Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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American Millionaire, Who Tore Up
Note of Warning Before Sail
ing, Among Victimi.
LONDON, May 8. The Times'
jQueenstown correspondent says that
some of the survivors who have ar
rived there report that Alfred Owynne
Yanderbtlt was drowned.
Captain Turner of the Lusitani
waa among those saved.
Sousa's Band at Auditorium Today
Mr. Vanderbllt was oite of those
pasRengera warned by anonymous
letter not to sail from New York be
cause the vessel was In danger fro.n
Mibmarin'es. lie tore up the letter
and sailed with the iiner.
mr of Survivors.
QfEENSTOWN. May 8. Among the
survivors of the Lusitania who have ar-rive-i
hert are: A. T. Mathews, Mont
real; 8. Abramowlti, ' Mian Katherine
Kaye, G. U. Lane, W. O. E. Meyer, J. T.
Trlrnmlne, Mra. A. F. Wllherbee, Lady
Lackworth, Mra. Henry Ada ma, Boston;
Robert Rankin,. amucl Sharp, M. O.
Byrne, New York; Kmlly lavU. Annta
Walker. K. Housnell. A. B. Croaa, Philip
Young. Montreal; W. A. F. Vsssar. Lon
don ; George Kteele, Cyrus Croaley, Jamea
Parker, K. Colebrook, Kev. H. C. S.
Morrla, Mrs. Fish and -two children, Mis
It. MarUn, F. J. Gautlett. New York ;
Miss May Mayrwk, Violet Henderson,
Uno Marderud, Thomas D. Levin, D. A.
Thomas, Cardiff. Wales; T. J. M. Evana,
A. It. Clarke, W. O. Burgess, J. H.
Charles and daughter, Toronto; Mlas
I.oncy. New York: John Harris. Miss
Holland, Miss Josephine Brandell, New
York; F. X. Perry. O. H. Grab, Q. G.
Moxeley, New York; J. II. Brooks. New
York:- A. M. Jeffry, M. Calrna, O. it.
Hammond. New York; . A. 1 Manley, It.
Neath. MIhs North, Mlsa Winter, George
Diiguid. Daniel Moore, John W. McClon
ucll, Memphis, Tenn ! Mlas Shsrpe. Mies
Conner. H. M. Daly, Patrick Clltte, Jamea
Bohan, Toronto; Mra. Cyrua C. Koaley.
Conf tmlon on Llarr.
That there wu great confusion aboard
the Lunltanta after the steamer waa tor
pedoed la evident from the conflicting
statement of aurvlvora some of whom
state that it waa struck on the starboard
aide, while others lnalst It was upon the
port aide. Captain Turner la among those
who have landed hare.
The Dublin Tlmea states that the sur
vivor aboard the Tug Storm Cock, ail
are in a deplorable condition and that
eome of them are wounded.
Srven Handrrd Saved.
WASHINGTON, May a American Con
mil Laurlat at Qaeenstown In a message
to the State department said:
- "Total aaved of all nationalities', 700.
The following are American survivors of
the Lu si tana. Other names will follow:
"O. S. Crab, Major and Mra. Peart and
two children, Mrs. Jessie Taft Smith,
Charles C. Hard wick, Stuart D. Peart,
Ardray Pearl. Mrs. Stanley L. K. Lines,
C T. Hill, Robert Rankin, Mlas Loney,
Mra. William Doberty and Infant, Thorn aa
Phillls, William McAdama, 3. H. Hough
ton. John M. Sweeney. Ogden H. Ham
mond, J. H. Brooks, Charles T. Jeffry,
Mrs. C. " H, Land, Arthur Sheppardson,
, Dr. D. V. Moore, Clinton Bernard, Her
bert Light J. Xinnson. Jr.. Edith W1I1
iaaaa, James J. Leanr, Thomas Blldetl,
Mra. John Wol tendon. 4 Mrs. Nina Hol
land, George Klseler, Mrs. Leckhaxt.
Owen Cannon,' Durlght J. Harris. Fred S.
Judaon, Ed M. Coins, R. C. Wright, P. J.
Gauntlet, 8. N. Nox, Patrick crDonneu.
Thnnarfct Sht Safe.
LONDON, May A statement iasued
by the British admiralty says the total
number of survivors of the Lusitanla are
S58. It la believed that only a few first-
class passengers were saved, as they
thouicht the ship would remain afloat
and made little effort t escape.
