Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 4-S, Image 42

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    4 S
Prediction Made Three Lightweight!
Can Defeat Ireddie, Who Does
Not Long for Combat
NEW YORK, May t, -Prepare for th
shock, mates! Freddie Welsh hu about
reached the tcthor of his championship
nvanderlngs, and If he ran only he in-diK-ed
to fight to a referee' decision any
one of three lads r have In mind, we
III pinmnlf you. dear customer, a
iw world'a lightweight champion a
champion with fighting proclivities.
"tr candidates for next lightweight
champion an Charley White, a resident
.if Chicago; "Willie Ritchie, whose habitat,
when tie li not uplifting the drammcr, la
Pan Francisco, and Joe Mandot. the New They aeem to hnrr soured more than
Orleans twker boy. j ever on the Mrrkle-Meyers-lioylc-Snod-
Hach of thin formidable . trio lias had ; grans Marquard-Murrny-McLran combl
i or more flings at the Hngltshman, j nation. Kven the wonderful Matheweon
i!Tid In the aggregate eighty rounds Welsh j cornea In for a certain share of panning.
fouKht arftiiti these three, at no one time Tin; Olnnta, aa constituted at present.
ild Freddie land a stunning blow, A 1
punch that asrd his opponent even mo-j
VV'rlsl, out-tapped Ritchie in two
l '-nly-i ound spats, one waa severejy
t mum-el by the former champion In ten
rounds: White twice iiaa outboxed Welsh
in ten-round louts, and Mandot put
up a hard ten-round tilt against the
Briton Just a year ago.
Assuredly time does not improve the
effectiveness of a boxer at the age of
which milestone In life Welsh turned
tao months ego.' White and Ritchie have
Just mH !i, v.l lie ;.!a-idit wtll M
tain that age In August of this year. 81
It Van readily be seen -that they have
many years of ' efficient ring ' scrvlcs
fihead. ...
. Veaollat loas In Unlrr,
It U now up to the managers of the
eforementloned three to start negotiations
for a d"ilve match with Freddie Welsh
a twenty-round, brush with a referee's
' verdict attached. It Is our Imllef thai
the flr-H one that can Inveigle Welsh Into
kui h an arrangement will ascend to the
lightweight throne; so It behooves the
sponsors of White, Ritchie and Mandot
ti force the Issue, and let Welsh alone
decide the lucky, adversary.
Welsh, we reiterate. Is clone as ji fighter,
lie has Seen his best days In the ring,
and tho sole reason ha has) clung: to his
title so long It' Is ten months since he
relieved Rltrhls of the diadem la be
cause of the no-dnclsinn contents prevail
ing in this country. True, declmon botiti
ms permitted In several communities, but
Welsh has engaged In only two of these
affairs stnev becoming heir to the light
weight crown; and he waa wary to
choose a "mark" each time.
Another thing which has tended to
!l:nlnlh Welsh's ring power la the fnct
Hint he irni't henceforth favor a fractured
hand. Welsh was never known as a hard
bitter, but now that hia Jb Is robbed
of Its sting It would not be surprising
to see even mediocre lightweights Wade
In and barter punches) with the champion.
Welsh shstterrd his rl'.ht hand oil the
Ivory-crusted cupolo of "Red" Watson, a
a coast lightweight, Mid Frederick la still
out of commission. It will be two weeks
more before he will be seen In action.
It only White. Rltrhle or Mandot couM
tense the themi'lim Into such a match its
mentioned in the earlier paragraph!
Kach of these three has proven his worth
In the ring, and all have earned the right
to engage Welsh In a battle with ths tltl
at stake.
1 TItIm of Criticism.
Welsh is beginning to wilt tinder the
st.sdy fire of crltlctsf directed at Mm
for h!s rtfusul to put his tltlo in the lml
Hire, and if some lightweight doesn't
knock Welsh away from bis throne soon,
there Is every Indication that there will
b another eta without a recognised
Welsh is showing: a marked aversion
for steady training, and in recent fight
has shown a tendency to let fat accumu
late In the region of the abdomen. This
Is the first sign of a ring laggard. Wolsh
has reached the stag whera even light
training Is an arduous task; and if he la
ijot esreful will outgrow .the lightweight
.Hvlslon before he can realise the sllua
lion. The lightweight champion gave the first
intimation of this state of affair when
re dlured that ha was willing to tight
P:vh7 McKarland If Patrick would con
pent to do the welterweight poundage.
If Welsh were sure he could make 133
pound' ringside,' he would insist on that
limit. Cut the fact that he la ready to
fight lit the next dlvtton Indicates that
Wi-lsh would have difficulty in coming
clown to the accepted lightweight
TVlMarrt Htlll Passive.
