Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1915, Page 2, Image 3
TIIK flKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 11. lUIft. HUGE GRAYES FOR THE UNIDENTIFIED bodies of 140 Victim of the Luii Unit Buried at Queenstown with Fall Honors. CAUFOBJOA SXTFTRAGIST GUEST J YILgQN NOT TO l,- OF OMAHA WOMEN. ML SEND AMERICANS HOME Qt'EKNSTOWN, May 9 (Via Londay, May 10.) Affidavits marie by Miss Jcsjie.Tft Smith of Brace Mite. O.: Dr. Howard U Fisher. Major F. Warron Tear! and Robert Raoktn of New York are the only permanent records of the Lusltania disaster obtained by the United State consulate. All are brief and Hone reflects seriously upon the be havior of the Lusltania crew except ahat dome wjtncws 'consider the lifeboat fiasco. The affidavits of Miss smith and Mr. Rankin were abled tonight to Secretary of State Bryan, while those of Major Pearls ind Dr. Fisher were sent to Am bassador rage at London. Fteglnnlng at noon today, at Consul "roet'a orders, the bodies nf the Identl Ited Americans, covered with the titara Vnd Stripes were removed from scsttered kiorsrues and placed side by aide, in the Jlne offices on the water front, .a U.ry were carried ttrous-h the. streets Bnltrh sailors the crowds uncovered. Oiean brown coffin contained the todies of Charles Frohman. Issao V. Trumbull of Bridgeport, Conn.; Mr. Hnry l. MarTJona of New York. Chnrle H. Stevens of Atlantic City. Dr. F. B. rarson of New Tork, t. Walker" of JCew tor. TV. Teamon's secretary; Mri. Me Sirlrte. Ilnah Ccmrton. IT years old; D. T. Orodrick of Boston. Herbert Ellis of Nw Vortt and Mrs. plllman of New York. Ir. Frohr.ian'e secretary arrived today to k rbsrg of his employer's body.. " Ond of the survivors Identified lh body f Mrs. R. V. ghymer of New York, the tmeiicen widow of an English nobleman, ho subsequently married, an American ind liad been living In New York, Sho iraa on her way to London and he,r nanni av f 1 probably b added to the list of merlcan . dead .Her body will ba sent tack to the l'nlted Ftatee aa well at 'Jioae of others, aoma'of them starting tonight. x Tare? !! tiravea. A whole company of Hrltish soldiers today completed the digging ot three kugo graves, each fee. n which :he 110 odd unidentified dead will ba urled tomorrow. The moving of bodies P tho hill to the cemetery will begin at l:.T) j. n. and continue until 1 p. m. Then aa tha last ten or a doseir-ths num ber to bo determined by the hearses ivallabli, moves to tha cemetery, th funeral oreeslon will' form and march to tba graves. Mounted police, soldiers md tiyl'iana will participate. Thera will be a J-ilnt gar vice, clergymen of all trcrda Joining In saying prayers. Mary children and little babies still Ha In the morgues like so' msny dolls. The townspeople covered tliem with flowars ind U is possible the, llttlo ones will ba Maced m a grave together. Roma om crutches, many limping and nearly all bruised, tha eurvlvora left their hotels 'in silent .groups, throughout tha ifternoon. Thera were some' A merles ns, many Canadians - and rTngliah.- ' The present of so many children on the Luaitanta was ' dua to- tha act that .'seedlan women wera going to Eng land to Join their relatlvea whlla their husbands wera at tha front. Not a single body waa brought in today from the spot whera tha Lusltania dla tlipearcd,' but some .bodies may, yet be found If a storm does not scatter them. Thera will not ba ao great a ouniber picked up, however, as waa tha eaaa In '.he North Atlantic after the Tltania die kster, for that vessel remained a fink t so long all on deck had ample time to care fully adjust lifebelts. Two Americana Arrested. I.tivlrll T. Hates, son of London W, Hates of New York, vice chairman of tha American commlealon ' for tha relief of Hclglum, was arrested at Klnaale yester lay on a charge of esplonuge whlla M-arrhing for tha body of hla brother. Undon W. nates. Jr., who Is believed to have parlahad on tha Lusltania. Newton B. Knox, an American mining engineer, who waa with Mr. Bats, waa taken Into custody