Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1915, Page 7, Image 9

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siMM ran Burgss-Oranlen Co
e.!.'!?' The Nebraska
. vi-ie Dwra or Nurse Examiners
hold examinations for nurses at
tate house, Lincoln. June 14 and 18.
lv " tet,oa tody. " appears la
The Bn EXCLCSIVELT. Find out what
U various moving picture theater offer.
youf office Is properly located, readily
found and easily acTssibl.. For ajrh
mee apply to tfc, superintendent of the
Bee bunding, "the building that la alwa
"." room 101
v.!1 ,U l00t4 O. W. Cliurcli.
bailiff In District Judge Leslie's court,
waa the v. tlm Saturday night of a thief
ho entered hi garsge and removed
Practically all It eontehts with the ex
teptlqn of hl.i iar.
ooth rnUers to Meet The
Nebraska State Dental society is to hold
Ite convention in Omaha. War 17 to
The bureau rf i i kh , t . k- .u... ..m !
' ' v . ' J ima uiaiiru
invitations to delegates In all parts of
the state. Dr. If. R. King le at the head
of the local entertainment committee.
"orw T er Carriers Postmaster
wharton has anuoumed advances la sal
aries for the following Omaha latter ear
ners: Winiam Beal. 11,000 to 1,100; Frank
A, V. Jones. J1.000 to !.1Vi; Einent c
Kaiiffold. X to ll imo: Kdward E. I-olsh,
11,000 to tl.lOO; Oscar I. Nelson, to
11.000; James G. Nlcklen. V00 to l,Wi.
ally elrs going Thuty. two non
resident heirs of the late Jnmcs B. Kelly,
wealthy farmer of the vicinity of Water
loo, are plaintiffs In a suit for partition
of hie eat ate. hearing of which is pro
ceeding before District Judge Sears. John
Clark, . a nephew, who was reared by
Kelly in the expectation of becoming his
heir, la a party to the suit.
Woman's Belief Corps Xatertains U.
8. Grant Woman's Relief Corps will en
tertain the George A. Crook and Custer
Woman's Relief Corpe and ,the Grand
Array of the Kepubliu posts Tuesday
evening in honor of the department pres
ident, sirs. Addle E. Hough. The affair-!
win be given at the home of Mre. B. O.
Sweasy, 475 North Twenty-fourth street.
To Tell About Workhoases With a
work farm available for Omaha under
the new law, Omaha Commercial men
r anxious to learn more about the
operation of such farms in other cities.
Frank R. McDonald, superintendent of
tha Mlnneapo'is workhouse, is to speak
at a public affairs luncheon of the club
some Ume In the near future. The data
1 (e be arranged later.
MortliWMt raaoraiUoa Ueets The
Northwest Federation of Improvement
Clubs is meeting at the headquarters of
the different clubs of the organization.
Tha aecond meeting Is with the Kewport
Beivldere " Improvement club. Thirty
sixth and Kansas avenue, ' Thursday
evening, geveral Important matters are
U come before Jhe federation, lauding
completing the organization.
Or. a acta. Mohler to Coast Ac
companied by Mrs. Mohler. President
Mohler of the Union Pacific left for the
west today, his car being attached to
tha fast mail. Mr. and Mrs. Mohlr will
epend a couple ot week on the coast,
visiting the expositions at San Francisco
and San Diego. Mr. Mohler will combine
business with pleaaure and will look
ttr soma 'railroad matters while away.
Tin; )i:v,: omaiia. tit.sday. may 11, v.n
CLUB-Missei Allegra Fuller, Gladys Anderson, Ruth
Gordon and Elaine Dale will make up an unusual quartet at
the Research club's concert at Creighton Auditorium to
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Ryder Hands Out Veiled Roast for
Those Who Unduly Criticite
Their Home Town.
l - its
WAMsT m Mv V W IIAa&AAl aV
Sister Mary Trea of St. Bridget Con
vent Loses Three Relatives' on
the Ill-Starred Boat.
Bellevue Village Y:
Board in Office
The newly-electea Bellevue village
board, consisting of J. P. Kepler, W. E.
