The sure way to satisfy your wants is through use of th want ad psfes of The Bee. Try a Bee want ad. The Omaha Daily Bee tfHE WEATHER Fair .VOL. XLIV-NO. 279. OMAHA, MONDAY MOKXIXG, MAY 10. ni5, Oa Train ana at Mot Maws Steals, So. SIN'GLH COPY TWO CENTS. LESS THAN 700 RESCUED FROM THE UISITANIA Sloping: Decks Lined with Pas tenders at Great Liner Sinks from Torpedo Blow Off Ireland. N CONFIDENT OF BEING SAVED Belief General that More Than One Submarine Took Part in De struction of Vessel. FUBT OP ENGLAND IS MOUNTING WASHINGTON. May . Ameri can Consul Frost at Cork sen the fol- tonight: "Please assume that persona not listed as cither survivors or Identified dead, are missing and .almost cer tainly dead. No news of Vanderbllt, Stone, Shields, Myers Klein Hubbard, Forman nor the bodies. LONDON, May 9. Of those who left New York a week ago on the Lusltanla, less than 700 survived after that vessel was torpedoed and sunk by German submarines off Kin sale, Ireland, Friday afternoon. There were 1,901 persons aboard the Lusl tanla. A full nf ti inrvlvnr. whn In- elude very few of the first class pas sengers, is not yet available, but probably there are not many names to add to those which already have been made public. All the evidence goes to show that the first class and many of the second class passengers had such confidence in the ability of the Lusltanla, because of Its water tight compartments, to remain afloat after It received the first blow that they did not concern themselves about taking to the boats or even pro viding themselves with, life pre servers. . - . ' ' ' Mini ov the Deck. When the , passengers did realise that the Lusltanla, was doomed they, found that most of the boat on the port side . . . . ij.t were bo jammeu, oecauou ul un b1" of the nresscl. that they could not be lowered, and the ltuit een pf them by the -mor- forUuatfa.jafsenirers ,who had .se cured places in the starboard boats, or who had jumped overboard . and ' had been picked up, they were lined on the (loping- decks .awaiting thetr fate, doubt lees eyen then believing- that with land so close they "would still be aaved. . However, the torpedoes had torn such gaping holes In the liner that It did not remain afloat for more than twenty min utes, and the call for help-which the wireless sent out, although answered quickly, could not. bring the rescuing steamer to the spot In time to be of sny service. .There is much difference of opinion as to how many torpedoes struck the ship, and whether an explosion of Its boilers followed. In fact, after the first torpedo hit the Lusitanla forward, the crew were lumy "gelling to the stations and the passengers who escaped in get ting 'to tlie boats and providing them relves with life belts. i - ifnlirr of ftiibseas. In shipping circles' and among many of those saved the Impression prevails that more than one Oermait rubmarliie attacked the Lusltanla and that two or more torpedoes found their mark. This view is held at the Cunard offices at iJverpool, but officers of the ship will make no stateme'nt until the Inquest or an admiralty Inquiry brings out their evidence. . The scenes at Queenstown. where the survivors were landed and where there are many bodies of those who were killed or died of exposure, were heart rending. Many women separated from their husbands have been . searching the hotels hoping to find them alive, or, fall ing In this, have been U-oklng for them In hastily Improvised morgues. Others went on to Cork, while still others left yesterday afternoon for London, where they will arrive Bundav morning. At the Ixjndon and Liverpool offices of the Cunard company. largo rrowds J ogaln assembled yesterday, hoping j against hope that those whom thoy had j expected to meet on Saturday at the I latest, might still turn up, but thera I was little consolation for those who had (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) The Weather For Nebraska Fatr. For Iowa Unsettled. Temperatare mt Omaha Yraterrfay. Hour. Deg. a. m 39 44 M 67 61 63 7 M a 70 7 10 (nparaltve Loeal Record. IMS. 1911 1311 1912. Highest yesterday 70 W 64 (i Lnwewt yesterday 39 4S 47 0 Ifcan temperature 64 4 W 71 precaution 00 .X .34 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal at Omaha slnoe March . and tompaied with the layt two years: Normal temperature f Deficiency for the day Total exoeaa since March I Normal precipitation 14 Inch lH-f. leniy for the day U In. h Tutal talnfall since .Maivh 1.. H inwhes I K-ru-iency since March 1 1 '4 inches ltciicienry for cor. period, 1914 .74 inch. KxifM 'or Mr. period. 