Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Image 25
Omaha Sunday Bee in PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. VOL. XL1V NO. 47. OMAILA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 0, 1915. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. PI WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre- eented be forts 12 o'clock noon for evening 'edition and 7:30 p. m. for morning snd Sunday editions. Wunt as received after such hours will be mder tha headtnu. j'Too Lata to Classify." CHARGE RATES. feren consecutive times. 1 cant a word tarh Insertion. Three times within on week, Vk cents m word each insertion. Oaa time, 1 cents a word, i CABtl RATES. - Seven consecutive times, I cents a Una ach Insertion. 1 . . Three times within ona week, 10 cents A line each Insertion. One tiin. 12 cents a line. ('cunt six average words to a Una. Minimum charge, 30 cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must be stopped by written order. All claims far errors must be made Within fifteen days aftr the last Inser tion of the advertisement. iou ean place your warn aa in iu by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers !: to the t "Swappers' Column."- Hundreds of other answers have been called for and delivered during; the last week. It la reasonable to suppose thst 11 nt tha Mnolo hloW have made the iamirA ini tVi.r.fnr. Act not CRl! for i the balance of thrlr answers. Bee want' ads sure get results. PC. SC. SC. SC. SC. PC 4C0 44 541 f44 735 JI 403 472 642 R49 745 72 404 474 543 K.l 7S0 W5 408 475 frit W0 7S7 -5 410 476 657 62 758 900 412 479 53 63 7(4) 903 413 500 Hit 64 776 906 4J " B0 B75 685 7X0 907 419 60S 578 67 . 800 C09 420 . 500 . 64 t 804 91a 42Y 609 671 82rt 917 429 618 6RS 72 827 , 918 4: 619 5KS 6S6 829 923 4W 613 fiOO fir0 831 921 434 627 610 1 8SG 92) 44ti 529 611 700 836 931 447 632 618 703 842 943 449 . 5.13 624 7U M3 - 944 460 634 625 714 847 947 4; 636 628 721 818 949 4r8 639 629 . 727 8r,2 9r4 401 640 ' 638 717 860 965 .7 ... ... ... ... ' s ... ... ... ... ' 9t2 BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Births Arthur and Anna M. Call, hos pital, girl; William and Theresa Fisher, 2i3 South Thirteenth, boy; J. E. and l'.lla Hantliorn, 119 South Twenty-seventh, girl; Ernest and Bcrnlce Ketley. 2426 tManderaon, boy; Joe and Elizabeth Po lak, Ralston, boy. Deaths Cora Victoria Widen, 18. 2814 Parker; Ellrabeth Rvan. 22, 2037 North Nineteenth; Oliver W. Pierce, 15. 2104 Ames avenue: Daniel K. Hill, 62. hospital; John D. Marr, 3, hospital; Edward F. O'Brien. 75. 704 North Thirty :thlrd; Charles Carroll. 26, hospital; KUtm C. Koe, 59, 1513 North Twenty-seventh; Rich ard Utley, 54. 115 South Tcwcntleth; Baby Cummin. 4 days. 243 Douglas MARRIAGE! LICENSE!!. Permits to wed have been Issued to the fnllowlns: Name and Residence. V' Charles K. Stratton, Omaha.. BesSle Gibbons, Omaha J: Gust : Iahlbeck, Omaha Emell M. Svensson. Omaha.. t...i Age. ... 21 ... 18 ... 27 ... 27 BUILDING .PERMITS. "" - II. Ij. Johnson. 4732 North Twentieth avenue, frame dwelling. $2,400; L. A. Hunt, 2207 Military avenue, brink store, ,600; H. K. liutchinson. 4505 Grant, ad-i dlttom $i00. TODAY'S COMPLETE ) MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively in The Bee. . LANTERN slides for movies. - Send your copy to. us. " We can reproduce photos r wili prepare your copy. We" will color as directed. Bee Photo Dept., 103 Bee Bid. Dswa ts ELITES NO. 2. -1318 Farnain. The Return of Richard Neal, 3-r. Ens. drama, featuring V. X Bushman. The Love Whip, Vita, com., feat. L. Walker. FARNAM, 1408 DOUGLAS. Farnam Theater Gpeclai 3 Mutual mas terpieces a week. Thursday and Sunday our apeclal day. OWe TUUATBR. liTH AND UAKNST flom of Paramount Ptcturea. VJLH. fcl U. UTH. Feature prorram daily. ' Keystone Coiaedlaa. - PARLOR, ' 1408 Douglas. Thumb Prints on the Bafe, 3-r. Kal. dra. M Jarr'i Magnetic Friend. Vlta.oom. yyQ 1 yrani oi in. vcun. tchb. u.mim. JRINCESS, 1J17-18 Douglas. The Blood of Hi Brother, 3-r. drama. Fathcr'a Money, comedy (Harry Meyers). The Runaway Auto, a comedy smashup. Hawtk. ALAMO. TH AND FORT. Curse of the DeBert. 