Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6-C, Image 30

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rem it ext
Hnim n4 t'ottearea.
l-r., JW No. 141 K Ave., new, $S. .
r rM5 Decatur. Inrse yard, II.
t-r., M01 Center. 1-leid club ami Hans-
com park, yard, $.''.?.
-r., )"J Grace, oh boulevard, 1,13,
a-r., JM Charles, gsran-e. 1'tn
4-r., SIrt rmmd, beautiful home, IM.
-r., M4 Kmml, will paint outside, $31.
l-r.. l.iio Ho. 1Mb. newly painted, water
paid, $36.
g-r.. l-Jvans. nrsctl -ally new. $..
-r., S.'ll No. 1H, sleeping porch, 13V
w-r'.'. IMS Kinmrt, suitable for two fWHOI,K or H Btnre. 101 'So. 16th St.
ItcJi. 1X1.
t-r., 21 m Rlnnev. Kniintse Place, $.
4-r., -27 Decatur, upstairs, $10.60,
t-.r !.. Mnnle new. UO.
-r.. M Bo. mh Ave., newly papered,
doom In. $25.
TrC, N. 1Mb, large yard, a-arare, tSM.
t-r., ISM No. 2M, gas. water, $&, -$-r.,
41 lb Charles, good condition, chicken
house, $16.
t-r . Ju Hoaldlng, water, (a a, toilet.
$12..v. ,
-T., 1U7 Cuming, gas, water. $15.
t-r., W Brnmet, Kountxe Place, Urge
vard. 17.60.
t-r., 2J0R Iiewey Ave., doae In, vacant
isth. 13860.
t-r., 212! Cas. fine condition, $36.
-r.. 64 So. ISth Ave, clow In,
-r., 23 Patrick Ave., now. US.
6-r., No. 21t. clone In, iM.
t-r., No. 21ft. clone In. (21 M.
-r., 221 No. 24th, anno at $18.
-T, 21J So, 2h Ave.. I A.
k-r.. 2119 No. Kith, anao ax $3.
We have othra. nvnd for our weekly
printed Hat bcrore renting.
Huatlngn Jk Hcydcn, 1.14 Harney Pt
t room, N. 17th Ht., part mod. .$12 M
It roomi, f.l g. 13th Kt., nwA. flat.. 17.50
t rooma, lH N. Kth St., modern.. 15.00
T roqma, 3MH Hawthorno Ave., mod., ft. ft)
7 rooma, l.H4 ri. Sth Ave., modern., 2B.)
rooma, 1422 Sherwood Ave., mod... 20.00
rooms, 1411 N. 17th KU, modern 2E. .09
19 rooma. 2414 faaa Ht.. modem 4o.0
A rooma, 412 S. Ave., mod. Apt.. 4U.00
4 rooma. 3U and Sherwood avenue.
mod. Art-, 'The IVY" 13.60
t rooms, r-'.tli Ave. and Dewey Ave..
. mod. Apt., "'THE WINONA" 42.50
rooms, 2Kth Ave. and Dewey Ave..
mod. Ai.. 'TUB WINONA" 66 00
4M Omaha Nat. Ilk. Pldtf. Phone D. 74fl.
?14 Crilcaa-o, -r., inoilcrn, $35.
t5 Cumin. 2d floor rear, J-r., IXtO.
2j77 Cumlinr. 2.1 fliuir. front, 2 r.. 29.
One i-r. and m ft-r. apartment In the
riteriing, IMh and rt. Mary a Ave. Ji
Juoed atmtmer raten. $26 aod $. Pee
janitor, tirat floor rear.
First Trust Co.,
Douglas lir.t
Exquisite New
Double Houses
Five rooms snd slecplnr porch. Kltch-n
cjtrlrrt, gas stove. praclUally a de
tabbed houee, convenient as an apart
jrient. Open Hunday.
Imcrican.Secunty Cd
Phone Douglas 5013.
I hone Walnut $007 1
31. u CHsti-Ilur bt., tJO; rms., mud. ex. tit.
I--4 ho. 2:th f t., $16; S rms., mod. ex. ht.
t;.7 Ho. .th Ave., $J6; 4 rms., all mod.
mi Ho. IMh St.. IS; 7 rms.. all mod.
tWjj Ho. Kth, iiS); t rms., mod. ex. ht
no. ihtn ki., ib; rms., moa. ex. hi.
Z""h i-.mrnet Ht., T rms., all mod.
fwi Ho. Jhlh HU, HTSo; b rma., all mod.
lioj Do!q Kt. ' Dou. 41 5, e
w mi, J, 111, -r., all nitHl. opt., $.760.
2J Nlcholaa. 4-r. mod. flat, steel rs-ngo,
fusA rtove, kitchen cabinet and water
J.ld, $17.
1A P P PROS., Dotir.
'.-iUK'M house, strictly modern. A
I'oilijo; l-roopi house, modern, 4 at N.
2 It li.
I t Omaha Nat ! Hank Rldr. Iouff. Wt
t.fO hmall brlvlt house, Fvans.
$ fc-r. cotlaxo, a.ih and i'atrtct Ave. house. iL-'lti N. i'.tn Ave.
Ii2..r. house, full lot. 4.VU Hunlette.
)-. 1IRICK, ilOl)., Wlh A 0rby.
(,mii 7-r., moilern, trarake, lliS WlrU
, t xi iio 4-r., miHlern, 117 H. Slat Pt.
Urn-5-r.. nuxtcrn, l'i7 H. Slflt HU
$.J.i)0-tl-room h"une N. IMh.
$17 Omaha Nat'l Dunk Hldg. Doig. 2i
no-2-r., 14.H H. litl Su
Im.Oit a-r., :''7 N. XVi 6t
i().r.( leavenworth Bt.
' li:'(KV--r., 2;t 1'lcrce Bt.
lusA -r., 'itvi N. i'th tt., modern.
11. A. WOLR
Ware lHork Dotislas SOW
A I J- sss. 11 fer tnnntb up
rooming huuse.
irJl CUPltuk
Tel. Harney KA.
JvloUERN' 6-rom ct.ltie, $w per nwx;
" 'M JYVt. O'tinna rety t o.. na p-.
HX-RfiflM. inoduin house, located at
2710 rjecstur Ht.; will be vseant aiay li
fry mop'h. ri"'" a-.'A
I Seven-room PiMlrii houw, l" H. fth Ht.
Mores, moves, parks, ships; X-liorrn van
ana m men, H-Ju ler nr.; sutsss jhi per
to.). Patltt.ictl..n guar. D. 4 At fy.lM.
We have a conipUte Itst of all houses,
anartniants and flats that are for rent.
t uis lint can be sna fr cf chirr at
Omaha Van A Htorage Co , sua n. lota Bt.
JO r 3 ExP- taovlag,
i . KPPn Peking i slorais.
