THE BKhJ: OMAHA: 'I HVTi.SDAY, MAI J3, VJ15 TAKES LEADING PART IK THE PLAY SHE WROTE. COMES TO LAUNCH FIRST PETI Nebraska Nebraska TIONS FOR PROHIBITION. FORCING BOARD TO MEET 8tate Treasurer Hall Refuiei to Issue Warrant on Voucher Hot Duly raised Upon. SPECIAL MEETING THEN CALLED (Trom i tff Cr.rre'n4.nt urs'COUN. May i:.-nf"-tn-tata Trtirr Vail. In Ihc nrirlly ff watch dog r-f tb troaattrv. b JIvcid an other condition wM-ii he derma of riont lmir.rt a nc to demand an explana tion f.n the fart of tb" hour nhlch haa j the tnanagonu-nt of the matter. RerentH o memher ot the firm of F. M. ftlnrho ft P.. hl'l r eonlract for the rrectieit of the new hulldtn at tb "eni Nrrmil nrhool appeared nt the atat houae Ith a voucher aimed by Preaident Vtrle and "eeretar.' Cavlne. of the Hulf Normal hnard. railing for warrant tor r..1Kai.:i "art novment on th rontrnct for the bulif'ina. The law. acverdtng to Treanr Hall. iliKlnrH that all bill mini mme refer, th Ptt Narmal tx.ard for artlon. He HTi that thl hill ha never been bf for the board and t'-at thr. board he had no meeting to a-t unon thla hill or other Mil. II told Mr. ni-h" that he would pay no warrant until the board had ordered It -aymnt and that the preatdant and wretary had no right to O. K. Tourhern for thja or any other hilt without action of the hoard at a meet ing. Mr. Ri-he' departed, but ' today Mr. Hull received noflco that there would be epeclal meeting of th State Normal hoard, ol which ha li a member, neat Friday at 1 clocK In tha morning. Treaaurer Hall aaya that the Normal boar official cannot put anything of thla nature arroaa without proteat and ha haa tha payment of the warrant, ha fr.nalilera that he te m a make hie proteat aiand for eomethlng. Ha rropoaea that In tha futur tha Nor mal board ahall hava regular monthly meeting where all bllla can be ronald- red and feela that the prealdrnt and aecretary of tha board eicead their au thorttr when thy. order payment of vouchers without action of the board. Hear of Piraan a. Mart. Tha beard of pardon will meet at the enltentlary tomorrow where the appll ration of Jullua PrltcharU of Oego county for a pardon will be heard. Frltchard il aent up for twenty yeare for a atau tory offenaa on a young girl It la doubt ful that hie application will be granted aa there la a strong proteat againat It from GaKe county official and from the Judire who eentoneed him. There wtll be the urial number ot application for parole. r! Mars DetertlT'. Pcen after the adjournment of tha leg ttlature It waa discovered that ome Indi vidual had twined the alal carpet which ran froaa the main door of the aenata chamber to tha frcaldenfa dcak. Bc. tary of State Pool In the capacity of modern Sherlock Holme, took up the trail and a day or two ago became o well convinced that he could locate the carpet that he gave public notice that Tie knew where tt wee." Thla rooming when tits Janitors opened the annate door the carpet was found lying In a, roll on tha floor- Parties dealting tha arrvlce of a gnod jtectlv may conault Mr.' Fool with -od reaulia. J v.. fta Czirpenlci hi inwi m mmmS& MEREDITH HEADS PYTHIANSj Knights Hold Election and Continue i j Old Guard in Spite of Some ' Insurgency. ; PYTHIAN SISTERHOOD ELECTION (From a Staff Corrennnndent.) LINCOLN. May lal )-The Knighta of Pythlaa and the Pythian Hla Icre held their .elcrtlona thU forenoon, and. after the tnelallallon of the aamc In the afternoon, closed the eetini. ffi-er of the KnUhta arc: Jran I chancellor. Ceorue W. Men.