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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1915)
12 Tin; iikk: omaiia, kkidav. may 14. i:u:. HEW YORK STOCK MARKET Heaviness. Mostly Due to Foreign Situation. Marks Day's Seision. PRICES MOVE DP AND DOWN NKW TORK. lv 13 Heaviness, re- Almna. wKnllv f r-ni I I P.t J IH( TO In International affsir. attended n,n . j unustialtv null pinrs mRrnn r i m a moved up and down, according to ll.' raprlcea of the Iraillnfi element. which had sole command of the day opeiH tlona. Numerous loava. mostly fraj tlonal. MVIMAMil t the mltnef followed bv moderate recoveries, with another d- ! . i ; I I A . V. eti.nnr-ll Hl- . 1 1 1 lie ii iiuii'in., i - ii in- niiniinii ..... t trlct was once more kkoi with rumors affrcttns nesi'tlatlcn between Wa-hlnc ton and Her II n Th lo of another urn lh warahlp In the Pardnnellea furnished the hears with additional ammunition. For the bnJanre of the aeaalon the list flrifted without definite aim. price rlelnK and falllnit within a narrow rane. The net leault dlacloaed A rimlr of loanee, which comprehended virtually every tll t talon of the Hat. On the whole, war ape-ialtlea fared hetter than other Issues belnaj helped In a meaanre hv report! .if more larse rontrats for urplle to the allies Total aalea of stock amounted to aiAorrt aharea. tieiiernl newa waa of a mixed character, the rasumi4tn of dlvldenda. even though in the form of scrip, on Vlmn'n Carollns t'hemtcala preferred helnic re tarded a an Indication of better Indus trial rnndltiona In the aotith. There waa alao Increased lnftilre for copper metaJ at the l.lxheet prices re cently recorded, while the plai-lnn of ft amall loan bv the Holv1n government bore directly upon this country's stesdy advance as a center of finance. New low quotation for franca and Urea were the feature of th forelam exchange market, thla being rrtlv offaet bv a better tendency for remittance to Ixm don. An Increase of about t In a-old holdlnss and of almost S per cent In liability reserves made the Bank of Knir lsnd's weekly atatement noteworthy. Americana were In llarht demand In Lon don, that renter maklnar some moderate tales here. New flotation were aomewhat heavy In the bond Hat and other speculative lasue went lower In sympathy. Totr.l aalea. pat value, were 2. 317,0. t'nlted Plate bond were unclianKed on call. Number of aalea and leading quotation on Block were aa follow: aalea. M'n. ixiw . 1SS 11 ' jj.wvi : M J em ttt 41 1 inn M1 2 ' I ton M't MS w ins1 i'' i' !'' n 1HV4 1i lit ins im J Ti in (km M ili 3i4 I 100 100 MS MS ItliO 71 7IV H I.H M 7 M4 an 11. IB ht an oho hiv, ms hka (Vla Ama)amate4 foeper .. Anerlraa Itaet ugar . AMMftA r0 Amerlaan el. R Aftwrlnaa H H. pn. Am. uaar fUflnlna ... Aniarlraa Tel. Tl... Anertnan TebaccO Aaaooilila MlBloc Atnttleoti Il li l more Ohio Benomra lUplil Tranalt lalltornlt I'atrolaum .. f aoarilan larlftn Oaieal ljmthm- raaaMak OWa. .... t'hlaaio O W Mio, M fit. P.. hlraA N. W Tlln Ooptr fftloradn Fuel term... olormdo Southern nnver Hlo iran4.. tam . R O pM... Ilal1Mra' Serurlllea ... Oeearal riertrle . r.reat Norttwrn tffl.... tlreat Kn ore rtfa 700 44 tt't II' '4t, 4at II 41 r JH 7 US 1 i i 4 1( H 1.T00 US 10. II t0il llt'4 117 ns ai M'i l7S 4.t"o ;n " riuttrnhatm Eplorllon-. I.i" llllnola Onlral Interbeeouib M4. pfd.. Iniplratlnn CVfper .... It lernatlonal Harvetter Kanaaa cl'r fVmithero lhlaH Valler lAulxlll Naahtrlll Molrin I'toIuii .... 