Annual Banquet
Of Phi Sigma Phi
The Phi Sigma Phi fraternity of the
University of Omaha held its annual
tanquet last night at the Hotel Fonte
' utile. Stanton Salisbury, one of the
charter members of he organisation,
now a second-year atudent in th theo-
lctcal seminary at Auburn. N. Y-,
the principal speaker, talking en the
"Hlatory of the Fraternity." He waa
followed by Prof. Leland Lewis and Old
ham Paisley. Dick Rlcharda acted as
toastmaster. . The tablea werf decorated
with the school colors of scarlet and
black, Intermingled with- red and gold,
those of the fraternity. The following
were present: .
4 ft . -7 )
Lire Stock Exchange Choose Large
Delegation to Repreient It at
National Convention.
South Omnha i.lvp Mo- exchnnco ye
terflav chose a large 1el gallon to rrP-
; resent It at the anmiAl convention of
(the National Live .tock asa 'elation.
: which Is to he held at tndlanarulis on
1 1 . n , a it- - T.uff
j iinr t. Rii., . ... ... - w - t .
dent of the South Omaha evchanre Is i formed of what transplics In th loard
or. enpenrtllures while at the same time
replng up the present parka Songr
rnd Caldwell lsltd Park Commissioner
Hummel of Omaha and received assur
ance from him wlii-h permitted the
hoard to keep en a force of men now
oittlriff Rrasa and mnlntalnlng the South
l linn ha parka.
Saniter said yesterday: "You can ear
tor me that the fight haa Just bctun. a
far as I am concerned. I am on the
Ix ard In the Interests of all the people
of Houth Omaha and no rltiue or other
Interest can sway ne from dctng rlnht
IfS these ix-ople. I shall aee to It per-
isonally that the people are kepi In-'
The Omaha letter carriers have gained
quite an enviable reputation for bringing
high clan musical attractions to Omaha
ever since this, city was selected as the
meeting place for the next biennial con
vention of the National Association of
Letter Carriers which convenes here,
September 6 to 11. Inclusive.
The latest la the announcement that
they have secured "Sousa and his band"
for two Concerts. Sunday afternoon and
evening, next Sunday, May 9,. The after
noon program will be a aacred concert In
which Sousa will be heard in some choice
musical selections that have been ar
ranged for this occasion, and ahould ap
peal to all lovers of fine music. In the
evening an entirely different program
as been arranged for that will not fall
to a peal to the moat exacting.
When announcements have been made
that Sousa and hla) band will appear at a
given time, eome people say, "Will Sousa
be here in person with the band?" There
Just one answer to that question,
most emphatically yea. Stmaa la the mag
net; what would "Hamlet" be with
Hamlet" left out. In a single word,
Sousa will not' permit any affair to bear
his name unless he is there to con
duct It.
A delightful program will be presented
at the Omaha Auditorium at both matinee
and evening: performances. Including
solos by Mlaa Virginia Root, soprano, and
Miss Margel Gluck, violinist, also Her
bert L. Clarke, eornetlst.
The proceeds of this great musical treat
will be used to help defray the expenses'
of entertaining the delegates and visitors
to Omaha when the National Association
of Letter Carriers meet here In Septem
ber, and the advance sale of aeata fore-,
shadows crowded house at both concerts.
Indications point to a record attendance
at the letter carriers' convention from
letters and "press" reports. Many of
the delegates will corns In special trains,
and the local committee In charge of de
tails Incident thereto are laboring early
and late to have everything la readiness
when the appointed time arrives.
The letter carriers ar being supported
in making this series of concerts by John
Philip Sous a big success by the Com
mercial club and kindred organisations.
who will turn out en masse to help swell
the fund now being raised to demon
strata the fact that Omaha knows how
and will extend to the letter carriers and
their friends true western hospitality
during the holding of their national con
ventton In this city, ,
Ed J. Galnor, the. national president of
the National Association of Letter Car
riers, who waa In Omaha recently and
accompanied, the special train carrying
Mary Strond
Guinevere Wesley
Dorothy Wright
Ktta Bareoaton .
Marion Pearaall
Kuth Peters .