Jess WUUrd Is still passive, so far as
Tin work is concerned. The only tlmo
the new heavyweight champion has
donned the pfiddcd gloves slnco his tri
umph over Jnck Johnson has bean dur
- ing stage exhibition. Willard has earned
a long rest, and w may expert an an
nouncement shortly as regards his return
to the ring. Wlllanl Is not naturally an
dier. and since wlnnlna? the clmmploiv-
ililp he ha expressed a desire to fight
nru-n. so as toy-prove iiimsoir t wormy 1
champ'on. WUUrd will tu.t hi wlh as
"KM 4 bis theatrical ohliita't'oiis expire-
Prcparo for Tentu?
on Strehlow Courts
"The twti tennis courts at the Ptrehlow
TVirace spartments are being repaired by
It C. Strehlow. who heads the tennlr
luh M the apartments, so that In a short
Date the members of the club may soon
start fiiclr Idayin- neuson. The Btrehlow
- hili intends to sla;:a some match game
with other tennis clubs of Omaha this
it .limner snd they Intend that their two
1 ourts shall bo among the licit In the
At s meeting of the New Fnglund Base
1 ail league latt week. In Huston, four
"'nitres and a supervisor of staff were
chosen, rred Lake waa appointed to au-
iervh the staff. wlilh will be composed
of Hsrry Aubrey, formerly of tTe lw
leac team; Kitty Braniifleld of Worces
ter, who fir several years played with
the Pirates and. Phillies; Tom McOauley
of Worcester and Bob Keeler of Lowell.
It will be Supervisor Lake's duly to travel
f mm city to city on the circuit and watch
the work of tlta officials.
The Omaha tax ball club U1 return
tn Omaha Touraday to play sixteen
!-''m;nt g)iK at home. Ds Moines,
Wichita. T.ycka and Denver will be
t attlid in the lor.g series tin the home
l"L Tcclsy the Kouikes start a four
4ino iic at De Uulova.
Demand Scalps of Some of Former
Stan. Whom They Say Are j
Going Back.
NEW TORK. May S.-Thoeeven
straight defeats recently suffered by the
Giant have (-hanged the sentiment of
the Gotham fana. Aft r tlio ("hints
speared the firet two gamea, the town be
came absolutely ronfldent thnt the Glunta
would be the people this year that they
! would sweep everything: before, them on
I the triumphal march toward the pin
I riant goal. Hut It's different now.
i The fane are howling for Mraw to
' v.'t-eck the old Ulunt machine and to
build a new one and to bu'ld in n hurry.
arc through. In the opinion of the change
able New York fan. The only hope the
(Msnts have of winning a pennant for
the next few years, in the opinion of the
skeptics. Is for McOraw to bu'ld anew.
Hut McfJraw won't build anew for two
masons. The first Is that he thinks
the present machine Is good enough to
stand up under the battering of his fo
In the Nstlonal league. In the second
place .McUraw couldn't build anew wlth
1 ut 1 terrific financial sacrifice.
Imaelnd t onlmets.
The majority of the Dlant regular were
signed tip In the winter of IBM to three-
yenr Inmclan contract at some of tho
fanciest figures ever. paid to ball play
ers. That was done to balk the Kcds
In their effofta to snare the Olant star.
Kven If McOraw wanted to rkl himself
of some of his regulars he would have
a hsrd Job. because none of the other
clubs would want to take unto them
selves a flock of ball players whose star
ia frilling, but whose salary reaches top
notch figure.
A has been the cry In the spring
time of nearly every year since he made
his famous "bone" play, the fana are
howling for tho removal of Fred Merkle.
The first sackrr la Just about as popular
In certain sections of thnee parte as would
be the mumps In a girls' boarding school.
Hut Merkle's contract doesn't expire until
the etKl of the 11116 season.
Matty atandby tor Years. .
Uathewsoit, the most Idolised man tha
ever played base .hall, the hero of mora
than 00 diamond duels, the Olant
standby for more than a dozen yoars,
is being mentioned these daya as among
those not wanted by the gang of disap
pointed fans. Matty waa batted from
Ihe box tn hi first time out, and waa
beaten badly in hi second start by
tho Dodgers. That was tho last atraw-
to be beaten by the over-the-rlvcr rival
The fact that Matty' arm has not been
right so far and that ha has pitched only
pniet ooesn t softlm the erttl.
clem directed at him. and the cry la out:
net some young blood
Chief Meyer, the veteran catcher, la
another whose scalp la desired by the dle
sruntled fans. Tha Indian hasn't bee
totting a hit every time hq steps to the
bat and he hasn't thrown out averr man
who attempted to steal. 80 he must go.
In the opinion of the fana. But Meyer'
to the Oianta by a double
riveted contract that continue la forca
until after the line seaaon.
v Get Flying Start.
Utrry Doyle, captain of the team, and
on of It heroes In the day gone by,
treated himself to a flying start by mak
Ing fiv hits, but since has been hlttin
only at an ordinary clip. Doyle Is a
good fiolder. a conscientious worker and
a nature! slugger, but that doe count
In hia favor now. He' in bad with the
fana because he hasn't busted down Ui
fence with long bit.
Bnodgrnsg Isn't popular. But Knod grass
never was very popular. H.'s fielding
well but he isn't hitting. "Rau mlt him"
1 the rry, but McOraw won t do any
raus-lng because he's rather shy on good
outfielders and necNls 8nodgrasa right
now. hitting or hit-lea And Rnodgrasa,
by the way, is said to be another of the,
three-year contract gent.
ritelira No.MH tiaute.
