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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1915)
Tin-; BKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, KEAL F,T.T&waSCTLLAXEOrs R EA L ESTATE MISCELLAN EOU8 L W. A. REDICK'S SECOND ADDITION Opening Sale Beginning today we offer for sale 46 lots, being the property of Judge Red ick, between Leavenworth and Jack son and 31st and 33rd. These lots are going at reasonably low prices and on easy terms. Watch for our complete announce ment in tomorrow's paper. A. P. TUKEY & SON Doug. 502-1507-8 Woodmen of the World Bldg. VOR RENT Farslihed Apartments. Ft HXISUEO Apt. close in. one-half month's rent free If taken by 15.h. Phone Ioug. 67H3 or Doug. 2445. Board and Hooma. 3 PO. I9TH Three rooms with board, SI M ami up. Poslrnhlo rms. with board. 18 S. 19th St. Furnished Kooma 1117 PAItK AVE., nice cool, summer room; private inniuy. A COMFORTABLE nnd pleasant room In West Farnant district. Call Harney 2&f4 ST. MARY'S Ave. Pleasant rooms. Walking distance. 8TEAM bested rwoms, ft week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. 6 ROOMS, modern, very desirable. Harney 6147 after t p. m. 'Phone ) tOCOLAS ST., rooms KM up. Famished Houses. ONE fully furnished ft-room house, one half block from Normal, with or with out piano. Will sell cheap for cash if taken at once. Mrs. M. Hamilton, Fre mont, Neb. Itonsrkeeplngr Hooms. NO C4TH 475S-Three large steam-heated unfurnished rooms; modern conven iences; detached house; spacious lawn' four dollars. Adults. FARNAM. 2fC3 Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, gas range. Furnished Housekeeping- Rooana. DAVKNTOHT, 201K-TWO ' OR THREE NICELY FCRNISHED FRONT HKPG. ROOMS. NEW FLAT, 2 3-room apartment. 2223 Famam. Llarht Hoaaekeeplaar Rooms. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kit eh nette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. Italia. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omaha, also large modern dance hall, finest floor In city. Druid Hall ,2414-16-18 Ames Ave.. Web-,2900. or. Web. ..78$.,- i Honaes and Cottages. FOB RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St.; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front nnd back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 lath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. S. Baker. Phones D482, H317, FOR RENT 2121 Loouat, modern 7-room house, hot water heat, newly decorated throughout, paved streets, shade trees, S. We outer SjSti. For Int A strictly modern c en-room flat, $22.50. 16tU and Corby Sts. Phone Douglas 4174. $H Ten-room modern flat, within three minutes' walk of Pith and Howard. $14 Kojr-room new cottage, electrle lights, cement basement, near school. AMEIUCAN SECURITY COMPANY, Douglas "01. 3P7. ZM Cass, 6 large rooms, fine yard, prac tically new, modern, IM. ivy M. Mary't. Ave.. 6 rooms, $30. 2714 Howard, 6 rooms, ). Mil Hamilton. 6 rooms, KING WALT, Urandeis Theater Bldg. HARK AVE.. te -room. strictly mod ern home; large, beautiful, shady lawn; newly dccrated. oak floors; $4iJ0. Loyal Hotel, room L4. ALL ei. ix i r month mi HT Paxtoe. MODERN rooming house. Ave. T.-I. Harney fiaM. 2fiui Capitol MODERN 6-room cottage, 2i per mo.; Pratt. Omaha Realty Co., Red t$. b'IX-ROOM. modern house, located at 2710 Decatur St.; will be vacant May 1; $23 per month. Phone H 64;i2. WKiT FARNAM DISTRICT. Seven-room modern house. Hi H. JlSth Rt. GlobeVan&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and 2 men, I1.2S per hr. ; storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. it Ty. 2(. FOK hKST We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This llt can be seen tree of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co., 806 S. lth St. J. C. Reed esp. no., moving, pai-klng A stores. 