Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 41

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    Bringing Up Father
Co; right. 11'. International
News Service.
oh: ive BeerH in
UY AN' Hb bancs'
"v,'tO OIN AN"
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"ion ivj xv-tAC
7 ) S C
-j vtTAitsLX c r i M
.915. . 3-S;
Drawn for The Bee by .George McManus
,wv,n ' 'M-K, AND TALK
PKtTTX thin;v
BAN JOHNSON burst Into the game
lor a few momenta during the
week, traveling about the same
orbit as that described by Ben
nle Kauff, and finishing about
the Mine. It may be that Han wa oa
the level In his first Interview, when he
said the court, Is no place to play a ball
game; his pledge of peace wa welcomed
by everybody but the National league
and American league magnates, and so
Ban backed away from the proposition
and left it in the hands of Judge Land Is.
At that. Ban was right. The business
end of the base ball Industry in this
country suffered a lot when that suit
was started, has been suffering every
day since, and will suffer still more when
It la finally determined. The quicker
O. B. B. takes up the matter of a settle
ment with the Federals, the better it
will be for all hands.
' ,
Now John MeGraw is having an ex
perience that will Just sbout make his
harpiness complete. He Is tasting the
delight of having the home roaster on
his trail. That felloxr doesn't care to
see a ball game, no matter who plays:
he wants to see the home team win. and
when the home team wins, he generally
is found around the ticker or the bulle-
iin hoard downtown, where hl money is
f In his own pocket. Omaba has
enough of hlrn to stocky two ordinary ball
It Is to smile when' reading the sancti
monious words of the National Commit
alon: telling Behnle ICauff lie has xhown
no rerard . for contractual ohliwions.
What about "Muggsy" MoOraw, 'ho
helped Kauff to Jump a contract ho had
made with the Brooklyn Federal team?
And. when It gets down to that, where
does Ban Johnson get off. or the entire
American league for that matter' They're
a nice lot to be talking of the sanctity of
contracts. .
Two human box cars pushed one an
other around on the mat for three hours
and a half at Louisville, and the crowd
waa told ti;ey had furnished a fine ex
hibition of wrestling. "Fine exhibition"
Ik iiht. Dy tho way. If Hussane or Cut
ler is - anxious for a real match. Joe
Stecher tan carry a ton nf money on fro
-the mat at any time either" of them" Is
willing to risk his scissor hold.
Something of a holy calm has settled
down on the white race since the meeting
nt Havana last and tho Coffey
Iteleh hout In New York scarcely made a
ripple. Even the prospect of Freddy
Welch i' a real fight doesn't get a great
desl of uttrntlon. Must be that curamon
nenso is coming to the surface again.
While we're on the topic, tt was really
May 18 Will Be Suffragette Day,
When Giants and Cubi Play
in Uew York.
has been a long time since New Yorking enthusiasts have
shown as much interest as was manifested in the Jim
Coffey-Al Reich match. The picture shows Coffey above.
Billy Sunday touches a match to the
hell fire and shunts peoplo over on the
glory trail by the hundreds, but tho suf
fragettes arc going to make Billy look
like a second rate "converter'' when they
invade the Polo Grounds on May 18 to
win thousands to the cause of '"votes for
women." Mere man associates the Polo
Grounds with base ball, but fur that d:iy
It Is going to he the suffragettes' tem
ple. Of course there Is to be a ball game
one between the Giants .and the Cuba
but dangling yellow streamers shouting
"Votes for women" and persuasive, ora
tors will impress on tho carefree base
ball fan that he should be occupied with
the thought of that Important question
which he will have to vote FOR at the
next election. What attraction could sur
pass It with side shows, lectures and ball
game for the price of an ordinary ticket.
The suffragettes have turned many
angles In their campaign, and now tbey
are ready to punch the question right
home when man Is enjoying his favorite
diversion. The stage is all set to make
thousands of scoffers go home meek
minded converts.." . '
When -the women decided that a ball
game would be. the scene of their next
political coup they went to Harry Hemp
stead and John Foster and told them
of their wishes. A a result of the cap
turing of the Giants, president and sec
retary, the- suffragettes now own the
entire upper stand at the Polo Grounds,
and that means about 3 000 seats. The
next thing was to sell the purchase to
men, and onie women, and already that
campaign is under way with the pros
pect that the entire block will be taken
before the bail park is opened on the
day of th game. "Nine women, the suf
frage ball team, have taken out ped
dlers' license and now they are wander
ing all over the city decked with the
I saffron-colored badges, offering their
wares wherever they can bring together
a group of men.