2-reel Bison. The Unknown Brother. Powers. Bill's New Pal. L. Ko. comedy. ALHAMBRA, 1HH NORTH 34TH. 3 lis Mysterious Stranger, American dr. Settled at the Seastide.t Keystone comedy. Bubbling Water. Reliance drama. CLIFTON, Military Ave. 4k Burdette. Hearts and Plants, Keystone Comedy. Emerald Brooch, Malewtlc drama. Sheriff's Btreak of Yellow, K-B. Drama. IDIAMOND. 34K) LAKE. Matty's Decision. 2-reel Gold Seal. Courage. Big U. 81 Perking in CUv of Delusion. Joker. FRANKLIN. TH AND FRANKLIN. The Great Silence. 3-r. Easanay drama. It Happened on a Wash Day. Lubin com. FROLIC. 24TH AND P PR AGUE. Takina; of Luke McVain. K. B. R. feat. Fatty's Chance Acquaintance. Key. sfom. ' In the Heart of the Wood. Am. drama. GRAND Theater Beautiful, 16th-inney. VaudeMUe. Sons of Toll, two-reel drama. iKiuble expoeure t-r. dra. Keystone com. HIPPODROME, 26TH AND CUMING. Une Thousand Dollars Reward. Than. dr. Ambrose's Little Hatchet.. 3-reel. M r. Silent Husk Inn. 2-reel K. B. 3VY, MTH AND BURDETTE. The Danger Line. Victor drama. They Were on Their Honeymoon. Nest. The Hidden City. 2-rerl BUon. DLOYAL ' 2o CALDWELL Black Eox No. t. l-reel Special. Love of Margaret Weat. Big V. The Fatiil Kisa. Joker comdy. LOTHROP, 24TH & LOTH ROP. Lifting the Ban of Coventry. J-r. Vita. Mil. Dra. He was a Traveling Mn. Kal. Com. Ingomar of the Hills. E. W. Dr. PALACE. 303 DAVENPORT. Mary's Duke. 3-reel Victor One Night. Imp drama. SUBURBAN. 2410 AMES. The Girl on the Trestle. Kslein drama. The Cipher Key. 3-r. I.ubln drama. SoBth. ARBOR THEATER. 3Jd and Arbor Sts. From Headquarters. 3-r. Vita. Dra. 4a He Llew He Blew. Nina Com. ANNOUNCEMENTS Move the Gordon Way Now-e-dayg' people demand rapid transit even la moving van.( In thU rspect, as In all others, Gordon patrons are receiving up-to-the-minute service. ' Padded Auto Vans meet the requirements of both speed and safety. Our clean quilted pads are an added precaution to care for our patrons' furniture as we would for our own. Pianos, Furniture and household goods, we move by motor service. These in charge of our competent drivers and expert packers will lift rf burdens of work and worry on moving day. Fireproof Storage for the safe-keeping -of your furniture, household goods, pianos, trunks, boxes, etc. store them In our large fireproof warehouse In Its clean, well ventilated rooms you will know absolute security. , 'JUST PHONE DOUGLAS 894. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 219 N. 11TH STREET: TODAY'S COMPLKTB MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively in The Be. Month. APOLLO THEATER, 2W4 Leavenworth. The Silver Cup, .Luh. Dra. Iorna Doone, 2-r. Hio. Dra. Ham at the Garhae. Kal. Com. COLUMBIA THEATER, 1710 S. 10th St. The Second Commandment, S-r. Kal. Dra. Ham Among the Redskins. Kal. Com. COMTOiTtTHEATER. 2th and Vinton. Runaway June, No. 10. . Bens of Foil, 2-r. Dofn. Ambrose's Ixfty Perch. Key. FAVORITE THEAT11R, " 1716 Vinton St A Life In the Balance, Kal. Dra. Sophie's FlRhtlng Spirit, Ess. W. Com. The Enemies, 3-r. Vita. Dra. GEM, 12i8 SO. 13TH. Love That Lasts, Powers. Father was Neutral, L. Ko Comedy. LYU1C. 1617 VINTON. The Supreme Impulse. Imp. Animated Weekly. Counting Out the Count. Stor. com. Romance of Hawaii, Victor. ORPHEUM. , SOUTH OMAHA. Gussle's Day of Rest, t-reel. Keystone. Another good Keystone and a 2-ieel drama. PASTIME, 23D LEAVENWORTH. The Pour Pound Note, 2-r. Imp. All In tho Same Boat, Nester Comody. 