Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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r o
bodies of 140 Victimi of the Luii
tanit Buried at Quecnstown
with Full Honors.
jCAuromA sugist guest WILSON NOT TO
I Oi OMAHA U Jl i.Ji . . .
Qt EENSTOW N. May 9. (Via
konday, May 10.) Affidavits made
by Miss Jcstfle.Taft Smith of Brace
rllle. O.: Dr. Howard I,. Flnhr:r.
Major F. Warren Fearl and Robert
Rankin of New York are the only
permanent record of the Lunltanla
disaster obtained by the United
State consulate. All are brief and t
none reflects seriously upon the be-1
havior of the Lusitania crew except
what pome wJtnPB "consider the
lifeboat fiasco. The affidavits of
Miss Smith and Mr. 'Rankin were
abled tonlnht to Secretary of Btate
Bryan, while those of Major Pearls
ind Dr. Fishor were sent to Am
bassador Page at London.'
Resinning at noon today, at Onna'il
Front's order, the bodies of th iderttl
!i"d Americans, rtivered "with the Stars
tnd Str1i. wore removed from Bratterei
ktorirues and plared Bide by Me. tn tha
uunard line offices on the water front.
s they were carried through the rtreeti
5' Bntifh sailors the crowd uncovered. (
Oieop brown coffins contained the
uaw x of Chnrlr Fryman, laaac F.
frumbulf ' of Bridgeport. Conn.; Mrs.
Henry l. MerDona of New Tork. Charles
II. Stevens of Atlantic City. Dr. F. 8. !
JVaraon of New York, D. Walker' of New
tork, Vr Pearson's aeereiary; Mr. Mn Ilnnh Comrton, IT years old; D. T. I
Urodrlck of Boston. Herbert Ellis of New
V'orv and Mra. Jpnimn of New York.
Mr. Frohman'a aeoretary arrived today to,
ke rtiara of hla employer's body-, i
ono of the bui-vvot identified the body
f Mra. R. V. ShymeT of New Yor th
tmerlcan widow of an Ergllah nobleman,,
ho subsequently married, an American
md l ad been living In New York. ,8ho
vii on her way to komlon and her nnw
vlll probably b added to the list of
merlcan . dead .Her body wilt be aent
fcark to the United Plates aa we'.l a
oaa of other, aome'of them atartimc
tonight ,
, Three ilaeje iraea.
A whole company of Britlnh aoldtera
today completed the digging of three
huge grave, each a&x3) feet. In which
the 140 odd unidentified dead will be
uried tomorrow. The moving of bodlet
tp tho bill to the cemetery will begin at
l:. j, n. and continue until 1:30 p. m.
Then aa the lust ten or a dosen tha num
ber to bo determined by the " hearses
ivallahlt. move to the cemetery, tfa
tuners! procession will form and march
;o the graves. Mounted police, aoldlera
md tivt'iana will participate. There will
be a j'llnt service, clergymen of all
treed joining in saying prayer.
Mary ohildren and little babies still He
In the morsuea like o' many dolls. .The
townnpeopl covered tliern with flowers
tnd it la possible the little one will be
Muced In a grave together.
Borne on crutches, many limping and
nearly all bruleed, the survivor left their
hotel In silent .group, throughout, the
afternoon. There were tomb' Americans,
many Canadian - and EJngtlah.- The
preeenc of so many children on the
Uisltanlw wsJ due to the fact that
Jsnadlan women were going to Eng
sr - .
Congreeaman and Mr. William Kent
of California arrived yesterday from
Waoblnnton to be the gueat of their
roualn, Mr. Edward K Burke. Mr.
Kent la prominent In urfrftga circle and
la chairman of the committee of too In
charge of the maintenance fund of the
Congrexalonat Union.
The Fiual Franchise aoclety will give
a tea at the- Hotst Fontenclla Touraday
afeernon at -4 o'clock, in honor ef Mra.
Kent, at which time h will tell about
the ucceaa of suffrage In California.
Reservation for the tea should be made
to Mrs. 15. 8. . Rood, president of the
Equal FYanchtae society, before Wednev
day noon.
