Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 28
rj THE OMAHA SUNDAY HE?;: MAir !, . 1P1.5. BAL ESTATT HISCKLLANTOrS. For Sale A Beauti- ful Country Home Mmlorti In every rmw t, with 11 cres of ground. having s room llahted lectrtcllv. finished In quarter mH quarter a large be wak and birch throuphout : large barn or rarage with full Uivmnl. Icehnuaa. mv, chicken house; .Marrel ciatern. windmill, tiled well, (took barn, cement walka to all hutldliiKa. ( a rea of alfalfa. ,m acrea bearing frHl. balance n culti vation and pastare., with fine ehaile treea. l,o-aied high am) tahtly. affording a Tine view of the lakea, cltlea anil sur rounding country. Cloae to cmtotiI side .walk and pa veil road leading Into Omaha, -.onventcnt to Ktwt ear Una. ran rearh retail center of Omaha by street rar within thirty-five minutes. Homething very desirable. Can ha subdivided Into acre traru and mnrt be seen to be ap preciated. Poeaeastnn at once. A fine hmnt for nty man or retired farmer. Prlca and trrma upon application. George & Company Tel. 7), T. UK City Nat. Bank Bid. For Sale Now occupied by owner. A strictly modern 6-ronm himtalow, large living room, oak finiah, noim window and doors throughout, large lot. surrounded iby fine home. It muat be seen to be i-preclated. ('all Webster 415, or HZl Camden Ave. ' Two New Bungalows First Offered, Open Today for s , Your inspection 41ST AVE. AND IJURT ST. OK 801 AND 811 Na 41ST AVE. 1 '. ' ' ' ' ..;..,".! k , ' ' '. . ' '" n - . ' 1 - ''. i room each, rnnalatlng of living roam. lltchen on flrat floor: full cemented baaement: alao atalra to lnr atiin Hirl,.iv' full cemented baaement: , modern, up-to-ita and flrat claaa In ova ry way. Tlieao two bunalowa are of the lat material and woikinanalil throujjh out. Wa Invite your ptraunal Inxpactlon :ii to Iba coaatructton and flulaa. . . ONT3 BI-OCK FTOM FAUNAM CAU-PORNKR tX)TPAVKD 6TRKRT iWTTIl PAVIN(J PAID. Theao bungalowa are complete and ready to occupy ; without additional epen: are deoorated throughout, . window ehadea, water' meter, gldewalka, acreena, yarda are all terraced, aeeded and aodded. 'Can make terma of $v caah and tW er month on balartca. Including Interest and anaoluteljr priced below any iulert y cf thla Oaaa In thla locality. Wl 3,60. Kll H.7;i0. , . When you figure three bungalowa ar complete, on paved atreet. with pavtrit; .Te!d, conatructed an rinlahnd, ae they a are what you ahould buy for a, home. Hiatt-Fairfield Go. Douglta Gommencing Monday, May 10 The Sale of the Season Lots You Will; . Want to Own IN WEST SIDE The Best Addition in Omaha ., CZTSfREETCAR-rx , . Run 3 through the center; of this property. "No, . lot over two blocks from Car Line. - ; . ONLY 100 LOTS FOR SALE These beinj very desirable, and, car service t so close, they will sell at . eight. SO ACT ' QUICKLY. Call Douglas 55 and let us ehow ! , , yon the biggest bargain in the Citj Prices ......... $250.00 to $500.00 Terms $5.00 down and $5.00 per month The Columbian Investment Co. . f . , 917 Omaha Nnt'l Hank Bldg. Phono D. 55,, . 'BiaBBaaMaaaBaMeBaBaaaagBaBaaBBBaBaaaaaBeBaav'aa STOP PAYING RENT Buy a Close-in Home ' $350 Cash, $32 Monthly . BRAND NEW, NEVER OCCUPIED ON LAPiGK EAST FKONT COliNKR LOT, IN CHOICE .'RESIDENCE MSTHICT, AMONG NEW HOMES, LlVS THAN A MILE FROM ItJTII AND FARNAM STH SIX J5L0CKS FROM HANSCOM PARK, FrVE PLOClvS FROM PARK SCHOOL, ONE OF THE PEST IN THE CITY. IX). OATED AT 1502 SO. 23TH ST. (25TH AND W00LW0RTH, ONE MXKK FROM CAR LINE) ON PAVED STREET. PRICE REDUCED TO $3,900 OPEN FROM i TO 5 P. M. TODAY. H-j.-a la a I art alr n full two-stor tat a. s I ry. rlc,r, H'J u.ii I I4i ill iaiK4 living, liiii d oing r'Kim. lil. which bna li) u.b w K.ini rii kiig iimv ni.rnu Ti,m. rout and rrr atairway. I'pttai ra haa three good tKiroo.iia. f..ur ckweta. larta bain room and aciwiied-in slenping port n. llh linvai vurtauia, Ijiay eiair ' rtoiirwiiii lr. aitn.. r'ull cement bnannient, wlin floor diam fruit c-llar an.) i.'li,-t coal i,in. irnient walks, aoitdrd yard, acreena, water nu'ter and ni rt .w fehaii-a. mi'iv t'vnil-inatlnn liaht futures. Guaranteed tui nar and piunibln; deeorHted t wmt hih tiper. Thla U a wall bailt home, nothlug jut t.ia .i ,f maieiUl iw j and built entirely by day labor. tnn from S to p in to.iay. or eii be wi-n by aplNiun 1,1 ant any llnw. Make arrantic m nt to aee tins t-,r it iri ittt l rten to ! apprveialud , and ara sura it's a borne you will ijiie, ijovd l-A laaen as jrt jy. " . NORTH SIDE NEAR MILLER PARK Have a duplicate of the above at ZM laurel Ave. Heady My Sth. Prlo $3 &. ratffifli tcrn.8' WEST FARNAM DISTRICT If yea like the ei tart 418 H. 41 d M. uat Hka the above, but amalltr Jt I Seniy or f-ri'a $;.7u0- hunt terma. open ail flay tixliy. 