Vs AVV-V-4 ) vt Vurun. 1). In
Gordon Van Go.
tl N. Hth Pt Tel. D. aM or Web. 1J.
S. M 1 V ,n.l
"'"-"OO Wate for iaev-1
lac. ttiH. snipping. UU1 Wabetsr til, j
(.1 K, ths Central rurtillure 6 turns. RLdS
VUT FARN AM. VS N. ih Ave, uuxl-
ein; wuu i patn rooma. si.
i-t ;ENT 7-room houee,
Parker Pt.
U iMMUru.
f. IvOOMS Rnd
linn. 11.
balb: all modern; on car
Houses t rt:tV Huns 4k Co., Iwn bidg.
la tell parts 01 toe cay.
OARAOR for rent In Btmls Park. Wal
nut -'.i'tv.
terra Olllora.
UV'W modern storv, best location; la
North Oinalia, 2414 Allies Ave., Webster
7 : or w ei.
tr, u 12 Miermaa Ave., 'x'a) leoC
1 .jo biivnuaq Ave,, luxZa) leet
ti anient.
li.i-i(i; Bo. 16th Pt., 20x60 feet; full
mscmcnt. stvant best.
ix .'14 bo. 3th hi., new storeroom la
Vlnrlt-y liotel 1IUK.
..0O-lul Howard Bt,, 20x4 feet, full
itnL-ujcns. siem.rn neau
phone 1). 7:-. City Nt. Bank Bldg
J. ..i.. 1,. BEAUTIFUL light store, lit
r. i-ta ri.
I'l'.t-l'iti 1V4 Harney Bt.
I ; .j-i-jijU, r'Kjjns lu nar, 2j3 N. SXh St,
V J 1 - k. Douglas Wie
1 u i ,c nuv- Imge offue at 4.1 W are
l..k., uibo eu'.iie ttilrd tluor of Ware
J . I . l lure offi.s. now oocupled bv
; .!: Ju.enuiKiil to. luiuicduile pvsse4-
Ware Js!. .k foiklas OWS
KuH iti-NT.
Otfii-a In Coniuu.uts.1 tluek, 16tb and
l'VU( "
,l',i U P. KENNEDY CO,
TO. D. lat NU Bk, Bldg
tT9m Olfleea.
KKW modern t ore room. 8" North lh
street; low rent. Conrad Young, &IZ
Rmndeln Theater. Doug. 1 ".71 .
New hrtrk and concrete bulldnr fnifl,
with rood basement and second floor;
absolutely fireproof: excellent locution
for first-dsns garage; will make b-
urr alterations for good tenant and
very reasonable rent.
K3 Hrandels Theater. - Doug. 1S71
m Dodre St.. 22 vn feet.
Hull, N. W. cor. 24th and FarVer,
2-21 N. 24th. mod. ex. hi at, 24x58. rood
location. I2S.
421 8o. AVK., 1J0. fine for small
Dtieineaa. J.
m Bo. 12th. 14. heat furnlahed. 125.
1 Farnam, lhxfA, heat furnlahed, P&.
ltflg Farnam. 4X so. ft. floor snaoa
On 2d and M floors, elevator, II2R. "
Tyler IMS. Btate Batik Bldr
NEW, modern, iteamheated atoreroom
and hajwmenL 212 lavenV-orth At.
Conrad Young, ill 'tirandefs theater.
Iou. 11571.
OPKIOBM, Id floor, li04 Hamev; offloea.
Id floor, 1V Harney; atore, 140J Harney.
eO. t:. IlPiDlCK. ATT I ..
224 Omaha Nat. Hank Hldr. Ionrr. 11J.
BRICK store and full cement basement.
1611 Burt Pt. PK ZlxW each. Thoa.
"W. Hacen. Vti Mctaaiie Bid. I. lm.
MOPEItN atore near corner Plxteenth
and Chicago; low rent Q. P. Htebhlna.
BTaftK and basement, 2231 Fama.n. $100.
wortern store, lies Farnam: low rent.
W srelienra.
1 floors or more. Mx 132 feet, on track
aire, sprinkler system, elevator service.''
UPllllIB I'U! r A W T,
Phone D. 764. 102 City Nat. bank Bide
Tale b"Ta everything, ed hand. Tyler 141a,
UFFirk; furniture bought and sold. i.
to. Moej. I3IT Farnam nwi 1a
WANTIUi-A good pair bowling alieya
with patent Mn apotur attachment. Ad
dress Y m, Hee.
WANTKIe-Old house
lot. Addrens 421 Hce
WANIKW or a-rooin modern tiouee,
not over l'K. on or near Hanson car
line, from S.'kl went preferred. Phone 11.
l) or nddreea KM N. 8.ld Ht. '. Adults.
W A NTtI Tt) R BNT A 7 or i-room. mod-
ern house In good neighborhood, liar-
y 74W. .......
ItrK;tcR8 RKK. CO.. 624-S Plate Bank.
I Asst. manager, bookkeeper, ateno. j un-
tiaual opening for experienced, capable
woman .$100 to $li
I Asst. cashier and steno., bright, capehle.
expeneucea gin, goon writer; splend n
future $a
S stenographers, eperlened, bright, ex
cellent appearance; unusual opportuni
ties va
Steno. and bookkeeper. Caps Me, bright.
experienced girls, good penman $ou
Retail clerk, experienced.
Filing clerk and steno., aome experience;
rapid steno., excellent position ,..$
7i( omahir Nat l liatik Uidg.
MMJNil'OI.KltK (uood mnmin) 14S
H'ffcNi KJRAl'H KH. aome leduor work. H0
wooomen ot trie world htldg.
HTKNlMiRAPilEU, exei lenced t-A
I PtenoK!"a'her, experienced f0
I Hteitoarapher and liookkeeper, $s week.
llrKers Keference Co., Plate Bank.
Agents nasi a lenwoBacm.
LADT solicitors wanted. Chlcano cor
poration manufacturing ladle' special.
ties; big money . for live Solicitors. Con
sumers Chemical Corporation, Consumers
iiuiiuing, t iiii'ao."
LAOY Axenla WantiMl Hliort hours:
pleasant work: cltv. 47w Urandela. aflor
10 o'clock.
WANTED Women to solicit orders anil
appoint. BUbasents. 17ft Per month and
traveling expenses and commission; ex
perience uiinecessurv: give three refer
ences. Cldlo Company, 1737 N. Campbell
nve., i nit-sYO, iii.-
$U WKEK, expanses advanced: women to
travel and appoint asents for concen
trated food In tubes. Reliable Mfg.
Co., 4o I'nma HWf.. Chicago
W ANTE l Capable business women to
!'.! as stats managers, local manavera
and dsrnonstratera for the blgheat grade
"own tanorea nip iront larea corset.