Mr. and Mra. Kent were expected In
Omaha several week ago, but their visit
waa deterred xn account of the congress
man' a poor health. Maay social affairs
are planned . in honor of these guest
during their etay. '
" ' ' I'
j (Continued from Tage One.)
i t.'n.n. 'n te voiced In a far more
'effective Hy without declaring war.
The withdrawal of .m'salor Oerard
without aetunl!y severing diplomatic rela
tion hea ben suastpf In im offl
rul quarters as one way of lndl atlna the
feeling of the American government.
Other officials Intimate thst a complete
e (erance of diploma tie relations until
complete reparation and apoloey Is made
rrobahly would conform to the wishes of
! American public oiilnlnn.
Before any sncli step Is reached, how
rvtr. certain preliminary steps most likely
will be followed. A soon aa Ambassador
fleiard'a report from the Herman kov
errm'mt on the facts of the sinking of
lh. LuslWnia are received, it Is expected
ihut a note mill he sent demanding full
reparntlon under the warning of the
United eitatea that Ocrmany would be
hld to ,-a atrlct accountfnlilty" for the
less if American vessels or lives." The
ise of the American steamer Oulfllgl t,
torpedoed without warning, the attack by
Herman airmen on the Amrrl-an ship
Cushlng'and the drowning of Ieon C.
Thresher,' an American, on board the
American steamer Falaba probably will
be grouped In the general repreaentatlons.
On Germany's reply will depend the
nature of the next step by the United
fcitra Session Possible.
While White House officials would not
deny specifically that an extra session
of congress ' might be railed, they said
tlier waa no Indication whatever that
the preslnt ha any such Intention .at
Cloe observer of the trend of official
though believed the president first would
take steps to express the horror of the
American people over the killing of neu
tral on the Lusltania. The step most
Hlacussed wa the breaking off of diplo
matic relation and the sending of repre
entatlon recording the opinion of the
American government on the Lusltania,
Falaba, Oulfllght and Cuahlng Incidents.
dent of the republic of
China, facing an immi
nent ctisis with Japan.
mm i
Mis Jolivet. who wa among the sur
vivor taken to Queenstown, said ah
and Mr. Frohman were standing on dec
aa the Lusltanur heeled over. They de
cided . not , to trust themaelve to life
boats, although , Mr. k Frohman believed
the ship' was doomed. It waa sifter reach
ing this decision that he had no fear of
death, i , I :
(Continued from Page One.)
of the war had led t the lose of so
m.iny American live.: The phrase used
were those of the-ambassador In writ-
ton statement given out after hi call.
The statement Said:
"The Oermah ambaHdor called at the
State department and ezpresed hi deso
land to Join their relative while their rtgret that the events of the war had
husband were at the front
Not a single body waa brought In today
from tho spot where the Lusltania dl
ippearcd, but some .bodies may yet be
round if a storm doe not scatter Jhem.
There will not be so great a number
picked up, however, aa wa the case In
the North Atlantic after tho Titanic d la
mer, for that veaael remained afloat so
long all on deck bad ample time to care
tu'.ly adjust lifebelt.
Tre Americana Arrested.
l.ln'lrll T. Batea. son of IJndon W.
Bate of New York, vice chairman of the
American commission ' for the relief of
Belgium, wa arrested at Klnaal yeater
lay on a charge of espionage whll
searching for the body of hi brother.
llndon W, Bate. 1r., who 1 believed to
hav perished on the Lusttania. Newton
B. Knox, an American mining engineer.
ho was with Mr. Bat, was taken into
custody at the same time.
The sergeant who made the arrests ac
cused Ihtm of being offWr of a Ger
man submarine. After being taken be
fore a captain they were detained at the
barracka a half hour, until United Etatea
conaul Frost at Queenatown vouched for
their Innocence. Their search of the
coast revealed no trace of the body of
U W. Bates, jr.
The body of Mrs. Anthony Watson of
New York has been added to the liat of
identified American dead, white the name
tif John WilUaiils. l years old, has been
'jtoluded In the tl&t of survivors. ' -
William Webb, the representative ' of
Alfred O. Vanderbllt wanted to send a
tug last night to continue the search for
Mr. Vanderbllt'a body, but the admiralty
snd Cunard line officials discouraged the
plan and it waa abandoned. There la no
indication when the search for bodies
will b resumed.