Jennie Kissinger
May Leach
Kurie Campbell
Gerald Bruce
Iceland Iewis
Kobert Hughes
Victor Jorgensen
Kmerson Goodrich
Sorln Mathiaaon
V. H. De Bolt
William Flor
Madeline Mets'
Katherine Matthles
Annetta Nourse
Hose Weinberg
Marguerite McCoy
Kuth Sundland
Kffte Clelland
Helen Johnston
F.verett Rogers
f-tan ton KalUbury
Oldham Paisley
Joe Weinberg
Mck Richards
Floyd Wooaley
Paul Selby .
Edgar Ernst
Too Few Warships
, To Guard Seaways
LONDON. May I, 1:50 A. M.-Admlral
Lord Charles Beresford, asked for sn ex
prcssloa of opinion regarding the sinking
of the Lualtania. said be thought it was
due to a shortage of cruisers to prrteot
the trade route. - This had been his tpln-
lon, he added, for years.
Earl Tlcknor and Arild Olaeaj won their
half of the dual debate between Stoux
City and Central High at the high school
sudttorium last evening on the literacy
test for immigrants. The decision was
two to one. Omaha upheld the affirma
tive. The Judges were J. B. Marshall,
principal of the Council Bluffs High
John Speedle. superintendent of schools,
u.n.on. and P. W. Evans. Bellevne coW
Andrew cott and Pol Roaenbla't who
were sent to Sioux City to uphold the
negative of the question against the team
.K.r were defeated, two to one. lie- ,
. - ,h. ,ht .and durinar the decisions ' the
,tiv ' I
some rmu" -"lumbers were given by the
i .:.'' jsf
v-- 1 . ' ' ' ..'
Kl . 'f I
- 1
i . , i
. ..I I I.., - tl,. V I
n ymTTW. i-t ,,,-(.,. in,, ... ............
association and Is likely to become presi
dent at the election In Imilanupotl. nv
way Tags will have th united aitprt
of the Nebraska delexntton with whom
he la a favorite.
The others elected yesterday are: G.
J. Ongwersen. J. It. n:lla. K. A. Rose,
W. E. Wood, W. R. Heed, B. K. Buck
ingham and E. Melady. David Rosen
atock and Jamea Root were chosen alter
nates. Mothers' Iar Celebrated,
Today waa "Mothers' Day" lor the
women of the South Omaha Baptist
church. I'nder the leadership of Mrs.
B. B. Towl, the women of the church
will sell carnatlona today to the cttlaena
Of South Omaha. The carnation head
quarters will be at the clothing store
of John Flynn and company, Twenty
fourth nd N streets.
natkas laanlry This Moralss.
An Inquest Into the death of John
Butkus. packing house laborer, who was
mysteriously shot In the Burlington rail
road yards early last Sunday morning,
will be held this morning at 10:30 o'clock
at the Larkln chapel. in me sosence
of Coroner Willis Crosby, who Is at
present in New Tfork. City. Sheriff Felix
McShane, aseisted by County Attorney
Magney, will hold the inqueaL
The funeral of Butkus was held yes
terday morning from tne home to bi.
Anthony'a church at 10 ociock. in
terment was made at. ft. Marys
Politics Gets Park. Board.
Benlaroln Sanger, member of the Tark
board of South Omaha, has won hlo fight
to have the hooka of the Park board
kiMtted. After diemlsaing a former com
mittee which reported no progress.
Sanger moved the reappointment of. an
other committee. He was named chair
man. Sanger also forced through a res
olution directing- Park Superintendent
John Llnd to remove the secretary a dean
from the private office of J. M. Tanner
to a space set aside lor it in me mice
of City Clerk Perry Wheeler, inci
dentally Member Mahonsy, now resi
dent of the board, will have the assist
ance of Tanner on the board, that gen
tleman having withdrawn hla resigna
tion, presented some days age
The board U In a w hlrl of politlea over
a proposed bona taaue or .iu,um wun
which to purchase a "park" extending
from Twentieth and N atreeta along the
river to Crest view. Some members pf
the board say that the proposition is
urged by private interests chiefly. '
P. C. Caldwell, member of the board
for years, la atandtng with Sanger In
hla fight against the reat of the hoard.
Several board members have resigned
within the laat tew yeara because of dis
satisfaction with -, conditions . on the
board. Caldwell stayed and with Sanger,
a new member, la trying to hold a check
the Omaha contingent to the, state con
vention held in Fremont, Neb., on Arbor
day, reports that In his visits through
out the United States he finds much en
thusiasm displayed 'and every city will
send large delegations, together wtth
their bands, in many Instances, and It la
confidently expected that there will be
more musicians represented In the vari
ous bands that will be congregated here
during the week than the ordinary con
vention has all told.