At the same time that they are dis
posing of the tickets they scatter circu
lars which read: ' "Buy your tlckots
NOW. The suffragettes will get 'cm If
you don't watch out." And not to lose
sight of the male lesue, some read: "Vote
for the Women's Suffrage Amendment
November 2." Another wrinkle Is -the
peddling out of autographed base balls.
Tho ones that bear Matty's name go
great, but some lag. It would be unkind
to mention names. The real object of It
all is to boost the suffrage stock far
above par. Thero will be very little
n.oney made, the tickets, with the excep-
llnn rt tha hitVM ItfinV aiM fit the reffU-
low down for a London newsraptr wiHr rate. The profit will be used to pur-
suaceet that If Bombadier Aelis reuuycl,e DriM, for the captains and lleu-
rarcd -about, fighting, plenty of room j ttnant, ot the new political organization
might be made for" Mm in one of the i .Q M,j the tlckfta. In ordinary
.lami tranches In Flanders, it appears
(hat the Bombardier doesn't etre for
that ort at fighting . -
! political parlance tbey might be called
the plums.
I The arrangements for the day of the
Tho Ilourko. are not polar bears, and already quite complete. The
J7w?L.. the teem. ! suffragettes are well supplied with ora-
xVM,h mrv account In a little measure can give more argument for
for the lowing made at Sioux City .Mr- u"e than a minister for salvation.
Ig the i-ourse of a couple of very fr &id j They will have stands erected outside
am-s Muse lv.ll I-. ktill lifted amoug itlie grounds, and. as the hurrying base
The summer sporta down this way. lall fons come to the gates, they will be
- Igieeted by women's suffrsge on every
If Judio 1-ar.rtU ever doea hand 'iowi hand. The women are a little worried
that dec lt-loii but maybe the masnatcs however, owing to the opposition from
have already gotten a new form of con- the elevated trains. They can't ask that
tia-t p iv pared for the i'e of the gumeithey be stopped or the people wont get
In tr.e future. The old cne surely Beenis ! t(J tne grounds, and they are not at all
to be ready for the discard.
f I --r J V I I I M
i nt f i i i 1 1
Success of Sunday Base Ball Means
Prosperity for the Lads of
the Sandlots.
Omaha ougnt to lave another vUit
sure that their voices will sound out
above the din. .Ho.wever, the jrlnted
word may Drove atronaer than the
from John .-hlllinKton Prin.o pretty scon. ;,,I,okenj there wil, pIenty of t.r.
fur the boar.l trueK nceas sumo ion n 'culars
bocibl rigni SU....u:.. v.. . ....... Th re wU1 b(, ,lrnm(.r, ad naf,8 jn.
Mgr. of making much of a -pln.h n the I h- eroundg n ,,erch0(1 ,wy up
auto r.uus (n op for a worW tQ gep WJ ,M
Jimmv Kane roikI eye brightened when I big ribbon of yellow aerots the top of
ho sot awav from Omaha. nd he has the giandntand on which will be writ
beon lamming the ball to beat the Dami.ten otes tor omen. New York so
ever since. It may be that the return of
Larry Lejunue heliwd hloi out a little.
V.iat short right field fence didn't so-.m
lo worry Tom P.lod'ett a hit. He went
rght on pitching Just the sarre. Also,
l, knocked the ball into the river himself.
We see that the old stunt of right
fielders throwing out runners at first on I
clean hits if in order In the pillbox ark ,
at Sioux City. Even Cy rorsythe can
lo It.
Bennie Kauff got back to work with
ilety is going to turn out for the occa
sion, that Is, the society that favors the
sutfrngettes. The wives of ta.bas ball
players of the two teams will be Invited
to attend, and an effort will be made to
have a number of the city officials show
their approval by being present.