at tha same time. The sergeant who made tha arresta ae ruaed tham of being officers of a Oer- man submarine. After being taken be for a eaptaln they wera detained at the barracks a half hour, until United States consul Frost at Queenstown vouched for their Innocence. ; Their aeareh ot the oast revealed no trace ot tha body of L. W. Bates. Jr. - " The body of Mra. Anthony Wataon of New York haa been added to the lint of Identified American dead, whlla the name of John Williams,- -year old, haa been In tha list of survivors. William Webb, the 'representative 'of Alfred O. Vanderhllt wanted to aeitd a tug last night to continue tho search for Mr. Vanderbllt'a body, but tha admiralty and Cunard Una officials discouraged the plan and It waa abandoned. Thera la no Indication when tha search for bodies will b resumed. r -i i . jr t . .'.V I . . , ' r Congressman and Mrs. Wllllsm Kent of Csllfornls arrived yesterdsy from WasblnKion to bo the guests of their cousin. Mrs. lMwstd U Burke. Mrs. Kent Is prominent in suffrage circles and la chairman of the committee of too In charge of the maintenance fund of the Congrexslonsl Union. The Kfiual Franchise society will give a tpa at the. Hotel Font ene lie Tbursdsy afternon at -4 o'clock. In honor of Mrs. Kent, at which time she will tell about the success of suffrage tn California. Reserrstlnns for the tes should ba made to Mrs. K. S. . Hood, president of tha Equal Franchise society, before Wednes day noon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Kent were expected In Omaha several weeks ego, but their visit wsa deterred tin account of tha congress man's poor ha4th. . Maay social affairs are planned . in honor of these guests during their stay. ACT HASTILY IN LUSITANIA CASE (Continued from Tag One.) i t'n . 'n be voiced In s fsr more effect 'vi- way n-Hhout declaring war. ; The althdrswsl of Ambssssilr flersrd without srtuHlly severing diplomatic rela tions hes bn suggesteC In nm offl r ml quarters ss one way of Inilb s'lns the foellng of the Ame'lcsn government. Other officlsls Intlmste that s complete seiersnce of dlplomntlc telstlons until complete repnrstlon snd spolosy l msde I rrobsbly would conform to the wishes of 'Amerlren public opinion. Before snv suc'i step lr rcaihed. how evr. certain prellmlnsrv steis most likely will be followed. As soon ss Ambassador Oeiard's report from the Oerrmin kov errmcnt on the fsct of the sinking of Ihi Lusltania are received. It is exacted (hut a note will be sent demanding full reparation under the wsrnlng of the t'nlted Wales thst Ocrmany would be h.ld to "a strict acoountiolilty" for tlie lss if Americsn vessels or lives." The t sse of the Americsn steamer Oulfllg! t, torpedoed without warning, the attsck by tSermsn airmen on the Amrrl'sn ship rushing and the drowning of lcon C. i Thresher, sn Amer1'n. on board the 1 American stesmer Fslaba probably will ! be grouped In the general represontstlons. On Germany's reply will depend tha nature of the next step by the l'nlted mates. Kstra Beaaloa Poaetltle. While White House officlsls would not deny specifically that sn extrs session of congress mtKht be celled, they said there was no Indication whatever thst thf president has any such Intention St p reent. Close observers of the trend of official though believed the preaident first would take steps to express tha horror of the American people over the killing of neu trals on tho LiiBltsnla. The step most discussed wss the breaking off of diplo matic relations and tha sending of repre sentations recording the opinion of the American government on the Lusitanla, Falaba, Gulfllght and Cushlng Incidents. YUAN SHI KAI, presi dent of the republic of China, facing an immi nent crisis with Japan. Miss Jollvet. who waa among tha sur vivors taken to Queenstown. said ahe and Mr. Frohman ware standing on decs aa the I,usltanla healed over. They de cided not , to trust thamselvts to life boats. ; although , Mr. t Frohman believed tha slilp waa doomed. It was after reach ing this decision that he