Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1915, Image 1

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    Itn fmm the Ttatil Ami,
The Dee's
Real War Photos
Bt of Thorn All.
Hfe Omaha Daily
VOL. XUV-XO. ivo.
Oa Train i and at
Motsl Itwi Steade, to.
Coroner's Jury Brings This Charge
Against Emperor and Govern
ment of Germany and the
Subsea Chiefs.
Captain Turner of Doomed Craft
Says Re Received Special In
tractions as to Voyage.
K1NSELA, Ireland.. May 10. The
Verdict rendered by the coroner's
Jury which Investigated the deaths
resulting from the torpedoing of the
Lusltanla follows:
"We find that the deceased met
death from prolonged immersion and
exhaustion in the - eea eight miles
s south-southwest of Oldhead of Kin
sela, Friday, May 7. 1915, owing to
the sinking of the Lusltanla by tor
pedoes fired by a German submarine.
"We find that this appalling crime
was committed contrary to interna
tional law and the conventions of all
civilized nations.
"We slso charge the officers of aald
submarine and the emperor and govern
ment of Germany, under whose orders
they acted, with the crime of wholesale
murder, before the tribunal of the civil
ized world.
j "We express sincere condolence and
kympathica to the relatives of the de-'
Traced, the Cunard company and the
r'nlted States, many of whose oltlxens
perished In this murderous attack on an
unarmed Iiner."v v
Captain 4ueatloned.
Captain Turner of the Lusltsjiia ap
peared before the coroner and was ques
tioned. The coroner asked him whether
Jie had received a message concerning
the sinking of a ship off Klnsale by a
submarine. Captain Turner replied that
he had not.
1 "Did you receive any special instruc
I tlons as to the voyage?"
V' Yes. sir."
'Are you at liberty to tell us what they
No, slr.'
Did you carry them out?"
'Yes, to the best of my ability."
"Tell us In your own words what hap
pened after passing Fastnet."
'The weather was clear," Captain
1 Turner answered. "We were going at a
speed" of eighteen knots. I was on the
; port side and hoard Fecond Officer Hf
ford enll out: 'Here's? a torpedo.'-
"I ran to the other slds and saw clearly
the wake of a torpedo. Smoke and steam
came up between the last two funnels.
There was a slight shock. Immediately
after the first explosion there wss an
other report, but that may possibly have
been Internal.
Orders Boats Lowered.
"I at once gave the order to lower the
toata down to the rails and I directed
that women and children should get Into
"I also had all the bulkheads closed."
Captain Turner continued. "Between the
t'me of passing Fastnet, at about 11
o'clock, and of the torpedoing . I st.w'no
sign whatever of any submarines. There
was some haze along the Irish coast and
when wo were near Fastnet I, flowed
down to fifteen knots. I was In wireless
communication with shore all the way
r cross."
Third Torpedo Hit
Lusitania as Last
Boat Was Launched
LONDON. May 10,-The statement that
three torpedoes were fired at the Lus
ltanla was made to the Guard cor
respondent of the Daily News on the
. i '
1 Ch
nvtnorlty of, the Rev. Mr. Guvler of the
Church of England's Canadian Jlaliway
Mission, who said the third found Its
mark while the last boat was being low
When the Lusltanla sank Mr. Guvler
said a submarine rose to the surface and
came to ' within SuO yards of the scene.
The crew stood stolidly on the deck he
Said, "and surveyed their handiwork. I
could distinguish the German flag, but
It was impossible to see the number of
the submarine, which disappeared after
few minutes."
Germans Kept Out
of Stock Exchange
LONDON, May 10. Between J0O and 300
-tJ-Hritiah members of the Ftock exchange
f have mobilized to prevent, forcibly If
necessary, the entry of any Germans
who might be brave enough to attempt
to mske their nay Into the houe n dis-
regard of the warning issued by the
Ktock exchange committee advising thsm
to remain away.
Excitement ran high around the ex
change, and a huge crowd collected in
the vicinity In the expectation of dis
orders. Only a handful of naturalised
Germans appeared in the neighborhood,
however, and these did not attempt to
erer the exchange. They were hustled
away through Throgmorton street and
earned not to return.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuewiay:
For Oiiuha, Council Kiufl and Vicinity
Fair; not much chain; in temperature.