1207 Kasnauv ft. Gordon Van Co. & HtorMKH. W N Uth Bt. Tel. D. 394 or Web. 1M Maggard's an arid biofs t-aii us for es- atae fur mov. ing. pacMing, snipping. Lvuglas 4f. liU Wtstv L 6HB the Central furiilture Stores. FREK RENTAL I leiT WEST FARNAM. J2J N. Ave., mod ern; with 3 bath rooms, $60. FOR RENT 7-room house, all nodcru. r:44 Parker Bt. 7 ROOMS and bath; all modern; on car una. n. fvi.. TfoilBoa Crelgh Hons A Co.. B BidgT i UBt' In ail parts of the city. line. H. OA RAG K tor rent la Be mis Park. Wal aut 2276. . Stores mm Ptllcea. NEW modern store, bet location; In North Omaha. 2414 Ames Ave., Vetster 2I2k or Web. 1149. NEW modern storeroom. SM North K tt street; Iw rent. I'oorad Youiig. J22 Bra odds Theater. Ijoug. lTl. NEW, modern, steamheated storeroom and lfcwii.ent. 2ti.2 lvavcnworth St. Conrad Vuuni, j:2 Braiideis theater. loug. 1571. APPLE ORCHARD FREE WITH NEW HOME. The price (below) Is for house and both lots only 6-room. 2-atory bungalow, al most new, all modern except furnace, half block to good car line. Can buy with 1 up to B lota, all with fine bonr tng choice apple orchard free. Easy terms. $2,6in up. We will show vou on request. Call V to 10 or 12 to 1. CHARLES 10. WILLIAMSON CO., Faxton Rlock WEST FARNAM Five rooms and bath on first floor. Maid's room on second. Trge living room, built-in bookcaaea, buffet, etc. Hot water heat. 41& N. Suth St. E. H. BENNER, Douglas 7406. I HAVE a contract of sale for $2,att cov. erlug Omaha residence property, pay able $25 per month, at good rate of In terest. Am onerlng contract ror cash at fine discount and will deed the prop erty unencumbered to secure same. Ad' dress E care Bee, WANTED TO BUY fsle b"ys everything l& hand. Tyler 141s. OFFICE turn I tu re bought and sold. J. C ReeJ. Ii7 Femsm rnug. ffl4 WANTED Old house . and good-alied lot Address 421 Bee. HEAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR "ALB California. Live Oak Colonies, none better. V. T. Smith Co.. mm City Nat. Bk. D. 1P. CALIFORNIA LAND. ,"ln,le8: catalnguo free. Write C. M. Wooster Co.. Phelan Bldg., Ban Fran- Cisco. Kstahllshed 30 years. Colorado. '"gR. SALE Farms. and 80 acres, in Peeta. Colo. Write Delstler. 364 Ogdea HAVE TOTJ A FARM FOR SALE? .jiUA!0,ll description of ycur land f ?. ttiS V BJ.ouxSli- Iav Journal. Iowa'e Most Powerful Went Ad Twer.ty.flv, worJll v Frld evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday eVxnlng and 6unday roornuis for one month, giving sixteen ads oS 'Largest circulation of any Iowa news. j1''. 0.00 readers dsJl ln four great BARGAIN C40-A. farm 20 m. from Min neapolis; 140 A. under cult.; 40 A. good meadow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can fractic.aily all be cultivated; good com and; farm Is fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, eto.i U bead good mil oowa, 4 good horses, liar neaeea, wagons, complete aet of machin ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $46 per acre; fc.OuQ cash, balance can stand for 10 years at 4 per cent. Schwab Bros., lOJt Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 40, SO OR 160 ACRES, good heavy soil. In well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churchei; price $15 to tJ) per acre; terms. $1 per acre cash, balance $1 per acre a year until land is paid lor, C per cent Interest SCHWAB BROS.. Mlaauart. GOOD South Missouri land on railroad. In well settled locality, (1$ per aero Small or large forms on easy terms. Literature free. D. Merrlam, Ellis, Ben ton. Ksnsaa City, Kama. Nebraska. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11,000 buys s, highly improved farm, consisting it about bl'a acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-mlnUte's ride. Good water sys tem, smalt amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay. nice large beautiful shade trees and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making ft beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of uy kind. Living spring in pasture. C. R. COMBd. IIS Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. T. 8916. New York. NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. THE GARDEN OF THE WORLD WITH FRAGRANCE OF ORCHARDH. PHOGKEftg AND PERPETUAL HAR VEST AWAIT YOUR COMING. 