had no fear of death, r .!.' ' v :', BERLINVOIOES ' EEGRET TO U. S. ; . . AT LIVES LOST (Continued from Page One.) Austria Must Give Reply by Midnight PAltlS. May 10 "Tha government of Italy today swalis the final n-ply or Auatria." says a Pome diaiatch to I .a Uberta. "In the ituarim tha publlcalioa of Important dcoreea wl:U-h were allinrd st the last meeting of the cabinet hss K-en withheld. I Warn from an excellent source that unless Austria s answer ar rives before midnight tonight, or If the epl is unfavorable. Italy will conelder the negotiations terminated " of the war had led t tha kaa of ao many American lives.'. Tha phraaoa uaad were those of the ambsssador In a writ ten atatement glvan out after hla call. The Statement Said: "Tha Oermati ambesadnr called at tha 8tata department and axpresed his deep regret that tha events ot tha war had led to tha toss of to many American Uvea." . . , Whether tha expression waa made on instruction from hla government or hla own Initiative waa not made clear by tho ainnaasador nor exnlaJned bw Mr. Bryan. Inasmuch as It waa tha' flrat atatement or Its kind since American Uvea wera lost on tha British steamer Falab and tha Americsn steamer Gulf- light which also wera torpedoed-and no specine. mention waa made of tho Lus ltania Incident tha Impression prevailed in orfloJal quarters that tha ambassador s atatement waa the lbusI broad expres sion which diplomatic repreeentattvees are permitted to make when a dlsaatar occurs to tha cltisens of a friendly country. Will Have Little bffect. Tha action of the German ambaaaador. however, will have little effect oa tha policy to be pursued It waa said, unless tho airman government makes formal apology for tha loss of Americans on tha Lusltania 'and promisee reparation. . Just what course tha United States will follow still Is undecided. President Wilson locked himself In his study la tha White House during tha forenoon and gave, strict orders not ba ba disturbed. For two days ha haa consulted no one not even the closest members of his of flclal family preferring to work out In aolttdde a policy ha may aubmlt tomor row to itla adtlaers. . He s tod led docu ments and papera on tha law of tha case today and was believed slso ta ba map ping out tha ereech ha is to deliver to nltrftt before the gathering in Philadelphia of sevsraj thousand 'of newly naturalised clt Ileus. A severance of diplomatic relatione j wmi unniaiir, ii was pointeo out, wouio. have a strloua affect on the humantarlan work tha t'n I ted Rtatea haa been con ducting. Tba American staff In Belgian tnlfitt not be rmltted by, Germany to remain and complications that might destroy tha effectiveness of tha American relief might result. These are considera tions which it Is known tha president la turning over In hla mind. Wonders What the U, 8 Will Do About Murder of Citizens LONDON, May 10 "Our enemies have reached a degree of Infamy, culminating In tha destruction of the Lusltania, which It Is simply hopeless to attempt to de scribe," said Andrew Bonar Law, leader of the opposition In tho House of Com- mrms. In a speech today. Mr. Bonar Law's remarks-ware delivered on the oc casion of the presentation of a medal to Captain. Bell of the British steamship Thordls, which rammed a Qerman aub- marine off Beachey Head In February. "This is not an act of warfare." Mr. Bonar Law continued. "It ia simply mur der most foul, most unnatural." Paying that up to the present no "ef fective protest" hsd been made by any neutral country, he added: i "What will happen now? Tha great proud nation tha United States Is the neutral country most closely affected by this latest outrage. Tha simple fact la that cltlsena of that great country have been barbarously murdered. It lg not for ma to say what their action ought to be, but I feel sure Ihe Vnltad Btstes will ba guided not merely by the momentary In terests of tha country, but by feelings as to what Is dua to a gt nation among' other nations of the world." i Mr. Bonar Law aald that If the alnk- tng of tha Lusltania had tho effect ha believed it would upon the feelings, not only of British soldiers, but of the whole nation, "then we can thank tba Germans for tha last instance of their barbaroua methods." Department Orders. WASHINGTON. May 10 tSpeclsl Tel- rsram.) A penoion wss graniea to nsrry Nixon of Pullerton, Neb., or in. Frank Pcnnerly was reappointed post master st McLaughlin, Carson county. floi:th Oakota. A rural free delivery route win oe es- . . . . . ... . . . i j r-u - - laniianen June i si -iihiihi"". v.m county, Nebraska. Bee Want Acs produce results. ? 