2 i-r ni T inluriuaUKo tn auy 4 tlu:ae pUime Cbaa. liuru. Owntr, Wtlnut t!5 I REAL ESTATE -SfTSCELLAXF-OCS For Sale or Exchange A large warehouae with railroad track, age. located on one of tba beat bualn-Jts street In Otmba; rented for live year PrW $,0"0. There la a, mortgage o( $U,.Vrt on thla property, nmnln eight years, at per rent. Owner will lake good unimproved land In Nebraska at (! fair caah value for hla equity. No aand hills or undesirable land ctmaldered. A very dcalrnble 7 -room house and large lot. on paved atreet. In good neighbor hood. Price $-X Will exchenga for vi cant land In Nebraska with good aoll, or for a smaller houao In Omaha. J. H. Dumont & Co. 414-M Plate Bank Hid, Phone ivwg. 190 $1, '250.00 New FourRoom House $ 1 )0 Cnah $11 per month front pouth on PAVED 8TRKFT, baa I'iTY WATER, OAK and 1CLKCTKIO LIGHT. 2 blocks from rar Una, looted aouth. A well built and attractive houie. Shuler & Cary Phone I. 411K. 224 Htate Bank lt1. CLIT TO $3,500 7 room, all modern, hot water heat, aat front lot, on paved street, with paving paid; good locality: close to school and Just on block north of Field club. Thla la quick aale priee; get. htiav. Caah payment down; balance monthly. WW 8. tb Avo., C. (1. CARLBERO, , Ml Brandela Theater Bldg. Time dfnlna room, atineonm. IwirimAM an re, you will readily ohnerve that these 1 m all modern heme. Oak finished ob flrat llxil, with coionnada opening J wmIis. tUta rail and ...i . will, buiJt-l o,.b....i m.i .rr-.r,, REAL ESTATE MISCTLLAJfEOrS Field Club Wa want an offer fnr V4 K. Sith Pt.. facing eaat at corner of Marry ft. Thla In a -room, 2-etnry modern boue, neiy painted, In good condition throughcut, Aeklng $.'I0; but we want an offer. Kaay terma can be artanced. but caah la an objei t Key at our ofti' e. Act quick If you want a bargnln. ' Two Dundee Specials I Adlolnlnf Beautiful Haoov Hollow I Clrclo we have a l-room, well-built, at- ! tractive honie, beam celling, flrepla e. I built-in bookraaen aleeng porch and 1 garage. Prtoe. K.hno. Mee thla. Owner ! haft left city. Thla i worth the money. Brick and Stucco W'e hay another d-rcom realdence lo. rated in ore of the prettiaat blocka n Oundee. The owner baa made a cut of for rjulck aale. Thla hae a large liv ing room with den and dining room "n flrat floor, with four good bedroome on eerond. , aJao aleeping porch. We are P"eltlve there are two of 'the beet buya In pundee. Ixt ua ihuw . you. They ate both aura to be eoldi thla week. Price now W.ato. Excellent. Value West, $5,000 Hevim-room Jioune. exceptionally well built, ld-aj flirangement, with ol thmughoiit the flrat floor, makogany anO enamel on the aerond floor, with tl!e veatioule and bath, luundiy chnl. built in bookcaaer: dandy home: worth te money. Mtaht conalder vacant lot a Pert payment. Flrat time offered at thla prire. f'urmef price liTA Thla la a new houae'. never occupied, full aouth front lot .on good atreet. Biggest Bargains in Bemis Park C7'A A S-rooin cottage, all modern, large lot, farlnx on Lafayette Ave. Blvd. p- caah will handle. t.3N Seven roomn. two-story, all mod ern, with flteplHce. aouth front on Myrtle Ave., half block from Md rt. car line. Kxrellent value and eay terma can be arranacd W.7SO Heatitl'ul atucco houae, new and never occupied. Ijirae living room ar rangement, 'lining room with aouth ex pieure; coninlele kitchen with bullt-ln rupbourda arid kitchen cabinet; three very plcnaant liedrooma: plenty of win flow and exceptionally large cloawt anace: full eaat front lot. ery rightly. Price reiluced for qiikk e-1". p'tnt eaah will hot!n. . - ,5m-Very attractive .ow at S3 Myrtle Ave., corner lot. . k from car line, paving all paid: t roona and bath on flrat floor; t coma on eecond. . The arrangement, flnlah and construction are of the beet. The houae coat I4.WXI to tmilil and the lot coat ll.ton. Hnecial rea aon fur