The New Jersey Manufacturers' Base
Ball league has been organised by six
teams, representing the Hinger Manufac-
tlie Tip Tops yesterday, and It s as good j turlng company of Kllcabeth. Eabeock &
as 2 to 1 that he will nurse his loo very
carefully for the next few weeks
Pa has ulicned up a new twlrler by the
name of Larson. Larson hasn't any bril
liant past record to boaft of. but he
looks like tho goort-
The Pint league v. Ill start off with a
whoop Friday. Oo to it. laddies.
. -Ml thopc runaway races seem to have
headed in seme place.
Did ybu we Pill Ponovan's smile tv
WUcox company of P.ayonne, OxweJd
Star Electrte company of Newark, West
inghouse Electric company of Newark
the Pathe-Freres Motion Picture company
of Jersey City, and the Mlehelln Tire
company ef New ftrunewlck.
Outfielders of Present Fail to Throw
Out Runners as Often as Did
Their Predecessors.
Fears Italy Twa Claba.
Tyler Christian of the Oaks claims that
tho only two clubs he fears In the Pa
cific Coast p'-nnant race are the .Seals
and the Anwels.
Apartments, lluta, huuu and cottage
ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a
tiee "Fur Kent" Ad
SEW YORK, May 8. During the sea
son of 18 George Van Haltren of the
New Giants, In a game against the Wash
ington club, was playing center field.
"Cy" Swain, who was pitching for the
Senators, while at bat happened to make
what looked like a safe drive t" center.
Nine times out of ten It would have been
safe, but "Van" made a mad dnsh and
gathered It In on the second bound and,
without stopping, threw to first, the ball
beating the alow-fouted Swain by a good
six feet, and "Cy" sprint ins his best all
the time. Of course. "Van" didn't per
form this stunt right along.
Statistics dhow that the outfielders back
In the eighties and nineties had the shad
on the present-day outfielders In making
assists. The beat record In number of
saslatM made in one season in the majors
in recent years, or since rK. was stacked
up by Hsrry Niles, then wltli the Kt.
Louis team In 19CKx Harry nailed thirty
nine men from the outfield, getting them
at different buses.
Mike Mitchell, while playing with the
Cincinnati team, equaled the mark set
by Niles. heading off thirty-nine men by
hi power to choot a ball, from the
farthet comer of the outfield with suf
ficient accuracy and speed to get his man.
"Ty" Cobb, Jix Birmingham, Trls
Speaker. Joe Jackson and Milan of
Wssr.lnton all have made especially
good records 1 it this direction and lead
their rt'bpecllva teams in throwing out
base runners from the remote corners of
the outer garden. In his day. Fielder
Jones was a past manter in pegging the
ball from the outfield and nipped many
runnel .
In the National 1- ng ie. aline l"i, Mur
ray of the Giants has the most consistent
record of all old league outfielders In
making aslU, he leading the league in
four different seasons. Hills, who used
to be with the St. lxiuls Cards, was good
at making long throws and had an aver
age of twenty-five , per season. Titus.
Haten, Cravath and Snodgrass havo good
marks for accurate throwing from the
outfield, i
But the old boys back In the halcyon
days of the eighties made some aston
ishing records In throwing out base run
ners from afar off. Jimmy Fogarty of
tho Phillies averaged an assist from the
outfield every thlid game he played In.
Sam Thompson of the old Detrolta ianl
Phillies was a mighty thrower In his day.
Jimmy Hyun of the Chicago Nationals,
left-handed though he woa. could shool
a ball from the farthest corner of tii-
outfleld with deadly effect. Bill Lang.
had a wonderful throwing arm and wan
feared by all base runners in the Na
tional league.
The great Mike Kelly, back In Ihij,
while with the Chicago Nationals, mad
the greatest record In tnrowlng out base
runners from the olt field. Mlk by lair
meann or foul, pegged out twenty-nine
men In aixty-seven games. This seemj
to be the record of the msjois.
Well. bys, the base ball hill went over
the wire with several thousand to the
good, so our trouble along that line are
base nail between his chewers and brings
nesa without fear of being marched to
the Eleventh Street station. As predicted
the base ball pai ado to boost tho Sunday
base ball bill was a distinct success. Ap
proximately thirty cars, filled to their ca
pacity and then some, paraded around
the principal streets and then adjourned
at the Rourke base ball mporlum. Mr.
William Rourke. president of the Omaha
club, admitted the amateurs to the game
free of charge, and also held the game
until 3:46 p. m. The parade waa headed
by the board, of directors.
