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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1915)
THE HF.K: OMAHA, MONDAV, MAY 10, 1!I15. t 6 t II aB4n i i ii i ; ) fi is ti ft i it i 11 m h MjlTTT 9 9 9 9 ft e t H M II I 1rM 11 i w ny not consult tne ieaay iererence column ror your Gany neea. Jt pnone uuu tu an ij the advertisers in that column guarantees you quality and service that will please the fastidious. i t n fi 0 ' M-,iL.,Jii-iii2-iiVi:i ... V.J - .... . . .. .. V ..... a V -9 ti n t ft t t ft it it it a t ft t it t it t ti it t it ii it WANT ADS W ant tula received at any time, but to Insure proper clalf Iration must r pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 30 p. m. for morning end Sunday editions Want .s received aftr ir-h hour t11l bo under the nradlntr, Too Lain to Cltunlfy." CHAROH RATK8. fevn vnii-utl tlma, 1 cnt ora Mi-h tntmlon. . , Thro time within out wk. cent a wora encn inwnion. On time, 3 centa a word &vf comtecutlva times, cent a Una earn Insertion. . . . Three tlm within one week, 10 cent a lln each Innertton. (me tlin. IJ rent a linn. fVtmt r erernae words to a Una. Minimum chtrrK 8 oenta, An mlvertlnement tnerto4 o be ron unH dldonntitiued. muat ba topp ty written order. All claims for errora must n marta within fifteen days eftr tha laat Inac tion of the adrertlaement. Too can place your want ad In The Boa by telephone. TKT.KrHONF. TTLKIl 1009. Unclaimed Answers to tho Swappers' Column." Jttindreda of other answers have been called for and delivered durln tha last week. It Is reasonshle to suppoee thai all of the peopl" below have m""" desired awapa. therefore do not call for the balance of their anawers. Bea want ads sure aet remilts. HC. K.C. n.r1. PC. BC B.C. m mi w 2 I; 4T) HI 64!l 1" 404 474 bi3 Kit I J 4'0 47 h, MS 41' 470 IM 7i4 41 r-o r M 775 M 4i rj r.7.-. 7W w 4i rnw v,s 7 f' 420 wo m IM H4 S1J wn (.is wi '7 4T bH 'r,x 72 -7 M 4 a in tvt r 4-0 , hZ Win W1 Ml W4 4J4 IW7 i0 ' t lW "S 44H . Sll 7H) ." 1 447 IWS is 71 WJ M 44d SS.T :'4 7U H41 M4 4W M4 . R.1 7H 7 m7 rVM CH W W H3 4'Jt S.T9 .01 ' 7T f-S IM m M0 608 ' 717 m KA DKATIM AD I'tJMKItAI. PJOTIt K8. A N DKHSON C O.. d!rt May R, 1MB, at hla residence, i07 North Twentieth street, l unrral aervkes Sunday at-!i p. ta. at Crosby's oh;u l. WIDHN Cora Victoria, beloved dauirhter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Widen. acd IS yars S months S days. May I, Funeral Hunrlsy afiernoon at 1 o'clock from resilience, 2N!4 Parker atreet, to HwedlMli Mission church. Twenty-third and Iiavenport streets, at 1:30. Interment at Knrest Lawp cemotry. Frtunds arc welcome. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE lltOCiltAMS Kxclualvr Jn The lte. LuV NTKRN slldca fof inovlea." Bend four copy to us. j'Wi can reproduca photo or will prepurs your copy. Wa will color as directed. Bea I hoto ptM 101 Deo Did. I ) Daws t m VU.1TK KO. 2. Farnam. The lleturn ' Klc.liard Neal, -r. Kna. drums, fealurlnjt V. X Bushinftn. Ths lxve Whip, Vita- coin., feat. U Valker. FAKKAM" tHJl'UUAB. Farnam Theater Hpsclal i Mutual ii)s- teryleces a week. ... Thursday and Hunday our special days. UlkVP THIOATlCll, UTII ANU UAAMKT lloma of Paramount Ploturta VAliti. IUll,AlJi.a, retur program dally. Kevsioa (.'outedlaa. lit N. ItTtL I'AKLOH, ,1 loula4i. Thumb 1'iints on the Bafe, -r. Kai. dra. M Jnrr'a Mnaiietlo Friend. Vita. coin. The Tytant of tha Velilt, HtillK. drama. T rTntK. i 1317-1 Douxlas. Tha Blood of His Umlher, i-r. drama. Father's Money, comedy Merry Meyers). The Hummwav Auto, a eemedy wmashup. aiartst. ALAMO. !ITH AVt FOflT. I'uiae of the leaert. 2-reel Ulaon. Tlie I nkitown brother, l'owers. Hill's New l'al. 1.. Ko. comedy. AI.HAMBKA. ISU NtlHTII 24TU. His Mysterious Stranger. American dr. rv-ttleil at the Henli1-, Keystone comedy, Hnlibllng ater, Hellam e drams. OlTiKTON. Military Ava. at liurdetta. llwaits and I'Uuita. Keystone Comedy. KmiTi. Id KroiMh, Msieetlc drama, therlft a Htreiik of Yellow. K-H. Drama. lIA"MiJM. J4I0 UAKS! Matlye iM-ciaion. 3-i-wil Gold brJ. t'ouraKe. hit V. Hi JVrklns In City of Illusion. Joker. I-'ltASKTjN UTII AND FHANKL1N. The Great Silence. ' S-r. Fianay drama. It HapiM-ned on a Wash l'ay. l.iililn cum. KKOLIC. SITIt" AM' HHKAUlUi! Taklntr of I.uke McValn. K. H. H. feat. Fatty a fhama Acqusintance. Key, coin. In the Heart of the Wood. Am. Irani. lilUNJ) TAealer Beautiful, 16ih-Biuny. Vaudeville. Sons of Toll, two-reel drama. Double exposure '2-r. dra. Keystone com. Hll'l'VltKUMi; 36TH AND I'LMl.VO. One Thounand ikillnrs Reward. Than. dr. Ambri'M'i little Hatchet., t-reel. . Mr Silent Hayklns. Mcrl K. H. IVY. UTlfNIBl'IuTETTE! Tha Danger tjne. Victor drama. They Were on Their Honeymoon. Neat The Hld.len City. 2-reel Ulann. loyal, 2 caijuweXiU liluck Pox No. . t-retd Siwtlal. irfjve of Margaret West. . lUg I'. The Falsi Kms Joker comedy. IiOTHROP. 