-ditli, A "lilnnd. Irand vice chancellor. Gcorse T. Wll io. Kcotta Bluff. Grenn keer record nnd aoil. Will H Love, Lincoln. Grnnd keeper of record and eal, Will Wrlaht. Lln'cln. Orand pr'late, fharle? P.. Hartford, Norfolk. fJrend rnfter-at-arm. f'harle t Har il. (lion. Grand Inner guard. F. J IM'M'-ck. I catur itianH cuter cuard. W. J. .Morrison. ' Hprlmrfleld. . . H"nrcme repretentatlve. V. f. Iy1. Keila City j Orend lodre trustee, Karl Kramer, l'o- liimhu. The name of Nellie appeared to be a I winner wtt.n toe ryxnian ruicrnnm, me J j flrat three officer elected enloylng the f , :rlvllere of that name. The officer J Orand chief. Nellie Platte. Llncn'n. . lirnnd aenlnr. Nellie lcwli. Llmoln. MB When the itudenta of the t'nlvera'.ty of Oriutha hold Ihrlr annunl gal day i it claea Friday one of the moil Interfiling rtrtf of the entertainment will be a nhort play written by Mia Illla Carpen ter. Tha pley will be given by the 1'to-l-lan ororlty, and the author, Mlar. Car penter, will have the leading part. The ketch I entitled "College Cllr!" nd dtal with life In a large college dormi tory. Eighteen co-eOa wll take part In the play, and from present Indication It promiae to excel aouie of the copy right akrtrhe aecured by the other c:aae. METCALFE DENIES ACTS FOR GOVERNMENT WASHINGTON. .May 12-(Speclal.)-R. U Metcalfe of Omaha la In Waahlng ton on private bualueaa. He ha no oonr nectlon whataoever with the government on hi recent vlnlt to Mexico. It wa mad for hi own enlightenment. Orand Junior. NeUle Oceman. Omaha. Ornnd manager, Hattle foreman, Fre- nont. Ornd protector, Luclle Jonea. Benkel itien. Orand outer guard. France Holt. Ifaat lnga. i irand inlatrena of the records and cor reenonilcnie. Llla Richie. McConk. Orand mlatresa of finance. Mnry Stod. dcrd. Auburn. Supreme representative. Millie llardr. Ccnttal Cltv. Snpreirt alternate. Ida Compo. Pprlng- According to Ome of the new member of the Knight, there wa a little In surgency In the meeting regarding the continuing In office of the old guard, who ha had control of the order for ao long, but, on account of a lack of leader chip, nothing could be accompliihed. Nothing wa brought againat the officer who have- performed their duties In the paat. the feeling being among the In aurgenta that they had been In o long It weuld be beat to have a change. Will If. Love ha been grand keeper of record and mcuI for ao long that many of tha member cannot remember when he be gan, while the ame may be ld of John B. Wright, .maater of the exchequer. Both have made very efficient officer, MRS. M. M. CJjAFLIN. Mr. M. At. Claflln of Lincoln, etat prealdrnt of the Women' Chrtatlaa Tem perance union, arrived In Omaha yester day to be preaent at the luncheon ot the initiative petition for tate-wide pro. hlbition. Mia. Claflln wa honor guest at a large luncheon given by the Omaha Women' a Christian Temperanca union at the Flrat Proabytertan church, when 1W gueita were entertained. Following the luncheon. Mr. Claflln gave a talk and the petition were dis tributed to the women to eeure algna turea. . . Petition were alao distributed to mem ber of the Frances Wll lard Women's Christian Temperance union, which net today at the home of tha president, Mrs. C. J. Roberts. Mr. Roberts will gtv an illustrated travelogue Friday evening at the home of Mr. W. B. Howard, the proceed to be used In the campaign.. and nobody has anything against tbm personally or agalait their conduct of th office. Insect Bites aad Iafeettoa Daa Sieroaa. Apply Sloan's Liniment to any btte, ting or bruise. It kill tha poison and heals the wound. Only SJc. All drug gists. Advertisement. MRS. WILL1TS OF M'COOK HEADS EASTERN STAR HARTTNQS. Neb.. May .