Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8-C, Image 32

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Very Handy Five-Room Cottage
vf For The Garden v4
& The Home Builder &
Cut Out All Weeds
and Wild Grasses
to Keep Up the Lawn
On of the ' most Important points In
keeping the Un look In well la to cut
out all weeda and wild trrassee. An ss
pararus knife makea a good imp'ement
for this purpose: regular wM knife or
pud may be had at a reasonable trlce.
For the small lawn an old kitchen knlfo
W0.1 do. But cut deep, and above all never
let weeds or undesirable grasses go
awed. Borne of the worst, eurh as era
grass, are annuals, which ran soon ba
lasted If they are. never allowecj t feed.
The frequent use of a-roller ia one of
the most effective means of getting and
keeping a first-class tt'un. Mow fre
quently, but not too close. Have neat,
well-kept edges; an edger, which may be
(hoUght for 60 or 71 cents, and a good
harp boe are the only tools necessary.
In trimming edges a mistake very com
monly made la to go bark too far Into
the sod, leaving a little bank of dirt sev
eral Inches high. This dries up very
quickly and Is easily broken down by
every wheel or shoe that touches It.
Keep your roads and paths as narrow as
Possible. They will look bolter and will
be murh f reef" from Weeds or grass.
The rane fruits, such as raspberries and
blackberries, often Inrrease themselves
both by the rooting of the tips of ranea
where they touch the ground and by In
creasing at the roots. Consequently lit
an old bed enough atrong young plants
may b found to make a new planting In
the spring. Or the tips may be bent
down to form new plants, being held In
Flare by pegs or stones and covered with
soil, Many other things, such a cur
rants, gooseberries and grape, may be
layered In murh the same way. Hard
wood cuttings of iranjr of the 'ornamental
shrubs that were made last fall, and have
been wintered In the cellar or outdoors
under a mulch, should be planted In sn
upright position in a long, narrow trench
or furrow where drainage Is perfect. It
is a good plan to add some sand to the
soil. Tut the heel or larger end down,
Huch cuttings are sometimes burled for
the winter with the big end up to Indued
callusing. Two or three buds or eyes
should be left above ground. Btlr the
soli about the cuttings occasionally to
prevent the formation of a rruat. As
dry weather cornea on they should be
watered once' In a while. . When well
rooted they may be transplanted to other
rows or Into iots, or may be left to
make a season's growth before being set
in permanent places. Plenty of room
should be allowed, as some of the more
rapid growing kinds make a surprising
growth during the first season.
i 1 .
tfJe have all popular
named varieties
Get your favorite
AT '
Die Nebraska Seed Co.
1613 Howard SL Fhone Douglas 1261
IllgM ' . ft &OOAt t
H' " " tt
The plan shown today la one of tho
newest designs of the familiar five-room
cottage so popular In and about Omaha.
It Is very economical to build and con
veniently arranged. The living room Is
across the front of the house and directly
in front of the dining room. The kitchen
Is back of the dining room, with built-in
pantry cupboards and entry for Ire. This
plan ia different from the ordinary five-1
room cottage, In that the bed rooms are
at each side of the bath loom and con
nected by a hall that also opens Into
the kitchen and dinning room. The di
mensions of the house are 24x40 and the
rooms are all of good size and 'nine-foot
' Note the arrangement of the vestihulo
and the small coat closet directly off of
It and the closet for the front bed! room
behind that. Also note the built-in buf
fet and bookcase pedestals between the
dining room and living room. t .
This home makes a good one for a
young couple Just starting to keep house,
for It Is large, enough to meet their re
quirements and not too large for the
young housekeeper.
The above plan Is front the 'offices it
Everett B. Dodds, architect, and anyone
, ' ' V . 1 ".?..'!';;.,V,';.;(V,'!''ft,!;;i' j
Paint Today and Save Decay
'Sherwin-Williams Full Line of Paints, Varnishes, Stains.
