Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Official Advices Rectiyed in Wash
ington Indicate that Criiii
ii Averted.
WASHINGTON. Msy 8- Official
advices received here late todsy were
to the effect that a crisis of the far
east had been averted, that Japan hat
modified its demands and tht China
will accept them.
Before the terma of the agreement
are finally concluded, however, an
expression of opinion is expected by
the 1'nlted States, from Great Britain,
France and Russia, a the allien of
Japan, ai to whether the Interests
which the leading; powers have had
ta the maintenance of the territorial
Integrity of China, or the "open door"
policy hare been In any way affected.
Asked tm Pewera.
The American ambassadors at London,
Part and Petrograd have been Instruetsd
to Irtrn the attitude of .the powers,
which. like te United States, ara pledged
to maintain tha tarrttorlat status quo In
China and tha freedom or commercial
importunity. Inasmuch an Japan and
(Jermany are at war. tha latter country
waa not consulted at thin time, but later
may be Included in tha American gov
ernment'a correspondence on the quea
Uon. ! Official were ullent aa to the communl-
ratlona that had bean aent abroad, but
if la known that It waa dealffd before
tha negotiations were ended to coneult
1ha other powers in view of the peculiar
1 elation ship ealstlng between them and
tha I'nltad Htates In connection wiin
Chinese affair.
Wu't Dlseaea It Kartker.
8eretry Bryan would not dismiss in la
matter beyond esylng tha atatement la
sued last night covered the American
government's position.
lie announced, however, that today tha
Htate department had received the sub
stance of tha Japanese ultimatum and
that It contained Important modifications
by Japan of her demands. It was gen
erally understood that these modifications
related to tha withdrawal by Japan of
tha general demands In group V. ask
Ing for the Installation of J.ironepo po
lltlcal. financial and Induntil! uiviers
In China, and an obligation by China to
, purchase SO per cent of her ammunition
sunprjr in Japan.
It was this group which had been looked
upon In many quarters as threatening tha
politloal and administrative Independence
of China. Tha fact thst originally Japan
assured the United Btatee that no Inten
tion existed on its part to iolata China's
toverelfnty was recalled tonight.
Japan's Scheme.
The suggestion was made In some quar
ters that Japan, while Including these
lemands In Ita list, never Intended to
torce their acceptance, bat used them Is
a means of obtaining tha special prlvl
:eas In eastern Mongolia, southern Man
jhurla and Hhentung. which might have
been difficult of attainment had they
been proposed alone. ' . ? ! i
In this connection soma observers
thought the communication sent by tha
Cnlled Btatea to tha powers had been de
tad until China had accepted the most
vMbI demands of Japan, because a con
ultHtlon of the powers beforehand might
have lnfluenoed China to refuse to grant
these demands for prlvilegoe within Uia
io.mld Japanese sphere of influence
tn southern Manchuria and Inner Mon
golia.' Werlc sa TraIala.
FKKINO. May a-The attaches of the
forelm office were at work all nUbt
translating Japan's ultimatum and draft
ing the terms of China's compliance wun
the demands, Which will bo submitted to
Tuan fital Kal and the etata council this
morning at l o'clock.
The reply will be delivered to M. HlokL
the Japanese minister, thie evening or
Sunday morning. The Chinese note will
review China's case, answer the charges
contained In the ultimatum and aocept
the demand without qualification. ,
. What la Omitted.
TOKIO. May 7. In presenting Its ulti
matum fo China, Japan omitted from the
present negotiations all Items In group
No. I of the amended list of demands,
with the exception f the portion dealing
with cQnceeeton la Fu-Klea.. on which
ta agreement already has been reached.
Tha demands In group No. I ate reserved
for future fiiacuaeion.