Maks $! to $"5 weekly. Not Bold through
stores Excellent proponUlon. AddreMS I
McPhemon, H.)es Xlsnager, C, B. Howd
Corset Co., ll Venetlsn Bldg.. Chicago
PHT8ICTAN want offlca girl; exparl
ence unnecAsary; $3 pr week. Address
A U Bee.
If ensckeenvrs) aa4 Domestics. . ,
OIRL for general housework, $7 a week:
no washing; laundress kept. 3KJ1 Cass.
U1RU to do general bounework; muat be
good plain cook, Xtua Woolwortn. Har
ney KI42. .
Dl ?H WASHER wanted at the Neumayer,
V ANTED Ex perlenced girl for general
housework: no waahlns. Mm M u
Newman, 3f.S9 Howard Bt.
YOL'Nvi girl to aaatnt with housework:
guoa yoiue; small family. Harney
EXPMiMKNCK.D nurse s'ri for t-yer-ol,
cnim; rereronres reoulred: wsges 121 nee
" ' w w. ni r, r-l. rurnry mja.,u- lies I wnite rlrl for sen-
a. i iw. '
r. mi i iiumwDm. Aim vvm tl... -
WANTEIV-Otrl tur geitsrsl housework,
short distance Into country; wages, $7.
A i.tWri girl for general hiuiuenrk: no
"tiyn r ni'-w, pleasant
home for right party. 'Address, M 21,
care Be.
WAN'fKO An experienced maid for gen-
m.uww ..ri, in, riarney TIM.
WANTED Net young girl to assist wllh
rare or naoy. Telephone liar. aJL
WANTED A rompciont girl tor general
ntMineworx ; also second girt. Mrs, J
s.. tiunaoriano. llarnev C7.
I WHIT It girl to do ganeraj housework
I no "ashing; two In fumlly. H. gjai. tjt
Bo. 7th Ht
tlIiLL)-AuED womsn or good steady
girl for general housework. Mrs, W.
I. Hubhanl, Telephone Walnut S3.
Pprtnrfleld. Neb .
GIKL f'r general houeewurk; no chll-
nren. mom narney bill. B40 Harney.
DANE or German girl for general houae
wora: no experience necessary. l.Sul 1st
Ave., Neb mkrt City. Neb -o
WN TtD A ipLle white nurse maid:
good wagea: refrrencea rexiuired. tf
46. 431 No. S.Mh Ht-
COM rtTt NT girl to assist w ith house.
worn: 00 washing.
Mrs. h
W. Biwck-
enrMgs, R-ll Jsckoon Ht
WANTID- White niuld fur ! (I t
housework, funllv of ikm v
ing or ironing, atust go home bight.
Apartment No. 4, Hamilton Ap'ta
WANTED Girl or woman for
work: a rood home et ex n
Apply J. H,, 6ul N. iid Ht
tx IM PET r. , T white girt for general
t.ousework: one who will twn Vl,l
craidren; nee4 nut do laundry work: ml
"a", jurs. .j. xv. siomsoD, liar. 274.
COMPETENT girl for rwneral houae
wora; Jars. Oeorve HAlumuu,n
utiayeue, va:aut i-'.x
wan l El olrl for general housework,
I ho caa go bora bights. & N. 2UJ
lOiKi. for general housework. Pvo-
is- 1 none rtarney vva.
I n mr.r-m t ten.
WANTBD A neat, rellahl rlrl for en-
eral houaewora lij family or : nreter
actrl 23 or M yeara old: muat he rood
cook and give rood reforencea; t week;
pn wanhlnr Wal. 17. . Oavenport Pt.
O lMI'KTKNT girl for reneml hoiineworlt.
no wanhlnr, (rood wacea, OTft nun rt.
COMPETBNT maid for general boiiae.
work. Prefer one livinr near who crfn
ro home nlrnta. lt Plnkney Pt.
OOOO girl for general houncwork; no
laundry; good wara. 1S H. g"h ft.
WHITE girl to aalnt with houncwork;
no wanhlng, no cooking. Weh. M2.
WANTI.D A hounekeejr. refined and
experienced; Protentnnt woman or girl
to cook and heir, with work in private
family; regular laundry done by othor
help' good waRea; reference required.
C all Walnut
WANTEl A g!H to asalnt with genernl
house or k: tierman preferred, i'hone
Hamey 4iy
WANTED-Olrl to assist with noune-
work and help care for chlllren; no
washing. Phone Walnut 240. 4ml Ixard.
WANTKIV-Oood white rlrl to asaiat with
housework snd one child; foreign gin
preferred: good wages and good borne.
Harney M4.
WANTEDOlrl for general housework;
no washing; reasonable wages. Call
Wnlnt 6M.
YOU NO women eomlng to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to vlalt the Young
Women's Christian asnortstlon building st
Pt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they
will be directed to suitable boarding
rlaoas or otherwise assisted.' Look for eur
ravtler" guide e.t Unloo station
tADIEU Drop ns a card and learn how
to secure beautiful premiums free.
Reynolds Hon, 47 Z6th Ht., Detroit,
Mien. o
WRITE Motion Picture Plays. $) each
Experience unneressnry. Details sent
free to beginners. Producers' Ieague, 144
Walnwrlxht, PL louts.
WANTED HeveraJ ladles to prepare for
Omaha September postofflce clerk ex
amination. Hplendld ssiarles. 1 con
ducted government examinations. Trial
examination free. Write Osmont, 27L,
Bt. bonis, o.
OIKI8 wanted for motion picture actinic
Flora Flnrh tells how. Free particular.
Flora Klnch Co., 754 World Bldg., New
DO you want another $3 dally? No ex
perience, constant spare time work.
knitting hosiery, machines furnished on
contract, we take product. OleaSon'
Wheeler Co. ftfc), 337 Madison, Chicago.
FRBK to anv Woman. Peautlful 42 piece
gold dec, dinner set. for distributing I
dos. cakes Complexion Bosp Free with
other products among friends; no money
eeaea. Tyrrell wira, n institute, cni-
ANYONE 'Make $UI weekly. Copy let
tera home evenings.- For quick answer
enclose a self-a.driressed envelope. Writer
co., Bristol, pa.
WOMEN to sew at home; material de
livered prepall; work Is plain machine
tewing: no canvassing; send stankwd en
velope for prices we pay. Universal Co.,
lept. i, walnut Bt. .l'hiianeipnia, la.
WANTKlJ At once, a first clans dining
' room gin, can or-write, juinaeti Hotel,
Penaer, web." ......
Clerical and Ufftew.
HIOff.3RADPl commercial positions.
70 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
If you are a man that has had any
practical experience at all In the bust-
Bens world and are full of pep and
ringer, and want to succeed In this game
of life, but are unable to connect, where
the opportunity presents Itself, there is
a wide open door at U lUmt Bldg.. where
the man at the big desk Inside does
nothing else ' but hrlnri about connec
tions of this kind. Don't hesitate to oaU
and talk over your case with him. It
ousts nothing to talk It ever.