1!'13 S.JJ Inches f f .IF 5 m 10 a. in... T 11 a m... ' JrQ p. m... CtTi isssb. 1 P- m... 73 AMERICANS ARE AMONG JHE SAYED Names of that Many Survivors from This Country Reported to State Department. REST BELIEVED TO BE DEAD WASHINGTON, May 9. The names of seventy-three survivors, of the 188 Americans aboard the Lusl tanla had been reported to the.State department at midnight tonight, when the task of comparing lists was suspended until tomorrow. Con sul Frost at Queenstown said there was virtually no hope that more would be found alive. In addition, the department has received the names Of sixteen Identi fied American dead, Ambassador Page at London having added the name of Arthur Foley to. those re ported by Consul Frost. Three other Americans were believed to be among the unidentified bodies at Queens town. ' ' All of the Ameriran dead or sur vivors reported were previously men tioned in press dispatches. There were several cases of seemingly du plications or partial duplications in .the message which department of ficials hoped might add the names of one or two additional survivors when cleared up. Consul Frost has been asked to verify these names. Of the survivor? thirty-three were first class passengers, twenty-one second class, two steerage and seven teen unclassified. Names of Hsulvon. . The dispatch from Consul Fronst names these additional American survivors: Mrs. J. A. McFarquhar.' Grace McFar quhar, Mrs. Eldrlge Thompson, Mrs. C. H. Lund, Mrs. Cls Owens. To the list of Identified American dead were added Mrs. May Brown, Charles Plamondon, J. Sptllman, P. L. Jones, Bessie Hare, George Arthur, Da vid Samuel (or Samuleeeco). F, 8. Pear sons. T. B. King. W. H. Brown. J. V. Merrlman (probably Malnman), Miss Mo Beth. Among the bodies recovered, but not fully Identified, were supposed to be those of Miss Mary Grunstan and William Robert Buswlne, Americans. American Liner . Leaves New York KEJW YORK, May ft. The American liner Philadelphia, , sailing today tor Liverpool over 'the toute-travaled by the Lusltanla, steamed away with full cabins and with berths in the steerage at a, premium. The usual scenes of animation at the plor were "replaced, however, by an atmosphere more subdued and sober. The Philadelphia had aboard WO pas sengers. ' . Eighty-eight vessels bound from or to American porta were today within the German war sons or due to pass through It on their voyages. Thirteen, of thera carry passengers, and one. the Cam eronla, left New York May 3 for Halifax, presumably to take Canadian troops to England. U-39 is Reported to Have Sunk Liner GENEVA, (via Tarls), May . A dispatch from Munich, Bavaria, received at Basel, says that the German subma rine U-83 sank the Lusltanla. There was great rejoicing during the day today, In southern Germany, accord ing to the advices. Towns were be flagged, especially along the Rhine and the children had a half holiday in hohor ot the event. The rejoicings are said to have spread even to Vienna and Budapest. It is said that the general feeling In Germany and Austria is that the Americans on board the steamer had been warned previously of their danger and therefore they under took the voyage at their own risk. Florence-Carman Is Acquitted by Jury i. MIN'BOLA. L. I., May . A verdict of acquittal was returned after a short de liberation late today by the Jury trying Mrs. Florence C. Carman on the charge of murdering Mrs. Louise Bailey at Free port on the night of June SO last. The Jury was agreed on the first ballot and the verdict was returned In one hour and twelve minutes. Mrs. Carman beamed with happiness whenthe verdict was announced. She shook hands with all the Jurors and left after a few minutes with her husband for their home In Free port. TJ..S. Naval Aviator Falls to His Death WASHINGTON. May .