That many other cities are fully cog
nisant' of the Importance and sine of the
letter carriers' national convention Is ap
parent when It la learned that already
several large cities have announced their
Intention of coming to Omaha prepared
to capture the' 1917 gathering, having loat
in their efforts to have their city named
aa the convention city when Omaha won
the da7 in San Francisco at the laat
meeting, notwithstanding they expended
several thousand dollars In their efforts.
Illah riool Win., j
South Omaha High school came out vic
torious over the Plat (smooth lllnh school
at base ball yesterday afternoon down at
Plattsmoutn. The :ocal hurlera won a
11 to 0 atraliilit vh-tory. Rtigle. .the big
sophomore foot ball man, pitched a
steady gamn for the loealtt, and It was
due to hla great work Dial the team
brought home tfie Vaeon. McBrlde caught
for the locnK Next Friday afternon the
locals meet the Ashland Hlirh school at
Ashland and are confident of victory. '
Maale City Cnaalp.
The final monthly Issus of the Tboter.
the local high . school publication will
make Its appearance next Friday after
The concert given hy the Sunday seheffl
of the Interdenominational church at the
church hall last evening, was well at
Carl Morgan of Pacific Junction. Is .
visited with friends in the city yester
day. He returned laat evening to his
home town.
The Natural Seven will entertain St a
dance this evening at the Eagle hall.
At tho Moose and Redmen halls also
dances are being given by different local
"Life of Our Savior" will be ahown In
South Omaha Monday. May 10. A choir
of thirty voices. In charge of Mlsa Ihcl
creseoy. win accompany tne picture
throughout, tiesse theater.
Considerable Interest has been mani
fested by the cltlsens cf the Highland
Hill district In the open spelling bee
to be held at the social hall of the In
terdenominational church of that district.
B. E. Baker, prominent breeder and
feeder of Council Bluffs, brought. In a
fine looking conalgnment of loma spring
lambs yesterday to the local market.
The hunch sold at in.M, which la a
good price for home grown stock.
Parents and ' friends of the students
of the Eighth grade were entertained
last evening at the Jungmann school
with a radloptlcon lecture on "Know
Nebraska Better." A large number of
cltlsens of the Jungmann school district
attended. ,
Manager Atkins of the Besse theater
announces the return of the svVcn-reel
colored Pathe feature, "The Life of Our
Savior," to the Besse show house next
Monday evening. The choir of St.
Martin's church will tnk charge of the
house and the organist of the church
will give a church concert In conjunc
tion with the St. Martin's choir.
Weep Bitterly as
Hours Pass and No
Word Comes of Kin
LOMoN. May S.-The Cunard offices
lit London, which will remain open
throughout tho nli;ht were besieged hy
a crowd, lawly composed of women,
nwny'of them weeping bitterly aa the
hours , passed and no definite news was
received of those aboard the l.tisltanla.
Acotnmodntion was provided Inside the
orncea for those who had relatives or
frlemla on the steamer, while hundreds
waited outside eagerly reading the bulle.
tins which told of the boats arriving st
Klnsxle and Queenstown, hut which gave
no names and consequently did not ellsy
the anxiety. ,
The American embassy and consulate
an.t the Amerlcar. newspaper offlcea have
been flooded With telephonic Inquiries
from Americans as to the fate of th
passengers on the I.usllanla.
The embassy decided to remain open
all night so that any news that was re
ceived could be made public.
Roosevelt Thinks
: Time to Take Action
SVRACITSK. May". Theodore Roose
velt, after learning details of the sinking
of the Lnsltanla late tonight, made "this I
"This represents not merely piracy, but
plrncy on a vaster scale of .murder than
any old time pirate ever practiced. This
Is the warfare which destroyed Louvaln I
ana l'insni. and nunnreds of men, women I
and children In'Belglum. .It la warfare
against Innocent men, women and chil
dren, traveling on the ocean and to our
fellow countrywomen, who are among
the sufferers. . '
it seems inconceivable that we can
refrain from taking action in this matter,
for we owe It not only to humanity, but
to our own national self respect."