$11 Bee Building.
U-en Ann rTrtsr'n
Referenbe Ass n.
1319-20 WOODMEN OF
itjes manager, furniture, experienced 1
must be able to produce results; start
t $A0
Purchasing agent, food products, thor
ough knowledge of spicej, extract, etc.
Wonderful future $200
2 traveling salesmen, t-xperleneed, drugs
and sundries, established territory and
trade .' jkw
City salesman, experienced, good appear-
nnie, nueiu tauter; muat ue a real
Salesman" ,...$100
stenographer, experienced, bright young
uiun wno wania to advance rapidly. .jo
Assistant city safes an. neat appearing
vuh fiiu, nttt'ieiiu iuiuo,.,.tl0
Junior office clerk, excellent opening for
n S uvoi, ainoitious Doy jjo
7U1 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg
KAUMAN (meats) ....
H A LEHMAN (auto acces.)....
, It
, 76
. 1ft)
HALl--.-MAN . . W
Female Clerical
Beet Commercial Position.
Office Boy, experienced 144
urnoe Hoy..- .i
Office B.y..... to
ivoge hct. iu, tcn-s ptate Bank Blilg.
IVANTLU-At onus, one or two a,i.-
awake and eoersetic vounr men !.
ing 10 learn, newpapr business pre
ferred. Call between t and t o'clock
Monday. Manager ClannifUd rwn
1. v.- n - '
WANTED-Salesman having the ambition
to work hard for six hours dally: sbil-
1 T w.ri n H I.IK II III ,1.1., . 11
one of the best and rleansnt nrnvuiii.
vn ui nurtn. rermanent position for
mm i n. iu ioug. bsco for Inter-
WANTED Salesman to ceil on rn,n
general stores and confectioners In small
w"i an per cent commission
$ weekly drawing account Halenimta-
sser. tiouth Mrst Ht-. 8l Ixiuls, Mo s
fcALhibMAN WANTElWcea, utbTuTa
erles; sloe line; 10 per osnt oominuon
Bampies ligbt: only men with trade duw
traveling need apply. Br In Bros., Direct
niKviun uuruiana Lnxcea, Dal I
AGEN TS end at once for our proposi
Uon. It's Useful, brand nt: a nmn
in every homa The Mallo Co.. Lvpt iS.
iniKi, 1 (HO.
Pr R CENT average eommieaksit. W
want clean men and will imy well f
tneio, our plsns get tlie orders
trade aUiuulstora. also straight sale gooda
mummum, ensmri, rnina, tin. cutlery,
Clans, eic. inn stock, etc. Comi,.mt..n
weekly. Mtg ., Ht. I-oi, Mo o
bl'ECIAl.f Y lmesfor dry guCds. gro
cerios snd gtneial stures. Can t Uaed
as pirtuium or Jtmmt.t snliers. Commts
10a 36 per cent paid weekly. National
iniporung w., at. ixiuia. wo.
Aaests, salriiara ( Sollettsra.
MAKE K to 210 a day reflnlshlng lighting
fixtures, brsra leISi etc.: cxperlen'S
unoeeesnsry : write for free sample shoe
ing flnlkhen. (tun letal Co., lpt. Xu
-atnr. Ill
CHF.ti'lNO tliim Sell to drslem: clesn
profits!. le bunlnens built tip qulcklj" with
our novel parkases. popular flavor.
Write today. lie I met 'lum t:o Cincinnati.
AOENTS Wanted PO per cent profit
selling useful aneclaltv- used In home
hoteln, stores and by auto owners; good
repeaters; sample free. Auburn gpeclal-
tlea Co.. Dept 24L', Autxirn, N. Y.
BOI,ICITlNJ Hulenman Experienced
man. convinrlns talker. Mason or Odd
Fellow In good Mnnrilng; Insurance of
bond salesman prIrnd; territory pro
tected; reference required. Fraternity
Puh. On., M BromfMd Pt., Boston, Masa
AUi:T8 wanted for article that sells
oulcklv In everr home. Associated
Factories, P Ptste Pt.. Chicago.
bAI.MMA.N ("spable specialty msn for
Mcnranka. Htaple line of new and ex
ceptional terms. Vacancy now. Attrac
tive commlnnti.n contract. $ weekly for
expenses. Miles F.. Hlxlcr Cv., 321-18 Car-
lln Bl lg. Cleveland. O.
OIEAN rut amhlttoua sslenmsn with a
successful roord to represent promi
nent manufacturer of hlgh-irrnde special
ties selling to lorihcrs. dealers and con
sumers. Halnry, expenses and ( double
bonus plan. Address, YM2, Pre.
SALESMEN for specialty line of popular
priced men's dress welts, made In Mil
waukee; 3B samples; good territory open
In Indiana. Michigan. Iowa, Nebraska,
Kansas and Mlnnoeota.
AOKNTH $40 to $7s weekly easily made.
Everyone buys; sample outfit free, Mc
Donald Supply Co., ept. 12, Lake Forest,
AOENTH Wanted to advertise our goods
by distribution free samples to consum
er. SOc an hour. Write for full partic
ulars. Favorl ProducU, 4830 White Bldg.,
Dayton, Ohio.
BARN $60 weekly selling collection cab
inet to merchants. Write for free sam
ples. Payers Co., 2 Laclede Bldg., Bt
Louis, Mo P.,
AOENTH Our specialty Is a winner;
sella on sight; every family wants It
Write us at once. The Russell Co.. Dept.
. Tebbetts. Mo.-
AGENTS 500 per cent profit; free sam-
os; gold sign letters for stores and
flee windows. Anyone esn put on. Me
Ulllc Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, Chicago
sive territory; new Invention; guaran
teed by reputable corporation; saving 25
per rent to gasoline users or money re
funded. Automobile, motorboat, station
ary engine owners, buy at first offering.
Territory going quickly. Gas Haver Hales
Co., 1790 Broadway, New York.
WE want reliable agent in 'every city
and town of the west to sell the Ken-
ney Needlo Hhower; the greatest selling
specialty on the market today. Every
home a prospect; enjoyed by men, women
and children; big demand developed; na
tional! advertised; retail price $0; 100 per
rent profit. Quickly attached to any tub.
Write at once for open territory. Reddan
Specialty Co., I 8. Wabash Ave., Chi-'
AOENTH everywhere sell new patented
household article; fast seller; 1 to $60
weekly; Investigate todav. Burton Co.,
Dept. O, 304 DeUrmw Bldg., Kansas City,
Wanted a man to make up and hang
window aliadea: must be thoroughly ex
perienced and furnish the best of refer
ence. Apply superintendent's office,. .
