Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
TUK PEE: OMAHA, lUfOW, MAY 14. 10.:. 11 for rent Hnurl and alU(ra. JVR RENT-1 rooms. 3-stnry. Ml S. 23 t St.; steam heated, meiifrn, walking distance; can not more than rent from id Hoot. For Rent 10 rooms. 2-story. 819 R. 5fth St.: Mim hfit, modern. waJklng dis tance; can get mors than rent from M floor Inquire James NeYllle. Iinfl Neville Blk. Phong Douglas 247-4, SKT:. L'A'jDWFJ,lf- (rood room on on floor, modern except heat. rs.W-lwo de sirable tenant. Webster NEW, etrtoUy modern 7-room house. 1416 8. 10th. Phone D. 470 for par ticular. FOR RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. 6. Baker. Phones D482, II317, 112.00 ISM No. lth 6t., 3-r. and bath. 115.00 SIM So. 21d St.. 6-r. and bath. J22.60 2672 Spalding St., 6-r. and bath. 27.bO 2712 Sherman Ave.. 6-r.. all mod. V have a large list of good houses. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1751. Ware Block. 8619 CAI.JJWKLL Walking distance; rooms, modem except heat; first-class condition; rent reasonable. Web. 872.- 209 CALDWELL J?lx rooms, partly mod ern, 216; adults only; walking distance. Webster rr?6. BEMI3 PAHIC 34'4 Hawthorne, rooms. strictly modern; lot end location most desirable ; good value at For $45. Wobstor 372. or TViicIbs 3017. 2 S. IsT I HI. 3-ronin house, modern, 213 50. Webster '-"72 6IX-KOOM, modern house, located at 2710 Decatur St.; will be vacant May 1; $271 per month. Phone H 64.12, GlobeVan&Storage Stores moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and 2 men, tl.; er hr.; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction gunr. P. 4.' At Ty. 230. T-KOOM modem, osk finish, 601-606 Park Ave. $10 and 242. If. 1C10. FOK RENT Wa have a complete list of all houses, apartments and Hats that are for rent This list can be seen free of char?e at Omaha Van Storage Co.. 806 S. 16th St. J. C. Reed Bxp. no., moving, packing A storage. 12u7 Farnam. D. 6144. Gordon Van Co. S; tit N. 11th St. Tel. D. 3!4 or Web. lfcl Maggard'sg Van and Storage ..'o. Call us tor es timates for mov ing, pai-niug, shipping. 1:1a Webster St. Lougms 14ii. SEE the Central Furniture Stores. FREK RENTAL LIST. FOR RENT 7-room house, all nodern. ? Parker St. TTnuena Creigh Sons & Co.. Dee .Bldg. AXUUBIB , oll of tn clty. Stores ana Offices. NEW modern storeroom, 603 North 16th street; low rent. Conrad Young, 223 Brandels Theater. Long. 1571. MODERN store near corner Sixteenth and Chicago; low rent. U. P. Stebbins. WANTED TO BUY Tale buy everything i& hand. Tyler 141. OKifiCa. lurnllure bought and sold. J. C ttaad. law Farnam, Doug. 614. .. WASTED TO RENT ROOM in private family In exchange for piano lessons. Address A 427, Bee. , REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOB SALE C aliforuia. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co., 913-14 City Nat. Bk.D.2kJJ. CALIFORNIA LAND. All counties; catalogue tree. Write C. M. Woosier Co., Phelan Bid-., San Fraiie Cisco. Established 30 years. tsstas. BUT CANADA LANDS. The opportunity at present to obtain acm bargains are given by a lumber company operating 4 local yards. They have been compelled to take over several farms, eacn peing nan sections and all improved and uow under cultl vaiion. Crop prosrtjets now excellent. purciiasum having opportunity to buy these farms for the amount of the claim of the lumber company. Anyone inter ested, write the head office or the Lurn ber Manufacturers Yards, Ltd., Reg In, bank. Kansas. COLUMBUS. KANSAS. FARM. 136 acres, I'm miles from a good town of 4.300 ueopie. liuua set or cunnings. acres in wheat, ' acres In oats. Hi acres In corn. 10 acres In kafir corn and 30 acres In pasture, Plaeo la gently roll' ing and in high state of cultivation. price tU.OU). bJasy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Omaha, )&ih and Farnam. Iowa 0. SO OR !60 ACRES, good heavy soil. In weil settled part ol loud county. Muni. goad roiuis, schools ana churches; piles U to 2-0 per acre; terms, tl per act tauh, balance i per acre a year uniu lauu is puiu lui, t per cent interest. SUlUAii bKuS.. Write a und uesci iptici. of your land SHU Build 1L ku liic 0iuu , n-t juvi un "Iowa's Most Powerful Want A Medium." Twenty-live worjsevciy Frlda evenitig, Sbtuiday nioiiunt; and ever Suturaay evoning and Sundby morniii (or odd month, giving fcixueti ads o twelve dileient days tur U. or 50 wordi ... nl ... b. 91. ur iu ww.uw. Largest tiixuiaiion of any Iowa news paper, 44,uuu loaders daily in four gieal Slates. MUsuurl. GOOD Sotb Missouri laud on railroad, In wed settled locally, ilj per aero. Email or large farms on u ttiins. Literature free. D. Merrtain, Ellis, Ben ton. Kansas City, K arias. Nebraska. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11,000 buys a highly improved .'arm, consisting of about 61 acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-ninute's ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay. nice large beautiful shads trees and all kinds of hrubberv and about 10 acres ot natural timber, rnaklm; beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spring in pasture. C. It. COMBS, Hi Brandela Theater Hldg. Omaha. D 391. Mlacellaafeoas. TO SELL LAND quickly and profitably, you must reach tiiuse who are at the present time uicst interested! in farm lands. Tbe Iowa farmer is today the best farm laud prospr.Lt In the United States. The Des Muinea Capital with 24u.uki dslly readers can put your proposition squarely befuro a iarger number of thesu 1Kb prespects than any other Iowa news paper. Out circulation U guaranteed tbe largest in Iowa. We w ill lutcrl a M w otd ad 1" days for only 22. oo (add 6c for each additional word). Our regular prhe ia lo per word pier day. You aie 50c on th:s offer. To sell your land tomorrow, send your ad loday to THE PES MOINES ' A PITA L. TO WALNUT ST. DES MOINES. IA. ABSTRACT Of TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, iS So. 17th St. Phone D. 44X7. REED Ali.-TRACT Co.. ot-lesl abstract " offloe In Nebrassa. 2u hrsndels Thea. Jtssen &Morrell Mi-i Stute Pk. Bldg. U. 2232. HEAL KRTATE NORTH SIDE Announcement You Can Well Afford to Wait for Big Lot Sale Saturday and Sunday Watch papers for complete, announcement Friday evening and Saturday morning. W. Farnam IT. M. CHRISTIE, Mgr. Real Estate Dept. 13-JO Farnam Street. Douglas KHU. REAL ESTATEDUNDEE. ANEW ADDITION Open for Sale IN DUNDEE LOTS $505 TO $1,800 A FEW SLIGHTLY HIGHER FOK INFORMATION CALL H. H. HARPER & COMPANY 1013-14 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG., MAIN OFFICE, DOUGIaAS 2596 OFFICE ON THE GROUND, WALNUT 2812. RKAIi ESTATE LOANS WE ARK always in funds to make good farnt and ritv loans. PETERS TRUST CO., 1G22 Farnam St. FARM LOANS. 5 PER CENT. TO LAND & TRUMBULL, 448 Bee Bldg. TO 210,000 made promptly. F. Wead, wea ma., lKth and Farnam Bte. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6V. t per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 416 State Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1220 Farnam Bt BEB ua first for farm loans in eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Oniiiha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg, 210-212 Brandels Tneater Bldg. OMAHA homes. F.ast Nebraska farms. O'KKKl- E REAL ESTATE CO.. Ml 2 Omaha National. Phone Iwiuulas 2711 MONEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. FARMS WANTED . If You Want to Sell Your Eastern Nebraska Farm at the RIGHT PRICE We Can FI ND A BUYER. More than 21'0,0u0 of farm Kales were made through our office within the last week. We have a number of buyers for snaps. PAYNE IN VESTMENT CO., 15th and Farnam, Omaha. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $100 Down Balance $15 Per Month Nearly new 4-room cottase. on car line, northwest part of city. 11,7'Hj, full lot. Sna p. R. H. Landeryou 202 Neville Blk. Douglas 67tf 676. Evening's: r lorence ojo. TWO FINE LOTS on gouthwest corner of 27th and Burt Sts , Omaha. Will sell onu or both n easy terms Corner lot. tl.luu, next lot to corner, ll.'M'. Tl.eae lot lay nice and ar In walking distance. A big b.trtiu. a Sea owner. WALLACE BENJAMIN, Room I, First Nat l Hank l-.ldg.. Council Bluffs, la. Ph. ne .1 i "1 ROOMS, all modern, in the north part of the c'1, 2i Tenon: tl' la-di and 12.'