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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1915)
TIIE BEE: Cftf AHA, TlTEfDAY, MAY 11, 1915. Bringing Up Wrm HE -YOO CANT W 50LLY -VrUN - LL ,rr A -j- J r THOt DlMF f 4 5S?VAT ALL AND , N WO LOCK - THE ' NEteEtKiER' 1N I , NOVELS VlLL M&gff . 1VE LOCKEDUPW "' PHCME IS OUSTED - t J -!T I COMfc IN HR- KtLEP HIM lj I Q CLOTHES SO TOUr-vJ OR I COULoS? " W LOMICK-IMIH SStIU ' CAN'T SWEAT E- ii-v DMTf TOC1T MF v - ' AHORTX! 7 " I one; AW- I at- . T r-X ' t O - - N KRUG SOilE SWATTER BOOSTERSJWAIIPED 7a Rourke's Rangers Land on Is ... belt's Pets and Leave Them All Flattened Out. 'WILLIS SLAMS TSR TWICE ALSO DBS MOINES. May 10. (Special Tele It ram. Omaha ;ot sweet revenge for the defeat of Sunday, when It took Det Molnea Into ramp by the one-aided acore of U to I today. The Rourkes landed all over two of-'Baidy" Iabcll's pitcher and broke up the team work to the tuna of, a half dozen , errors. Krug, the victors' second besemen, was the hea'y swatting fiend for the Omahana. Ha cot four hit out of five tlmea up. Pitcher Wllfl supported hli own magnificent twirling by slamming the ball form brace of hlta. i On the other hand the Boosters were almost helpless before the visiting slab man.) They ahowed a completed reveraat t form oyer Runday'a performance. In fact, both teama exchanged places ao tar a kite and ruha were concerned. Four liana la Seeoad. Omaha tot away to a strong alart In the second 'Inning. Thomason and Krugi ' alngled and the latter stole. Kafora atruok out, but Bchllebner filled the baga when ha waited out hi four balls. Themaaon counted on Whalen' single and Krug came In on. a hit by Willi. UlUa caught Smith out, but bungled the ball and both Bchllebner and Whaten counted. Preen ' grounded for the third I cut ' v Tn the third Kafora' doulile scored Forsyth after tha latter had alngled. In the fourth, two errori and aa many hlta netted three tallica 'for, the visitors. The hlta were singles by Smith and Krug. ,' Forsyth walked In the alxth with ona 4on, went to aocond on. an out by Thotneaon and ftcored on Krug' hit. The latter atole aecond and then counted on ', Kafora' second hit of the game. Kn Triples. For good meaaure the "Rourkes chalked up a couple more In the eighth. Forsyth alngled and went to aecond on Jonea error. Krug. Ihu' hitting atar of the game, tripled and a few minute later aoored on a wild pitch. ' Dea Halnra' one run wa made In the x v aecond Inning. Hartford walked aad Tan nehill waa aafe on Whaksn'e error. They N advanced a base on Breen'a out Hahn'a aingle acored Hartford, but Hunter felt down for the third out, Bcore: OMAHA. AU. R. H. o. X 1F A. E. Fmlth, rf V.... & H. Hreen, 2b... t Foraythe, rf .....'(..,. I 1 homenoa. cf. Krtig, lb...,. 'Kafora. e H--hlleliner. lb... cWhelnn. ai..rr.. Utlli. p 1 0 ToUIt...... m n it st u DKI9 MOINK8. AH. R. H. O. A. B Ifahn. rf..... 4 o 0 Hunler. cf. ........ I 0 Jonea. lb 4 0 HlllH, If 4 lawyer, ib 4 0 Hartford, 1 ,1 Tunnel, 111. Rtl 4 d ) . Hreen, e 4 Slogan, p 1 Turner, p....M I 0 . Shanley .. t 0 1 IS 1 ' t Totala.... .34 1 SI 14 Halted for Turner In ninth. Omaha 0 4 1 t 0 t 0 t 0-1 1 J Molnea 0 l00 I Ttiree-baae hit: Krug. Two-baa bit: Kafora.