1.700 70 . 700 9S 2" 7 W m ! I ton t at lkH i.cio n n' i't 117', .. 11.100 . . X "o O0 .. 1.I0O .. l.i two .. JO .OHO .. X.MO 7IS 71S Miami Copper Mlaanurl. K T Miwonrl Parlnc National Hlarult Nalli'tial lad Navada t'epoar New York I antral S Y . N. II A H Nnrfolk a W'aatera Norlhm Partflr l-aillli- kfall I'arlllr Tel Tel.... Pennavlvanta I'ullntn palara Oar... Hay ta. topper I tra 6 1 n IttpuMir Iran ml.. Hock lalarnt ( Iloeh l-land Bf4... at. i a r M at. its Its UV 'fS Its w US I IIS IBS' I ias ii i . ... in HI eft lt, 1414 M MS at aa Ml I0IS I"' It tO Ml l.too tot mo aos I01S 101 "S IMS t.n n 2s M.aoo itts Wis itas 1. 100 rs US S s oa S s s s eeulhern l-a. lflr T KM 7S e. ulhrn Hallway IS,' lS MS tl 1S IDS lrtiniee topper .... Taxaa l cmnany ....... I ntnn I'a'-I'lr , 1 ntoo I'ai-lfle ptil 1 nltM Htataa Mtael.. I . Mtael pfO I 1h tpper Wlaalt pfd YVaalrm l.'nlnti W railnahnune Klac-trle l.xat us a'4 '"S 711 1t l'ii IM . 12114 US 1'4S 'S M.ew US (IS as am I'M lots uS lt.h M't (a us i" I lit 1. 11) MS u 41. n aos a7S J 7S 4S Me(iiiia Potter 7a 47 Tout aalea lor th day. 4 So. 00 abarea. Sew Vork Money Marhuat. NKW OILK, Mav la PR1MK MKR. t ANT11.K I'AI'BH VieUH ler tent. hTKKUMi KXCHANtiB fiialer; pint.. -day bill. $1.77; for cablai, ll.taj, for demand, .;..'. 8IUVKK-IW. V; Mexican dollar. e"L.C. H..lS Uovamment, steady; railroad, heavy. 1 IMS liUANK firmer; aixty day. SMI I per tent; ninety day, a per cent; lk month, DStvH per rent i'AU, Alt'NEY-riteady; hlgheat S per cent, loweat, m por rant; ruling rate. 1 per cent; laat loan, I per rent; rloelntr bkl. IS- pr uent; offered at 1 per cent. tloalnv quotation on bonda today war a ttjllowa; V. . raf. at. rw . rTSMo. Paa. r. la.... US V, ret. le. cotipoa N T C- pan Isa. . aa li' . la. ralatetwl..llSN. T. ntr 4Sa....l"4S V. 1. la oaupua....luV(K. V. 0UU 4Sa....l(a 1'. S. a, ri t ft. Y , N. H H. r. a. , eaupoa US til ISaaraa la. coupon, loi Hn t'aoltlo 4a Us An tnxllar ....)' do I U At T. tt vf Sa PMiO a le ret. ta.... as Anaour O. as.. iPao. T T. ha ,'s Atobtooa j. 4a.... SPnn. coo iw ikal. tfbio 4a S ojo eea. 4Sa loss a. Okl tS.. VI Weaillluj a ts C. b A Q J. 4a ... MH I.. a r. r. ta f) U 4 H f I asa.loos. Par ct. 4a ! a e a m. ioi, 0o rat. 4a r r. 41. raf. 4S . 4 It r aa s P aY f. O raf. i.. tt 8 luilxr U a Vrta gmm. 4 aa V1 Dtan Paoiric ta. ... aas Hm. HMcirtr a. ..lots cr t , a-Jt. Na. I at 4S-.. I'. Huhbar aa....l"iw III Oaa rf. a 1 a Meel la o f a, raf. a., a Wabaah tat 6a lot 1. a 4t ual a t 'Waei t nl.w Sa . M T K. a T. ll aa.. 7 Waal. Klw. tt. ta .l'S 14. 1 Loral Beeurltle. Qaoutlona furalab4 hy a urn a, Brtakar A Co., 4 Omaha Natluaal Baak bulMlni. Omaha: Ilia. Atkei. t'it Hatlonel kaak. Onaha. 