24TH A liOTHHOP. lifting tha Ban of Coventry. S-r. Vita. Mil. Dra. He waa a Traveiuig Man, Kal. vm. tnKomar of the Hills, W. Dr. PALACE, J08 DAVENPORT Mary's Duke. J-reel Victor, oi.e Night. Imp drama. rl'Bl'RBAN, . 241 AMES. The Olrl on tha Treatle. Kalem drama. Tlis Opher Key. Isibin drama eta. ARBOR THEATER, SM and Arbor Bta From Hi-ad(uarters, i-r. Vita, Dra, As lie I. lew He Blew. .Vine Com. A ltl.l Ui llATKTt, ii4 Uavea worth. The rilvcr Cup. Luh. Dra. Iri:a D.jone, i-r. Hlo. Dra. Ham at the GaroaKe. Kal. Com. i 1,1-I.MHiA TilEAl EH. 17 1 S. lutii hU 'I 'ie t-ccd Commandment, S-r. Kal. Dra. Jlunt Among ihe Ue,)lilii, Kal. Cm. . -m - ikt Tii eTtk h, :4Ti.ud viutoo. Hi.ii.wtijr J uoe. No. 10. , Ji. lis of Foil. 2-r. Doi.i. -iiii :om' lAifly l'er. li. Key. TODAY'S OOMri.KTK MOV IK rnOOKAMS EtcJonlvsJf In Tb Deax Boat. FAVnniTK T1TRATV7R, 171 Vinton Ft. A Ufe In the Helance. Kal. Dra. Knphle'a Fiphtlrtf Hplrlt, Vn. W, Com. The Fnemlrs, J-r. "lta. Pra. GKM, ir f0. 13TII. Tyve Thst Lasts, Powers Father wsa Neutral, I K Comedy. I.YIUC. 1CI7 VINTON. The Supreme Impulse. Imp. Animated Weekly. Countlns; Out tha Count, fltcr. com. Ttomanee of Hswall, Victor. ORI'UKI'M, KOl.TH OMAHA. Oussie's Iay of Rest, J-reel. Keystone. Another good Keystone and a Z-reel drama. T'ASTfMK, 231) LKAVBNWORTIL The Pour Pound Note, J r. Imp. All in the Rime Boat. Nester Comedy. 7 Reels of llctures 7. venezia. tai mo. irra n font reels of llntual ateturaa. Want. MONROE. r6 Farnam. Kara of Fear, I.uh. drama. Crane Wilbur. Mr. Jarr Tnkes a Mht Off, Vita com. An Onal Klna, 2-r. Ks. drama. Bfan. HKNSON, Main ft. Imorwuv of Ict ruction. 2-r (Francis Ford); Man snd Ilia Money (Taullne Hiieh;'Tse Way lie Won the Widow, JoktM f'omedjr (oanetl Blafra- FTJTP: NO. 1 i 343 Broadway. Tho Writing- on the Wall, Kal. drama. Tha Other Man's wire. vita, arama. The Perils of the Juntrle, Hells; drama. NICHOLAS, M7 Broadway. The Lady of the Pnows, -r. Ess. dra. His Plianton Sweetheart. Vita. C. dra. ROPER, M7 BllOAUWAT. tlrlm Messenger, -r. Rig U. Artist and the Ventreful One. Victor. Two Hearts and a Bhlp. Neator Comedy. oar tiHsoa. ni'SPK THKATEll, 4lhndNPts. The noslna of the "lrrult. !t-r. Vita T'ra.; The Fable of The Men at the Woman's Club, Ka. Com.; Tha Honor of the t'amp, Hel. I 'ra. MAGIC, 24TH AND O. MaKtwid -r Tttann. Cnuntlntr Out the Count. Starling Com. Lauder llle. ORPHKITM, 24TH AND M. Mutual Weekly. The Kougnnncs, j-r. dra Ms bvl and Fattv at World's Fair, Kevstone. The Little Matchmaker. ANNOUNCEMENTS li.vesilKate T.M C.A, out'g park, summer. OMAHA PILI-OW CO.. 1W7 Cuming, nnuglaa 1447. Renovates featliara and mattresses of all kinds, makaa feather mattresses and down corers. TOUPET'-H-FOR MEN Hair gooda dapt J. I Brandels A; Pons, Omaha. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHONB WEBSTER Ml. General Office, 18th and Mamlerson Mts. LUCKY weddlnc'rlngs at' Brodegaard'a. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing nincblnes. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. 'Mlckel's." Kth and Harney. Douglas lfiCt. Wedillng announcements. Douic. Ptg. Co. DRESSMAKING, tailor,. is, alterattona. Work iruaranteed. I4 Cass. Red 7IK. KNOXWKKD kills th Dandelions. AMUSKMEXTS WANTKU to rent or let concession. One twrnty-nsssenirer launch, one uti-toi dale roerry-gn-round, also other park concessions. Write or call Harry Huuser, r reinont,- Neo. -7 AUTOMOBILES t-PAKHUNOHH car, excellent condition, one-third the original jirlce. Western Auto Top Co., 20th. and Harney. Phona Iwunlas BooS. 191 J Pullman... ".7.1475 1HU Maxwell .. .f475 1U Colo 07& mil Oakland .... Dili A. A. A HUMAN, 3M Farnam St. C1(X)I value in a 1D13 Cadlllao touring: Delco elnctrlo starting and IlKhting; Jfl fine condition, fall Hoiitrias lurnt. NHW Fcrd auto delivery bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our price will save you money, hee Johnon-Ianforth Co, 1KM1-83 No. lth. 100 REWARD for any magneto wa can't repair. Colls repd. Paysdnrfer, 210 o C. ELSAsiSFR, expert radiator and Uatf repairs. Tr. TO. bH Uivtowrth. AUTO Clearing House, iii I'smam. buys aad sells ued cars, phnne Douclss Kill Overton's for laky radiator, tVc, dealera Want an auto. C J. Canan. McCamue bldg. Induatiial Oarage t'o,, Kh Harney Sts. A CtomOBI Lli and motorcycle repaTrTiuT; work guaranteed. Tomans. Halagartta A ( lii N. liith. NKII1CA8K. Bulck hit-rvlce Elation, UlU Farnam St. Phone Dnuirlaa Til. Matoreyelaa. HARLKT-DAV1DSON MoTtRCTCT.KS. Bargains In used machines. Victor Boos, "Tha Motorcycle Man," 1701 Lemvenworth. IirSIXESS CHANCES FOR KALK One of the best pools In Southern. Neb.. Best cigar and tobacco stand in town. Good reasons for selling. A nsruwin. hot hi, Kwl Cloud Wen. fUEATEfti Buy, lease or sail your the ater, Diaohlna and supplies through. Theater i-'.xchunge Co.. lade JTaroam St. IM'Uslas lxin. tilturtllV and moat market Right locauun ana a live, going buainess. Best openinx for a grocer