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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1915)
14 THE BEE: fttfAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 11, 1915. WILD RUMORS SEND WHEAT PRICE DOWN Pmumably to Wrtck Market Re ports of Assaitinttioa of Preii dent Are Circulated. ALSO SAY ITALY DECLARES WAR President Wilson not aaaaM- J Inated. Not only do reports of great dam age to growing crop by Hessian flies and chinch bugs reach tho Omaha Oraln exchange, but reporH that would hak the nation from cantor to circumference filtered In onto tfco floor during the morn Id 3 jteo.lon. These reports, it ia said, are from New York and Chicago and are sent out over the wires by irrj fponclble parties for the purpose of Influencing the market. Yf-alcldsr during the rlon of the -jfhanae. In cam a wire rejiort, auld to have betn filed in New York, conveying thf Information 'hat President Wilson hd been tfnamlnntPil. I.ter. however, it was denied. While It waa presumed that it would break, or bull the market, it wis discredited and hid no effect on price. Shortly afterward tame a report that Italy had cast its lot with the allies and UiM a proclamation declaring wnr had liecn issued by the king. No denial of I hi was recelvnd. and it Is presumed that the story hulped to break the wheat market, which was weak from the open ing Wheat Dawa h'nmr 4 eait a. Wllh continutHl reports of cancellations of nailing dates of freighters, the Omaha araln market, like that of Chicago, ex perienced another M (lump, wheat coins; 4 rents below lat Saturday's prices, the rang hetno; from. 11.42 to f 1.43 per bushel. Dnrin the session report came from, Know A Co. of Chlraxo aaylnfc- that the Hessian fly had made Its appearance In the wheat fields of Kansas and Mis souri. It was asserted that the Snow report was for the purpose of toppln the de cline and helplnic somebody to cover. Traders psld little attention to the re port and as load aftrr load of wheat went onto the market It kept hitting the to bonsan. The receipts for th day were rort.walx carloads. - Corn waa In sympathy with wheat, yet the decline waa not so marked. Its drop being H cent to cant per bushel, the prices beinic t to tents per bushel, with firty-eUtht rars on sale. 0t were fairly strong- and In aood demand. Their loss waa only H cent per bushel, price ranging- bet w ten 60 and V u-nta per bushel. Storka Are Lot. With the rcwptlon of corn, all grain stock in local elevators are far below wont they were on the correspond Ina date of one year ago. The following snows the grain In storage now and then: Last Year. ThlaYear. Wheat 461.010 1l.f I'orn f.14,00 l.lir1 ts 4M.OT4) Ka !2. 20'onn barley 44,00 i'.OuO As compared with the corresponding 'date of one week ago, there are lXft.OOO liuhhels leas grain in s tor air in local ele vators. The shrink la as follow: Wheat, IT.CCO; corn. 85,000; oata. 111,000 bushel. SMART DOG OBJECTS TO THE WCRK OF THE DOG CATCHER Mis Bell rtysji. assistant auperlntead ent of publlo schools, maintain she has one ot th smartest fox terrier dogs la On aha. This canine respoada te th mi m of Kport. Sport recently was adorse4 with a dog tag. which entitles th wearer to roam without fear of the dog catcher. i-'i oit seem to understand tlte valu of this tag. Yesterday th dog catcher was In the Ityan neighborhood and pounced upon a small whit dog at uncertain pedigree. Kport watched the movements of the man who pick up tagless dogs, and when tha tity canine catcher started after th hlt dog, Sport started after the dog a aa with ' considerable earnestness of purpose. ' Sport objection, however. were overruled and the poor little whit dog w taken to the city pound. GRAIN CASE TO CONTINUE , AFTER DAY'S ARGUING ' Failure of the Swundera-Weatrand lany to establish a claim of S4X.0US in.t the estate of the lat Sherman baundere and William C. bunderland in probata court will not bar It from recovering tha amount (rout Lamson Droa. at Co. If a Jury should decide that tha latter are responsible for it. District Judge Eatelia ueciiiea on me point by attorneys. Con sequently trial of the suit will continue. The defense sought to brlnar tha - to a steedy close by alleging that it had leen settled by proceeding In probata court. Taking evidence will begin lin mediately. ,s ROCX ISLAND ROAD WILL ADJUST ALL ITS CLAIMS J. II. Gorman, chief trafflo officer of the Hock. Island, under th receivers, Mudife and Dickinson, la sending out notirrs to all patrons of tha rBad aurlng them that there will be a prompt