Phone to
Dresher Bros.,
and Say:
"Hello! Is this the
clothes cleaning depart
ment? Oh yes, Mr.
Dresher, I've ft bundle
of men's clothes out
hero, but I want them
repaired as well as
cleaned. You sent out
such a stunning job the
last time that I am mak
ing quite on order of it
now. Nave the work otit
soon please. That's all.
Thank you."
Wonder Working
$57,000 Plant at
2211-2213 Farnam St
FIlCRnE. S. P.. May 7. (Special. Tele.
gram) Judge Clghton Corson, tlrat pre
siding Justice of the aupreme courtr of the
state of Houth Dakota, and for many
years upon the bench, died at hla home
here thla morning from old age debility In
his elghty-aeventh year. He was born
In Maine In 17. He practiced law In
Milwaukee, went to Nevada and back to
Deadwood and was elected to the aupreme
bench of the state In 189. His body will
lie In state at the rapltol, with funeral
Sunday afternoon and will be taken to
Leavenworth, Kan., for burial.
eve Boot rlst n Now Beacon Press
Sleotrlo fans Burgeas-Oranden Co
To4aya Compute Moris rrorraaa'
classified section today, and appeara la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find ouUwkat
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Id oa Xasonlo Temple Omaha con
tractors are bidding on the Job of con
structing the Masonlo temple at Hyannls,
Neb. The structure Is to cuat in the
neighborhood of f 18,000.
To shimmer Xee Vp la Bosioess if
your otilce Is properly located, readily
found and easily aocesalble. For such
offlcea apply to the superintendent of the
Bee building, "the building that la always
new," room 101
To kaus Ope Top Cars During the
summer season the Great Northern, op
erated in conjunction with the Burlington
from Wyoming .west, ia putting on open
top passenger ears as an innovation.
These cars will be run on all trains that
pass through Glacier park in the daytime.
tart to BaeaTate Excavation srork
has started at Fifteenth and Jonea streets
for the new home of the Western News'
paper Union. Partridge & Thompson are
doing the excavation. Both the West
ern Newspaper Union and the Western
Paper company are to occupy the new
Quartere when completed.
Yew Tubercular Cows Dairy Inspec
tor Bosste reports that all dairy cows in
this district have been tested for tuber
culosla. Out of 1.600 animals tested only
4 per cent were infected, while the rec
ords a year ago showed over 5 per cent
"reacted." The law requires aa annual
inspection of all dairy cows.
sTaval CI ah Meeta William Carson,
son of W. F. Carson of Omaha, was
guest at the meeting of the Naval club
of Omaha Friday night at the court
bouse. Young Carson is serving his third
bitch in the navy and Is on the San Dtego,
which has been cruising along the coast
of China. He bad several interesting
yarns to relate to his Omaha comrades.
Take Up . Vake BoUetia Thursday
neon the Associated Retailers of Omaha
are to hold their. regular meeting at the
Commercial club rooms. The fake bulle
tin put out some months sgo by men who
represented themselves aa being dele
gated by the labor union to get it out
and who solicited advertising from
number of the business men. is to be
Vonr Jolm the Cavalry The cavalry
branch of the army was given a boost
by ths enlistment of four recruits from
Omaha recruiting station, all choos-
tnsr ths mounted service Instead of others
training and assignment to regiment.
The recruits were Wee Johnson of
Springfield. Ho.; James J. Berry of Buf
falo, N. Y.; Walter Ballard of Cobden.
111., and Samuel J. Watkina of Bourbon,
Kiss Xolbrook lectures Sunday
Miss Isabel Holbrook of Los Angeles,
Cal., will continue her Sunday evening
lectures at Theosophlcal hall, suite 101,
Bee building, her subject thla week being
"The Law of Sacrifice." This was the
lesson emphasised by the Christ and
taught by all earlier world teachers. The
subject will be presented from the di
verse, yet harmonious, triple standpoint
of science, comparative religion, and ths
symbolism of nature.
Cutter Honored
For New Hospital
A hundred Omaha physicians and sur
geona and the faculty of the Nebraska
University Medical college gathered at the
Fonteneile laat night to do honor to the
new state hospital recently provided for
by an act of the legislature and to Dr.
Irving 6. Cutter, whoae efforts were
largely instrumental In making the hos
pital possible.
Dr. William F. Wherry was toastmaster
and called upon Dean W. O. Bridges, Dr.