Next Wednesday evening at S p. in. the
directors of the Omaha Amateur asso
ciation will convene at the city hall. They
will undoubtedly have their hands full of
new bustness this trip, because several
protests are on the bill of fare, the Mc-Andrewa-Uanta
case, the new constitution
will be read and approved and they have
soma unfinished business held over from
their lust meeting. Several teams have
been crabbing about the diamonds, so
this matter will have to be adjusted.
All Leagwea Oo Good.
Although some of the wiseacres ' pre
dicted that we would have fifteen leagues
In the Omaha Amateur association, they
fell short five leagues. Ten -leagues are
organised and going nicely, and from
present Indications they will be on top
when the asbestos drops. Naturally some
of the teams that occupy the cellar berth
are a trifle discouraged, yet none of
them have even murmured relative to
throwing up the sponge. . j
The latest acquisition to the local base
ball contingent la the Castle aggregation.
They represent the new Castle hotel 'and
are under the personal supervision of
Charles Kane. Their leader has teen a
base ball manipulator for some moons,
and because be la well Informed relative
to the laald Part of the game he should
make thla aggregation step some, lie
has garnered some new talent that may
make the speed merchants sit up and
Uhik. The Castle troupe has Jol'ucu th
Class A Saturday league. Thev -will also
play on Sundays. For games address
Charles Kane, rare Hotel Castle. Tele
phone Douglas VAT).
Foster Jacobs, the leader of the Ne
braska Auto combination, has got oil the
other managers backed off the boards
when It comes, to glomlng base balls
graUs. tou have heard about all kinds
of dogs, but did you ever hear of a real
base ball dog? He has a big Scotoh
sausage that la a regular thief. He hooka
base bails between his chewers rind brings
Uern to the auto troupe. To demonstrate
hit ability. Just want to remind you man
agers of the fart that the Nebraska Auto
school bunch purchased one base ball
last season.
Handlot Motes.
From appearances It looks like Pete
Lyek has won a home at Grand Island.
James McAndrews la lonklna for
berth as an adjudicator ir. the State
Bartos of the KraJiccks Jumped on to
a couple fur a half way trip agalnm the.
xiiow. iing-King herd.
Arross tno wreves, Al Htorrn has a
conglomeration of stars that will insUe
all of the Omaha boys trot to cop the
Paddy Oraves of the Armours clouted
one for the limit lnt Sunday. This old
gent can still make the youths' tip their
us to him.
Chval, the slabster for the Southeast
Improvement gang, is fastly developing
iijto a strike out artist, lie laid ten uui
last Minds y.
For the 'J'ownsenils. !uker Is perform
ing like Walter Julinsun. lie li) l satis
iied unless he makes at least u-n gents
Mil the stmovphere.
Although Gentleman' Athietict have
jeeeived two done nl goose , they
are rl ill confident lha'. tiling will go
.in Ir way before lung.
!,at.t buwisy the llo'.rjels uael two
kli.kers against the A. '). i , V.. ianely,
iiawKlns and Greko. The lolne boys
ailed to score on Greko.
Moylan. star twlgKier of ncte. bus y I"
like a regularv salaried dude. He has
oodles of steam and nearly perfect con
The big game In the Greater Omaha
league today will be the struggle for
supremacy between the Townsonds and
the Lux us. Baker and Holland will op
pose each other.
Tho two Macks. McCrcarjr and Mc
Andrews, quit the Chris Lyek team last
week. n account of a small squabble
they ked to be released and their re
quest was promptly granted.
Phil Ahnud will be n on the flrln
line for the Omaha Printing company
Sunday. Tho printers had to use an out
fielder In the box Sunday for their two
slabmen were undor the weathor.
Rowing Man Takes
Crack at English
Coaches in America
NKW YORK. May 8. Listen to the
words of a man who follows rowing
clnaeily, whose views are entitled to re
spect despite a very evident bias against
the methods of English coachea who ara
now Instructing American university
crewa In the art of driving shell over
a measured course In slightly faster time
than their rivals.
'The Nlckalls brothers got a lot of ex
tremely favorable breaks last year, and
they should be thankful therefor. I don't
think history will repeat Itself this see
son. but If it does, then my hat ta off to
them. Now. look at the facts of the
Poughkcepate race in the face. Pennsyl
vania's position that day was the most
favorable of all the crews. They had
every advantage of the outgoing current.