14o-acre farm with io cowa, team, farm machinery. Price $40 per acre. VB WARN lOU FROM ERROR. WE POINT YOU TO SURE BUCCE6B. 25-acre farm. 6 cows, house worth $1,000, barn, hennery, orchard. Price $su0. ALL O.MiTV AND MOST MEN HAVE A TASTE FOR BARGAIN 1IUNT1NO. 64-ecre farm. 10 cows, team, hen". 100 bearing apple trees, i miles trom village of 4 railroads. Price $l,Su0. t.'OO cash down buys any of these. Possession any tunc. V rite for photos. Railroad fare one way to purchaser. E. MUNSON. U'X S. Sallna ft.. Syracuse, N. Y. Mlseellaafcoas. TO SELL LAND qulckty and profitably, you must reach thoss who are at the present time most iiiiaruateul In (arm lands. The Iowa farmer ia today the best farm land prospect In the United Stales. The Dos Moines Capital with 24u,OiU dally readers can put your proposition squarely bofore a larger number of these live prcspects than Hny other Iowa news paper. Our circulation ts guaranteed the largest In Iowa. We Kill ln.,. o wnrrf ad l' days for only $2.ju add 6c for each additional word. Our regular price Is lo per word per day. You save Kc on this offer. To sell your land tomorrow, send our no imv in THE DKS MOINES OA PIT A T. 70$ WALNUT ST. UtuS MOINES. IA. FARMS WANTED WANT the bekt Kinkald or other Ne braska land that $3.0u0 to $2,Vi0 cash will buy. Give lesal Nos and full rf. acriptlon for attention. R. w. Mvler. K. K. 1. Foisoin. la. A BSX K ACToir" TI TTJ2 Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modorn abstract oiric 6 Bo. 17th St. Phone D. MKT RKED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract oiiiu) ip nsprasnft. us Brandels Thee. Jestn & Morrell REAL KHTATK WANTED LlaT mbitj you y! v-'l' mi. Llrir rm r.iKi auu inn... ...i ELSON R. E CO.. 301 Oia Net I Ja.,k Nebraska GEN. HALL REPORTS ON NATIONAL GUARD Issues Statement in Which He Talks on What the Troops Will Hare to Spend. SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May .-tflpcctal.-Acoord-Ing to a statement mado by Adjutant General Philip L. Hall, the Nebraska National Guar J will be forced to get along for the next biennlum on t8.X of an .nnN.nti.iin, r n.n .n laKVWtt nf n.noK.m .nnnri.t. k. h m.mhi of the guard. In making ft statement of the legislature General Hall says: "In comparing the results of the atti tude of our last legislature to that of the legislatures of the other states of the union relative to the finances of the Kay tional Guard for the ensuing blennlum, which In time of war la expected to fur- j nlsh three-fourths of the first line. It will be necessary for the guard of this state to run on $S,000 actual money for the two years and about $200,000 worth of patriotism. . "This la not taking Into consideration the following. That each' officer re ceives for his services the sum of about $75 s year In the form of pay at camp, and right on the start he ia required to spend not less than $100 on uniforms, swber, pistol, etc., of his own money, for his personal equipment; that he la monded and is liable for the shortage of all prop erty, and he must keep records, etc.. of hla organization: that .he must spend time during the winter In carrying on a correspondence coarse with the War de partment. Par of Knllated Men. "The enlisted men receive . as their yearly compensation about . 