' Pratt & Lambert's Varnishes
Keystona, Carter and National Leads
Brushes, Glass and Pure Linseed OiL
Shoppers Mileage Free With Cash Purchases.
Barker Bros. Paint Co.
Phone) Douglas) 4750.
1609 Fai-nam Street
Water-Proofed, Power-Tamped and Steam-Cured. Made of Concrete
containing the best Portland cement, and thoroughly mixed.
We deliver anywhere In Greater Omaha and in cars lots to Ne
braska and Iowa points.
ISEAL CEMENT STORE CO., 1708-10 Cuming St., Phone 4428 ,
desiring further information relative to l should gret In touch with Bverelt 8.
the cost of this cottage or the design- I Dodds. architect, 612-1J-14-15 PaxVn block,
lng of a new modern and up-to-f!ate home Omaha Neb.
Calirornla Privet, S years, S to 8 feet . . . . a , , . , '.
IlKrdy, Amonr Klver Privet, 1 to I fact .a.-,....
Hiirrlr KnicllMh Privet, 18 to 24 Inrliea
Hardy KiikIIsIi Privet, 13 to IS lm-lien
Hliva, I . u ..t ftg. .nM AN,-. ,A 1 . - -.
JieHiitiful Apile Trees- Dnlii-liiUK,' ItlHCk Jien' UttvlV, ' joiiathk'n',' .'
4 to . 4 feet ; s
Moore's V:rlv nnd Concord (IrH)ies .eoo pei dossa.
lieautirul tShsdo Treeii of all kinds, 1 to 2 tnehes
These are fine trees cut buck for planting. .
.13.00 per 100
..00 per 100
.04.00 per 100
. J.oo per loo
.ta.oo per loo
4.00 per 100
... . JOo each
fte saou
3.00 per 10(t
eiiGon-Omaha Nursery
BSsTBOsT 634.
m am
is now on in full force. Everything in
Flower and Garden Seeds can be planted
now with safety; likewise your Vegetable
and Flower Bedding Plants. .
We carry a complete stock of every
thing for the garden and lawn.
mivans m
li Store
119 North Sixteenth Street
Opposite P. O. Phone Douglas 079
Sir Horace Plunkett of Dublin Pur
chase! Some More Business
Property in City.
If there ia any on nonresident who
has kept his finger on the pulse of real
estate values in the Nebraska metropolis
more persistently ' than has Horace
Plunkett. the Dublin landlord, Omaha
real eft ate men are not able to nauio
him. Sir Horace as a millionaire has had
large property holdings in Omaha for a
great many years. Occasionally he soils
a piece here, but most of them he holds
and watches the values grow and the
rents increase.
Although Sir Horace spends most of
his time in Dublin and only once In a
period of years chances to come to
Omaha, he has not been blind and deaf
to the fart that real estate is substantial
here and that values have experienced
sn upward tendency recently. Ho has
not been blind to the fact that the heart
of the city ia Just now unfolding and be
ing developed with a burst perhaps never
before experienced in any one year.
Meekinsi More Barejataa,
With aU these things lp. mind. Sir
Horace has authorised his Omaha ageut.
Conrad Young, to get In the harness and
do a little business for him here. He has
authorised him apparently to get In the
big game of transactions being played
and pocket a few deeds before they are
all pocketed.
During the last week there has been a
renewal of Plunkett activity in Omaha
real estate transactions. Sir Horacu
bought the lots Just east of the (?roune
block at (Sixteenth and Capitol avenue.
whii-h he already owned. He has an- I
thorised his Omaha agent to tear down
the Crouns block and hulljf a bigger
structure, covering both '"the present
Crounse lot and the lot he has Just pur
chased. This will be done as . soon as
satisfactory arrangements are made with
prospective tenants. -
The price paid for the lot was not made
nubile. Qore the week was out there
name to light another purchase made by
Horace Pluukett. This time he acquired
the brick store and flat building at the,
northeast corner of Twenty-seventh and
Leavenworth streets from M. H. Kills.