oirk ante und the price aac rlfleed accordingly. Terma to atilt. . Glover & Spain . l-MCItT Katlonal. Phone Ieuglga SBfri. REAL ESTATE WORTH SIDE Strictly Modern Homes -w Iimib St. I.iwm, naw, atrtclly tnolirn hiraw, juat complotd. haa all liardwond flnlah, larre nun rom on aeo and floor, bullt-ln mantle and firoplac-e, full cemant bHarmrnt, loaa that ona-half block from boulavard. Thla houae ran ba bought now. fof H,9 on very liberal Irrnia. Hfiutlful tocm houae, naar and atrlctly miflrn, In Lmla I'ai k. Hullt about two yaara airo and ocmpU-d by owner. Fi-t mu wwna imora rimanta antireiy in lardw.MMl. . Haa , ilmplnw porch, latue gantry and ft hKarator . roam. Oaraa aiKd ailouah for two rara. l'lnlv nt aha.!e troaa. All afwolnl iold. Thla houaa itn be bouaht for .io.j urn-uin nivo. fitrwiy molrn 8- room houaa, with baitiwood flnlah and not writ nceting. Una of tha nlceat ar ranccd hooaoa In the clt, al.tndiiiK In an iiiaai location on a aoutti front lot with plenty of abadn traoa anr axerythlnr that CTitkoa a beautiful hotne. I"rlce Pi tO. iwl.l Uncoln Hlvd. A nw. atrlrtly mo.1- arn, ll-room houar, hardwood flnlah on both flrat and aorond floora. with threo nl-ely flnlahed bdrooina on third floor; haa hot iter haatintr, very nlca flx trp, !ara pantrlca and ' rofiigeralor room, full eamontcd lairment Thla houaa ia kcat4 en a aotith frcnt lot. and the boulevard, and rlnrht In tha vr-rv heart -f Hernia Park: allev la naved and all apeHalfl ald. Will mnke cn ld.-Ml homo for any ono wlahlnf a houie of thla In:. Prlca, Lp"X G. W. Garloch Tel. Poiif. 11. r-8J Ptata Pank FMiT Piles and Fistula Cured without RUROlCAt, OPERATION er PAIN. NO DKTKNTION from BI78I KKRR PAY when CV'KED. A written GUARANTEE given In every caae treated, ratlenta muat coma to the of fice, --10 Omaha National bank. 17th and rarnam Ma. Da WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL, Twny-lbt yearn In Omaha. Graduate ar Belltvue Hospital New York City. N. t Medical CoUsge, Haven of Rest for the Tired Office Man The ooslaat a-room, all modern cottage en one of the finest lota you ever aaw. A beauinui lawn in front ana plenty ot fruit and garden behind. Oo to r0 Cam den Ave. and discover what $3,000 will really buy; It la vacant and will be open all day. Easy terma. A. B. Mason. Walnut 143U. . 1821 LAIRD ST. OPEN FROM 2:30 TO 5 P. M. You ahould take tuna to come and se thia new, all modern BUNUALOW. for It is just the kind of a place that you would want for a home; rooms all targe and well arranged: the I FRONT BOOMS are finished la OAK, 1 a M N Kvn.M witlt S. i:. exposure and has 6 windows. I front rooms have beam ceilings, book cares between L1V1NO ROOM and KsN- 1NU HOOM; window seat panel and plate rail In Hliilnff nom wail AUM4Vi:h'l KITCHKN with butlcra pantry and Ice i.o rr,.,m: ii. Mr,m to. mA nnun,.i fixtures are all GUARANTIED: OAK l l.uOHg thmiifflinut the entire t; h-k-1 .t v 1 iimiti vii 1.-1 vri rro are artiatle and un-lo-date! oon.uiele a-t ol iinlow fth&iiea; fttalra to pcond floor 1. 1 a.. ati..W Urge cement iMiaement. KURNACB litAT. wiik hot and cold water oonnc tlons: floor drala in basement; fine lot, facing luth bt oa a two-foot terrace, nicely aodded, and atreet Paved. House muat be sold regardless of price. Can make, easy terms, or goad lot taken as flrat payment. Thla koase Is not the ordinary bungalow you see. but Is Very aitiaUcally designed. Come and aee for yourevlf. Ixn-aied at Laird St., Juat porih of Kountse Park. RASP BROS. 10C McCagiie Bldg TViug. ISA A Real Bargain Owner will sacrifice hla eight-room home In Kountse 1'lace. Modern, with parage, beautiful aouth front lot; two blocka to car. Price only $4,000. Terms reasonable. Alfred Thomas Real Ksta'e. Ians, Insurance. SO flrat National Bank Bi.ig. liUVUTllUL.lIlGH CLASS BUILDING SITU Two lots. kxlS each; corner of Koiite nelie Blvd. and Miaiul 8t. lilkhe and sightliaat building location oa r'outenelle Blvd. Price. $3.ri Vi. 1L CltARY & Oa Tvlcr 20CA tUO Ffcxtoa Block. REAL ESTATE VORTn BIDE Fontenelle Park ' i Ji n $100 Down $Hi0 caali will atart you on ownlna; your own home on a good atreet, la a arodd locality, and near fln park. I offer you . th cholra of either Mi Hnaldlna; fH.. ajwt uu) K. 4th ft. Theaa hirnaoa have full cellar, cen nt floora. -ity water, electric llghtw and eleKatit fix ture; 4 large rooma- on lt floor; f un finished bed chamtM-ra and Unfinished bath room upatalra; tho Iota are larse and nicetf lavaled. with permanent aide--alka. FrV la Sl.