-F.nslngn Mel vtn L. Stols of the navy aviation corps vas Instantly killed today while making a low altitude flight at Pensacola, Fla., according to an announcement by the Navy department, tonlgrht. The message Mid Ptolx fell out of his machine head first while making a dive. Ensign Stols seized with the - av'atlon, detachment which did scouting work at Vera Crus during the American occupa tion. Sees Lusitania Sunk ToGetU.S.In'toWar LONDON, May 9. "I think the Lusi tania. has been torpedoed deliberately .for the purpoae of making tbe Tnlted Ptates declare war," said Lord Charles Berts ford today. "I foretold the whole pres ent situation in February and gave my reasons for thinking Germany meant to bring America into the war.' ENGLISH GUNNER WRITING HOME during breathing; spell for his battery somewhere in France. it it 5 ' V,' r sc. a QUEENSTOWN LIKE ONE BIG MORGUE Scores of Bodies Laid Oat in Market Hall and Other Parts of ' City. MOST POIGNANT SPECTACLE LONDON, Way. 9. Tho lord mayors of Tondon and Liverpool- have started re lief funds for the Lusltanla sufferers. Captain W. A. Castle, accompanied by Captain Mllltr. Ameriaii military at tacheshave bjft.berw for Queenstown to aid the survivors. ".' " " .r" "'-' The London Standard has received a dispatch from Queenstown sjtying that when the German torpedoes exploded In side the Lusltanla they emitted suffocat ing and sicJOy fumes, which . stupefied many of the pascengers. A dlpatch from Queenstown to the Central Nows says: "It now appears clear that a majority of tiipLuditania victims are to be found among the first class . passengers and crew, Queenstown impresses one today as a' vast morgue. "Of lot) bodies recovered, some are laid out In the market hall and others remain at the Cunurd wharf, the military inortu- j ary, and elsewhere. The bodies of sev-1 j eral young Ameriran women are amonjTl thoae awaiting taeniincriion at me mar ket hull. "The spectaile at the market hall s poignant beyond expression. Most e the bodies there are of women. Some o them are without shoes, evldenoe of a hurrltjd. attempt to free themselves of hampering attire. "At the Cunard wharf lies a. mother still clasping in her arms the body of her 3-month-old baby. The bodies of several other babies have been found." - Former Son-in-Law Of Bryan Weds Again SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 9. Announce, ment was made here today of the mar riage last Thursday in Pekln, 111., . of William Homer Leavltt, former son-in-law of William Jennings' Bryan, to Miss Clara Kllirus of this city. Mr. Leavltt Is an artist and met Miss Kllllus while exhibiting his paintings here. Mr. Leavltt met and married Miss Ruth Bryan in a similar manner. Iater U)ey were di vorced. ' Japanese Cancel Military Program TOKIO, May . The Japanese govern ment announced tonight that the mili tary and naval preparations In connec tion with the Chinese situation had been cancelled. China Has Acepted AH Japan Demands TOKIO, May I. Tlie Japanese foreign office announced that It has received of ficial notification that China haa ac cepted the demands contained In the Jap anese ultimatum. RED CROSS TO RECEIVE - MONEY FCR THE VICTIMS WASHINGTON, May I.-M1k Mabel T. Boardman, chairman of the relief board of the American Red Cross, announced tonight that the Red Cross would be glad to receive contributions to a fund for re lief of destitute survivors -)f the lusl tanla and families of the victims. iv Normal Balldlna. AT?KRDKI. P. t , May -e-tal.-Twelve irli of pluns have already been sent out by Architect J. W. Henry to rrospertive bidders on the new ST3.0M wing o the Northern Normal building herr. The hl'ls will he pend on May II by tlie stale regents of education, at which time the contract will be let for the work. a ... i 4 .1 ? s A A -J ' ,', ,1 FORTUNE OF WAR, SAYS THE CAPTAIN Farther Than That, Commander Turner of Lusitania Will Not Comment on Affair, STAYS ON B JUDGE TILL LAST QUEENSTOWN, May. 9. Captain Turner, commander of the Lusitania, haa refused so far to make any for mal statements. Ills first remark on landing; was one of qutetironyJ "Well." he