Austria Must Give
Reply by Midnight
PAItlS. May 10 "The government of
Italy today awaits the final reply of
Austria," say a Rome dispatch to l-a
Liberie. "In tho Interim the publication
of Important decreea wl.lch. were sinned
at the last meeting of the cabinet ha
l-cen withheld. I W-srn from an excellent
source that unles Austria answer ar
rives before midnight tonight, or If the
eiil I unfavorable, Italy will consider
Ihe negotiations terminated."
led to the toss of go many American
Uves." . ...
Whether the expression waa made on
instruction from his government or hi
own Initiative was not made clear by
the amlwasador nor exolainad i
Dryan. Inasmuch aa It waa the - flrat
tatement of It kind alnca American
Uvea were lost en the British steamer
Falaba and the American steamer Oulf
llght which also were torpedoed-and no
specirie. mention was made of the Lua
itanla Incident, the Impression prevailed
in orncjai nuarters that the ambassador's
statement was the usual broad exprea
sloj which diplomatic representative
are permitted to ms,ke when a disaster
occurs to the cttisena of a friendly coun
try. Will Have Little Effort.
The action of the Oerman ambassador,
nowaver. win i.av little effect on the
policy to be pursued It waa said, unless
the Utmao government makes formal
apology for the loss of Americans on the
Lusltania and peomlae reparation
Juat what course the United State
will follow still Is undecided. President
wiiaon locked himself in his study la
the White House during the forenoon and
gave atrlct order not be be disturbed.
For two days he haa consulted no one
not even tht closest member of his of
ficial family preferring to work out In
solitude a policy be mav submit tomor
row to ls adviacrs. He ttodtcd docti
mrnts and papers on the law of the case
today and was believed slso to be map
ping out the speech he Is to deliver to
nluht before the gathering In Philadelphia
of several thousand of newly, naturalised
A severance of diplomatic relation
with Germany, it waa pointed out, would
hava a seriou effect on the humantartan
ork the United State has been con-1
ducting. The American staff In Belgian
mlgnt not be rtrmltted by, Oermany to'
remain and complications that might
aesiroy me enecuvanee or the American
relief might reault. These are considera
tions which it is known the presK.ent is
turnlug over In his mind.
Wonders What the
U. S Will Do About
Murder of Citizens
LONDON, May 10 "Our enemle have
reached a degree of Infamy, culminating
in the destruction of the Lusltania, which
It la simply hopele to attempt to de
scribe," said Andrew Bonar Law, leader
of the opposition In the House of Com
man, In a speech today. Mr. Bonar
Law's remarks'Were delivered on the oc
casion of the presentation of a medal to
Captain .Bell of the British steamship
Thordis, which rammed a German sub
marine off Beachey Head In February.
"This la not an act of warfare." Mr.
Bonar Law continued. "It Is simply mur
der most foul, most unnatural."
Haying that up to the present no "ef
fective protest" had been made by any
neutral country, he added: i
"What will happen now? The great
proud natlon-rthe United Btate 1 the
neutral country most closely affected by
this latest outrage. The simple fact la
that cttixens of that great country have
been barbarously murdered. It is not for
me to say what their action ought to be,
but I feel sure the United Statea will t
guided not merely by the momentary in
terests of the country, but by feelings
aa to what I due to a gsat nation among
other nation of the world." ,
Mr. Bonar Law aald that If tha link
ing of the lAultanta had the effect he
believed it would upon the feeling, not
only of British soldier, but of the whole
nation, "then we can thank the Germans
for tha last instance of their barbarous
Department Order.
WASHINGTON. May 10. (Special Tel-
farsm.) A pension was granted to Harry
' I U...II . . v - v.
Ctixon 111 r uiienuu, iru., wi n.
Frank Pennerly wa reappointed poet-
master at McLaughlin, Carson county.
South Dakota.
A rural free delivery route will be ea-
tabllahed June IK at Champion. Chase
county, Nebraska.
Bee Want Ac produce result.