Group No. 5 Includes the etlpulations
.gainst which China raised the most
vlgcreua ebjocttona. The decision of
Japan to defer these matters is mad
known ta aa official communication of
I ju words, which was Issued here today
4a regard to me Jpn """""'V"
ts. nrlncinal provisions of group
., do with the appointment
Japaneae military and politloal advisers
ror China and for Japanese supervision
er the manufacture or purchase by
"hina of munitions of war.
Th. JaDanese government has ln
true ted Kkl Iliokl. Japanese minister at
l sklna to advise China to give duo re
gard to Japan's wishes and to tha con
ciliatory spirit of the Toklo government.
i. vUw f which Japan believes Chin
should give a satisfactory response.
TOKIO. Mar 7. P. M.-The Japa
neae await Chlna'a reply to the Tape
rivm ultimatum- The government, it Is
. Mated, has been deeply deatrous of avoid-
nature with China, which, U waa
admitted, would prove embarrassing.
finding the receipt of China's reply.
however, military and naval preparations
ara being pushed vigorously. Five trans
rorts laden with troops have sailed froja
Hiroshima in the direction of China and
numerous warships have left for secret
Waseda university has deprived Prof
Jtrlga. Japanese adviser to President
Yuan 81il Kal. of his professorship and
lie has disappeared. Previously he had
t-een denounced as a spy and the police
were protecting him.
- pr. Sua Yat fcen, the first provisional
pieatdent cf China, has been seen fre
quently tn Toklo recently, The Yoko
hama H-bi declares that If war be
tween Japan and China develops the rev
olutionist in China, who aide with Dr.
Hun, are likely to seise the opportunity
to strike against Yuan SHI Kal
Some Chinese ara leaving Japan, while
preparations are ticlug made by many
of those- In Korea to depart from that
Are Ywa t'aaatlaated f
Wby suffer, teke a dose of Dr. King
w Life Pills tonight; you will fetl
rine tomorrow. Only fie. All druggixts.
Ajeti isenuat
University of Omaha
Effie Cldbtvl
UMiixt Mere
Lusjtania Was Armed
Heavily, According
To the London Post
LONDON, May S. 1:M A. M.-The
Morning Post, In an editorial on the
Ltisltanla. after remarking on thj slab
crate warnings Issued at New York bo
fore the ship ailed, aald:
"We find It difficult to understand how.
with such warnings and such ample op
rort unities to tawe all precautious, the
Lualtanla was caught The conoljsion
I rat the vessel's exact course must have
been known to the captain of the sub
marine la difficult to avoid, but uncom
fortable to accept"
The Pont believes that the conditions
were favorable for the rescue of many
of the passengers and supposes that
everything was In readiness on board
tha liner and that tha mode of procedure
in ease of attack bad been carefully re
hearsed. It states that the Lusltanla was armed
' with a formidable battery of guns,"
and adds: . '
"But It appears that New York legal
niceties regarding International law pre
vented the boat from carrying ammuni
tion for those guns.' under nain of being
Interned In a neutral port a shin of
"But aurely.i if the United; States re
gards these submarine attacks aa Illegal,
It should , follow that guns may be -ase
on merchantmen to '. guard themselvei
against such attacks without making tha
vessel which uses them a ship of war.
. "In the face of this crime. It Is Idle td
waste words in condemnation.' We must
set our teeth and go on with the war
with mora courage and determination."
UTAnOO, Neb,; May 1 (Special.)
Someone Impersonating John J. Johnson,
welt-known 'Wahoo man, started a lively
little mlxup u Holt county district court
when he sold Mr. Johnson's quarter sec
tion of land near here.
Mr. Johnson after learning of the
forgery of his signature brought suit te
Qbiet tha title of the land. The case in
volves a. number of Omaha persons who
figured in the deal through innocence.