In Omaha. Aouresn m-kv nee, WHY rent! will sell MO-acre farms In Bed Fiver valley, Minn., erect buildings, supply cows and Ivogs on first payment of toou and 11 per acre aud Interest at per rent each year thereafter W. O. Templeton. mi Bve Itl.lg . Omah FOR a.11 one-half or aTFo? a thtw-chatr barber shop, doing a good t-usliieas. ( heap if taken by the mh. leaving town. Address Homer T. O'Dell, TO CKT In or out o' hualnees call on QANUESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg, It477. i.ri i imriwr u ouy Halt Interest In a mine ana take charge; want partlee to Investigate before buying. For particu lars write W. o. Logan. Ft. Fred bteele. W y o. fclONS. tmm rare cirn i..a. D IxTl WILL sell my bait interest la a vlrajilng and dyeing buainesa which is making . . . iuv.iiii .o iny i.ritl A real upportunity to buy gool goiag Kentauraat. soft dilnka. t-tsar camly uu ucjf. inquire at park TRUSTEE S SALE OF MERCHANDISE i lie uuuortugnmi trustee a til on Wednes day. May 12. llt, at one o'clock p. in., at Palmer, Merrick county. Nebraska, aeil for the benefit of creditors, at public vendue for cash, the complete stock of general merchandise of S E btarrett ixtnsltillng of grocerlf dry gooda. rubtwr koimis. iuDiu.iiiiigs. notions, stationery. ll.iure., oio. Iincilliir), t.' -u t OOU rltan stok In live town; splendid fann ing community. Offers rant jopt nlng. rlin k and luventoiy ran be lit ! Bpected at any time, fell or arlle. M. J. TEMPI-IN. Trustee. Palmer N-1. I'OH SALE 'i"he only second-hand atore and general rvpalr shop In aoud thriving town, centrally totaled and well establishes. Addrttsa I-6vi, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES RF1AL estate Business places supplied or bandied; all ststes. F. V. Knlest, tmaha. FOR HALF, 'ieneral, stock of merchan dise. Ilt.Ono In Long Island. Kan. Ad dress Y M0. Bee. It ROOMS, well furnMhed: alweyi rented; i or juif H pain, fvv, i on hi r rnim. CLAIMS PAID. WILL cash county claims. Douglas 7860. EDUCATION AI Boyles College Da School. Klght School, complete buainess course, complete shorthand or stenotype course, complete telegraphy course, cirll service branches and Eng lish, students admitted at any tlcitv Write, phone or call for IMS catalogue), BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLErl. President Tel. D. !M6 Boyles Bldg.. umaha. Neb. FOR SALE At reduction! one scholar ship at Omaha's best business college. Address R. Westover, David City, Neb. FOR sale Uie following scboisrsiup jt a first cl.iss Omaha BusiDesa Collage: One unlimited combination - business and shorthand course. One unlimited business eeurse. One m'lmited stenographic course. One three months' business or stsno- Craphlo course. Will be sold st a d:scnuat at tha offloe ef the Omaha Bee FOB SALE Faraltare, Ifoasehald Goods. Ete. DESKS "'' o,d- c- 1807 Farnam St. D. 144. FURNITURE BARGAINS. Refrigerators, kitchen csblneta. china cabinets, dreasers, table, chairs, to. 1W9 m. v enster Nat l Hele A. Auction Co.. ln1 W. O. W. liro Itoch CoaaaatMtoai Hrrsassta muniin onus. 4 ... lvxcnaane Bldg Horses aad Vehicles. SHIP itve stock to South Omaha, fltve ml'aaae and shrinkage. Your consign menu receive prompt and careful attca- tlon JERSEY cow for sale; 34th and Howard; ;,nnrr. narney inii. THREE horses and harness, two stake wagons, fin i. agtn Ave. Webster IM BUYS good Wg team of work horse nm aim county line, Houtn Omaha. OOOD milk cow. 6 yearn old. Gives 4 e "! i'er nay. iu r owior Ave." Meslcal Isttrsnesu, Biightly used I.Ik'i grade piano. D. 20177 Poaltry, tCcas aad sapvtiea. BTEBEOTYPK matrlcea malie the best and cheapest lining for poultry bouse They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable then tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. MUed grain. 100 lbs., 11.76, Waner 801 NTia7 Typewriters. WENT an Oliver Typewriter l mo. for M. JJIiver Typewriter Agency. 19U6 Farnam. TYPEWKI'lElia sold, rented. repalretJ. "'"'"I lypewruer texc. USB Farnam. Aa t'Pwrl""r" rented, sold, terms. iyiewriier. iiwa rarnam, u. rjl. UUesllaaseaa. f ,r nurfy harness. 60 electric light fixtlira .....I. t.. supplies, shovels. pi:ks. one iienny In "a.4si inrijiNiHi( onn .oini ana Ing' C4vh n K Inter, fin frondl.ton,' fM; on Hiiinir BAilftlM sansl KelHo tkr. . ti tlint, U eacli; 2 cai-penUr'a work 7(i3 S. Hist Ave. Phone liarnev 24i 1-OK SALE Baby buggy, brown wicker; Heywood buggy, In guod condition. Ad dresa G J 16, Bee. NATIONAL Cash Register, three-drawer, late machine; used one year. Dayton Computing Counter Scales. MUht con sider trade. Address Y J9, Bee, OMAHA China shop. White china for ii-r ting at m nranoeis IJiiiK, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and packet billiard Ubiea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar future of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswick Balke-Coliender Co., 407-40 8. 1Mb at. td-hand machinery. H. Gross. 