Baid, "It "Hf the fortune ot 'war..' - : . The captain secluded himself dur ing the' night In apartments over the Town hank, but Was able to he about today In uniform. He displayed great grief over the loss of his vessel, but has expressed no opinion on the ac tion ot the Germans.' i Captain Turner remained on the Lutl tanla's bridge until the structure was submerged, and then climbed up a lad der, as would a diver from a tank. Wben he reached the surface he grasped an oar and then a chair. He clung to the rhalr for nearly two hours and finally 'when the rhslr turned over he flung up a gold braided arm. This was seen by a memlier of the crew In one of the boats, and thus the commander was saved. He was terribly broken down when he landed Friday evening, but after a strong cup of tea ' and a short -rest he seemed to recover and appeared to be nearly nor mal today. ' ' None of the survivors had any com plaint to make regarding the actions of the crew, i AI! agree that everything pos sible was done under the olrcumstanoea. "The first .'train loaded with survivors left Queenstown this afternoon en route to London. i Lord Merzy Conducts Lusitania Inquiry . LONDON. May . It Is officially an. nounoed that the British Board of Trade, with the concurrence of . the admiralty, has, ordered an inquiry Into the circum stances attending the loss of the Lusl tanla. Lord Mersy haa consented to con duct the Inqury. Lord Mersy conducted the Investigations Into the sinking of the steamers Titanic and the Empress of Ireland. CARGO OF LINER INSURED MOSTLY IN AMERICA VLwix, aiay -in iusitania was insured for about tl.m.WO ft7.6OO.fl00). Of this amount' the British government tin der the war risk plan will have to pay about per rent. The cargo is said to have been ' Insured almost entirely ' In America. Comment of Public Men Upon the Sinking of Liner by Submarine . DENVER, Colo., Msy S.-ln formal statement mued in connection with the Lusltanla tonight. Oovernor Carlson re quests the people of Colorado to "place Implicit faith and confidence In our presi dent and those other national officials having In charge our relations with for sign nations during this critical time." : SACRAMENTO, Cel.. May l.-Concern-Ing the. sinking of the Lusltanla, Oov ernor Johnson said In a statement to night: "The situation presesits such a grave aad delicate International problem that I would net wlrh to express any views which might embarrasa the national ad ministration or might be at variance with a definite national policy. I may add that personally I believe In an absolutely strict and neutral attitude of neutrality GERMANY BLAMES LOSS OF U. S. LIVES UPON SHIP OWNERS Berlin Official Statement Sayt Kaiser's Government Left Nothing; Undone to Warn Fasseng-crs. v ; RECALLS SNEERS OF ENGLAND' BSSHiBBnaBB 'Let Them Think," Cries Von Bern- j storff. When Asked What Amer ians Will Think. . ENVOY WILL NOT SAY MORE I M.KTIN-. LONDON. May 9. A Berlin dis patch to the Exchange Telosraph company by way of Amsterdam says: "The emperor drove to the minis try of marine today (Saturday) for a conference with Admiral von Tir- pltz. The greatest enthusUm was" displayed here over the sinking of the Lusitania, demonstrations being held before the government buildings." BERLIN (via Wireless to London), May 9. The following official com munication was Issued tonight: The Cunard liner Lusltanla was yesterday torpedoed by a German submarine and sunk. "The Lusitania was naturally armed with guns, as were recently most of the English merchantmen. Moreover, as Is well known here. It had large quantities of war material In its cargo. "It's owners, therefore, knew to what danger the passengers were ex posed. They alone bear all the re oiisibllity for what has happened. "Germany, on Its part, left nothing undone to repeatedly and strongly warn them. The Imperial ambassa dor In Washington even went so far as to make a public warning bo as to draw attention to this danger. The English press sneered then at this warning and relied on the protection of the British fleet to safeguard At lantic traffic.' Bernatorff Woi't Talk. NEW YOniv, Mat 8. After remaining In seclusion at his