-Speclal Tolearam. The attendance at the state ionvention of tha EasUrn fclar Inereaaed to more than today. Mot of the time of today's session wa devoted te ballot ing for afflcers, th fullowlnf b-lng choeent ; Mr. TTarrlet Willita. McCooU, grand worthy matron; Alpha Morgan. Broken Bow. grand patron; Mr. Lou Conklln, Hubhelt, grand treaaurer; Mr. Anna C. Plmpon. Omaha, grand secretary; Mr Josephine . Stwigart. Gordon, assistant grand matron; Mr. Marie Hoffman, ilavelock, grand conductreaa. Th placa for the next state convention wHI be chosen tomorrow. The Pilgrims, wa presented tonight by th Urt!nr chapter.- . Natea frasa ba C . BKATRICFX Neb.. May .-f!peclal) Roy Hcojsln. the fnton Pacific fireman who was seriously Injured the other day at GarrUan Crr-Mtng. Kan., Is Improving, and It Is now thought that ha will re cover. '.. At th annual meeting of th Beatrtc Building and Loan association Tuesday the following officers ware elected: President. C. P- Fall; vice 'president, Ernest Schaekel; treaaurer. T. B. ttiel- don; secretary. K. T. Klmmerly: dlrec- j tors. II. E, Packetl and C A. Janssen. t Frank Eworak, aged U yeara. and Anna j Zarlbnlcky. agad & years, both of Odall. ( were married by Judge WeJdeu Tuesday. Charles Perkins was brought back to Beatrice Tuesday from Exeter. Neb., by Sheriff Actoa on the charge of raising t check laeued to him by J. 8. Rutherford, with whom he wa employed, from W.5 to tbS.M. He vii arraigned before Judge j Ellis and pleaded not guilty. He was, lodged in tha county 311 on default ot tl.ooe bond. I ill Suit Offering Extra Special A bit purchase of tailored salts froa Now York inaaufac t urr allows us to offer eboica of about 425 sulfa Thursdart 81 For Tailored Sample Suits, worthto$30.00 This wonderful lot contains tailored salts . that wars made aa sample garments and show the seasons' most lateat idea. Womeq's and mteaos' slsea; every good color and every good fabric that Is tn demand. , mm For Choice of 175 Tailored Suits, worth to $22.50 Among this lot will be found soma of th smart eat of tbe lata season's new Ideas, many bar no duplicate, being1 ample garments. Snappy new colorings and fabrics. Every good slie. Including some extra stses. ft ft, May Sale of Undermuslins Specials in Our Big May Offering Bilk1 Underbodlces -Had of good quality crepe de cblne, lace trimmed In the front and 1f back; fleah and whit. Worth fl.SO, Thursday, each 7C Kin Creek Maw Killed by Trala. j KEARNT. Keb.. May M.-i Special j Telegram.) C. J. Johnson, proprietor of j a livery barn at Elm Creek, was Instantly i killed Tuesday evening w hen he stepped j tn front of a ft-movlng I nlon TacUlo j mall and passenger trln. Th accident j occurred us4 opposite the depot at Lira Creek, the body being dragged for eonie j distance and then thrown againat th building. Johnson wae watching a freight ! train pulling through and failed to nattce th passenger -train, according to wit- j nesses to the accident. Bpeclal Lot of Gowns About ' SO doien gowns, made of fine nainsook and lingerie cloths with lace and embroidery, ribbon run ; big. full cut garments. About 20 f ff different style, worth to SI 00. . . . jrl.VU Envelope Chemise and Combinations This is specially selected lot of garments laid out for Thursday selling. About 35 different models, dainty laces and ambroid- f ir eiies. Worth to 11.50, each yl4D SO Doxen Corset Covers Made of dainty all-over embroideries, many different patterns; all sites. Worth 60c, each !...39c Bpeclal Sale of Skirts About 40 docen white petticoats, with new lacs and em broidery flounoe. cut full and d Afi rtntooa run. Worth to 2 uu. bale I 1 1 II prtoe. each apaeVW I lrrl(tls tCwterrHee Revive. NORTH rIATTE. Neb.. May It-'Pn-! clal ) An ersanixatlon of Irrigator who j have under consideration' the cleaning and repairing of the old south side ditch met here yesterdsy and made piani te foim a eorcioratlon. Tbe ditch when com pleted will put many mora acre south of th