1 1 ell I Additional List of Identified Dead From Lusitania NEW TOUK. May 10-Tlie following list of names of Identified dead among those who perished on the Lusltania was received by table at the Cunard line of fices today: i FirtST CLASS Mr ). W. Htevcns. .Montreal. harlcs I. I'svnter. l.lverxo (previ ously reported among purvlvorei. Mrs A In-wise, New York. It. Klnn (T. It. Klnsi Krsnk .). Nmimatin, New Vork. Itoticrt W. 'rooks, Toronto (previously reiHirtrd sinons survivors). .Mrs Hrown i.Mif M. C. Brown). HKi.'UNi) t'L.V ..-. Mr. K. King. I lev James A. Kwnttie William P.. Husvlne, IV ('. Tycrs. Michael folev (A. It. KolV J. Splllinan tJohn B. KplUman). Samuel ilRiimn. Carlton J. Bnvlrlrk C. T. Brorierick). W. U. Mitchell. "Mar Hansen (Mra. ilanson). Mrs. K llorton. Mrs. Klliti.lictli Hull (.Mrs. J. H. Bull). Ilev. Canan E. E. f'halr. Miss A. Koblnaon. ?'. I.. Jones. Kr-sale llnte. (eorue Arthur. C. Yen t mn n. John Mnlhman l.l. V. Malnmsn). Infsnt Ferrier. THIItn CLA83. flenrtre I' Meancy. Cornelius Prlscoll tT. firescoll). Margaret Corrigon i Margaret Canlgan reported among survivors). Tunlp Lucks. Mrs. Johnson (A. Johnson! NOT CI-ASJUF1KP. Patrick Sheedy. Mrs Marv Bsrrow. James Roche. James Anderson Roberts. Pavid Sjueiieison. Mrs. McBrtsht, HYMENEAL llarrlsoa-Bass. Miss Nell Frances Bass and Mr. Will Harrison, both of Omaha, were married by Rev. Charles W. Pavldge at the resi dence of the bride's psrents, 5006 Plnkney street, Saturdsy evening at S o'clock. Mr. Harold Bass and Miss Minnie Ehlers were best man and lady. A large num ber of Inlvted guests were present and a wedding stxpper wss served. Apartmenta, flats, houses and cottsgea can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. Churchill Says that Escorts for Merchantmen Are Not Customary ' LONDON. May 10,-Tho first lord of the admiralty, Winston Fpencor Churchill, stated In the House of Commons this afternoon that Captain Turner of tho Lusltania had acknowledged receipt of messages from the admiralty giving htm warning and directions for the course he was to take.. "The admiralty had general knowledge of the German warning Issued In America," Mr. Churchill declared, "aid from that knowledge and "Other Informa tion concerning- submarine movemnta It aept warnings to the Luslttanav and direc tions as to Its' course. I think, however. It Is not right to go Into that matter in detail, as It Is going to be a subject of endeavoring to throw blame oh the cap tain of the Lusltiarrt. In A matter whtcf will be a subject of full Investigation." ' Continuing. Mr. Churchill said this In vestigation would be conducted by Lord Mersey, assisted by skilled assessors, and would be opened without avoid able delay. Mr. Churchill's remarks wera drawn by questions from Lord Charles Beresford and others, asking for details aa to what apeed tha Lusltania waa mak ing when It .was torpedoed; whether thera waa a patrol boat in that locality; whether all points where vessels arrive and depart are now adequately patrolled; what provisions 'were made In the casa of the Lusltania In view of the warning Issued in America; whether Mr. Churchill waa aware that previously to last Friday German submarines had for some time been actively at work on the south coast of Ireland; whether he was aware that tho admiralty had provided torpedo boats and other naval vessels to meet on the south coast of Ireland steamers carrying horses from tha United States on govern ment