hotel here the entire day, Count von Bernstorf f. ' the Oermsn ambassador, left for Washington at 6:10 o'clock tonight It was not, however, be fore ha had run a gauntlet of newspaper man wbe had beep awaiting him st the entranoe of 1ta hutel. and "wfW-pTirsnedr him to the Pennsylvania station and into his ear in their determination tq pbtaln an interview. "Let them think." he was auoted ss saying, when asked what he thought the American people would think nf the tor pedoing ot the Lusitania. Ills final state ment after refusing to answer a rapid fire of questions was that he would say nothing until proof was furnished that the Lusltanla had In fact been torpodood by a Oermsn submarine. At the railroad ststton the ambassador was subjected to a battery of Interroga tions, Including the ' reference to the American publlo opinion. "Not one word," he said. "Let them think." . faa't Hay Anythlasr. 1 am my government's representative; I cannot say a word!" he shouted Ister to snother query. The newspaper men persisted, hewever; one of them making reference to news paper comment on the embassy's aetlon In publishing Us war sons advertisement. "I don't care what the papers sayt" was the reply. Pressed again (or a statement, the am bassador asked In a quiet tone: "Do we know that the Lusitania was torpedoed?" He was referred to the statements of the British Admiralty. . . "What proof has been furnished T" asked the ambassador again. "Does that mean that you will make no statement until It Is proved that the Lusltanla was torpedoed by a Oermsn submarine?" said an Interviewer. ' "That's It, exactly," be replied. "I have not sufficient Information on which to make statement." Justifiable, Says Bernhard Dernberg CLEVELAND, O., May O.-Dr. Bern hard Dernberg, former colonial secretary of Germany, who arrived hero today from New York, holds the sinking of the Lusl tanla to be Justifiable because the Lusl tanla carried contraband ef war and be cause It sji classified ss an auxiliary orulser at the clsposal of the British ad miralty. Warning given by the Oerman embassy at Washington together with the note of February 1R from Berlin, de claring the existence of war sones, re lieved Germany from responsibility for the loss of lives of Americans, he said. for our country In the present world con flict." KI'RlNGKIELD, 111.. May . -Governor Dunne today issued formal signed statement urging calmness in the face of the sinking of the Lusitania. "Ameri can cltixens generally, and particularly those In public office outside ef the of fice of the secretary of state, should not in this grave crisis forestall or embarrass the president and the Department of Btate by giving utteranre to their per sonal view In relation to this grave calamity," says the state.ment. 8AICM. Ore., May .- in a statement issued tonight Oovernor Wllhycombe counsels suspension of Judgment by the lople until the full facts concerning the sinking of the Lusltanla are known. FURTHER GAINS IN YICIHITYOF KPRES German General Army Headquarters Make' Claim Many English Are Taken Prisoners. FRENCH SAY ADVANCE IS MADE BERLIN iVIa London), May 8 The German general army headquar ers staff today gnve out the follow ing official statement: ln the western thoaler: During the ronl inunnce of our attacks upon Tpres we drove the enemy out of his strongly fortified positions between the r'oituyn WjelMe and the tihiluvelt-Ypres roadx. We raptured the villages of Freoeenhurs: j and VerU'Hiihork and tiok up Important j ' PKltloni hi. h command the heights. We BRYAN PLEADS FOR CALMNESS lock SO Kntlluh prisoners, among them J " en'rauaek. we-t of Liev.n ,nd I WASHINGTON. May .