- -acrifl-e hlta: Hmlth. K. Breen, Thotnaaon. Htolcn base: Krag (ii. MruoK out: By llonn. ; by Turner, 2, y WUIt. 1 Baaea on balls: Off Hogan, 3. off Turner, 1; off Willi. I. Hit bv I'ltrlied tll: By Hoan, Thomason. Wild lltrh: Turner, Hlta: Off Itnmi I in four Innlnw. Double play: WbalMt to Breen to Hchllebner. Time; l iS. L'niptre: tuaick. i - I.IfOl.S WIS TIIK HKfOXD V irhlt Batter Are t'uklt ta Flad Baraey grbrelber. IJNOOTJ. Neb.. May 10-M'tehlt bat ters could not locate tbe left hand alanl or Harney tb-nrelber with any auocvaa today and Lincoln won the aecond game ef tbe aerie by a acore of I to 0. Score: L1M1ILN H. O. A. B. t 1 1 till t t e o i t o 10 t 10 ' 1 4 1 .1 1 IT. 1 1 ir. o. a. n 14 10 t 1 11 I 14 0 10 0 0 1 0 "11 t I 000 14 0 0 0 0 1 i vit i "t I 1 0 1 J Wolfe lf...i Mc (iufflKan. aa.. Willuuua. lb..,. Mclntyre. rf Daley, 2b......... J I. txhrelber, cf. S, 3b.. McAllister, c... 'x B. bi tirelber. p. Totala K WICHITA. AH. R. JV-naJI. cf... NhliuliKin. cf. AVarta. 2b.... 1PP. ca Tydnnan. rf. 1 Imrv, -tb (iritfith. .... iry, c "iialuun. S'o... He. it. p r-tiliivan, P rf4 e Totala .. ...30 IJnoli-.. t V, .l,it 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 To-U Mii' lcrtftisn. William, MiJutyir, lirilfith. liouliie play: Mcu oltfi to VV .r-. Kapp t. Henry. 1'i.wiixtl to ' Grilttth, :ui to Henry. hlol.-u l-i; Wuife. V liiiMina. bcrince f,lt. Mvlulrrt. blru k out: By t; hrclber, ; Father m by fitilllvan. 1. Baaea on ball' Off Hchrelber, X; off gutlKan, k NVIIil pltrh: btilllvan. Hlk: Kullivan. Hit. Off Srntt. 1 In one-third Inning;' off Hulllvan, In aeven and twe-thlrda Inning. Time; l;6jj Cmpiro: - Vanaycle. DilHXER WIIt Dt'F.a FfR KAWI Defeate Coakorm at Dearer hr te Oae. DENVEtt, Colo.. May 10.-Krrra by Denver and tinwy hilling by Topeka al1ed Daahner of Tnpeka to w;i a pUchera' baule with Ooahom today by a core of to 1. Daahner had a moment of wenkneM In the fourth, when Denver' run waa cored. Ooshorn went to piece In the eighth Inning Moore ; UKNVER AH. II. H. O, A. E. Hpencer, ef Whalen. If Coffey, rf. Gallowey, t... Kelieher, aa.... Kleher. lb Matthew. 2b... Hhectak, o (loithern, p Hihr Defi, cf ..100 ..4 1 .. 1 .. n '0 o ,. o e ..A A 0 .. 4 0,1 ,. 4 0 ' 1 .. 4 0 1 .. 1 e .. 1 0 0 1 1 S Totala , 3t All 1 4 H. M. 17 O. 0 ' It A. 1 0 0 2 0 I 0 T K. 0 0 1 A 0 0 TOr-KKA. 1 , 4 1 1 Till lion, a Trainer, If Mayer, rf Lattlmnre. 2h....i Jarkaon, cf Roche, !ib..,, t 1 4 0 t t 0 Hflpim, o., Monroe, c, Dmhntr, p ... 4 0 ... 4 1 ToeaU u , ST Batted for'ppenVer In eeVenth, Toneka ...,.0 1 1 ! t-r-d Denver- ...0 0 0 1 0 -l ftolen baaea: Whalen, Telllon. Mayer. Three-baae hit: Roche. Struck out: By Oohom. : bv Daahner. 4. Baaea on hall Off Goahorn. 1; off Daahner, a. Hit by pitched ball: Hpencer. Roche, FlKher. Oalloway. Sacrifice hlta: Trainer. Mayer. Double piay: Kelieher Uina"alated, Tal llon to lttlmore to Rap pa. Vmplrea: Par ent and Wnnrm. ; - , gi.ror.ixo wnn for thu afovx Jaalea Defeated r Hearr Hlttle f ladlaa. ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 10 Heavy bit ting bv Kane. IJeune and McOormlck enUlcd Hloua CHv to win. Snore: SIUUX C1TI. AU. R. H O. 14 A. , 0 1 X Vhlpke, Jb. ... Clarke. If , Kane, lb Ieune, if.... MiH'ormlck, rf Callahan, aa... llenellng, Jb.. Crlnp, c. ,.v... f)i'er, p llallman, p.... v; J . .. . e . 4 1 s . 4 I I .. 4 .. 0- a 0 Total a 10 IT 17 .' I ST. JOSB1MI. An, R. 11. U A. E. Page, 2b r'm, It 4 10 1 0- 0 v aton. rf H. l'atteraon, lb 1 ' Brltton. 3b William, cf.... Kwoldt. a Witlirow, e....... Jackson.' P VY. Batterson . Imbert. P O Day ........... Brown, p . 1 IHKIl ,0 . ' liatled for Jarkaon In fiftN. Total If U Hutted for Lambart In eighth. etnux City 4 1 1 I 0-4 St. Joaepb I OOOOOOtO-4 Ttaree-baae hlta: Kane. MoOormlck.