WAHOO, Neb., May (ftpeeial Tele-giam.V-Mlsa
lUldred Cloff of Pierce won
the state declamatory contest dramatlo
medal la the conteet held here tonight
Mlsg Mildred Rogers of Wahoo was ae-
ccrded second place and Iva Regains of
Kearney was third. Medala were given
to the first two winners. The iurises
were Profs. Ray, Monsoa and Oalnes of
Fremont Normal. - ,
Apartmenta, flat, nausea and eottsgea
can be rentedqutckly and cheaply by a
ue or Ml"
We Invite You to- Visit
This Week for Free Instruction in Rope Basket
Vork. & Color Scheme Decorations of AU.Kinds
Miss Burns of the Dennison Mnufacturing Co. of
Chicago Will be at the Burgen-Ntsh Store all of This Week
, Lae this chance to learn what wonderful thing can ba dona with DENMSON'S NEW
CREPE PAPER. Vnleaa you bara at noma tlma seen a Dennlton demonatratlon you cannot
regiiia tha wonderful thtngg you. yourself, can learn to make. Whatever you want to know
Mies puma will show you. Dainty and Novel Piaca Cards. Tally Cards, lea Cups. Farora, Can
dle and Lamp Shades, Color 8chenia Decorations for Tablas, for Rooms and Bootha. Paper
Flowera. Taney Coatuma Dresses, Ropa Basket "Aains; tn all theit Miss Burns will glvn
tw Instruction; and In a half-hour under bar supervtiioa you will ba delighted with what
you bars learned to make from
Dennison's. Crepe and Tissue Papers
Ml.ta .JU RH will slva instmctlonsr absolutely free of charga, for two waeka. begJnnlnf
Monday, May 10th. and will be assisted by a capable assistant, so that each
and every customer will hava tn dividual attantion. During Mlsa Burns' stay
we will gladly place and decorate tables for parties or dinners without charge.
P. 8. Mies Hums is tha only demonstrator that w bar ever had in Omaha. ,
Dennison Manufacturing Company
May Pole Dancers
Central Labor Union
Asks New Rule on
Repairing Autos
Jonaa Wangberg of the machinists'
union last evening succeeded In securing
the adoption of a resolution by the Cen
tral Labor union requesting the' city com
missioners to discontinue the practice of
allowing policemen and firemen to do re
pair work upon city automobllee, which
work should be done by regular ma
chlnlsta. I The dty officials will be asked
to engage union labor In this and other
work whenever possible. .It was reported
that the practice of firemen and police
men doing this work has been growing
and should be discontinued without delay.
Oeorge H. Arnold of the plumbers was
elected director to succeed I V. Quye,
who resigned when he ran for city com
missioner, in compliance with tha by-laws
of the union.
Miss ' Catherine Leonard of the Union
Label league reported progress In getting
local merchants to mark their wares with
the label. v
A report from a committee of the typo
graphical union, relating to alleged mis
use of the Central Labor anion's sanction
in the Issuance of a label directory, was
laid over until tbe first meeting In June,
that the barbers may have an oppor
tunity to read and answer this report be
fore It is acted upon. .
Bellboys "Framed",
To a Fake Robbery
"IIip! Police? Robbers!" were shouts
that disturbed the quiet of Hotel Fonte
nelle's lobby at 1 o'clock Thursday morn
ing, when Bam Peterson and U. H.
8heffleldi bellboys, dashed into the hotel
in a frightened and disheveled condition,
after having started homo.
When they calmed down they were
ale to captain to Clerk Wilhett that they
had been held up and robbed of their
day' tips by masked highwaymen la tbe
Central High school groundej while they
were on their way to their rooming
house at tn North Twenty-second street
At that point In their story, however.
several of their fellow bellhops marched
In and handed Peterson and Pheffleld the
money they had been "robbed" of. . Then
the breathleea vlntime of the bold, bad
robbers discovered that they bad been
framed" for a little Joke.
Matthew Oerlng of Plettsmouth has
enlisted the aid of the local police tn a
search for an old copper medallion locket,
which was stolen from Ms trousers pocket
with other valuables when a burglar
visited home at Plattsmouth Thurs
day nlglH. Oerlng prises tha locket more
highly than the money he lost, aa tha
former la aa old keepaake and contains
portraits of his parents.