Additional List of
Identified Dead
From Lusitania
NEW YORK, May 10-The following
list of names of Identified dead among
those who perished on the Luxltanla wa
received by cable at the Cunard tine of
fices today:
Mrs U. W. Stevens. Montreal.
( barles I. 1'avnter. l.verMM (prevt
ouslv reported among survlvorai.
Mrs A. lwrnKe. New York
H. Klnn IT. It. Klnat
Krank U Naiimnim. New Vork.
Robert W. Crooks. Toronto (previously
reported among smv1 orsi.
.Mrs lirown Mis .M. C. Brown).
HK:o.Vl CLAr".
Mr.. V. King.
Hev, Jumts A. hxMtlc
W lli'inii' P.. Uusvlno,
K '. Tyers.
Michael Foley (A. Ft. KoleV
J. Splllmsn Uohn M. Fpinmani.
fumiifl Hnnson.
farlton 4. Bro.lrick iC. T. Hroderick). .
W. U. Mitchell.
'Mar) Hansen I.Mrs. Hanson).
Mrs. K Horton.
Mrs. F.llihbrth Bull (Mrs. J. H. Bull).
Hev. anan K. K. Fhair.
Miss A. Koblnson.
1'. L. Jones.
Hcssle llnte.
eore Arthur.
f Yeatmnn.
Jolin Maihmnn (.1. V. Malnman).
Infant Ferricr.
Oeoige I Meancy.
Cornelius Prisi oll I.T. Drescoll).
Margaret Corrlgon (Margaret Canigan
reported among survivors).
Tunin Lucks.
Mrs. Johnson (A. Johnson).
Patrick Hheedy.
Mrs Mary Barrow.
James Roche.
Jamea AnJerson Roberts.
Pavld Sm'ielson.
Mrs. McBrlght.
Mis Nell Frances Baa and Mr. Will
Harrison, both of Omaha, were married
by Rev. Charles W. Pavldge at the resi
dence of the bride' parents. 50OS Ptnkney
street, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr.
Harold Bass and Miss Minnie Ehlere
were best man and lady. A large num
ber of Inlvted guest were present and a
wedding iippr wa erved.
Thompson-Bel den &C-
Delightful New Dresses,
$750 $1050 $
Dainty summery creations, practical because they wash
so easily and retain their fresh appearance afterwards.
The most favored designers in America have contrib
uted to this complete display.
Private display rooms.
A competent corps of fitters in attendance. .
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent" Ad.
Churchill Says that Escorts for
Merchantmen Arc Not Customary
LONDON. May 10,-Tho flrat lord of
the admiralty, Vlnton Fpencer Churchill,
stated in the House of Common this
afternoon that Captain Turner of the
Lusltania had acknowledged receipt of
massagea from the admiralty giving him
warning and directions for the course
he waa to take.. '
"The admiralty had general knowledge
of the German warning issued In
America," Mr. Churchill declared, "atid
from that knowledge and "Other Informa
tion concerning submarine movements it
sept warnings to the Lusttian and direc
tions aa to it' course. I think, however,
It Is not right to go Into that matter In
detail, as It Is going to be a subject of
Inquiry and It might appear that I was
endeavoring to throw blame' on the cap
tain of the Lusltiant. In a matter whit f
will be a subject of full Investigation.'' '
Continuing. Mr. Churchill aald this In
vestigation would be conducted by Lord
Mersey, assisted by skilled assessor, and
that, it would be opened without avoid
able delay. Mr. Churchill's remarks were
drawn by questions from Lord Charle
Bereaford and other, asking for detail
aa to what apeed the Lusltania waa mak
ing when It .was torpedoed; whether
there was a patrol boat in that locality;
whether all points where vessels arrive
and depart are now adequately patrolled;
what provision 'were made In the case
of the Lusltania In view of the warning
Issued, In America: whether Mr. Churchill
was aware that previously to last Friday
German aubmarlnee had for some time
been actively at work on the south coast
of Ireland; whether he was aware that
th admiralty had provided torpedo boats
and other naval vessels to meet on the
south coast of Ireland steamers carrying
horses from the United States on govern
ment account to convoy them to Liver
pool, and, finally, what arrangements, if
any, were made to convoy and protect the
Lusitania. t
Mr. Churchill, replying "to further ques
tions, spoke as .follow :
'"The ihocklns' exception of "the Lu1
tanla ahould not divert the attention of
the House of Common and the country
from tho fact that Great Britain's entire
seaport trade has been carried on without
appreciative loss. The general principle
regarding the providing of an escort Is,
that merchant traffic must' look after
itself, subject to the general arrange
ments of the admiralty, and there is no
reason to suppose that thia principle is
not entirely successful."
