Playing a Clean Game is Better Even Than Winning at Times NEW OMAHA HURLER ANNEXES YICTORY Saints Out Sioux with Five Hits and Alio Starts Ninth-Inning Rally with Hot Single. IS LARSON FROM ST. PAUL CLUB CAUSE OF THE LATEST BASE BALL NEAR"-WAR. HUSKERS NO HATCH FOR KANSAS SQUAD Guy Reeds Inexperienced Track Team Loses to Veteran Jay hawks, 80 to 29. WIN BUT TWO FIRST PLACES SPORTS SECTION of BRAYES TRIUMPH OYER THE GIANTS Win Game in Eleventh Inning After New Yorks Tie the Score ia Ninth. Omaha TT H TI A JtlJft SIOUX CITT, May 8-SpeciaI Tole Krom.) rite her Bert Larson, Just bought yom the St Paul club of the American Issociatlon, not only shut out the Sioux )ith five measely hits, but started the Vth Inning, which won the game for Y Rourkes, by lacing out a clean single iopen the ultimate frame. Following reon's hit the Rourke artillery unllm--ed and hammered two run across the te. winning the game, J to 0. efty Ilallman pitched a nle game for 10 Sioux until the final round, when his rinmentarjr slip proved fatal. As a re ult of the victory Omaha got an even reak on the series. Today the Rourkes pon a four-game aeries with Des Moines t that city. Score: SIOUX CITT. AB. R. II. o. A. E. Conner, 8b 8 0 0 8 X0 Clarke. If. 2 0 110 0 Kane, lb 4 0 a 14 1 0 Ie1eune, cf. ........ 8 0 1 0 0 0 McCormick. rf. 4 0 0 0 1 0 Callahan, ss 4 0 0 18 0 Hensllng, 3b 4 0 1 4 C 1 frisk, c 2 0 0 8 1 0 Ilallman, p. 3 0 0 0 4 0 Totals ....29 0 5 27 W 1 OMAHA. A.B. R. H. O. A. B. Smith,,! 4 t 1 2 0 0 Breen, 2b 30 0 0. 2 0 Koinythe. rf 4 0 1 1 1 0 Thomason, cf. 4 0 0 8 0 0 Krug, 3b 3 0 1 " 1 0 Kreuger, o 3 0 1 4 2 0 Kchleibner. lb 3 0 1 12 0 0 Whalon, ss 8 0 13 0 0 Larson, p. 8 110 2.0 Totals 30 3 7, 87 14 0 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Two-bass hits: Kane (2), Foraythe, Le jeune. Sacrifice lilts: Clarke, Breen. Stolen bases: Lejeune, MoCormlck. Double plays: HenHling to teVoney to Kane; Foraythe to Schliebner. Based on -ImiIIm: Off -Larson, 4. Stntck out: By Hallmaji, 3: by Larson, 3. Time of game: 1:30. Umpire, CiiBick. Brown Has the Better Of Musser on Mound And Drummers Win fft u BENNY KAUFE LINCOLN. Neb.. Mry . -(Special Tele gram.) Nebraska tnadc a miserable show ing in the annual track and field meet with Kansa.i university here this after- 1 noon, which the Jayhawkor won. SO to 29. Meed's Inexperienced track men could not compete with the Kansas veteran. Nebraska failed to place In seven events at all. The halt-mile and 23Vyanl dash provided the thrillers, the runners fin ishing In a bunch. Captain Ztimwlnkle made a hard flpht In the 230. but was nosed out by Crum. Following la the summary: 1"-Yard Ia:h Irwin. Nebraska: Scott. Nebraska. Time: 0:10V Mile Kun Perriott. Kansas: Sproull, Kansas. Time: 4:H. High lluntlcs Klllott. Kansas: Uoelsc. Nebraska. Time: 0:IS. 440-Yard Dash Kodkey, Kansas; Ed wards. Kansas. Time: O.-nlVfc. Discus Throw Reber, Kansas; Keeling, Kansas. Distance: 111 feet 11 Inches. Pole Vault Keavts, Nebraska; Campbell, Kansas, tied for first. Height: 11 feet. Low Hurdle Klllott, Kansas; Ooeuse, Nebraska. Time: 0:2s. Half-mile Flske, Kuruna; (relshtoli, Knnans. Time: 7:01. i.-Yard Hash rVntt, Nebraska; Crum, Kaunas. Time: 0:Zili. Shot Fut Reber. aKnsas; Keeling, Kan sas. Distance: 41 feet W Inches. High Jump McKay, Kansas; Hummel, Nebraska. Height: S feet 1 Inch. Two-mile Run Grady, Kansas; Foor, Kansas. Time: 10:15V Broad Jumip t.rutsmacber, Kansas; Peering. Nebraska. Distance: 21 feet 1 Inches. Mile Relay Won by Kansas (Edwards, Ells wick, Klllott, Rodkoy). Time: 3:35t- ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 8. Brown had the better of Musser in a pitchers' bat tle and St. Joseph took the final gamo of the series, 4 to 3. A triple play by the locals featured the game. Score:' DES MOINES. AB. R. H. . 2 . 0 3 TIGERS AGAIOEFEAT KAWS Lincoln Takes Game from Topeka by Score of Eleven to ' Four. VISITING HURLERS HIT HARD Hahn, rf. ... s-hanley, cf. . Breen, cf.