-Prest-northeast of the Loretle height railed j d,nt Wilson, upon whom the eyes of with heavy losses for the enemy. Near I ,he orld r focussed at the pres La Oassee end Vltry we forced an aero- D.t moment. Studied In quiet seclu piane of the enemy to land. 1 slon yesterday the aspects of law and "A partial French attack undertaken j fact In connection with the sinking I with the sld of fog and bombs to the . by a German torpedo of the British iwest of Herthrs was beaten off by hand Hner Lusltanla with a consequent Hrenad". In the Aignne between the Mviise ann the Moselle and in the oases ine day passed wjthout anything of note. Take War Mapplles. "In the eastern theater: In Lilian wo have taken a largo slock of war ma terial. "Hefore strong forces composed of all arms which the enemy has collected be fore Mltau our advance divisions sent nut against this town are avoiding the enemy. "Northeast of Kovno the railway lino between Vilna and Baarle was destroyed i sfter we had wiped out a Russian bat talion., "On the Nlemen. pear Hrmlukl, we at- ( tacked what remained of. four Rislnu battalions, which apparently belonged to troops who were beaten on May 9 and 7 near Roealnje. 'Ttenewed Russian attacks on our posi tions on the Ptllea were repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. ' Rtiaalana Retreat Farther. "In the southeastern thester: In pur suit of the besten enemy, the troops un der Oenerst von MacUensen after the fight crossed the Wlaloka river between Itelke, east of Kymanow, and Vryaakat. "Under perseure of the Austro-Oerman troops from the east and the north of Tanorw, the enemy Is retreating toward Mteloo and over the Vistula. "On the vacillating Russian-Carpathian front, other Oerman troops drove the enemy out of his positions on the rsll- way between Meao-Ijiborcs and Banok. ! The number of guns and prlsoners'tsken by us Increases." - Gvrmaal Repulsed. . . FARlSC May . The following ornelsl communication was Issued tonight: "Between NleUport and the sa the Oerman made an attack, but wi re- pulsed. They suffered heavy losses. The British troops have gained ground In the region of Fromelies. "Te the north of An-aa we made lm pnrtant progress and also In the direction of Loos and to the south of Carency. n the latter sector we raptured st some ... . a . i.e.. ih.. lines of trenches extending over a front of seen kilometer (about four and one-third miles), which were very srtongly forti fied. "Wo have established ourselves in the Retire Over Two Allies. village of La Targette and in half of the village of Neuvlllo-Bt. Voaat. The con quered grounr at some places Is four kilometers (about two and -ribe-half miles) In width. We took more than S.OoO pris oners and six cannon. "In the Champagne we repulsed an at tack near tit. Thomas on the edge of the Argonne forest. At Bngatell we were able to verify the extent of the losses sus tained by the enemy In yerterday"s at tack. The Oermans hsd used without success asphyxiating bombs and burning fluids. "On ths rtst of the front, notably In the forest of LePretre and at Slllakerwesen, artillery engagements took place. F.aglleh (Jala tiroaad. LONDON. May t.-Fleld Marshal 8lr John French, commander-ln-chlof of the British forces, sends the following report of the operations on the western Urn : Last night the enemy continued bis sttacks east of Ypres and made further attacks today, which have all been re pulsed with heavy losses. Our line there lis firmly established. ) "This morning our first army attacked , the enemy's line between Hols Orenler snd Keatubert, and gained ground south sad -east towards Fromelies. The fight ing In this area continues. "Our airmen made' successful attacks on the Ht. Andre railway Junction north ofIille and on the cabal bridge at Dok Fumes. Ilerlles, lilies. Maruuelles and LaBasse wrre also bombe,d." Teutons Hurry To Leave Italy, Expecting War PARIS, May . A dispatch from Bellln sona, Switzerland, to the Temps today says: "Austrians and Germans are fleeing from all parts of Italy. All trains in 'the direction of the frontier are packed with Teutonle passengers, Including xner rhsnls and officials,. "Special trains have brought 3.009 Ger mans from Rome, Florence snd Bologna en route for Germany. Lugano also )s filled with refugees. "Notice ties been given of the suspen sion from today of the telephone service across the frontier and of the suspension of a great many passenger trains. "All Oerman and Aubtrlan Journalists have left Italy." .i.kI, THteh Killer. TBC'l'MSEII. Neb.. May . (Special.) I'eter Asplund, who I a member the Inter-mountain Bridge and Construction company 'of Tecumaeb, has luvented a follow-up machine for a steam of