Ntcholl. William Robinson and William
Cockerel!, together with Charles Mc
Chesney. who holds over, will take tip its
duties Oris week. A week ago it met and
elected J. P. Kepler mayor. I.ast week.
Dy state- law, it was to take office, but
the opposing ticket in the recent election.
John A. Freeman. AdT Weekly. Charles
Kast and Lawrence Beckstead, acting
through their campaign manager, ' Her
man Braman, prevented them by an order
from the county court. Braman consulted
hi South Omaha attorney. Em en Sweet,
who caused Count Judge Wheat of
Pa pillion to issue a restraining order. The
injunction watt served on the grounds that
Karl Langhelne, present village clerk, had
exceeded his authority and unlawfully
kept the opposing party from getting on
the ticket
'The case came up for hearing last Mon
dajr morning before Judge Begley. He
gave bweet and Braman until Tuesday
morning to get enough evidence to main
tain, their caae. Upon their failure to do
so, Judge Begley notified Mr. Kepler that
he- oould now legally take office.
This week they will meet to elect a. suc
cessor to R. M. Terrill, treasurer,' and
Karl Langhetne, village clerk. is to Be .
in Omaha This Week
' Tha) government snag boat McPherson
is coming up the Missouri river pulling
snaga and doing other stunt that are
calculated to get the river more nearly
into ghapa for navigation. It la expected
to arrive in Omaha, about Tuesday or
Wednesday. The Commercial club ex
pects to get In touch with Captain Ferris
la order to get some accurate data as to
the condition of the river at this time
betweea Kansss City and Omaha, with
a view to obtaining a better understand
ing of what the river Is going to retulre
before It Is put into flrnt clftss ehape for
river barge navigation. v
Fir broke out In rubbish in the base
ment of the First Presbyterian church,
Seventeenth and : Dodge streets. - shortly
after S p. m., while the sexton, Fred
Rupp. was away. The bias was quickly
extinguished by ci'y firemen, after they
had om the doors o'f their hinges to get
Into the church. The entire building wet
filled with heavy smoke, and damage
was also done by water. Origin of the
fire waa not ascertained. The demolition
of the church was to start next week.
Sister Mary Trea, a teaching sis
ter ta St. Bridget's Catholic school,
Twenty-aeventh and P streets. South
Omaha, lost three sisters when the
Ln'sttanla went down, torpedoed by
the German submarine oft Old Kin
sale, Ireland.
The names of the lost sisters are
Catherine Trea, aged 23, a New York
trained nurse; Margaret Trea, aged
20, tn invalid, and Elizabeth Trea,
aged 18 years.
The young women were returning
for a visit to their parents at Mul-
lagh More, . Leltrem, Ireland.' The
eldest,, Miss Catherine, was taking
her; younger sister, Margaret, home
in the hope that the change would
benefit her health, which has been
poor ff or some time.
"ewdlnai Sick Girl Home.
The ' two older ones had spent, the
winter tq California, where Slater Trea
has two brothers, but . it was thought
best 'to send the sick girl home. .
At 1 the ' little home where Sister Trea
lives in South Omaha she waited pa
tiently yesterday for news of her sis
ters. Miss-Eaizabeth wrote her last week
from New York that she was sailing
on the Lusltanla Saturday a week ago.
It is the hope ot Bister Trea that her
third sister. Miss Elizabeth, did not
sail with the other two, but her hope
la faint. v '$
Aeeepta t.oaa Stoically.
Sister Trea makes no loud outcry of
grief. She Is not bitter and It concerns
her little what the president of the
United States will exact for the lives of
her lot ones. he has no hate for the
German, men who sent the torpedo
against the sides of the great Lusltsnla.
She alls benumbed by her loss, fingering
the cross that hangs by her side and
her blue Irish eyes well up with tears
as sht thinks of the aged father and
mother back there )o Mullagh More wait
ing for the three lassies who never will
come again.
Fears Bodies Loat.
Slater Tree's sadaeat thought ia that
the aged parents may', not get news of
their loss la Ume te Identify the bodies.
The sisters at the St. Bridget's school
are kind and Suiter Electa, the princi
pal, haa assured Sister Trea that the
authorities will see t,o It that the bodies
of the lost will be cared or. But' the
little Irish sister thinks of the old par
ents and ever as you watch her she
presses the little cross by her side.