7 Reels of Pictures 7. VENEZIA. VOl HO. UTII ST. Poue reels cf Motual picture. Weat, MONROE, 2635 Fsrnam. Face of Fear, Lub. drama. Crane Wilbur. Mr. Jarr Takes a Nlirht Off, Vita com. An Opal Ring, I-r. K. drama. ' Benson. - BENSON THEATER, 5t35 Main ft. Doorway of Destruction, 2-r Francis Ford); Man end His Money (Pauline Bush); The Way Ho Won tho Widow. Joker Comedy. Conaelt Blafra ELITE NO. t 343 Broadway. The Writing" on the Wall, Kal. drama. The Other Man's Wife. Vita, drama. The Perils of the Jungle, Sellg drsma. NICHOLAS, 317 Broadwa The Lady of the Snows, S-r. Ess. dra. His Phanton Sweetheart, Vita. C. dra. ROPER" B37 BROADWAY. Grim Messenger. 3-r. Big U. a .n tha Vsnireful One. Victor. Two Hearts and a Ship. Nestor Comedy. Snartk Umsas. BKSSE TH EATEIt. 24th and N 6t. The Closing of the Circuit. S-r. Mta Dra.; The Fable of The Men at the Woman's Club, Ess. Com.; The Honor of tho Camp. Sol. Dra MAGIC. 21TH AND O. . t i .. n r i i 17 rtsooeo, i-r. diboii. Counting Out the Count. Sterling Com. Vaudeville. ORPHEUM. 24TH AND l Mutual Weekly. Tha KougnnecK. i-r. dra Mabel and Fatty at world s rair. Keystone. The Little Matchmaker. ANNOUNCEMENTS Investigate T.M C.A. out'g park, summer. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 24K7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept, J. L. Brandeis Sons, Omaha. Would You Swap if You Had a Good Offer? t Since The Bee started the Swappers' Column, thousands of people have used it with considerable profit. It has proven to be a most popular feature. Those who want to swap i I mat wnicn tney have for that j which they want will find ; many ready offers through the ! Swappers Column. Bring your ad to The Bee office nntl we will put you' in j touch with the right people for a VPrv fW eanl. TV. te aow while you are in the mood. Telephone Tyler WOO The Omaha Bee A N NOU N I'KMK NTS V. V. ROLLER. MGR. Do Your Shoes Need Repairing We arc experts In repairing men's uml women's shoes. Hv our method vour shoes will look JuBt as drepsy and stvliHh lis the day they came from wur oeiu er's store; they will rcluln all of '.heir former comfort. v We use only the nest quality of ma terial In making repaln; all work Is dona by skilled men, with the most modern machinery. Our prices are as cl.cap ss qunlfty of work and material wi.l permit. We can increase the lite of your fhoes and tho comfort, too. Give ua a trial. We guar antee, satisfaction. The Friedman Bros. Shoe Repair Shop .,312 Ko. 14th St., Om.lhn, Nob. N6. 9 So. Main St., Council Bluffs. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBfTIlt fi!M9. General Office. 13th and Manderwon Sts. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodegaard's. W E rent, repair, aell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mtckca., 16th and Harney. Douglas 16tt. Wedding jrtinounuements. Douc. Ptg. Co. DRESSMAKING, tailoring, alteration. Work guaranteed. 2406 Cass. Kcd 7U. KNOX WEED kills the Dandelions. 6UPERFLLOUH hulr, warts and moles permanently removed by el:trlclty; consultation free and confidential; - all work guaranteed. Miss Aliendei, C24 Bee. o AMUHKMKVTH CELEBRATION. l(f celebration at Dannebrog. Neb., June 5, 1K16. Amusement and coiicchoIou., wanted. Address F. A. Gjggenmos, secretary. . - . o. WANTED to rent or let concession. Ono twonty-passenger launch, ono up-to-date merry-go-round, also other park concessions. Write or call Hurry lluuser, Fremont, Neb. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE TIRES. Automobllo tires direct from factory to consumer at lowest possible prices. All new, fresh, 1115, high uuality goods, no seconds blemished, repaired or buffed tires. Guaranteed fully 3.M0 miles. Good rich, Goodyear and Standard makes. Choice given whenever possible. It is Impossible to positively guarantee choice of brand, but will try to give whatever la desired . Special one-week prices: ) aox3 ....1 6 :x4 . .'10x3.... 