1 THE UHh: OMAHA. THlh'MUY, MAY K?f KUO. ANTI-GERMAN RIOTS INLONDONRENEWED Number of Tentoni Beaten Up and Their House and Places of Buiineta Sacked. ONE NEARLY DIES IN TROUGH LONDON, May 1 2. Anti-German rlota In the east end of London were renewed- this moraine with evenjtlng nation, la able to point the way to greater Tlolenc than yesterday. 1 Who . ftn,.. .howed Mm.lf h waa attacked. Tba police forca has been ao thinned by draft ent to the. army that It had difficulty in dealing with the an cry rrowda. Rpf clal constables had. to be called on'.. A number of German etahllhmrnt were, raided and racked and their con teat scattered over the street. Th Ger mans themaelvea were forced to to Into hiding. The police In. aome rates were defied "by tht an cry r-rowdVand eome of ficer were Injured during their endeavor to protect f.ie Teuton. The furniture and ftltlnr of Utrrnan houae and atorea were hurled through wlndotra to tha treeta. When the. pro;rlr(r ware t augnt they were severely mauled. In some rate their clothe were torn from their becka. In conaeouence of tha' riot a and of tha demand for the segratlon of all alien enamlea, the government h4a under con templation mora comprehenalv meaaurea for the Internment of auch peraona. Pa tall of thla plan will be divulged tomor row. Ob Wi Neee-ly Drawaeg. . On German wet thrown into a bora trough with tha reminder that hla com patriot had been apendlng tbelr time ' tjrownlna women and children. H wa only saved from almllar fate by the Intervention of the police. Thar wero aeveral Initancea of Gar man .butcher trying to eacape In their art. They went racing down the ttreet at a, mad gallop, hut in moat. eaae they ultimately were run down and their vehlolea amaahed. A number, of Russian Jeweeaee were ton In roe F.aot End and pleading for protection.., explaining that they - war being ml taken for germane. Report 4e reaching- th police that private houae belonging to wealthy Ger man to the faahlonabla Wet End ar I'eblo to ha burned. Troopa ara In readl : neaa. to assist th pollc U neceatary. Geraaaa Are Baveotted. large placard In In window' Of al most all - bualneaa . houe' and' market bear th word:' . "No boalnea 'transacted with' Ger man." . ''! "Th proteat of " the' German VlMsena of Bradford against tha enure of - 'the German government la the 'torpedoing of tha Lusitania la th flrat united public denunciation by naturalised Teuton ex preeelng borror and' Indignation of the German outrage.)' Letter from Individual German ar appearing in the neerpnrs, but ' th moat prominent among th German rl dent have not a yet mad any move. "Th cabinet was in apeclal confertnc today to review the alien, altuatlon a altered by reeeht happening, and th country la eagerly expecting dratlo action. "Anti-German outbreak of particular severity occurred today i tha 'nelgfcVor-' hood of th Et Indja dock. . sixty or venty German hop wr Wrecked.' - "Germane, In th vicinity ar ualng gun for enlf-dofenee and pollc reinforcement ar being rushed to th scene." Railroad Engineers Meet in Cleveland CXEVELAXP. May U -The first trie, nlal convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineera today opnd It aasMnna in tha Auditorium of the Engt nera' budding haro with nearly all of th MO delegate present. Builnea aeaalooa will b held. h afternon and evening and th convention will laat two weaka. On Wg laau to be fought out will be tha proposition of endorsing th action of th wa(ani wag committ la asking ron-r to In res lit at th appointment or Charl Kagcl. former aocrotary ot commoroa and labor, to a placa on th board of arbitration which recently an nounced a decJ.Mon in the wealern wag controversy. Tha Grand latarnaUenal auaillary, composed of tb. wive of engineera; I also la eeaaioa here. Tonight there will b a reception and ball at . Central ar mory. Credit of Western