-lf. Jones, lb. .... (Bills. cf.-lf. , lawyer, 2b. . 3Irtford. ss. Tannehill, 3b. Price, c. Musser, p. .. TetaJs .i. O. 1 0 3 6 1 2 2 3 8 0 30 8 BT. JOSEPH. AB. ."Tage, 2b. Fox, If. 3 Watson, rf. . H. Patterson, lb... 8 Britton, 3b 4 Williams, cU. . Kwolcit, ss. '. 1 Wlthrow, c. tNorthrup, p. ...... 0 Brown, jx .......... I II. O. 2 4 11 1 4 1 S 0 o 4 w rr A. E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 u "5 A. E. 5 0 0 0 . 4t 2 0 . 1 0 0 0 3 8 8 0 0 0 o e 9 1 LINCOLN, ' May 8. Lincoln' won again today from Topeka, 11 to 4, by landing hard on the oppos'ng pitchers in the seventh and eighth innings. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H, Wolfe, if 3 3 MrOafflgan. ss 8 2 Williams, lb S 3 Mflntyre. rf 3 I Daley. 2b S 0 Pcheneberg, cf 3 . 0 Krenner. Sb.. 4 0 McAIMster, e 2 0 Narveson,. p 4 1 Totals. . Cochran, 3b.... Trainer, If Mayer, rf Lattimore, 2b.. Tall ion, 2b Jackson, cf..... Roche, ss Rapns. lb...... Monroe, c...... Weld man. pw. . Nelson, p Grever ..... 9) 11 TOPEKA. AB. R. :::::: 5 8 0 3 1 I t 1 12 O. A. E 3 1 0 2 6 0 too 1 .0 0 5 3 0 10 0 2 1 0 4 . 2 0 0 2 0 27 15 1 O. A. E. 2 3 0 10 0 1 0 0 3 10 2 0 0 i o a 0 : , 0 4 1 UNDAY- -oEE OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUNINU, MAY 0, 1!)15. Totals 29 Two out' when winning run scored. Des Moines ....... 0-0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0-4 St. Joseph - 0 0 0 0.1 0 3 .i 4 Two-base hits: Britton, Williams, Price, stolen bases: Hartford, Hahn, Page, Fox. Double play: Ewoldt to Pane to Patterson. Triple play: Wlth row to Patterson to Urltton. Sacrifice hits. Fox, Patterson. Musser (2). Struck out: Bv Musser, 6; by Brown, 6. Bases end balls: Off Northrup, 2; oft Rrown, 3; off Musser, 8. Hit by pitched baU: By Brown (Hahn), by Musser (Fox). Time; 2:u. Umpire: Oelael. Bears in a Batting Riot and'Romp Over Three Wich Hurlers i, ' DENVER, Colo., May -Denver won the second game of the series In a bat ting riot which consumed three Wichita pitchers and four Denver twlrlera in ac cumulating a score of IS to 12. Score: DENVER. ' AB. R- S S 4 e 6 0 ripencer Dell, it Coftey. rf ... Galloway, 3b Kclleher, Vi.lit.r Ih 3 Mattiiews, 2b 5 Sputir, c 4 Gaskell, p J Aldrdlxe, p J Unshornr, p Mitchell. D 0 H. 3 0 1 1 t 2 4 0 0 1 3 0 o. 3 3 2 1 1 7 4 6 0 0 0 1 A. E. o- S 0 24 10 4 11 0 2-4 Totals 3 4 13 'Batted for Nelson In ninth. Lincoln 0 1 1 0 2 Toneka 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Two-base hits: Trainer (2), Jsckson, Mclntyre (2), Nanreson, Williams. Double plavs: Cochran- to Lattimore to Rapps. Cochran to Monroe to Tallion, Cochran to Monroe to Rapps. Narveson to Daley o Williams. Daley to WIMlams, Narve son to McAllister to Williams. Stolen bases: Jackson, Monroe (2). Struck out: By Weidman, 7: by Nelson, 1; bv Naive son, 3. Bases on balls: Off Weidman. 2: off Nelson, 1; off Narveson. 1. Passed baU. McAllister. Pitching record: Four runs and four hits in five innings off Weidman; seven runs and seven hits in three and two-thirds Innings off Nelson Time; . 2:06. Umpire; Von Sickle. Bellhop Crew Gets Quite Chesty Over , Five Straight Wins With a record of five 'victories and no defeats, the Castle hotel ball players are beginning to get quite chesty, especially as they have been outfitted In nice, new uniforms. They are now Itching for mora worlds to conquer. They have taken two games from the Omaha Printers, and one each from the Omaha Paint and Glass, the Ames Ave nue Carmen and the Omaha High school nines. They won the latter game .Tues day by a 9 to 8 score. Owen's home run In the ninth cinching the game after a tie score. The Castles consist of clerks and bell boys from most of the hotels, who or ganised at the beginning of the season and took the Castle name, as that is the Coombs Holds Phils And the Dodgers Win Game, 3 to 2 BROOKLYN, May 8.