"Did your sltters. have any Idea that
there was danger in the passage?" she
waa asked.
"No; the letter from Catherine spoke
only of taking Margaret tfome. They
spoke of no danger in the crossing."
Sister Trea has been a teaching sister
in the Catholic choola fur,slxtuen years.
She bad not ecn her sisters for three
years. - ' I .
Polish National Day Celebrated
,with Procession and Addresses
at School.
Not In many years tin the roliah na
tional day been celebrated In South
Omoha with an much enlhimlann an yes
terday. Fully 500 men. boys and eliis
mnrched In the Iomk precession from St.
Francis' church to the high school audi
torium, where the formal exercises were
held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. One
hundred young rolla'i lnrls, accoutred
boy scouts, were feature of the parade.
Rev. Michael Oluba waa president of
the society under whose auspices the
celebration was given. Rev. .1.
of Omaha was the orator of the day. The
music was furnished by the TollHh band.
All the efieakers dwelt upon the meaning
of the t'ollah constitution and many of
them referred to the hope of autonomy
for Poland after the war. Much com
mtscratlon was expressed for the rollah
victims of the war.
Mnalc City f.oaslp.
Bcarr Prng Co., prescription druggist,
located " doors north of postoffire.
Mayor Tom llortor spent some time
visiting at the police station laat night.
The police arrested a number of drunks
yesterday and two men on suspicion of t
A number of Twenty fourth street prop
erty owners have rltfcd their rents re
cently. .
I will not be responsible for any blHs
contracted by ELLA CASIPBELU R. A.
Campbell. j .
The Natural ,fleveii club hefd a most
successful darK' the Eagle hall Sat
urday night.
Office space for rent In Roe office,
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South tl.
The condition of It. J. Larkin. who wss
recently opemted on for appendicitis, lj
reported to be very favorable. -
Patrick Woods, until recently auditor
for Cudahy & Co.. with headquarters in
Chicago, has returned to Soutli Omaha.
There will be a meeting - of the city
council this afternoon at 6 o'clock, at
which the L street paring ordinance will
be pushed.
Gus Stevens, night flroman at ,the i llv
hall, has been appointed desk sergeant on
the police force, it is not known whether
the appointment Is permanent or not.
Mrs. Theodore Saaadrri.
TKCI-'MSEH. Neb.. May lO.-(Spe iial )
Vra. SaUndrrs, wife' of Theodore foun
ders, died at the family home here today,
(.fter being in falling health for several
months, tfhe waa aged about 40 tears.
Mrs. Saunders is survived by her hus
band, two daughters, father, brother
end sisters. The funeral arrangements I
are not yet' made. '
Mrs, Mary Alllfoa. ' ;
Mrs. Mary AUIson died at Clarkson ;
hospital yesterday, aged W years. Ar
rangements for the funeral have not been 1
completed. She ia survived by one!
daughter. Mrs. Edith Erwln. and two
soaa, T. V. Allison of Californlo, and T. '
M. Allison. Oqriaha i
One )
Safe Honie
will Ijght all four burners.
The stick is large and
strong ' The flame -'takes
We do' not exaggerate when we
aay that you can get aa much real
service from three Safe Home
Matches as from five ordinary
matches. ,
They are non-poisonous, too.
For that reason alone they should
be in every home in America.
5c A II urocers.
Ask for thtn by nam.
The Diamond Match"
The fish car Antelope that Is scheduled
te bring SOO.OOO or so pike to be planted
la Carter lake Is sidetracked at Gretna.
ready to be loaded from the hatcheries j
at South Bend. The Burlington haa no !
advices aa to when it mill be brought to
Omaha, by Fish Commissioner O'Brien.
tadlgesttoat C'aa't Malt
Appetite r
Dr. King's New Life Pills stir up yonr
USwr, aid digestion, you feet fine the next
C-' 3bc AU druggists. Advertise-
-ewov-- tasK-i t. f W
1 ' i CjL-mJJ
Accepting; the honor of beiln
selecled mayor for the second time
tinder tbe commission plan of gov
ernment, and for tt fourth time la
all. Mayor Dahlman said the situa
tion presented at the reorganisation
was slightly different than he ba-1
expected before election, his veileJ
meaning; being; that he expected to
foe nil of tbe Square Seven go In.