21 and PauL WE bought 66 Dea Moines bar fixtures, front bars. back bars, mirrors, Nat cash reglaters, clss and wall cams. eto. For sale llko we bought them CHEAP. Omaha Fixture and fcupply Co., 414 bo. BPTTF.RMII-K In wagonloada at '.he ran runm . larnf'ry, WH, J5A.Lfcirlni11n P"ltory. and rellca. 4 Dlilo St. NEW and second-hand motors, dynamoa, magnetos, etc., and mechanical repair Le Bron Eloctrlo Works, am-a S. 12th. o FUIUH STORED Absolute Guarantee Agalnnt MOTHS, riRH BlTlQURg. HEFEUENCES: ANY BANK. U. E. SI1UKEUT, Telephone Douglaa 1041 and We Will HELP WANTED FEMALE - Clerical and Offtoa. NO FILING FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROPERS REF. CO.. Mt-I State Bank. LEAVE your name with us. ICs quicker BUSINESS M EN'S REFERENCE AfiS'N. 1.11H-20 Woodmen of World. I Girls. PHYSICIAN wants offlco girl; experi ence unnecessary; 3 per week, Addraas A 40 Bee. HaaMkveaeM m m A ii-mmii.. GIRL fur general houaework, 7 a week; t, imiiuitm aein, jNs caas. GIRL to do general houBcwork; must be good plain cook, lua Woolwurih ti-r. nev t42. DISH WASIlEk wanted at the Neumayer, WANTED Experienced girl for general ..uunvwvrn . in. waaiung. sara, Al, is Newman. 3620 Howard Bt. YOU'ti girl to assist with housework' Jtgdhome; small family. Harney 6o..' EXPERIENCED nurse girl for t-year-old chlltl! rtf.iuni'M , 1 1 1 i ..t . .. . ..... . p- F'in Pt. siorny um, WANTED A neat white girl for gen eral housework. Mr Win. Baumer. Wal. 11N3. WANTED Girl for general houaework. short distance Into country; wages, 87. Har. 16(0. A GOOD girl for general housework; no washing or cooking; nice, pleasant home for right party. Address, M II, oare Bee. WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework. Tel. Harney 7151. WANTED Neat young girl to aamat with tha cwre of baby. Telephene Har. itfl. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; also second girl. Air J. A. Sundorl&nd. Harney U7. WHITE girl to do general housework: no washing; two In family. H. 8337. (33 Bo 17th St MIDDLE-AGED woman or avod steady girl for general housework. Mr W. I. Hubbard. Telephone Walnut 83 HielngfieM, Neb GIRL for a- neml houaework. no t lill. don Itiona Harney ivjlil gs Harney. W"A NTEl A capable till, nurse maid; good wages; references required. H. iV. 4.-6 No. Sith St. C M PETENT girT to aiu.iatwrtii house work; lo washing Mra R W. Brack tsnrtdec, lull jeiaaoa fct. HELP WANTED FEMALK llnaaekeesiera and llomntln. WANTKD-A neat, rellahl. girl for gen eral houaework In family of I; nrefcr girl 2 or SO years old; mut he .nnd cook and give good references; $. meek; no washing. al. 1WS. W3 Davenport 8t. COMPETENT girl for general housework, no washing, good waxes, $115 Burt St. COMPETENT maid for general house work. Prefer one living near who -can ro home nights. 2.71K Plnkney Pt. OOOD girl for general housework; no -laundry; good wages. 616 8. 2!th Pt. WHITE girl to assist with housework; no washing, no cooking. Web. 5129. WANTED housekeeper, refined and experienced; Protestant woman or rlrl to cook and help with work In private family; regular laundrv done by other help- pood wnces; reference required. Call Walnut DOTii. WAS' TEL) A rlrl to asslnt with general housework; German preferred. J 'hone Harney 41.7,'. WANTED Girl to assist with nouee work and help rare for children: no aaehlng. Phone Wainnt 240. 40u Izard. WANTED-Good white girl to asaist with housework and one child; foreign girl preferred; good wages and good home. Harney Wl, WANTEI) Girl for general housework: no waalilng; reasonable wages Call Walnut MS. YOUNG women coming to maha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young women's Christian aa-O'-.ntlon building at At U.rv'a A . n -. i. L, . i ' "- .Mil nu, llflt (HIT rlacee or otherwise assisted.- Look for our traveler's gu'de Ki tinlun etatioa WANTEIt Vhite mnld fTr general luurrw.Fin, i h mil y 01 tnree. iNo wasb- Ing nr Iranln. Mi,,, , . v. . : v. . Apartment No. 4, Hamilton (Ap'ts. WANTfclMlirl or woman for house work; a good home and 3 per week Apply J. B., 602 N. 32d St COMPETENT white girl for general housework; one who will be kind to children; need not do laundry work; good wwb. i,ir. j. iv. .-viorrison. liar. J374, mUDL'TCK'T 1 , , . . (.uaraiMST girl for general hou.e. work. Mrs. George Raesmussen. 4u2 Itfayetto. Walnut 3278. WANTEI Girl for general houseworkr who can go home uiHhls. Wsi n 2ith Ave. GIRL for general housework. 3f)H Pop pteton Ave. Phone Harney E9fC Mlacellaneoaa. LADIES!