- Iejetine. Two-baee hlta: lteroon, La )eune. Clarke, McOornilck. WHhrow. Sacrifice fly: Brltton. sacrifice hit: Clarke. Hlta: Off Oeyer, & In aeven and twe-Uilroa uinlnga: off Jackvon. T In five Inning; oft Imbert, S In tbree tnnlnee. Uaea oa bail: Off Oeyer. ; off Mail man, off Jackaoo,' 1; oft Lambert, L lilt by plUfcert ball: ' iy u)r. Time: I vu. Umpire: Ueiwl. BROKEN BOW WINS "' . N CUSTER COUNTY MEET BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Msy -Spe cial.) The field meet and declamatory contest of the Custer County High school 400k place here Saturday. Tha weather oundltiona were perfect and the crowd one of the largest ever see here at a function of this kind. The competing schools were Ansley, Broken Bow, Mason City, Mama and Sargent. Broken Bow won ay five points, thus winning the all ver loving cop for all time. The name of the winner follow: fifty yard dash, Vb. Penn of Broken Bow; pole vault. feet S Inches, C. Sargent of Broken Bow; 100-yard dash. U 1-4, Penn f Broken Bow; half-mile run, 1:17 4-6, Lovely et 8argent; shot put. 30 feet, 8 tnchae, Reaae of Sargen, rnnnlnc high Jump, i:0Vi, Downing of Mama; discus throw, S3, feet U inohas, Rhode of Ana leys 440-yard run. (4 1-4, rredemore of Broken Bow; mile run. 1:10. Lovejoy of Sargent; running broad lump, 1811H, Penn ef Broken Bew; half-mile relay race, won by Battorfkfld, Hart and Love Joy. The declamAtory coat eat was given at night la the auditorium of the Baptist church, the following receiving medals for first and second places: Oratorical, Franklla Hunt ef Merna, first, and Argyle Knapp of Ansley, second; draniay tic, Haeel Yelter of Sargent first and Helen Bishop ef Broken Bow aecond; humorous. Cadi Konkel of Broken Dow first and Julia Street er of Analay aecond. Battle Oee-lx Wai Came. BATTLE CREEK, Neb , Msy 10.-(Ppe- i tifKrain y na nie i reK outplayed Undaay toiiey, 18 to a Soars: H E. Jaiila Creek ii 14 Luiueay j luerlaa: Battle Creek. Doming and Hoffman. Llndaa). Lee and kuaaiia -nA Aanew. rtrucA out: By Deaung, a. Uaa- pire: Aaiiuura oi iuata. - Copyright. IMS, International New Service. BRAVES WINNERS OF FREE ANDEASY ONE Defeat Giantt in Cqinteit Darinf Which Paim, Errori and Hits Mixed for Bans. 1 SCOBE IS FOURTEEN TO NINE BOSTON, May lO.-The Brave were on the long end of a free hitting, freejorf the big allver loylns tup offered by coring game with New Tork today. the Omaba Oun club aa a trophy for the winning, 14 to . Paaaea, error and hlte winner' of the trophy race In the flrt were mixed for ' run throughout the j anrrOal Omaha Gnn club registered tour eontett. Ronton obtained at xtallle in ' namcnt, -which la now being held. Thoman the opening at the expense of Tearea'i, I brske 04 out of a possible 100 target, who waa retired before the aesalon a i Qeorge Redlck of Omaba and R. 3. finished. Score: KBW TORK. ".(WTO. AB.H.O.A.B. ' lAB.H.O.Ar.B. Barm, It..., I 4 0 Mrs, rf.., X I DoTle, ib.... 111 lKaa, h.... I 1 1 liherl, lb.. 4 I 1 I Ouoiinollr, If. 0 1 l l-h-. m. 4 1 I I Klhr. It.., Ill Kobvrtans. Iff I I I tlMiM, rf.... 10 10 BnUMrt. Is I 0 7 0Hhmilt, it. I t 1 J j Mcbain, ... 4 l t I JMamtiu, u 4 t 4 t , Murrar. sr.. 4 I I (Whaltoa. .. 4 I I Toman, . 0 0 0 0 eTrler, I 4 t Heaap. ... t 0 0 t OCrtilcher, s. 0 0 0 Hlur, p.... toeot , . U. Hmllh .,000 IS 17 10 1 Ursat 100. Tetala ITUM4 Hatted for Kchupp In seventh. Batted for Rlttcr In ttlntb. New Tork 1 1 0 0 1 1 I 0 J-t Boston 0 X 0 M S -14 Two base hits: Msranvllle, Robertson. Lobert. Three-baae hlta: Burnt (2). Ktolen baae: Moran. HacrlTloe files: yVhallng. Maw, Lobert, Doyle. Double play: Schmidt to Maranvllle to Schmidt Doyle to Fletcher to Bralnerd, Maranvllle to K.gan . to Rihmldt Baaea oa ball: Off Teareatt, t; of Kchupp, S; off Rltter, 1; off Tyler. 4: off Crutcher. 