Marnuard became a popular hero when
ho pitched that no-run no-hit game, but
slloped back to the common herd when
Hrooklyn wnllopcd him In his next start
tnose wno shouted his rrnlse loudent
after his no-hlt achievement ahlfted
sentiment quickly when he was battod
around the lot on his suconj tart. Those
who aatd thst the no-hlt game showed
Rube was back among the people this
year changed their view and called hia
accomplishment a fluka after he lost In
hi second time out.
Some othera of MeO raw's crew are
being panned. Moat of those are the oldor
playera. The cry in New York 1 for
new faces-and real ball playera a
owner of those faces. The fact that
McOraw combed the bushes last summer
and failed to find a real star among more
than thirty kids doesn't satisfy the howl.
They want McOraw to put a new team
I n ,(,e f(,.j
They don't care where he
gets them, or how he get them. They
went It. And they insist they won't be
Hut they will be denled-at least until
the 1911 negson has slipped along Into
Bill Clark Frames
New Golfing Event
BUI Clark, professional at the Field
club, has framed a novel event for the
golfing season which he says will prove
popular with the golfers. Bill' latest
stunt is a team affair, arranged tn a card
Indeg system. There will be three flights
with the first ten men to be kept at the
top of the list. The first ten will be
open to challenge by those under tea
and th winner of the match will win la
money according to th number of hole
be beat hi competitor.
1 lay M-noonover, former Rourk and
late of the Grand Island club of the N
cra.xa mate leaguaf has been trans
ient 10 ire Haclna (Wli.) dub. Bchooa
over waa quit a hitter, but a aolld rock
sou comuq 1 siano. me pare la the
V estern.
The New York mate league clubs will
have two days during the season decig-
natsj as "Oilldrvn's Day." The kids
a 111 be admitted free en these day an4
probably supjiltod with the festive peanut
to increase their loyelt) to th hum
sw m , .-v i. ' i m
Two bright, scintillating stars of the
Pennsylvania relay ' at Philadelphia
were Phillip and Forguson. ,
J. U Phillip cams out of the west.
from the University of -Idaho, and he
took the measure of the easterners In
the Javelin throw, winning easily and In
The Hypodermic Needle,
:ir r. 1.
A, I.A UERMAlir,
They have heard the call fj battle,
A a tattllss th pwer' a moke
more cam kaoeker yrattle
That ar Roarkeleta are a Jake.
They're set the last of victory,
The fames and the battle's l
They're taklaa; oa all earners,
Aa they're eat (hat tin t wta.
Omaha's Idea of basa ball peace la to
win the Western leagu pennant
Hersog and Rlgler were each fined flva
buck for fighting. If some of our choice
crop of lightweight were yanked Into
court on the same charge, it a plpa bet
they would be acquitted.
Forever and anon It baa , been custom
to let the dead lie In peace, but for soma
reason or other we cannot help but won
der what ha become of Judge Lend!'
base ball decision. . '
With the new fuss started nicely by
Johnson, Tener, Oil more et al. interest 1
quite revived In the old legal league: , .
Oh, ye, and what hsa become of John
eon' weekly statement that the; Fed
busted up on the Fourth of July?..
Tip to th weather gink: We've been
flirting with pneumonia germ Just about
long enough.
A irot'wb, old and rt$ptcted, $ay$
"Thrt'$ nothinq nets vndr A gun,"
Bvt giv it a lok at (As sfaitfiiivys,
A nd tee for y our $clf then', onr.
Mr. Ksuff Is not allowed to play with
the Otants, aays the well known National
coromlsh, because in the past, "he has
not respected 4j contractual obligation,
and therefore, in our Judgment. I nut
desirable person te be Identified with
the great national game." W can now
expect to learn that Messrs. Richard' W.
iMerquard. William Dayton Ferritt, Wal
ter Perry Johnson. James P. Austin.
Sandlot Games to
Bb Played Today
ladiMdeat Gaaaea.
fitors vs. South Omaha Wonders. Rourka
park, I p. ru.
Mara and htnpe at Plattsmouth, Neb.
McUraw Klectrics at Papilliun. Neb.
Ducky Holmes vs. Kehout Colts. 3th
nd Dorcsa, 3 p. ra
Joe Smiths vs. Rocky Mountain Indian.
Athletic park, Council Bluffs, 1 p. in.
oater trssse.
Thnrprtana. T S0 p.
Preds va. Thnrivrtana. 1:30 d. nt.. Fonta-
nella park, west diamond
0. A. Nelsons va Williams Pharmacy.
1:30 p. in., Klvervlew park.
Tradesmen vs. Auto Kuw. 3. 3D n. m..
Thlrty-tlrst and Hoyd.
Merchants Hotel vs. J. IX Crewa, . 1:30
P. m., MUler park.
later-Ctty !(.
TrimWo Brother va Vinton Cubs, 1:30
p. m., Kim wood park, north diamond.
bouib umana Alma-ens vs. uenuemaa
Athletics, H p. m., Lakeside.
dprliig Ik Parks vs. Hrawn Park
Junior, 3 JU p. m.. IVntaneUe park, west
Mttitul Lraaae.
Fontenelles vs. Browning-Kings 1.30 p.
n.. rontenviie para. eM oianiona.