adjuatmeut of alt claims for overcharge. lois or damage incurred during or brfnra tha receivership. In his circular l.itxr Mr. Oorman intimate that it I probable tt-at the receivership will be of short duration. Olrla tm Baa Health. Hundred of girt go to work day after day, afflicted with soma ailment peculiar to their sex, dragging one foot wearily arter tha other, working always with one eye oa th rlock and wishing for iloaiog tiino to come. Kvery ucb girl rhould rely oa Lydia K. Itnkhsm s Vg table Compound to restore her to a nor (ji healthy tonditlon, then work will be a pleasure. For forty years this fam ou root and herb medu-ln ha been, pra tinuiently suoeeasful la controlling the tiixtMt ot women. Why don't you try It 7 Adv. NEW CLUB HOUSE FOR THE RAILROADERS IS RE-OPENED Tr.e formal opening of tha aew club reuse at Fort MeConnoll, on the shore of Lake iloulie'ian, "Saturday afternoon, i teiorteij to Lava Wtca a miwt enjoyable ' ht.nus twenty-five railroad iin Dorr. Oniaua Were preaent, going to VaU ! in a prl.ate car and from th.-r to TOD SLOAN, once pre mier jockey of the world, now is a Red Cross chauf feur with the French army. He was manager of a cafe in Paris when war started. "I was too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work, so they made me a chauffeur, and ome times I'm a cook," says Sloan. C-U; r i s - ' I f. . M&k . , A-f " I i ( Too SlsOrrt the club, three miles away , In auto mobile. Most of the member of th party returned Monday morning. eli A startling phase of the tremendous struggle in Europe is presented through the charges and countercharges of the use of poisonous gas-fumes! as -agents of destruction, in defiance of all the existing laws of warfare. In THE LITERARY DIGEST for May 8th all the facts of this newest development are given comprehensive and impartial treatment. The reader will learn from it the gist of American public opinion of all shades as exprest through the newspaper press. , ' In this particularly interesting issue of THE DIGEST, there are many other features that will appeal to the thoughtful American reading public. Among them are: RELEASE FROM DRUG SLAVERY: An illustrated and comprehensive description of what medical science is doing in . America to help drug victims UP READING FOR DETECTIVES. HEREDITY AND HEIGHT: - What makes a tall man tall, and a short man short. TROUBLES THAT BESET A CITY'S MANAGER: RUni4 a town on purely business principles is not always popular. THE BEWILDERED BALKANS. WAR GRAFT IN CANADA. ' FREEZING GERMANS OUT OF RUSSIA: a ,n,i,ion from Russian newspapers of a curious phase of the war. OPERA'S TRIUMPH OVER THE WAR. ' FRANCE BANISHING ABSINTHE And with all these interesting features, including striking photographs and cartoons, there is a review of the more important happenings in Science Invention, Literature, Art, Religion, Politics, Education, Industry, Sport. Drama. Don't Miss This Number MAY 8th 10 Cents Buy It from Your News-Dealer To-day lie IfaQQiy iSfet FUNK A WAGNALL$ COMPANY (Publisher of WINTER WHEAT COMING STRONG Burlington'! Crop Report or Last! Week Shows an Abundance of Moisture Pastures Fine. CORN IS ABOUT HALF PLANTED; , . , The Hurllngton. crop report ror the week ending Saturday shows that with Ihe exception of a narrow strip of country along the Missouri river, there was an abundance of precipita tion all over Nebraska during ttm period covered. Through the south ern and western portions of the state the rain was heavy, ranging from oiieT to two Inches. lai Perfect C ondlttnna. The winter wheat crop Is reported In perfect condition and growing rapidly, with no signs of peats or unfavorable situations. The compnrixon of conditions exlating at the corresponding date during former years puts Ihe present condition aa follows: Division I'er Tent. Division. Per Cent. M.-Cook !ir Omaha 1"2 Wymore 1H Lincoln 102 These four division Include practically all the winter wheat growing area of the state. However, there Is a smsll acreage ron In th Alliance and Sheridan divi sions, where tiie cnmlltloria are reported at US and IX per cent. Half of I wa I'laated. Notwithstanding the cold weather of last week, corn planting proRreaaed rap Idly and It is estimated that at this tlmo nearly 50 per eeut of the crop Is In the ground. The ground is In good condition and by tlio end of the preaent week planting of the crop will be finished. Light f'osts were reported In numerous places In the state lust week, but no where were they severe enough to Injure either crops or fruit. The report, how