1. Hlta: Off Teareau, 4 In t wo-thinl InnLog; off Schupp. t In five and one-third innings; off Rltter, t In two Innintrs; off Tvler, 13 In eight Innlngat none out In ninth; off Crutcher, 1 In one Inning. Struck out By Teareau, 1; bv eVhupp, 1; bv Rltter, 1; by Tyler, 4. I'mpirea: Klem "and Emslte. Pel Meats I'htle. I BROOKI,TN. (May 10. Dell pitched an almost perfect game aRalnst the Bhlla llelphlaa today,' allowing ihree scattered lilts and Brooklyn won, i to 0. Mayer was hit for two trlplea, two double and a single in the first two Innings. That, with two errors by Whltted, and one by Cra vat h, accounted for the Brooklyn' runs. lel fanned eight men. t Dugey. Burns and Maver were sent to the clubhouse ior. protesting strike decisions. acoreT (THlUAPItt.rTtl. BrtvXIKUYN. AB H O A AB.H.O.A.R. Bowk. lb...'. 4 1 tO'llar. ..41111 Btarrufl, aa. 10 1 I Paubart, Ib. 4 I 1 1 Barkar. If... 4 110 OKIfra.l, rt-4,0 O Crerath. rf.. 4 0 10 IWhaat. If .. Ill WBin-d. Ib. t o 14 I leMiahaw. lb. 4 I 1 I Nl.hoff. lb.. 4 1 I Myara. ef.... 4 0 010 Paakart. (.. I 1 1 trtrhulU. lb.. 110 10 Klllllar. ... 0 I . Mtllar, e t Bursa, tt ODtll. a I I 0 1 0 A 4. ma, a... I t lTr, ... 1 Total U in 0 1 1 B,utntnr, Dugey 1 0 0 0 0 TnUla M 1 14 14 4 Batted for Kllltfer In third. Ratted" for Mayer In eighth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Brooklyn 3 8 0 0 0 0 6 Two-baa hit: Wheat, Daubert. Three- rase hlt: Schults (21, Cutshaw. Htolen aae' Nlehorf, Paakert. Mver. Becker, Bancroft Baae on ball: Off Baumgart ner. 1; off Dell. 8. Hits: Off Mayer, 8 In seven timings; off Baumgartner. 0 In 1 Inning ((truck out: By Baumgartner. 1; by Dell, a Umpires Quigley and Eason.. rirsttea Trtan Caba. PITTSBURGH. May 10. Pittsburgh won It alxth consecutive, victory todsy by defeating Chicago. 10 to T. Soven pitcher Were ueVd by the contending teama Cooper and Zabel. who started the game, were knocked out of the bog in the aec ond innlne. Score: OHlOAOOi PITTSBt'ttllH. AB M O A S . AI H Oomt. rf .... 4 I t ICarer, If.... 41 Kl.her, aa... I 1 I I ljohnatea. lb 4 111 t 4 grkalia. If , I 0 0 IBalrd. lb... 4 I tlmrmaa. lb I 111 tMlnchmn. rf 4 1 Halar. Ie... 4 1 T 1 OWatnor. as.. 4 t 1 I 0 William, at. I lit SOiatallo, of J e 1 , t Praanahn. a. 1 1 1 OVIni. Sb 1111 Itialaa. b.. lilt OSchaag. a... 4 tabal. Ill aconpw. p... 4 Larasdar, p. 1 III Harmoa ...1100 Knlwly ... 1 4 aonialma, p 1 1 4 t aanVr. .., 11 ni, ,r;kr .. I Art-bar .... lie Aaama. a. I I 1 g.A4aaM. a.11040 Totala It inn t Talal. t 13 Mil 4 , 1 Halted lor Lawnuer In Sixth. Batted" for Cheney In eighth. Baited fer Cooper In aecond. I Hatted for Conaelmea in alxth Chicago 300040007 Pittsburgh 1 4 4 1 0 f-10 Two-ba hlta: Good. . Hreanahan. Johns ton, lilnrhmaa, Harmon. Three-base hits: Uood, Kiaher, Hinchnian. Vloa. stolen laaa: lireanahan, Johnston, Htnchman. Waaner (21. Lkublo Dlav: Phelan to Saler. Rase on errors: Chicago, 1: Pitts burgh, x.. Baaea on balls: Off Zabel. I in one and'one-ttrd Innlnaa: off Lavender. 6 In three and twe-thlrda Innings: oft Cheney, 1 In two rnnlngs; ofT K. Adams, In one inning; off Cooper. In two in nings; off oCnaelman. 8 In four innings; off C. A.lanm. 8. St rack out: Bv laven der, 8; by Cheney, 8: by Conselman. 1; by c. Adam, 3. empires: Htgter and Hsrt. i Heaalereoa Trlsaaaed. HKNDERiJON. Neb . May ia-ffnecll 1 lfnnron waa taken down to defeejt here today by lAiahton. 16 to i. Loahion outclaasod Henderson la all derJartmrnta of the game. Hoore: R H K. Hennerson . .7 00000001 114 Lhton ..: 0 3 0 0 II 0 0 0 018 l'V Batterlea: Henderaoa. Hooater and Bul lock ; Lushtoa. Payne and 6thr. A i i Anaerleaw-Aaaeetat tea. At St- Paul: Rjl E. Mmnapoha 13 17 I tt Paul 11 IS -3 Batterlea: Ingeraol and Sullivan, Ohar rlty; bteele, Gardner and Marahall. i lastktrs Aeaerta Ilea. AtUnta 6-1: ChattanrHHta. 