MccvutHen lists va Krcjueks, J: p.
ra., i.ivrviw para.
City Ixrasae.
M'alter 41. llrk va. Nebraska Auto
Scho. I. I p. in.. lakeside.
Phillips and Ferguson,- Two Stars
cidentally shattering the old college
mark held 'by Mike Dorlzas and setting
the new record of 171 feet 4 Inches. It
was ' not until hi last fling with the
classic spear that Phillip let go, and
then he outdistanced all competitor by
many feet
William KUllfer, Ivy Wlngo and others.
will be placed on th Ineligibility list
fure, and w have a hunch that gang
are worrying a lot too. j
It's a great
thing, consistency, says
Jawn MoQraw.
If Ban Johnson's , peace chatter cuts
no more ice than did his war talk, we
can see where a lot will be accom
Th bo 14 ball tear no longer,
$ a buttlt in the court,
Where lawytrt put th lie and mwf
With pertonal retorts. ,
Th Judge is knocked out Of hi job,
Aiontj uath legal tuit,
For nets the umpe and athleU,
Butt each tnher n the tnoot.'
Ther la no question but what a peace
movement .was fully launched. C; Webb
Murphy has blocked the said movement
Oh, well, thing might go on th's'way
for weeks and weeks and then suddenly
get worse.
Marty Krug says he has a swell recipe
for copping a pennant Said reelp ' Is
In nine gamea out of ten.
The only trouble Is,
Tom Blodgett
ther Is on'.y one
Pat Ragon Is sore. He says his release
to the Braves came one year too late.
Jess Willard and his vaudeville
Hav gone upon the Mink;
The "one-born-every-mtnute"
Failed to furnish eat and drink.
Tom Jonea Is groggy, surely,
For his nu-al ticket Is done.
And Tom and .lees are full of grief '
. Each day'a a rainy one.
So If they make that million
That Thomas talked about.
They've got to do it different, '
And not knock the public out, .
For the public won't be knocked
In this day of bright twilight.
And we have a hunch that Willard
win pave to book a fight.
. nv. Fort Omaha.
Murphy Did lis vs. Mar das. 1:30 p. m
y k park.
licauon Press va llntlva ! HI
p. ' m.,
Elniayod psrk( west dtamoad.
Greater Oaaaha Leasrae.
Luxus vs. Townsenda 3:30 n. m. Luiui
thrta Iycka vs. Alamltoa, S:30 p. tn..
yck park.
tilac'k Kats vs. A. O. V W.a. a 30 n in
Fort Omihs.
Amerlraa Leaajae.
Ford Motor Co. vs. Neurs Oil Co.. 1:30
p. m , tlmwomj ai k, west lil.'iniond.
omana Ituiiiier 1:11. : houth umaha
Merchants. : p. n.., Miller par.
wet i.ea ven worth Merchants vs. Ken
nedy and heeelins, 3:30 p. in.. Thirty
aeoond and iHrwey avenue.
Iin4ee Wix.ien .tlls vs. Mandy Lees,
1:A p. pl. Thlrty-aevond and Dwy ave
nue, i
keathern Leagst.
Grand Views va. O. II. ki 'l ll n m .
Fnnteiiell park, cant diamond.
Itivereiilrs va. Jamea Cvrr Mectrlra, l:3B
p. hi., fc-lmwood para, eautt diamond.
Oinaha Pruiung Co. va rlt. Francis
Ctuh. iXp, ni.. Elm wood park, caat dia
mond Nationals vs. Southeast Improvemont
Club, 3. SO p. m., Llmwood park, north dia
Merroatll Leaarae.
Hadeit Pros. vs. Thomas Kllpatrlck
Co.. lu a. in., Chris Lyck perk.
Htrf s-Nsh va liupmolnle, 10 a. m..
Fort .inmha.
lr mi ieia vs. I'rexels, 10 a. in.. River
view vik.
at Relays
Ferguson of University of Pennsyl
vania won the 440-yard low hurdle event
in exactly fifty-five seconds, which Is
only two-fifths of a second behind the
mark set by Harry Hlllman In 1?12. He
ran over two-feet-aU-tnch timbers
against one of the beat field pf hurdler
ever In one race.
Miller Park Golf
Club is to Start the
Season on Saturday
Thsaason of 1915 will be Inaugurated
by members of the Miller Park Golf club
Saturday with elaborate ceremonies
planned for this gala day. . Both the
mayor and the park commissioner will
be on hand and several special contests
for both men and women have been ar
ranged. The green on the Miller park
course have been newly piped and the
abundance of water ha freshened them
considerably, adding much to th fast
net of the play on th municipal links.
To Hold Iowa Tennis
Tourney at Bluffs
unc more the tennis association of
southwestern Iowa will hold Its' annual
tennis tournament on th courts of the
Council Bluffs Rowing; association. Ths
event this year will occur in August
The association is spending" about 22,000
on the court this year and expects to
hav a set of the best clay courts In the
middle west
The golf course at th Council Bluffs
club has also been considerably. Improved.
Now haiarda have been nut in and the
permanent greens will be in so roe time
this week.
The formal opening of th club will be
on May 23.