110. For this thry are required to drill one night each week in the year; they are. required to i have sixty days' previous service before going to camp. Ninety per cent of tho men leave ft position In civil life which j mornlnK to to Pan rrn(MK. rhy pays them from $3 to $5 a. day for this expert to earn their way by selling papers neat sum of 110, besides taking the chance m cm ,lo8 th8 Tbe,r of lotdng their position in civil life. tO(nRm)s, M M,M onUnt , book train themselves as a national polios force .that may respond to the call of the nation In time of peril" Lincoln Dollar Gas Cases Heard in June (From Staff Corespondent) LINCOLN. May .-(Speclal.) Accord ing to information received in Lincoln as announced by Federal Judge T. C. Mun ger. Judge James D. Elliott of Sioux Falls.' South Dakota has been assigned to hear the Issues In the Lincoln dollar gas cases which have been pending for many years. The hearing will be held In Omaha dur ing the first week in June. Sunday School MretlSLars. WEEPING WATER. Neb., May . (Special.) At a meeting of the executive committee of the Cass County Sunday School sssoclstlon held at Union, plans were mado for the county and the district conventions. The county convention has been set for some time in October at Louisville, Tho district convention will take place as follows: First district meeting, Mynard, June 2; Second dlntrlct meeting, Avoca, June S; Third district meeting, Elmwood, June 4. Following are the members of the executive commltiee who were present at the meeting: Presi dent, C: B. Aldrich of Elmwood; vies president, J. D. Cross of Union; secretary, Miss Ella Atchison of Elmwood. There were also present the following depart mental superintendents: Rev. William Ellcdge, Weeping Water; Row H. B. Hutchman. 'Murray; C. C- Wescott. Pl&ttsmouth; Mrs. Fred Ztnk, Murdock; Jesse Perry, Plattsmouth. nrmonatrate Aaalnst Saloon. WEEPING WATER, Neb., May . (Special ) On Wednesday of this week ft petition was sent In from here to the county commissioners dealing wl'.h the matter of granting ft saloon license at the village of Cedar Croek. The paper wss In ft 'sense a protest against rftnt- irz ft license. It was signed by some 100 cltlsens and wss Instrumental In retting tho commissioners to postpone the mat ter until May 12, when ft hearing will be had. Little Fraat Damage. WEEPING WATER. Neb.. May 8. TSpeclal.) Tender plants were slightly frost bitten In the gardens of this vicinity lsst night. Just a few miles from here on higher ground no damage was noted. It Is thought that no damage was done to fruit. rr RJRAL E8TATR LOANP WE ARE always in funds to make good farm and citv loans. PETERS TKUBT CO., lsSFarnumSt FARM LOANS. S PER CENT. TOLAND at TRUMBULL. 44 Bee Bldg. $1 TO $I'i.tto maoe promptly. F. I7 Waad. Wead Bid., l.'-tli and Farnam Bt CITY and fans loans, 6. . per cant J. H. t)unini,t Co.. 41 (state Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. rarnan- nmun to.. l?n Karnarn ft WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co. fcEE us first for farm loam in esstars Neb. United Ktates Trunt Co.. Omuha. fief CITY IjOANH. C. G. Csrlbert ''C 3i(n Braels Tfeater Bldg. UMAH. homes East Nebraska faXcna O'KEKFE REAL KfeTATE CO. 1U Omaha National. I hen. In.utlas $711 M.9N'.E,T J?n .hnd fo' c'"r snd farm loanft H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. I1KAL KHTATR ACRE.4.GK Hallroad Arreaae. DANDY LITTLE FRUIT FARM 2 acres covered with the best varieties of fruit and in bearing, situated 10 blocks Inside the city limits and near the car. Phone Owner. Walnut U4J. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Buy From Owner Seven rooms, modern, finest location In Bemis Psrk, large lot and trees, heautl fl lawn, paved street, a bargain. H jfiM) HARGAJN 10)7 Wlret St.. s-room house, modern ex. cept electric llxht. laundry and base, ment. Cement drivewsv. Went an offer M'KACHRON REALTY ro Coal Office. ah and Lake. Webster 1M1. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE For Sale (.".od liom. tO roomy, rpr-m i.-... i.i. ta'h. hot wsler hist, ' Ul-tt i.