-Jack Coombs held the Philadelphia Nationals to five I, its today, one of which was a home run by Cravath, and Brooklyn won, 3 to 2. Score: PHILADELPHIA. BROOKLYN. Ab H O.A R AU.H.O.A.E. Ptock. Jb....4 1 1 1 OO'Mtra, U..4 I 0 0 Hnncrolt, ii. 4 1 1 1 oPsubtrt, lb. i 1 1 0 ftrckrr. If... 4 0 0 OXtonml. rf . I 0 S 0 0 rf.. 1st AZtmrtnan. rtl 1 I 0 0 Whlttrd, lb. 3 1 tWIiMl. If. ... I 0 6 0 Nlohoff, Jb . 4 S 1 8 OCntahaw. 3b. 4 0 18 0 I'lBkrrt, cf . S 1 1 0 0Myr., cf. ... I (10 0 Kllllfer, ... 4 0 4 1 OP.hultl. lb.. 3 14 11 Ivliejr, p 4 I H 0 Miller. C....I 8 4 11 Coomb, p .. I I ToUll 82 I :4 Totals SI 17 T 4 Philadelphia 1 U.u 0 1 o 9 0 0 ? Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 Two-base hitx: O'Mara (2),. Miller. Three-base hits. Miller, .Zimmerman. Home run: Cravath. Stolen base: Wheat. Karned runs: Philadelphia, 2; Brooklyn, 8. s Double play: Bancroft to Nlehoff to Whltted. Bases on balls: Off Rlxey, 2; off Coombs. 6. Struck out: By Rlxey, 4; by Coombs, 3. Umpiesr: Qiiifley and Easpn. Cards Lose Fourth PlTTSBTjrtGH. May 8. Pittsburgh won its fourth straight game- from St. Louis today by a score of 8 to 3. With the score tied inthe ninth, Vioz tripled and scored on an out, giving the locals the game. Score: N ST. LOUIS. AB H.O.A.K STATE LOOP WILL BE OFF ON FRIDAY I First Games of Year to Be Flayed at Norfolk, Grand Island, Colum bus and Kearney. WILL BE A SUCCESSFUL YEAR After six months of struggling con stantly hindered by rumors and rv(wrts that the magnates were alwut to aban don the ship, the Nebraska tttc league will open the 1915 season FVUIay with pros pects about as promising as at any time in the history of the league.' Seven of last year's cities will bo back to fight for the old pennant and one new town makes Its appearance. The new comer is Fair bury, taking the place of Superior, All of last winter affairs in the state loop were In a chaotic, condition. Kearney and York were about to follow the. suit tit Superior and quit. No other towns which could support professional base ball were available and It looked like a six club league or no league at all. Tlien the enthusiasm of Fairbury. the new child, became contagious, all the cities In the league caatchlng the fever, and Outfielder Matney offered the manage ment of the Kearney club a proposition! which kopt that team in the league. Mntney Hells Tlkets. Matney offered to sell season tickets at a ridiculously low price. Ho was given the job and he sold everybody In Kearney and Buffalo county. The result was that a snug sum reposed In the Kearney treas ury when It came time to talk base ball. Kearney re-entered the league and made Matney manager of the club to prove their appreciation of his services. Tork began to hustle; the business men of the town put up their cash and base ball was saved there, The same hap pened at Norfolk, which was wavering a bit becauso of debts outstanding from last year. If the attendance In the various cities anywhere near approaches that of last of last year the state circuit will en.loy a most bountiful success. The schedule calls for but ninety-eight games, Jumps between cities are short and Inexpensive, salary limits have been reduced to a rational basis and the player : limit has been cut. So the team which loses money this year should not : bff found lu the Nebraska State league. . . Will Stick to Kalln. '' All of the magnates have agreed to abide strictly by the salary and player agreements. Last year salary kiting was Ir. vogue In one or two of the cities with "SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK" Fans and sport ing men in general are interested in the wonderful exhibi tion of box-artistry shown by Jack Coombs during the Brooklyn-Philadelphia base ball game. When Mack "cleaned out",hs championship team after the close of last season Coombs was sold to Brooklyn, and his presence in the Dodger team may make them real trouble makers. Anyway, it was his work that enabled Brooklyn to be the first team to get as good aa an even break in a series with the victorious