&O. tl0 down and the balance tx per month. 1 alao offer Vifl N. ild H , for tUfiW; $! caah and 2rt per month. Thla houae la not quite aa large ia tha othera, but It la a dandy. CGf. CARLBERG, !13 Brandela Theater Hide The Greatest Bar gain Kountze Place H117 Evana St.. brand new modern home, larae ' living room, vertlbule en trance and coat rloaet, dining room with panelled walla and window aoat, kltchan. fine pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bedrooma. aun room or Bum mer aleeping porch, and bath on aecond Poor. Thla ia a well-arranved and beau tifully finished houae; plumbing and heat ing guaranteed and house hus juat been le orated on both floora with expenalve paper: full aet of acreena and ehadea gn with the houae. Yard la nicely eodil.d and atreet la paved. Price, onlv 14.100: W eaah and f2 per month. You cannot equal thla bargain In any part of town. Via out today. Tenant will be glad to how you through. Payne & Slater Co. fill Hmaha Nat. Bank Bldg $1,200 4-R Cottage Modem except heat, good bath, renta for. 112 a month; on paved atreet and one-half block from the Harney atreet ear line. One-half caah, balance monthly. Thla la a tip-top neighborhood adjoining Bemla I'ark and la a anap. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler Htate Bank Bldg . Just the Home For a Small Family SOME CASH DOWN. Balance can be paid like rent. New. complete, modern, 7-room half bungalow liKHtcvl at 662 N. 24th ft. Mrat floor haa leceptlon hall, with mirror door, living mom, dining room, aun room or aleeping perch and kitchen; oak flnlah .except kitchen; aecond floor haa three nice bed room and enamel batbj genuine tile floor In bath; full baaement, eaat front lot; all peclala In; lawn aodded: ahadea are up; wlndowa washed; house cleaned, ready to occupy, Don't rent. Buy thia and have a home of your own; A beauty, with right price and location. Wa will be glad lo ahow you thla home. It will suit you. Price only $3,800. Read thla one more, then ask about It. Arthur C.Crossm an Tel. I. 51QT. . Boston Store Bldg Bargain in A Six-Room House Large living room with vestibule en trance, built-in bookcases and presaed brick real fireplace, beam celling. Th dining room has plate rail and paneling. Conveniently arranged kitchen, pantrv, rear entry with refrigerator room. On second floor there are three bedrooms, one 12xl, one llxW and one 11x13. The living rooms are oak finish, and oak floors throughout . Beautiful lighting lixturea, full basement, good heating plant and the best of plumbing through out. It is a very attractive 3-story square house fronting on tha park and in a hiKli class residence district Located at 61:13 N.. S4th tit. . Price $4,500. Norris & Norris 400 Pee BMg Tel. Douglas 4270. Investment ; NORTHWEST CORNER 25th & Capitol Ave, The best close In corner. Good Tor lores ana apartment ixii yzxub, with good 11-rooiii houao renting for ftift). Be sides tba corner ia ready to build stores ana ananmttiiitt. . LOOK AT THIS IT MUST BE SOLD ANI IT WILL: Bl? SOMX THKRC IS GOOD MONET IN TIII8 L. If. (TERN R. E. CO.. Phone Tyler luln. Douglas SfilO. Bargain Small Cash Payment A beautifully finished and decorated hoinu. Hak floora on both first and aec ond flooia. Thla home haa reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, faulty and rear entiy on first floor, with two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Large ekisets; furnace, giiarau- teea to neat; screens. Including evreens for front porch;. 