ever, Indlcatea that through portions of Colorado and Wyoming where fruit la raised, the crop Is badly injured, t'asture are In prime condition, and there ar Instances where the first cut ting of alfalfa Is under way. About Ihe usual acreage of potatoes la being planted, with an of about l.'i.O") acres of sugar beets over last year In th trade territory tributary to Omaha. SENATOR HITCHCOCK TO TALK AT ELKS' FLAG DAY Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock Is to de liver the a.ldrcss to the folks for the Elks" Flag Djr celebration June 13. The place has not yet been ileclded upon, but the celebration Is to bo held in some open air place, prol sbly in one of th park. Pi ID nnU ff FT , Ulne, iSarae4iid. D Omaha Friends Anxious as to Whereabouts of F. S. Howell Where la Frank . Howell, CM led Hate at form y in and for the division of Omaha? That Is the question whl h Is l-eln saked at the federal building. Two months ago Mr. Howell acquired a nfoe. Jtlg, liiKh-pocrel automobile. Two weeks airo Mr. Howell departed ;,n ,n blIM Wgy fm. Chicago, whither (government hualnr railed him. The next day came a dispatch from CedMr Rapids, In the state of Iowa, stat ing thv Mr. Howell's automobile had turned upside down In the road, but that the eminent attorney had escaped un scathed. While friends here were awaiting the ' " . . , , " w" cam; liiast, lb IIHU WCn III! UTTfl I IB ML fl'jlJ up and the undismayed Mr. Howell was Heavy Snow Makes Dent in the Street Cleaning Money Commissioner Drexel of the depart ment of street cleaning and maintenance saya he has a flnanrtnl problem to meet In the street cleaning fund. At the first of the year the atreet cleaning fund was frxed at ttW.2sn, and on April 1 there was an unexpended bal ance of ftKi.m. On the first of this month the balance wss about M.OiiO, which must be apportioned over the re maining eight months of the year. Thi will allow about $125 per working day for the balance of the year for atreet cleaning purposes, unless the council can find some legal way In which to reim burse thia fund. Extraordinary snow conditions here this year ia the chief reason for this unusual depletion of the fund during the first four month. Couched for Three Iran. A grateful sufferer write. "Your medicine. Dr. King Discovery, cured my cough of three years standing." All druggists. 50c. Advertisement. MENORAH SOCIETY TO GIVE PROGRAM AT OMAHA UNI The Menorah society will give a lecture and musical program Tuesday evening at S o'clock at the University of Omaha gymnasium. Twenty-fourth and Pratt street. The siwakers will lie Rabbi Samuel Cohen of K annas City and Prof. D. E. Jenkins, president of the Univer sity of Omaha. Several musical num bers will be given. eape the'Famou. NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK proceeding In It Chkagoward with a irrim snd joyous smile on his fsce that seemed to say, "Thi I the life." Hlnce then no word hss coma to "Dave" Dickinson, his secretary, in the federal building. It Is suggested that Mr. Howell, carried wy by the thrill of turning turtle In liis nischlne. hss accepted an offer from a circus or some big summer ajnusement enterprise in Chicago. His friends are even Imagining the big. red. black and green-lettered 'posters: "Senor Howelll "In "The Dip of Death. "Daring, Death-Defying. Dreadful, "Benor Howelll positively loops the loop three separate and distinct time at ach and every performance. "Bee the Demon Motorist ' Florence Woman Cancels Date to Sail On Lusitania Miss C. M. Disco ot Florence Is con gratulating herself tbat she did not sail for England on the Lusitania, as she had planned. Late in April Miss Disco called on Royal D. Miller, one of the local agents for the Cunard line of boats, and booked passage on the Lusitania, leaving a deposit of V, saying that she would pay the balance when nhe called for her ticket, which, ahe said, would be a couple of daya later. The following day Miss Disco telephoned Mr. Miller that affairs at her home had shaped themselve In uch a manner that she would have to cancel her booking and go abroad at some lator date. DIVE KEEPER IS FINED . AND IS THEN ARRESTED What the police record a a "boot legging and easy virtue Joint" at 706 South Thirteenth atreet was visited by officer on complaint of A. Jensen of Forty-fifth and Parker streets, who al leged he had been forcibly separated from 6 under tho guise of charges for beer he got there. But when the arrested parties were tried In police court Jensen wa fned $10 and costs a an Inmate of a dis orderly