8-2. ' Btrmlnshani. 6: Memphia. 3 til Innings!. New Oilcans, t; Uttie hock, I. Bath Iraa. Win. ' Ia a fast gam the Koth Bros.' team defeated the Cora txatea, to 4. Sunday afieraooav HURON HAN WINS GDN fiLDB TROPHY Harry Thoman, Firing from Sixteen Yard LineK Breaks M Out of Pottible 100. . ' SaaBMBBBBBBH '' KINGSLEY HIGH IN OPEN BACE Harry Thoman of Huron, 8. D., carried Cheyney of Qlenwood, la., were tied for second place 'In the trophy race with -68 breaks. Charles Oamon of Jrrcadla waa third. Tha loving eup is valued at tlOO, and must be won three tlmea In succes sion for permanent possession. Thomao ,ut from the sixteen-yard line. Ray Klngaley of Omaha won the Mo- target free-for-all match, breaklnc 141 terccta out of 1M. Klngaley waa break ing the target! m great style an had the first money cinched.' Lester Oatee of Columbua waa second In the free-for-all with 143, while eOorge Kreger of nedfield. S.-D, and A. 8. Edwards of pienwood, were Ued for third with 140 break. Fall Dawa la, Haadleap. Klngslcy. Oatea and some of the other oracka wh finished high in the money In the free-for-all fell down Jn the handi cap event, for they were place at twenty-two yards, while the winning1 hooters ware up at aWttaen. Today a free-for-all ISO-target match will be staged. 'a will a 100-target event open pnly to amateurs who have never registered a acore of 80 per cent in a reg istered tournament. Ia addition, Don McCown of Omaha and Chrla Christian sen of , Elk City will atago an Individual competition tor poeieealon of the T. L. Coinbs trophy, now held by Chrlsticnsen. AoArAd vAKlarilatf VMr aa folloWS? Kre-for-al 1M target race: ' M. R. Smith, Council Bluffs.......... ' ..11 It 14 11 It IS 13 10 13 14-124 C. F. Zimmerman. Baatrice - ...13 13 14 12 11 IS I U 11 14-123 tf-h-.L. n.n.nn tniiia ...13 14 14 IB 13 13 II 11 J A K. Chambera, Omaha ' -l ...14 16 13 13 It 13 16 11 13 14134 T. t Chambera,-Omaha J.... ...14 14 13 14 II 11 12 13 14 13-129 J. B. Gutsmann, Columbua ...14 lu 14 11 10 11 ia ia is jr.. H. Kunat, oiuniDua. " ..vlO 14. 15 13 14 II 15 U 14 14-134 Lester Oatee, Columbua , a. 13 14 14 14 14 16 14 14 16V143 ID A. Phllllpa. Columbua 13 I11S 13 It U 11 10 11-118 Harry Rhllson, Ilgh " jrW. ia is , . la u ia a id w . m VA Vtrnap AfiktTtl.. ...14 14 16 13 14 14 13 14 13 16127 8. D. Hedges. Panama ...14 12 14 12 10 14 12 14 13 16-138 George Kreger. Redfteld. a D........ ...14 16 15 16 IS 14 16 13 12. 14-140 Harry Thoman, Huron, S. D ...11 12 13 13 It U 10 16 12 14-136 George Carter. Lincoln ... 13 18 14 13 16 14 14 14 14-139 J. T. HolllngswOrth, Lincoln ...12 8 10 12 11 18 13 13 13-1111 C. L. Wagner. Dillon ...16 14 14 15 II 11 14 13 14 14-138 Tom Palmer, Lincoln ...13 16 14 13 11 14 11 14 -44 13-133 H. Ker-ntcott. Qvanston ...14 13 14 13 14 11 13 13 14-14133 Fred Caldwell. Concordia, Kan. ...... . 16 13 19 14 14.11 I 1 U It IS , 1., ... w ' Henry McDonald, Omaha' .11 18 12 11 11 t 11 3 11 11 13 14-113 George Redlck. Omaha ...IS 13 U 13 11 14 14 14 IS 14-184 Don MCown. .Omaha , .7 13 12 14 14 14 11 13 13 16 13-131 Bert Dixon. Omaha ...13 11 14 16 13 14 13 13,14 14-134 RaV Klngsley. Omaha ...16 15 l 14 14 16 IS 16 It, 14-148 L. I FalrbanKa. Scribner ...10 11 13 13 13 IS 13 13 13 16134 O. O. Iodenberg, Morae Bluffs ...16 13 14 13 13 13 14 13 10 16131 A. B. Robertson. Scribner ...U 13 I ..131 Cliff Wolfe. Council Bluff ... 14 10 13 13 13 13 e10) Art Keellne. Omaha ... 