!'But this is the fortune of war,
(hat two of our old men should be
retired." snld the mayor, in his rood
natured talk to the council and th-
gathering. "1 am willing. " be con
tinued, "to join hands with the new
men and work for a greater and bet
ter Omaha. I am willing to devote all
of my energy toward making this
city tbe place It ought to be and will
be. Let us join hands at this tlmo
and work with a common purpose."
Hytler rrataea Dahlman.
Asked by the mayor for an expression,
former Commissioner llyder. with a
tremor In hta voice, said bo believes the
time haa come when the people realise
they should not unduly or unjustly rrlll
clxe trtelr own city, lie held It l legiti
mate to expose specific crookedness and
he maintained that Omaha la fortunate In
having a high grade of rlvle righteous
ness, "It Is a cilme for a man or a news
paper to black ash this itty." declared
Mr. Ryder, who paid a tribute to Mayor
Dahlman for his frartesatieas and to those
men and newspepers who have been out
spohen In matters for the city's welfare.
lie expired a hope that the eia of good
fe lliifc w i h has just been launched
may continue and ilpen Into great thing
for Omaha.
' Nobody ian find a sore spot on me
wiih a rasp," he said.
He td he hoed the new council will
make ss good a record as the old council,
nreaka lata Tears.
"The people of Omaha were eood to
me end I want to be as good to trem as
jl possibly csn." he concluded. Then he
hrt kr down hi tcsrs.
It IS reported In tfie city hsll that the
Kdmlnlttrstlnn will find a la-e for Mr.
llyder. i
t'ommlfsloner Kugel said the police de
rartment cannot make the people good,
nor csn the people be made gocl by
law. He said Omaha people are good.
Former CommlMoner Mcllovern referred
to attacks of the paving contractors snd
n aterlal men upon him at the election,
end he said he endeavored to make
these men hold to their contracts with
the city. He bespoke support for Com-
Imlssloner Jardlne In event of th lat
jter'a success at the recount. He said
ther Is something erong In Omaha when
(contractor .lll seek the detest of
nun who hss performed his duty ss
fublic official.
Commissioner Wllhnell deltvered a n
speech, which contained forty-two words
He waa cheered.
Commissioner Butler accepted the nom
ination of being the "tightwad" of the
administration, referring to hi work ol
r-stchlng the funds.
Mri. Hal M. Kink, nee Miss Clewline
Foster, died Sunday evening at the horn
of her parents. Mr. and Sirs. George M.
Foster ot Park Ridge. CTilcaeo. Mr.
Fink spent her childhood day In Omaha
and attended the public Schools here: She
has a brother living here now, Mr. James
FoMer. She was married to Mr. Fink,
when he came to Omaha from Pitts,
burgh to Work on an Omaha newprer
and when be left for other fields ac
companied him.
The Be Want Ads Are Best Bustntts
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M. ...
'cverydodyIs store'
Ttirwlay, May II, 1015.
Phone Douglas 1:17.
Tuesday Will Be
iu sus rd jlw L
When Every Department of Our Store Will Present Values in New and
Desirable Merchandise of a Most Unusual Nature for the Price $1.00
THIS list itemizes but a small portion of the many special values provided for Tuesday I
tnere are nunareas oi otners noi aaverusea jusi as imporiani. w e aavise cany selection
12V'2 "Nainsook, 12 Yards in Bolt, $1.00
"Pride of the West" brnnd. eoftflne yarn', for lingerie, put up
12 yards In a box. (Main Floor.)
Leather Hand Bags to $5.00, for $1.00
tteal pin seal, reat Morocco, goat seat, long; grain or natural,
seal pressings, newest shapes, black and colors. (Main Floor.)
', Taney Boudoir Clocks to $5.00, for $1.00
There are exactly 41 In the lot. Boudoir, alarm and desk styles,
too varied to describe. (Main Floor.)
Silver Vanity Cases to $5.00, for $1.00
German Silver, several different styles of engraving. French
gray or bright silver finish, all with fittings. (Main Floor.)
$2.50 Ivory Hair Brushes at $1,00
Grained ivory hair brushes with pure bristles, very fpeclal.