-t.' Jii.e repair, I'lioao urn nicr. oinui JilA'. Nebraska MOST LOSES PROPERTY J. J. Johnson of Wahoo Finds Some one Had Deeded Away His Farm. WOULD GET THE TITLE BACK WAHOO, Nh May V-(PpeetsU-John J. Johnson of Wahoo hat the task ahead of him bf quieting title to a piece of land u. . .... . . i iin Uwn in rion rouniT. wnen jonnson wrote to the county treasurer of Holt country a week at? asking how much taxes he owed on the quarter section there, he wn Informed that the taxes had been paid. Knowing that no on would be likely to be ao benevolent aa to I Mv hi. te. for Mm K. went h.rk i Inoiilra .kn t,mA hM ou don't own the land.' or words to that effect, waa the reply. Then Johnson sat bolt uptight hi hla chair and took notice. He waa Informed that a man representing himself as John J. Johnson had sold the property to a. man named W. E. Bondson of Omaha, that the sale waa made in Omaha and , that acknowledgment of the transaction waa taken by Laoy L. Sawyer In Omaha November IS, 1911. The property was later sold by the Fondaon person to W. F. Kuhlman. and P. I. Devel of Omaha took the acknowledgment. Kuhlmtn and wife later deeded the property to M. El Bartlett. who Is the man who now claims ownership. John son of Wahoo, of course, asserts his namo was forged to the deed when It wns alleged to have been transferred to Bond son. Action to quiet title has been started In the district court of Holt connty. Judge Slama of Wahoo Is representing Mr. Johnson In the case. Three Girls to Walk To San Francisco From Staff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN. May .-(fpeclal.)-Threa Lincoln rtrla will start out WmIiimiIiv keeper; Miss Busts Portche. a musician, and her 'sister, Miss Catherine Portche, a stenographer. They say they ere tired of office work and wsnt to get out In the open and sea some of the country and" believe they can pay their way by selling papers along the I'ne of march, which covers about 2.100 miles, and they expect to make tt In fifteen weeks. CRAWFORD GIRL WINS PRIZE FOR DECLAMATION ARNOLD. Neb.. Msy .-(8pels4.)-The humorous division of the Nebraska state declamatory contest wss held here Fri day evening. The gold medat waa awarded to Miss Prudence Macomber of Crawford and the Silver medal to Miss Hannah Cotant of Alliance. ' The con test throughout was excellent. Miss Macomber, although she won clearly, was given ft very close race by Miss Cotant. -The following schools were rep resented: Arnold, Alliance. Alma, Wake field, Crawford. Fremont. Lincoln and Geneva, The judges were Prof. R. I. Elliott. Prof. O. W. Neale and Miss Lulu Wirt, all of Kearney. The contest was conducted by W. J. Brsham of Sidney, secretary-treasurer of the state associa tion. ABANDONED RAILROAD GRADE MAY BE MADE HIGHWAY BUIIWEIX. Neb.. Msy .-(Speolftl.) Fd Cram, ons of the directors of ' the Central Nebraska and Loup river routs, was at Taylor, Neb., yesterday looking after the opening of a publio road over the abandoned grade of the Burlington through Loup county. For ft part of the way ths Black Hills, Ixiup river and Omaha route will go over the old grade The commissioners are eager to take the old grade over for back taxes and open It up for a publio road. TWO FRATERNAL ORDERS TO MEET AT LINCOLN (From ft Staff Correspondent) . LINCOLN, May f,-(SpecUl.) Lincoln will be the meeting place this week of two of the big fraternal orders of the country. The Knights of Pythias, with their auxiliary, the Pythian Sisters, will hold Its forty-eight annual session begin-, nlng Tuesday snd holding over Wednes day. The Ancient Order of United Work men will also convene litre at the audi- 1 toiium at the asms time. It Is expected that there will be large attendance at both metlngs. Wr.nlut W(i Tenchera. WEEPINO WUTER. Neb.,' May $.