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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1915)
1315. H I) II I II I j l H W71 , .1 1 T 1 T T O 1, C. ---s-te 41-:r A -tV nn r rn11 f-r. inv nf S j:j w ny not, consult tnc ixcauy ixcicrciiut; wuiuimi iui yum. uy nwvu. "uv w e m v nlitv nnd service that will tlease the faistidious. w i L11W UU V Wi lilPWllJ 111 bllUb mWAU.AA-.AA i;Mi.wivvi j w w w s-w---. w --..-- X - v"T"-. 1 ? t t Q ijj t in t t iu it , i am 0mm m mm ?w a'a w wir i nm u'rr S rr s4tassiir TIIK BKK: OMAHA, MONDAY. it n n i! i 1 ! i i ! ! 1 i 1 ! 1 I WANT ADS Want ads received et any m. but to tnsme proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening Litton and f..i V m. for n'"'"" ""'2 Sunday editlona Want a received after tirh hrura will be under the heading, Too Late to C lasalfy." CASH RATER Frven consecutive times. 1 cent a wora eerh Inatrtlon. . , ,. Three times within one week, Vk cents a word each insertion. One time, 2 cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven rnneetutlve times, 8 rents a una es.h Insertion. . , . . Three times within one week, 10 cent a line earn Insertion. One tlm. II renin a line. P'.iint six average word to a line. Minimum chart e. 2e rente. An snverllaement Inserted to be run until discontinued mut be stopped r written order. A'l rlnlma for error mint he made within fifteen days aftr the last inser tion of the advertisement- Too ran rlace your want ad lii The Bra ' tetePTFlrifONKTTLWllo. Undnimcd Answers to the "Swappers' Column." i i .iiu minn have Itecn relied for and delivered durln he leat week. Tt is reaeonable to WV" Jet .n t ika neoDle below have made tne Retired ewape. therefore do not ran for i. Bee want air. P.O. 74-. r 7W 7;7 7W 7M f1 775 ! 70 W7 no tH (104 f15 IWI W7 K27 M 33 Ml M4 3ft 2 M KU 43 MX Ml 44 IM7 47 m i4n IU4) 7 the belance of their answers, ads aura ret reetiUa. P C. AC. l r. PC M Ml M Vtt 471 M2 M 474 M3 M 41 47 K-i 41 W7 J 41? : M 4H ro f4 4 411 fi (,75 41 67 MT 4J0 o M4 Ti l 71 429 Ml h 1 412 m f- w 4s Rn e) e 4M io i 444 R? lt 70 44T &33 CI4 7M 4'' M3 711 4o 6.14 ' b: 1' 4; f. W 7f 4 T2T eSl 640 638 717 ea tea DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICE". ANDERSON C O., died May S. 1918, at Ms residence, VGJ North Twentieth street. Funeral services Sunday at 2 p. m. at Croaby'a chapel- BAt'ER-Charles. aged 71. died May . FTineral from the home. Fifty-sixth and Fowler avenue. Tuesday, May It, at 2 ?. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery, rlenda invited. HOPKINS Mlsa Catherine Cecilia, aged n uv a. of neritnnltla. Funeral from family roM.lenre, 8110 Vin ton street, Wednesday, :!b a. m.. to St. Peter's church at a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. WAIXIT-James C, aged K, dle4 at Bt. Joseph's hospital May 10, late of 604 North Twenty-fifth street. Funeral Wednesday from Rrailev A TJorrance tindertaklng parlora at :! a. m. to SL John's church. a. m. Inter ment Holy Sepulchre cemetery, WIDEN Cora Victoria, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joel E. Widen, aged It years 6 months days. May , IHiB. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from residence. 2S14 Parker street, to Swedish Mission church. Twenty-third and Davenport streets, at 1:30. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends ar welcome. BIRTHS AMU UHATM. F.lrtha Vlnconso and Asgat Conn la. 4!i Poppletun avenue, hoy; C. E. and Daley Jones, II4 North Flfftleth, hoy; Clyde W. and. Mary I'lltey, zvn Ohio, boy; Rudolph and Annie rftyher, Sir-' South Eleventh, girl; Joseph and Matilda Btybanek, Sk'Ji Bottth Sixteenth, boy; Herman and Olga Von Nielsen, l- Flor ence txttilcvard, girL Ieet he Mary A. Msekensle, t years. I.'.Il North Thirty-tlilrd; Charlea tiscar Anderson, 64 years. aU North Twentieth; W illiam L, Jones, 84 years, hoepltal. MAHHIAVtfl I.ltfc.NSKS. The fotlowina; couples nave secured licenses t.t wed; Name and Residence. Age, William Shecly. titnaha "1 Katherlna Klat. Oroaha. 1 Edward Leonard, Omaha..... 1 l-.leanor Leonard, Omaha . Vlmle Cooksey. Council Bluffs. VI Lucille Hardlnc. Council Illufls 18 Frank J. Haman, South Omaha Annie Budln, Bouth Omaha 30 Henry Gowlng Chicago S9 Sflma A. Anderson, Minneapolis. M Nh-ulae Putan, Omaha W Annie Kadu, Omaha William Morgan, Milwaukee Vt Anna oyrne, jni.iav, wis s BIIIDIXU PKHMITt. John C. Boyer, 4W9 Ieavenworth, frame Omelliag, (l.hum TODAT'8 COIPLETK MOVIE PROGRAMS ExriualTel In Th itee. LANTERN slides (or movies. Band your copy to ua. W can reproduce photos ar will prepare your copy. We will color as directed. Bea Pboto Dept. lot Baa Bid. Iewai lsa ELITE NO. X. 1J1I Farnam The Return of Richard Neal. I-r. Eaa, diama, featuring F. X Bushnian. The lve Whip. Vila. com., feat. L, Walker. FARNAM. 