Phillies. N RESULT IS FOUR TO THREE . BOSTON, May 8. The Boston Natlt nals won In the eleventh Inning from New Tork today, 4 to 8. The Glsnts had tyd the scorn In the ninth and had taken the lesd In their half of the eleventh. t Dowdy's double, Gilbert's speed In best ing out a bunt, Moran's hit, a sacrifice by Kgan and a wild Pitch by Petauef was the combination which produced Boston's tlelng runs. Score: NEW TORK. BOSTON. AB. H O. A K Aft. H.O.A.K. Murrtr. rf.. t S 0 critnxt'k. rl I 3 OMoran, rf. t IKn. lt IHiylr. iv... 1 1 Ubrrt. Sb... I I I KIM'-her, rt. 4 I 1 I ntms rf.... 4 1 t Hnhortpn, If 4 3 t I, lb. 4 1 1 M-yr. e.... 4 17 ) Msrqutnl, t I t I ; Srhiur. p.. 1 1 Grant 1 1 4 4 (II alh-r. If. .. I l nnnoilr. If. 1 0 eMaira. cf.... I 1 ox. hmldt. lh. 4 I ssmlih. M... 4 t ANUranTll. . 4 3 fttjnwdr. e.... 4 A Ollugho. ... 8 OHrwrt .... I Total! J 12-J1 S 8-"8tmu4 1 0 0 4 S SIS' IS its 111 1 1 1 t s site. i t s l i , o t . jack cooi-ms ' Hunina, !b. I 0 1 0Carr. It.... 4 0 t t Doln, If.... I 18 0 ejolinrton, lb 4 1 Long, cf....6 9 10 Obilrd, sb.... 4 1 S 4 Miller, lb... 11 OHInohmo. rf 4 18 1 HjrU, rf.... I 0 1 0 OWwncr. M.. I 1 1 4 Beck, lb I 1 t OOMIello. 0..I 3 1 Butler, ... I 0 t 1 1-Murpbr ...10 0 0 Pnydar. C...4 I T I OHrhaeren, ef. 0 0 0 Battel .....0 0 0 OYtox. tb 4 t 1 4 DnntalM, c. A 0 a OHchaof, a....t 0 4 1 Perdue, p...l 0 0 1 OManwux, p.. 4 0 0 1 Kocha 10000 Ko billion, p. 1 0 10 Totals 34 HtlU I at t i-r c ii t t d n u AB.H.O.A E. me result inai uio wnoia icniur iobi. Total. as -!t It 1 Kan tor Snyaer In ninth. Hatted for Perdue In seventh. Hatted for Ooatello in eighth. Two out when winning run scored. St. IxiuIh.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 Pittsburgh 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 13 Two-baae hit: Wagner, ' Three-baao hits: Snuyder, Johnston, Hinchman, Vlox. Stolen bases: Oolan. Miller. Hyatt, butler, Hinchman. Double piav: Robin sou to Snyder to Miller. Basea on bal's: Off Robinson. 1; off Mamaux. 6.. Hits: Off Perdue, 7 In six IiiiiIuks: off Robln oon, Z In three Innings. Htruck nut: By Perdue, if by Robinson, 1; by Mamaux, 4. Umpires: Byron and Orth. Poor Hurling Gives White Sox Game The magnates In' those cities did not wisn to ma Ke money, tney oniy nopea to conduct a winning team. But their salary kiting worked two ways and hurt them as well as the other fellow. Presi dent Miles has been assured nothing of the kind will occur tills year, and' he In tends to keep a sharp lookout that the magnates keep thler word. There Is a lot of new blood In the state this year. A11 of the teams have ac quired the services of young chaps of the kind that are promising, and sorre ball players should go up to the bigger cir s uits from the state this year. , Grand Island will have more opposition this year, and from advance Indications It win not be a race merely between the third city and Hastings. Claire has lost Everdon and Payne to Omaha, an! they cut considerable figure In his success last year. The other teams are stronger and everything looks bright for a mighty tight race with all eight cities running well together. Totals .3 16 WICHITA. AB. R. H. 4 . 6 .... 4 .... 5 .... 4 .... 4 3 .... 3 .... t .... 0 .... 1 .... 1 .... 0 .... 0 O. 1 t 1 0 0 1 7 0 0 2 u o A. 0 w 1 newest local hotel. The players are: ii m o ' ostea. Henshaw, catcher; Williamson, Castle, pitcher; Owen, Henshaw, first base; Brackney, Henshsw, short stop; Gillespie, Castle, second; Cunningham, I Paxton, third; Kane. Castle, center; 0 Houts, Paxton, left field and pitcher; 0 Dugan. Puxton. right field; Hill, Hen shaw, nullity. 0 1 & 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 .38 13 13 34 13 Pownall, cf . ar-s, 2b . . Nicholson, If Henry, lb .... Tydcman. rf Kapi', Ub .i. (irittith. C ... Hitter, us .... Baker, p t-outhern, p . Gray, c Orahani KuUlvan, p ... Slafeie T tala 'Hatted for Southern in the eighth fcatted lor Buuivan m me mmu. Wichita 1 0 4 J 2 1 0 4-1S Denver 0 9 0 1 4 T 0 8 lo Stolen bases: Tydeman (2). Two-ba) hit: Kelleher. Three-base bits: Baker, Spencer, blagle. Home run: Siicncer. !a.crlfice hit: Dell. Passed balls: Gnf fiTK Gray. Hit with pitched ball: Gal. lowav (Plsher). Balk: Alorldae. Wild Hitches: .Geekcll, baker, rltruck out: by Baker 3; by huliivan. 