. monthlj. Walnut UJ.) HEAL ESTATE XORTfl SiDB Smith & Co. REAL ESTATE DUNDEE. REAL ESTATE: NORTH SIDE BEAUTIFUL FONTENELLE PARK large floored a'tito, with ample space for two inure rooms ana nam; city water, electric lights, full cement basement. veuirni whiks; price, si.sjv; siw casn. balance $20 g montn. Located 4416 Spauldlng St., Just south of the park. Keys at 3724 North 44th Ave. Stop pay ing rent and become a home owner. C. G. CARLBERG 312 Brandela Theater Bldg. FOR SALE 7-room house, all modern, except heat. large lot and shade treee. $2,700. At 2723 Meredith Ave. For terms see H. H. Mocller. 1824 8th Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 6 LOTS WITHIN 4 BLOCKS OF 40TH AND GRAND AVE. Four blocks to car, six blocks to Grand Ae. school. l-av hleh and slshtlv. Have city water. Will sell on terms of aown, . per week. These lota are local en in AK-!ar-Ben Hill Addition. HASTINGS & H EYDEN. 1414 Harney St Bargain Small Cash Payment A beautifully finished and decorated home; oak floors on both first and second floors. This home has reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor, with two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Large closets, furnace, guaranteed to neat, screens, including screens for front porch; 60-foot lot by 130 feet deep; paved street; only one-hair block from school. Price. $2.9fA Very easy terms. Located iSil Ames Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. New8-Room House North $5,400 One half block from 24th St. car, In fine residence dletrlct. Frame and white stucco. This Is one of the most complete and handsomely finished houses In the north part of town. Fine buffet and other bullt-ln effects. Hanuome fire place. Splendid sun room. Oak flnlah snd floors throughout. Dandy lot with fine big slinde tree Good garatte. Ps- tug paid in full This house would be in ry encap ai ,". Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler 1Mb. State Bank Bldg. FOR SALE gnd occupied by owner, B-room, modern bungalow; half block to gtreet car; fine neighbor hood; easy termg. Phone Web. 1534. NEW KOUNTZB PLACE HUM K Would you buy a good new modern up-to-date home if you could save a thousand dollars on the purchase price? There are 4 rooms nnd sleeping porch garage and lot bl'xl'A. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1761. Ware Block. REAL ESTATE SOUTH BJDK HOME AND INVESTMENT. A fine big 11-room bouse In lb boat of condition, l"t STxlf; also a new 7-naom with sleeping porch, near 80fh and Mason. The owner will icake a low price on these two properties in order to dls pi e of them l fnre leaving for hlcago PAYNE IN Vi-ST.ME.NT COMPANY. Jutughis 17M Warn Block. Apartmenis. flats, houses and cottdges an b renti d'iuli kly and ciitaply by a Cee "For Kunt" GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market Weaken at Opening, but Rallies and Wheat Selli at but One Cent Lower. BEAR RUMORS HOLD THE FLOOR OMAHA. Msy It. Iftliv Ths wheat msrket npn wrskei on lower cables snd the selling hv the local crowd, hut rallied later on the report of the sinking of fie British hattle'tup Goliath In the Pardnnellps Cash wheat sold ltilc lower and rorn unchanged to lc lower, w i-tle oats were qunted iinrhanKod The best authorities throughout the Southwest, as we'd ss those at Chicago, ssv that unless there are heavy rains In the hug sttlcken terrltorv of the south west, crop losses ate sltmst certain to be seen Not onlv are rhlnchhtigs said to be ' damaging wheat In msnv states, hut lies slsn lly wss also reported as damaging ' the voting plant. ' These reports come from Missouri mid 1 REAL ESTATK SOI TH SIDE Field Club We want an offer for 224 P. Wh Ft., firing eat st rorner of Marry St. This is a S-room. 2-story modern house, newly rrlnted. In good condition throughout. Asking 24.000, but we wsnt an offer. Raay terms ran be srrsnged, hut rash Is sn nhteet. Key at our office Act nuh S I I? you want a bargain. Glover & Spain 19 Clly National Doug. 892. REAL "ESTATE SUBURBAN lonnell Hluffa. WEST COUNCIL BLUFFS Six-room house, modern except heat, on Broadway near .Vth St. New. in first. cluss condition. Psvlng and specigl taxes paid. Within walking instance of 1 It M nd I'ougias. ! tne lot. cash, balaure IJ) per month. A bargain at $2,t. W Al.LAt E HK. IJA.M IN. Room 1, First Nali Hank Hldg., Cotmcll BlutTs, la. rnone V3 Deader. Dundee Bungalow 5006 Burt St. This Ideal bungalow offered for sale at cut price and make terms very attract ive in order to move