Over forty colored men and women
have been arrested by tha police, follow
ing the aanauit and ' robbery by negro
thugs of Daniel Coffey, a Union Paclfle
conductor, near Eleventh and Davenport
streets Thyrsday night One' of the vic
tim's fingers was bitten off. In order to
secure a tight fitting diamond ring, and
he waa badly beaten up, but is now re
ported better.
Mothers' Day to Be Observed in All
Churches and Sunday Schools
with Special Speaking.
Mothers' day will be appropriately ob
served by churchee, Sunday ei'honla,
Christian Endeavor societies and the
Voting Men's and Women's Chrlntlan as
sociations Sunday. White flowers, worn
In coat lapels, will be the rmblrm of the
day. At the Young Men's ChriMtAn as
sociation a special addrena for Mothrrs'
day will be delivered by R. B. Wallace,
preeldent ef the Council Bluffa associa
tion. The nineteenth bi-annual convention of
the Woman's Home and Foreign Mie
flonary society of the Onneral Synod
Evangelical Lutheran chun.h Is now
being held In Omaha. 'Wpccial services
are to be held today at the Kountse
Memorial. First Engllnh. Bt Mark's and
race Lutheran churches of Omaha and
8t. Luke's Lutheran church of South
Omaha, with vlxltlng mlxalonary workers
I aa speakers.
I The Immanuel Lutheran choir, assisted
by O. P. Swanson, baes, and Oecar Weln
sten. 'cellolst will give a song service at
the Immanuel Lutheran church, Nine
teenth and Case streets, Sunday evening,
at o'clock. The program.
Prelude, Response , .Chad wick
Introit Hymn o, M.,n. Haute Walu
Anthem. O Come. It I s Worship
(Arranged from ("llimmel"). soloiBt.
lilldtir Wlukstrora
Sermon, Rev AdolMi Hult.
Anthem Kavlor, Whun Ms'ht Involves
the Skies Shelley
Soloist. Howard Steberg.
Solo Consider and Hear Me Wooler
U. V. gwanaon.
Anthem Unfold, Ye Port In Everlast
ing (The Kedemntlun) (iounod
Offertory 'Cello eoio (Adagio, from
7th C Measure, Concerto).. Gotterman
Oscar Wetneten. 'celloltt.
Postlude Festpel Volckmnr
At St. Mark'a Englleh Dutheran church.
Twentieth and Burdette streets, the pas
tor will preach In the morning. In the
evening delegates to the national con
vention of the Women's Home and For
eign Missionary society will speak. They
will be Mrs. A. II. Smith of Ashland, O.,
whose subject will be "The Missionary
Opportunity," and Mrs. T. L. Crounse of
Sharpburg, Pa., who will speak on "Em
phasising Essentials." '
Monday evening the cession of the con
vention will be held In St Mark's church,
Mrs. J. F. Hartman, president of the
society, presiding.
Immanuel. Twenty-tourth and Plnkney,
Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Morning- wor
ship at 10:30; subject, "Uod's Sympathy."
Bible school at noun. Young l'eoie's
meeting at T o'clock. Evening worship
at o'clock. Prayer and pralMe meeting
on Wednesday averting at ( o'clock.
Mt Morlah, Twenty-el th and Pew&rd.
W. B. M. Scott. A. B., B. Th., Minister
in Charge .Sunday at U a. m.; euOject,
"A Message from Ood to a Mother."
Evening worship at ; subject, "Mother
the Standard Bearer." Sunday school at
1:30 a. m. Baptist Young People's
Union at t.Z Op. m.
First Harney and Park Avenue, H. O.
Rowlands. Minister Morning worship at
10:l, "Mother's Day;" subject. "The
Tiiuneness of Womanhood." Evening
worship at 1; subject, "Shoes of iron
and "Brass." Bible schrl at noon; George
Waterman, superintendent; " Young
People's meeting- at :30.