1; by Southern, i; r,y AldridKe. !: by Jlitchcll, 1. Bases on halla: of Baker. I: otf KuUlvan, 1; off fNOuthern, 1; olt Gofcorn, i, oil AldriUge, 3 Do u I le play: Kapps to ares to Henry Hits: Off.Mitchell, rone In urn third Inning: off fiaskell. in two and o no-third tnnlOK; olf Goshordn, h in threo and one-tauni innlupa; olf Aldridi;e, 3 In three IniWiigs; ott Baker, in live and one-third InninK'; ,iou'hern,-, 6 ln and two-thinls tiinints; -ott builivan. 3 In cue Inning Time: 3.40. tmplibs: parent and Aloyers. HOFFMAN SHOWS WELL IN HIS FIRST EXHIBITION GRAND !FI.ANr- Neb.. May 8.-(8K- cuesalng struck out ten ana aiwwra one hit until the eighth In the first exliibi- wlth anotner iaio ruuh R.H E. r.,Xd Island 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1-3 4 HatterM-i: Vauehn. f'aiver and Tanip buiii ilol'iiiiau and Crosby. Kolehmainen Wins Modified Marathon CLEVEUAND, O.. May 1-Ineffectlve pitching on the part of the ClevelaoI pitchers allowed t Chicago to win today, iv to a. more: CHICAOO. CLEVELAND. AB H O A B AB H.O.A.E. Felch, cf.... I 14 0 OTIbola. cf.. I I 1 4 Roth. Ib.... 4 1 1 1 OTuruT 2b... 4 1 1 3 0 K Collin.. Ib I 0 1 I srhapmaa, an I 3 1 0 Foural.r, rf. 4 I t 0 0Ja(koa, rf.. 4 110 0 J Collloa, IM I I I Klranay. If .1 I I t Weaver, aa.. 4 Its 0 hnrhare, Ab. 41181 Brlrf. lb.... 4 110 lMhlelda. lb.. 4 0 0 0 Kchalk. -... 110 :'Nelll, c... 4 0 11 1 1 Pabar, P.... 10 0 1 OMltchell. p.. 1 0 0 t 0 Jonae. p..... 1 0 0 t 0 Total. 14 13 17 I arwood 0 0 0 0 0 llar.tad, p. .. 0 0 0 0 rimlth 110 0 0 ideas, p 0 0 0 0 Ps 4 10 10 7 M 17 11 4 0 10 0 h 0 0 0 -io Thre.bne GIRLS HOLD A TRACK MEET '. And Thii Year the Public Will Be Invited to Watch the Fair Co-Edi Perform, i Total. 17 37 18 3 Batted for Jones in sw.enth. BaUed for Haratad in eighth. Chicago 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 110 Cleveland 1 0300001031 Karned runs: Chtcaxo, : Clweland. 3. i Two-base hits: Kournler 2i, Pelch. Jack on. Turner, Lelbold. Threu-baae hits: Both, J. Collins, Weaver, Barbara. Stolen bases: E. Colilrrfc. Roth. Weaver, Jack son. Double play: Weaver to Brief. Hits: Off Mitchell, 5 In three and to thlrds Innings; off Jones, 3 in three and one-third innings: off Harvtad. 4 I n nun Jnning: off Hteen, 1 in one Inning. Struck out: uy rauer, 4; by Mitchell. 2: bv plres; Nailin and Dlneen. NEW TORK, May i-Hannls Koleh mainen, Irish-American Athletic club, won the Evening Mall modified marathon race today from a field numbering more than 1.000 runners. 'The distance, mainly j Jones, 1; by Haratad, 1; by Bteen,'t Uui tnrougn tne city s streets, was thirteen miles and 300 yards and this was covered by the 'winner In 1:14 :09H. Kolehmainen also won the event last year. ' Oprmlasr Celebrations. The opening games to b played Filday will be In Norfolk, Columbus, Grand Island and Kearney. Special celebra tions, parades and the like will be held In all the cities to open the season with the proper eclat. All of the managers are enthusiastic over nrosneeta mil nvfri-nn. . have a winning team. Of course they ! PLANNING FOB BIO FIELD DAY can't all win, somebody has to be at the ' 1 bottom, but It looks very much as If the! JAMKH K. HWHKIVCK. ame team won't occupy that bottom po- LINCOLN, May . -(Special.) Sventy sltlon all the time as did Kearney last ,lve Nebraska co-eds vi;i participate In year. I the second annual gl-fs' trsck meet st The managers who will act this year'1" University of Nebratka next Tues are as follows: Norfolk. Towne; Kear-,"y "ft""""'- While the meet has been ney, Matney; Beatrice, Fillman; Fair- n"ld behl'"l closed doors hortofore, the bury. Shaner; Hastings, Bennett; Grand 'authorities have decided to remove the laiano, v. mire; rorx, 1'ierce; columbus.j jmuuc m waicn tne Justus. '; co-eds perform. Tcntstlvo lineups of the teams are an! ' M,M ,,,,',"'l 'ark end Miss Jesfle follows: j Beghton of the physical education de- NorfolkCatchers: Smith, Musser. in.lpartmrnt ar ln chur?e of the meet and fielders: Towne. itroderick. 