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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1915)
- x v THK'HKK: OMAHA: TLhMUY, MAY "11. lMRS. GENEVIEVE WOOD, who obtained a warrant for her husband, James Wood, for failing to keep up his $25 weekly payments ordered by tho court for iupport of wife and baby, thus establishing a new precedent in New" York. ' : ... . : ' By I.IELLITICIA. Monday, May 10, 1915. ! QCIagai3aCTlg 1 itAINlPlrllS SlT(0lR?f S I H - - ----- - - JJ H III U SOCIETY U to dlacooratinejly e.let (hat I have to go (q the buck corner ofmy brain end -bring out thM story of tome bat late In lereet. Apropos or not, It's a. god on. At a not o very long distant dinner, the host Invited a certain well-known bachelor, possessed of an automobile, to be among the guests. The guests were to attend a dancing party later, and on turn occasion;, yon know, automobile ownera are handy things to have about. It seems Just at this time many were growing tired of dinners. (It Is possible for some to experience such ennui, Strang as It may seem.) The invited bachelor guest knew all along that he would not be able to attend the dancing party, but from aheer desirBMo make, and , enjoy, a funny aituatlon, with his ever-present sense of humor, went to trie dinner. When the courses progressed to the last sip, during the finishing conversa tion and rings of smoke, Mr. got up hurriedly and, with deep feel In;?, expressed regret, saying that he was ao djstressed not to be able to ac company and conduct bis friends to the dance, but Uncle So-and-io wis here from New York and had tickets for the theater, sf he would be obliged to leave immediately. v ' t The boat turned pale and nearly passed away, but the bachelor d clarea he never'had a more enjoyable evening. 1 , Cn ths Calendar. The Qusrds of Emma B Manchester Frove No. IW, will gv a dancing party at the Hotel Catl, Thursday evening. The Deaconesses' Aid society will held a meeting tor election of officers, Tues day afternoon at tM o'clock at Metho dist headquarters In the Omaha National bank building. Mr C. F. Weller will entertain at din- eer Sunday la honor, or Mr. w tiler s birthday. 1 The Research club of St. Berchman'a academy will give an entertainment Tueadsy evening at Crelthton auditorium. The muidcal numbers are under the di rection ot lira Millie Ryan. Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Bonness held a tnuatceie at their noma for the senior members of - tt. Berchman'e - academy musical class yesterday," there being twenty numbers given by tha young w6me of the ctsss. Exceptional talent was displayed by Mive It Wneeler, Miss Vest, Mia a Bonness and Mlaa Rosalter. After the musicals luncheon was .served In a room very prettily decorated wl'.h lilies and gladlolas. About twenty-five I guests -were pretMSit. Those who took I part In the program were tha Mseej Morrison. Iteiily,. Mcleod. . r.nsllah. Ryan, Chabot.- fielsle. Red man, Collins, Vest. Wheeler, V. Foley, aalnee. K. McCrean. Conned. F. McCrann. M. Foley.1 Mary Morrison. Romator. Nagle, Pritcta ard. 6turgeon and Bonness. Mrs. lisney and Mrs. C. Walla will five s reception Wednesday afternoon In hJnor of Mrs. B. Blath. who is returning to her horns In St. Ixiula from Ban Fran ciiro, where she has apent the winter. Mlea Eras Hedra will entertain at carda la honor of several' visitor at her koim Tuesda. Three tabled of Players 'will be present t : ' ' At the Orpheum. Society will attend tha' closing jwesk's -TTfonnence of the Orpheum this even ing., . . '. . 7 " . i A'small party will; ba composed of; '. Mr. snd Mfs. Olenn Wharton. , N. Mr. end Mrs. Wlllard Hoaford. Mr and Mrs. Moihlcr Colpetnor. With Mr. and Mrs. H. V. . W bit more In thlr bos will be Miss Eugenia Wh'lmore and Mr. Frank Raacall. ... v Ot tiers entertaining this evening will include: ! " . ' Mara. Melchlen. 