Tou may think thla did not help them,
but you) may take tt from me that It did.
Aa for Tale, Harvard paddled IB order to
make a race of the New London regatta,
and when It was too lata they tried to
sprint. That waa not Wray'a fault, be
lieve me. Neither of these things la
likely to happen this season."
The word of thla roklng man are
merely given for what they are worth.
Events near at hand will settle the
quotation pretty well without the neces
sity of argument. In the meantime
rumors front Cambridge are that the man
who developed the winning Harvard Hen
ley crew last year are pretty hard at
work assisting James Wrajr thla season.
First Annual Begistered Tourney to
Be Held at Omaha Gun Club
Monday and Tuesday.
With a trophy ralund at $100 to ex
cite them to unparalleled records, trap
shooters from all ver Nebraska ' and)
Iowa will gather In Omaha Monday and
Tuesday to take part In the first an
nual trap shoot at the Omaha dun club.
Co-Incident with the first annual regis
tered shoot, the Omaha Gun club will
formally dedicate Its new club house.
built at a cost of several thousand dol
lars.' The shoot will be 1M targets.
The trophy la a big sterling silver cup .
and the shooter who wlna It three times
In aucceslon will be given permanent
possession of It. The name of each win
ner will be Inscribed on It so that by
the time some expert cops it there should
be quite a number or 'well Known names
upon It. It will be Vnown aa the Omaha
Gun club annual handicap trophy.
On both days Va targets will be shot.
The race for the big loving cup will
occur on the first day. On the second
day a 100-targot event for shooters who
have never registered In a registered
shoot a score of over eighty breaks out
of a possible 100 will be held.
A an added attraction, Don C. lc
Cown, challenger, and Chris Chrlsteneon
of Elk City, holder, will shoot I'M rockn
for the T. I Combs trophy. The tiophy
has been In Christeasen'a pusseKalon for
several years now, but McCuwn hope
to bring tt back to Omaha.
Luncheon will ' be ' served " at the
grounds, so that trips will not iurts)iii y
have to be made by tho famished shooter
or guests. The new ulub houae, r. two
story affair with a big balcony, whl'h
affords a clear view of the fliin line,
will be completely furnished and equipped
for the convenience of those who attend.
Three targets will be In action. They
have Just been Installe 1 and the Oraahii
Oun club shooters declare they are the
best west of Chicago. The program will
start each morning at s.30 o'clock.
No Wonder Bunny
Changed His Name
on the Diamond
Answering a question regarding the naA
tlonatlty of Bunny Briof. of the White
Box recently It waa stated he waa a
Frcncb Canadian. A tan from his home
town makes the correction that he la a
Bohemian and In this correction . this
story la furnished of how he comes by
the name ef Brief
Bunny's right name, according to a
friend from hla home town. Traverse City,
Is Tony Gretkowskl as near as it can be
spelled in the American lingo. The
"Brief story la rather Intedestlng. When
one of Bunny's brothers went to work in
a Traverse City factory a few years ago
he sprung the Gretkowskl stuff on an
unsusprctlng employer. The employer
commented. "Too much," and turning to
the timekeeper, said, "Make It brief." And
it has been Brief sine that day. All the
youngster in the family fell Into lne and
accepted the new monicker.
Brief 1k known aa "Chi" by manv of
Ms friends at Traverse City. As a kid he
used to say that some day he would
play ball for Chicago when he grew up.
Hence that nickname.
Bet with Cash on
Races in New York
Tip Grahs Ump Myers
From State Loop for.
Mere Sum of Nothing
Tlpperury Tip O'Neill, prexle of the
western loop, has copped a decision from
Prexle Miles of the State league. When
O'Neill announced the appointment of
Dutch Myers a a Western amp. Miles
put in a kick, declaring Myers was under
reserve to the State loop. Miles did not
object to Myers' advancement, so he of
fered to sell Myers' release for $100.
M)era was consulted, and he Insisted that
the State circuit had not reserved htm.
Secretary Farrell of the National asso
ciation waa also consulted and ho con
firmed the umpire's assertion. Thus Tip
kept the hundred and Myers la umpiring
In the Western.