Railroads is Good CHICAGO, May lt-Turther -testimony relatfv to the financial afgndlng of th weatern r It road a was offered today In tha western treikht rata advancb bearing before William Danl-li, Interstate Com merce commissioner, by J. Pease Nertoa,' bond expert and former member of the faculty or Yale unlveralty. ' In the new bond Issue for represen tative weatarn full roe da. 1 do not find any yielding over I per. ctnt, in 1U or J912." aald . Mr. Norton; "only to In 113 and boih) In 1914. The yielde ' oa railroad bonda aro materially lower than those on utl'.itie and lndutr!al " ' Mr. Norton eaJd he belteviad the bond price remain rontan. and. he aak. It is ths best rvklence that there Is nothing basically wrcng with the railroad credit. TAILOR CHARGED WITH ..TWO CHILD MURDERS EW TORK. My .-Frnk Fua. 3 eara old, a tailor arreated by detectives ; in"etlgating the so-called ripper mur der, la which J-year-old Leonere Tohn and i-year-ald CharW Murray were the i tictiana. waa held today althout hi foe further examination on a rharce of hav. lng attacked Helen Manning, seed It. 1q the halls ay or her home laat Sunday ilht. ' . Fear of the' man who ale the little boy and girl has spread to surrounding , town and rttiee and haa caused so murk rscltamant In certain, neighborhoods that acbool bae been' d!snid ar the day . beraua of It ft pert at at Ortfers. WARJIIXCTOy. Mav SperWl TH.' Jrm. Nebn.a peniima grmnced' rlorvaoe f'larte. Johnson. V.L A rural (re Ol:vrv rrxjut wfll b a ta.hthfc.ed M V.n.tar., le-ott etloff ""'nil, Nebraska, on Jun 10; W-tn of ewyta, twct.v.jua ni U ' , tauUra arv4. . i Kwewl Setter carriers ponisd In Ne eiwki. T. T Voee si iba ". r I UAmiun .'i f . rawer al. World's Court Congress Meets at the Psychological Momcnt CLEVELAND. May 12. The convening rf the World Court rongr here ihl ftrnoon for thre d' Aion : at the "f.'' etiological raoirwnt," according t' ofljrera of th congret. "The part Amrrlr. a neutral, will rla'y In th final settlement of the waf will Te Important." mII John Hay the I'nltei chairman. "If tates, an the mutual filrnd of the war- an eirertrve international court of iua- T ' '' roion U believe tne belligerents will be willing to eccept It, 'The object of thi conarci la, first. WILSON WHITES STRONG NOTE TO GERMAN KAISER (Continued from Pag One.) catea alwaya of vtgnrsu step In for eign affair were highly pWaaed. They aald the preldnt noti w the kind of document' tht fulfilled th delre of every American and upheld tue dig nity and honor of tha United States, In dicating that the American government wa prepared to oto the full length of Ha ability. Ml I asm at Typewriter. President Wilson tent th fore.ioon In hla atudy writing on hi typewriter. He w no caller during th morning, but (hortly fter ntin kept two engage ment made' previouily. Peaplt th tenaity of th International dtoation, th . White " Hou presented outwardly an air . of calm. Telcgrama from all sentlona of the country leetlnue to Tir -in. rraetleally all expreaeed the sentiment tht - the tountrv would stand behind the preid"nt In any cour of aotlon he determined upon. Prepared for Kvetltle. The breldent. it was aaid. realized fully the gravity of meaning In the note ar.d w prepared for any eventualltlt.a. that might arla from It presentation. The note doe not aay exactly what the course of the I'nfted Hates will be In the caae of C refuee! nor would (he preti dent' adviser. Indicate today beyond eying that each atep and altuatlon would be conaldered ae it arlaes. In official quartera, however, the eventual severance of diplomatic rela tion wa declared not to be Impossible If there wa no abatement of the German practice. ' " - It waa learned that the praaldent framed hla poOcy pa Sunday night and that hi pacific, utterance In hi apaech In Phil adelphia laat Monday af not ' reflected fn the firm and