60-foot lot by 1! feet Jeep; puved atieet; only one-half blook from school. Price. $2,Ki0. Very easy lerme. i-ouateci fr-'t Amu Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Hee lililg. I'hone I Hiuglaa 4J70 Must Be Sold I .A trgl tn.a two-story bungalow de- aiKn Home. iuib nouxe was buut only I on. yr ". "' ' up-to-data In aver particular, jieauiirul large living room with fireplace, beam celling and book I c"" Thla room on lnla ax-reened-in I I Ml SI CSSBI I BV ill IIM1H I ual, VIVi ll'U Ik II IS iiller Park Thla dining room is uu I k,oiTI rettr and boa beam celling. Duiit-tn our ret. iuarter-aawed oak pan eling from plate rail to r(f; oak finish and oak floora throughout. Three l.rna llrooms and bath cu second floor, with very larae closets. Kvcrything about thla Dome is complete and urr-io-uate. t."ornei lot 5fxL3f Price for quick aale, $4J7 This Is a snap, ' an arrange terms. i. cated Clot N- 4ta bt. oiponte MUler Park. Norris & Norris 400 Hee Ltrig. Phone louglaa 4J70 $100 Cash makes the first payment on the 4-rooin liouae wuh two large iuts at aan Krank- lln "t. This place Is worth tha price aaked and will be worth more money lo a tew years, tine yard for gardening am cnicMena. , 4Kl Parker Ft., la a 4-room house with a large lot that can be Ixnigiit on very easy terma. Hits will make a good home for you. &J tiecatur St. la a 6-room house near car line; Urge lot Thia placa i-n be bo 'in lit for hat the lot Is worth. It la a lim bargain lor aonieone. Better aee this tc-lay Creigh, Sons & Co, Itione iKmiclaa MP fr Hee Hid. Buy From Owner Seven rooms, modern, finest location In Bonus Park, large lot and trees, beauti ful lawn, paved iuwi, a bajgaln. 11. 81.0. REATi ESTATE ORTIl SIDE Bungalow A eplenilld new bunralow, five room and bath, with beautiful ok flnlah and floora: bullt-ln bookcaaea and buffet act n bevel plate claaa: larae attic and baae ment: rlHey, up-to-dale lighting flxturea: 'guaranteed furnice; larce lot. Located .'!17:! trlmore Ave. Price, $-"t,2W. fc.iay trnna. ! M-kt-ro Rr Mnrric Plmn Ioug. 4-70. A Real Home I.are modem, 8 rooms, full baaement, floored attic, south front, ahmbery and fruit, garaKU, 3 blocks from fine school. Prion HcUl 00 Clan, balance w per month Telephone Owner. Wehater ln?o. Beautiful Mercer Park M'here every lot fronts on a boulevard; all specials in and paid, including pav ing; eerved by three car llnea; tine natural timber; a safe building restric tion; no apartmenta or flats allowed; oiir price and terms are reasonable; let me show you the property: also the beauti ful homes now being erected here. W. FARNAM SmTH & CO., U30 rarnam St. Douglaa 1061 North Owner will sacrifice for an Immediate ale. 3,u0. Mix rooms. Nearly new. Oak finish in main rooms. Large lot. Walking Distance Income property. Two houses. Oround 70x10 feet. Close price. JCxcellent place for flats. " American Security Co. Douglas ton. Walnut tKfl. Cheapest Home In Kountze Place Only $3,000 Nine rooms, strictly .modern, newly rapered and painted; lnrge lot; garage. lASTlNtiS HEYDEN, 1614 llatnev Ht. JaARGE 13RICK HOME This beautiful home of ten rooms ha never been offered for sr:le. Living room 15x24 feet. Beamed ceilings. Sleeping porch and aun parlor; tiled bath. Brick garage for two -cars. Nearly one acre of ground. Hltuated on Florence boule vard, and surrounded by fine homes. JUce $16,000; l',00 makes the first pay ment. Pull particulars at office. ,W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam St. Pouglas 1084 8IX ROOM NEW HOUSE FOK $3,460.00 Oak finish; bullt-ln bookcase: full basement; a well built house, south front lot on paved street. W. II. GATE3, M7 Omaha Nat, Bnnk Bldg. Doug. 1234. Seven Room House . 2 Lots 88x138 Reduced to 12.700; located north and west; one-half cash. . Shuler & Cary I. 42.13. 202-204 State Bank Bldg. NHW 6-room cottage. $200 down. North part of city. Cloae to car and school. Bee me. Have others on easy terms. R. H. Landeryou Neville Block. ' Tel. D. 6766. 80S UNIMPROVED NORTH 45x141 foet. on Sherwood Ave. A snao for quick action. W. II. CRARY & CO. Tyler 3KA. 609 Pax ton Block. CUAIRAIONT COTTAGE, $750. A nice little 2-room cottasw with big lot 60x133, 1 blocks from tha Benson or Deaf Institute car. at a ridiculously low price. Come in and see us about this. PAT.NE INVKSTM ENT COMPANY, Doug. 17S1. Ware Block. BARGAIN '1907 Wirst St., fUroom house, modern ex cept electrlo Ilfht. laundry and ease ment. Cement driveway. Want an offer. II'KACWIO.V RUALT V CO.. . Coal Office, 20th and Webster SU. CLOSE IN 8 rooms, modern except beat: Daved street with paving paid; located near th Ave. anu cumlng t. prlc only $3,500. Can give terms. C. G. CARLBERG, . . Kli Brandela Thenter Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH 6IDB Field District . New Home With large porch across the entire front vestibule and 00a t closet with plate glass mirror door, beautiful large living room, 16x-S, onk finish, beam cell ing, fireplace, hookoasea, dining room beautifully finished In oak, buffet, china rabineta, window seat, slab door to but ler' a pantry. Thla pantry Is exceedingly large and roomy, with built-in cupboard of the latest design, with small cloaeta for table leaves, etc. Kitchen complete In every detail, with latest built-in design cabinet. 