gsao line power ditcher, which will give op portunity for pipe or tile laying and will fill the dm h as fast as It la dug. WORLD AWAITS VOICE OF EAGLE OVER ITS SLAIN Eyes of Universe on Wilson as He Studies Conrse to Be Pursued in Regard to Sinking of Lusitania. OFFICIAL STATEMENT IS MADE President Says He Knows People Expect Him to Act with Delib eration and Firmness. loss of many lives. ; T... PM, ,.., traspdv rnnnled with the responsibilities of the hour rauBed.the president to deny himself to all callers even to members of his official family, while be turned over in his mind the course to bo pursued by the United States government In one of the most serious crises, in Its history. ' The Statement. The only glimpse of the nothing of the president' mind r-a given when the. White House at night Issued ttsj first formal comment on the disaster. The announcement was mals thfit the presi dent realised the country expected him to deal with the situation "with dellb erstlon as . well as firmness." The an nouncement was as follows: "After a conference with the pieri dent at the White House this eveulna. Prcretnry Tumulty said: Of cours. the president feels, .the 'distress and the gravity of the situation to the utmost and Is considering veiy esrnestly but very calmly the right course of action to pursue. He knows that the people ot the country wish end expect him to act with delibera tion as well as with firmness.' " The official data. lUton whleh formal action will be based, had not , arrived. The president therefore did not communi cate . with Reeretary firyan or officials , of the etate department. Nor did he consult members of the cabinet or con gress. . . ' i Siftlnw It fnr, IHtMself. r ! a Waa.itvlntvfuvJw close per aoaal,gUsnUait , h the last few weeks to the particular questions Involved that he was thought to be oalermlnad to sift for blmsolf the .'Various -questions and shape a policy to be. submitted to the cabinet, probably on Monday, or Tuesda)'. In (lie meantime publlo .opinion wss expected to crystatiss and help point the way. ' Memlers of His cabinet cancelled; r ; "-' ' ' " I,,' " In readiness for the presidents call. At other engagements'; and held themselves the Btate department ; when Peerrtary Bryan was asked If therw was any ad vice to communicate to the American people at -this time. he . replied that ho did 'not think this 'was needed for the country understood the situation. ' "This is no time to rock the boat'," he said It was 'the same sentiment whleh Chslrman Htone of the senate for eign relations committee had expressed earlier in the day. The single phrase expressed tho dcalie of the- Washing ton administration that prejudices and passions be not thrust Into 'the unstable equilibrium while the government en deavored to learn all the details. . Carried Ne Gbjbb. - One Important fact was definitely ascertained by the Washington govern ment yesterday from the port authorities New York, who gav clearance to the Lusltanla that It carried no runs, either mounted or unmounted. In accordance with the caution of the State department and British government early In the war. This disposed In the minds ef officials the claim' that the Oerman submarine had a right to attack the Lusltanla be cause It was an auxiliary or a converted cruiser. . Officials of the Cunard line are understood to have stated that the Lusi. tanla was not convoyed. These farts. In the opinion of law of ficers of the American government, left the German submarine no excuse under law or reason for an attack without warning on a ship with hundreds of non- (Contlnued on Page Two. Column Four.) Free Coupon Good for 25 cts. or 50 cts. By special arrangement with the management for the bene, fit ot Bee' readers. Observe strictly the conditions and limi tations stipulated-la the coupon. This lice coupon Entitles Dearer to one 25c or .50c Seat For the performance of "Little Johnny JoneV' At the Boyd Theater, Monday Evening, May 10, Piesent at Box Office any time prior to performance and get a free admission ticket in addi tion to the ticket you buy at the tegular price. You must - hare a bee coupon for each extra ticket you aak for.