Western League
Clah Battlaar.
.W. L. A.B.
7 8 SW
T 8 S
2 8 SiW
Des Moines.
Lincoln ....
Topeka ....
Wichita ....
St. Joseph..
Sioux City..
h: Pet
7 2 3-1!
I i
S 2
4 Ml
2 J77
Clah Fleldlag.
PO. A.
Unco In
Des Molnea.,
27S 137
, x.:
Wichita ....
. Topcka
' 1.U
Sioux City..
St. Joseph..
ladlvldaai Battta.
Player. O. AB. R. H. 8.B. Pet.
P'piihr, Denver 24
Krueger, Omaha. ...10 33
Griffith. Wichita.... 2&
Wclnt TeT..lncoln.. . 33
Jones. Des Moines.. 13 44
A It man, Lincoln 6 13
Phelps, S'loux City.. 16 33
Ilritton. Ut. 'Joseph. 10 41
Hartford. Des M....1J ,44
H. Schreiber. I.ln...U 4t
Wllltams. Lincoln. ..V r
Jsckson, Tofeka(....l 31
Monroe, Toprka 8 31
Foisytlie, Omaha ... ( 2
fheehan. Sioux Clty.l! 42
II Patterson. Bt. J.l SS
Rapp. Wichita 10 3t
Warv. Wichita 10 i
Kpi-nitr, Denver SS
Roche. Topeka 10 art
I .am more l'ooeka..lO S3
6 12 6 1 .500
1 15 t .
2 11 6 6 .440
13 6 6
13 18 6 I .Svl
1 6 1 1 .3SS
5 8 1 6 .3m
T 14 6 3 .341
13 15 1 3 .841
! 13 0 2 .ii
I 1! M .3.4
4 10 3 6 .!T '1
4 10 6 6 .323
19 6! .3'.'l
7 It 6 1 .:h
4 11 6 S .
3 11 8 S
4 11 4 T
6 11 1 .3X
7 116 4 .306
4 10 I 6
4 12 1 3 .300
4 11 1 4 .-N7
7 11 1 2 .2x1
6 10 6 ! .'. s
6 16 6 ,'H6
11 6 6 f-3
7 10 1 8 .21
s 1: 1 4 .n
6 13 8 6 .;:o
4 16 8 8 .f7
t II I I ,W
4 6 6 .25
8 I 1 I .M
4 8 1 t .-3
8 11 3 4 .i--
4 16 1 6
1 4 6 6 .71
1 1 6 6 .?M1
t 4 1 1 t-l
5 8 6 1 ."-
7 11 1 t .244
Watson. St. Jcsph..lo 40
Tldenian, Wichita. .10 87
Freen. Omaha 38
.Henry. Wichita.
..10 25
Baker. St. JoHeph K 7
Kane. Hloux 'Hy 12 S
Krug. Omaha 1o Sai
Hshn. Ilea Moines. .11 44
M.- jaffinaa, Lin ...11 41
(1. Cochran, Toeka.l6 37
Thomason, Omala..lO 41
'lalloway Denver... 9 34
Cnffvyy- Denver 6 19
Miynr, Topeka 6 19
Bills. Des Moines... 13 43
Cooney, Sioux City. .11 40
M jre. Lincoln 5 16
kichards. S. C 8
pKy0!Uha 6 16
Matt as. lenver..'6 32
Hsnsllng. S. C L) 4
1 towns". Wichita
J. flarke. F. C...
I Kellf her, Ienver
f no n .r
49 v) 1 .r
as ( s 4 1
n 7 4 1 2i
37 4 t I -21A
X7 4 i S 2 .21
42 0 1 .214
1 .21
M 4 7 6 1 .112
in t 7 1 0 .:i3
24 S I S 1 .2"S
SS t 7 0 .n
2i 1 4 0 0 .2"0
.V. 2 7 I 0 .SO
41 4 I ) ! .1'.5
M 4 I .194
20 1 8 0 0 .11?
47 6 4 m
S 1 U I .171
4X S J 4 .Ti7
W 4 1 2 .17
27 t 2 1 .1?
42 2 0 0 .M.t
S5 8 12 .1:9
Tl S 2 12 .134
27 4 3 1 0 .111
0 110 0 .111
10 0 V 0 .1"0
21 1 2 10 '5
U 2 $ 1 0 ."l
22 B 2 2 0 .WI
1 A 1-4 0
7 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 .f
0 0 1 0 .000
lluelman. Omahi
halen. Omaha 10
Fox. BL -iloseph 10
Wolfe, Lincoln.., ...11
Hreen. Tes Moines.. 8
H hliebner. Omha..l0
V'llliama, St Joseph. 10
Iell, Iienver 2
Krueger. Lincoln 11
i Wlthrow. ft. Joseph.
i llltter, Wichita. .....10
f'sllshsn. 8. V. 12
'.Mit;ormics.. t'.... s
W. Pstterson. ft. J.
Tannehlll. lies M....12
! f'lfh r. Denver
j Pawyer, I'es Moines. 12
; Rnrps. Topeka 1
TBlilon. T,.ck.i
O Iiv. St. Joseph. ..10
; Hunter. De Motnes.lrt
! W'hwllng. Dnvcr.. S
Smith. Omaha
Vance, St. Joseph... S
Olson, St. Joseph....