'Clothes chute to baaement; large rear entry; rear porch: beautiful oak. stairway to second floor; four large bed rooms with mirror doors; complete bath room, with clothes chute to basement; stairway to attic; full basement, with laundry tuba, toilet, fruit cellar, floor drain, ahower bath. Price $6,2a. Terms. Located at U3 Walnut rt. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg Phone lKiuglas 4:170. Good Home Field Club District $4.7 buys 91S & Stith St This Is a good 2-atory, ir-room. modern, square house wnn sleeping porch, having oak finish flrat floor: built onlv 3 vtara.. LocHted on high, sightly lot with many beautiful anaue litis, one ana one-hair Mocks aouth of car line. Cement garage on premises. Keaacr.ahle terma Muat be sold at once. . Don't fail to see this prop erty if you desire a home In thla dis trict. Immediate poesslon. Reasonable terms. Key at our office. George & Company Phone D. ti. n? Cltv National Bank Bldg Special I offer for aale a well constructed ! story frame residence located on Uoorsla Ave. clone to Hanacom I'ark car line; paved atreet: paving all paid; lot 4H140. Thla house has eight rooms and bath, also fint-hed attic; open fireplaces; good laundry In basement; large porches: gar age with room for two cars; beautiful ahade treea. This ia a dandy proiosttlon and deserves your Invest igution. Call me up tomorrow without fail. C. AGrimmel 843 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 1K. North Side Home At Right Price $.1750 huya 1 Corby St. Thia Is a well conatructed 8-elory 7-room. modern, iuar lioue. having hot water heat. Newly painted and in good condition. I ik led on south front lot, tixlJ6 ft. Convenient to cliuirhes, schools and car line, i Thla price la f ,D le.a than it coat the owner a short time ago and is some thing worthy of Investigation. Immediate poscasiou. Key at our of fice, v George & Company Phona D. VJi. MX! City National Lank Bids REAL ESTATE XORTn SIDE 816 Sold Last Week 8J0 SOUTH 35T1I ST. Here ia a bungalow, built strictly of day labor, and tlie very beat materia! of ita kind; and it will pay you If you are Interested In buying a home to sea this exceptional hamuli! ; bouse Just finished, 2 front noros in oak, 1 a sun room with windows: fak floora throughout; J front rooms have beam ceilings, book rases be tween dining room and living room. win How seat, plate rail and panel In dining room; well arranged kitchen with but Inr'a pantry and Icebox room, bath room enamel and tile with high grade fix tures; reflex lighting fixtures, which ara artist lo and up-to-date, comrp'ele set of window shades, stair to 2d floor, with room to flnlah S large rooms; full ce mented basement, fumane heat, laundry facilities; fine eaat front lot, fronting on the park, and nicely terraced and aodded, atreet paved. Price reduced to 3.ST. eaay terma, or lot taken aa first payment. Thla houae is not the ordinary bungalow you aee, but Is the very one you would want for a home. Come and see for voureelf ; houae will be open today from 1:30 to t D. m. RASP BROS. 1iv McCague Bldg. Dmig. 13. Suburban Home Real Bargain This property Is located but flva blocks from car line and close to mac adam road. Has 9-ronm strictly modem houae. with large barn, chicken houae. splendid water svstem: In fact, the Im provements cost over $10,000. This hipoal tively one of the moat desirable suburban homes around Omaha. Owner must sell and .will give so mo one a reaj bargain. O'Neil's R, E. & Ins. Agency Tel. Tyler 1051. 1606 Farnam Rt. $6,100 Residence Bargain This Is one of the nicest homes In the Field club district and ia worth ll.MO more of anybody' money. Eaat front lot 64x125. between Wool worth and Pop- pleton. House contains 8 large well lighted rooms, big brick fireplace, built in buffet, booKrases and seats;, large front porch and roomy attic; downstairs fin ished In very fine quarter-sawed oak; handsome decorations and lighting fix tures. A real classy home In a Up-top district at a bargain price. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg Very Cheap Lot 60 feet on Slat Ave., Just N. Turner I ark( $1,500. Heretofore held at $1,800. Farnam street district. Harrison & Morton Omaha Nat. Bank Bid;. LOVELY STUCCO BUNGALOW ' Five-room, strictly modern, coxy home. Built-in buffet and women's handy kitchen pantry. Must be seen to be ap preciated. block west of Hanacom park (west side) car line. Lot bOxlZH. 33 Hascall St. Price. $3,200. Small caah down and monthly payments. W. II. CRARY & CO. 000 Paxton Block. - Telephones: Tyler 20fi:i. Harney 461L Webster 44-. ll,00 RESIDENCE LOT FOR $"-&th Ave., first vacant lot aouth of leaven worth, east side of street: two large oak trees in front Ronk, 841 S. d fct Doug las 4m i . SOUTHWEST NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE ' Full ' basement, 4 rooms on ftrat floor and 1 rooms and bath room on second floor. ' Bullt-ln buffet, nice pantry and closets. Comer lot, 60x100. 38th and Ar hoc Sts. Price $2.0uo. On eaay payments, ' W. II. CRARY & CO., 600 Paxton Block. Telephones: Tyler 2063; Harney 4611; Webster 442 ' ' BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW This nlftv bungalow is Just finished. It Is located near Bemis park on a beautiful lot All rooms are nice and large, oak finish, fireplace, colonnade, bookcases, window seat etc.: all nicely decorated; dandy cellar with partitions. Price. $3,600; about $-joO casl and $35 per month. . JEr r V. BEDrvltD & SON 609 Stt Bank Bldg. Doug. S320. IIEAIj E8TATK WEST SIDE West Farnam Residence $8,500 New 9-room residence on east front corner lot within one block of the Far nam car; handsome quarter-sawed white oak finish downstairs, birch above; sun porch, sleeping perch, garage; house is built of white medusa atucco and will lust forever; panelled dining room, hand some brick flreplaco. music room and handsomest lighting fixtures in the city. This is absolutely first-class and high grade In every particular, well built and in a first-class location. Possession im meTdlately. Now vacant and can show any time by appointment. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1K3. State Bank Bldg. Big Sacrifice Owner, leaving city, offers for quick sale the elegant 10-room, house. No. l'l ei. 88th Ave. Has every modern conveni ence. Splendid neighborhood. Can give Immediate poesessluo. Will consider very low price next few.' days. . House will be open for inspection Sun day afternoon and Monday. PHONE HA RNKT 13 Six Room Bungalow j ma is a new, moaern. oa ana white enamel finished bungalow in the Cat ho dral district. One block from the Far nam atreet car wtih a full lot A aleep ing porch and every modern convenience and improvement I'lico $3,tJU. Uua't fail to see it armstrong:walsh CO. Tyler 1536. State Bank: Bldg Choice West Farnam Lots W ar offering the great eat bargain ever sold In high grade Weet Farnam realdence lots. . The prices being little higher than is aaked for toe, cheapest building lots in the city. Theee lota ara located oa DaveniKirt Wakeley, Chicago and Caaa tola., between ial and Ola., and are on high ground, cloae to car, school and church, and almost adjoining tha handsomest residences in tha city. Some of them are only two blocks from the highest priced residence ground in Omaha. Price run from $700 to $1,100. Una or two choice lota blgbcr. Sewer, water, gas. permanent walks, and paving In and paid for. Uood building restric tions, permitting only attractive resi dence without being prohibitive In cost. Nina of these lots sold lunt werk, about 40 left Pick out the one you want now and get a choice one. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler fute Bank Bldg BARUAI.V 50x124 CORNER 0TH AND WIRT ONLY $1.300 00 W. H. GATES, C47 Omaha, Nat. Bank Bldg. D. VH. REAL ESTATE WEST RinU A Genuine Snap Bemis Park Thla beautiful nronertv. 