BALCONY, . : ,
EXCLUSIVE" territory open on higb
grade advertising line selling to banw.,
msnufacturera and mercnants; big com
missions with weekly cnecks; excellent
future for salesmen with business getting
Ideas. Cruver Mtg. Co., Chicago.
AGENTS New discovery; concentrated
beer; Just add water; makes genuine
foaming, dalicloua laer boer In lew
minutes. "Never drank finer." Ballard.
Best In ten veara." Brisbane." "Sine.
cost almost nothing," Bails. "Never tasted
belter." Fraley. innls sold LAxi: Dickin
son. UK): Hvinonda "Rush KuO to deliver."
Others coining money; strictly legitimate;
no license; tree sample otter; carry In
pocket; supply enormous demand; secure
territory now; send postal for free book
let, "Hecreta Of Beer Making." Am brew
Company, Dept 2404, Cincinnati, O. -
MAKE money easy; my new book show
over 60 way; price Wc. Address A. C.
Brantley, Box 26, Fenton, Miss.
HNAPl'lEHT seller yet; loo agents
wanted Immediately! big profits; sure
repeats; 'particulars free, Oehler Supply
42 Mouth Alta Vista. Dubuque, la."
GROW rich In busineas of your own; get
out cf the wage earners class; your co
operation with our factory starts you
with little capital during snare time In
your own, home; w manufacture exclu
sive articles; no canvassing; experience
unnecesKary; write for booklet and propo
sition. Address Prase Mfg. Co., Dept D
29, 68 Broadway. Buffalo, N. T
ICE LESS milk bottle cooler; keepa milk
and cream from "souring; . absolutely
new; retails 60c. Dept He, Edmund Feeny
Co., Muncle. Ind. .
AGENTS Hornet hlng new) fastest sellers
and quickest repeaters on earth; perma
nent, profitable business; good for 160 to
$76 a week. Address American Product
0.. 1783 Third Ht.. Cincinnati, ttilo.
, . 1 rnj . . . . I. ..HI.. a.. , u. Im.
01 sue luiuas. r.vvry nio i.i a oiiv i-i
i.'- . w - a vt-
. ..i.i ,.- . . ..
, 1 1. 1 , V 1 1 1 1 1 iv ui 1 , r. . . . ... .
.-j v. , , . 1. . 1 t v. U m
rvinney, nox oi, pumn t.iiiwue. i,.. . -
SALESMEN wanted for country towns.
UE weekly and 16 per day allowed for
expenses when traveling. . Western Cider
Co., St. Louln, ftio.
SALESMAN with established trade to
represent In Nebraska and South Da
kota strong line of popular priced novelty
curtalas (samples 10 Ilia) on commission
basis. Address, with business reference a.
Curtains, Room K Dl E. irith Ht, N. Y. C
SALESMAN wanted to sell on liberal
commiaaton basis to the stationery.
drug and Jewelry trade a well known
hlKh class article of merit No advances.
Must be competent, responsible and nave
satisfactory relerenoes. uooa opportun
ity and permanent territory to right man.
No objection to salesman with one or two
other non-conflicting lines, provided field
Is thoroughly worked. Address Gotham
Agency, Liberty ft. New York City.
mming experience, age, . nationality, rri-
ervmes, etc. o
WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales
men with automobiles to sell Hill a
Honey and Tar and other medicines to
drug; and country general stores. No side
line. 2u per cent commission paid weeksy.
No expense money adve&cod. No bond
asked, btate experience, rive reference
first, letter. New York Drug Concern.
New York. , o
SALESMEN Make big commissions sell
ing our new aaverusing premium propo
sition to merchants. Sella everywhere.
Demand unlimited. Samples free. Uni
versal Mileage Co, Vtii Van Buretl bt.
Chicago, ill.
SALESMEN Increase your earning dur
ing spare time, we only went suc
cessful men. now employed, who are
capable of earning $60 or more per week.
Our merchandise assort munis are attrac
tive and will sell readily, with no com
petition In the small towns. We guar
antee the salo and take back unsold
goods. No samplea to carry. Our Illus
trated pocket eUUKiQ tells the story. In
dustry Novelty Co.. Chicago, III
SALKtMElN Ws uuuiufactura a new
liutt of advertising novsitiea Will ad
vance a drawing aooount of 136 to right
man; stale experience; reference. Kemp-
nick Mfg. Co.. 4 Wilton Ave,. Chicago,
WE HAVE an opening tor a live sales
man In exclusive rvntral territory;
must oe wuuug to ran on retail trade
In small towns and be a steady producer;
stralsiit conuvilaoion; good opportunity
for right man with old established house.
Addrens Lot k Boa M, Tippecanoe City,
WANTED Saiee manager fur Nebraska.
' Live wire ' that c t get results with
the proper co-operaiion; slothing aitd
tailoring expertuave preferred; commis
sion only; no advances, "Our nroioltioo
la big.' and will net you f rou $itu to
15.&0 par year If you are "there," Ad
dress for parttculara with references, etc.
John H. Allan, 271 W. Jackson Blvd.
A renin, Saletmra sa l solicitors.
AOEN T We atsrt you with 1 steady
customers: your rue.?ess assured: 70
per. rent profit first ordr: no Ullures;
get our plan todny. La Clair TollM Mfg.
'o., St. IjoiiIs, Mo. o
WANTEI Nursery Mgeutn. Pay weekly.
Perty Nurseries, Ro henter. N. Y.
'WANTED AGENTS indies or Oentle
men. Article household snd commercial
use; good seller. OH, per cent profit East
Hide Hpeclalty Co.. 1214 East 10th Ht.,
Kannns City. Mo.
HaTehMEN WANTED Very skillful.
competent to sell blr specialty; $-i0
weekly to new men selling as ninny as
our best salesmen. Rush, Box 124, iowa
City, la.
SALESMAN Acquainted with grocery
trade; large demand, liberal commission,,
pocket sample,. Wlrth Halesbook Co., Chi
cago? BALEPMEN WANTED-Experience tm
necesssry, easv work, big pay. Write
now for large list of open Ires offering
opportunities to earn from 11 uO to $.K0 a
month while you lonrn. Addresi ncsrest
office, Iept. 439 NATIONAL PALEH
cago, New York, Pan Francisco.
WANTBD-Palcsmen snd agents who sre
making territory with automobile sell
ing goods to dealers and consumers to
"ell our $47. .70 automobile trailers as side
line on commisrlon. Universal Trailer
Co., 417 8. Dearborn St., Chicago. 111.
WANTED PA LBSM AN Experienced spe
cialty. Absolutely new sd System for
retailers. C. A. B. Dept, 27, Cedar Rap
ids, la
FLAPHTRIC Btgrv Works. Chicago, offers
permanent profitable position to sales
man proving ability to sell 110 Electric
Flashing Changesble Wording Window
Plans to merchants on 80 days time.