(Main Floor.) ,
N, . $2.00 Cold and White Paper Baskets, $1.00
A big selection, gold and white with festoon ot French roses,
eleen inches high. (Third Floor.)
' i
r $3.00 Embroidered Pillows and Centers, $1.00
. ' Hand work on tan linen, in a wide' selection of floral and con
ventional designs. Values to $3.00. (Third Floor.) .
$1.30 Kid Body Doll, 21-inch, $1.00 '
Full Jointed, double sewed wig, sleeping eyes, bisque head and
arrns, stockings and eljppers. (Fourth Floor.)
Boysf $1.35 Fielding Glove, for $1.00
First quality,! full tan leather. Very special. (Fourth Floor.)
$1.50 Quartered Oak Parlor Table, $1.00
Golden finish, highly polished, top i0x20 Inches, very sub
stantially built. (Third Floor.)
$1.75 Dresden Rag Rugs, for $1.00 ' .
Size 27x45 inch, made of all new cretonne, 'blue ground with
j fancy white border, washable JThird Floor.)
$1.45 Marquisette Curtains, Tuesday at $1.00
2', yards long, 34 inches wide, hemstitched edge, white and
cream, extra quality. Very desirable. (Third Floor.)1
4 Rolls Player Piano Music, for $1.00
New Universal, 88-note rolls of player piano music. Your own
selection, a $4.00 value. (Fourth Floor.)
$1.75 Oil Mop Outfit Tuesday, $1.00
"Ezy" slipon oil mop, duatless mop and one can of cedar oil.
"The mop ttiat gets In the corner." (Basement.) ,
$2.50 Aluminum Coffee Percolator at $1.00
Extra well made and polished, electric welded spout, glass top,
large size. (Basement.)
... , -
Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose, 3 Pair, $1.00
Fine quality imported black gauge silk lisle, with double garter
top, high spliced heel and toe. (Main Floor.)
Women's $1.25 Venetian Silk Vests, $1.00
.White and pink, Venetian silk, with re-inforced arm holes. Very
special value, (Main Floor.)
Women's $1.98 Panama Hats at $1.00
Big, generous selection of Panama hats in new shapes; values
to $1.8S. (Basement.) ' '
$2.45 Ostrich Bands With Tips, $1.00
Black, white and Copenhagen blue, splendid values to $2.45.
Very special. (Second FJoor.)
Pretty $5.00 Trimmed Hats at $1.00
Limited number ot newly trimmed hats taken from our regular
stock at $6.00. (Second Floor.)
$1.30 Fiber'or Matting Suit Cases, $1.00
Made with puteoted pressed steel frames,' fitted with strong
brass lock and catches, 24 or 6-tneh sites. (Fourth Floor.)
$1.25 Thin Blown Table Tumblers, Dozen, $1.00
. Three different designs in needle etching, also pressed optic Ice
tea tumblers. (Fourth Floor.) N
Child's $1.95 to $2.98 Coats, 2 to 6 Years, $1.00
Including all-wool serge, in navy, brown, Copenhagen, black and
white stripe, all finished with collar and cuffs of silk. (Second
$1.25 to $1.50 Muslin Underwear at $1.00
Consisting of night gowns, combinations, .envelope chemise and
petticoats, all daintily trimmed. (Second Floor.)
$1.50 to $1.75 Printed Pique Bed Spreads, $1.00
I'lain white with white satin borders and floral design centers
in pink, blue and lsvender, tome slightly' imperfect. (Main Floor.)
25c Turkish Bath Towels at 6 for $1.00
Plain whlje or colored border, Marge size; also small slxe, with
faney borders. (Main Floor
$1.95 Linen Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, $1.00
4 5 inches square, drawn work centers and embroidered corners,
pure, all-linen. I Main Floor.)
121jC Long Cloth, 10 Yards in Bolt, $1.00
36 Inches wide, chamois finish, made of long staple cotton with
uo dressing. (Main Floor.)
50c Embroidered Batiste, 3 Yards, $1.00
Imported, beautiful new designs, much wanted for waists. Very
special value. (Main Floor.) j
35c Waffle Cloth, 6 Yards for $1.00 ' '
Waffle cloth or white ratine for summer suits. , The usual 35c
quality. (Main Floor.)