1a Iale A It . plit tl ratrmont tVaamary. T per pent pfa ,.no l.rat Waatarn hugar PM aS HrOraullc I'reaa UrUk ooaamoa . alollaa ptO MS Mevatala atatea Tal 13 t'Ulta A t'o. aiufta Hi Fp pld t'laaha A Ta. Illutfa Kr A B. pM.. W paieta Mill pit-. I per cent ta tt Itl IVI14. io't pa tas a: H l felon Stock tela . Omaha .... t r4'ka Ural tsaMI eailt W-'' In I It. Kr A lA., pM Mon4a A.auaa Oerarn. ta. ttt A loa Krb . Wa'arnrorka aa It lOt lot tl ta l"t IM UN) tl laa 101 S lt hi s s tas biwunf Nab. Walarnarka tSa, ItM at J I aaa Thraatiluf Mrh. aa. ItM . it t tiumtai Sk . Clac aa, ItM tl Uuncie Haallr IV. aa lla) Uaooia. Kak asa. ItM lot . luturaal Tranwar I per ceat aataa.. wt lira. a rWarer tSa Itaa Itis inu Wpiar 4s. 1 WIS oat.. A ia Bluff Mt Kr I. ltt tts t'narlaal H H tSr, 114 pa aift A t'e aa Ittt aas Hal.balpa' eaa. ta, Itlt lav tuts 1 l.aaaaa lx-h Market. IXJNTN. Siay U American pecurltli t i oi-ened aleady. Imly a amall atiUMint of In aii.eae an don and 1 rl. ea dropped !n the i.flrnfMin. The cltiefn .lull ' r3llVKRBar. ttd per ounce. MO.N'fcT l'tC-Sd UIB'telNT KA1ICS hort bllla. ?S per ctrnt; three month' bllla. per cent. Baak ( Irarlas. OMAHA. May ll.-Haj.k elearlna for Omaha today were U.407.JUJ M). auid for tt e correapondlng day laat year l,in, f t 76. Dry tao4 Market. NHW YORK. Mar 11 DRT Gt"HDK Cotton cood markrt were Heady. Yarn ere tedy. haw allk aa quiet; catitun active: japana. auil. nool eoo were firm, but yultrt. -:tatarate4 Applre ati Drlrl Krall VKW YOKK. May lt-EVAPORATKI aHHPS- Dull. I'Ultlt "hi ITS Prune, firm Aprl . .,t. and peatcbea. dull and aau, Uaaaiiut. tiUlcL DREXEL GIYES HIS nnnmimn nr i in HilUIiliA rMliil I Brother Herman to Succeed John Lund and Gus Dworak Gets Clara Callahan's Job. M'JJONALD WANTS POSITION Commissioner Hroxel of the strict cleaning department haa plnrod h'S brother, Herman Drexel. in his office, , to succeed John Lund who w ill re- main fw week. (rim Dworak hai i aticceeueu .MISS t iara I ailftnan al!,h, ,,.i,il round HtacliM uwd hla rimoui ' hookkepppf, Mlsa Callahan realRnln , aclaaor and half Nelann. In both rolls , an aoon aa told ahe nilnht remain un-; til .Tun, 1. Ooodley Drucker, former councilman, will have a position ln;volh ;., he o..twr,Bhed h.m. thla department. j Chnrlea Sherman of Lincoln referred ; .1. W. McDonald, formerly In thl the ltout. Two preltmlnnrlea pro.ld'd : nark rlenartmnt and b .i.n.,; I ""m" Int'-reatitiK aport for the fttne. j when he becme a tandldate at tht April primary, la after a poaltlon In the puhllr Improvement department. He worked aasld'iounly for the Bin Six In the rampHlun. fommlaaloner Jardlne announreg he la not ready to j make any more new appointments. County Clerk Frank I-rwoy i convnaa. In- the rltr rnmmlaalorera. but would not dlacloan the nature of hla mlaalon Me apent ronalderahle time n the varloua office. Attorney 11. 