quickly. Living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms snd bath room on first floor; large floored attic, with space for two or three additional rooms; full cemented bsse ment. Bullt-ln bookcases and brick fire place, oak finish. Built for a home and everything first-class. Arrange with us to see the house, if Interested. Glover & Spain 91&-S0 Cltv National. Dong. 33. Dundee Home $4,250 This Is a well constructed house lo cate on high sightly south front lot, 6-xlHo foot, at 6014 17.ARD ST.. havina an exoeptlonally large living room with beamed celling, hrlck fireplace, finished In quarter-sawed oak; attractive dining room, convenient kitchen and center hall entrance on first floor. One very large bedroom with two clothes .cloaets, also smaller bedroom with up-to-ilate bsth room on second floor. Full cement base ment. Furnace heat. Small building ItV rear which could be converted Into a garage. The Interior of this place must be aeen to he appreciated. Must he sold at once. Owner on premises will he glad to show. I. not fall to Investigate this place If you want a convenient home for a small family. George & Company Phone T. 75. 002 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS, Your Money Should Earn From 7 to 10 We have several different plana where by you can get from 7 per cent to 10 per cont on your money and be absolutely safe In your Investment. As everyone knows real estate la one of the best and safest Investments on earth. We can ar range It so you can Invest In Individual properties or take an Interest with. others. It will pay you to see or write ua about It. Hastings & Heyden 114 HARNEY STREET. Do You Want This? IT IS A BIG BARGAIN. Large seven-room modem house on fine 60-fl. lot. All It needs is paint and paper. Price only 12.600. There la against It. Will accept 8600 cash, bal ance easy terms. H. C. Freeman 21f So. 17th St., under Omaha Nat. Bank. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST your property with K. 11. Lander you, 202 Neville Blk. D. 2600 LIST real estste snd rentals with DON ELSON R. B. CO.. 201 Om. Nati Bank. REAL ESTATE EOR EXCHANGE CtOOli lovelirh wheat land In Weld county. Colorado, close To the Nebraska state line. In tracts of IM or 820 acres, to exchange for Omaha property. This land Is close to town and railroad. Price 1:0 an acre. Part of It Is under plr.w. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 TTarney St. WANT THE OMAHA BEE, Enclosed find $ advertisement for quoted below: NAME AND ADDRESS COUNT AS PART OF AD. Give name and address on ad If poaidble, aa beet result, are obtained this way; if, for any reason, you do not wlgh your name to appear In tbe ad, we wilt ad key number car of Bee. ANSWERS FORWARDED TO YOU WITHOUT EXTRA COST. RATES One Insertion, in Daily or Sunday, 2 Cents a Word. Three Insertions, V3 Cents a Word. Seven Insertions, 1 Cent a Word CASH OR STAMPS MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS KshSKs. hut the territory affected In the southwest was scattered. Clearance were- heat and flour o,il to H'l bushels; rorn, I ., bushels, oats 1 o0 bushels Liverpool snot: Wheat, Vtfl'id lowrr; coin. Vdld lower. Primary w heat receirls were M4 0i0 oushels against receipts of STn.ivn bushels and shittnents of 71.nrt bushels last year l'rltiiniv rorn rceltts weie 41oO bush els and llpnlent 4M ii bushels, against re,ii-ts of ?.i.i'i bushels and shipments of Ik 'am husho! last esi- Primai v ie. rlpts were tm mi bush els snd shipments VI r0 bushels, asainst receipts of Hi'1 bushels and shipments of !; fi bushels lsst year ' F.I.OT He r.l 11 ! Wheat torn lists 115 tlrsso M i nneap-dls nuintii Omaha Ksnaa "My !t l.ouis . . . Inniprs i: HA 141 24 21 a: Sales reported aer Wheat - No 2 hard winter: I i ar. 1 hZ No hard w inter 1 car. II .WS No 4 hard winter- 1 ear. 21 4!i No 4 spring J cars, 21 41 No 2 mixed: I car. 21 '. Com: No .". whits 2 cars. 7Uc No. 2 yellow: .X cars. 72V. No. 2 yellow: 1 rsr. 7?. No. b yellow: I rsr. 72c. , car. ;i-e No I mixed 1 car. near white, ,:r. No 2 mixed. 2 cars. 71Sc. No 2 mixed: rim 71c No. 4 mixed 1 car. 7V. No mixed: 1 car. in,c No. mixed: 1 car. V. Sample: 1 car, damaged, SJc; 1 rsr. rot. S2r Ogle-Standard. 1 car. HV. 1 car. MV,e. No. 2 white: , cars, Mr. Sample: 2 car. 4!V; 1 car. 4ic. Rye -No. 4: 1 bulkhead. 