Tempera! are
at Omaha .
s I .If
ft I ,tLl Hours.
VSwTC a. m..
" t J J I p. m.
" - sa, 2 p. m.
- I
Turner, who had charge of the vessel when torpedoed and
vvJ r .
,,v . -V
lill - lilfll
s - ' x " ks
mmW - -IT
President Received a Tremendous
Greeting as He Fassei Through
-Philadelphia, Streets,;.: ". ,
President Wilson arrived here from
Washington shortly after 7 o'clock
tonight. Later in the evening he
will deliver an address to a recep
tion to be tendered 4,000 newly nat
uralized citizens. The journey from
Washington was uneventful.
The station was densely crowded
when the president arrived. As he
passed" along the guard of police
cheers went up from the assembled
crowd. Mr. Wilson acknowledged
them with smiles. He was escorted
up Broad street by the mounted city,
troops of Philadelphia.
As the horsemen galloped In advance
of the president's automobile, their
black-plumed helmets gleamed In the
brilliantly lighted thoroughfare. The.
street was lined with automobile loads
of people, who shouted a noisy welcome.
Thousands of people lined the walks.
The handclspplnr and cheering were al
most constant. Women waved . handker
chiefs from the windows and balconies
and everywhere the reception given the
nation's chief magistrate was one of en-
! thuslasm and warmth. He bowed, raised
j his hat and smiled grstefully.
When the president reached Convention
;hHll, he was escorted to a seat by Mayor
j Rudolph Blankenburg. He found Secre-
tarles Wilson and Daniels on the plat
form. The hall was densely packed.
Little American flags wire everywhere
In evidence.
Moat Restrain Paaalona.
Secretary Wilson declared, that new
citizens must do morn than simply obey
the laws of the I'lilted States.
"Our passions must not be allowed to
overthrow our reason," he said. If we
can. without sacrifice' of our honor and
dignity, prererve our ' peace with other
nations, we shell be In a betef position
to help them when (he war shall end."
While Secretary Wilson was speaking a
baby child of a new citizen began crying
and the president smiled.
"Those who have tsken the oath of al
legiance to the t'nlted States can have
no dual allegiance. Like you, Mr. mayor,
an 1 the guevts here tonight, I am one 3t
those who wa horn abroad and has
sworn nllegiance to tho t'nlted States."
Prior to the president's speech, moving
pictures, showing leading events ,ln the
lives of Presidents Washington and Lin
coln e.e thrown on a screen.
Oat karat f Applaaar.
A sudden, spontaneous outburst of ap
plause greeted the president when he
arose to speak. Everyone present leaped
up, waving American flags. Waves or
chvers broke over the hull, rising and
falling, lie bowed time and again, smil
ing his acknowledgment of his reception.
As he rose, the band played "The Btsr
.lsn1eJ UBnir."
Relief Sent Belgium
is Sixty Millions
NEW YORK, May 1.-The laUst state
ment Issued by the commission for relief
ir Uelgluin places the total of the Dtjh
t-nd cargoes contributed for distribution
by the commission at Sa0.644,&u. This In
cludes an estimate of the cargoes sr
rsnged for delivery this month. The
foodstuffs and clothing amount to tnt.ftft
Chief Justice Clark Says that Judges
H Do Hot Keep ?ae with Publia :
TCh6-wledg'e and Sennt..-i
WASHINGTON, May 10, -r Labor 'and the
law was the topto today .befbre the In
dustrial Relations commission, 'with Chief
Justice Walter Clark of the North Caro
lina supreme court the first ' witness.'
Courts, Justice Clark thought., were in
clined to favor corporations ; In . litiga
tion with a poor man, because judges and
lawyers have not kept pace' with protrcs
tlve legislation and the trend of publlo
"What is responsible for, the apparent
reluctanoe of laboring men as Individuals
and labor organisations to submit issues
to the courts?" asked Chairman Walsh.
"My observation Is," said Justice Clark,
"that as a rule the courts are. alow to
adopt progressive economic idcaa In ad
vance of legislation Courts ordinarily
are composed of elderly men. Most of
'hem as lawyers have been employed by
great corporations and when they reach
the bench they are unconsciously biased
by the views they held at the bar."