Auto Breaks Pole
With Live Wires;
Two Burn to Death i
McAdoo Asks that
Suit Be Dismissed
WASHINGTON. May It-Secretary
McAdoo, C rap! roller Williams and
Tr-asurer John Hurke today petitioned
the district sii rem couit to disnilcs for
U'-k of Jurisdiction the suit brought
SKslnst them by the R'ggs National bank,
( n.trglng conspiracy to rei k the intti-luuoo.
LONDON. My lwWr.y far death?
H is the must builiu adventure in
life," vers O.s last words of Charles
Frohman Ix-'uie he went down with the
!u!tnla, avoiding to M Valuta Jolivet,
so Ameriiaa actress, with hoiu be waa
c siml y. UlHng Just tx fore the end tame.
FREKXO. Cal . May le.-Two are dead
aad two others were la a critical condi
tion from burns as a result of a collision
of an automobile yesterday with a power
poie who wires, carrying W.000 volts ef
electricity, fall upon the car. Miss Flora
Crouse, aged. IS, and carl Hteart were
killed straur'it. rHewari's wife and
George Cole wci so badly burned their
recovery Is doubtful. A fifth occupant
of the machine escaped with a severe
shock and minor injurlf a. -
Jaea Maaa.
PLATTrMOtTH. Neb.. May 0.-(Bpe-rlal.V-Jacob
Mason, a carpenter, about
I v-are of age. while working on a
dwelling today, climbed down a ladder to
get a drink of water and fell over dead
of heart failure. He had not been com
plaining, but had bean working at hie
trade Ma tin day. aa uaual. Rev. F. M.
lirumer, paator of the First Methodist
rhurth, will conduct tn funeral.
"STAR The Chew of Good Cheer
Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO
THOUSANDS of brainy, brawny men have made
America the leader of the world in Telephone and
Telegraph service. -
Th alert, clear thinking; men chew tobacco, and the majority of them
are; STAR ibrwtrt and STAR bwttru
STAR is madtJ clean and kept so; STAR plugs are thick, so that you 8
more of the mellow chew ing, long lasting tobacco ; STAR plugs won't dry out
thin plucs. and every STAR plug weighs a full 16 ounce pound, every time.
A trial STAR chew will change you from a "brand switcher" to STAR PLUGGER.
So great is the demand on the part of chewers and doers
for STAR, that one hundred and twenty-five million ten-cent
piecea are made and sold each yeai enough to follow a
telcirraiDh line from SL Petersburg. Florida, to Seattle,
Washington, a distance of about 4000 milea, and nMIiV
.1. '..i i i . enn :i t ctao i-f
iocro wuuiu ira wvc vuu uuin vi tru iuivku
i t. -.
T , - I . ' r l -l
( 16 ex, t
if r
, vv. I
Fashionable Coats
for Street, Dress,
Motor Travel Wear
This display will attract
your attention like it
has hundreds of other
women, because of the
many style ideas pre
sented at a moderate
The Store for
Exclusive new blouses
for wear on every occa
sion, $5.95, $6.50. $175.
McCall Magazine
For June Now Ready
The artistic cover do-,
sign is by Miss Lucille
Patterson of Omaha.
5c the copy.
McCall Pattern Dept.
Palm Beach.
Suitings, 65c
The material that ranks
highest on fashion's list
for Outing Suits and
Coats for travel wear.
65c a yard.
Dress Goods Section.
Main Floor.
Without a Rival for Drunk
enness and Drug Using
The dlaease cured by a thorough and scientific
course of treatment, which removes the craving or necessity for
liquor or drugs, imparts new strength to every organ and builds
up the general health. The only Keeley Institute in the state of
Correapondence Confidential. Cor. 25th and Casg Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Hotel Lenox
lu V ' I
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District.