'W. T. Tas. o. C. Rwilck. For Kin Hochttetler. Complimentary to Miss Frances. Hoch statler, Mra,' Charles D, l)oVin enter tained at luncheon today at hVr home. The table waa beautifully appointed with a larss allver basket ot lavender sweet pess snd daisies ss a cntarple-e and black dolphins and atlintors In Venetian glass to mark the places of the guests, wha were: ' ' , Franf-ee MochatetllerAnn (llrfot-d. York City." Following the concert party had supper st the 'Fontenetl Mr. Houaa. i this slth Flanor Marker. a lira jaiuiin, l.urtla laon. ' htalta Thummal, lilancha Deuel, Hlovon I'oiton. Harriot Mts, Janet Hall, Iofothy Hlack. With the Visiter . Mr. and Mrs.; Rdwsrd, Rotustau of Roundup. Mont, era guests at the home of Mr. N. RousseSu. Mf. snd Mra Fred Hamilton, .accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Career, of Manila, arrived, this morning from New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Barber will be with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton.' Pergonal Mention. :." : - Dr. Robert Farrelt left Thursday even ing for flan FranclspB. where he has a. cspted an Internship. In the wall known Bt. Mary's hoapital,' flan Francisco. x Mrs. A., T. Austin hse returnsd from a two months' trip to California. : , , In and Out the Bee Hire. Mrs. C. J. CVssm hss gone to Cali fornia, where she will spend the summer on the Chiasm ranch, near Fullcrton. . Mr.-and) Mrs. A. U Mohlcr, In Mr. Mahler's prlvste car, ' have gone to the Pacirio ooast, expecting to. be away two to three weeks TheyN will visit-both of ths expositions before returning. . ,. ''St. Patrick Day Magic Words for ; ' John Washington Meaers. I 1., Knnforth, I Irf"iir lleyn. ' Harry H. Hyrse, 1,. H. Kfhn, . )v 0. rllrla. Carl Furth, Ir. Fulver. Colonel Villa. ' . Frank Waiters, Frank hotwelt. Judge Hulllvan, F S. Cnwslll. Ralh Kitchen, Arthnr KruC, Ray Vlrrllng, . Les Amies Club. Mrs. C. A. McKensle entertained the tnt rnbers ot Los Amies Whlat club Pat urday sfternoon at her home. The prises ft hlh score were awsrded to Mra George Knebter and Mls (Irace Mlcket. Mrs. Joaeph lAnsfellwer waa the guest of honor. The club will meet again In two weeks with Mies Itheta 'Rasmusaen. Thiat preaent' ncre: Judge Brltt, court " officers and the crowd of spec! a tore burst Into laughter In police court, when John Washington, is former dope flehd. told his story. He ass discharged bscsuse It wit on Isat Rt. Tstrloks dsy that . he had been re leased before, after Jali - treatment for ths drug habit.' 1 f . "Hlgh-brow stiff handed otit ty John II n his remarks to the Jui!s proved too much,' snd he wss frequently stopped by ths prosecutor, Washlnrton explained that, he wss Just on the way to take a "bawth" , when ha was "Incsrecrated." . "Heally, Judge," ha said. . "sines you tesrtiime: John J. Klnneen, J. M. Clerhard. , K. J. Murphjr, II. 1 Uuckles, MiHeea Vy Kumutwn, K tie la baamuaaen. Aiealamea: Oeorga Keehler, t'hrla Wetter, William Neve, Jr.; C. A. Mrbenate. MiaaeK ' f Ora Michel, ' . 8iihls Itauber, Eaffea Cluh Birthday Party. Tha thlrty-sst-ond birthday of -the KaXfea club, the oldest social club In the city and rompoeed of German women who bavs been friends almoet for a life time, was celebrated at the Hotel IoyaJ today. An elaborate luncheon, at which spring flowers were used In ths decors Uona and presented to each guest, wss followed by a program ot ' music and speeches la ths psrlors. Mra. C. C. Echaeffer ts ths president of the kaffes cbib and Mra M. A, Nagl Is treasurer. Of ths twenty-five original members, fifteen are still numbered In ths menv berMp. Theea srs .Meadamrs C C. Scheeffer. William Rice, M. 1-ange, Gott lieb Etorx.' John 'llaumer, Ben Jobat, Fannie Fruehsurr. M. A. Ngt. Frank H-hmrtt,'!!. Tebltens, Ferdinand