13 16 10 14 13 11 13 13 12123 Frank Mellor. Berwyn "... ...13 It 11 13 14 13 15 13 13 14-133 Charles Warren, Pacific Junction.... ...14 14 12 10 11 11 11 11 16 11131 W. F. Molta. Shelby. Ia ...10 13 14 10 12 11 IS ..101 Frand Beard, Omaha ...13 14 13 13 13 IS 16 16 14 36138 Fred Weatherhead, Tabor ...M 11 ft IS 14 13 13 13 14 14-114 A. S Edwards, Glen wood. ...14 16 13 16 14 13 14 IS 13 14-140 W. H. Flokle. Glenwood ...13 11 13 13 13 14 13 11 IS 14133 E. V. Rhodes. Glenwood... .... 7 I .5 6 8 1 8 4 1 3-40 J. C. Mtoklewalt. Glenwood ...13 10 6 10 3 8 8 S 11-74 R. O. Cheyney, Glenwood ... 13 13 14 16 11 14 13 13 1-12 C. C. Hall, Omaha ...11 10 II 13 11 14 14 13 IS 13124 James Terrybenry, Louisville, ...14 14 IS 13 11 13 11 12 10 18-134 J. R. No ye. Iouievllle ...13 14 li 0 13 II 11 13 13 12-121 J. M. Donelan. Glenwood ...14 It 13 11 13 II 11 15 13 11-123 O. T. Oenung. Gleawood.... ...10 7 8 8 11 .. ...... .. 43 J, P. Walaoe, Glenwood ...18 12 13 10 13 6 II 1 10 10108 A Kayen. Fremont ...IS 14 J4 14 14 14 IS 14 14 13138 Jcaa Ayleaworth. Council Bluffs 10 12 , -a J. C Clstna. South Omaha! 8 4 10 - Henry Vaught, Avoc..., ..V H U .. a Professions L Oaiaka Gaa C'lah Trophy. Handicap aad Name. Tor, It Ia Gates.... IS 11 14 U . 14 K-hay Klngsley 14 17 14 It t 3 JO Harrr Phitson 1 M It 11 17 M A. 8. Edwards 14 14 II 14 II IT Frank Beard 14 U It U 14 It Charles Oamaon...30 II 1411 It M 17 W. li. Fickle 17 17 14 .. .. H 14 Una Brown It 11 14 17 II a Drawn for The, Bee by George McMahus Standing of Teams WESTERN 'LEAGUE. , . - P. W. i Pet. Topeaka 14 , .6 .MS Omaha W .10 -r .$ Denver II 7 0 .u Iea Moines 17 S .8B St. Joseph.. U .7 t .7 Lincoln 14 I .4B Pioux City : It ' Wichita , 14 1 NAT. LEAGUE. AMER. U6AOUKL W.La.Pct.1 W.UPct. Phlla IS 7 .tiV)Dctrolt 17 7 .708 Chicago ....11 8 .619 New York.. .11 1 .& Boston 11 8 .t79lflilcago ....14 t .0 Cincinnati .10 10 .Snc Boston 8 .62J Pittsburgh . 11 12 .478 Clevelind ..10 12 .4u Brooklyn .. 9 13 .474tWsshlrrgton 11 -H St. Lou la... 10 14 .417 Phlla- T IS .?S0 New York.. 12 .333. SI. LouU 1" .261 AMER- ASSN. I FED. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. v. W.UPct. Indlanapls is 8 .CT Newark ..1310 .t lqutsville..lll .6f.i Plttsburgh.lS 8 .653 St. Paul.. .13 10 45 Chicago -...13 11 .642 10 .54& Brooklyn ..13 11 .MS Cleveland.. 10 It .4Vi Kan. City.. 13 11 .622 Mlnneapia. 8 10 .444 IS .400 Kan. ntv. I II (MllPt Iul...10 12 .4no Columbua. 6 18 .2171 Buffulo ...Sift .83T Yeaterday'a Reaalta. WETERM LEAOCE. Omit. U; Dea Moines. 1. Bloux City, 8t. Joseph, i. Wlchjta, 0; Lincoln. 8. Tq.'.eka, 6, Denver, L NATIONAL LKAOUE, Chicago, 7: Pittsburgt). 10. I' 'hiladelrla. Or Brooklyn, 0. Newjiork, ;' Boston, 14 AMERICAN IJCAQUE. Boston, 3; New York, L v FEDERAL LKAOUE. , Chicago, 10; Newark,' 6. K ansae City, 4; Brooklyn, 3. Pittsburgh, 10; Baltimore.. 4. - .' . . Qt. Louie, 6; BuffaU.. I. V AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. . Minneapolis, 12; St. Paul, 13. Canee Today. Western League Omaha at Des Moines, Sioux City at Ht Joseph. Wichita at Lin coln, j poena ai Denver, American Leaguo W ashlngton at cago, Philadelphia at St. lila. New York at tiievTiand, Boston at Detroit. National league St. louia at Boston, Chicago et Brooklyn ' Cincinnati at New Tor, Pittsburgh at Philadelphia. Federal 1-eagne St. Louis at Baltimore, Cclcago at Brooklyn. Kansas Cltv at Newark.. PlU'burgh at Buffalo. S'S OvIm M; 1V,t"mnA K,udt-" ,,!2l0T'LIrid,ck -' J 1on ia Al Chambera .14 17 18 19 20 8S .18 14 1 17 17 86 .20 20 16 14 1 K8 .20 30 18 14 18 2 .18 16 It IT 13 M 18 17 13 14 36 77 in i nn aici own in 19 11 m is Henry McDonald. .14 15 17 IT 1 1-Art Keellne 18 16 U 1 18 1 Cliff Wolfe 16,18 13 IS 14 1 L,. L. Fairbanks. ...14 14 .. 