SltTrTLINE KALESMAN-rManufacturer
offers exceptional proposition) experi
enced hustler: reach country general
stores. Trade stimulators. Fun creou
heavy repeats. F.NAM ELW ARE,' ' Filth
and Oermantown, Philadelphia
WANTED Experienced salesman to
carry our linn of men's neckwear. Line
now ready. Give references In first let
ter. Address Box 413, Waterloo, is,-
BIDE LINE) MEN 25 per cent weekly on
our 24-pleoe table set. "Our plan" get
orders. Write for samplea. . Herthal Mfg.
Co., St. Louis, Mo. o
AGENTS In every town, best selling
houaehold article, start at once; large
demand for goods; $'.' to $S0 a week;
success assured; Investigate today. G. L
Gorham, 177V Knox Ave. 8.,' Minneapolis,
Minn. ...
EXCELLENT proposition for two good
men In Nebraska.- Call or write. Mutual
Benefit, Health and Accident Association
4?-2f City Nat l Hsnk BliUfcj
WAiWTED Hlx men at once to represent
us In western cities and towns. $Lo0 to
$260 monthly. We pay every Thursday.
No samples, no selling or collecting:
simply determination to work, Huch fu'l
instructions furnished that success! Is
assured. Write and secure splendid In
come. H. O. .Tones, Becty, 7 Bchwlnd
Bldg., t'ayton, y.
CAPABLE salesman or sales manager
by manufacturing corporation. Retail
knowledge desired. Muat prove sales
ability, trier organise sale force. Worth
from tW) to $M0 monthly to the right
man. Ptato experience. Reference. K.
H. INGLE. Dayton. O .
quick. New deal, unique selling plan and
unlimited market. Pays $100 per week,
etste experience. Address Y 808, Bee.
CANVAPHERS to sell Automatic Screen
Door Catches. Big money. Exceptional
proposition. Sample catch postpaid, -26c.
Auto Catch Co., Harvey, 111.
THE scream of the year is here. . Every
body excited. Most wonderful agency
proposition out. Davis agents make big
profits, $10 daily and up. Write quick for
tree colored circular and Immediate ap
pointment. Davis Co.. tt Davl . Bldg.,
Chlcago.e . .
BALES AGENTS for time reoorders, cost
keeping system and watchman' patrol
clocks, In all part of state. Write. F. L.
McNall, 326 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City,
AGENTS New policy covering all ac
- cldents or sickness for $10 yearly.
$6,000 principal sum; $100 monthly bene
fit. Deposit with state. , Half above bene,
fits H yearly. Liberal commissions. Great
Eastern Casualty Co., Dept 33. Newtrk,
N. J. -o
Faetorr and trades. '
Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg.
Tri-City Barber
College,' Tuition US, on account of big
trade. Wagea for 6 and 10 cent work.
Electric massage taught. Hydrauile
chairs. Catalog free, 1124 Douglas Ht,.
Moler Barber College ,
Largest barber college west of Chicago.
Special Bummer rate now in effect.
Catalogue mailed free. 110 S. 14th St,
YOU MUST THINK We give you expert
auto training, earn a real salary, big
money for our trained men. Come right
now and get our freo course in Glee. Ltg.
e Start'g systems: freo catalogue, Amer.
Auto Ojllege. awJ Farnam tt. Omaha.
WANTED A good machinist to work in
garage; one that understands automo
bile repair work: a good position for the
right party; only good competent men
need apply. Btate expurlenct and 'wages
wanted. Address Lock Box 44o, . Valen
tine, Neb-
) Xllseollaaeoaav.
A thorough, practical automobile edu
cation at minimum cost Ask for cata
logue "C" and explanation of our get
result method.
1411-17 Dodge Street Omaha, Neb.
WANTEI Responsible man with re
liable . friends who vouch for him to
oversee and manage several 10 snd 30
acre fruit and truck farms near Tampa,
the metropolis of south Florida, In the
most remarkable and delightful section
of America, To right party wa will give
to 20 acre of land free for co-operat
ing and assisting us. and we mutually
arranger expenses to Tampa and a fair
monthly compensation while acting a
farm manager. splendid opportunity.
Carlson, 837 Marquette Bldg., Chicago.
$s0 ' MONTHLY- and expenses, ta travel.
distribute sample and take orders or
appoint agents; permanent. . Jap Amer
loan Co., Chicago.
Mb)N wanted for detective work. Also,
instructed by former V. 8. rovernment
detective. Write. J. Qanor. 2 Calu
met, Chicago.
MEN wishing to earn three to five dol
lar per day, write for terms immedi
ately. First National Nurseries, Roches
ter, Y. .
EXPERIENCED hostery-underwear
salesman with 1J (cost of samples), ran
do unlimited business and undersell Job-
nera; direct mill ablpmenta For further
particulars address J. L. Franket, S6.
rum Ave., rew ora."
GOVERNMENT positions in postofflce,
railway mall and other branches are
good. Prepare for "exams", under former
ti. n. cavil service secretary examiner.
Booklet O free. Write todav. flatter.
son Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y.
BE a detective; earn $ut to 1100 weekly:
travel all over the world. Write Dept
IK, United Ptatea letertlve V Adlustlnr
Agency, nauway Excnanre. Ht. Lum
WANTE1 A vounsr men. with Hm.
book, confectionary or 1 m n n exoeriei.
to take charge of established branch
store one willing to Invent 21.600. Htste
experience and give reference" In flrat
l tier, not nnn, 1 Jricoln, Neb
A huE-HODIKD M E N Good eve nl.,t.
for firemen, brmkemea. 111 mnmhlv
Experience unnecessary. Railway. ' V
s"t. nee. .
EARN $4 daily silvering mirrors, plan
ire. wauaco Aoen, oavenport. la
WANTED Ford car owners. . Kvcr
countv to demonstrate Dadco Auto
matic 110 starter (patented). IM weekly.
Send with application five Ford owners
sddrssses. Over lu.000 sold. American
Dadco Co.. Detroit, Mich.
WANTBD Partner to travel; good poet.
tton to right party. Call Sunday or
Monday ener at A. u, . Ogdea
noiei Annex, council uiuria, it
FREE Positively freateat new original
inuaw mnninr tueas. esno - addressed
stamped envelope. 1 ntamaUoosl, toll
1 aiuinec avs, Lmioago.
WANTFD1.00J m-a to eat ha.-n and
ggS Uc Coffea Julia, lath and Capital.
yi Incellnneosn.
RAILWAY mall clerks 'wanted. $7
month; pull unnecessary. Writs Immedi
ately for full partclulars. Frsnkltn Insti
tute Dc p t.22t tJRo5f; "itli-L-Xl
WANTED Names cf men. It or over,
wlwhlng government ots. rmmtn. No
piiil necessary. Atiorers i
WANTED Tetms to haul brick. Klt
tenbtin Hon, 1.1th and FrederW k.