account to convoy them to Liver pool, and, finally, what arrangements, It any, were mads to convoy and protect the Liusitania. i Inquiry and It might appear that I was Mr. Churchill; replying-to" farther ques tions, spoke as 'follows '"The shock Ins.' exception of the Lusl tania should net divert the attention ot the House of Commons and the country from tho fact that Great Britain's entire seaport trade haa been carried on without appreciative loss. The general principle regarding the providing of an escort Is, that merchant traffic must' look after itself, subject to the general arrange ments of the admiralty, and there la no reason to suppose that this principle ia not entirely auccessful." Wvv Wfrj? yMm $ ... '" ' V vx McAdoo Asks that Suit Be Dismissed WASHINGTON.- May IS Secretary McAdoc. Ci nipt roller Wllltsina and Tr-aaurer John Burke today petitioned Ihe district su reme court to dirniUs for lack of Jurisdiction the suit brought seainat them by the B'Kgs National bank, charging conspiracy to wreck the Institution. "WHY FEAR DEATH?" ARE t FROM MAM'S LAST WORDS LONDON, May 1).-Why fear death? It is ths most beautiful sd venture lit life," were the last words of Charles Vruhman befuis he went down with the !uitanls. according to Ml-stUta Jollvet, an American actress, with whom tie waa alir.l UIHng just before the end cams. Auto Breaks Pole With Live Wires; Two Burn to Death FRESNO. Cel., May 10 -Two are dead aad two others were in a critical condi tion from burns aa a result of a collision ot an automobile yesterday with a power pois whets wires, earning Cw.000 volts of electricity, fell upon the rsr. Miss riora Crouse. aged It, and Carl Mew art w ere killed siraurit. - Mew art's wife and George Cole wete so badly burned their recovery Is doubtful. A fifth occupant f the machine escaped with a severe shock and minor Inturtt. i V "STAR The dint) of Good Cheer" Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO THOUSANDS of brainy, brawny men have made America the leader of the world in Telephone and Telegraph service. ".-"'. The, alert, clear thinking men chew tobacco, and the majority of them are STAR tbrwtri and STAR hotftrt. STAR is made clean and kept so; STAR plugs are thick, so that you get more of the mellow chewing, long lasting tobacco; STAR plugs wont dry out like thin plugs, and every STAR plug weighs a full 16 ounce pound, every time. A trial STAR chew will change you from a "brand switcher" to a TARPLUGGER So crest is tho demand on the part of "chewers and doers" for STAR, that one hundred and twenty-five million ten-cent piece are made and sold each yeai enough to follow a telegraph line from St. Petersburg, Florida, to Seattle, f ahont 4000 miles, and there would be over 600 mile, of STAR left over, gj- DEATH RECORD. Jsreb Maawa. PIJtTTrMOVTH. Neb.. May 10.-(pe-clal.V Jacob Mason, a carpenter, about . I y-sre of age. while working on a dwelling today, climbed down a ladder to get a drink of water and fell ever dead f heart failure, tie had not been com pluming, but had bean working at his trade Ba tin day. .aa usual, ttev. P. M. lrunior. pastor of the First MethoduK church, will conduct ths funeral. as v' 9 m nun i i C 7 CHEWING TOBACCO LEADING BRAND OF THE WORLD -4v '' Joi 7 Thompson-BeldcnfifCo. Delightful New Dresses, $730, $1050, ,1250,1656 Dainty summery creations, practical because they vvash so easily and retain their fresh appearance afterwards. The most favored designers in America have contrib uted to this complete display. Private display rooms. A competent corps of fitters in attendance. Fashionable Coats for Street. Dress, Motor & Travel Wear This display will attract your attention like it has hundreds of other women, because of the many style ideas pre sented at a moderate price. The Store for Shirtwaists Exclusive new blouses for wear on every occa sion, $5.95, $6.50. $175. McCall Magazine For June Now Ready The artistic cover de sign is by Miss Lucille Patterson of Omaha. 