unequivocal 'phraae of the note. It I described a a buetne like document, demanding "the strict accountability" which tha United Btata in , H , former' note . to Germany. ld It would demand. It I said It not 'only aak for a termination of the unlawful method of submarine, warfare on merchant hlp. but reparation la full to th families of the victim ot the Lualtenla tragedy. .' . Everywhere In official quarters today as detail of the president' plan of ac tion became ' known ' there wa taJk of firmnea and a atlffenln of the position of the UnlUd States government towards Germany. V , atgeda e teei mcma. As th day wor en , and knowledge' of th Ytffqroua course the fovernpient was preparing to pursue' became widerread officials ' begjtn to, shed more tlgut on their plans. They Indicated that thv kit- tatloa would , grow , only as serious es Germany choae to make It and' that (he United Ptates would calmly stand on its Wgal tights, taking' succeaalva s'epa to I ring the Imperial German government tu an understanding of the honest pur pose of the United States for an abate ment of the submarine Warfare on non combattnl and reparation tor offenaes already committed. One subaequent step being dlaeuased to day. wag .that of conversation with ether neutral government's to-determine what step they, Intend to tak to protect their neutral right. While to United tate has trsdltlonally been opposed to Joint sctlon. It often ha acted Identically with other . governments, Prealdettt Wllaon, however, I not con vinced that th policy which th United State has adopted need necessarily leal to hostilities.. Kvn -a eeverence of dip lomatical relation do not carry with It such aa obligation. Th sending of aarahlp convoy with American ataamer las been talked among officiate as well ai pther protective meaaurea, but the American government, according to well- informed, persons, proposes t tlx the leeponalbllity on Germany for any hoe til aaia. , i Will flap press Derabera. ' Cn pbaaa of the present crisis which the prealdont la turning over In lila mind la the neceeelty for atopplng propagandl calculated to Influence Americana ,of for eign birth. The prealdent I known to teel .that the utter nee of, Bernhard tiernberg. former German colonial eetre Ury. who baa no diplomatic atatua, are t A nature aerioualy affecting the do- i meet to welfare of the United Stale In the present delicate altuatlon. - From well-informed source It was learned, that a , ceaaatioa ofvPr. Dern berg a actlvlliea may ooa be demaadad. eB)la Rrarkn New York. NKW YORK. My ll.-The Vunard liner haaonla reached thla port today fraro Uveroooi. bavins i(nted th Uusi Ulna at IjU e clock In the afternoon of May . two ava before It was aunk 1 ntll the 8ny Hnek pilot boarded th S&senla It pssnars knew nothing of the Lualianta fa. , HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better LookingTake ' ' Olire Tablets If your akin Is yellow complexion I pallld-tongu coated appetite poor ! on have a tmd taat la -your raouili- ! Uiy. no-mod feeling you ahould take ! Ollv Tahleta j' Dr. 1V1 wards' Ollv Tablets a aub-1 atltute far rloene war arenared by1 Ir. Kdwarda aier IT yaara of study! with hi pattoata. TJr. Lwards Olive Tablet ar a' purely ,va;etaiW compound auxad wlUi ' olive oil Tvu wiU know than, by tkalr ' ollv color. If yoq want a dear, pfak akls, rarlgtst er. ao rlmDla. a fW-tnc rf uSTBs-.r' Ilk ediVdnaud dare, ye nwat al at Lb ravuaa. I . rv. TOwarda Oli m.1 mt (w fiver aad boweJa lute mJiittg wmL . no daastarowa atsx eVcaa Ther atart th MT anef wti aw snpauen. Tsars wky macmnm mf kiia sj aula nriuallT s-t Ua wail Vo, im bos. AH Taite en or teie adaoM T asiu ants Sb eiiiis tmm iilra. . Tlis. QUse TaiUt.CjOTtiana..rrtiuuliu.,. to arouac tba American public to ion- j KlouanMa of th poMlbillU. 