"rifO. Sioux City.... 8
I'rshani. Wichita. ..10
P'erbsuer, Lincoln.. 9
McAllister. Lincoln.. 7
Urcgory, Is Molne S
White, Sioux City.. 5
Gelrt, Wichita 5
Pitching; Records.
Player. O
riodBclt. Omaha. 4
Orover. Topeka...3
llallman. ts. C 4
Kelly, Sioux City. 4
Mitchell, Denver. .2
Mosrldge, I. M...2
Wi Idman, Top.... 2
Narveson, Lin 5
hulllvan, Wichita. 3
Musser. D. M 3
Harrington, lien.. 2
linn. Topeka 1
Thomas, U. M....S
(laeklll. Lenver...4
F. Johnson. Om...4
Vance, 8t. Joseph.3
H. Cochran. Wlch.3 w. I. Pot.
k'4 8 1 1H 3 . l.oa)
20 15 7 17 3 . 1.0HO
25 21 9 7 2 . 1.001
H 18 8 14 2 . l.Ono
IS 7 3. l.tW
18 13 10. J . lOO 1
18 l.i .11 13 2 .1 0 O j
21 Z2 7 10 1 . 10i0
11 jo 1 . i .od 'i
IS 17 11 11 I . I.'" I
17 14 11 11 1 . !.
M 3 4 1 . 1.0 10
32 23 11 I I 1 .7Si
22 22 12 2 1 Ml
18 9 11 2 1 .67
19 li 9 15 2 1 .W.7
IS 10 7 13 2 1 ..6!7
23 15 11 12 1 1 .oOl
18 14 5 13 1 1 ..VK1
17 9 4 1 1 .500,
13 14 2 1 I .6X
12 17 4 5 1 1 Ji"0
11 18 2 2 1 1 ''.WW
10 19 1 S 1 1 .500
23 24 8 14 1 2 .X
29 84 16 11 1 3 .20
22 24 9 7 . 4 .000 1
f.2 87 7 4 .2 .00
14 18 3.3 .(
17 15 10 . 2 .CO
15 20 5 10 . 2 .0 0
3 4 2 1 . 2 .10.1
13 13 S 4 . 1 .000
15 19 10.. 1 .00)
12 13 3 4 . 1 .00
8 17 4 8 . 1. .OW
4 3 . 1 .000
12 8 4 . 1 .0710
9 6 2 . 1 .J00
4 3 4 ... .000
i Brown. St. Joseph. 4
hJ)ashner, Topeka..1
IWilils, Omaha 2
iPcott, WlchlU 3
jH. Brhrelber. Lin.. 3
Lakaff, St. Jos... .2
Crnhb, Omaha 3
lOelst. Wlchits 4
! Gregory, Oea M...
1 W hite. SlouxX'ity.4
'VThman, Uncoln...4
v"nker, St. Joseph. 4
C ispar. Sioux Clty.2
lawson, Lincoln..!!
Mason. Lincoln.. .2
Ooshorn, Denver.. 4
Turner, 8t. Jos. ...3
iXelson, Topcka...3
Clark. Floux City. 2
St vies. ToDeka 2
'Houthern. Wtch....3
Wooiiburn. B. C...4
Aldrldge, Denver..!
American League
Clab Batting;.
W. L. AB.
H. Prt.
Detroit J5 8 TA
176 .2n2
Philadrrphla ..X.... 6 11 546
Chicago 11 9 20
Cleveland 10 612
New York 10 6 473
Boston 7 6 421
Washington 8 8 476
St Lout 5 16 629
to 13d
Clab Pleiaiaar.
Club. PO. A. E. Pet
Washington 421 218 17 .974
Ietrolt 64 8t 29 .9ti9
Chicago 63 250 27 .967
New York 304 lafc 23 .962
Cleveland .....4sg 254 33 .957
Boston 33 18 20 .951
St. Louis 630 293 47 .946
Philadelphia 437 213 41 .941
Indlvldaal Battla.
' Player. O. AB. R, 11. SB. Pet
Daly. Chicago 6 429 .600
Founder. Chicago... 16 42 10 20 8 .476
Cicotto, Chicago 1 1 4 0 .444
Lapp. Phlla, 7 16 7 6 .437
Cobb, Detroit 21 68 24 28 .394
Mclnnls, Phlla. .17 65 4 24 0 .270
Russell, Chicago I U 1 i 0 .364
Strunk, Phlla 17 1 I il 1 .856
Veach. Detroit 21 90 13 28 6 .360
Turner. Cleveland... 7 23 4 8 2 .848
Crawford. Detroit.. .21 81 10 28 3 .346
Kavanatth, Detroit.. 21 74 U 25 S .331
Jackson. Cleveland. .19 69 12 23 .834
Faber, Chicag-o 6 16 4 0 .333
Thompson. Phlla. .... 6 9 0 3 0 .338
S chang, Phlla. t 12 1 4 6 .233
Oraney, Cleveland.. .19 66 I 21 I .318
Schalk. Chicago 20 67 8 18 .312
Williams, Wash 10 22 6 10 1 .863
Oldrlng. Phila 14 62 16 6 .