GOVERNMENT positions: thousands of
appointments to be made. Free booklet,
t-llltig where they are, what thev pav,
with specimen exsmlnatlon questions.
Nat Cor. Institute, 4-D Heventh Bt., W ash
Ington, D. C. 0
MAKE fl to $75 weekly growing rnurni
rooms In cellars, sheds, etc. Booklet
free. Mushroom Farms, Hubbard Woods.
III. -
ABLE-BODIED men for firemen, brake
men, $im monthly; experience unneces
sary. Andreas Y 41. Bee. o
W ANTPjD Names of young men snd
women desiring positions In southern
California, Bnciose postage. N. A.
Co., 721 Grant Bldg., I.o Angeles, Cal. o.
We furnish Stenographers,
Bookkeepers and Office Help.
No charge to the employer or emplose
for this service.
Douglas 128-.
WOMAN wants
IOll7lS8 4F.t,1.
day work. Telephone
FLOORS waxed
dandelions dug and
killed Web.
. 4fy.
ED7 msn
MIDDLE-AGED' man wants steady place
around house In exchange for board and
room. Address C 4oS, Bee.
TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability
desires position as cashier or clerical
work; Is college graduate and good pen
man: will consider out-of-town job: very
anxious to go to work and wants perma
nent work. Phone Douglas 8451, or ad
dress L-;3z, Bee.
THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. Tnt
Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad
FHBH until too get. ths desired results
This applies to residents of Omaha, South
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad te
The Bee office or telephone Trier 1000.
COLORED experienced mattress maker.
porter or Janitor wants steady job; bent
of references, mono wan. . sisf after a
Ask for Andersen.
HOUSEKEEPER deslrea position with
couple or as attendant to retired lady
or gentleman: best of references. Ad
dress G 407, Bee, or call Harney 2750.
WANTED Position by a refined elderly
ladv as housekeeper or companion for
Invalid; experienced; can give best of
references In- Omaha. ' Addrens J 408, Bee,
WAITER Experienced, t years In hotels
and restaurants, wishes position any
where. Address Tony Thomas. 1721
Dooge St.
MIDDLE-AGED lsdy denlres a position
- as a housekeeper In a small private
family, or a child nurse, or companion
to Invalid. Highest city referencea
Phone Red 2193, or address L 410, Bee.
WASHING, Ironing, lac curtains. Web
ster 43.
HOUSEKEEPER desires position in a
refined home; reference. Address G
420, Bee.
THOROUGHLY experienced cigar girl
can rurnish first class references. Ad
dress F 419, Bee.
FIRST CLASS manicurist would like 00-
sltloa In good hotel or desirable barber
shop. Phone Douglas 4GG9.
Person having lost some article would
a well to call up the office of the Omaha
aV-Council Bluff Btreet Railway com
pany to ascertain whether tbey left it la
the street cars,
- Many articles each day are turned In
and the company la anxious to restore
1. nm to ins ngnirai owwer. jau uouay. na.
!ist lollies' gold watch and fot;
Waltham movement. Liberal reward.
Douglas 66. '
LOST In Brandels store pompeian room,
Saturday afternoon, gent's puree con
taining $35 In bill and calling cards
reward. So. 15.
LOST One small bungalow net. curtain.
Suitable reward, 11. 1761.
ARTI6TIO tree trimming; scientific sur
gery and treatment of diseases of
tree a Call Douglas 802 and our Mr. John
son will make a personal examination
free. I. M. Johnson Co., ensmsm noiei.
Bargain prices at our old location, 17th
and Dodge. Phones: u. 4t ana weo. 1101.
PEDIGREED "Ronton Terrier pup. Mrs.
. W. Garrlty, FJ10 capttoi Ave. if. sois.
for saLB Beautiful two-year-old Bt
Bernard dor. Mrs. Johu westover. iu
Rose Ht, Lincoln, Neb.
YOUNG women comma to Omatia as
stranger are Invited to visit the Yonng
Women' Christian aasoel .tlon building at
iTth at. nnd st Mary's Ave., where they
will be directed to suitable boarding place
r otherwise assisted. ioob lor our ui
ler aid at the Unlun ntatton. - -
. dress of J. N. Griggs. lormeny 01 oa
land and Chadmn. Neb. Believed to be
running store In Nv W. Nebr. To his ad
vantage to be located at once. Address
Y-613, Bee.
WANTED To hear from refined young
man desirous of sharing room in pri
vate home In West Farnam district Must
offer good credentials. Address K 4X4, Bee.
THS Salvation Army industrial bom e
licit your olo slothing, furniture, m aga
glass. We collect We distribute.- Phone
Douglas 12t and our wagoa will cell. Call
and Inspect our new. bum, U10-U12-1114
Dodge HC
WE show only the correct and prevail
ing style in invitations, visiting caras,
stationery, etc.
IKV1J4 A. J1J.UHR w.i
Printers. 41 S. 14th Ht. Tel. Doug. 1363.
Piles, FistulaCured
Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and
other rectal diseases without surgical op
eration. Cure guaranteed and no money
paid until cured, w rite lor 000a on rec
tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B.
II. TAJtRx, 240 e tsiog.
Pnnlnro Cured In few days without
tVUDlUrC p- c or wr, w Wrav.
308 Be Bldg., Omaha. Established 1S!H. o
FITS I cured my daiuhler by simple
discovery; particulars free. Z. Lepso,
H6 lalsnd Ave.. Milwaukee. Wis. o
A KM A NO Really helps get rid of that
pain In the bark, touch of rheumatlam.
nervouaneas, tired, slugiriah feeling and
bring back that lost uppetlle, purifies
ths blood and builds up the entire y
tern. Junt send a poatcsrd te the Shella
barger Co.. Mfg. I liar.. West Liberty, la.
bU&l.NESd CHANCE Well established,
growing business; cleaning:. dyeing,
pressing; fine !octlwn; actual cleaning Is
sent out; business easy to banc 11; will
swwp for $3,6tAr modern boo. Axklrea n
Q A Boa,
Al'TOMOMLE-i-passenser, 1M0 model.
4 cyl Chalmers; good rendition mrousn-
tit W hat have you. Aauress o. .
ALTO A good 4-cyl., 40-n. p. lismoier
auto for repair work on nouse, you to
furnish all material, Hlso cement block
work for the porch. R. C. 9M. Bee.
AUTO A 4-pans. auto Ixidy, top. wind
shield nnd other Darts for anything re
quiring less room or something that man
or beast ran eat. Can be seen at any
time. B. C. 0. Bee.