10 auch a trlhiinAl mrA infill fn Hv An mn In Intent demand for It. The time la ripe." If prrllirlnary plana are retried out the rongrrsa will take no tepa that would sain for It tlie name of "pexca congress " The I.uMtanla Incident will le Ignored and meana for ending the war will not be discussed. Plana for the development of an International court will receive, the ole attention of the speaker, who in elude former I'reMilent Taft. Judge Al ton B. Parker. John Mitchell and many ether aatlonally prominent. PATTERSON TAKES THE OATH Newlj Appointed Auditor for Treas ury Department Assume Hia New Duties. ANDREWS PRESENTS SUCCE3S0R fF"rom a Staff Correapondent.) WASHINGTON. May ll.-CFpeclal Tel erram.)In the preenc of th acting aecretary of the treaaury. Mr. Newton. iMf isf itlvlalnne' W f Rrhwind. niivate secretsry to Secrtary Bryan, and W. E. torlouly what the effect upon China h Andrew, the outgoing eudltor of the jteen of managing It foreign affair dur treaaury. Samuel Pattron. the new jlt:g the latt fifteen yeara on the theory auditor, formally took the oath of office today In the office of Secretary McAdoo. Thirty or more official were preaent when the oath waa administered bv Mr. rtUpatrlck and a general handshaking enaued, prompted largely by the fact that another democrat had landed a good lob end waa accredited to a atate where democrat by reaaon of dlaaenalon, had failed to get together. After the formal Induction Into office Mr. Andrewa took the new auditor in charge and eacorted him to the office of the auditor in the old bureeu of printing and engraving, where Mr. Patterson waa formally ' Introduced to the force. Mr. I Andrewa presented Mr. ratteraon a fe'low Nebraakan and aaked for him th tame consideration that had been ahown him during the years paat when he waa their head. The representatives of the . auditor office in a few remarks ex- prenaed regret over the termination of Mr. Andrews' connection with the office no pok euioKiBiicaiiy or nia pains- taking care, hi devotion to duty and hi genuine attachment to those under him. The repreaentatlve of the auditor's of fice welcomed Mr. Patterson and hoped their relations would be pleasant. Mr. Patteraon waa presented on behalf of the rlerka with a bouquet of pink rose, while Mr. Andrewa received a cluster of carnation. Reception for Miss Annama in I .nnrinn VAVwVwVVAAJ 4eU aaW V eVV V V Mb LONDOK. May 1! The women of Lon- doa today gave a reception in honor of Jane Addama, one of the American dele gate to the recent International confer ence of women at The Hague. Many pacifist and suffragettes attended. . Aaked what effect the sinking of the Luaftanta would have on ike peace move ment Inaugurated by women. '"Miss Addame.ea.ld: " . T ';l cannot talk about It. Public feeling Is, of course, highly Inflamed, but I in corcly hope there will be no wr." Mia Addam leave here Saturday for Holland and if permitted will go thence to Oar many. CHARITIES CONFERENCE MEETS IN BALTIMORE BALTIMORE. Md.. May tf.-Mor than 1,m delegate and visitor. Including noted eolal and charity workrra from every Motion of th country, r her to attend the forty-second annual aesiion of the National Conference of Charities and Cor rections which will begin tonight There will be dally meeting until next Wednes day, and as tha conference) has become so large and it discussions ao varied, eleven hallo will b required for the meetlnga. At tonight's meeting: tha Invo cation will be delivered by Cardinal Gib bons. DEATH RECORD. . . ! Carper. NBHAWKA. Nb.. May U-ihpcial.)