11. Plehacty appear to be a atron: poaalhlllly In connection with a place In the city legal oVpartmcnt. The mayor expect a to make theae appoint ment next Tueaday mornltm. leteral Kr Mentioned. In connection with the manaareralilp or the Auditorium, the nnin-a of J. J. rtydcr, Dick flrottee. J M Ulllan and Charlea FVanke are mentioned. Kmployea of the Kakrr Ice Machine company have enl the roninilaaloner a communica tion In which It I aunKeated thnt they 'let well enough alone." by retaining Mann hot (llllan In rhorae of the Audi torium. Charlea Htephena, well-known aa a plnno tuner, 1 alao mentioned a man ager of the Auditorium. It I reported that frlenda are working in behalf of Mr. Htephen tea Problem t,i Work Ont. Commissioner Huminai, who prolahly will have charge of the Auditorium, and Mayor Dahlman realize that the munic ipal management of I hi property will preaent now problem which niuat be worked out. They are put ready to an nounce any definite policy, hut the California ARE you Roini? to be one of the happy throng to visit (nlifornia niul her won derful expositions? If so, lot us remind you that the trip there and back will be even more interesting than, these great Expositions themselves. Here are n few of the Hcenes of interest to be enjoyed en route VIA THE Missouri Pacific D.nver & Rio Grande and Western Pacific Kintti Wheat and Al falfa Kiel ila. Ran tern Colorado Irri gated election. Itoyal florae Tenneasea I'aaa. Kaa-le Itlver I'annn I 'anon of the tirand t lien wood Hprlnna. Orand Hlver Krult Belt. Olant Caatl (late. A GRAND SCENIC DISPLAY EVERY MILE OF THE WAY Telephone Doug. 104. Sieved by A CUFF-LINK BouaeJ ta that k caaaol aaoec, Cnuf Kaavatdy lie aa the Cntan dVta wtale ta kct attic Eiaate it awaabnti tiw ciploaaoa si tit pboa(SorotM attck. Pamoaa to thta-'ia (ad tkal aery atora. tnt, Kaaaetjy Kad coau4rti-l haaicctnc catjaf 4i( haw -u( - bak. Caa yog iaaagia th aarutty al ttkt aauatna) Caa rata fcrl the thrill aa alowW th electimly butna the potwe, aatd Kaaaatdy eacapra to a F.I tar Yoti hex taaa th alary by Aitkat B. Rtaret m HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. E'EL H !j",'m""1 !l joe Stcohcr Proves Master of Freberg 1-l-.l'.M' NT. Ni-li . May IT -'Special T' l ,i rrnm -1'lfter-n hundred people row "I'd lint" 'tic I .arm in theater Inat rvrnlnat to i i .loe Ht"''hi-r. tlio I'nddo phclioul. 'wrrntn John hrkri, the Ciil'-n o Y.r a", v Iwtisl.t. ttri her win In atraiKht fal!. ., frM In on, minute anl ten vonds nti'l tin- acrond In three minutes an 1 ,,l,r,y"lx aeennda The f lint fall was trained with an arm roll hold, a hold very seldom wn I.i ; Kreher- went belilnd flrat. but tin-; ntile to follow tip the advantage. Kreborn am n f t.iBtch tliT the Illldfe 1 OULD YOU WANT ANYTHING SAFER? Home Itulldera hatt never bor-row-ed a dollar never Htgned a note never incurred a debt be yond monthly bllla never built a houae except lo orrlcr for the omner, w ho had made a aubatan tlal payment. Home Builder.' 7 Guaranteed Hharea are aecured bv all of ta aaaela. without a dollar of Mahlll tv. beyond current bllla. Vnu can Invent a large or amall anm, weekly or monthly, leave t aa long aa vou wlah or convert It Into rawh on abort notice. tlur booklet, the "New Way," free to anv ad'lree. (Uvea full Information. Amerlcnn Kemrlty Company Fiaral Agent HOME BUILDERS (IXC.) Cor. I Ttli and iHttiglna, Omaha, firound Floor. V Soldier Summit. I'rovo Valley. Halt Lake City. Md Trip to Yellow. atone Park. 