Hartsell. N. Y 11 89 6 11 .308
O. Foster. Boston... I 10 1 8 6 .0
Lewis, Boston 14 60 15 4 .800
Pitch la a; Records.
Pitcher. g. tp. hb. bb. so. W.-l. Pet
Dausa, Detroit 7 42 84 13 13 6 0 1.000
Boland, Detroit.. .6 39 21 10 4 0 l.OuO
FUher, N. Y 4 36 . 27 13 U 4 0 l.OuO
Caldwell. N. Y....3 27 24 16 11 S 6 1.000
Bens. Chicago t 19 11 1 1 2 6 1.000
Ruth Boston ( 14 10 7 6 10 l.OUO
Shaw. Wash, 3 11 7 11 6 1 61.000
Mays. Boston S 19 I 1 1 1 61.000
Co mti lock. Boston I 9 16 2 116 l.OuO
Jones, Cleveland..! 6 7 7 4 1 6 1.000
Boehler. Detroit...! 1 0 2 0 1 61.009
Faber, Chicago.. ..8 46 38 23 ,29 i 1 .Ki!
Morton. Chicago.. 39 29 15 22 4 1 .900
Pennock, Phila.. ..4 S3 20 18 IS 3 1 .750
Foster, Boston.... 4 29 23 3 6 2 1 .6t7
McHale, N. Y 8 26 28 8 2 1 .667
Gallia. Wash 1 23 21 6 10 2 1 .667
Dubuc, Detroit.... 6 46 37- 6 17 3 3 .600
Johnson, Wash.. ..6 43 22 7 21 3 ! .
Russell, Chicago. 36,29 10 29 3 3 .600
Laudermllk, St L.8 65 83 84 32 3 3 .6u0
Coveleskle. Dec.... 6 S3 29 11 16 8 3 .500
Shore, Boston 6 22 84 13 I 1 .500
Keating. N. Y 2 IS 7 10 6 1 1 .600
Wolfgang, Chi 4 13 10 4 1 1 .500
Boehling, Wash... 6 43 36 23 19 1 8 .400
Mitchell, CVeve,... 28 24 16 20 3 3400
Coumbe. Cleve....7 24 28 8 11 1 3 .333
Wellman, St. L...4 44 62 15 1 8 .260
Steen, Cleveland. 7 30 34 8 13 1 3- .200
Shawkey. Phila... 6 36 17 11 17 1 3 .260
Wyckpff, Phlla.... 38 31 29 18 1 4 .200
Jamea, St. L 6 31 28 28 10 0 4 .000
Clcotte, Chicago... 29 88 10 8 6 8 .000
B'mgaidner. St. L.S 21 22 8 6 6 2 .000
R. Collins, Boston. 19 16 6 8 0 8 .000
Warhop. N. Y....8 1 23 7 0 2 .00
Bressler. Phila.... 6 26 22 28 6 1 .0"
H&Bermao, C'lev..6 16 24 13 6 0 1 .00
Kevnolds. Detroit.4 11 17 6 3 0 1 .000
Scott. Chlcaa-o 1 17 13 11 12 0 1 .
Ay ers, Wash 8 16 13 4 4 6 1 .00)
Jasper. Chicago,.. 3 16 8 6 14 0 1 .0u0
Cavet, Detroit 3 13 12 3 8 0 1 MO
brown. N. Y ! 10 10 12 6 6 1 .000
Berryman. St L..S 8 13 1 2 1 .00
Davles, Phila 8 7 8 2 6 1 .0U0
Buah. Phlla 3 7 10 13 8 6 1 .0U0
Leonard. Boston.. 3 7 8 1 1 6 1 .000
Hamilton, St L...2 1 6 1 .000
Hoch, St. 1 3 I i 4 6 6 1 .000
Harper, Wash....l 3 6 3 1 6 1 .000
National League
. Averages
Clah Rett far.
Philadelphia ..
tit. Louis
New York
Brooklyn ......
Pittsburgh ....
W. L. AR.
... 9 620
... 9 7 fcS
. 11 I 634
... 12 621
... 16 16 5H6
s 10 m
... 7 u an
... 11 536
H. Prt
174 .2R1
Clab Field
Club. PO. A. E. Pet.
Boston 17 21 .971
St. lxuls 6ti3 2 .22 .971
Pittsburgh 4U7 233 a .970
Chicago 609 248 Ot .9UT
Cincinnati 628 348 31 .963
4602 South Tenth Street,
Omaha, Neb.
I heard you got two of
all right, I have some more that you won't get.
Brooklyn 3
Philadelphia 222
New York 1M
ladlvldaal Bnttlasr.
Plsytr. O. AR
Oroh. Cincinnati 2 7
Sihang. ilttsburgh.. 10 21
R. H. SB. Tct
10 21 .41"
.31 S
i .3W
Von Koinltx. .in....