-The funeral of Ie Carper, who died Moaday after a three day' attack of acute diabetes, .took, place today, Mr. Carper waa bora on the home farm south of town forty-eight year ago and h lived In this community ever since. . Me leavee aa ad mother besides a widow and two children, two slatere, Mrs. Annie Ptttman ot Tork and Mrs. Mattl Porter of Union. The aervicea were conducted t tha Methodist Episcopal church by Rev. J. W. Hedge of tha United Breth ren church i uiu iy. M ct., SI ct. and f l.M aiiea utu. li. LLE CO., Laboratories Omaha. Neb. rteaak.kM l U.Taii Have Yoa Tried Paxton's Gas Roasted Coffee Bey eae of Paxtoe Coffee today. Try it aa you usually asake eoflr anil let your family be Ae )ttdcc. They will ar Ue eoAm i elmou ead weal more ."'7 30C l? Cesees 2S iteOcrT, ITHING8W0RSE THAN WAR, SAYS COLOHELj T. R., in Address, Says U. S. Should $t) A1j Trt(je with Germftny at Once. URGES SHUN CHINA ATTITUDE SYnACl'ST. N. Y.. May 12. Former Prealdent Theodore Rooe velt tonicht made a plea for prompt action by the United State on ac count of the LuBlianla disaster, while commenting 0n President Wil aon'a speech of last night to a gath ering of naturalized Americana In Philadelphia. Mr. Roosevelt waa particularly In terested in that part of the presi dent's speech in which the latter re ferred to "such a thing as a man be ing too proud to fight" and "a na tion being ao right that It does not need to convince others by force that It la right." "I think that China is entitled to drw til th comfort It cn from thla state ment." ld Mr. Roosevelt, "and it would be well for the United States to ponder inns enunciated. "Without twenty-four houre" delay thla country ahould and could take effective action by declaring that In view of Ger many's murderous offenee aaraJnst tho right of neutrals, all commerce with Germany ahall be forthwith forbidden and all commerce of every kind per mitted and encourated with France, Eng- j land and tha re at of the civilized world, j "Thi would not be a declaration of j war. It would merely prevent munition of war being ent to a power which by ' It conduct has shown wllllngnees to uae j munitions for the slaughter of unoffend 'lng men. women and children. "I do not believe that the firm asaer- tlon ot our rights means war, but it la well to remember there are things worse than war. :ijtt Ui a nation underUnd that ce u of worth onlv when It la the handmaiden of International rlgheouinees ;,n(J of national elf-repect." - Vail, la., Passengers on Lusitania Safe DENISON. Is.. May lt-fSpectel)- Michael Grlrahan and Charte Hanua and 'wife of Vail, thla cejinty wre peenger j on board the Ludtanla. Telegram have .been received l that they are among the jvd. They were on their way to vlalt ! 1. n n . AAm In T m 1 r, .f .f manw iyear. of .uccfui farming. RAILWAY TERMINALS AT SEWARD. ALASKA, BURNED SEWARD. Alaska. May 12.-Seward awoke today to commence the work ot repairing the damage caused by the fire which menaced yesterday the entire town and which took heavy toll of the build ing and property of the Alaska Northern , railway, soon to be taken over by thai government." Coneervatlv estimate to day places the loss t IIOO.OOO. The fire still waa burning early today In the Tlroad homestead timber tract a ; hort dlstanc from Seward, where the j flame started, but the wind which' fanned the blase toward the town had j died away and all danger waa thought to have boon averted. The roundhouse, machine ehope and car shop of th railway were destroyed were aeven realdencea and eight tent house. A locomotive and tlx cr also were destroyed. Th steamer Corwln. whtch sailed for Nome early yesterday, was recalled by wireless when the town seemed doomed and ta passenger and crew aided In fighting the flame.' There were no fetalltle and none waa aerioualy burned. HYMENEAL I.aekaaeia-Hsnallfoot. j WEEP1NO WATF.R, NeWT May U ' (Special William L. Lockman and Mis Lena A. Smallfoot were married yeatev- j day at St John Lutheran church In Berlin, the pastor. Rev. Mlkkelsen, per-1 foiralng the ceremony. The groom la a 1 well known and proaperou farmer of ' Berlin precinct. The bride la th daugh- j tar of Mr. and Mr. Edwin Smallfoot, of Iunbar. They will make their home i on the farm. j Klrwai-laarer. Mlaa Margaret Conroy of Cleveland, O.. and Mi. William H. Klrwan of Omaha were married at 10 o'clock Wed nesday ' morning hv Rev. Charles W. Sayidge at hla office in the Brandei theater building. 