All Outside Rooms. Excellent
Single Room 12, with Bath 92.50 and np
Double " 92.30, " " 13.50 " tf
, (Good Garages 2 minutes' walk)
Two minutes from Back Bay Statloo
Tan minutea from North Btation
Tiiooaaada of mca and woroeo Buffer (ma
baadacbaa araiy day, other tbouaaoda hava
aeadacnaa arry week or every mnniti, and aU II
oUiem hava beadanbea occaaionaily, but not at
reyuiar Intern aie. Tha beat Doctor iaoiten usable
to find tbe causa ol many ol tbeae beadacbea,
aad Id moat otaer caaea, knowina tbB eauee, ba
does oot kuow wbat will rcmoreTt. eo aa to girt
a permanent cure. Ail be can do la to preecriba
the usual pain jplterera, which (rive temporary
reiiel, but tha headache returoB aa ueual, and
treatment ia aalo neoeaeary. II yousuflerlrom
beadacbea. do matter what their Datura, take
Aotl-kamnla Tableta. and the naulta will be eatle
lactory Id Ihe blrhwit deirree. You ean obtain
them at all druaglaw in any quantity, loo worUi,
tbo worth or mora. Aak tor A-K Tableta.
Bick -bead acne, tha nocl mlaerabla ot all aib.
oeaaea, Inaes Ita terrors wbeo A-K Tableta are
Ukea. When you Icel aa attack comlor on,
take two tableta, and In many caaea. the attack
will be warded off. Durua an attack take oh
A-K Tablet every two boura. Tbe rest aad com
port which louow, ean be obtained in no other
Caawaaa A-K TmlUtt twar thu JK mini
At mtt JrmmiUtM.
Window Shades Cl3acad
XaMfactwera aad Claumj.
XS18 rantarn St. 2ooUa a32S
liii (
3 (O,
f ice
. Engravings
All Under One Roof
rorULAS Theater
IoaJht, Ail Week, Oao. M. Cohan's
Patrlotio acualoal Comedy,
Little Johnny Jones
with oao. razi-ra as JOHsnrr.
Tues., concert Blrat, BUas Kdlth
rUokiag-er, soprano, between acta.
Taaao Matinee Thursday,
aWf. Mate. Wed., Thurs., Bat., SSci
aTlfbta, 85o and 50o.
(Text Week i
"Tiaa or the noait covstit."
I Northwestern University,
College of Engineering
Five reara at knee, tbareask tralaies;
email ciaaMa. la whlck each Mudaat imiw
a wiuiial amouat at Individual attaatlua
fraaa aa4 Brstaasara. Eiealleol aaiuiaa.
4i(4 tor la a swoaa. wuk ap-a-4ue a
yatua. t'mufnait epajarUaUlea ta aee
(raa aluarliis jrojaeta aa4 to aiaat eaat
aMra, A raaaa rtaalaeuoa, Mamimat br
tmbanmaalBa tradittuaa. Wrfca tae "Heat
Frapantioa lar analnaartm" aad "AoekkM at
3QXM I. EATTOID, XHreoio .
Zrajutoa. liilaoia.
. Real Estate j
BMtd Um Utaw newt aboat ,rcaH .
atatw on ttt acat to tte laaS
Mt, Bo tnfoTl in'TowO
atve annd yoa wlU aAtl Uk
UiTa4 yor Bkoaftoy anora t n to 111
TenUy tvad Baoro profi tvb ly .
Pally Matinee. 8:18 Might. 8:15
I Othar Acta: Bron-
i I Bartlah. Uaura a
Ji1n. Maaa Wllbar a Jordoa l-HARLITTki
Traval Waakly.
Prlcaa: atattna. sallery 0: Dt Baata fveant
Saturdar aM 8uaUr) lae: Nlsbu IBr. lac, tee. 7io
Host of Ptnmount Pictures
"wii.Di-L.owr a"
Toaaorrvw-Laaky-Selaaoo vroaanta
TaraATTsm last a timW
The War of the nations
Benefit Rd Crs, Adm. 23c
Oomlntr So, Cap. Scott In Aatarotla