grhmtta, Hartln Tlpke. ' Auguat Specht. Pophle KK hard aad Nettle Berkmsn. A huge birthday cake rrepared by Mra. Wl!!am Rice waa a feature of the deco rations for the luncheon table. Covers were placed for forty gucats. Eirthday Party. ' I Mrs. O. V. Chsnsler entertained In honor of ths birthday anniversary of her daughter. Bernice. baturday. The after imo was spent In samea and muatc. TLe iAisa fb)Uia Waoerg and Oladya Snar4 gave several anustcal selections. Those present were: Viae- J Mtaees Kini Morford. ' VlMred Hetnelt. l t !:is Nebrg. Others n-Ub, C .:Aym Bread. ElUa Houalon. ' 1-cnUoe kvlmer. I Itaiarti Past. . iiUa Ilayla Thompaoa gavsa su.prtae ttnaa ahower In honor of Mlas Maurine Lrlnibotf Sblurday afternoon at her borne. Tbe room were deeoratcd with ri'ik and whits roses snd camationa and pink shaded lights, t-lxteea guests were prcseut. ' ' - , , With the Eriae Playera. : Mra Loula Clark waa aoeteee this aft mooa at the resular meeting of the loudaj Bridge club. Three tables were fla-d for the same, - . . The Original Monday Bridse club met ti. afternooa with Mra. A. U Re4, Tle guetf were preeect. r-cet rarty. 1'tf. and Mra F, Whitmore eater tl':?d at the toua concert lt evening. gucota were Mias Eugenia Whlt- gave me ths plsilge, I've steafaat!y con tlnued my Journey on tiie wster-wsgon, I swear to heaven, snd you know I nouldn'W' prevaricate' to your, honor, would IT R h and Paanowskl, . J who Incarcerated me. aill offer tcatlmor itnat i nave conducted myself exception ally - well since being ' liberals! before. snd I'll never touch alcoholic beverages sgaln. I've endeavored to do right, ever alnce you -fret me ' from the bleating drug evil and released me from eon finement on St. . Patrick's dsy.". "That's 'enough words," . ths Judge shouted. "St. Patrick's Csy saves you." 'Bless' your i soul, judge,' orated j John, aad he wss gone.. ' , . . . 1 : s ' , '. t --X: I , -U;X:X ' v.v : ; v : ' h.- ..': ,'tr, nvweenv . r?''J'J." "" " i -S. . n' a raaB e r 'iainsil iw "" . . . SATURDAY AND SUNDAY .-. ' Be0 DAY FOR FORD CARS Auto thieves were busy aaalit Satur day and Sunday nights, smashing up ens car, stealing ' three others and taking parts oft of a, fifth. George M. Redh k, who ' lives at the Fontenelle, had hie new Ford . coupclet taken away from in front of the hotel late Sunday nisht. aiid'the next morning it aas fount alt smashed up at Twenty nlnth and t'arker Vtietts. - ' Others to ne their Fords Were S. EX 1 tager, 4M0 North Thirty-fourth street; C, I Ehsw, HU 8oilh Fifteenth alreet, and J. H. .Thompson, -California apart menta. Two tires and rime were removed from Vlrzll lrebert auto while tt waa atandlnga in the rear' of hia HoUe. 71S Park avenue. . -. PAYING WORK IS STARTED Contraotort Say ; They . Are Now Ready to Start 'Delayed' ' ImproTernenti. - - . .. . .... . , . NEW REGIME At THE CITY HALL ' Paving contractors started on city work Mondsy morning with unu'aual ectlvity, a this, morning with unuaual activity, a situation ' Which 'caused 'comment' In thb city halt. Twq weeks ago former Conj mlasloner McOovera offered a, resolution, which the council adopted,' directing the city legal department to proceed against four contractors and their bondamen for failure to carry out their contracts with the elty, , , , :, . . , . , - . The list ot unfinished work Comprised many paving districts, -some ' pt wh(ch shsuld have been i completed yearly last fall. Much of this 'work hss not yet been started, but ' the contractors' "have "started to work. " " - . The council -referred ' the- resolution to the legal department in a fdrmal manner, City Attorney Rlne In turn referring tho matter to his saslstsnt'IVJ. TePoel." - Asked now for, the fourth time what action be Intends taking. Assistant' At' torney TePoel repllsd, "Well,; ths