-. (Special.) The school board has com-1 p'.eted the selection of teachers fo next I year, as follows: Superintendent, T. V. j Truman; principal. Miss Olga M. Gcreke; ! science. O. L. Webb; language. Miss i Pearl Hummel; eighth grsde. Miss 1 Minerva Gunther; sixth and st- enth. i Miss Rene Jameson: fifth. Miss Lenora : Gordon; fourth, Miss Vera Bsldwin: tnlrd. Miss Leone Switser; second. Miss Mil dred Hart; primary, Mrs. Sawyer. The meeting marked the close of O. K. Cron,. , well's service with the bosrd, he having ' served for fifteen consecutive years, snd. I, marked the beginning of the term of Mrs. F. IL Oorder, who Is the first woman to serve on the board. t'aaa Med leu 1 Meetlaa. WEBFING WATER, Neb.. Msy $. (Special.) At the annual meeting of the , Cass county medical association held at Elmwood. the following officers were ' elected for the ensuing yesr: President. M. M. Butler. Weeping Water; vr presi- j dent. O. F. Ollllsple, Manley; secretary-j treasurer, O. E. Listen, Elmwood; censors, ' A. C. Welch snd P. Reed. Weeping M ater. Dr. M M. Butler waa elected delegate to the state meeting st Hastings, May 1$ to 71 Msrrlssn la Rlehardaoa I'esslr. FALLS CITY. Neb.. May .-(SpeoUt.)-The following marriage licenses were Is sued in Richardson county this weekt Lester Morgan Vanderventar and Have! James, Rtella: Wayns Richard son and Josephine Mshan. Kut"; Frank Fountain snd Mrs. Emma Boeck, Humboldt. ta Thn taa -Smm. 'iien you catch told or begin to cough tnke Dr. Hell's Plne-Tsr-Honey. it P-PtrM the ttirot and lupgs. All druggists.- Advertisement. Nebraska . 0. U. W. TO MEET SOON IN LINCOLN Great Fraternal Order of Nebraska Will Hold Grand Lodge Be ginning Tuesday. I STATE F.XF.Br:TR'F9 TTS PnWTDnT. - - m vv. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May .-tSpeclal.)-Tr,e six teenth biennial session of the Ancient i Order of I'ntted Workmen will be held t the city Auditorium In Lincoln, be- ("""" i o cor in me morning Tue.. I y' Headquarter will be main- tftined at the Lindell hotel. The grand lodge w aa organised on June $, ISM, with a membership of J.OHO. since that time It has steadily grown until on January t IMS, it had ft membership of ,m in good standing In this state. Since them the membership has Increased s that at ths present time there sre over 40.00S In good standing. Maay Benefits raid. Local lodges have furnished aid to their members when in distress, snd ths grand lodge, during Its existence, has PM out nearly $10,000,000 for ths benefit of th widows and orphans that eur tvd the deceased members. After the organisation In ISM in Grand Island. Neb., ths Bev. J. O. Tats was elected aa Its first grand master work, man in this state, and ths following men were elected to fill the ether offices of the first grand lodge: Test grand mas ter workman, S. R. Pat ton of Fremont grand foreman. F. E. White. Plattsmouth; grand obsrvsr. H. W. Cole. McCook; grsnd recorder. H. M. Waring. Lincoln; rrnd rsceivar. W. R. McAlllater. Grand islsnd: grand guide. W. I. Boulware Valentine; grand watchman. 8. S. Kauff mann, Stromeburg; grand trustees. J. l. Miller. Pved Odudi J. s. Johnson. Bu Prior; J. W. Carr. Omaha. Ths follow, ing men have scUvely served as grand msster workmen In this state: J. o Tate-. M. K. Schults. Jacob Jsakalek. O. J. an Dyke. J. D. Brayton snd A. M. falling, the present grand master work man. ... ' Dossewils) Corperatlen. This organisation at ths present time Is Incorporated under ths laws of ths state. rvWB.V Jonie"o corporation, sivlng tho civil authorities of ths state ths same control over Its finances as thry have over ths hanking Institutions of ths state. Tn oraer u a mutU(U OIWj1m uon and Is not operated for fm session of toe grand lodge Is held sverv rZlyeT,r "?d " con,P,MI of delegates from all subordinate lodges, who elect tht officers and enact ths laws of the order. The order owns Its own. h. ..,. ...... building at Grand Islsnd. Ths locsl con mittoa hss at ranged