8trlela !""" confident that with the extrordlnary BELLEVUE WINS TENNIS MATCH FROM CREIGHTON Rupert Kenner and Paul Ohman of Bcllevue college defeated Leo Beverldge and Harold Unahan of Crelghton uni versity Friday afternoon In a tennis! match between the two schools. In the singles, Ohman lost to Linahan, 6-3, t-4, and Kenner won from Beverldge, 8-3, 0-3. In the doubles, Kenner and Ohman won from Beverldge and Linahan. The three men from the University of Nebraska, Cassldy, Kills and Chatt, who nlaved tha Crelarliton medics Friday, will Telegram Hoff man had Kearney I rily witn Kenner, Ohman and Kalph Martin on Prof. Hnare's court in Bellovue, Saturday at i-M o'clock. JAYHAWK NINE WINS FAST GAME FROMJARKIO UDS TARKIO, Mo., May 8. (Special Tele gramsKansas university defeated Tar kio college In a fast game of base ball here today, 7 to 1. The score was a tie at one run each until the eighth In ning, when 'four errors and three hits scored six runs for Kansas. MoArthur, for Tarklo, pitched well. Score by Innings: RITE. Kansas , 00001008 07 10 0 Tarklo 00000 1 0 001 0 T Batteries: Kansas, Kproni ana Harrell. Tarklo, McArthur and R. Hawthorne. turn game team- Score: M luuarl Ina Track Meet. AMKS. Ia.. Mav 8. -l.ecln TeleKram. In the Anv--.lli-iiri dual track and Vild meet. ' Aniee. uiih t4) points, lost to MUaouri wi.b U2 pclnt. t ail Tram (jets Trimming. WEATRVK. Neb.. Hit S.-Ppeelal Tel egram.) The Beatr1-e Mllksk'minem eaailv defeated the I'nlversity of Ne- hrat-ka bll f am here this afternoon, 1 to 0. Pate of the leagiiurs featured hf hololnv the visitors to one hit and sinn ing out sixteen men h'orj: R U.K. Nebraaka 0 0 0 0 U f 0 0 00 1 4 B.stile'. 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 ti 0 llattertrs: I'olverlly of Nebracks, ChamlierlHln snd tluyg, Beatrice, Pato and Buster. YALE OVERWHELMS TIGERS Princeton Meet Defeat in Annual Track Meet by Score of Sixty Two to Forty-Two. VISITORS TAKE IT IN BUNCHES . Tmals 88 T 14 1- One out when winning run scored. Hatted for Marmiard In e.qhth. Hatted for Hughes In eleventh. Ran fur Uowdy In eleventh. . New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Boeton 0 0 0 0 1 1 0000 24 Two-baae hits: Robertson. Magee, Fletcher, 'lowrlv. Pmible plays: Maran vllie to Hchmlrit,' Smith to Pclmildt. Bralnard (uninlsicdt. Marsnvilln to Kgan to 8 limtrtt (2). Bases on halls: Off Hughea. I' off (lohaner. 1. -Hltaj: Off MnroiUHrd, 3 In seven Innings; off Schauer, 4 In three and one-third InnlnKs. rJtruck out: Bv Hughe. 4: by Marnusrd, : by. Schauer, I. limplres. Klem and Bmolie. . New York Yankees Give Boston Hose ' : Severe Trimming NHW TORK, May . The ' New Tork. Americans gave Boston a severe trouncing', today, 10 to 8. The fourth inning wan a nightmare for the Boston plsyers aa New York scoredN.ten runs and knocked out three pltchersfc Colllns Maya and Shore. Score: OSTOW. KW YORK. AB.H.O.A K AB 11 O A K , rf .. 4 1 1 OMalaot. 3b... I 8 I S Vtaanor, Sb.. 3 V I S HUrtifll, II. I I I I I Janvrln. 3b.. 8 0 1 S nmli. rf 4 8 I apaakar. ot.. 4 13 4 ll'lpp. lb I IU lwla. If.... 1 4CMh.Ii. rf J r.rtv. e S At OFarktnpa. as 4 8 8 I Hnrjlltial. lb 1 1 S whoob. n... a J a H....U aa 4 S 1 8 N unamakr. c 4 18 11 Mi'Naltr, Is. 4 1 s 1 sriahar. p Thomas, o.. 4 1 e Wcxwi, S....3 ISIS Totals.. rolllna. p .. S S S Mv.. p S 0 Khar, p.... 4 4 4 4 4 llenrlkan. It 1 1 3 1 Si f 14 fl Boston 0 0 0 3 0 New York 0 0 0 10 0 Two-ha no, bit: Hoblltsell. hit: Plpp. titolen base: Malsnl. Earned runs: New York, 7; Boston, 1. 8ncrlti hit: Lewis. l)ouble play Hendrlcksen to Wagner. . Hits: Off Collins. 