1 got a bottle of Lee's Liauid Shampoo and gave it a good trial. "I find that it will do everything you claim for It I have worked at the bar 5r.ui'! lof ' Tr ,B om ot the best shopa in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago and have used hun dreds ot different kinds of Shampoos, but I have never found aay near as rood or that could be compered with Lee's Liquid Shampoo and I will certainly recommend it J?JU .wy riJ'- John Meyer, 150 1 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. More than one hundred drutfiats are now h and 1 ins La s Liquid Shampoo la Kansas City fifty la Omaha and spreading rapidly through the country. It does fine, quick, clean work with no after-regret. Try It once a weea tor a icw week and you will sever go back to the at dnigsiata ot dellwered. i. mtu ajytua. a.m. teteKo r ! .4 V CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS ON I WAY TO SAN FHANCI5UU NEW TORK. May li-Camille PBlnt Saen. the French composer, reached New Tork today aboard the ateainer Tlorhambeau, enroute for Pan Francisco, where he will vlidt the ranama-Paclflc expoeltlon as th first delegate of the Franco-American commission for the de velopment of political, economical, liter ary and artistic relations. Later the composer will appear In a erl of lec ture arranged by the commission at the request cf the French government, for eminent French. 8alnt-8ains will be In America about three months. He will apend aeveral daya In New Vork before atartlng for San Franiisco. Upon hla arrival here he announced that he had compoeed a aong to be dedicated to th exposition wnlch he would make public In San Francisco. FEW AMERICAN SHIPS CROSS THE WAR ZONE NEW TORK, May 12 Shipping record show that since May 7 flfty-tx vessels have departed from American or Can adian ports fcr European ports, or vice versa, whoee course a take them through the gone of German submarines activity. Of these only three are American, the Philadelphia, which left New York May for Liverpool; the St. Paul, Liverpool, May S for New Tork. both passenger ship, and the Ruby, merchant abip. New Tork, May 11 for London. The St Paul ahould have been well paat the war sone today. GREAT BRITAIN BUYS TWO CARGOES OF COTTON LONDON. May 12.-Robert P. Skinner, the American consul general here ha been Informed by the board of trade that It ha purchased th cargoes of cotton on board tha American steamer South erner and Carolina, detained by British authorities for aome time past. The Danish (teamera Orion and Oacar II. bound for Copenhagen and held at Kirk wall, have been released. OTTO FLEISCHMANN v SHOOTS HIMSELF IN HEAD NEW TORK, My 12.-Otto FleUch mann, prealdent ot the Fleischmann Vehicle company, a member of the Fleischmann family which eetaAliahed a fortune a manufacturer of bread, shot himself In a hotel where he had regis tered under an assumed name. He waa removed to a hoapltal where It was feared he would not recover. TAFT SENDS MESSAGE OF CONFIDENCE TO WILSON WASHINGTON. May 12.-Preddent "Wilson today received a letter from Prea ldent Taft expreaslng confidence in hla ability to handle the situation growing out. of the sinking of the Lusitania. The president haa written a reply to Mr. Taft, thanking him warmly. The Bee Want Aut Are bt Business Decide on An Executor who has the ability, resources, organization, experience and per manency. Such is the Peters Trust Company, which acts in this capacity at no greater charge than the individual executor. Consult us freely upon this subject. Capital $500,000.00 Pumps' The New Black & White We are showing the New est styles in Pumps. The faTorlte is the blark s,nd white rombloatlan. We bare an endlees Tariety of these, also taas and patent. Prices range from PARCEL FQST PAID Drexel 1419 FAHNAM JzJ .Jt, II; I yinsnjJSir 1 I 1 1622 fARNAM STRCCT LJJ X $3 a Thompson, Belden & Co. May Clearaway of Silks Offering Unusual Values All new, fine and fashionable beautiful designs exquisite colors , $2.50 silk and wool 40-inch qo . a figured Canton crepe . ... 