1 .,". Barley; No. 4: I sr. c; s inr. o. Omaha Cash Price - Whest : No 2 tur key. 21 52 d 1. 5:1. nominal; No 2 turkey. No 2 white. 7H4,174c. nominal: No white. 71fi714jc; No. 4 white. 70VP'lc. nominal; No. 6 white, 7OHiff70Vc, nominal ; No. 6 while. 70t(7OHc, nominal No. 2 yel low, 72Vi72c; No. 2 yellow, 71r73c; No. 4 vellow. 7Ufl72o, nominal; No. 6 vellow. Tl'frtJr; No. i yellow, 71tr7iv,c nominal: No. 3 mixed, 7Hr714o; No 8 mixed. 7i,ff71c; No. 4 mixed. !'Tr70,o; No 6 mixed. S, tf7nc ; No. 6 mixed, tl70c; sample mixed. K&tte. Oats: No. 2 white. Mtif'2c, nominal: standard. 61' cMVc; No. 2 white, 6045lc; No. 4 white, W.Jn."Vic. nominal. Barlsy: Malting. Mil 70c, nominal; No. 1 feed. .v(Tec. nom inal. Rye: No !. tl.0P31.10, nominal; No. ;., tl OK1 1.00. nominal CIIICAt.U t.UAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat ares of the Trartlasj deslegr rrlces nit Board f Trass. CH1CAOO. May 13 Uncertainties re garding the diplomatic outlook and as to the latest war development had a de iresiing effect today In the wheat mar ket here. Tha close was heavy at 2o to 2c under lsst night. Corn declined c to IVu'IUo net and oats So to Sc. In provisions the final results varied from a drop of 10c to loo advance. Sharpest setbacks for wheat came Just before the end of the session, when the news was out that a British submarine bad forced the Dardanelles and had sunk Turkish war craft In the Sea of Mar mora. Ths exploit waa looked on as in- (iicatlng rapid progress In the direction of opening a way for shipping of wheat from Russia. Temporary blocking of export business formed a source of disquiet that previ ous to the Dardanelles news had greatly et.larged selling pressure today on avheat. Possibilities growing out of the American note to Germany were said to be hinder ing foeelan transactions for th tltiia Iim- Ina-. and there were also renorts that from other causes ocean freight rates were advancing In a manner that made contracts for new crop shipments has- ardous. Efforts to cancel such mill. acts reived a good deal of attention. lies - slsn fly crop damage advices, renewed by the nurehase orders Influenced thereby. seemed to have notably diminished in volume. Corn declined with wheat and aa a re sult of besrlsh Argentine reports and of ravoraoia domestic planting conditions. Oats showed relative strength, compared with other cereals. Rumors of export business in oaU, however, were not con firmed. Provisions were unsettled and lrregular throughout the session. Higher prices for hogs tended to have a strengthening effect, hut were more or less offset by the weakness of grain. futures ranged as follows Artlc Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July. Cor.n May. July. Osts May July. Pork. tl r. imm in vn i hard si .1 TOi.:- 1.62: No S hard. $1 ..-Offl 60W: No. 4 hard. I t.4Mil.4; No. 3 epring. 21 491tl 62. nom ! Ilnal. No. 2 durum. 21 4fM M. nominal ; mv S ill. UMHIII1, ,J.T-l(. 1.1 .. , - ... 1 677 I 87 1 66 1 65 1 67 1 2H7 1 21 12' 1 2S 1 81 741 74s "74 74 7614 i7a 77 76, 74 77Vi V.K 63S WH 62 53 bZ 63 6Z. 62H 62' 18 16 18 15 II 03H II 08 18 10 IS Ml 18 52H 18 42i, ig tt W 9 77V, I 77H I 70 76 7S 10 00 10 02Vs 2', (7H 87ii 10 65 10 fit, 10 62ti 10 (6 10 62H 10 6 10 221 10 82" 10 IW July. eept. Lard. July. Hept Ribs. J uly Sept Clil'-ago c0nh IJrlres Wheat: No. 2 red, tl.Mfj-1.67; No. 2 hardi21.MH'3 1.67Vj. Corn: No. 2 vellow, 7'.'7r77,c; No. 4 yellow. 7'lc. Oats: No. 3 white, 53Vfifilc; standard, ot'.'iMc. Rye: No. !. 11.18. Bailey: 'hl''- Tlinothy: ITi.00itfiJ.50. Clover: JK.tiMi 12.60. Pork: I17.T0. Ird: tP.67'p9W. Ribs: t.76n "10.2ft. BUTTUII Lower; creamery, 20!fl. KGOS Receipts, 20,641 cases; market unchanged. POTATOES Receipts, 21 oars; market unchanged. POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls, 16c. Mew York General Market, NEW YORK. May IS. SUGAR Raw, firm; centrifugal, 49e; molasses, 4.12c. Sugar future were firmer Influenced by the continued demand lor both raw and refined sugars from Europe. Prices at midday were unchanged to six points higher. H UTTER Barely steady; receipts 4.911 tubs; creamery extras, Vt score, 27Vo; creamery, higher scoring, TSMX'B&fai; firsts, 26!Vfi27c; seconds, 264J26C. F.GUS Steady; receipts, 31,63 rases; fresh gathered extras. 