'ilPHt Halt Lake. Sierra Nevada, l-'ea titer Hlver canon. Haci auiento Valley. Oakland. Han Pranriacn Bay. V". US Through Standard Observation ami liillman Tourtat Sleelii(i Car, Kaunas city to Kan Fran. rsft iliiily. TIC'KKT OFF'ltFH 1123 Fartiam HI. 1'nlon Stat Inn Thoa. F. Godfrey General Agents Paaaenger Dept. Now f aa. Ik. aaaaAerKJ Path am ptctara wak AftwU Daly. He. I U. bdwia AeJe Crrtjhtoa iX, (th kntteptd -Jaaaeaaa". who it Kraardy'a aaaiaUnt 1 ad the etna petlrd aarmben el a lawltat Ta. old -F-ipioa.- aa. far 1 by f 1 1 taaiaaHInnaa&TaaJ w ki "l"tj I I J 1 Remarkable Savings Offered Big Special Sale of Porch and Lawn Furniture now on. Buy now and save. I I I In the Daylight All Silk, Iress Mcssaline nnd Tnl Silk remnant. 32 inches witK to closf, at, jut yard Cheney Bros. Shower Proof Foulards Hoc yani values, icv siirinir colors, small fig ures and coin dots, L'o pieces at, yard. 68t? $1.25 hreat Silka IndudinK :i6-inch plain Chiffon Taffets, hair line stripe, tub silks, novelty chiffon, taffetas, plain black nieaineft, at, per yard Van! Viu Faille Fram-af" Silk Suliltiis In eery wanted new colors, $2.00 quality, Friday $1.-18 llliu k hjiiI White Chetk Stilt ins Oabardlnea, coverts, serge.. Palm Hea. hes. etc., in Wool Good Department, two special 9St nd SI. 48 Men's Furnishing Section Mentt Siiminer Shirt, to QQ CO J2.-.0 values, two lots ifOC'OifC Crepes, Pio,uo, Pongees, Sosiette and Satin fin ish fabrics, all newest colors and fabrics. 15c Wath Ties, at 500 dozen of them, in all colors, extra special values Friday. v Eight Rousing Friday Specials in the Domestic Room Women's Ready-to-wear Apparel Section I afa Women's" Coats that sold at $5 ando rn $7.50, broken lots, at $UU Spring styles, good assortment of colors and fabrics. $3.00 Silk Petticoats Messaline in Jersey tops, with messaline pleated flounces, oj new colors, at p Xew White Stiinmer WaNttt Ungerie, embroidered llnonn and checked crepes, waists made to sell at $1.00, choice Children's Spring Coata to $4.00 values. Just the thlnR for cool evenings, all colors, good stylea, at S1.50 i Lonsdale Bleached 4-4 Muslin at 5 3-4c a Yd. m Sule Friday in Our Domestic lUxmi. liimil of 10 yanls to each customer. No mall or phone orders filled. Amoskeas Apron (flnghtun, staple blue nnd while checks, limit 10 yards (No mall or phone orders filled! 5 Fringed Huck Towels, fast color, red borders, Friday, each 5 Dress calicoes and Shirting Prints, "Fame Brand," yard 31 Lining Remnants, 20c to 35c values, long -lengths, yard 7V4-t Curtain Scrim and Et amine, colored borders, 10c and llHc values, yard 60 Dimity Check. 3( ina. wide. lo fabric, white only. rrt uo Dress Fabrics, .t to 40 ina. wide, printed crepe and rlae cloth, worth 2Fic to 3fic yard, at, vard . ...iavc White and1 colored 30-lnch Crepe, plain oolora and ftanire. lXe value, yard loo Bed Sheets, full alze 72x90, good quality bleached eheetinir. ech Mo lted Spreads, "Crochet," full slue, $1 values', ea. 69o Staple and 200 yds. Machine Thread, Friday, 2 f pools for 5 Cotton Tapes, all sizes, Friday. 6 rolls for 5. 