con tractors are getting btfey." ' , ;'. ' He pointed to the activity In the alley back ot the city hall aa positive evidence that ths contractors sre t'gottlng busy. Before election these contractors d tha city commissioner ot public improv ments. Now they are ."geHIng busy Tha Incumbent of the office .has 'been chsnged. v ; , nor -went, to -Jail, but, started to cry and ran out of the court room 1 Officers stopped' her and she waa turned over to Matron ,McPlierson pf the county Jail. She .was 'rharged with taking IS from Oeoi av ' Dantoa, 13fcH Douglas street. BLAIR CONCERN WILL CAN SAUER KRAUT THIS SUMMER The Qusllty.Vannlng company of Blair is a 'new canning concern Juat incorpor ate , f qr, ITOPO. This company Is equipped tc-can and pack twenty-four varieties of fruits snd vegetables. It j la to. put-up saurrkraut 1 also. It r has large gardens now growing the bulk of the vegetables that are to be used. In theae gardene are -no 'less then a 'million tomato plants at the present time, ilon C. Van Dusen of Dlalr la' preaiden't'of tbe company. M. J.. Oreevy ,of Omaha Is vice president andj aaslstsnt secretary,, and Myron M. Melstngcr is' secritary and manager. Traveling Bags and Suit Gases At About Half Regular Prices We have made a fortunate purchase from two of me ieaomjr. manufacturers of tnetr surplus stoat ana sam ple lines ot i raveling tugs ana 5tut leases, 50 Off Their Lowest Wholetale Price U a ' Fine Selected Cowhide Bags Cases Valuee to $16.00. Special Tueeday , Genuine Walrus Bagav-Valaea 0n J r to f iron, at apDa49 ' For this reason, you can buy a suit case or traveling bag heres Tuesday at about half the pride you would jpjay elsewhere. . This is worth taking advantage pf. and Snit I Fine Cowhide and Bole Leather Traveling tY r A Barn and Suit Cases Value ee $f.Ulr to $19.60. Tnedayat$l.60and... sSll.DU $7.50 and $10.00 Hand Bags and tjr A A tfsl.UU V Suit Case, at.,. , I Domestics for Tuesday 36-inch Unbleached Muslin Extra fine quality, soft finish, easily a i bleached. Tuesday, a yard..."2C Genuine Equity Apron Gingham Full standard cloth,' in all the wanted -blue and white checks. Regu- ni lar 5c value, Tuesday, a yard..2C( 72x90-inch Bleached Sheets Full size,' made of good grade, 4-4 cotton; 3-" Inch hems, ready for use. Each ; 42 and -45x36-inch Bleached Pilffiw Slips to Match Good grade, j worth IOC. Special, each. ....... C 32c Five'Big Specials In Baeement Shoe Section Tueeday Women'a Pump All new styles, practically all aieea. Odds and enda. Worth M nr ,to $3.00. Special, a pair, i r...pLl7) Men's Shoec and Oxfords Tan and black, button and lace styles. 'About 160 pair. Odds and enda. Worth to $3.00. Spe. A-f a a olal Tuesday, a pair. .. . : y 1.4U Children's Play Bhoee Tan and black, sort calfskin leather, button aad lace. tff es r Worth $1.76, a pair pleZ5 Tennis Bboee and Oxford for Men and Boy a All el zee. Specially priced, " "in a pair..... 4JJc , Barefoot Sandals far OWldren Fine willow eaK a took, protected toe style, extensive edge soles, all arses to I. 8pe-s ciai Ttrsecay, g, par. a e-e s .:.98c nnce uay."'L. y efleJ ' rove--J usy." J I Dahlmaii's Eleotibn ; '.Cost Him $lB2and: , JardinfAOvjerS290 Msyor James C. Dshlmsn s re-election eost blra according 'to his statement of expenses filed In the election commis sioner's effice. Ths mayor was the 'moat economical of the nine candidates who so far hava filed their statements, with the esreptloa of Thomas McOovem. who spent UU. . , . ' Amounts named by the ether candidate follow: A. A. Lamoreau,' t3; C. II. Wlthnell. tlftxri; A. C. Kugel. 30 JO; Dan B. BnUer, I3H.4E; J. B. 