5c the copy. McCall Pattern Dept. Basement. Palm Beach. i Suitings, 65c The material that ranks highest on fashion's list for Outing Suits and Ooats for travel wear. 65c a yard. Dress Goods Section. Main Floor. Without a Rival for Drunk enness and Drug Using The disease cured by a thorough and scientific course of treatment, which removes the craving or necessity for lltiuor or drugs, lmparta new strength to every organ and builds up the general health. The only Keeley Institute in the state of Nebraska. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Correspondence Confidential. Oor. 25th and Oas Sts., Omaha, Neb. ST Hotel Lenox LUXURY 0 d,x ECONOMY wliR!3F;rf.'j BOYLSTON and EXETER STREETS BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Single Rooms 12, with Bath $230 and up Double " 2.30, " " 13.30 " tl , (Good Oarages 2 minutes' walk) U C. PRIOR. MANaaea Two minutes from Back Bay Station Tan minutes from North Station I t aT ' 'W -IjJ'':- II-.., iiiiijii vDINE , HEADACHES Thoosands of mea aod women suffer fraa bead aches arery da, other thousands bsva besdaches arery sreek or erery monta. and still otoera have headaches oocaalooallr, but not at regular intervals. The best Doctor Isotteo unable to find tbe csuoe ol many ol tbeaa beadacbea, and In most otner oases, knowing Uis oause, ba does not know wba will remoreTt. so as to gtv s permsnenl cure. All be can do la to prescribe tbe usual paid relievers, which give temporary relief, but tha headacbe returns aa usual, and treatment la again neoeeesry. II youauflerfrora headaches, do matter wbat their nature, take Antl-kamnla Tablets, snd the results will be sails lactory n tbe blfrhmt degree. You oan obtain them at all druggists in soy quantity, loo wonb. toe worth or mora. Ask lor A-K Tablets. SICK-HEADACHES Blck-beadacne. tbe moat miserable ol all atak. esses, loses lu terrors wbeo A-K Tablala are taken. When you feel an attack coming on, taks two tablets, and in many cases, tbe suae Mil be warded oil. During aa attack take one A-K Tablet every two hours. Tbe rent and com fort which follow, eao be obtained la do other way. Caawoaa A-K Tmhlmti iWr lh fK saasaa At mil afrawsatta. If a ml MM . Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes Designers Retouchers Photographers All Under One Roof ft i rfrm'Trrrli?pL A Ml' SUM EN T8. Window Shades Cleaned MIDWEST SHADE FACTORY Kanofaotwera aad Claaaora. Hie raraaaa Bt. Dourlae aaaa SCHOOLS AMD COLLEGES. s Northwestern University, Collcso of Engineering Pits rears ml broad, thorsash tralaiac small rl ,. la which sack atudeat noMna sa eauaaal iou,l ! inSivtdMi aumitoa lroa ke4 aro(aara. tieatlrat saildiaa 4,isa4 toe tk suoa, with ap-te-eale as saatua. CaaurpaaMa epaortaatuea im aea (rwt aaclawrlug sna aa4 W aveai aaai mm A roans orsfcaiiauon. aakanieroS by tBbarraaslBS IraSiUoaa. Wraa w "Bart frvparatioa tor tUslaaartng aa "Booklet at Vw" jonr r. hattobd, iuaoaw Evaassoa. Iillsota. , . . Real Estate Head Um latest aawi aboM real . sotsts) on tha mteart to the) las pevg-a. Be informed . IbtmU gate id yosj will ko abl to 4aes4 four moaej snore) tntelli-g-ejatt aad aaor profitably. llOYD OMAHA'S acoai 'aT B BkaT po.fUI.AE Theater Toala-bt. All Weak, Oeo. K. Ooban'a J-atrlotlo Kualoai Comedy, Little Johnny Jones wita oo. nsus Aa johttt. Tuee., conoart night, Miss Edith EUoklugar, sopraao, betweea aota. tats. Wed., Tburs., Bat,. SSe; Elrbts. 86o and oOo. STsxt Week I TEBS OF THE BTOaVM COUETET " EHOBS Song. AOTAECES TAnBITILLI. Bally BtaUaee. S:19 Eight. 8:15 Othr Aet: Broa- MISS JOAN SAWYER K. t,-?: 1 BartUh. Moors JarklTio. Mun Wither A Jonloo. CHiRUin.' GREBNWOOD SlbNKY OHANT. Orplisum Trove) W,.kly Prlcaa: Mtineo. tallorr Ivet Beat S1 BatuMar aaS bu4r) ; Klht lSc. tec, too. 7io inn t it r t r I r r I ll C A I C M Hoxa of Paramount Pictures LIST TrI I! TO DAT MARGUERITE CLARK IE "WIIDrLOWIS" TeaorTOw-I.asky-Eelaaoo pisssnts "THS WOMAJr QR AN DEIS Today , M TXEATEE . LAST S 3, T:30 E 9 . at. TlUtl AUTHENTIC MOTION TICTl KKS, The War of the fialions Bent-fit Rd Croas. Adin. 25c OosBlaa aa Cap. Scott ta Aatarotta I: 4 i 1 I