10c Needle Books, at 3a 1 V tinny Laces at, yard Read the Big Grocery Spiciils ;or Friday Canned Cooils, Klour, Teaa, Coffees, Splce.t, Butter, Cheeae, Crackers Fresh Fruits and Veg etable Th Karkat for th reople. I tt IImi. best arranulated susar 81.00 48-lb. sacks heat hish grade Diamond H flour, uuliilnai finer for bread, pie or t'ukra, aai'k, 81.85 12 bars Heat 'Km All or Diamond C. soap ....98o 10 lbs. pure New York buckwheat flour 880 8 lbs. best white or yel low cornnieai 17e 9 lbs. best mixed chick feed for younx chicks 86o 7 lb, best bulk laundry starch 3oo Tall cans Alaska salmon for 100 cans oil or mustard sardines Ma 9 larra cans solid packed tomatoes 860 4 cans wax. atrina. areeti or lima beans 860 4 cans fancy aweat suvar corn 960 The beat domestic maca roni, vermicelli or spae- hettl. pk 7e Larue bottles Worcester sauce, ptire tomato cat sup, pickles asaorted kinda or prepared mua- tard. bottle Blo 4 lb fancy Japan rice for Mtu-Laren'a peanut but ter, lb .lflV E. C. corn flakea. pka 60 )ran Nuta. pks. ...lOo Fancy Queen olives. q . t 380 ! PflTs Try H A Spineless Ambition that begins and ends with a soft bed and a full stomach will never boost a man to success. Get out of the nice smooth rut and let people know whatyou are good for. Hustle bang away at something big. Read the chances to get ahead in The Bee's "Help Wanted" Columns. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ad n'fOri m. 11 1 1 wa m m fc- mf: V J y U i, H ZtfiiS?, akjVraVar J J Silk and Wool Dress Goods Section n 7f lAni xr rrri rr i-r -at 39 Children's U'anh Dresses In Ring hams, galeteas, percales, linons, etc; all sizes, C to 14 years, a' 29t? II. SO bor Axurea or l.e Trefle powder 95o 11.60 bottle Oriental Cream ... .980 6 Oo box Pe Luxe Kottaje Powder aao 50c box Rice powder, lie Ris B5o 60c can Theatrical cream for 35o 50c ran Dr. Graves' tooth powder 39 o 60o tuba Pebeco tooth paste 3ftt) 26c tube Spearmint tooth paste lOo 25c ran Orrla Root tooth powder 9o 60c os. White Rose per fume . . . , Bflo 7 tie Jar PompelaJi maa- ease cream 600 6O0 Jar Aubry Sisters' cream 890 Fancy Notions yz to i Gold Eye Needles, Friday 2 paek- 5 Coats' Darning Cotton, Friday. 3 balls for . Pearl Buttons, dozen ....2V 2ia 15r Oriental 1-lb. cans assorted souus for sto Fancy basket fired un colured Juphii, KnsllMh Hreakfaat or linn fowler tea. reKular uOu value. Frldav. lb 380 (lol-den Santos coffee. Ih., at BOo Hershey's breakfast co coa, lb 9Bo Scheppa' shredded cocoa nut, for ca'- and plea. per lb lBo Pnt Up Tour Pineapple How We have a carload of extra fancy pineapples, nothlnar finer for carmine;. Thla car la practically all Ittrtce sizes. Frldav. 24 sir.e, each 18c Per dozen 91.65 Frldav, 10 size. ea. 18lo I'er dosen .7 1.40 Th best oreamery batter, carton or balk. lb. . . 