a reception and en tertatnment st ths city auditorium for Tuesday evening, for whkh the following, program has been arranged: wr?kmTnNo": WhH'"". iii'rVMl- lw '. Omaha. -Arj'm th Cspltol-Govomor J. City of Lincoln's Welcome-Mayor A Business Appreciation H K, Bui k , president Commercial club Music Male quartet. Response for Grand Lodge A. M Wsll "'? Ln? waster workman. XZl lV. P- lo,,e- Omaha. Rn!7I"' aB"." -hart Morrison. Response for Ancient Order or United Workmen J. O. T.ia n... -i workman. ' m.sier Music-Band. U. P. lodge. .Omaha. The first session of ths Brand will be Tuesday morning at o'clock for organisation and appointment of commit tees. Ths second session will ba hntit Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock for the nomination of officers. The election of officers will Uke place st ths third ses- How can am coming $ nom to community hit v I will appear in your house. I will accost you on the street. airaia. troubles I V"! n n,Lmm Nebraska ion en Wednesday morning and later sessions will be held aa announced and found necessary. Detectives Chasing Alfred James Bourne To Give Him Wealth (From a. Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May .-( Special. -Sleaplng In haystacks and barn, working for farmers at whatever he ran get and tramping about the country with no par ticular object In view Is the cane of one cnltlng himself Frown, but whose real name In Alfred J a men Bourne, liolr lo aa 'estate In Melbourne. Australia, worth! J $T.VW. j I-cr weeks detective hsve been or. his track, stteinptlng to lorste him. but they havk ao far appeared on the scene J'ist after their man had left. The hunt be gan In New York, covered Michigan, North Dakota. South Dakota snd Min neapolis. Finally Ihe trail grew warm In Missouri, It being discovered that Bourne had been In ft hospital In St. Joseph twenty-five weeks, paying $1 a week fcr his board. Frlm there he was trailed Into Nebraska and located at Lincoln, but before the detectives could reach him he hsd again disappeared, going to NehtSKka City. From there he doubled back to Lincoln and there the trail is lot. Since April I the detectives have chssed Bourne i.VS miles. They describe Mm as five feet, eight and three-fourths tall, blus eyes, light hair, clean shaven. Roman noss and long face, dimple In chin snd wears gold eye slaves. He hss been well, drilled snd walks very erect. The property which has been left him by ft deceased uncle, consists of A,W acres of free laud. il.OOiv sheep, wo horses, hundreds of cattle and 50,000 in English money, which would make a quarter of a million of dollars In American money and It all lies In the bank. All he has got to do Is to claim It. He Is Irish and M yesrsf age. Illah ftchool Haaqavt a llnldrege. IIOLnREGE. Neb.. May 9 (Special.) The Junior-senior- banquet waa held Fri day evening. May 7. at the high school building. Plateg were laid for 106. In cluding members bf the faculty. A pice program was given and sn excellent four course dinner wss served- by the Ladles' Aid society of ths Methodist church. Ml Freds. Pope of Lincoln wag an out-of-town guest. Caeameaeeanewt at Stella. STELLA. Neb., May s.-.(grer(,, Commencement exercises of th Stella High school will he. held at the opera houe Thursday evening. May M. The class sermon will be delivered by Rev. K. De Freese nf Verdon Sunday evening. May in. The Junior-senior hanqurt wss held last evening at the home of If. H. Kelly. ' Harwell Msklsg Rapid Growth. BUR WELL. Neb., May S.