The property was valued at 1,(A) in t'.i
transaction, which Included a trade of
the store and flat building at l&U North
Twentieth street, it being traded In at a
valuation or ,$10,000.
On the whole, the Investments of Plr
Horsce Plunkett In Omaha property dur
ing the last week prnbrbly represented
I7S.0 or $100,000.
Harrison Talks
Against the Signs
"The City National bank and the State
hank building companies should be com
mended for their attitude in not allow
ing big signs to extend out over the
sidewalks," said C. F. Harrison, speak
ing to the Real Estate exchange. "They
have taken the lead In this movement
la Omaha, and It ought to be appreciated
by the people who want a neater and
cleaner looking city." I know personally
that tho State bank building lost a tea
ant. It could have, had Just because the
manager would not allow the tenant to
use an overhanging sign."
Mr. Harrison spoke. . of the advanced
steps ' some of the ' eastern cities had
taken- In the sign matter, and asserted
that It gives a city a. decidedly neat,
clean and trim appearance. Bo do away
vith, the overhead signs.
The Alsatian apartment house at 115
119 South "Thirty-fifth street has Just
been placed in tho hands of the Peters
Trust compuny for management. There are
twelve of the five and six-room apart
ments, with bachelor quarters on the
fourth floor. A fireproof garage tn the
rear for the use of the tenants is an
other feature
Cyclone Sanitary Lawn Fence
: i
Is the htchest grade fence on
tile murknt heavier, atrtug
er and clonrr spared liian at.k
other. t'omiilnle. err, led on
wood rwwit, ;i cents per, lineal
foot and up.
We carry a full line of wire
and Iron feucea and gates,
trrlllsea for roves and vines,
tlower lied borders, fenra
lavs. cartHt vlerl posts for
field feni ina. Come In" and
the line and get our 4ow
irl'H. Krnd for talalocue.
807 Horta 17th at.
The Real Kstate exchange has defi
nitely decided that It wants to make
a campaign for the 191S encampment of
the National Grand Army of the Re
public. At the last meeting It was de
cided that eurh a campaign should be
made and that a committee be appointed
to confer with other committees to be
pointed by other organisations in the
city, looking toward obtaining this en
campment for Omaha.
The first work on the new t. Barnabas
Episcopal church, at tho southeast cor
ner of Fortieth and t'avenport streets,
has been commenced. 1 The . concrete
foundations have been set and tha brick
worV started. The structure is to cost
about' $9,0t0. It Is to be ready for occu
pancy' next fall. '
Baldnln Moves to Omaha. '
B. B. Baldwin of Klkhorn has decided
to inako his home in Omatia and has
purchased the residence of B. Kvenlld,
351 Pin street, in the Kield club dis
trict, the purchase price being $6,600. Mr.
Baldwin w'll take possession about the
middle of May. Tha D. V. Wholes com
pany negotiated the sale.
wilt build a new colonial style house la
the same neighborhood.
Fifty-first and Webster streets; Allan
Brothers Realty company to K. Nord
strom; consideration, ll.noo.
House and lot In Dundee. CCJO Webster
street; Mrs. Florence ChrlBtenBen to
tlnnche 1 Henry; consideration, t3.i0.
Two cottages at S311-3;tl5 Seward street,
to J. M. Shaffer; consideration, $4,200
House and lot at 4Hi Cass street; Vera
M. Rearle tO J. O. Ilhloln' rnnalHuntUn
$5,500. . ' r '
will make the home "cool and
comfortable when it i& 99 in the shade. An awning or two
and a few porch hangings will add a new summer room to
your home at a very small cos
For dependability, durability; and thorough work we
are always first. Call, phone or write and one of our rep
resentatives will talk with you about estimates, etc.
Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co.
Successor to Scott-Rawitzer
Manufacturing Co.
Help Us Grow.
Phone Douglas 882.
Corner 11th and Harney Sts.
Wa.T eres He Ira.