30o The best strictly freah escs, nothing- finer at any price, dozen BOo lancy No. 1 country creamery butter, lh. 98o No. 1 dairy table butter. pound 96o 1 !...) dslrv butter, Ih. 930 Fancy full cream. New York White. Wisconsin Cream or Youtiar America cheeae. lb .800 Imported Swlaa or Roque fort cheeae. lb 40o Neufrhatel cheeae, ea. 3o The Tstable Market for the Fsopia 15 lbs. best No. 1 conk Ins potatoes. IS lbs. to neck, at 17V40 H bunches home atrown onions 60 3-blade hlarh waeel ball beannar mowers, patent tempered blades and cut ter bar. fully warranted. retTular price IS. 60. sale price M.79 Rubber Hose B-ply hlah crsde t4-lnch woven hose, reduced Fri day to. per foot 80 6-ply hlKh crade -lnch woven hose, reduced Fri day to, per font 9o Verv hlarh arade "non klnk'' molded hose. H-ln. alze reduced Friday to 13,0 A, -In moulded hose. as above, reduced to lStiO Barajalns for the Kltohen Anv size atoel fry pans, worth to 35c IOC Size 8 cast Iron fry pans at 89o Size 8 cast Iron cake atriddlea 99e Pie pans, any size, 2 for Bo Carpet beaters Bo A YD EM'S First g in Friday Sales j Children's Parasols, made to sell at 25c; white, pink, blue and red, Friday, lOr from regular stock, OQp OL $1.00 Quality Tub Silks and Silk Poplins Plain colors and printed effects, 100 pieces to select from, at, yard G8 and novelty atrlpe meReallne. natln aatin duchew, etc., great value, 880 Thrcf fireat Wool (ioods HH-clals 36 to 4 8 inches wide, aerates, panamns, tussahs, poplins, etc., all colore and weaves 38?- 6S an(1 080 Urea skirl Made to Mensnre Iteautlfully tailored, accurately fitted; all work guaranteed. See them. In the Hosiery Section Women's Mercerized Male Ilnae, 25c values Q in black and colors, Friday, at, pair it 15c Cotton Hose, black or black with white feet, regular and extra sizes, at. pair lSt! Children's Drummer Iloy Hoar, black, white and tans, li?ht and medium welnht, pair ....IS't Pretty Silk Dresses Regular val- t0 QC I ues to $7.50, at I Silk Messa lines and Poplins; also nobby J Serge Dresses. I Stylish New Dress Skirts Maker'a surplus in gabardines, wool poplins, serges and silk taffetas to $7.00 values, at $2.69 Women's Irress Skirts made to sell at $4.00 wool fabrics, In good styles and colors, at 81.00 Drugs and Toilet Goods Specials Saturday ISc assorted talcums. A for a5o 1-ee's Shampoo 350 50c bottle Phenolas wa fers a 5c I dox. S-rr. Aspirin tab lets 260 Tar bass for furs at 8O0, SOo, 70o 6O0 jar Mentholntum 39c 76c bottle Jad SaJt 6O0 (1 bottle Sal Hepatica69o IJ.50 bottle Horllcks malted milk 3.75 10c bar Jap Rose or Palmollve soap 60 9 l"ars assorted box Jer- aren's soap 98o lOo bar Imported Castile aoao. 3 for 990 26o auto sponxes ...lOo I.ic Queen - Bess talcum at. S for 2o Regular Prices 50 ydi. Silk Thread, Friday, 2 spools for 54 600 yds. Basting Thread. Friday, at per spool 3'tt 6c Val. Laces, yard 2H Lares at, yard 5 Buy 'Em Cheap Friday and Use 'Em Saturday I All Mowers bonarbt dur j in Friday's special al 1 will be dellverad for oaa Saturday. 3- blade mowers, patent tempered blades and cut ter bar, rearular price 2.98. sale price . . .$9.49 4- hlate hish trrade ball bearlnar lawn mowers, hish wheel, 10 -In. cut, reaular price 87.00, sale price 86.18 10-qt. enamel dish pans at B9o 10-Ot. enamel water palla st 89o 2-qt. flnc nickel plated copper corfee or tea pott at 69o 6-nt. 11.10 nickel plated cupper coffe or tea pots st 880 sp family scalea, war ranted correct weight 7 So One lot of good butcher knives, worth to S6e. 19o A arood 4-tle broom . 19a ; Mop sticks 6 1 10c Mrs. Potts' ad Iron ! handlra 50 PAYS J