"How can this be modified?"
. "Only by the slow process of education
and development of public opinion. As
older men. psss away their places on the
bench may be taken by younger men
Imbued with progressive ideas of the
Justice Clark contended "economic In
terest of lawyers In extending the delays
of the law" was one of the principal
causes of delay of justice, which often
becomes a denial of Justice.
"Can that not be cured by legislation?"
aaked Commissioner Lennon.
"Every time any such legtslstlon ap
pears," said Justice Clark, "either in a.
state legislature or In congress, there are
lobbyists at work to defeat any proposal
that would deprive defendants of the ad
vantage of delay. And all of the lobby
ists are not In the lobby. Many are in
the scats of the house and senate."
Referring to court decisions against
boycotts of dealers by jobbers and man
ufacturers. Commissioner Welnstock
asked if Justice Clark did . not believe
labor boycotts also should be held Illegal.
"No, sir," said the Justice. "The la
borer and the capitalist are not on a
partly. The laborer, with his wife and
children to support. Is not In the same
economic position as Rockefeller and
NEW YORK, May 10. Announcement
was made today at the Cunard offices
that the Anchor liner Tuscanta, with 341
passengers, sailed from Glasgow on Sat
urday and from Liverpool Sunday for
New York.
This U the first large passenger steamer
Identified with the Cunard line to sail
from the British Isles for tho United
States since the sinking of the Lusitania.
SALT I.AK CITY. May 10-I.aurence
gcanlan. bishop of the fait I-ke diocese
of the Roman Catholic church and a pio
neer missionary of the west, died hero
this sfternoon after a long Illness.
! M.veme.l. .r Or.. S.. r..
Port. AntTwl. 'Sile4
KRW YORK. ...St. Iuls Nva1
KK VOHK.... Aalunlo Ulimi
IjONDON Misuiuha
Cit Id TUBAL. . . Xv Uf Lueses bach.
German Foreign Office Expresses
Sympathy for American Dead on
N Lusitania and Blames
Sorry British Promises Tnisted'More
Than Teuton Warnings Paid
Attention To.
BERLIN (Via London) May 10.
The following dispatch has been se-nt
by the German foreign office to the
German embassy at Washington:
"Plea communicate the follow
ing to the State department: The
German government desires to ex
press Its deepest sympathy at the
loss of lives on board the Lusltanla.
The responsibility rests, however,
"with the Brltitih government, which,
through its plan of starving tho
civilian population of Germany, haa
forced Germany to resort to retalia
tory measures.
"In spite of the German offer to
stop the submarine war In case the
starvation plan was given up, Brit
ish merchant vessels are being gen
erally armed with guns and have re
peatedly tried to ram submarines, so
that a previous search was impos
sible., Kot Ordtaary Merchantmen.
. "They cannot, therefore, be treated as
ordinary merchant vessels. A recent
declaration mads to the British Parlia
ment by. the parliamentary .secretary in
answer to a question by Ixrd Charles
Beresford ssld that at the presnnt prac
tically all British merchant vessels Were
armed and provided with hand grenades.
"Besides, ' It . has been openly admitted
by the English press that the Lusltanla
on previous ' voyages repeatedly carried
large quantities of wsr material. On
the present voyage the Lusltanla carried
S.400 cases of ammunition, while the rest
of . the, cargo also consisted chiefly of
; "If, Kngland, after repeated fftcJat
shd unofficial warnings, considered Itself
able to declare that that boat ran no
risk and thus llghtheartedly assumed re
sponsibility for the human life on board
a'' steamer, which, wlnjr It armament
MrMr-cargoNrtU'llable ta destruction, tha
German government In aplte of Its heart
felt sympathy for tht. loss, of Amarlcaa
lives; csnnot, but regret that' AmeHoarig
fait mora Inclined to trust. JCngllsh prom
ises rather than to par attention to tha
.warnings from the German side.
' K press Reanreta.
.WASHINGTON, May 10.-Count Von
Bemstnrff, the German ambassador, to
day expressed In person to Secretary
Bryan "his "deep'- regret that the events
(Continued on Pags Two, Column Two.)