14 DOUGLAS. Farnani Theater Special 8 Mutual luaa- ta-rpieors a week. Thureday and Sunday our special days. HIPJ THEATER. UIU AND liARNJCT Home of Paramouat Picturee. HiriAL. Their Hour, 8-recl O. Seal. Mailer ot Parentage, Powers. Skper Simpson's Daugliter. Joker com. PAUK. 61iTlioRTii'rH &T. Blood of the Chlldrwi, t-rel Bison. At His Own Terms. Big U. Taking Her Measures. Nestor comedy. PARLOR. 14Uk Douglas. Thumb Prints on the Sate, 2-r. Kal. are. M. Jnrr'e Magnetic Friend. Vita. cum. The Tyrant of the Sellg. cfaina. I PRINtTESel. isiMrTrlocGLA3" Mary fuller and Matt Moore In The Giil Who liad a Soul. S-act dra. Violet Mrrseieau in Uncle's New plater, com. wtk. ALAMO, MTH AND FORT. I'lutnxfsi uvea, mree-reci (told Seal. 11 Miviit Have Keen Serious, Nestor eoiiwrdy. AUIAMHRA THEATER JkU N l4lh fct The Marnei of n-atructlon, I-r. Than. ' In the the VuoU. l autit in the Act, Keyaione fomedy. ci.Jl'T'JX. Military Ave. and RuruVtie bli f'ie r ii't of Hie lwad. Z-r. Iiotn. Dra. imi Lot Stung I'nii'eisa Comely. 'I be ! bo. Amernan iMama. IAM.iN.i THEATER. 1410 Ukr St. !'.., ,f the llilU. 2-r. Ijitinmle I'ra'a Itettevikina. Imp 1'uu.edy. . liny HonUi, i'uairl. TODAVB CXfPLETB MOVIE mCKJIlAMS Ficlnaivel In Th IW. ra. NTH AND FRANKLIN. FRANKLIN. The Great Hllenre. X-r. F.cny drama. It Happenel on a Wenh Hey. Hihln rorrt. FIHtLH TMKATKR, 24th and Fpraaue. The Uurheee, I'leo Medloon In a S reirl t'nlvereal feiture; The Fntal Note L. K'J rriinefty. (Irend, 'Thrnlrr Heatillful." It) Kinney. Mutual Weekly, No. W. The J'ower of the Blreet, ;-r. lira. The Henri Hup. lire. F.thel'e New I'reee. I'omedy. HII'I"IHI(.MK, J.lh et.d lllnlns Hte. The OrudKe, Bn i.rho -rre teeturc. Relf HviXonlWHl, Hey Comedy. lut uel Wr-kly. IVT. KTH AN1J HI ' KHKTTK. Allea Mr. Smith, HI IT. W'hon nlt! Wee Merrled, Sterllna cum. lena of Keirle Mount, I-reel lllson. LOYAL THKATKK. 24fl Caldwell ht. The Orlnd. H-reel Rex. Rutler'a Hunted Ktnane. Hterlln Com. iTtnnO'tp. tint a irfifffop. Llftlmr the Rn of Coventry. -r. Vita. Mil. lira. He wee e Trevellna: Men. Kal. Com. InKomer of the mile. !. W. Ir. VAUlCK. i-jTliA VKM-oirfT Seven end Keventr. Ttiir I'. I'reeelna Itla I'ente, Imp. roinedy. Myeterloue ( 'onlregrev, 2-re'l t. Peel. ki?bi:rban. 2(10 A.MKH. The fSIrl on the Trestle. Kelrm drama. The flpher Key. S-r. Iuhln drama. oatb. ARBOR TMKATKR, 32d and Arbor Hts. From Ileadnnerlera. I-r. Vila. Ira. A He Hlew Me Hlew, Nina (rom. ATOI.liO TMKATKR, JS24 Leavenworth. The Silver Cup. I.ub Pre. I.orna Iloone, 2-r. Hlo. t)ra. Mem at the Osrbege. Kal. Com. COLUMBIA THEATER, 1710 S. 10th St. The Second Commandment, S-r. Kal. Dra. Ham Among the Redskins, Kal. Com. COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON. The Moment of Barrlflce. 2-reel Than. His Bachelor Iilnner. Rellsnce. The Handicap of Beauty, Falstaff. FAVORITE THEATER. I71 Vinton Bt. A Ufe In the Balance. Kal. Dra. Sophie's Fighting Spirit, Ess. W. Com. The Enemies, S-r. Vita. Dra. GEM, 1?J BO. 1ST 11. tiove That Lasts, Powers. Father was Neutral, L. Ko Comedy. LYRIC. 117 VINTON. Nabbed, z-reel Hlnnn. City of Delusion, Joker comedy. Clutch of the Emperor, Rex. OHI'MKl'M, BOLT 1 1 OMAHA. Gussle's Dsy of Rest. 2-reel. Keystone. Another good Keystone and a 2-reel drama. PABTIME. 2IID AY LEAVENWORTH. The Pour Pound Note, J-r. Imp. All In the Same Boat, Nester Comedy. 7 Reels of Pictures 7. I VKNEZIA, ml MO. MTH ST. Four reels of Mutual pictures. West. MONROE, tf" FARNAM. Broadway Star feature. The Enmnles, Harry Morey and rxiltn storey, s reeis. He Wsa a Traveling Man. Comedy. KJCNflUIM. . ' r ar. aT A W KTv he Bleck Box Io. s, Special serial. I Ixive of tlie .farent tsyaney yre,. I cim in m7, ' ... loaactl niafre- TTT.ITE NO. I. M Broadway, The Writing on the Wall, Kal. drama. The Other Man's Wife. Vita, drama. The Perils of the Jungle Belig drsma. NlcTlOLAii; ! 47 Broadway. The Lady of the Fnnwa. -r. Ess. dra. His Phanton Sweetheart, VltaAC. dra. ROPER NT BROADWAY. Grim Messenger, -r. Rl 1J. Artist and the Vengeful One, Victor. Two Hearts and a Bhlp. Nestor t omedy. stoat OmsSs. BESSK THEATER. th and N wts. The nosing or tbe nreuii, -r- ra.: The Fable of The Men at the Woman's Club. Kss. Com.; The itonor oi the Camp. Bel. Dra magTcT , "Til ANO - Counting Out the Count. Sterling Com. Vaa-evllle. , ORPHEVM. 24TH AND M. Mutual Weekly. Tba iinugnneca . --r. dra Msbrl and rstty at oriai rair, Keystone. The Little Matchmaker. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ir4allKate Y.M C.A. oufg park, aum-ier. 0 MAMA PILLOW CO.. 107 Cuming. Douglae 8407. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept J. I Brandels at Nm. umna. Lakeside Ice Co. FnR trK 'PHONE WEBSTER 6919. General Office, lth and Manderson Bta. LUCKY weddlng'rlngs at' Brodegaard's. W B rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machtnea. NB- BKASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel 16th and Harney. Douglas leM. Welcllng announcements. iKiug. Ptg. Co. KNOX WEED kills the tiandeliona. AMUSEMENTS WAN'! KU to rent or let rom'ession. One twenty-passenger launch, one up-to- date merry-go-round, also other park eoitoesjilons. Write or call Harry Hauaer, fTrmont Ien. AUTOMOBILES I-PA.SSKNOKR car. excellent condition. one-tlitrd the original price. Western Auto Top Co., 20th and liarney. Phone DouKlas3U8. IMS' Pullman. .....847.1 l'tl:l Maxwell ...47o 1U Cole T5 lull Oakland ....3 A. A. AH I.MAN. L'A Farnam St. GOOD value in a 1913 Caillllao touring; Delco lo starting and lighting: In fine condition. Call Doiialaa li9. NEW Ford auto delivery biniiea vf all styles, open or closed, alwaya on hand. Our prices will save you money. See Johnaon -Ksnrorth t o , 15-.ti-ki No. Wth. 1U0 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair, t oils repd. Baysdorler, I0 o C ELBAsBEft expert radiaior end Uo repalra Tr. 7t. stol Leavens h. AUTO Clearing House, Faroara. buy and sella used ears. Phone Douslas U1A. Overton's for leaky radiator, sue, dealers. Want an auto. C J. f anan. MK'mim bldg? Induktrlal Garage Co., JtKh Harney Bta. AUTi 'Molill-E and mHorcyc.le repalrlns; work guars meed. Tuinasl. ilalagarda V i . lu N. liih NKi:iLA.SKA I.ulck Service Station. Uli Farnam i-t. i'hone lHuglas lil. Meter yelea. HA RLEY-D A V i I SON MOTORCYCI J-'.S. Barsalna In uaod machines. Victor Rooa, "1'lie Molorvyile Man," I, '01 Leavenworth. BUSINESS tTHANCES (OR SALE One of the beat pools In Bout'wrn, Neb., Best cigar and loiiarco stand in loan, tiood reaains for selling. A barsaln. Box 211. Red ( loud Neb THEATERS Lu. u. .U iur the ater, machine and supplies tlirouukj Theater e.xrhali(e Co., It, l aiaam iL l"'U,ui l: F R BALKGrncial alovk of nierchan dlee. tltuo in Long J .land, Kan Ad dress Y SIS, lice. ntSIMSS CHANOTS UlttM-KKY and meat market, M.. Klglit Inratlon and a live, aolna bfelness. peef openine- for a arrocer In Omaha. Addreep M-JM. Hee. WIIT rent? Will sell l-arre farma In Red River valley. Minn., erect bulldlnits. eupply rows and hogs on flret rayment of t.W and fl per acre and Interest at per rent eech jeer thereafter. W. O. Templeton. tm Bee R1d.. Omaha. FOR HALK-W1II eell one-half or all of a three-chair berher ehnp, dnlna a ifood tiuelneea. etieap If taken by the Joth. I-HVlnu town. Addreae Homer T. O'liell, Hxreliaor KprlnK", Mo. TO '1KT In or out of bunlneee call on O ANOEHTA D, 404 Bee Bld. Doua. 1477. BIGNH. enow ciTin r'ftt ft-rn. t. IT7 WILL eell mv half Interest In a cleaning and dyelnn business whl h Is making Rood money. Reason, moving to my farm. A real opportunity to buy good going business downtown. Aldre A SO, Hee. CONCKSSIONS nt KmsT l'ark for sale. Uestaiirsnt. soft drinks, rltrars. randy and box ball alleys. Inquire at park afternoons. TIUrSTKK'S BALK OF M KRt'H ANIHHK The undersigned trustee will on Wednes day, May 12. IflS, at one o'rloch p. m., at I'almer, Merrtek county. Nebraska, sell for the benefit of creditors, at public vendue for resh. the complete stork of aeneral merchandise of H. K. Kterrett. lonslstlng of srwerles, dry goods, rubler goods, furnishings, notions, stationery, fixtures, etc. Inventory. I-V.TO.iV. o:ood, rlean stork In live town; splendid farm ing community. Offers rare huslneea nenlng. Styrk and Inventory con be In spected nt env time, fall or write. M. J. TKMI'LTN. Trustee. Palmer. Neb. FOR BALK The only second-hand store and general repair shop In good, thriving town, centrally located and well eaiahllshed. Address Y-M7. Hee. RF1AL estate Business places supplied) or lisndled; ell stfttes. K. V. Knlest. C-maha. RonmlasT II oases for Hale, II ROOMB, well furnlslied: alwsys rented; for oulcg sale, i sli at zn: rsmam. CLAIMS PAID. WILL cash county claims. Douglas 7860. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day 'Bchool, Night Brhool, on m pie to business course, complete shorthand or stenotype course, complete teligraphy course, rivil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any fine. Write, phone or call for 191& catalogue. H. B. Bo Y LEW, President Tel. D. lets. P.oyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALIC At reduction, one sulinlai--ship at Omaha's best business college. Address R. Westover, Dsvtd City, Neb. FOR sale the following schoiarsmps A a first cl.tss Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One vn'lmlted stenographic course. One three monthe buaineas or steno grnphlo course. Will be sold at a drsoouat at the office f the Omaha bee FOR HALE Karaltare, lloasehola ussSi, Ete. UrcSKS bo,'l't nd aold. J. C. Reed. I ut"-mo 1207 Farnam St. D. 614. KtlRNITIIRR RAIHTAINU nr,.r-, i,i.i, ,.bln eablnels. dreseers. tsblea. chairs, etc. 1SJ9 m. 24th. Webster lt7, Nat'l Sale ek Auction Co., 1W7 W. O. W. Live Mtoek CesBsaUolen aterebaate. MARTIN BltOH Mt CO.. Bacnanae Bldg- 1 1 arses aad Vehicles, SHIP irve stock to South Omaha. Rare mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful ailsa- Uon, JERSEY cow for sain; 34lb and Howard; corner. Harney ll"7. THREE horses and harness, two stake wagons. 4111 N, 2fith Ave. Wehater S.'nh. I?f4 BUYS good Ma team of work horsea. 