11 In three Innings, none out in lourin; otr mays, a In one-third Inning: off Wood. 4 In four innings; off Rhore, 3 In two-thirds Inning.' BaaB on balls: wit risner. t; oir vjoi llns, J: off Hhore, 2; off Wood, 1. Btruck out: By Klsber, 4; by Collins, 1; by Wood. 4. Umpires: Bvsns and Mullaney. Tigers Tall Before ; Browns' Attack FT. LOUIB, Mo., May 8. A single by Pratt scored Bhotton ln the first inning In today's game with Detroit, and runa by Kaufman, C. Walker and K. Walker" In the same Inning brought the fit. Louis tally to four. Two more runs In tha sixth gave 8t. Louis tha victory, to 4. Score: i DETROIT. ' ' tT.-lU'W. ' . AB U O A r AB. H.O.A.E. Bu.h. ..... 4 4 1 ffleto. ' Wt. 4 8 4 1 4 Vlii, lb I 1.8 3 SAuatm, 8b... 3 14 14 r-ohb rf 4 18 4 (Pratt, lb.... I 1 4 S Cirnvrord. rf 4 S eKaufmaa, lb 4 1 8 1 S Vaaoh. It.... 3 1 3 4 SO.Walkar. cf I 2 1 Havana'. Jh. 4 1 4 I OK.Walk.r. ill 1 I Jaonbaun, lb I 8 0 La ran. a... 4 til" Dakar, a 4 I 4, 1 lAnnaw, S....8 0 11 Holaud. p.... 3 04 OWallnaa, .. I 1 0 I 0 1atla. p 14 4 11 nuhtia 1 1 4 Totals U U it 11 0 Fallar 4 4 4 4 4' Totals M "l 14 U ' . ' bailed lor B.unu in seventh. Han for Dubuo In seventh. Detroit 0 0 J I 0 4) O-t Ht. Louis 4 M I M M Two-base hltai - Jackson. Austin. Three base hits: Veach, Kavanaugh. Btoien bases: Bhotton (2), C. Walker, "E. Wal ker. Earned runs: Oft Boland, 4; off Weltman. 4. Double plays: Lavan to. Pratt to Kauffman, Kavanaugh to Bush to Jacobson, Lavan to Kauffman. Bases on balls: Off Boland, &; off Dauss, 1; off Wellman, 6. Hits: Off BoUnd, 8 in x Innings: off Dauss, 8 In two Innings. . Struck out:- By Boland, 8; by Dauss. 1; by Weilman, 6. Umpires: Hildebrand and O'Loughlln. Melker. Outfielders: B. Brown. Campbell, R. Brown. I'lUhers: Meyers, Roed, Wal wortb. Mllletto, Webber. Kearney: Catchers: Schmidt, Davis. Inflelders: Jorstad. Holllday. I'eak, Mer rell. Belle w. Outfielders: Carrie. Mat- Interest that has been iihown some new records for girt athletes will be .hung up. Some of the participant are now hold ers of world's records, Including Mlsa Gladys Hlmmons, who last year estab lished the mark In the 25-yard dash. Mhe ney, Campbell, pitchers: Vauah. We la- ia entered aaaln this year In the 25 and ter, Klonts, Carver. Davis. McCoy. Moate. 1 50-yard dashes and promises to bring ad- Btatrlce-Catchtrs: Egan. Bust r. In- idlUonal credit to Neoraaka. ' fielders. Eeekewlta. Klllman. Kortum. j The events for the meet Include the Brannan. Outfielders:, Neff. Plack. 2&-yard dash, the io-iard dash, the 50 Lockhardt. Fit hers; Aditrcs, Green, yard low hurdle, high lump, polt vault, trrett. Bate, Trwln. ; putt'ng the 8-pound shot, base bull throw. Grand Island-Catchers: Crosby, Syck. . bttl(Uet ball throw and a base ball gamo o w ' : ",r- Mftirath. ; between the sophomore snd Roben, Pclk. Pynek. Outfielders: Baason. j Kri,. .jr, mannaii, i nnmascn. tltchers: rillNCETON. N. J.. May 8.-Prlnceton met defeat at the. hands of Yale today ln their annual track meet by a score ot C2 to . The visitors took all three places in the 100-yard dash, the broad Jump and the two-mile event Hummary; Mile run: Mackenzie, Princeton, flraf. Altlia. Princeton, second; Boucher. Yalo, third. Time, 4:K). Voiir-mlle run: Wllkle. Yale, first! Moore, Princeton, second; Klchsrdson, Prlnreton, third. Tlma: 0:4Vi .'UU-yard hurdles: .Sheddon, Isle, flrat; Rtewart, t'Mncton, se'ond: Frederick, Prini toii. third. Time, OilW. lOil-yard ilai-h; Treadwav, Yale, first; Rlrketts. Yale, second; 8twart, Yale, third. Time, 0:10H. Two-mile run: Overton, Yale,, first; Ilolden, Yale, second; Oust, Yale, tiiird. Time, .4li. Shot put: Lonrstreth. Princeton, first; Cleudnnning. Ysle, second: Heynlger. Princeton, third. Distance, 41 feet inch. Hlith Jump: Oler, Yale, first: Davy, Princeton, second; Poller, titorey and Orsnt, Yale, tied for third. Height, teet Half-mile run: Haye. Princeton, first; Maall Senators Beaten by Macks in Seventh PHILADELPHIA, Pa., May 8.