-Drop us a card and learn how to secure beautiful premiums free. Reynolds & Son, 347 J6th St.. Detroit. M Ich. o WtlTE Motion Picture Plays, .V each- .xtHirience unnecessary. Details sent free to beginners. Producers' League, 144 Wain wrlght. Pt. Iuls. WANTED Several ladies to prepare for Omaha September postofficn clork ex amination. SnlenriM .ul.rln. i ducted government examinations. Trial examination free. AVjlte Oxmeot 27L. St, Ixuls. GIRIjH wanted for motion picture actinic i- iura nni n lene now. j ree particulars. Flora Finch Co., 7b4 World Bidg.. New York. DO you want another 2 daily? No ex perlence, constant spare time work, knlttlnir hnalerv yt-i a r I . , . . liaH.ii.. contract, we take product. .Gleaaon Wheeler Co. (Incx 337 Madison, Chleao. JIELP WANTED MALE Clerical mud Offloe. rnOH-GRADR commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND A'SSN. 761 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. SALESMAN, gasoline engine, 1100 and expenses. v WATTS REF. CO., MO-43 Brandels Thea. PPSINESS la getting better. We are having good success id niacins- comne. tent help and securing more openings for siuue man jpver Deiore. MIDWE8T BONDING CO., an nee nioj. SU'IAHE PEGS IN SQUARE liOLES, We find a position that, fits you. k. CO-OPERATIVE RKF. IVl' 101V18 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesman having the ambition to work hard for six hours daily; abil ity to work at high pressure and to sell one of the best and cleanest propositions on the market Permanent position for tha right man. Tel. Doug. 3S6o for inter view. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident Association. 42S-2& City Nat l ank Bldg. Factory an 1 radvs. Drug store snaps; lob Knelst. Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 1 15, on account of big trade. Wages for a and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught Hydraullo chutrs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas BL, Omaha , Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago, Special summer rates now; In effect Catalogue mailed free. 110 8, Hth St, Omaha. YOU MUST THINK We give you expert autj training, earn a real salary, hlg money for our trained men. Come right now and get our freo course In Eleo. Llg. & Start'g systems; freo catalogue, Araer. Auto Cnlleve, 2oh3 Farnam St, Omaha. WANTED A good manhinlst to work in f arage; ono that understands automo- repair work; a good position for the right party; only vgood competent men need apply. State expttrtenct and wages wanted. Address Lock Box 44S, Valen tine, Neb. M laewllnneoaut. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation st minimum cost Ask for caia logue 'C" and expianatlon of our get. results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILH SCHOOL. 1418-11 lodge Street. tmaba. Neb. FREE Positively greatest new original money making Ideas, bend addressed stamped envelope. International, ixl6 Calumet Ave., t hlcago. WANTED TWO 'men ti eat hati and egg luo. uoue jonn, inn upitoL RAILWAY mall clerka wanted, ti month; pull unnecessary, write immecii- t ..1 , .. . . , . 1 1 Iitlar Franklin 1n.IL tute. Dept. 221 D . Rochester. N. Y, WANTED Nauwa of men, 18 or over. 1.. V. I ...... ...n S.JL mnnlh iuu necessary, jtuu i e a ww. . . . . i , v I , WANTEI Teams to haul brick. Kit- tenrnnK it Bon, um ana r reaenca. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN wants day wurk. Telephone IWiu'las 4f..U rl A )HS waxed: dandelions dug and killed tVeb. 4t34. - MIDDLE-AO ED man wants steady place around house In exchange for board and room. Addreas C 405. Bee. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability desires position as cashier or clerical work; is college graduate and good pen man: will consider out-of-town job: very anxloua to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglaa 8451. or ad dress Bee. Tit E Servant Girl problem Solved. Tho Bee will run a bervant Girl W anted A4 FREE until you get the tlred result This applies to residents of Omaha, bouts Omaha and Council Hlulla bring ad t The ree offk-e "f Ui.hor.e Trier luaX MlDDLE-AtiKl lady dvxirvs a ptwiiion as a iioueelvrepe r In a small pilvata family.- or a t'hild nurae, it companion tO IIIMIMI. t.lty rfll'TIH CS 1'honw Ked -I'M, oi addreas L till, Lee. SITUATIONS WANTED COLORED experienced inattrAee maker. porter or Janitor wants steady Job; best of references. Phone Web. Sts7 after . Ak for Andersen. HOUSEKEEPER desires position with couple or as attendant to retired lady or gentleman; best of references. Ad dress 47, Bee, or call Harney 27TA WANTED Position by a refine,! elderly lady as housekeeper or companion for Invalid; experienced; can give best of reference In Omaha. Address J 40K. Bee. WAITER Experienced, II years in hotels and restaurants, wishes position any- L- . j rr T' I , . 1791 Ivooge St. WASHING, Ironing, lace curtains. Web step 423. HOUSEKEEPER desires position In a refined home; references. Address G 430, Bee. THOROUGHLY experienced cigar girl can furnish nrst class reierencea. ao dress F 419, Bee. FIRST CLASS manicurist would like po sltlon In good hotel or desirable barber shop, riionn Douglas 4V. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREaiT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether tbey left It in the street car . Many artlclea eac'J dsy are turned ta nd the company le anxious to restore U em to the rtghtf 1 ower. Call Dwj. 4a. LOBX01d hay horse, one white foot, star In forehead, -leiepnono , iw, IlST In Brandels store pompelan room Saturaay aiternoon, i a juro talning ttt in bills and calling cards; reward. 8. 2x13. LOST One small bungalow net curtain. Suitable reward. H. 3763. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. H. R. Tarry cures pllos, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal dlsessea with testimonial DR. B. II. TARRY. 240 Bea Bldg. A KM A NO Really helps get rid of that pain in the hack, touch of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and brings back that lost appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sys tem. Just send a postcard to the Sheila burger Co., Mfg. Fhar., West Liberty, la. Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN, NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given in every case treated. Patients must come to the of fice, 40-io Omaha National bank. 17th and Farnam S DR. WILLIAM CKEIGHTON MAXWELL, . Twenty-eight years in Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, N. Y. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming scientific sur gery aad treatment of diseases of true Call Douglas 802 and our Mr. John son will make a , personal examination free. I. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. M. P. BYKD NUESEliY CO Bargain prices at our old location, 17th and Dodge. Phones: D. 44M and Web. 411. PET STOCK PEDIGREED Boston Terrier pups. Mrs. W. F. Oarrity, 1010 Capitol Ave. D. 8JS3. FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. John Westover, 1321 Rose St, Lincoln, Neb. PERSONAL YOUNU women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to Visit ths Young Women's Chrlstlsn asaooJ.tlon building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise assisted. log lor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. INFORMATION WANTED As to ad dress of J. N. Briggs, formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store In N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Addreas Y-M3, Bee. WANTED To hear from refined young man desirous of sharing room in pri vate home In West Farnam district. Must offer good credentials. Address K 4H5, Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial borne so Helta your olO clothing, furniture, maga tines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4lst and our wagon will call. Cail and Inspect our aw boms, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge ISA. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing stylos in invitations, visiting cards. stationery, etc. 1RVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 416 b. 14th bt Tel. Doug. 1363. SWAPPER'S COLUMN BUSINESS CHANCE Well established. growing - business l cleaning, dyeing. pressing; fin location; actual cleaning Is sent out; buainesa easy to handle; will swap for U,M modern home. Addreas 8. o. 970, Be. AUTOMOBILE 6-passenger, 140 model, 4 cyl. Chalmers: good condition through out. What have you. Address S. C. 7tf, nee. AUTO A good 4-cyl., 40-h. p. Rambler uuio for repair work on house, you to furnish aW-sinaterlal, also cement block work for the porch. S. C. 91, Bee. AUTO A 4-pkaa. auto body, tup. wind shield and etner parts for anything re quiring less room or something that man or beast can eat. Can be seen at any time. 8. C. 9H0, Bee. BOAT Gas launch boat, A-l factory m-ide, Vx-lnch cypress. K-sawed oak decks, coning and luside panels, fine brass trimmings. 18 ft. long, 4-h. p. make and break engine, canopy top, cork cushions, anchor, fire extinguisher aud irabs lamps, fully equipped. For run about automobile or small touring car. S. C. 9KH, Bee. AUTOMOBILES Ko othir automobile barias see the) "Automobile'' classiiU cation. CASINGS Automobile ratings wanted. 34Vx4 inches, also inner tubes. Will give you a good swap In other personal prop, rty. S. C. KBi Bee. CEMENT Wanted to swap for soma ce ment or foundation work down at tha Carter Lake club grounds. Want some Mcund-hand lumber. 3x and 2x. H. C Kl Bee. KwLTl V in a muk I-ruoin house fer a lot In north purl of city, equity Tn muller houce or , Ford. Address 8. C. IK'S. Bee. CHICK aV Will exchange . wiuter-laymg strain of prise Buff Orpington chicks and hen including new incubator and brooder fur good driving outfit Address S. C. 971, Be Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quajity ami expert service that will please the niost critical: ACCOrXTAWT". e ssnswaanw E. A. DWDRAK. C. P. A.,, Address 438 Ramare Bldg. Phone Touglas 740ti. AMATEUR FIISIIl.Ni. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg I er. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds, 13 Paxton Blk. D. 29M. AICTIO.HKERS. Dowd Aurtlon Co., 1115-16 W. O. W. R. S3S... BLtE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 303 Omaha national Hank Bldg. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha fits. CARPENTERS AND t O VCRACTORS. STEVENSON, 83 S. Kd. Douglas 6130. tilUIA PAINTING. Ruth I-trhford, decorating, firing. R. 4!M3. CIVIL KNGINEERS. M. J LACY, M8 BEB BLDO . DOUG. 4715. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1871. Try Mackle's first IMS Harney. Doug. 644fi. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak g college, 20th aV Farnam. MISS STURDY, 241 CASS. RED 7330. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS Carrie 1 out in any part of United States. Canada or Mexico. m Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1630. JAMES ALLAN, 813 Neville Block. F.vl- dertce secured In all case Tyler 113S. DENTISTS. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2146. Dr. .Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders: catalogues free. Sherman a Mcv- Oonnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. AOCOKDIONL sidA. knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, ail sixes and styles; hemstitching, gpicot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., SH) Douglas Block. D. 1936. WbW TORK sample store. Must' vacate. building coming down: cloak suits and dresses sacrificed. '20 N. 16th St .FLORISTS. . BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. tOOO. L HENDERSON. 1S19 Farnam. D. 1258. Memt-er riorlst Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS & SWOBODA, 1418 Farnam St. A. OONAGHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FEATHERS HADU OVER. Fancy stickups. Dora Eiaele, 1136 OrtyNat LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DURK1N TyCua; 8519. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MTO.- of lodge regalia and oostumes. Theo. Ueben aV Bon. 1614 Howard. P. 4115. , OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plans, see us for office space. The beat loca tion and easiest found. THE BEB BUILDING. The Building That Is Always New." Office. Room 103. SWAPPER'S COLUMN dLOCK What have you to swap for a nice, artlstlo parlor or mantle clock. Personal property T 8. C. SM, Bee. DIAMOND Perfect blue-wblte -carat diamond rinrr. for good second-hand au tomobile. Address, S. 'C. 977, Pipe. DOG Fine white Spits, male, t months old. What have you for him? Addreas S. C. 963. Bee. EAST front lot. value. 84O0. for Ford, In good condition. Phone Harney 4334. FURNITURE Gas stove, oak bed. kitchen range, good condition, for chickens, or what have you? Address a. c w4. ue FORD 6-pa, 1914 model. In good condi tion. What have you. Address 8. il. 817, Bee. HAVE bicycle, good as new; what have yout Address 8. C. 9te. Bee. HAVE Molina auto and other valuable property to trade for merry-go-round. Address 8. C. 99il, Bee. HORSE, wagon and buggy, will trade for Ford. Must be late model. Web. ater 1033. HORSE, buggy and harness for sale or trade for painting. Part or whole. CaU Harney 6793.' INCUBATOR and brooder, beat make, worth 826; will trade for 8-A Eastman kodak, or what have you.? Address 8. O. K)2. Bee. 7 KODAK A 833 Eastman camera, 4x6, beat of lens, for auto, 34x4 casing a and In ner tubes, or other personal property. 8. C. 9K5. Bee. LOZIER-19H. S-cyl., 3-pae., electric lights and starter. What have you. 8. C. 796. Bee. ' 1 100 OF meal tickets on good restaurant; holder has no use for them and will give somebody a deal on sam Offer what you have. Address 8. C. 9, Be. MOTOR BOAT-Muskegun Boat Co, .make, 8-h. s p. engine. 16 feet long, 4 feet 8 inches wide, 8-passenger, canopy top, mahogany deck, cushion seats, tar polan cover, all same aa new. Must be seen to be appreciated. Also boat house and complete furnishings. Will trade for automobile. Addreas P. C. 978, 'Bee. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE With gas making outfit and aix rolls of film for chicken motorcycle, or anything of equal value. Addres S. C. 973, Bee. 1912. T-PASSF.NGER. 4-cyltnder Chal mers self-starter, first clsss shape, Whst hv. .? Adrws P. C. 81. HANo-i im upnvht piano. W ant uia Address. S. C. 96a, Bee. MANO.H-High grade SwTck Piano, coat 8&0. Want good horse and buggy.' Ad dress. S. C 9. Lee. PLAYER PIANO First-class condition, used only 10 month Kimball, retail price 8750. Will exchange for Ford, lot or driving outfit, or what have you? Ad dreas 8. C. 979, Bee. PAINTING-Want to swap for painting and paper hanging with material; some- to tt.ta unrr. o. t. wa, rrn. PICTURE SHOW Will swap a money. making picture ahow in city for other property. Be quick. 8. O. 97, Bee. PIANO Fine upright piano. Want dia mond. Addrets. S. C. t7. Beev PLAYER PIANO High grade player piano with 3b rolls music; will trade for automobile, or, what have you? Ad dress 8. C. 974. Bee. PIANO Will give piano for the keeping of two boy . Address & C. 97 Bo J MASSEUSES. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. BATTT'ilnd mass., alcohol rub. Laura Allio.iij. isns Kamam. room 2. Douglas '1. Open evenings and Sunday. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 87SL i DArpTTQand mass., alcohol rub. Laura. . XllO Wilson. 180-J Farnam. room 2. Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. B.Brugman, mnsa.,203 Karback Blk. R. 2737 VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors; alcnhol rubs and scalp treatments. 103 8. 17th St. Miss X, mudlavia mass. R. 234, Neville Blk. MOTION PICTURES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture maenme ana turn nargemw. 4ISTKOPATIIIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, CtOBrandcIo Bldg. D. 2114. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS, 417 N. 4ofh. H. 87?. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMFRTCAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th Pt. PATENTS. D. O. Famell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Ptunrew, 36 Bre.ndels Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATERS-RAP.NHART Ptg, Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. S190. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. 1 DOUGLAS Printing Co. . Tel. Douglas Si PLUMES RENOVATED. PLUME'S HATS made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger. 4291ax ton. D. 83!l. 8AFP3 AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Ontftnen. rAnelrei4 nviH changed F. E. "Daven. port. 1406 Dodge.' p. ijgl. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. 211 8. 14. SIGNS AND 8HOWCARDS. F. M. CT,ARK A SON, 113 8. 16TH ST STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. SPORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESK 8, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. VVe buy, sell. Omaha Fixture) and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 8721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. QMAHA Towel Supply. 307 8. 11th. P. fcfv TAILORS. CKAS. LANDERTOU, 108 N. 15th St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FR FLING STEIN LB, 1808 Fsrnam St. WALL PAPER CLEANING. EiXPERT ;vall paper cleaning y guaranteed. George Kyle. Reef 7845, work! W'lNbs AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 2fd-8 S. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars Plate dinners. 11 to 8. 10c. Globe ll'iuor house. 424 N. lth; California wine, 11.36 per gal. Write for pric "lis HIlnJ PFt UQHOR HOUSE. lUh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent luncnT BUJ yoVr family liquors st KlelnJ LI(uor House. 623 N. loth. Douglas ' ISO SWAPPERS' COLUMN i, Wtllixajitoxi piano slightly used? yoidVrcssr'W"- v- PO POfiRV-i MAnr a-4ll.l - J !.... .?:.. "' popcorn machine; the o"t: inexpensive to operate; which cost from the factory direct 8360: boii.v.? Vaht nw a8s-.- i or tne rt rnm , v , , i , ' . . """"J mager with out personal attention. What have vou to offer? B. C, No. 980. Bee. SIGNS, showcard Clark t Son. P. 1878! WISCONSIN Peerless refrlgexator i7C , most new, 100-pound capacity, white 9?2mBeeeWOU,d.eXCh"ng6- Ad T 5 VIOLIN-WiH trade good violin for Un- WOULD Ilka , . ,. . . . coal stove fc, MtaTuVto7.r8CAlIB. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. BT. OEOKQB-4-rooni apartment, redeco rated throughout 1U N. Sist Ave!ie Iect VN est Farnam district Phona Web tfti 1674. MODERN S-room apartment, partly fur" nished; sleeping porch; Ideal for 3 peo ple. Call Harney 2880. TW. '"-room, modern, ateamheated . - . , " ' farwiuiy or to fel,hJTI: J2? uram,r wlnr. Conra umnuni ineaier. toug. lf7l. J-ROOM modern apartment. Sixteenth! and Chicago; low rent. O. P. Stebblns. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 888 for complete list of all vacant houses tmt -i.. for storage, moving, packing, shipping. CENTRAL No equal n price er quality; NEARLY new flat six rooms and reoep-, tion hall, all miui,m. 1 f block to Harney car. Tel. Walnut 8J63. i 1 1 VE-ltOOM steam-heated apartmentl The Mason. 31st and Miwn' u.n Ji able; rent only 337.60. Conrad Young. iH mp.iwTMi iiirurr, uoug. l:j 1 1. Board nnt kovsn Wanted. TOUNO man. 18 years old, desires plaoat is Jewish family for room and board, at about 84 a week; walking distance pret w .tru, ceueni reierencea furnished.1 Aaron Aronowltx. care Bee Puhii.hin Co.. City. Pnrnlahed Asaartaaent. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT For Rent In the New "Travel-ton," Fireproolj 24TH AND LANDON COURT Catering to people of refined taatea. Apartment completely equipped for house keeping; up-to-date and comfortable. Traver Bros., Phone Douglas 1153. 708 Omaha Nat Bk. STANDARD FLATS THE GOOD APARTMENTS AT REASONABLE PRICH. 6 rooms. Chicago pitwvfull modem; flao finish: extra light and ventilation; cooler! man any separate bouse; free hot water Janitor. Oot,d location: cloe In Ol'ALlTY EQUAL" OAT ANT. Prices worth examination of careful people. T. J. HOOK, lm -N- wn Bt, y 1 i