Calvary. Hamilton and Twenty-fifth,
J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning topic,
"Woman." Evening topic, "The Ncarnmi
of Death." Bible school at noon. Mr.
G. W. Noble, superintendent Young
People's meeting at C: p. m., led by
Mrs. Maxwell. Prayer meeting of the
cnurcn on weanesiay evening, led
Mr. I. W. Carpenter.
Grace, Corner South Tenth and Arbor.
E. B- Taft Haetor Men's prayer meet
ing, :30 a. m. ; Sunday school, 10 a. m.l
morning worship at It, subject "Mary,
the Mother of Jesus;" Junior meeting,
3:46 p. m.; Baptist Young- People's union,
7 p. m.; evening service at 8, with Moth
era' day proKram; Mrs. u. T. Maddlson,
Mrs. M. G. Madcrx, Mrs. W. A. Vicltcry
and Mrs. Edward Johnson .will speak;
ladies' chorus will sing. Mlxsion Sunday
school, 3 tk m., at JWO South Fourth
Northeide. Twenty-eecend and Loth
rop, George L. Peters, Pastor Bible
school at 9:30 a. m. Morning service at
10:46; theme, "The Blowing of a Good
Mother." Evening servtoe at S; theme,
"The Mission of Jesus. Intermediate En
deavor at 5 p. m. Senior Endeavor at
46 p. m. . ;
First Twenty-sixth and Harney,
Cherles E. Cobbeyt Pastor Morning wor
ship at 11; theme. "Tbe Efficient
Mother." Evening worship at 8: theme.
"Friendship." Christian Endeavor at 6:46
p. m. Junior Endeavor at 4:15 p. m. Bible
school at :4.) a. m.
Christ law Brleac.
First Church of Christ Scientist. St.
Mary's Avenue sjid Twenty-fourth Ser
vices at 11 a. m. and a a. m.; subject,
"Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school
a' f 46 and 11 a. m, , Wednesday evening
meeting at I. .
Second Church of Christ. Scientist,
Dundee Hall, Fiftieth and ITundcrwood
Avenue. Service at II a. m.; subject.
"Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school
at 0:46 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting
at I o'clook.
First. Nineteenth end Davenport.
Frederick T. House, Pastor Muming
worship at 10:30. Sunday school at noon.
No evening service.
St. Mary'a Avenue Congregational,
Taentv-eeventh and St. Mary's Avenue
Moriiiiiit eervli. )o;;r. rv. Hugh siwf
wlil preach. Kelly chorus ch.r Pundav
S' iool ai noon. Midweek service Wedm.a
d:iy f'Venlnir, V
Plymouth, MgMeenth ejid Emintt. F.
W. ls-nlt, MtnlMer MorninK at l:.x
' The Tent Boo of All Atfe;" evening
it , ' Tim Harvstlcn if tbe City," Sun
dy w-hiiol. 1J tn.: youne people's meet
ing, I p. m.; mll-fk s- ivlce Vednedy
at I p. tn.
entrel Park, Kurtv-aecend and Ferat
trKa, J. n. P.earU, Piutjr SumUy echool
t 10. 1). Gfi)i'i, sunerint"ndfit.
Jiornln orMp et II; theme, l're)ar.
ng the Way." t'hr1tln Endeavor at
7 In p. m. Evening w.irsiilp at H. Will
united with Olivet and Hirst Memorial
churches in prayer metln- at Olivet
clurch at 8:30 Sunday afternoon.
Hillside, Thirtieth nnd Ohio. W. S.
Hampton. PastorMorning service at
l'l .. Evening service at 8 o'clock. At 8
p. m., at meeting fr,r conference and
prayer of eottaee Draver niMtin?
mlttees In district No. S, W. S. Hampton
ruperintendent.; will he held. Rev. A. j
i.iurriB oi r.maiuei MHprmt church will
I.esk on "The Personal Work of Christ "
Every committee should be fully repre.
eerited. Senior Endeavor at 7 p. ni.