Methodist Parsons s
Flay Sinking Liner;
v Pro-Germans Bolt
CHICAGO, May 10. Clergymen of pro
German aympsthles bolted the weekly
meeting of the Methodist Episcopal min
isters of Chicago today when their col
leagues refused to postpone dlscusalon of
a resolutln condemning In "unsparing
words the: inhuman torpedoing and ' un
christian sinking of the steel steamship
Half a dosen men left tho room after
fighting In vain to have tho resolution
tabled. The resolution was adopted.
Tho declaration also expressed "perfect
confidence" in the sane leadership of
President Wilson.
German Forces
Meet With Reverse
in Russian Courland
LONDON. May 10. Tho Exchange Tele
graph company publishes a dispatch
from Its Copenhagen correspondent de
claring that tha Germans have met with
a severe check to the westward of Mltau,
capital of tho Russian province of Cour-
lnu- . rjumerous lories 01 nuasiana in
strong . positions compelled them to re
treat. Queen Wilhelmina
Sunk Off Hartlepool
LONDON. May lO.-The British steamer
Queen Wilhelmina of Hartlepool was tor
pedoed and sunk by a German submarine
off Blyth on Saturday. Time waa allowed
the crew to take to the boats. The men
were picked up by a patrol boat and
landed at Shields.
Omaha'a bank clearing's
laae year totaled the coloa
al turn of $887,580,782.
Although forty-first among'
cities of the United States
ranked according to popu
lation Omaha holds ix
tceth place measured by
bank clearing's.
Leo M. Frank Stoutly Reasserts His
Innocence When Brought Into Court
ATLANTA. 0 May 10. Leo M.
rTank today was resentenced to bo
hanged on Tuesday, June 22, for the
1 murder of Mary Thagan. Before sen
tence was pronounced he made this
"Again I stand before you. Again
1 can but reiterate that 1 am Inno
cent of the murder of Mary Fhagan.
I have absolutely no guilty knowledge
of that tragic occurrence.
"1 am Innocent of this charge and
I assert that the record of the evi
dence conclusively proves this. Xo
appelate tribunal has ever passed
upon this evidence. The only Judge
who has ever heard it stated that he
had the most serious doubts as to
my guilt
"My execution will not avenge
Mary Phagan's death. A life will hav
been taken for a life, but the real cul
prit will not have paid the penalty.
I will suffer for another's crime.
"My trust Is In God, who know
that tny protestations of Innocence
are the truth. At some future datf,
the whole mortal world will reallxe
It. It Is the knowledge that Col
knows it now and that the world will
know it some day, that inspires ma
as I stand before your honor a.i 1
as I face the future.
"Anything eUe I might say at this
time would be but an elaboration of
my words to the court. Yet I am
fully alive to the fact thatmy posi
tion Is most precarious. It is a situa
tion which Is too far removed froa
anything that my life and mental at
titude could have bespoken. It is
hideous, but at the same time so un
real, so Incongruous.
"It Is fundamental in human lifi
to want to live. This deRire to live h
Ingrained "in all of us It is the
basic morality of all who live. To
those who have the proper Ideals of
living, life without honor is insuffer
able. This Is the message of theology
and ethics.
"In the light of the whole truth I
know and the Almighty God knows
that the morality of my position in
this case la unassailable. This being
so, my complete exoneration of this
terrible charge lies An the future.
When that day arrives I shall be Tin-
German Aviators Drop Bombs on
Westcliffe-on-the-Sea, Near West;
End, Early Monday.
LONDON, May 10. Two Zeppelin
airships are reported to have dropped
bombs on Westcllff-on-Sca, near
South End, but no fatalities have
been reported.
Warning of the approach of hostile
air craft waa given South End at
2:52 o'clock this morning. Several
machines took part In the raid, but
whether they were Zeppelins or
aeroplanes the residents were unable
to state, as the weather waa cloudy.
Bombs struck houses .in various parts
of tho town, but no deaths have been
reported. One man and his wife were
badly burned In a fire started by an In
cendiary bomb. Ono resident told of
three bombs dropped near his home,
none of which cased damaga. It la re
ported that several shops were burned at
Leigh, a town near Houth End. Four
Zeppelins are said to have dropped forty
or fifty bombs there.
Boaiba Kali oa Hear a.