22H023C; storage packed, extra firsts, 2l'ya22c; firsts, 'i 0t21Sc; regular parked, extra firsts, 't lllic; firsts. lVrf20cS nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy, iiyLVic; nearby hennery whites, 22tt23c. CHEBSK Firm; receipts. 2,743 boxes, while milk, 16c; same, average fancy, 16Hf1Air. I'OULTRY-Llve, firm; western chick ens, broilers, 24f.34c; frwls. 17V;c; tur keys, U'lbie; dressed, steady; western froxen roasting chickens, 1721'4c; fowls, H'vqi2c; turkeys, lizzie. AD ORDER BLANK Omaha, Neb. in payment for publishing the following days in THE OMAHA DEE as per rate COPY OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Valuei en Cattle Remain Steady with Wednesday Sheep Ten to Fifteen Centi Higher. HOGS 0FEN HIGHER, CLOSE WEAK SOI TH OMAHA May 12. 1215. Recelrta were: f ft. ial Monday Official Tuesday . Official Wednesday l-istlmate Thursdsy Csttle. Hog PheT. .. l T M h. 2U ... 2.772 2,22a 2,4: . .. J..22 .14t 1.f I ,. 2.000 .sr l.ifio ...v..w :e.;27 ii, m i.2a7 it..h t ss 2 l.ai7 ...W7W 27. M 2IV107 ;.27 ?7.4'"2 . . .12. OH 222 20,41 i sttnws ths receipts sneep at the Mctrt Four days' totals . Same days last week Same 2 weeks sgo Ssma 2 weeks sgo Same 4 weeks sgo. . Ssme days last year. The following table or isltie. hogs snd Omsha live stork market for the year to date as compared with last rear: 11S turn 1 2:il s?9,9fl 1H1 217.142 1.012.2U 242.F.70 In". s.S7 211. &o Peo. csltla lloss H Ki:erp n t 1 he 42.21 following table shows the everage price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date lfl llia tlU.liHI 110 tffa. April . 7 29 I 2 29, I 211 i 2 1 Ml 7 08 7 01 M Arm i 7 36'i 2 17: 2 1i 7 8 74 13 April i r tiV iLiw i i y .k? 111 I Si I fOi l i 2')l l i7i s .-ii 7 pi. i; 8 19 2 XXI 1 61 I 74; t 01 - 7 II I 8 201 7 41 6 631 2 Mi T W 7 i4t 2 241 I I Ml I ell "1 I l4 . u a I , I m 1 n ru. 7 26, 2 27 8 il p ni f is I w 7 ll 2 21 2 21 1 it s ebi rn s y 7. 7 Ml, ft s 8 14 7 4MI 18 88 81 8 M 7 Tin 7 04 May 8. May t May Id May 11 7 22'i 1 ? 8 10 8 H 8 77 8 S 8 161 8 19 8 18 8 20! 8 24 7 6 T 4, 7 24', 7 2S' 7 K 7 6al 8 7 21 'it' 8 1M 7 4 7 44l 8 82 8 06 6 27 May II May 12 2n Sunday Receipts and disposition of live took at the Union Stock Tarda, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. rr. yesterday; RECEIPTS CARS. cattle.Hoga.Sheep.Hrs c . M St. P Wabash 1 Missouri Parlfio ... 2 Union Pacific t C. N. W east... 6 C. N. W.. west... 44 C. St. P., M. O.. 4 C. H. Q., east... 1 C. B. g . west... 4 C. R. I. P.. east. 8 C . R. 1. P. west. 1 Illinois Central .... t Chicago a. V 1 2 M ii Total receipts.. ..146 12 DISPOSITION-HKAU. Cattle. H-gs. Sheep. Morris Co. 7 I.ikM 20 Salfl A Co t'udahy Packing Co Armour at Co Schwirts A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co So. Omaha Packing Co. Swift. Fort Worth Benton, Vansant A L. . Hill A Son F. B. 1ewls J. B. Root CO J. H. Bulla L. F. Hubs.... 772 848 282 1.7M) 1.87 2.148 fctft 1.407 616 678 T I "ioi 2 2 24 3 80 8 11 41 1 8 6 17 11 11 62 60 27 14 224 Kellogg ! Sullivan Broa noinscniia ............ I Mo. Kan. Calf Co. hnstle Hlgglns : Muirman ttotn !8feyers ITanner Bros John Harvey 4'llne Other buyers 274 Totals 2,211 8.700 2,762 CATTLE Receipts were fair for a Thursday, lki cars beina reDorted In. For the week receipts amount to 17,000 head, being the heaviest of any recent week, but 6.000 bead larger than a year aao this time. 'The market on beef steers opened alow and dull, but when the trade waa onoe under way It was fairly active on the good rattia and tbe offerings were soon cleaned up. The medium and commonlslt grades, while slow, eventually changed hands at steady prices. The best year. lings sold up to t.k, the highest price pai. i tiilsi year. Cows and helfera showed little or no change, It being a good, steady market from start to finish. As a rule, every thing changed hands In good season. Stockers and feeders were In moderate supply and It did not take buyers very long to clean up the supply. The general market la at. adv. Quotations un rattle: Good to choice cnrnf.d beeves, t 16t?8 40: fair to good cornfed beeves, I7.86jf.l6; common to fair cornfed beeves, 3'.2o7.86; good to choice hellers, I7.0u4f6.00; good to choice rows. 16 8tHU7.40; fair to good cows, 5.7M 8 80; common to fair rows. I3.7rrfi.76: good to choice stockers and feeders, 87.6VnHin; fair to good stockers and feeders. 