Church of the Oood Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio. Rev. Thomna J. Collar, Hector
Holy communion, 7:0: Sunday schooL
:.; mtwnlng prayer with sermon, 11;
evening prayer with ermon. a
St. Matthias. Wcrthinrton and South
Tenth-Kev. Albert E. Welle, Priest In
.imrm noiy communion at a a. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Monlrng prayer
You mn Help But Bo-JUPDESSED UJith
the LOIJ PRICES at the Onion
We Save Thousands tomerM in reduced furniture pru
If you are not already a " "Union" customer
it is time you were investigating our offer
ings. You won't lose a particle of dignjty
in so doing. Our merchandise is of the high
est qualities, even though our prices are
much lower than others and our easy credit
9x12 Amber $-1 fi95
Velvet Rugs
The Product of the
Great Sloane Mills
Term$1.$Q Cath, $1.50 Monthly
Judge the Rug
by the Makers
' That Is. one sure way of telling if
the quality of the rur you buy is
what the salesman told you It was.
When rugs are new, they all look
very much alike. The test comes in
the wear. Tbe Sloane rugs wear
like Iron.
Size 9x12
The dimensions of this rug is full
standard 9x12. The quality; is as
good aa you wouM find In ruga cost
ing considerable mora than we are
' nsklng for this rug. The size and
design makes this rag appropriate
for dining room or living room.
The special price is only '
Terms ?L50 Cash, $130
50 ForThis Plank Top 510
Library Table
Exactly like the illustration (except baa one
Instead of two drawers) and finished in a
beautiful American quartered oak. The large
plank top is 24x48 Inches In size and the mas
sive legs are 2V inches square. Is fitted with
one Invisible drawer and has lower shelf for
magazines or newspapers.
I f r,ii;
BBS BT a " r
$750 For This
The Ourney-made re
frigerators have a pat
ented oold air circula
tion that so operates
aa to get every bit of
cold air from the ice
and takes - it to tbe
food compartment below.
V 1 .
an. I sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer
and eermn at 7: o'clock.
Cburch of St. Philip the Deacon. Twenty-first,
near Paul. Hev. John Altert Wll
llanif". Vicar I'.ojintlon Sunday; holv T..D a. m.; hr!y cuchartst
(choral snd sermon, U; Sunday sciiool, 1
p. m. ; evening prayer and sermon. 7. SO.
St Paul. Twenty-fifth and Evans, Rev.
E. T. Ott'i, Paator Services at 10 a. m.
an.l p. m. In English. Sunday school at
1130 a. m. Choir meeting on Fridays at
8 p. m.. Anniversary of dedication and
ceremony of confirmation at 8 p. m. next
Sunduy, May 11
St. Mstth"wa Enpllah. Nineteenth and
Csstcllar. Rev. O. W. Snyder. Pastor
At H a. m. two prominent laty speakers
from the Luth"r.n Woman General
MlKMlonary convention, now holdinp ses
sions In Ornnhn. will nddress the audlVnce.
At 7:4.1 p. m. there will be sn adTlreHS on
"Blhlical Women In the Ancient Church
of Go.1." Sunday school at 10 a. m.,
subject. "David and Jonathan."
Kountse Memorial. Farnam Street and
Twenty-sixth Avenue, Rev. Oliver D.
BalUly, Ph.D.. D.D., Psstor Morning
worship at 11 o'clock, special eermon to
convention by the pastor. Evenlna wor
ship at 8 o'clock, apeclal addresaes by
some of the etrongent members of the
convention. Sunday school at 8:6 a. m.
Luther league meeting at 7 p. m. Watch
convention proaram from day to day.
Grace English, ltH South Twenty-sixth
Stieet. Clarenc. N. Swlhart Minister
At 11 a. m.. "The World and the Word.".