'onnolly, Boston.... m
I.uderus. I'hlla 1 e2
Iole, New York.... 15 tM
Good. Chicago V
J tmlth, Boston.... 1 1
Klllifer. Phila 16 li
I'lHrke. Cincinnati... 14 32
Whltted, Phi!a 16 i
.-nlcr. ChlCBK-11.. 1? 71
OleniL Ht. liouie 5 15
William". Chicago... 19 K!
J. Meers, N. Y 15 4H
Merkl-, New York.. 12 30
Long. ft. Louis 19 Hi
Fisher. Chicago 9 71
Wlngo, Cincinnati... 11 25
Pnyder, St. Loul.... W 47
Zimmerman. Brook. 10 22
Iotert. New Y'ork... 15 tin
tchmidt. Biujton lt 63
Besc-her, St. Ixiuls... 14 4S
Ieach, Cincinnati 20 61
Ntehoff, Phlla 12 ti
Huggins, Pt. Louis., in NI
Klllifer. . Cincinnati.. 20 70
Pit eh lea Records.
L Pet
. l.w
. l.ono
. 1.000
. l.OOu
. I.flon
. l.t
. L0"0
Pitcher. g. IP- ht. tin. so.
Pierce. Chicago.. 4 12
Schneider, Cin... 23
Meadows, ft. U 20
Standritlge,- Chi.. 33
itagnn. Brook.... 5 19
Stroud. N. Y 3 16
Hitter. N. 1 4 10
James, Bofton.... 3 14
Coombs, Brook... 8 13
Ja vender, Chi.... 1 9
Alexander, Phila. C6
Zabel, Chlcago... 6 43
Hughes, Boston.. 4 32
Mayer. I'hlla 4 30
Vaughn. Chicago 8 44
Dale, Cln 23
Chalmers, Phlla.. 3 27
Tesreau, NV Y.... 3 26
Mamaux, Pitts... 6 15
Crutcher, Boston 3 15
Dell. Brooklyn... 6 39
Benton, Cln 8 32
Doale St. Louis.. 8 3X
Penfue. St. Louis 4 32
tJrtner, St. Louis. 6 2S
Harmon. Pitts.... 4 27
McQuillan, Tltts. 54
Lear, Cincinnati.. 6 18
Nelhaua. t. L.... 6 18
Strand, Boston... 4 19 21
Rlxey, Phlla 2 18 19
8., Smith, Brook.. 17 18
Iiemnree Phlla... 2 1H In
Rudolph, Boston. 6 43 35 ylO IS
Ames, Cincinnati. 7 21 2
IDouglass, Cln.... 6 27 23 11
Adams. Pitts 4 26 20 7
Appleton, Brook. 6 19 17 10
Mriuard. N. Y., 3 23 21 8
Salloe,- St. Louis. B 25 26 ,3
Cooper. Pitts 6 3 24 10
Altchlson, Brook. 5 SO 19 2
ITheney, Chicago. 6 17 25
Mathewson, N. Y. 3 18 18 4
Perritt N. T 2 18 16 10
Ruckcr, Brook... i 16 22 7
C. Brown, Cin ... 4 22 22 4
Kantlehener, Pit 4 17 17 10
Kchauer. N. Y.... 2 10 14 1
Hess. Boston 2 8 13 4
Pfeffer, Brook... 2 4 2
BaerwalA Is Releasee!.
"Rudy" Baerwald, outfielder, slaned
last fall by Henry Berry for th Seals,
has been given his unconditional release.
Pre Score Card.
President Lloyd Rlckart of th Bt I-ouis
club has introduced free soor cards at
the Federal league, park.
1 1
Jewell to RoekforeL
Benny Jewell has signed with the
Rockford club and has been ordered to
report at once. . '
All Germs Ordered: ,
To Beat it! Git!
Searching Influence of a
Remedy That Works
" 1 '' mm 11 11 ni 11. 11 is
, The Introduction of B. 8. 8. Is at one
a command, to blood Impurities to find
a way out
. And what ara blood Impurities? They
may be the hypersecretions found In th
mucous lining of the body; they may
be acid accumulations known as rheu
matism; they may be bolls, pimples, ec
sema, acne and stubborn. Indolent sores.'
But examined closely, they are all
germs that hav gotten the upper hand
and It requires th flushing Influence of
8. a a to drive them out And out they
go when a & a begins to circulate In
th blood. It only requires five minutes
to begin thts Influence, for It Is a fact
that In this limited time a a a may be
traced In th nrlne, in the perspiration.
In the effloresenc from th lungs to
show that It Is at work. Germs, mind
you, are of various kinds, but all are
foreign to health and a a a Is no re
specter of destructive sjsrms, it drives
them all out of whatsoever name they
go by. Just get a bottle of 6. a a of
any druggist and soon you will observe
a decided change. And If yours Is a
stubborn case, writ to the Medical Ad-
viser, car of Th Swift Specific Co., 107
Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. He Is a regular
physician, proud of h(a nam by virtue of
hia distinguished family and Is recog
nised as a foremost physician on his
own merit .
Bottled in Bond
M l." -
ft -.
V 7 -v
Express lrpia
t Fimi'y licuor Better
1 11 S-Jili Dougiaa St.
iiina ir"" Omaha Nab.
my friends yesterday. That's
Bruwa Park vs. nickel 1ctrolaa 13)