A. C. Stokes, Dr. Ewing Brown, Dr.
Cutter, former Regent George Copeland
and Senator J. H. Oroeamaa. for toasts.
Senator Orossman was presented with
a gold ring In appreciation of his work
for the bill, which be drew up.
In his toast Dr. Cutter was extremely
modest and begged the guests to bend
Ibelr thoughts toward the new hospital
euther than himself.
Waters Where Liner
Torpedoed Shallow
WASHINGTON', May S.-Navy depart
ment charts ahow that the waters off
Kinaale, where the Lusitanla la reported
to have aunk, , are comparatively shal
low, ranging from 130 to 200 feet In depth
at a distance of nine or ten miles front
shore. This, naval officers said tonight,
ought to make possible the recovery af
valuable property aboard the ship.
Relief from Acate RkriMtlia.
John II. Gronx, Winchester, N. H.,
writes: "I suffer from acute rheuma
tism and loan's Liniment always helps
qukklj, 2jc. All druKgikta. Advertlso-
Whafs In the Cup?
The flavour may be agreeable, but appetite isn't
the only thing to be considered.
The average, eip of coffee contains about 2Va
grains of caffeine, a jiowerful drug which is a frequent
cause of indigestion, constipation, nervousness, heart
trouble and other ills.
Some persons are strong enough to use coffee for
la time without apparent harm, but repeated doses of
its subtile, cumulative drug, caffeine, sooner or later
affects even the strong man or woman.
Ank coffee drinker will benefit from a change to
This pure 'food-drink has a snappy lang, very like
tho Old Gov't Javas, but it contains no caffeine, nor
any other harmful ingredient. t is made of selected
wheat, a little wholesome molasses and is pure, invig
orating and delicious.
And Instant Postum is so easy to make. Put a
level teaspoonful in a cup, add hot water, and sugar
and cream to taste.
The convenience of Inbtant Pontuni is seen at a glance.
8old in 30o and 50c tins. Some prefer Poatum Cereal the
original form wblcb must be well boiled, 16c and 3 6c pkgs.
Grocers eell both kinds, the flavour la equally1 delicious and tb
coat per cup la about the game.
"There's a Reason" for POSTUM
y si day
50 ft. Hose, complete with coup
lings and noisle, ape'l $1.50
kuv x sriuMOiKns
6fo Brass Ring, only' . .
60c Beat Noxzle, only . .
65c Beat Quality, only
00c Grans Hooks, only .
Regular $2.00 value, wtth goou
aawed burners, .only .S1,43
14-ln. Omaha Mower. . .$2.65
Hustler, ball bearing Mower,
only .... 34.95
fl.76 Ball Bearing, only $1.48
$3.50 Iron. 6 pounds, complete;
with 6 feet of metallic tubing,
special, only 81.08
May 14 and 15
Boy a 10c varnlhh brnnh to Juaure Chl-Xamel av
fair trial and we will give you absolutely free a
20c can of Clil-N'aniel. ' '
TWs Coupon Good Only May 14 and t3.
i: itx? 1- f
For excessive dandruff, falling of
the hair, scalp sores, eruptions, itch
ing, etc, and for renewing the growth
of the hair, use Lee 8 Tar Sulphur
It acta quick; the odor ! not unpleasant,
Aa improvement will be noticed after the very
firat shampoo.
One atas onip, 12 os enough for thm setters tat, 50a.
GEO. H. I .EE CO Laboratories, Omaha, Neb.
ia Kmrd wtm.
S. Ik
TiMnwsriswnsHMBitmsa ssosa HM ts i
Rata wmtm ar dkullwi watsr is k km Am "UtWisMSk "A mm
cjuscs. WW mS mm B das waa ssaat sajr cUaa wssat, mtti m safe.
- Business battles
easily won -
when you are prop
erly entrenched in a
No better location
can be found than the
"7A building that i$ alway nu"
We offer:
222,Cn0,ce o'f'ce Suite, north light, very desirable
for din-tors or dentiats; waiting room and
private office; 630 square feet. .. .$45.00
322 Choice office Suite, aorth light, very desirable
for doctors or dentists; waiting; room and two
private offices; 530 square feet. .. .$45.00
228 Suite of three nice rooms with north light, 870
square feet $22.50
Apply to Building Sup't.. Room 103.
' i
I ek, ware sent to Fort Iosan. Colo