84th nd county line, south omaba. Maaleal laitrimrau. FIRST-CLASS cornet Webster 6S1. Blishlly uaed high grade piano. D. 2017. Pealtry, Km and aasipillee. fiTEREOTYPal matrlcee make the bast and cnaapest lining for nouitry houesa They are 17x88 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically nreurooi. iuc a nunarea ai xne t-e omce. Mixed grain. 1J0 lbs.. 41. id. W agner Wl N.l. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for ft uvr Typewiiter Agency. ioa ! amain. TYPEWHI'1EK8 sold, rvuted. repalreO. Central Typewriter Exc. 1W6 Farnam. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Mutte Typewriter. Jkue Farnam. i. euu. Mlaeellaaeoae. ONE set of hurry harness, W electrlo light fixtures, lumber, tools, plumbing supplies, shovels, picks, one penny In slot weighing machine. S4: one total add ing casn rvKiaier, line ronatuon, oo; one cabinets, 82 each; 4 carpenter'a work benches, $1 each. J. C. 1SH. EXECUTOR. 703 R. 81st Ave. Phone liarney 243. FOR BALE Haby buggy, brown wicker; Hey wood buxgy, in good condition. Ad dress O S, Hee. NATIONAL t aah Register, three-drawer, late machine, used one year. Dayton Computing Counlor Scales. Might con sider trade. Address Y 609, Hee. OMAHA China Shop. White china for decorating for sale at 6M Brandels Bldrf. FOR BALE New and second-hand cerora and socket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswick Balke-Coliender Co., 407.401 8. lJth Nt M-hand machinery. 11. Grova, 81 and Paul. WE boukht b& Dra Moinea bar fixtures, front bars, back bars, mirrors. Nat rash registers, cigar and wall casMS. rto. Fur sale like wa bought them CHEAP. Omaha Fixture and bupply Co.. iit Bo. 12th St BUTTERMILK In wagonloads at Falrmonl Creamery. he FOR SALE liullau pottery and relics. Sli3 Ohio St. NEW snd second-hand molors, dynauioa. magnetos, etc., and mechanical repairs. Le it run Electric Works, 3)-jo B. l'.'lli. o FURS STORED Absolute Guarantee Against MOTHS, FIRfci BURGLARS. REFERENCES: ANY BANK ii. K. S1IUKERT, Call for Goods. 401 8. 15th St Telephone DouaUa l4l and We WlU HELP WANTED US MALE Clerical a ad Of tic. STENOGRAPHER AND CASHIER... Hi STKNtMiRAPHKR so 50 STENO. AMI 'rWH.IKKKF.PER u STENtM'lllAPHKK 46 THE CASH AGENCY. mW BEE 111 JIG. STENO., aoine bookkei-ping, I. W ATTS REF. CO.. Mti-42 Brandels Thea. NO FILING Fh.E. BEST COMMERCIAL ItiSITIONS. RCM1ERS REF. CO.. State Bank. LEAVE your name Willi us. It's quicker. BUSINESS MEN S REFERENCE AbS'N, UI-: Snndmrn of World. Umli sad Sales Moaaea. EXPERIENCED lady fitter wanted. Ap ply lirkln Bros.. I . B. Nat l Rank BUIg. lleuaekeeHrra as4 Dwwirlti-a. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: no washing. Mrs. M. 11. Nee man, li-tl Howard fci. HELP WANTED FEMALE lleasekeepere em a Uomeatles. DHllWAftllKR wanted at tha Keumayer, t'ounrll Hliiffs. YOt:N ulrl to assist with housework; good home; smell femlly. Harney frH'16. WANTED A neat hlle girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. Wm. Baumer, Wal 113. WA NTKD Olrl for general housework, short dletunce Into country; wages, 17. Har. 1fifi2. WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework. Tel. Harney 71M. WANTED Neat young girl to aselst with the rare of baby. Telephone Mar. 2HH. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; also second girl. Mra. J. A. Sunderland. Harney 27. MIDDLE-AO KD woman or good steady girl for general housework. Mrs. W. I. Hubbard, Telephone Walnut 43, h prl n gfleld, Neb. GIRL for general housework; no chil dren. Phone Harney .19. 2M0 Harney. COMPETENT girl to assist with house work; no washing. Mra. R. W. Breck rnrldge, iKill Jackaon Kt. WANTED Experienced second girl. B. ttth St. Mrs. J. Klein. 137 COMPETENT maid for general house work. Prefer one living near who can go home nights. 2.11 I'lnkney Pt. GOOD gtrl for general housework; no laundry; good wages. I6 B. 29th St. WHITE girl to assist with housework; no wsahlng. no rooking. Weh. M29. WANTED A housekeeper- refined snd experienced; Protestant womsn or glr in ccok er'i ncip wim :n iiiaio family; retular laundry done by other help- rood wages; reference required. Call Walnut 307. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework; German preferred. Phone Harney 4137. WANTED Girl to aselst with nouse- work and help care for children; no washing. Phone Walnut 240. 4011 Izard, WANTED Good white girl to assist with housework and one child; foreign girl preferred: good wagea and good home. Hn rney 304. WANTED Olrl for general housework; no washing; reasonable wages. Call Walnut M. JOUiNO women coming to umaha aa atrangers are invited to visit trie xoung Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary' Ave. and 17th St. where -they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's gu'de fci Cnloo station WANTKIV- White maid for general housework, family of three. No wash ing or ironing. Must go home nights. Apartment No. 4, Hamilton Ap'ts. WANTED Girl or woman for house work: a good home and IS per week. Apply J. S., 602 N. S2d St COMPETENT girl for generat liounework. no washing, good wages, 3315 Burt Bt COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mrs. George Rassmussen, 4026 I-afayett Walnut 377. COMPETENT white girl for general housework: one who will be kind to children; need not do laundry work; good wages. Mrs. J. K. Morrison. Har. 2974. WANTED Girl for general housework. who can go noma nights, bins N. am Ave. GIRL for general housework. I'op pieton Ave. Phone Harney WOO. WANTED A gtrl for general housework; salary IT per week; laundress kept. 3858 Cass Bt. WANTED A first class laundress, white or colored; good light laundry; best wages; 114 S. 33d Bt. WANTED Neat, reliable colored girl to aaslst with housework and baby. Must have references. Good home to right party. Harney 23R4. Mixrellaiaeeaa. LADIES Drop ua a card and learn how to secure beautiful premiums free. Reynolds & Bon, J47 Join St. Detroit Mich. o MALE pianist for concert tour, to ac company noted singer, also concerto numbers. Address MuslcaH General De livery, Kearney, Neb. WANTED Several ladies to prepare for Omaha September postofflre clerk ex amination.' Splendid salaries. 1 con ducted government examinations. Trial examination free, write Oxment, liU, Bt Louis. o. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Offloe. SALESMAN igroceries) 8 85 OFFICE .MANAGER (Invest.) 125 SALESMAN tmeats) 86 STENOGRAPHER 0 STENOGRAPHER 70 THE CAM) AGENCY, W0 BEE BIDG. SALESMAN, spec. A-J proposition. Salesman, gas engine, 8100 and exp. Slenog., $7T: office clerk, 840. WATTS REF. CO.. 840-43 Brandels Thea. HIGH-GRADE commercial posltlona. WEST. REFERBNCE BOND A'BSN. 71 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 'kai VKMAN gasoline engine, 8100 and exnenaea. WATTS REF. CO., K40-43 Brandels Thea. prsiNKSH la getting better. We are havina cood auocesa In waring compe tent help and securing more openings for same tiian ever before. MIDWEST BONDING CO., Sli Bee Bldg. gVARK, PEGS IN SQUARE I IT) I U.S. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., inn-16 crrv national hank bltiq. BUSINESS U Belling Iwlter. We aro having good auccesa in placing compe tent help and securing more openings for same than ever before. MIDWEST BONDING CO., 313 Bee Bldg Aaeeta, Malvau lea mad Solleitora. WANTED Salesman having the ambition to work hard for alx hours daily: abil ity to work at high pressure and to set) one of the beat and cleanest propositions on the market. Permanent position for the right man. Tel. Doug. SS60 (or Inter view. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or mrlte. Mutual Brneflt. Health and Accident Association ?8-26 City Nat'! ank -Bldg. , Beys. VOl'N'tl man that can run a MULTI ciiaim! MACHINE. 810 per week; good clmin-e. Apply at once, isit Woodmen of the W orlit Faeter- Iradea. Drug store snaps: lobe. Knelst. Bee Bldg Tri-City Barber College. Tuition IIS. on account of big ir.t. Wu for i and 10 cent work. Electrlo ma-sage taught Hydrauilo chairs. Catalog free. 1U4 Douglas St, Omaha. MoU-r Barber Oollejre I .arret barber college west of Chicago. Special suminur rates now in effect Catalogue mailed free. 110 B. 14th bt, flmaha. Yi'U MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, cam a real eulary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our rreo course in uec. i.ig, & Start a ytem; free catalo4rue. Amer, Auto CVlleue, JutJ Farnam St. Omaha. WANTED A good macliiulst to work la garage: one that understands automo bile repair work: a good position for the right party; only good competent men n,d auolv. State expurlenct and wagea wanted. Addreka Lock Box 444, Valen tine, Neb FREE Positively greatest new original niouev making Ideas. Send adlttx-l stamped envelope. International, ;.',15 Calumet Ave., Chicago. wan TEDNaiiwi or men. 18 or ever. w tuhlng government Jobs. nb month. Nt Dull nwveaaarv. aewa x eat. HELP WANTED MALE Ml ace 1 1 GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum cost Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation of our get results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOHILB KHUUU 141S-17 Iiodge Street Omaba. Men. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ha-n and eggs, 15c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 7 month: null unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partctulars. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. iZl U , Kocnester. n. I. WANTED Teams to haul brlrk. Klt- enbrlnk ft Bon. 13th and Frederick. ABLE-BODIED men for firemen, brake- men, inn monthly; experience unneces sary. Address Y 4fl. Wee. o SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN wants day work. Telephone Douirlas 4Vtt. FLOORS waxed; dandelions dug and killed Web. 4.34. TRt'STWORTHY young man of ability desires position as casnier or clerical work; Is college graduate and good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job: very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglas S461, or ad dress 1-3.12, Ree. THE Servant Girl Iroblera Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until rou get the desired resulta This appllea to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and council Biurra tiring ma is The Bee office or telephone Tyler Ww. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires a ponltlon aa a housekeeper In a small private family, or a child nurse, or companion to invalid. Highest city references. Phone Red Z193, or address li 4io, nee. COLORED experienced mattreea maker, porter or Janitor wanta steady job; best of references. Phone Web. K187 after . Ask for Andersen. HOUSEKEEPER desires position with couple or as attendant to retired lady or gentleman: best of references. Ad dress O 47, Bee, or call Harney 2750. WA NTED Poiitlon by a refined elderly lady as housekeeper or companion for Invalid; experienced; can give best of references In Omaha. Address J 40, Bee. WAITER Experienced, 8 years in hotels and restaurants, wishes position any where. Address Tony Thomas, 1721 Doage St. WASHING, ironing, lace curtains. Web ster 42S3. HOUSEKEEPER deeiree position In a refined home; references. Address G 420. Bee. THOROUGHLY experienced cigar girl can furnish first class references. Ad dress F 419, Bee. FIRST CLASS manicurist would like po sition in good hotel or desirable barber shop. Phone Douglas 4009. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA eY COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET - RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would a well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway oom peny to ascertain whether they left it la the street care. M . Many articles each day are turned n and the company la anxious to restore U-em to the rightful owwer. Call PouaT. 4a. LOST Old bay horse, one white foot. tar In forehead. Telephone Wal. iwi IXiBT In Brandeis store pompeian room cinniK afternoon, tent's purse con taining 836 In bills and calling cards; reward. B. ans. LOST One small bungalow net curtain. Suitable reward. H. 8763. . NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming; aclentiflo sur gery and treatment of diseases of trews. Call Douglas 802 and our Mr. John son will make a personal examination fee. I. M. Johnson Co.. Chatham hotel. M. P. I3YRD NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our old location. 17th and Dodge. Phones: D. 448 and Web. 4HL PET STOCK PEDIGREED Boston Terrier pups. Mrs. W. F. Oarrity, 1010 Capitol Ave. P. 8JJ3. FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. John Westover, 1221 Rose St., Lincoln, Neb. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasooi tlon building at tlth Kt and Bt. Mary's Aye., where they wlU be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise asalsted. look tor our trav elers' aid at the Union statioe. INFORMATION WANTED As to ad dress of J. N. Brlggs, formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store in N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Address Y-513, Bee. WANTED To hear from refined younrf man desirous of snaring room in pri ate home In West Farnanftiistrirt Must offer good credentials. Address B 4U8, Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial borne so licits your olu doming, rurnuure, maga lines. We collect We distribute. Phone Deuglae 4488 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our ow borne, U10-UU-1114 Dodge ttt WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing etylea in invtiatiuns. vismng iaiun. stationery, etc. IHVIN A. MLLILAR PrlnHrs. 416 8. 14th St Tel. Doug. 128. MEDICAL Piles, FistulaCured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diaeases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for noon on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. Ev IU JAKKV, 240 Bee Blag. A KM A NO- Really helps get rid of that pain In the back, touch of rheumatlem, nervousness, tired, sluggish failing and bring back that lost appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sys tem. JUBt ena a post car a to tne rtnena barger Co., Mfg. I'har . West Liberty. Is. Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS, 'AV w-Ue.s CURED. A written GUARANTEE ui hi in every ca. ae treated pi .pints muxt come to the of fice, 4OS-9-10 luualia National bank. 17th and Farnam .". AV1LUAM CRKIG1IT0X MAXELL, Twenty-eight yeaie in Omaha. Graduate of Bellavue Hospital Medica! College. New York City. N. Y. Rupture 4 few davs without pain. Call or write Dr Wrer. 888 Bee Bide. Omaha. Eat tasi. e Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Add 433 Ramae llldg. Phone Donglns 740R. AMATF.IR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. I ept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Paxton Blk! D. 29M. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co , 1115-lfi W. O. W. R. S2RS. LIE PRINTING. HORNBY BTA'E PRINT CO., 302 Omaha Rational Bank Bldg. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Faxton-Mltehelt Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 8. 22d Douglas M30. CHINA PAINTING. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4943. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACY. H8 BEE BLDO . DOUO. 4715, DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Try Mackle's first. 116 Harney. Doug. 644. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th Farrmm. MISS STURDY. 2416 CABS. . RED 7320. Dressmaking.- designing, remodeling by dsy 82.60; late style, perfect lines. R. R,o9. DETECTIVES, INVESTIGATIONS carrjol out In any part or uiuiea ttiaies. t-anaaa or Mexico. 6(0 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1530. JAMES ALLAN, 818 Neville Block. Evi dence! secured in all rases. Tyier 1138. DENTISTS. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat Bank Tafe Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 21M. Dr. Rmdbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. DRUGS. DRUGS at out prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell nrug Co., omana, iNeo. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, ail siaea and styles; hemstitching, pioot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., ZOO Douglas Block, u. VJJb. WeW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrlfired. N. IHth St FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam.' D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Asa'n. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHTJE. 1622 Harney. Doug, loot FEATHERS MADE OVER. Fancy stlckups, Dora Elsele, 1136 CltyNat. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TTTTJT.-T'M' Thomas. Douglas AlxVJVJ.HI ' 8419 Cuming Bt. 2519, COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MTO, of lodge regalia and costumes. Tneo. Lrfeben ft Bon, 1514 Howard. D. 4115. OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plans, w b ua ior omce space, ine Dest loca tion and earnest round. THE BEE BITtLDTNO. "The Building That Is Always New." ottice. Room i(W. SWAPPER'S! OOLUMX BUSINESS CHANCE Well established, growing business; cleaning, dyeing, pressing; fine location; actual cleaning Is sent out; business easy to handle; will swap for 82.500 modern home. Address 8. C 870, Bee. AUTOMOBILE o-passenger, 1810 model. 4 cyl. Chalmers: good condition through out - What have you. Address S. C. 787, Bee. AUTO A good 4-cyl , 40-h. p. Rambler auto (or repair work on nouae, you to furnish all material, also cement block work for the porch. 8. C. 981. Bee. AUTO A 4-pass. ' auto body, top. wind shield and other parts for anything re quiring less room or something that man or beast can eat. Can be seen at any time. S. C. M0. Bee. BOAT Gas launch boat, A-l factory made, H-inch cypress, U-sawed oak decks, coning and Inside panels, fine brass trimmings. IB ft long, 4-h. p. make and break engine, canopy top, cork cushions, anchor, fire extinguisher and brass lamps, fully equipped. For run about automobile or small touring car. S. C. 88. Bee. AUTOMOBILES Foi ether automobile bargains see the "Automobile" ctaseUV cation. CASINGS Automobile casings wanted. 84x4 inches, also Inner tubes. W lU give you a good swap In other personal prop. ertv. S. C. 882. Bee. CEMENT Wanted to swap for some ce ment or foundation work down at the Carter Lake club grounds. Want some second-hand lumber, 2x4 and 2x4. S. C. U, Bee. - EQUITY in a large 7-room bouse for a lot In north part of city, equity In smaller house or a Ford. Address B. C, 8M. Bee. ' CHICKS Will txchanxe winter-laying strain ot prise buii urpingion cnicas and hens. Including new incubator and brooder (or good driving ouuu. Aaurcaa S. C. tCl. Bee. N CLOCK What have you to swap for a nice, arttallo parlor or mantle clock, personal property? 8. C. M. Bee. i n A MONn Perfect blue-white 74-carat diamond linft. for good second-hand au tomobile. Address, tt. vti. n-e. DOG -Fine white Spits, male, months old. What have you for him? Address 8 C. 88. Bee. furniture Gaa stove. oak bed. kltchea range, good condition, for chickens, or what have you? Address 8. C. M. Bee. FORD 5-paa..1814 model. In good condi tion. What have you. Address B. C. 817. Bee. HAVE bicycle, good as new; what have youT Address ri. .:. sw. oee. HAVE Moilne auto and other valuable property to traae tor roeiTy-go-rouna. Address t. . w. nee. HORSE, wagon and buggy, will trade for Ford. Must be late model. Web ster 10C INCI'RATOR and brooder, best make. worth 825; will trade for 8-A Eastman kodak, or what have you 7 Address a. c WJ. B. KODAK-A 838 Eastmaa camera. 4x8. beat of lens, (or auto. 24x4 casings aiu in ner tiilies, or other personal property. B. C. s. Bee. Kent room quick with a Bee W ant A4V M4SSRITSR9. MASSAGE, 1711 Dodge. Mrs. Reel. ?ArTTS," mass., alcohol rub. Laura Doufrias 751. Open evenings and Sunday. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. l"th and Doug. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 87t. li rTTTSnd maas.. alcohol rub. Iura 1J-' 1,10 Wilson. 1S03 Farnam. room 2. Douglas S7M. Open evenings and Sunday. B.Brugman, mnss.,203 Karback Blk. R. 2717 VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors', alcohol ruba and scalp treatments, l-9 8. 