-(Spet lal.) The Congregational. Christian and Meth odist churches have taken the church census of Burwell and completed U to day. It shows 1.SO0 people living In tile corporate limits of Burwell, or a gain of coo since the 110 United Statts cen sus. There were l otes cast at the recent village election. , j . Diarrhoea Oalekly Cared. ."About two ears ago I had a severe attacK or diarrhoea which lasted for over a week, writes W, C. Jones, Buford, N. D. "I became so weak thst I could not stand upright A druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colla snd Dlsrrhoea Rem edy. The Jltst dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as ever." OUtalpable everywhere Advertisement Rldder Rttarsi Hosne. WEST POINT. Neb., May l.(Specla!.) The bloodhounds which were sent from 'I here Is No Being the Transcript of a Message given , by Celestia, sometimes called "The Goddess" and the Maiden from Heaven. T'O really exist, anything must be incapable' of being destroyed. I t is i'kw of science. But sin. is destroyed by just thinking it sol And therefore there is no sin. You may think you arc bad. I will show you that you are an ngel. You may think that you arc beyond redemption. I will show that I can wipe out every unholy thought and leave you deified. I for you to listen to me? I I have left my heavenly to helo to make the cc to you save you a little better. Be Be I will sit opposite you at your work. will answer that nncttmn - J ag you. Be not afraid. Nebraska Beatrice to trail the footstep of Frank Rldder, who disappeared mysteriously from hla farm home at Monterey on Wednesday evening last, arrived In this city on Thuisday evening and were taken to the home at once. They caught the trail In a very few minutes and followed It In an easterly direction to the bridge near the farm of Hnry Harstl. k, where operations teased for the night on ac count of t!ie darkness. At midnight Bidder walked into his home, but offered no explanation as to his sHaiikr conduct and whereabouts and did not seem to realise the sensation he had caused. ' Note Given Xttorney Annulled by Court Ncr... ..Isy 9. (Special jTilegrsm The csc of George Rnthell, guardian of Mrs. ,C. H. Dennis. Wi Bluet Frank L. Dlnsmnre and M. E. Cowan closed today after being 'tried , lefore Judge J. u. Rnpcr In the district court all week. The gtiaajllan enjoined Dinsmore an.) Cowan from disposing of a note foi f'.'.NJ given Dlnsmnre by Mrs. Denn' i fot rerrlces as attorney. It was claimed te U excessive snd that Mrs. Dennis nit not in fit mental condition to ti ansae! business. The court ordered the note and contract annulled. The costs were throwr upon the defendants. Dinsmore snd Cowan were dleassoatec from the case. STATE SOoTwiIFeNGAGE IN FURNITURE BUSINESS (Trom ft Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Msy . rpecrtl.-Th Stst Bosrd of Control hss shout completed arrangements to buy the plant, good will and everything owned by the Handcraft Furniture company, whkh hss been manufacturing furniture at the state penitentiary. Negotiations for the purchase of the plant have been going on for somo time, but ths board could not see Its way clear to pay the prices demanded by the com pany, which at first waa CT.OW. Twiter they came down to $37,000 and now the figure which the board will consider will be In the neighborhood of $:t,00O, the exact amount to be determined by invoice of ths material on hand. the Everyfcady Reads Tie Wsnt Ads, TWENTY-ONE PER CENT LIFT FOR PULLMAN CAR TAXES (From A Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May .-e pedal.)-After a seance with the board of assessment this morning. Colonet Thomas Benton, repre sentative, of the Pullman Car company waa able to convince the hoard that the figures reached by It yesterday were too high and It agreed on approximately a 21 per cent Increase over last rear, Colonel Benton hsd offered to accept a 21 per cent raise, but could not make the hoard look at It that way. Sin not afraid. not afraid. Be not that W f41W 4) I BLOTCHES f Mir., i MEPA'- Haarlem Oil H I -,from Holland -lubri- 1 1 rates snd cleanses ths kidneys, ff A ric 25c. Mc $100. All Druggist, B II 0ulns Hsarlent Oil Mf am it l hew lerk City. fl