premier As quint announced to the House of Commons today that "all male ene mies over miliary age will be reps trlated. He announced that women and children In suitable cases will be repatriated, though gome might re main. The government proposed to segre gate "all adult male enemies for their own safety and for the safety of the country." Pramler Asqalth told ths House of Commons. The largo American meat establish ment at Rmlthfield today Joined their British eonfreers in displaying notice to the effect that no buelneee would be tranaacted with Germans. Borne friction had been threatened because the Amer icans delayed putting out the notice until they had received Instructions from head-1 quartere. Although the atmosphere la still highly charged with excitement, a survey of the districts of London. wMoh yesterday were hot fceds of anti-German outbreaks, showed almost a complete lull in the rioting this morning. Germans every where remained In seclusion and their shops were shuttered, with police on guard. An exception to the generally peaceful conditions was a Kentish town, where two Gormen shops were looted early In the day. The police eoon ended the dis turbance. The enthusiasm of the anti-Germanists wae evidenced thla afternoon at Tower Hill, a historic meeting place of Lon don, when ino black coated stock brokers. tncrchanta and city men. aupported by thousands of the general public, stood In a drenching rain and wildly cheered epeechee calling- for the Interment of Germans. The following reeolution was then adopted: "Thouaanda of citizens of London, gathered together at a mass meeting, unanlmoualy protested agalnat any kith end kin of German mutilators, poisoners and murderers of men, women and children be any longer allowed to be at large in the British Islands, and fearing j riots, fires, the spread of dlaeaae and poisoned water; hereby unanlmoualy demand that the government take im mediate atepa to intern or deport all alien enemlea, mala or female, whatever their nationality, naturalised or other wise." This resolution wss Immediately tele graphed to Premier Aaqulth. Department Orders. WASHINGTON, May 13.-(Speclal Tele gram.) B. S. Carey haa been appointed postmaster at leymoyne, Keith county, Nebraska, vice 8. C. Bullock, reals ned. Rural free delivery aervice will be established on June is ae follows: Halg ler, Dundy county, Nebraska, length of route thirty-four mllea, famlllea served aeventy-flve; Platte, Charlea Mix county, South Dakota, route No. 4, length thirty two miles, families served eighty-five; and route I, length thirty mllea, families served 114 James T. MoPhereon of Omaha has been appointed a controller In connection with the valuation of railroads (or the Interstate Commerce commission. The Postofflce department haa awarded the contract for carrying the malls from the depot o the poet office at Waterloo, la., for four years, from July 1 to June K), 1U1. to G. A. Groamann of Waterloo at ts.sw per year. Tht. comptroller of the currency haa course of treatment, which removes the craving or necessity for liquor or drugs, Imparts new strength to every organ and builds up the general health. The only Keelejr Institute In the state of Nebraska. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE - Correspondence Confidential. Cor. 25th aad Case St., Omaha, Neb. Total Cash And SO an agency? Have you a policy? LINCOLN, NEB. 'approved the application of the follow- tlonal bank of Mohrlrtce. p. T . capital -.-.."!: J. W. Hsrrld. Bert ft Hill. .1. II. Cooken. . V. Howlce and F. G. Hill tto aucreed the Mobridse State hank). Clearing House for Crime Located by Gotham Officers NEW TOP-K, May U.-The twelve blanket Indlrtmente voted yeaterday agalnat thirty-four men. charging them with varloua crimes, from rioting and aaeault to flrat degree mruder. In con nection with the garmen workers' strike, sounds the death knell of the New Tork gangster and ere the forerunner of other wholesale arrests, according ' to " istrlct Attorney Perkins. At the district at torney's office It was said today that de tectlvea had found a "clearing house" fcr crime, run by gangsters of this city and that every gang leader operating In New York had been eliminated. Nine of the thirty-four indicted men were arraigned today on warrants charg ing varloualy aaaault, attempted extor tion, riot. Injury to property and flrat de gree murder. With the exception of the one chance of murder, ball waa Bet at from 12,000 to $5,000 In each case. Bask Commission Called. PlrTBRK, S. D.. May II. -(Special Tele gram.) State Bank Examiner Wlngfleld has called the first meeting of the State Banking commission for Msy It, at this city. At this meeting the machinery will be put in motion to bring state banks under the provisions of the new bank guaranty act of the last legislative ces sion. Aak for Safe Home Matches and you