17.000 7.60; rornmon to fslr stockers and food era, tK37.00; stfM'k heifers, $htbitp.: stork cows, I6.Kkj,76; stock calves, I860 (iN.on; veal calves. IS.OD'.f 10.25; rat bulls, stags etc., 66.0O4W.76; stock bulls, to. 00 Representative sales: BEBF STEERS. Ne. At. Pt Ho. . Pr. I Ml 7 40 II 10 T M II 741 TM II ......1II4S 8 0S 11 lflll 7 46 1 101 I 14 17 10? T 70 U uta I II II 1071 7 71 4 111! 8 80 14 1121 T SO II IM 8 II II llll T 87 14U I 14 1MI 7 0 17 Uli 8 14 BTEEHS AND HEIFERS. I 411 7 8 Ttl 6 04 II T7 7 0 18 44 I II i 7 4 11 47 I 44 10 717 T 71 I 4 44 II Ui IN 14 721 I 60 It 701 T M 10 HI I 44 23 1J 00 IS 1041 8 78 COWS. 10 1014 I II 6 1114 I I I0M 4 00 I IIU 7 44 lib 4 U 1 1011 1 Ot 4 1071 4 e II 1112 7 14 I I1M I 0 4 1171 7 II 1071 4 40 II 10 7 X4 II M IS . 4. 1U4 7 14 1 1MI 4 71 I I0b4 7 44 nElre.RS. 14 137 7 40 14 717 7 48 1 1IM 7 it BULLS. I llll 4 71 1 1171 I II 'ALt KS. 1 4M 7 44 1 100 II 18 I IM I (VI IM II M 1 471 I 14 1 114 I M 7 fo4 I AA 2 ,. 140 10 10 1 144 14 00 ' FTWKKR AND F ETEDITrtS. 7M 7 I ' T IS . M 7 ts ill tw II 7M 1 It Ill I 7 ii ;i 7 Hi 1S Rucelpts continued moderate, about 121 cars, or .f head helng re ported In. The total for four day Is rj.TST head, being about 7.500 short of lost week, but 2.0iO lareer than a year ago. Trade opened out strong again thl morning, nnd shipper sales looked any way strong to a nickel higher. Their fHin haaes ranged from 27 DO to 27.40, tbe sttsr figure bring the dsy'a top, Psrkers' early purchases were msde on about the same basis as those of tha shippers, that Is, strong to to higher hen yesterdsr's aerane For that mat ter the big end of their droves wag put tip at these prices, and at the best time slues were pretty close to He up. To wsrd the last end, however, things died down a little, and the Isle trade wna ituoted as slow, at little better tkan yes terday price, the big end of the early advance being lost. A a general thing values were steailv to a nickel higher, and averaged a shade better. The big string sn.d at t: W, with good showing, at 27 :ri7 2f. and a few of the Ister ssles below 17.. Several loads sold as high as I H, the top for tne la . and the highest figure paid for over a week. Representative sales: Ns. . V sis. . g. rv In in ... in ;t iaj ii till I t SMI . . 1 I. H iS.1 S ? IJVs 14 1S l 7 X 71 Hi 110 lil IJ 271 SO J M t 14 ... 1 f .... JS J(l 1 an 7 " ... 7 4fl 11 Jt M t in 1 ... 7 40 SH EEP Another moderate fun came In today, some eight rsrs. or l.ftO head. putting in an appearance. The total for the week to date is Jl.xW hesd, as against 1'i.nsa head a week ago. and m.4M bead for the corresponding days lsst year. Under the influence of light receipt! and a good buying demand prices con tinued to soar today, and hulk of tha of ferings rhsnged hands at figures that were aayway 10916r higher. In most esses ssles were made In good season and the trade waa a pleasing contrast to some of lsst week's dull affairs. Two more loads of the Belmont A Co. lambs shows up this morning and set a new record price for this point, selling at tH. 20. This I a dime higher than yester day and tne. above anything up to this time Some rather llsht clipped ktrnbe touched 28.40, the high point for the sea son. About the only stuff In the aged sheep line In the offerings was a ear of Bel mont Cos. ewes which sold at 88.00, beating the beet previous ftsnrre by t&e. There have been no good ewee hare of lste, In fact only a few of any sort havina shown up. and there Is now war of saying how much advanoe thea show. Quotstlnna on sneep ana tamos: ijemn. light, tl0.76iffll.20; lamb, heavy, tMJtVfr 0.76; lames, enorn. a. nn.w; ywarnngs. Ight. P00iff26; yearlings, heavr. t7 ; welhera, fair to good. 88.2600,76; ewes, good to choice, $2.0041900; ewee, fair to good, r. 607700. Representative sales No. At. 7r. Of tee on 11 to Ii To ll 28 40 10 100 40 Mexican 20 Mexican M Mexican ewes .. ewes . ewee .. ewes lambs lambs 4je4jete PI eyeeea e PI 148 Mexican 168 Mexican IM Mexican 148 Mexican en 77 T TT lsmba 23 spring lambs ee 41 t2a Pt 77 a e4e PT Jtd clipped lambe 1 fed lambs ... 