Vern Wil ley, with the Drummer the
latter part of I'm and formerly with the
State league, has been turned back to
St. Joseph by Minneapolis. Wtlley Is too
inexperienced, said Cantlllon. Jack Hol
land has a I no picked up Charley Jackson,
a burler who heaved in the Western two
year ago. but was In the Western Canada
league last season. To make room for
the newcomers Jess Baker and Jess
Turner have been released.
l-lndney algae I mttlre-e.
President Li'ltcy has slKned as urn-plrt-
lJ I iloKlien of Klmira, Edward T.
I'lrnrj of Metina and James lay nf
Ladies' Prettiest
Mile Golfers Hold
Contest Wednesday
The Ladies' Prettiest Mile Golf club
will hold a putting and driving contest
on the links at Miller park. Wednesday.
Frank ifussell has offered a golf bag for
the bet driver and Mrs. Hart a golf bat
for the beet putter. The ladies will carry
their lun'h ami plan on a day of extraor
dinary festivities.
NKW YORK. May 8.-Iie'. will bn
made- on a cash basis this summer at!
Hick at Short Limit. ,
Managers In the Pacific Coast league
a t i kli'Llnv Bifninal I V i n Al,litiAn.init.lii.
the racing meetings neld In this state. ti,-tetn rule, anj It is' runioied that the
Whether the money transactions will limit will be raUed.
he made before a race or Immediately
the Chris Lyck's. lie i.ldni .itlck long I , 1V. ,..,,,.
enough to see how iho clans "A ' boys I
would welcome his iuut.
Walter, the new chap hitched lit the
A. . lv. W arKatl m. sHOi-,l np well
In the initial battle. Ho sapped two out
of three, one for three bus.
Wtlltamaon of the Towimcnds waa en
iJI around scream laxt tuiiiay. Me
nuil.d three has unci capped tour dif
, K'i,t trail. is out ot the clonus.
PugnaiioiiM- Flanasan. chief debater
after the race has been run has not yet
been fully determined upon by the rac
ing authorities. In all probability settle- '. Tcm n to ti e l.ilil
ments for tne bet and lo the w.nnrrs J ooi'lhern league
will be made I mined laid after tiie re)
ault of the uce lias b en approved by
Kay tire Itrluaara.
The Kansas City Club bun releuio-d t!i'.
vateran. 1 oni Imwiiey. nrd lnfieUU-r A I
Hock club of the
Mike Gibbons in ytlll waiting for Parkey
McKarlanl lo come out of his seclusion
and clinch the mitch the vtornysrds
ruanai loiia- rutnasari. rinei aeouier . , . . , ,
for the Townaenua. lumped into tho lin e- I champion bnached several weeks ago.
i.Kht ,asl hunday by hanking lour on tliu J M lrliae.1 has potted A forfeit of 1501 far
n.eller jut of tour trirs to the plate. ( flight and appearance, but Patrick Is
middle cushion; Hsrtus, at almit. ahd d l"nd at 3 o'clock.
Douglas, stationed at the hot corner. .
Because the Alamitos were ,-ompelled rtirr DAPtltir Drf ITT A
to lay off last riunday. they nailed upjdrVlrr nAUNu KcuAl I A
r'y 'talent Urn Ju'cVeT egg's':" j IN ENGLAND CANCELLED
That Irrepreahlble leader of the Luxus, . .
Jonathan lunion. says his liouie will
show those aupposed U bo fast K-eks a
few things in the very Immediate future.
That new ulinrcr. Fagged Vngeler.
hitched to the trownlng--K(ng boncli will win fame this aeeaon. -He
made twelte. tulle the count lust Sunday.
For the KrsJIceks. Mtnkerino Koucks
is pushing the pill uver tlin crockery
Prom the present Indications, tktf rac
ing, w hl 'h is a popular sport in England.
will probably lie abandoned this season,
aa at tiie annual meeting of the BkU'f
Bailie: ao iullon. held In Engind ra
ce n tl y, it waa Jeeided to poHne the
101 regally
The 1915
i only, with il.i 9 reilnementg, will
give you the uuivliuum amount of
plcuMire, Kcrvice and all-around sal
iMattlon to be hud trom the sport ot
CaJl and get a demonstration.
Open evening.
"The Motorcycle Man."
70i Leavenworth bt Omaha Neb.