-A. bat ting rally In the seventh Inning gave Philadelphia a victory over Washington today, 8 to 3. Wyckoff was bit hard., but was saved by brilliant support by Lsjoie. Barry and Kopf. Score: WASHINGTON. PHILADELPHIA. AB. H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A-ST. liar, rf .l 1 I OWaHh. rl... 8 114 ai iKinna, u. a IHiruDk. cf... 8 Ortrhaua, r... 4 SLaJola. 8b... 4 aMrlonla. lb. 4 4 Barry. 'as.... I OKupf. Sb 4 iW.rkoff, p.. 3 ll'aaoock. p.- 1 lpp 1 S'bavlas .... I Totals U I IT 10 Batted for Mr Bride in elKhth. Batted for Oallla In ninth. Batted for Wyckoff in seventh. Hun for Lapp In seventh. Washington 0 0 o 1 1 1 0-4 Philadelphia 1 00000400-fi Threo-base hits: Walsh, 8 hang. Stolen baitc: (JandU, Barry. avarned runa: Washington, 3; Philadelphia. 3. Doubla pisys: Barry to 1-aiole to Mclnnis (2K Bancs on balls: ore U all la. 3; off Wyck- 1 I 111 4 Milan, cf.... 4 Knalar, b. .. 4 Moraao. tb.. 4 Gaadil. lb... 4 1 II 1 nbanka. I!.. I 1 2 1 llrarr. 4 Mi HrliU. as. I Nff. aa 4 f.allla. p.... I Wllllaoia .. 1 Hnndfa .. t Totala U 4 4 4 4 1 8 S 4 14 0 1 1 4 1 S 3 S 3 I 4 3 3 11. site e l so 8 0 0 0 fresh men Hoffman,' Manser, Beechon. Woods. Alex ander. . . Columbus Catchers- Ramsey, Walter. Inflclders: Blmcnds, Outxmer, Mercer, Schmidt, Coderer. Outfielders: Pratt, Orlmiie-s. Chsrnfiulst. Pitchers: Thel- msn. Klrchner, Wolfe, Justus. Ouijer, I Olillgruion. Keeping Hater Brats Kl aavrood. WKKPINO WATKR. Neb., May tZ. (rtrc'al.) In a tert-liinlng aame at Kln oou yevlerday afternoon Weeping Water defrateil the hi in sxiiool has ball team of that place, 11 to 10. Weeping Water hap no oi, two games out of three Batteriea: Weeping Water, Mamhsll and ljunn; h'imwood. ilct'roiy and Boelter. , .ebrask High Nrhuola Meet. The annual high schol fete day meet of Nebraska high schools will be held ln Lincoln on May IE, and Dr. H. O. Clapp, of the state university, who ia complet ing arranguments for It, expects that fully 130 athletes, including thirty Ne braska high school squads, will take part. 1 he meet Is held uudr the auaplccs of the High rVhool Athle tic association, with the university authorities In chsrge of the arrangements. The, program for the Ki te day, or visit ing day st the university, Includes the Hale high school championship debate. (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Cooky. Prliweton. second; lveman, I otf, 3. HHs: Off Wyckoff. 8 In seven Yale, third. Time, i:o. innings; on reiinoea 1 in two tnntngs. Broad Jump: Oler. Ysle, first: Hamp- Struck out: By Gallia. 4: by Wyokott, 1 ton and Mathews. Yale, tied for second liminircs; tonnouy ana uiuil. DlMtaiue, 22 feet i inches. md hiiidlea: Klcwart, Princeton, flrot: Kheddnn, Yale, aecond; Crawford, Princeton, third. Time. 0:244- zJu-yard daah: Treadway. Yale, rrst: Cornell, Yale, second; Moore, Princeton, third. Time, 0 1'-SVfc. Pole vault: Tie between Carter. Yale; Johnson, Ysle; Baker, Princeton, and C'arr, Princeton. Height, 11 feet 0 Inches. Hammer throw: Ijowghrtdgc, Yale, first; Nourae, Princeton, second; Oen nert, Prlneclon, third. Distance, 149 feet 8'u inches. Total points: Yale. 63 Princeton, C. TIGERS WIN TRIANGULAR BOAT RACE ON CARNEGIE PRINCETON, May 8. Princeton won the triangular boat race on Carnegie lake today. Columbia was ' second and Pennsylvania third. RALPH JONES WILL RUN AGAINST TIME TODAY Ralph Jones of the Druid Athletic club) this afternoon will make a run against time, leaving the and of tha Florence ear line at 8 o'clock and run to Twenty-fourth and N streets. South Omaha, Tb route taken will be south on Thirtieth to Fort, east on Fort to Twenty-fourth and south on Twenty-fourth to designation. Ho will be accompanied by J. II. McVeigh of tha Omaha Amateur Athletio association as official timekeeper; J. J. Reeve as time keeper for the club; Dr. Wlnteraon and Dan Oruenig. These gentlemen will fol low ui an auto and see that tha rua i made as per schedule. V i