A total of $00.&M worth of acreage has
l.een sold by Hastings in the last thirty
days, showing th activity of the real
estate -market .regardlesa of all condi
tions. Hastings A llcyden also report
twenty-two sales made the lust wk.v
t 1
s .i ass I i i ii i i i
Wire and Iron Fences and Gates
for Lawn, Garden and Poultry Yards.
Trellises for Vines and Roses. Grape
Axbors. Flower Borders.
Clothe lVats
Iron and Wire
Window Guards
M-rrea Door (iuards
Kend tor Catalogue)
Vlre Archesi
, bummer Houm-s
Chairs and KrtUvs)
Tro said Mower Guards
Us Yaos
CHAMFiUN iKuN U WIRE WORKS, 15th and Jackson. TeLDouj.lSSD
Annatrong-Walsh company announce
the following recent sales not previously
Lot on north side, of Harney street. Just
webt of Twunty-lghth street: Thomas
V. Blackburn to C'ha,rles Anderson; con
sideration. t.."UM.
Two lots ut northeast corner of Forty-
third and Wakeley streets: sold for Pop
oleton estate to H. M. Van Ness, who
hap .-tlrvudy commenced erei-tlng a fine
residence : conaldfration. f .01)0.
New bungalow on Khvrinan avenue,
mar I'ratt Mr. t to Antoinette Winans;
consideration. $;l.X.
Hinull Iiuuh and lot. North Twenty
sixth ttiwt, to Charles T raver; consider
ation. Five-room house and half acre at Fifty
third and Mason: Claude Plmblebr to
glieurge Jennings; consideration. $1.6"0.
hmall l.oiixx and lot at 2il0 North
Twenty-aevi-nth street, to KwJ Srown,
ho will r-modei and improve; conaidvr
ation. Henldeiu-o at SW Tewey avenue: Rose
Potl'ird to J. 1'. Carnal; consideration.
1 liousr and half acre at northeast cor-Int-r
Fifty-sixth and William; Mrs. Luellla
iHraiM-h to It. M. Ufa II; consideration,
j Three lots at Iavenort and Kelt Una
I to L J. Nelaou; consideration. $1.).
, -ot on noilh side of Davenport, be-
'tten Kcrty -first avenue and Forty-j
third street: t'Opplrton estate to Florinne ;
U Curry, who will build at once; con-
Uuiciatiou. $l..Vttt. I
I Lot on norm side of Cass street, be-
ltwn Korty-first avenue and rorty-third
Iktrv. t; ropplfton estate to J. J. lUchter,
who will build: consideration, T.iO.
Hrlck store and flat building at north
east corner Twenty-seventh and Leaven
worth streets aud modern . rm proof
bakery building north of same, facing
Twrnty-seventh str-t; M. li. Kills to tilt
Horace I'lunkrit of Dublin, Ireland; con-
aii'eration. HO.uM.
blare and building at
North Twentieth Hirrct: hir Horac
i'lunkett to M. r. Kills; t renal erred aa a
lart of the conalderelton in transaction
mentioned above; price, $10,000.
Ijt at northeast corner Forty-third
and Cass streets; Poppleton estate to
Mrs. Cells ltanting. who will build a
line home; conlderatlon,
l( tu Duudue at aortnvaat corner
Hastings A. Heyden made tho following
sales in the list two weeks:
LllHworth M. Wells purchased tract 6?.
Bonson Gardens, for $l,l(w.
Lamuel K. Van purcnansed tract 41.
Bensqn Gardens, for $l.loo.
iVhi"MS?. ff'a-hty purchased a house and '
lot In Bhull a Third addition for I
I-orelel Pielffer purchased tract i!) I
Benson Gardens, for $560.
O. H. brown purchased tract S3. Ben
son Gardens, for $o. (
Nellie N. Mulligan purchased lot J,
Block 1, Glendttlo, for $ffi0.
George A. Llvesey purchased tract CC.
Benson Gardens, for $i7.r.