Remarkable Waist Values at $1.00
Including; new and exquisite creations In voile, batiste, organ
dies, as well as embroidered voiles. (Second Floor.)
Women's House Dresses, for $1.00 -
1 Just the style for morning and porch wear, ginghams, pegmles
and madras,-stripes, checks and plain colors. - (Second Floor.)
Women's Lustrous Sateen Petticoats, $1.00
The wider styles, fine quality sateen, with rows of ruffling, all
with new plaited flounces with underlay, black and colors. (Second
Floor.) - ' , 1 ,
Boys' $2.00 Straw and Cloth Hats, $1.00
A big assortment of styles for boys, 4ges 3 to 14 years, all the
season's new effects.1 (Fourth Floor.)
, $1.25 Combination Notion Package at $1.00
Including 2 pair alipper trees,, 3 wooden coat hangers, 1 pair
women's sew-un supporters, S large hair nets, f plecea of Ironing
wax, 1 ball mercerized crochet cotton, 2 wool powder puffs, 1 bolt
of lingerie tape with bodkin and one pair silk shirt waist dress
shields. (Main Floor.)
Combination Notion Package at $1.00
Including one' lace trimmed sanitary apron, 1 plain sanitary
apron, 2 sanitary elastic belts, 1 dozen sanitary napkins. (Mam
Floor.) ' . . ,
Women's and Child's $2.50 to $4.00 Shoes, $1.00
Women's oxfords, pumps and high shoes, also children's and
misses' slippers and pumps, every short line and all odd pair.
(Basement.) i
Men's Silk Lisle Hose, 6 Pair, $1.00
- The usual 2So kind In black, white, gray or navy, all sixes and
the values are extreme. (Main Floor.)
Men's 50c Wash Ties at 3 for $1.00
- Wash ties, fibre tubalor, Manhattan or wash silks, great variety
of pretty patterns.. (Main Floor.) .
y ' t Men's Handkerchiefs at 12 for $1.00
White and colored borders, full else, hemstitched, many worth
to 25c, some slightly soiled. (Main Floor.) j
$1.50 to $3.00 Corsets Tuesday, for $1.00 ,
Odd lots tnd broken lines of corsets, 'including Lady Clare, W,
B., R. & G., etc, many( styles. (Second Floor.)
$1.39 Chiffon Taffeta Silk at $1.00
36-inch chiffon taffeU silk, black and colors, the most popular
of all silk weaves. (Main Floor.)
39c Ratine, 5. Yard Lengths, for $1.00 '
Imported wash fabric in mixed and striped effects in 6-yard
lengths. (Main Floor.)
Embroidery Flouncings, to 59c, at 5 Yards, $1.00
Dress and waist lengths, 2 to 3 yards of fine embroidered
voile, batiste,-Swiss and organdy flouncings, 27 to 40 Inches wide.
(Main Floor.)
$2.25 Sponge and Chamois, for $1.00
I-arge automobile sponge, worth $1.00 and chamois, worth $1.25,
both Tuesday for $1.00. (Main Floor.)
$1.80 Household Need Package, for $1.00
Including 24 takes of 'Diamond "C" soap. 1 quart of ammonia,
1 can of sant-flush and 10 cakea of Cc toilet soap. (Main Floor.)
$2 98 Pure Feather Bed Pillows, $1.00 ,
Perfection brand guaranteed pure feathers, slie 34x27 Inches,
very special. (Basement.) .
Serpentine Crepe, 7-Yard Pattern, $1.00
Choke of all the new deslgna and colorings; also plain colors.
English Long Cloth, $1.50 Value, 10 Yards, $1.00
No.. 4500 Superior English long cloth, chamois finish, 36 inches
wide. (Basement.)
' $1.50 Bleached Regal Sheets at $1.09 Pair
Kite 81x90 inches, seamless, bleached, good wearing quaJity,
made from heavy round thread sheeting. (Basement.)
Old Glory Cambrics, 12 Yards, for $1X0
The klnJ
( Basemeut. )
that is most wanted for making fine underwear.
iBurgess-Nash Co.Everybody's Store 16th and Harney,