At 8 p. m.. address. "Call of the West."
Mrs. Georse Hillerman. San Dlero. Cel.:
addrese. "Our Commission," Miss Mar-
serv M. D. Lll y. Mechanlscourg. pa.
Sunday school at :50, J. F. 8mlth auper
tomerM in reduced furniture prices. .
t'S-m 7Aeyveff?ieflisite;
J&li WA;
1 CiC
ON. !
200 Miles.
Large Wagon
1 . V I UP A.
r ii nn i M mi mum 1 i i lmiiii
1 1
75 For This
v Y
Fer This Colonial
Matches dresser;
finished in Ameri
quartered oak.
French plate mir
ror top. t
Massively made, aa tha
illustration shows, with
extra large French plate
mirror and finished In
American quartered oak.
at T, Mies
Francis Thoelcke leeder.
Zlon. ThIHr-tlxth Sti-eet end lsfayeMe
Avenue A T. Ir1mer. Pastor Sunday
school at 9:46 a. m. Services at U a. m.
and 8 p. m. The Sunday school teachers
win meet on .uonoay mm
church perlora Tuesday evening te
Luther leamie will hold Ita meeting at
the home of Lillian and Selma Sti
berg. MS North Tenty-fitth ftreet. Mid
week service Wednesday evening at 8 r.
m. Choir prartlce Thursday evening at
o'clock. The ladles' Aid eoclety will
meet at the home of Mrs. V. A. Johnson.
inn North Thlrty-ctehth street, on Tbura
dsy afternoon Tl eonflimatlon clssa
will meet Wednesday evening and Satur
day afternoon. The Willing Worker will
meet Saturday afternoon.
First, Seventeenth and DodKC "Wain
Hart Jenks. V. V.. Tastor Morning. 10:vM;
evening, 8; Sunday school, noon; En
deavor meeting, 7.
Custdlar, Sixteenth and Casteller. t .
C. Meek. pastor-Morning. II; evenlnp.
S: Sabhath schooL :4o; Junior Christian
Endeavor, 3:10; Intermediate Christian
Endeavor, 7: Senior Christian Endeavor, 7.
Central Vr.ited, Twenty-fourth and
Dodge, Jfiir B. Ppeer, Pastor Mornin
worship, address by William Baird: Sab
bath school, 12. Paul H. Pstton. superin
tendent; Young Peoples meeting.
Studies In life of Christ conducted by
Mrs. D. A. Foote.
Third. TwVntleth and Leaven worth
Sunday school, 8:30 a. m l Mother s Day
services, 10:45; Intermediate and Junior
lOndeavor meetings. 3 p. m.; thrtauan
Endeavor prayer meeting. 6: V
evening worship and sermon by the Ke.
Julius Schwarts, 7:4u.
Outfitting Go.
our cas
Inttndent. Luther league
service is both dignified and convenient.
The "Union's" Home Outfits are unbeat
able they contain only quality goods. The
Three-Room Outfits At $79.00 and the Four
Room Outfits at $99.00 have no equal in the
city. Certainly! Your terms are our terms.
ice ' - h ";" yirtfi'S'L.Vt, J
75 For a Splendid
. Gas Range
Has two lage patent burners ou
top and splendid baking oven,
with patent oven burner). Made
of special grade of sheet steel,
cast iron top, highly enameled
and guaranteed to give first-class
Special Sals Garden Hose
25-foot lengths, guaranteed
for the season, cm fi Q
special X ee70
60-foot lengths, guaranteed
for the season, q ee r
special '. 4Oa O
Lace Curtain
100 Muslin Curtains Col
ored bonier, apeciai. CC
per pair O0C
li.OO Nottingham Lace Cur
talna Monday, ai sa
per pair... '4.... i I 49 t
tl.(0 grade, .spe- l An
clai. pr pair dlsUO
100 met Curtains Spe
cial. pr 0 OC
iWiK It
it rj i
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