17 .. M 84 81 7S 46 04 84 19 TS 69 ft 43 M 70 64 10 Harry Thoman IS IS 18 10 f. Weatherhaad.,.)il 10 17'1 IT 10 A. B. Robertson. ..15 14 10-J. C. Mieklewalt...lS It IT 14 18 1 Chria Chrlatenaen.14 It 12 10 11 1 R. G. -Cheyney 18 17 10 30 18 14 E. V. Rhode 4 8 0 14 ft. il J. M. Conelan 15 IS J 19 IS ,i' - V - warren ...IS 15 12 1 If. 10Dan Whitney 13 16 pi 10 11 KAUFF THROWSjJAME-AWAY Wild Hnrl by famous Ski ; Artist GiTes Caseys Three in Prams , and, Beats, Tips. - -yi-) RESULT IS FOUR TO THREE BROOKIYnJ May 10.A wild throw by Bonnie Kauff on Chadburn'g single with two men on bases gave Kansas City three runs In the fifth Inning of today's game, and .theae. with one run In the aeiond, were enough, to best Brooklyn, 4 to 1 The locals railted In the sixth, when two doubles and a braco of singles gent .three runs across. Packard waa Invincible In the other inning. Score: R.H.E. Kansas City 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 4 8 1 BrooKlyn 00000300 03 2 Batteries: Packard and Brown: Wilaon and Land. , Ketaels Trlaa Terraptaui. BALTIMORE. May 10. Pittsburgh had an easy time winning today's game from Baltimore, in to 4. making a. clean-up of the serle. The vlaitor bunched their hits off Bunas, whose wlUinees proved very expensive. Knnetrhy's two-baae smash. Wilch rleaned.up the .bases in the seventh whli two on, waa a feature, i-rore: R H E Pittsburgh O00IOO34 010 10 Baltimore 0103004104 4 Batteries: Lectklre. Barger and Berry; Suggs, Bailey and Owena Blae Take tlaaae, BUFFALO. May to The closing game of the Ht- Ioula series today developed into a fourteen-innlng battle that went to the via I tore, 6 to 1 core: II. HB. fit. Loula ... 0 0010 I 00 0000 3 6 13 1 Buffalo .,...00 1 30,000000400-3 J Batterlea: Herbert and Hartley; Schula, Anderson, Bedient and Allen, Blair. Whales Wla Flmal- NEWARK. N. J., May 10.-47hlcago won the final gam of the series1 her today from Newark. Frequent changes were made In pttchera. Score: R H E. Chicago v...l 0 0 0 8 10 13 3 Newark .....0 1360030-6 10 7 Batteries: - Black. Johnson. McConnell and Wilson; Ruelbach. Brandon and Rar Idon. v Beatrice Wis frwaa Falrhwry. BEATRICE. Neb., May W. Special Telegram.) Beatlic woo today from the Fair bury Htate leagu team In a fast exhibition game. 3 to 2- Catcher Kagan of Boatric efatared In the. third by lift ing the ball over th fence tor a homer, brlneina- in two runa Soora: R.H E. Kalrbury ......1 11 6 3 eliatrtc !! 1 1 Batteries'. Bow hay, Shatter and preen Erreit and Kagan. CalS Ka4 Wallt with Rheaaaarlaga. A aatlafled patient writes, "Sloan' finlment eured my rbeumatUm. xp grateful. I can now walk wlthout pain." Only 80c Ail druggists. Advertisement RED HOSE TAKETHE FINAL FROM YANKS Bostons Even Series by Defeating; 1 New Yorks in Last by Score . 1 of Three ta 0n. F0STEB STRONG IN THE PINCHES NEWiYORK, Ma. 10. Bostort evened the eerin with the New Tork Americans by winning the last game of the series, 3 to 1, today. x Fosters effectiveness in the pinches saved the game several times for hia team. Three times be retired Nunamaker with men on second and third, while In the eighth New York filled the bases with none out, but failed to score. Bcore: BOSTON. NEW TORK. - HoopT. rf.. 1 4 0 0 x AB.HO.A St. Waa nor. 2b. 4 0 1 I 6 Mala!, lb.. 4 0 0 1 0 Spaakar, cf., 4 1 4 Hajtiell. II, i II I lcwla. f.... 4 111 lHih. cf I I t 0 0 llohlllael, lb 4 0 It OPIpp. lb I 1 U I Bcott. a .... 4 1 1 t OCook, rf ,.. I 1 1 McNallr. Ib. 4 t 1 1 Peckinpa. si I 1 10 Thotnaa, o.. 4 ll I Booaa. lb... 114 4 0 yeater. s... 4 111 ONunamkr, . 4 0 I I e MnHale, p.. I 0 t I Totals aa I 17 14 lCal0all .. 