river under cultivation. Many Promluent farmer In th county ai la tereeted In th venture. Weddla at Stella. iTf". LI. A. Neb.. May It specisj Mary Renie Namy Harm a ad Henry Johnson of Humboldt will be married at eota TliursUay at th home of her par ent. Xr. tnd Mrs. Henry Harm, six mile southwest of Stella. The marriage service will be read by h bride pastor, Hv. A. K. JacWfon of t'ottage church. Mr. CUa Jlilf. th bilde'a Sunday echool teacher at C'ottate arranged a aurprts party In tier honor Wednesday afternoue. &it room auick with a Pea Want Ad. Gigantic Apparel Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday. May 13, 14, 15 In Our Big Bargain Basement An unprecedented sale of huge lots of ready-to-wear merchandise, which we have purchased in the pant few months especially . for this great bargain festival, and much of which will be offered at less than cost to manufacture. Women's and Misses' Apparel of all kinds, suits, dresses, coats, petti, coats, underwear, millinery, hosiery, handkerchiefs, corsets, shoes, etc. Men's clothing, furnishings, shoes, etc. Never before have you had an equal opportunity to secure spring ""and summer merchandise at such low cost. We will not guarantee that anything will. last until after Thursday. Come early. ChalmeF New Six $1400 i"' Mv I7 A Thoroughbred THE Stork has visited the Chalmers dealer. He left a real, live, little beauty. It is full of "pep" and personality. It is more than "a chip off the old block." Although it shows a marked family resem blance, it has a different type of texture and a finer physical frame. It has a full high fore head, a long rangy body and a running gear that is bound to set sl new world's record in the cross country class. You can see it without charge or take it home forSHOO. This is the lowest price ever fixed on Chalmers Quality. - Stewart-Toozer Motor Gp. 2048-52 Far nam Street Omaha: Nebraska. ( Telephone Douglas; 138 v -".a '. 1 . -; " ' ' v,1; Scenic Route to the Expositions When planning your trip to the Expositions bear in mind that the Union Pacific affords you a larger variety of routes to select from than any oiner unc 10 ine racinc vosi. - 1 ' ' 1 fS faAJ m of a direct route to San Francisco, or to Los Angeles thence to San Francisco, or (C daaav m ja a a P4llffi ' t rVMPMf A A Cal1a MM V. T Vl r 1 sTif trail At rfMkeVim df fV a San Francisco & Portland Steamship Company between Portland and SanFrancisco. A complete circuit tour includes both Expositions and one way via the North Pacific Coast. This tour costs $17.50 more than the regular reduced price round trip Exposition fare, but it is well worth the money for it enables you to see the oest in tne west in a single inp. CiJimiicmim IP. I f ym I The Cool, Comfortable, Northern Route to Both Expositions Double tracked, automatic electric block safety signals, and a selection of seven splendidly equipped daily trains to the Pacific Coast shorter and faster than any other line, Omaha to California and the Pacific North West, allowing more time for sight-seeing. Stop over at Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City without extra expense. For slight additoinal expense during the Season you can visit Rocky a xt." i r-l. -l- Vll - k-'-l! i T lviounrain iNaiionai raris., voja., icgvwire iauonai air, lkac Tthoc and Yosemite National Park. . Cut out coupon and mail today for Exposition Guide book which you will find helpful in planningjrour Western trip. Visit Old Faithful Inn. YtUowtton National Park Exhibit at Panama Pacific Exposition. Tnm OMAHA mm Bstwa . f Bt Esltteu L. Bala4rff. &F.AT.A. IWfwaU.O.ih.ia, gtl I 1 :l mX ' J" CM PWM in fitkQt mt ctUf. tten beoaiet de. scriptia ot California ' and th Lzpotitioai Aidrul. J I