Howard W. Llvescy purchased tract L3,
Benson Gardens, for $1,000.
Kinella C. Olsen purchased tract Gu,
Benson Gardens, for $UJ5.
Maud O. lunford purchased lot 1.
block 4, Crelghton Heights, for $450.
Roy H. Truelock purchased tract til.
Benson Acres, pr $6J0. 7
It. J. McFarren purchased tract 18.
Benson Gardens, for $560.
Arthur H. Goodoll purchased lot K.
Keystone Park addition, for $7,200.
Charles Cheney purchased tract 42
Benson Gardens, for SxoO.
John B. frimlth purchased the west half
of lot 21; also the west half of the east
half of lot 21, Richland Acres, for $1,275.
Jacob Knlisnlk and Amel Bazman pur
chased lot 90. Benson Acres, for $1,000.
North Westerfield nutcliused tract 3S,
Benson Gardens, for fc.").
Charlotte R. Tyler purchased tract ,
Keystone Park, for $1,400
Walter Bowler, Florence, purchased
lot IS, block 3, Glendale, for $25".
G. E. Riley purchased tract 132, Benson
Gardens, for $4M).
George R Ksrnham purchased tract
180. Benson Gardens, for $450.
Anton DoVsev purchased lot 24. block
4, Glendale addition, for $225. '
Frank Boutin purchased tract 200, Ben
son Gen-dens, for $750. .
G. O. Walker purchased tract lo0. and
Kmll A. LI ml berg tract 133. Benson Gar
dens, for $50 426 each, v '
Irving K. Crandall purchasod tracts
US and 121, Benson Gardens, for $1.K"0.
Anton Panoslt pilrchased tract 75, Ben
son Gardens, for $MM.
Lewis Deutich purchased tract 20,. Ben
son Gardens, for ?6U. I
Nora Neihardt purchased tracts 181 and
1711. Benson Gardens, for $975.
John A. Jobe purchased tract 78. Bcn-
r" I mrn llinlnna. fnr L'.lll
Mr. Kveniidi Georae Anderson purchased tract 79.
Benson Acres, for $550.
Charles Robinson purchased tract 118,
Benson Gardens, for V50.
Albert P. Frv purchased tract TS. Ben
son Acres, for $550.
Thomas Zadak purchased tracts 131 and
1M, Benson Gardens, for 1.375.
Edwin V end. Marshall Jackson pur
chased the east half of lot 21. all of lot
20 and the west half of lot 19. Richland
Acres, for 12.550.
are not the best investment
a person of small means.
Because they bear a low rata
of Interest ant the selling price
ia manipulated up and down by
stock brokers and the price may
be at the lowest when you need
to convert them Into cash. ,
. Ilvtme Bulldera' Preferred
Hhares are guaranteed to earn
1 and become uiore valuable
every year.
Tou can invest a large or email
amount when you please, leave
It as long aa you wish or convert
It into cash on short' notice.
Send for our new free booklet
tha "New Way." It tells you all
about it.
American Security Company
Fiscal A sent s
Cor. 17th and Itouglas, Omaha.
Ground Floor.
Why move ia haste T tor Tom Ooods With Us While bookliur for a
Bui labia House,
'y in AHA TrflTTT
Uf:.." tfW-
We Employ Skilled and Competent Workman.
Omaha Van & Storage Go.
806-818 South Sixteenth Stroet Phone Doug. 4J6 3
ir. s. McDonald.
Oet Onr Estimates. We Bent Tents and Camp Turnlture.
Ho Connection With Amy Other Teat and Awtnr Concern.
Phone Douglas 3611. TOU South (Sixteenth St.
Twin City Brick Co., 'S0-
W Oar sTsw Ua 1991 W A. W. Bid? ?.ar "santtfol Cisp'ay
of SeUoaU aades,'- " Koom .Wiil Interest Ton
Heavy Hoisting
1212 Ftrntn SI.
Tel. D. 353