will get the very beat ' matches that money will buy. Non. poisonousdon't apark don't sputter don't break a real safety etrike-enywhere match. Inspected and labeled by the Un derwriters' Laboratories. Be. AU grocer t. A lk for thtn by namm. The Diamond Match Company Don't Say, ("I Want a Box Vof Matches" J Without a Rival for Drunk enness and Drug Using The disease cured by a thorough and scientific mm mm TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE POLICY Matured In the OLD UXE BANKEIVS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Of Lincoln. Nebraska. Name Arthur L. Brandon Residence Albert Lea, Minn. Amount of policy f.000.00 Total premiums paid to company. l.QOA.OO SETTLEMENT paid Mr. Brandon. . . $3,725.54 years Insurance for Nothing. Assets, $8,400,000. Thompson-Belden ?Co The Vogue of the Separate Skirt New styles of outing and travel skirts received today and shown for tho first time Friday. An Opportunity to show them is a pleasure. Wash Styles from $3.50 to $9.75 Basement Wash Remnants of this sea son's newest wash goods, including tissues, voiles, ginghams, percales, ba tistes, etc., at greatly re duced prices. 27-inch natural dress linen, extra fine weave (all pure linen) 15c a yard Baaemeait Wash The Store for Shirtwaists Receives new styles daily. It is a constantly changing exhibit of the choice of the Blouse World: $1.00 to $10.50. With unusual values for $3.95, $5.00 and $5.95. House Dresses, $1.29 House dresses that were formerly priced from $1.69 to $3.75. On sale Friday at $1.29. Special Sale of An assortment of chil dren's gingham dresses, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, years. Reg ular prices 65c and 75c, Friday for 49c. AUCSRMRNTS. 2Z ngagement THE HIPP THEATRE Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, May 16, 17,18 The Mote-nay which has creates a fux ore wherever ahowa 4H YPOCRITE S" nm IT. T. Bvealnff flJnni BTeatoff Ban i " Create, a Mew Torne In Kotorrschr." iTenin Telerrami -Moat XUmarkaSle rilm St aeea." . a. Mi T. T. Svealar Journal, "Moat Woaderfm Or.atlon of the Screen Ara.'! B O D OMAHA'S MOST Tonlo-at, Vat. Tomorrow, a '30. Geo. at Oonan'e XtrloUo Knaioal Comedy, Little Johnny Jones wrac oo. raniw a joxinrT. Text Week, tbssj or nus iTOam commr. Tmeedar ac W. A. xria-ht. x. w. a. run ssviz.1. team mVTUTWW a treses Mats. Son Wed., Thurs., OB0 1 Tango Matinee Thursday. ABTAJTCVD Tivsimu. Sally 8: IS Vle-h. 8:18 Other Acts: Bros. Mitt JOAN SAWYER ,iZ!- tMrtMK. Moor a J.nkin,. Muoa Wilbur Jordou. CHARLOTTC OHHtNWCK'U SIDNEY ORAMT. Trl Weeklr- Price.: Matinee aalMrr lee: Best Seeta (except Bemrasj en a Busier) W; Ntabts 10c. He. Mc 74, AIRDOIY3E Farnam and 30th Sts. fsDrriC Saturday Night, MAY 15 BRANDEISMaTS: TKSATEK. Aotoal Motion not area CATT. BOOTT IsT TK AsTTAJeOTXC With Charles B. Hanrord. IVeotarlna. Daily. Mat. and Kia-ht gso. 3So, Mo. 100 efficiency that'i I what you want when you f, j. r j f piact an vracT for engraved plates. We pat snap in oar work, we have work' men that we can rely upon. n The separate skirt, through fashion's sanction has again regained its popularity. Goods Specials Remnants of bleached cambrics and muslins, good lengths, 36 inches wide, 120 and 15c qual ities, 7Vc a yard. Pillow cases, good qual ity of bleached muslin, 3 inch hem, size 42x36, 9c each, Goods Section. BASEMENT. Children's Dresses One lot of children's white and colored dresses, slightly soiled from showing; sizes 2, 3, 4, 6, years. Regularly $1.86, $1.60, $2.00 to $6.00. Friday, half price. Children's Section, Third Floor AMUSEMENTS. Extraordinary oomcxirr THltER WK8. IN MINNEAPOLIS 300 TIMES IN NEW YORK rWO WEEKS IN KANSAS C1TF rirsi, Last, and Only Time Here mvnemi Marvelous Thrilling BUliens ta geld, olives, reerr. popper, and ail eorts of predona stones snd Jewale baree been lost la wrecks at seal Irs a-otaer to be eared! Watf leal The weoderfnl laTeattoa e( rAe Wll Kaniaon brotlMca aaa tataomed the serrets of tae seal Me more worryuir, fretting and atewlne; abont the deep. It's all been eoleed, and the Wrtlanaaon Sub marine Pictures will abow joa (aw wonderfal sceoua at Sbe bot toes of the ocean; woo Ueea down there; what sort ec evaotwes the are, etc., eta, eta. lea are going to marvel and ponder and won der at the reeaarkable things we ere going to ebow rou. Ton wlU be smaaod. enllgbteoed end awed) Get seedy I Walt I Watch! Lla ten I "The aristocrat of dlma. won. derfol In the way of picture making" dsscaga wemraaL r- t r GAYETY All Week axx aza mEKLi. DUrUIl AT 2--J.M..7 M s.4 1 r. ADULTS 25o; CHILBiEH lOo lit 3 BASE BALL Omaha vs. Des Moines Bonrke Fark May ia-ii-15-ia. rrlday. Kay 14. Z.adlee' day. oa me a OAX.LXS a r. m. tt IPP Til E ATE Rent of Paramount Pictures Today and Saturday IMWOITB PaVXaBsTTS finMlna Aas4r'iea a "LITTLE HLNhK'l" Adaped from the beeesall story b flharl a. Tu Imm. E . ssssieieaiaaM