Sixty bombs were dropped at (South
Knd, but most of them fell oh tha beach
or In other places where they exploded
harmlessly. Ono bomb dropped near a
ship on which were 1.200 German civll
isns who had been Interned.
A British aeroplane went in pursuit
and drove tho aircraft out to sea.
A report was received from Iloinford
that a Zeppelin had been seen In thst
neighborhood, apparently In difficulties.
Prices of Stocks
Sell Off Sharply
After Firm Start
NEW YORK, May lO.-The Lusltanla
disaster today continued to dominate tho
stock market, prices falling away soon,
after a firm opening. Declines wero mod
erate at tho outset, but gained In ex
tent during the first hour. War special
ties, particulsrly Bethlehem fHecl and
Westinghouae Electric, were weak from
the start, losing S to t'4 points.
United Htates Steel and Readl:ig sold
down to a parity with the low level of
last Friday. houthern f'aclflo, Great
, Northern, Pennsylvania, Ht Paul and
Mexican Petroleum went under their low
quotations of that session.
i That tho Investment situation shows
little disturbance Was seen In tho an
nouncement that almost to per cent of
the new Pennsylvania railroad S40,000,00)
bonds Issue had been sold.
XKW YORK. May . -Cotton broke
badly just before noon todsy, losing In
all 07 points .as the result of alarming
rumors which readied brokers from
j Washington add claewhcre. The reports
I were f rornptly denied anQ (he market
quickly rallied.
'Ur (
i V t.
. , - 1 h.i - ;
i, .. .. Si ... -v-4
;.. 1
L ; - K
dlcated and if 1 am alive I will bo
able to enjoy freedom and honor.
Therefore I want to live.
"The full truth and all of the
facts In the case, when they coma to
light, as some day they will, will
prove to the world that Tny assertion
of Innocence is the truth.
"The legal arena la closod to me.
The bar Is placed forever against
further legal process. Yet the lsu
6f guilt or Innocence haa been be
fore one court, that In which the Jury
Rat. All subsequent appeals wero
made upon alleged legal and Judicial
errors, not upon the facts or the evi
dence. "Hlnoe the Jury beard the caae no
court of Inquiry or review has sifted
the evidence. No decision of any ap
peals court undertook to predicate)
an opinion on the record ot the testi
mony and evidence. The doubt of the
trial Judge, as to tny guilt , still re
Statement from Austrian Headquar
ters Announces Fresh Victory
in Western Galicia.
Galicia, May 10. (Via London.)
The first stage of the battle of West
Galicia has been virtually concluded.
The victorious troops unaer the lead
of the German general, August von
Mackenzen, after successfully break
ing through all three fortified lines
of the Russian front, are asaemblylng
and reforming for a new offensive.
They are bringing forward supplies
left behind In their rapid advance and
also are using the Interval to gather
the captured Russians behind their
present front and seek for abandoned
guns and other spoils of war in the
mountain forests. ' e
Seventy thousand prisoners already have
been brought In. Tha number of prisoners
In this part of tho battle In Omlicla, will
be Increased, it Is estimated hero,' by
St',000. Between sixty and seventy guns
have been captured, but as waa the case
ia tha battle of the Masurian lakes In
February, It is believed It Is Only a
small part of the guns left behind In
concealed places-
The second stage of the operation Is
beginning further to the esst, the second
Austro-liungarlan army having stormed
tho crest of. the Carpathians and tho
northern slopes between Luqkow . and
t'ssuk passes and driven before it with
the bayonet the eighth Russian army
under General OruaMloff.
Every advance of the Austro-German
troops shortens the battle front, thus
liberating troops for use elsewhere and
at the same tlmo Increasing tho confu
sion along the Russian lines of retreat.
Many Americans
Leaving Germany
for Switzerland
GKNKVA, Kwltserland, May 10. Vla
Talis.) News dispatch received here from
Basel, says a number of American cltW
sens, mostly business men, aro arriving
there from Germany, where they will
await developments In the relations be
tween the United States and Germany.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 10. (Special)
The world's record for wall scaling by
high school cadets was broken hero Sat
urday night when squad No. S from Cas
per, Wyo., defeated aiuada from tho
Cheyenne, Rawlins and Laramie High
schools by going over a regulation army
wall, with regulation army guns, lit 1-i
seconds. The previous record was S 4-S
seconds. The winning Casper aquad twine
scaled tho wall in i 1-5 and once in S 2-5,
while the squad taking second place,
Cheyenne No. 3, went over In S 2-6.