house, along with Mra. Alma Schuelt, the keeper, and Mabel Andrews, another Inmate. Edward Pmlth and C. T. Lee, charged with taking Jensen's money, were discharged when the latter admitted he might have been mistaken about losing any money. All but Jensen were then rearrested on charges of vag rancy and suspicious character. I - May Sales Here Offer THK XKW IH (IH AND rilK IMis. TOO, U IIX PLKASK. On Sale in Domestic Room 30,000 yards Curtain Fabrics, Art Scrim, Casement Cloth, Ktamine, lrawn Work, Stripe, and Voile. Full pieces in Novel Colored, Allov?r and Stria." Fancies; also Plain White. Cream and Ecru; this entire collection, 15c to 20c fabric., now on ssile at, yard 15 and 10 100 dozen Turkish Bath and Muck Towels, good generous size towels, made for service, eacli f . . . .10 Tuesday, Bargain Day rw i i ffi in Lloak uept. 175 Handsome New Tailored Suits Mai to sell r at $23.00 and '$29.75, choice . .... ... ; .$15 Clever new designs iu poplftis, gabardines, serges, check suitings, all wanted colors and in all sizes, extraordinary bargains Tuesday. . . ; TUESDAY MORNING SPECIALS House Dresses Made to sell at $1 and $1.23, all sizes, at-.". 59 Bungalow Aprons Regular -30 val ues, on sale Tues day at .... ..29 3 Rousing Silk Specials Tuesday 100 Pieces of lNew Tub Silks All silk broad assortment of the most beautiful weaves and colorings, including two and three-tone stripe Vwo choice lots Tuesday . Black Chiffon Taffetas :u inches wide; a splendid soft, lustrous silk, very special value, Tuesday, at, yard ....68 UA9 BIO BPZCIAX. OBOOSKT, nVXT, YBOETABIB IUI for TUESDAY 14 lb, best granulated Cana Sugar tl 48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond H Flour; nothlna; finer for bread, pie or cakes, sack $1.89 MaJce your ova bread it paya one sack of flour "Will make from 86 to 70 one-pound loaves of bread. It bars Beat-'Em-AU or Diamond C. Soap 8O0 10 bars Lenox, Laundry Queen or White Russian Hoap.. .950 10 lbs. pure Buckwheat Flour. . . S5o 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice .86a I lb, best whit or yellow Corn meal 170 The best domestic Macaroni. Vermi celli or 8pKhettt. pkg; . . . . TV 4 Iba. best iiand picked Navy Bean for 85c Tall cana Alaska Salmon 106 t can Oil or Mustard Bardlnea.860 4 cana fancy sweet Suajar Corn. Wax. String, Green or Lima, Beans.. 96o 4 cana Pet or Carnation Milk... 88a K. C. Corn Vlakea, pkT 5o Grape Nuts, pkjr lOo 7 lba. best Bulk Laundry Starch. 85o Large bottlea Worcester Pauie. Pure Tomato Catsup, Plcklea. aaaortml kinds, or Muntard. bottle 8lie I.araa cana solid packed Tomatoes for, 8Va fm IUI BaV- B VhailU W I BUu 6 PIT 1... i.iiDnV'f I fill' I li-iili A Competent Cook Domestic happiness btarta in the kitchen. Everybody is happy when there is a good cook in charge. And when it comes to enter taining, a first-class cook is in dispensable, - The Omaha Bee will get one for yon. The Bee reaches the better class of domestics. Send in yonr advertisement, or TmUphonm Tyltr 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "ZTjtUy AW Want Aaft " Splendid Reductions Hit. SAVINGS IX H11MTII1K A lli THIS WKKK, Pretty Silk Dresses $10.00 to $12 dr )n values, at pDmUU A splendid assortment of nobby new styles in plain and fancy silks and satins, all col ors, all sizes, for women and misses great bargain at ........ . . . : . . . . . $5.00 New Check Silk Skirts $6.00 and Q $7.00 values, at ...... . . . yJa0 In the season's newest styles. Big .shipment $1.25 and $1.50 Ki monos In pretty crepes, in all colors on sale .... 69 effects 68c-88c 36 and 46-in. Silk Poplins 75 pieces, including all the new spring shades, two special lots, at .... ..68 and 88 T5,Jt cramrr bnttar. oanoa or bulk. lb. 3oo The -beat atrlctly fresh No. 1 eB,. dozen 20o Fancy No. 1 country creamery but ter, lb 880 Fancy No. 1 dairy tabla butter, per pound 36o Good dairy butter, lb 83o 1KB TEOBTABM KiBXET FOB THB A. savin of BO vr cant to 100 jr nt by tradlna at Kaydaa'a. , bunches fresh home jrrown onions .for 50 S buncha fresh home Krown rad- Ishea for ...... 54 The bet cookln; potatoes, peck 17Ho 2 hedn fresh leaf lettuce for ...60 2 btinchea fresh home (crown parsnips for 5o 1 bunched fresh home irrown aapara- Rus for ....10o 4 bunchra fresh home Brown pie plant for ' Be FVncy a-reen or wax beana. lb. . ,le Otra rrBT cutoiD 07 pros. APPXES TOM. THIS 8SASOJT This In Extra Fancy Fruit nolhlna; finer for canning; Monday F.ach 70. 100, laHo, ISo Per dox. .. .. .8S0, 11.10. $1.40, $1.70 -j a 1 i'Hiim WW fff- Vt na.iiiil.i ill f ! At vo m r L ii-'