BOAT Gas launch boat, A-l factory
made, i-lnch cypress, 14-sawea oalt
decks, coning and Inside panels, fine
rass trimmings, is ft, long. en. p. mass
and break engine, canopy too, cork
cushions, anchor, lire extlnguisner ana
brans lamps, fully equipped. For run
about automobile or small touring; car.
C. 9H. Bee.
AUTOMOBILE F01 other automobila
argain aee im -svuiomooiie taanani- -
cation. - . '
CASINGS Automobile rasing wanted,
liUxt inches, also Inner tube, wiu give
you a good swsp In other personal prop-
, . . 2 r. oat n
CEMENT Wanted to swap for aome ce
ment or foundation work down at tno
Carter Lake club grounds. Want some
second-hand lumber, 2x4 and zx. . c.
Set t, Bee,
EQUITY in a large 7-room house for a
lot In north nsrt of city, equity in
smaller house or a Ford. Address 8, C
:q Pee .
CLOCK What have you to swap for a
nice, artistlo parlor or mantle ciock,
personal property? 8, C. 94, Bee.
CHICKS Will exchange winter-laying
strain of Wlie Huff Orpington chicks
and hens.-Tlicludlng new Incubator and
brooder for good driving outfit Address
8. C. 971. Bee.
DIAMOND-Perfect blue-white -carat
diamond rtnrr. for rood second-hand au
tomobile. Addrens, 8. C. 077, Pse.
DOG Fine white Spits, male, t month
old. wnnt nave you for nimr Address
S. C. 9H3. Bee.
EAST front lot, value $400 for Ford. In
good condition. Phone Harney 4.SS4.
$M EQUITY lh a 6-room house, trade
for new auto or sen on monthly pay
ment, or vacant lot. Address N, Omaha
Bee, council itiuris. o
FURNITURE Ga stove, oak bed,.
kitchen range, good condition, for
chickens, nr. what have your Addrcs
8. C. 4. Bee.
FORD 6-pas., 1914 model, in good condi
tion. What have you. Address 8. C.
817. Bee. ' .
HAVE bicycle, good as new; what have
you 7 Addrens S. C. ie. Bee.
HAVE Molina auto and other valuable
property to trade for men -go-round.
Ntddress S. C. , Bee.
HORHB. wagon and buggy, will trade.
tor r ord. . Must be late model. Web
ster 10.12. .
HORSE, buggy and harness for sale or
trade for painting. Part, or whole. Call '
INCUBATOR and brooder, best make.
worth $26; will trade for 3-A Eastman
kodak, or what have you? Address S, C.
K2. Bee.
KODAK A $12 Eastman camera, 4x6. best
of lens, for auto. 84A4x4 casings and .in
ner tubes, or other personal property.
0. v. trcsa, pee.
LOZIER-4814, t-cyl.. 2-pas.. electric light
and starter. What have you. S. C.
TM. Bee.
00 OF meal tickets on good restaurant;
holder . has no use for them and will
give somebody a deal on same. Offer
what you have. Address 8. C. Bee.
MOTOR BOAT-Muskegon Boat Co.'
make. t-h. d. engine: Is feet long.
4 feet 8 Inches wide, 8- passenger, canopy
ton, mahogany deck, cushion seats, tar-v
polan cover, all same as new. Must be.
seen to be appreciated. Also boat house
and complete furnishings. Will trade
for automobile." Addrens S. C. 978. Bee.
making outfit and six rolls of film for
.hl.ll.n. .iIap.v.1 ' .P
....... ..u, ILIU.l.l V J ..,., V. L.IIII VI
egusi value. Addres H. c. 873, Hee.
1912. T-PASSENGBR, 4-cyllnder Cbal-
mera self-starter, first clans abnoe
What h-v e..i. Addrens S. C. 818. Bee.
PlANi i- ma upright piano.
W ant, uta-
Addrens, S. t. 9t9, Bee.
PIANOS H,gh grade Swick Piano, cost
1350. Want rood horse and hiivsv. Ad
dress, B. C. 9a?. Bee.
PLAYER PIANO First-class condition, '
Used only 10 months, Kimball, retail
price $750. Will exchange for Ford, lot
or drivln-r olltftr or what von? An
dres 8. C. 979, Bee. -
PAINTING Want to swap, for painting
and paper hanging; with material; some
thing to this offer. 8. C. 8M. Bee.
PICTURE SHOW Will swap a money
making picture show In city for other
property. Be quick. S. C. t7, Be.
PIANO Fine upright piano. Want dia
mond. Address, S. C 87. Bee.
PLAYER PIANO High, grade player
piano with 86 rolls music; will trade for
automobile, or, what have you? Ad
dress S. C. 174. Bee.
PIANO Will give piano for the keeplns
of two boys. Address S. C. 978 Bee.
PIANO Wellington piano'' slightly used;
will trade for diamond or what have
you? Address S. C. S7S, Bee.
POPCORN A new artistic, new self
vending, sanitary popcorn machine; the
latest out; inexpensive to operate; which
cost from the factory direct laoO; bought
for the California expo.; fell down on
concession; this Is a money maker with
out personal attention. What have yon
to offer S. C. No. 980. Bee.
SIGNS, showcards. Clark tt Son. D. 1271. .
WieCONKirJ Peerless refrigerator, al
most new, 100-pound .capacity, whlt
enamel, would,. exchange. Addres 8. C
1172. Bee. ' .
VIOLIN Will trade good violin for Un
derwood, or other typewriter. Address
8. C. 99L Bee.
WOULD like to trade a large Solar hard
coal stov fcr an incubator. Call Red7b64.
More Sleep Cuts
Down Death Rate
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
PETROGRAD. May l.-A remarkable
decrease in mortality among Injured per
son Is noted by F. M. Corse, the Rus
sian, manager of an American Insur
ance company. Mr. Corse la at a loss to
account for thta phenomenon, although
be attribute It In part to the cessation
of the "night life". In the large cities of
Russia. According to this Ingenious
theory, the longevity of the inhabitant
ha already Increased with the return
to regular habfta. Mr. Cora observes
that out of 836,000 insured only 100 have
died in the months of December, Janu
ary and February, while for the cor
responding period of tlia previous year
ui ocatn were recorded out of 371.000
policy holders, and this notwithstanding
the fact that ZM of the insured are army
officers in active servi';.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN. May l.-The polio order
closing all the dance hall in Berlin wa
not able to dampen the ardor of the
dancer, for whom a way to evade the
order wa promptly fofnd. ThI wa th
establishing of "daqclng hours" by hun
dreds of dancing masters, most of whom
were as little dancing p. asters Nag their
clients were pupils. To put an end to
this (he police have ordered that notice
of such "lessons" be given to the proper
police station In advance, and that the
name of the "pupn" and th hour when
they are expected to be Included la this
notice. The "leon" may not last mpra
than two hour, and not mora that fifty
person may be present
room aula wty ,