0w yard $2.00 figured chiffon taffeta 36-inch wide, Thursday. . . $1.00 silk and wool crepe a full 40-inches wide Silk SectionMain Floor Linen Dresses $7.50 A Summer Special that is at tracting much favorable attention Medium weight linen in a variety of tailored styles natural, white, pink, blue, rose and green. A Special Value at $7.50 (X f1 Nek ing, From $3.50 to $9.00 a Pair Sold by Thompson, Belden & Co. exclusively Women's Knit Underwear You'll tind our Underwear Stocks complete now. with every requisite for summer Women's Lisle Vests, sleeveless, extra long, at, choice"-' . - 25? Women's Gauze Union Suits, low neck, sleeve less; fitted or wide knee, all sizes .... 354 Underwear Section Third Floor Put a limit on your upending and band the rest over to your wife. Let her run the house and start a savin es ac count In thla reliable Institution, which haa helped ao many thrifty persona in thla com munity. AJIIIEMEJITS. The Musical Blacksmith Shop." CHATHAM DANOOUKT "Two Bit." EASTMAN A MOOKE 'H'i Ovtmiv Bweetheart." THKLE LI BINS "WorH'e Fasteat Klnrr," and WHAT HAl'PENEO TO JONES "A Riotous Com erty." 1 0 f iww'astlt 1 He w " loc Bitrs. w w i)0sU3VaV jraae . asTajroao tawstixxjs. xur atstis. arts aruhv ails MISS JOAN SAWYErI 1 awiim. Baldwin. Oltr rma. ' now a Jnktiw. Muod WliWJT a Jarlaa. I'tLtaLaOTT CiHEt:WOOI a SIHNeif ORAMT. Otvhwia PrtoM: M.tla.. al!T lOr : Swat Httl luu kuiui an Hiukuti h. Nlshu ik.at.ia.lii QRANOCIS Tonight ncavavm . y im a a v. ac ACTHKNTIC MOTION PICTCRE8, Tbe War of the nations Benefit Bed Croaa. Adas. Zk Oomlar atuaw Cea. Soott ta Aatarctae n IPP TUEATE tzst of PimrQint Plctum iaav Tuna tq&at 2 LaakytiAAco "THE 'wOMAfr WCT-aVa iTiTi.eTTAaV CAJra, I . TTri 98C yard 49c a yard The quality of work manship has not been one whit lowered from the Thompson - Belden s t a n-dard. SQRQSIS SHOES Perfect' every detail of mak fashionable to the extent of being the largest selling high- grade shoes in the world. Women's Lisle U n ion . Suits, fitted or wide ':, knee - .'SS Women's Silk Combina tion Suits, pink or white, at -Y. ... $3.75 IMISEMEVTI. THIIEE WKS. IX MIXXEAPOUS 300 TIMES IN NEW YORK w nr.r.aa JV.iS.S CITV First, Last, and Only Tims 'i!ore 1H "V 1 I. . i -Vf I (tit lal Marvelous Thrilling Btnioo la gold, ailvar. trory, eopper, and ail aorta of precious tone and Jeweie have been lost la wrecks at eeal If a going to be saved! Wbatt Tel Tba wonderful lrrmotloa of the Wil liamson broOsu) aea fatbomed tee aerreU of ta seal Ho more worrying, fretting and stewing about tb deep. Tfs all ben aired, and th WCIwiteon Bob BierlD Picture wlU abow yon ttae woaderfal taaa at tbe bot tocn af tbe nnaao; wao It roe down there ; wbat eoct at creatarae tbey re, etc, et&. etc Tea are going to marvel aod ponder end won der at tbe remarkable thing w are going to abow yon. Ton wlU be amaaed, enlightened and awed I Get ready I Welti Watcbl Llateal "Tbe aristocrat of Alma woa. derfnl la tbe way of ptctajre making" Cfefcac fimrmaL- GAYETYI VaJ hi mix mia bieu. aururs at ij M--7 o mt p. a AOOLTS 25o; CHILD8EN 10c iin BOYD OKHil MOST rorULAJt Tb.at.r atatlaae Today, a:S0. Daaoliig arter Biaains. oo. at. Ceaaa'e raArtotle fneteai Comedy Little Johnny Jones Oe. Vaalpe aeJoaaay. Vest Week I TBaS OT TWM ITOIH ooinrrT." t. bc. w. a. igat. af. W. A. Cbaaptom Zrlil Teem of aaanlfav. BMwmb Aets. Mete.1 w mi... see. nts-uta. a. Taaer BXa. Srery Tbore. ASE BALL Omaha vs. DesMoinoa aamy 14. tsawa" a Cf ami itt as..