0 0 0 00 . ' Total,.... a "5 37 140 Batted for McHalc in ninth. Boston 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Two-base hits: Soott, High. Three-base hits: Speaker, Thomas. Stolen base: Lewis. Karned runs: New-York, 1; Bos ton. 8. Double plays: McNally, Thomas, Hoblltzel. Left on bases: New York. 12; Boston, T. Baaes on balls: Off McHale, 2; Foster, 8. Struck out: By Foster, 3; by McHale, 3. Umpires: Mullaney and Evans. Haatlf aa ladrseadeat Wla. DONIPHAN. Neb., May 10. fSpecial.) The iaatMiga Independent opened 4he eason here Sunday by defeating the Chl-Tlncl hy a score of T to 3. The feature of the game was the star infleldlng of HramDie ana jdeker. score: K.H.E. Independents 1 1 0 0 1 0 4 7 12 Doniphan-, O10O3000O3 7 6 Batteries: Independents, Dykcman, Bunhoon and Meyers; Doniphan, Rich mond and Shach. - - I'Dlverelty ( Month Dkaota Win, YANKTON, B. D.. May 10. Speclal Telegram.) State University,' Vermilion, defeated Yankton collegw here today, 12 to - I, Dashing style. elegantly combined with Ide quality 25c Collars Ce. 9. M a Siler. Trf, . T. I gee Sale bp the Mkewta flraaii 1 . , FOR ME- M - SOS-SIO SO. 16 th. AND Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. 157 Douglas Street j . IIIHimilLlM, .. .,, TIM - I g.sau.iin-1-imiiL.gj.iii.nj . i iiiuujuihuj ..a I I ns - ' in . n &'u UNDERCWEAR ! Cool springy elastic-Light- L - weight Springtex is spring- j""' c needle knit in soft, fine-feeling fabrics. L rl Freedom for action form-fashioned H A ; i to fit. So comfortable you forget you have it on. Spring tex Union Suits v? . ' with comfort crotch and separate garttients. Ask your dealer $1 op. " X , WHOLES ALS DISTRIBUTORS i ' ' ', M. E. Smith A Company ' Js s ' Ityrne Hammer Dry Good Co. i ' laaaars r?J V I yv. UticH.T. Tigers Defeat Reds . in Exhibition Game DETROIT, 'May 10. Detroit defeated' the Cincinnati Nationals. 10 to; In a poorly played elght-tnnlne; exhibition game here today. Score: RH.E, Cincinnati ...0 110R10I 9 0 3 Detroit .J80110 03 10 12 5 (Game called to allow Cincinnati catch, train.) . Batteries: Toney, Brown and? Dooln; Ledbetter, Oldham and Peters. . ; - When "Glands Swell Cloid lltiis Attention Even a Sweat Gland May Result in Severe Consequence. In our Intricate body the use of 8. S.' 6. for tbe blood aae a most remarkable Influence. We little realise our gland ular system.' It may be a tiny bulb no fclgger than a pin point,1 and yet if a disease germ get Into it, there Is a tremendous swelling. It become . a , boll, a carbuncle. It may be a "blood rising;." and It lit often a aource of con tinuous misery It not checked. Many cf the most excruciating; forms of tor ture begin with the swellingr of a tiny ( glsnd. caused by a disease germ. And It la S. 8. 8. that spread throughout the blood circulation to preventjust auch conditions. Or if they have al ready started, 8. 8. 8. will soon put the blood in auch a state of health as to overcome the tendency to glandular swellings. It la a natural medicine for the blood, Just a essential to. health If the blood be Impure, as are the meats, fats, (rain and sugars ef our dally ' food. ' It contain One Ingredient the active' purpose of which is to stimulate the exchange of new flesh for dead or waste matter. - Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today of any druggist, and If your case is stubborn, write te the Medical Adviser, Th b writ Specific Co.. 10S Swift Blag., Atlanta, -Thl department ia In charge of a noted physician. ilETTLETOil SHOES bavt Character and Individuality In every Style, combined wits an . Elejance and Fit, unsurpassed SOLD OKIY AT H. jS. Atkisson's, i 314 South 15th Stresf ED. S. THOMSON, Mgr. A " '4' I -A I si I .;'! - 1