'ltummol. till. 70; W. 8. Jardlne, fSO.K; John' C Dfexet. IER THROAT' ' iS Sr-NT TO JAIL WOULD CUT HER THRO IF SHE Why ahould 1 be put In jail, when I have a 'sltuatlvn to ao to,?"' Margaret Campbell eased Acting' Police Judge Brltt. "I've been' In 'Jail before 'and will cut my throat before gdtug there again." ! she declared. ';'!' Whereupon ahs neither cut her throat Free Instruction in Rope Basket Work and Color Scheme Decorations of All Kinds at BURGESS-NASH Miss Burns. of the Dennison Manufactaring, Company, of Chicago, Wilt Be u at ; the . Burgess-Nash Store All This Week, ' Use this chance to learn what wonderful things can be dune with Denni$oii,s Crepe & Tissue Papers L MUa Burns will give Instructions, absolutely free of charge and will be. assisted by a capable assistant, so that, each and v every customer will have Individual attention.' During', MUa Burns'- stay we will gladly place and decorate tables tor parties - or dinners without charge.-- . . P. 8. Miss Burns Is tbe only demonstrater wis have'ever bad la Omaha. Dennison Manufacturing Company aajSsMtsemteTliiirmmiiHiftiiMrert ' ' ' - - " 's I II I ISN Pi1 VAif 1 s mk f IMMlP'Trtrrri m, $L $ mi '-m . Mr A k.r5r J mX , IS I 10 .r f - .. I 1 Iks 1 ' I I tou wmnt. and .V. 1 ' V . - ' I l!!'"' lis . ''ifil'M ornet ts guaran- 'xsJ ! j! I fell P' It-is sure in I SiilpilK'SlWi perfect Wea. Ul'.' . j -,!! ing and raising; Ij X qualities, la h3KtfnlWxV:n wholesomeness, y tn purity. U . , llPf Perfectly - - ' ilir a r.'.'s'.il ly tender bis- 'If ' ; : ..C; cuit.cke, muf- . n 1 S M m to result froaa. I r , 1 ! ! !!; 'goes farther IIUJ1 j j -t 'liiiji':""! than other baW 1 'r VV-'r ' .powders lfx . ; VV"" tI ale In coat. ! ' : 'k;:ffy4 Insist on it I M'(:'i;':i::;:;:lv;1 t Jur pocers. tzJ ! l' ' 'ill;!!,, AWARDS I - , V'W Pi ' To Yovi People Living Near 33d and California On Ma'y lltli My New Sanitary Grocery and Meat Market will be open for your convenience, centrally located- near your homes, "witlra stock of the purest, best known groceries, fresh meats and garden vegetables I can obtain. , , AT YOUE SERVICE u schiller; f 33d AND CALIFORNIA. I will handle Ortmans New England Bakery Products, both bread and pastry, which will be supplied to me fresh, twice a day. I , 2, ' will keep 'the whole linevof vegetables, fruits, extracts, spices and, coffees, of Paxton & Gallagher's well known Kamo brand of pura' foods. , i v.. Also Paxton & Gallagher's entire line of direct flame gas roasted coffees from 25c to 40c pe lb. Dutch-boy, Butter-nut, Paxton and Kamo Jn air-tight cans. The big seller is the Red Can (24b, can, COc). i .... ' . " JVboever Tou Are s Being dag Ttwscsig ol". message gieta . by Ceketia, kaosm to tunny as "The UtMUess" assd tbe Msaea firon HfseeQ. - WHOEVER you are, I am for yool Whcro , ew you- arc, I will come, to you. The' tenement is no krwiicr to me than tbe home of your rnost "xarhed citizen. The discredited, vice-ndden hovcj I 'ara not afraid toenter. The paralyxed, Stilted residence of society I will goto if I am wanted. WoTtT yotj auc, I bce in yoi Hatcd acorpsicked, beaten ovtcasvl baveHkith iojrou. Weak wotnen, doJ yoo are not bad. Wbooer. spoke otherwise kacw Dot tike trocbi Hnrdoey-crabbed miser, I csnsbow yoa urbere tbe Kght ia. Whoever tosi are, call tot and ! aboD be wkhVoti oo tbe vsuxzxkt. I will enter soaxljr by yow aide, intbe factory o v tbe rached office, in tbe thick' attojospbered More. Wherever yoa. are I shall baVe no di(IfCky in teckiog you ovt. Porj I am come from my beavcoly hocoe to Ut von np, to wipe r away -thoec teart of angviab aod pait- ao amootk nd toothei tnac care-fKidcn ooajr ot Come whisper to me your tcrtfociow atul TwI wipe them out. I am to lorry .for yoa. I know your woes nod have endured rbera too for yooi. if any times batre J troty' v wept for you, as I w arched you Mwdge akmg, at watched you fall to troubled sleep. Open the portals of yow bcarC and -let: roe My -voice a Kfted-for TomhoccxgpmiM . i 9- -..d Mr. Frank LwetLyaa of New .