44 shorn lambs . CHICAGO LIV20 STOCK MAftlCKT Cattle Weak Hoars tteoasj. Sa,e lfO. CHICAGO. May 13 CATTLT1 Tteoetnts, 4.000 head: market weak; natlr beef steers. 8.0i4i : western ateere. M.109 7 66; cows and heifers, tS.SOJJtJ.T, calves, t..V"fl 26. HOG41-Reetnte. 16.000 head: market strong, 6o to 10c higher; bulk of sale, 7.64y.T; light, 27.4(tf7.80; mixed, 27i? 7.76; heavy. t7.103T.70; rough, H.10J.S6 Pigs. 86 60(17.26. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 10.000 head; market strong; sheep, t7.7STjw.80; lambs (ahorn). 28. Ml 10.00. t. I.ola LIT gMik Market. ST. LOUIS. May 18. ?ATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head: market steady; native beef steers, 17 boiV0n; yearling steers and heifers. tS.OsUe .80; row. l4.aHf7.60; etock ers and feeders, 8h 008.I6; southern steers, 6.V4f.20: nows and heifers, l4.0U(i t&OO; native calves, t4.00.U. HOGS Receipts, e-,400 head; market higher; pigs and lights, 24.267.26; mixei and butchers, t7 86477.76; good heavy, fi.6M p7.n. SHEEP AND TJkMBA Receipts. 8.401 heed; market higher; clipped mutton, tH6Ogf7.60; dipped lambs, t.60.i0; clipped yearlings, 16.6049.86; spring lambs, tio.00 C12.00. Kssisi City Mr gtoek Market. Kansas citt. Ho, May 12,-oattlk Receipts, 1,700; market strong; prime fed steers, M.4ftiV.2t, dressed beef steers, T-78 C3.26; western steers, t7.6oa.60; stockers and feeders. 84 600.s0; bulls, lfi.40317.OO; calves. t460S10.60. HOGS Heuelpts. 8,600 head; market higher; bulk of sales, 17.4037.47; heavy. 27.4oU7.60; packers and butohers. 7.404f 7.62U; ligrht, 17.8607.60; pigs, 24 77477.40. SHEEP AND IM MBS Receipts. 1.600 head: market higher; lambe, tBO"11.20; yearlings. 88.00(9.76; wether. 17.00413.7s: ewe. I.60i8.0. gloaa City Lly Stock Market. IOUX CITT, May 18 C ATT Lfll Re ceipts, 1.800 head; market steady; natlvw steers, W.2KW 40: cows and heifers. 84.100 t.6t; oanners. KOOiflgOO; stockers and feel ers. I6.50ig7.4vj bull, stags, ate, 6.s0i llOGS-RecslpU, 2 TOO bed; market steady; heavy. P.S0y7.28: mixed. 7.25 7 20; light, r om.ta; bulk of sales, 17.25 t7 20. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReceTpta, ICQ head. I. Joseph Lire taek ICrtr4. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May ll-CiATTLBV-. Rclpt. 1.100 head; market St. ad r 7 W3 ; rows and heifer. 84.603 8.60; calves, f6.00i4M. HpGa-Rcelp4s. 4.I00 head; market higher; top, 17.47V,; bulk of , 37.4i SHEEP AND T .AMES Receipts. 2 000 head: market higher; lambs, tlO.3MmO.20. Kaaeas City Grata aaul Prwylsieifui. KANSAS CITY, May ............ . i , jnjr u.nruual- No. I hard. II MJC1.6SH; No. I red, tliBffl 164: Msy. n.KrV4: July. hJZ. tsmber. 11.10. (K)RN No. I mlxsd. 7o4y76Ho; Wo. I white. 7Hc: No. 3 yellow, 7Uo; No, a 7c; May. 7r4'.T3e; July. TWrlHc; Sep tember. 7f4Htii;6e. OA 11-No. 2 mixed, BOJjeio. BUTTJ7R Creamery. 27c; firsts, So; Secondi. 2J.; packing, It- ROOH- Fl:t. 17c; seconds. le. POULTRY Hens. 14c; roostere, 10c; turkeys, 16c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 12.-MET.rLS-10g-rhange quotes lead quiet at Hl74.ttt; nelter not quoted At London; Lead. f 12 16s A 30 7s d; Spelter, itl 10. Copper, firm; electrolytic, tl9 0O; cast ing. tl8.60Sl8.76. Tin. dull; five-ton lots offered at 84.60. Iron, quiet ard un- rnangen. At Ixndon Copper, spot. 78 17s d; futures. 7 17 4d Tin. spot, f 163. futures. ! 1H. Antimony. 87S100. I Minneapolis Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 12.-WHBAT- May, 11 6SH; July, tl 474,: No. 1 hard. II.,: No. 1 northern. 1.6,31.ii); N0 2 northern, tl. 6101.67. FIX) UR Unchanged. BARLEY-7i6o. R YE tl IWJ'1.14. BRAN-t22.60 ' CORN No. I yellow, 70Vfi7nie, OATS-No 2 white, 6Hva.")le. , FLAX-tl 8662-00. I Ml. Lewis Grata Market. ST. IUIS, May 13 WHEAT-Vo I j red. tl 62: No. 2 hard, tl 67; May, 21 60S. . Julv. 1 2S CORN No. 2. 7'4: No 2 white, 77c; 1 May, 74'c; July. 7it,c. i OATS No. 2. 63'c; No. 2 white. 26c Liverpool Grata Market. I LIVFttPOoU May 13 WHEafi' Spat, . uiri in w -' to jeu , nv- iitiia v m ter. H OORV fi)Ot Anr1cn n-.txed, new Ud I. a Plata mixed. & TH K. 1H1 UrT RKVIBW vrlttw UlilW for ihm mll tDvstor, Ulii how yoQ aay tn- 4Mt l Smm Yorfc mock lltkDM SsMuntlM man tolttal dvMWtk 4a4 sue tttnteilf m 1mu4 eyvejrf avturdjk. d rf 94 - taaiea iaiw. M hvmm4wjt Kw York tltT