17th St i Mlsa X, mudlavla mass. R. 224, Neville Rl'. MISS STAPLES mass., else. bath. P. iij. upon eve.. 9 p. m.: Sundays, iw to z. MOTION PICTURES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion piciure maenme ann turn nergains OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIC I NS. Dr. Peterson. 13 Rrandeie Bldg. D. 21M. JOREPTTINE ARMPTRONO. 15 Ree Bid. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANT'S, 417 N40lh. H. K7?. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co.. lift P. 71th St. PATENTS, p. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturgee, Brandeis Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATERS-BAP.NHART Ptg. Co., mutiny printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 634 B. 13th St. CENTRAL. PRINTING CO. DOUG. 87: DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doiiglits 644. PLUMES RENOVATED. V PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned dyed. Pertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. IWM. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. Opened. repaired, comb. L M P P.r rhanged. F. E. Daven- rnangexi. k. K. Divn port, 14on 7dge. D. 1821. SHOE REPAIRING. FRTET"MAN PROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 14. SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS. FT. M. CLARK St BON, 118 S. NSTH ST. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 H. 10. STORES AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We huv. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 8734. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. XX 8M. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERTOTT, 108 N. 15th Rt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO ft STEINLT3, 1808 Farnam Rt. WALL PAPER CLEANING. EXPERT wrall " paper cleaning- work guaranteed. George Kyle. Red 7845, WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. 13th St. Winea. liquors, cigar , Plate dinners, 11 to 3, 10c Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine, $1.25 per gat Write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, 522 N. lUh. Douglas 180). SWAPPER'S COLUMN LOZIER 1914. 4-cyl.. 2-pas.. electric lights and starter. What have jrou. 8. C. 7M. Bee. 1 100 OF meal tickets on good reotaurant: holder has no use for them and will give somebody a deal on same. Offer what you have. Address 8. C. 9i, Bee. MOTOR BOAT-Muskegon Boat Co. make, 8-h. p. engine; 16 feet long, 4 feet 8 Inches wide, 8-passenger, canopy top, mahogany deck, cushion seats, tar polan cover, all same aa new. Must be seen to be appreciated. Also boat house and complete furnishings. WlU trade for automobile. Address S. C. 878. Bee. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE With gss making outfit and alx rolls of ftlra for chickens, motorcycle, or anvthhur rvf equal value. Addres S. C. 973, Bee. 1911. 7-PASSENGER. 4-cyllnder Chal mers aelf-atarter. first clajui ahana What have you? Address fi. C. 816, Bee. P1AN i-inc upright piano. Waut dia- Address, S. C. Bee. PIANOS -High grade Bwtck Piano, cost 8350. Want good horae and bmiv. Art. dress, R. C. 9uS. Bee. PLAYER PIANO First-class condition, used only 10 months, Kimball, retail price 8750. Will exchange for Ford. -ot or driving outfit, or what have you? Ad dress B. C. 978, Bee. PAINTING-Want to swap for painting and paper hanging with material : nm. thing to this offer. 8. C. 86. Bee. PICTURE SHOW Will swap a money making picture show In city for other property. Be quick. 8. C. 987, Bee. PIANO Fine upright piano. Want dia. monq. AKiremt, 117. Bee. PLAYER PIANO High grade Dlaver Piano with 36 rolls music: will trade foe automobile, or, what have you? Ad dress 8. C. 74. Bee. PIANO Will give piano for the keeping ... 1 , .1 it j auuitii n. i.. . y . 0 Hee. PIANO Wellington piano alightly uaeJ; will trade for diamond or what you? Address 8. C. 975, Bee. POPCORN-A new artistic, new self vending, sanitary noDcorn nurhi... ik. latest out; inexpensive to operate; which cost from the factory direct 8X0; bought for the California expo.; fell down on concession; this Is a money maker wlth- " iioi auenuon. What have you to offer? 8 C. No. . Bee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark ft Bon. D. 1178. WISCONSIN Peerless refrigerator, ai most new. 100-Pound ran.-iiv v,i... enamel, would exchange. Address S C nee. VIOLIN WU! trade good violin for Un 8 "SC ther t,,ewrlUr- Address WOULD like to trace a targe Solar hard" coal stove fcr an Incubator Call Red 754. WANTED To exchange new 11,000 t,x-k of groceries and queens ware for a mest market of equal value in a country town Address 8. C. 970. Bee. FOR RENT Apartateata aaa Flats. 6Ti.iCOHfJK"rom Pmoni, rcdeco 1 7 .imv ijiiiiuu 114 r,. Hat Ave wv " -.fc ramam oisiri-t. 1'boue 7-Kihjm midirn apartment and Chicago; low rent. G. : n i ' "f t 8 4 .we., ac. . I one Web- V I .-ixieenth Sl ( I