110 ft. on Lin coln Boulevard. J 15 ft. Wp. with V rooms, large sler-ping porch, large tiled bath room; quarters wed oak down stairs:- kitchen finished In maple; cellar under whole house. Combination beat ing plant, hot water and furnace: thirty natural treea, beautiful shrubbery. Iron fenoe, hedge around place. Will be of fered for practically what ground l worth. Poatlvelv beat bur In city; tio deecrlption can do J'latlce. P and be lieve. Look for our sign. Graham-Peters Fealty Co. For price and terms rnone Red office- residence. Walnut 1103 West Farnam. District One of the best houses of Its s'z In West Fgrtiam district. Big business man leaving city, must gU; S full lots. US.ono. Harrisoii & Morton Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. West Farnam District $6th, near Dodge, rooms, practically new, east front House most perfect order. - Death In the family makes It necessary to sell. Price, r.ooe. Harrison & Morton Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. West Dodge Lot $575 48x122. on 38th, easy walk to town. $10 cash, $6 per month. O'Kecfe Real Estate Co. 1018 Omaha, Nat l. Douglas CTi. Farnam Street $100 feet at 81st St. tU.SOO. 50 feet a little farther west, $5,000. GO feet near $5th. 10 feet deep, $3,200. 49 feet east ot 36th, with building, 120.000. St feet, with J-story building, a little west of JOth, $4 000. 100 feet east of tills, $80,000. Harrison & Morton Omaha National Bank Bldg For Sale Oood home, 10 rooms, reception hall, bath, hot water heat Cathedral district, all modern. In fine repair. Phone Owner, Walnut IPSO. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 7 rooms, fully -modem: newly decor ated. On terms llko rent $100 makes tho cssh payment, balance only $40 PKH MONTH. East front on 3th Street, Just south of Dodge street Price $3,8u0. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 139) Farnam St . Douglaa 1061 THAT FINE HOME AT 3408 CALIFORNIA STREET IS VACANT GO SEE IT. This house Is one of tha best, has white oak finish, oak floors up and down stairs, four bedrooms, birch doors and glass knobs, attic, south . front lot, With a cement driveway to a garage. ; W. H, GATES. 647 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 13S4 Set-en Room Modern House . West . Farnam and Cathedral District. House fronts south on 60x128 foot lot: hardwood finish; has hot water heat and all convonienoes; nice lawn; shade trees and garden. $3,150; Q cash required. Shuler & Cary Douglas 4J33. 202-304 State Bank Bldg. UNIMPROVED NORTH WEST Three big lot. 54x126 each. On rteown St, between 43d and -4BU1 8ts. Onlv a blocks from 42d and 43th Sta. Onlv :i blocks from 4id and Grand Ave. car line. Only 3 blocka from Central Park school. ' Worth $4M each. Will sell for $aOO each if taken quick. $10 down at.d $10 a month. , W. II. CRARY & CO. 600 Paxton Block. Tyler 20S3 REAIi ESTATt. SUBURBAN Good Dundee Residence $11,000 Eight rooms. Including large sunreom on aouth and east Fireplaces in living room and den.- Oak finish and beamed celling. Very attractive. Double garage and lot 100x128. Wa are offering this at COBC. f $10,500 Brick residence near Happy Hollow' club; 7 rooms, including sunroom and sleeping porch. South front lot 60x13 feet Built leas than one year. $9,500 w Ten ' rooms including sunroom and sleeping porch. Frame and stucco snd lo cated only blocks to car line and Happy HoUow club. Lot 75x136 feet $7,500 Seven-room stone bungalow on south front lot 100x128 feet. Allev in rear. One of the most attractive bungalows In Dun dee. Owner muat have a larger .house. George & Company Tel. D. T5H. 90J City Nat Bank Bldg Beautiful Fairacres Residence With 6 acres of ground fronting tha Lincoln Illahway. The houae is con atructed of brink and stucco, of attractive old English design. The first floor haa five rooms with three fireplaces; second floor four large beuroome with two com plete tile baths; third floor hss two maids rooms with complete bath, alr-o billiard room. Modern in every respect. Hot water heat, alao a-room tenant house on the place. Large ahade trees and abundance of shrubbery. Improvement alone cost over $35,009. Price $40,000. George & Company PhonaP.7S& Wg City National Bank Bids" Dundee Homes We have a very choice list of houses In Dundee. There la quite a range In price. if you are thinking; of buying la Dun- uee, uo nix tan to see us ana let us show you what we have. a m m. . r. Tukey & Son Phone Doug. ryl lMrr-a W. O. W. Bids Dundee Bargain In a good 8-room modern house on fine aouth front lot with large shade trees. This house is not new. but In Huts repsu. Near 6 1st and Case. It's a snap at $4". E. W. Stoltenberg Phona Douglas 1533. 04 lire Bid.