While President Refuses to Be Hur
ried, lie Realites Prompt State
ment of Attitude in Matter
is Neoessary.
These Range from Declaration of
.War to Emphatio Protest on
Action of Germany.
The Day' War Newt
Fl'RTIIF.R Vl( roilY for the Aastrn-
Genua a forces In Galleta was re
ported today ta a dispatch from
the Aastrlaa press headqaart era.
It la estimated that the Bomber of
Haaalan prisoners taken. In west
ern Ualtrla woald be Increased to
1 0O.OOO.
Haiti1 provinces of Rassla waa re
ported at t'openhaaea have bee a
AN AKRIAI. RAID wlthla forty
miles of London was made tortar.
Warlona conflicting reports were
received from tho F.sses roast, one
of which oald sertoas damage to
property .ad una lews of Ufa had
( bee a eaaaed vr.bomh dropped tiy
peeted to reach shortly Its dect-'
aloa for or aaalnat war. It la re.
ported In Rome that If Italy dr.
eldea ta cater tha war It will do
so by derlarlaar war oa Tnrkey,
Carpathians, where the critical
battles of tho present war aro ke
lasc foaght. Is atlll sbsrsre, Oa
the western front both tha Ger
mans and their opponents rlalm
considerable galas. In the) Car.
pathlaaa a similar sltaatloa exists.
WASHINGTON, Mar 10. Presi
dent Wilson continued his considera
tion of tho Lusltanla disaster in se
clusion, at the White lfbuse, but It
waa Indicated that before many days
hay passed he will let the country
know what steps he has decided upon.
While offlclala reiterated that the
presldeat would not allow hinjsolt to
be hurried Into a basryiigT6lQ7he
realises that public sentiment favors
a prompt Indication ot what the
United States will do.
Messages from all parts of tha
country continue to pour into tho
White House, counselling various
courses. Some advocated war, but a
majority of them counseled peace.
Chairman Stone of th .n.i.
relations eommittee waa at tho White
jiouso toaay and saw SWretar t.i...
but did not see the president. Explain
ing that be expressed hla own vi..
not those of any offlolals, Senator Stone
aia no questioned whether there was
any reason for calling an axtra session
at present
The president bad no engagements for
today, but before his departure at 4
o'clock for Philadelphia .aa, .
gathering of 4.000 naturalised Americans.
"' ""iseo. (or Dy tna bureau of naturallsa
tion of tha Department of Commerce
several weeks aao. to launch .
- jmvciii.
atlo course in tho instruction of aliens In
mo ngnis ana duties of American cltl
senshlp. It Is generally believed ho will
refer to tho situation slwff la) k 4k.
sinking of the Lusltanlt, though not dl-
.. uonniieiy mo course tho United
States government Intends to pursue.
Cabinet Meats Taesday.
When the cabinet meeta tAnuirriii m.
president probably will present his Idess
of what tho government's policy should
It Is now certain that th
does not intend to call congress in extra
session. This disposes for tha nr...nt
at least, of the suggestion that Germany's
action will causa the United States to be
drawn Into tho European conflict.
c onsiderations such as tha minturv im
potence of tho United States to affect the
course or tho struggle abroad and the
possibility that the entry of this n.,,..,.
Into the war would automatically cause
rouueuon in supplies or ammunition to
the allies because of the greater need at
homo, have influenced many officials In
tho belief that tho disapproval of the
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Three.)
"Tho office boy is leaving-,
Said the cashier to tho hoea.
"Too bad, lades d." they bosh agreed.
'X would be a awful loaa,
at they dldat staad there idle.
Wtth hands hehlad thsur back a.
They advertise for "Oftloe Boy."
And tho aaswsrs earns la stocks.
Being a true stor-. the above
can easily apply to you. I f you are
a buniueaa man. your office lov
nay leave some day. Ho when yoii
want another, wrtie a Want Ad,
telephone Tler It'OU.