9.40 3Cx44. S2x3V..'.. l !Hix4U. 33x4 .... 13.n0 3,x4V .311.20 . 17 E0 . 1H.25 . 1.U) x .... u.w Six . 80 all other sixes. Non-skids, 15 per cent additional. This la the best and most economical tire proposition In tha country. Send trial nrHor torinv Tircm nf ...Iiia ., .. n . .. i sold any lower than these prices. 10 per cent discount on order for two or more. payment to accompany order. 1'ersonsl rhecks must be certified. AKRON T1HK OUTPUT COMPANY. Dept. C. Akron, O. See These First vm?n rur As.ii almost nev . . . . ipO O roiti) TouraNo eocri ' real value ." . . . tpOUU OVERLAND , " (PCfl1 a crooa o-nassonirer. .otju OVERLAND a'bargaiu. . . EMPIRE good as new ......$450 $500 R. E. DAVIS 2216 Farnam St. Phono Douglas 190'J C-PAS8ENGER car, excellent condition. 'one-third the orlgfial price. Western Auto Top Co.. 20th and Harney, phone Douglas 3658. : 1dx Pollm-n aJTS lun m..J Tn VJIZ cole 075 lilll tlakland .... 374 A. A. A HUMAN. 3u4 Farnam St. A 7-PAKSENGEtt Abbott Detroit. In ele- gant shape all around, at a price that is rlglit. Call louglas G4KID yaiue In a 1313 Cadillac louring ; 1 ueico- electric starting and lighting; I in Tine conomon. ' all noupiHS 1 NEW Ford auto delivery bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. I Our prices will save you money. See I Johnson-Dsnforth Co.. 15?-1-3t No. lth. ,$100 REWARD for any inasiieto we can't 1 repair. Coils repd. Raycdorfer, 210 N.1S. o j C. Ei'AaiSER, expertradiaior and Urn $100 Reward for any magneto e can't repair, repaired. Baysdorfer. 2l0 N. lfcth Coll AUTO Clearing House. ?2e FaiAain. buys aad sells used cava t'booe li'.nuUs tv Ovsrton s for ieaky radiator, '. dvaiera W nt luto. C J Cansn Met 'ague bldg. Industrial Garage Co.. it ii ft Harney Sts. AUTOMOBILE and motorcycle repairing; work ruaranteed. Tumasx. Halagarda Sl Co.. 10 N. 1Mb. Al'TOMOMLKS Save Half On An Auto 1!13 Ford Touring k POO IMS Ford Touring X& - i 1!I3 Hup "JC" Touring I4T5 1S12 Velle Touring U00 I'M! Auburn Touring f30 1913 Reo Roadster fc!75 1H12 SreTenS Touring... VKO 1!M4 Bulck "S7" Touring pM , 1RU Marlon Touring X 1!12 Flanders Touring '60 1912 Ictrolter Touring K'i This Is a partial list of over sixty unod csrs on our floors, consisting of Cadil lacs, Chalmers, St mi. 'linker, Overlamls. etc., all of which are In f int-clns mechanical condition. Write for our full list. If we do not Hot the car vou want, write us and we will get It for you. Industrial Garage Co. Exclusive Used Car House TWENTIETH AND HARNEY FT8. W. C. MARSH. PRES. Bargains for This Week I-ll-M -pnss. rebuilt Cadlllao 1-1!M2 7-p;tsn. tVdllluc .., 1 IHII B-pusi. Cnr;illnc , 1 1!13 5-pmm. Chalmers' six 1 1"1 1 7-pass. IHerco , 1 is12 7-psss. Premier , ..1.2S .. 72.1 .. fiOO .. 1.C.0 . . .. 700 .. fi75 .. 47B .. 475 1 l!M2 R-Bntw. Cole 1 ll'IS B-OHSH. Maxwell 1 191S 6-pnsn. li,lumn '.. 4 1!U 5-phki. OnkUnd i i:ii a-raKs. model C-T7, brand new Rulck at a iHrmiln. Cadillac Co. of Omaha USED CAR DEPT. A. A. Alilmau, 20G4 Farnani. NKl'.RAKKA Bulck Service Station, 1U14 Farnain St. Phone Douglas 721. Motorcycles. HARLOT-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines. Victor Itoos. "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. Ml'SINESS CHANOEa rOR SALE A good paying plumbing and tin business. Established fourteen Jems. Address tJeorge W. Zlels. Ne liraska City, Neb. l OR SALE-Ono of the best ouls In Southern, Neb.; Best cigar and tobacco stand In town. Good reasons for selling. A bargain. Box 211, Rftd Cloud Neb. VilEATKH. iiuy, taaat or sea your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchaus Co., liM Faraam SL ) iuiiis isv;. GROCERY and meat market, 33,6a). Right locution snd a live, going business. Lest opcnltiK for a grocer in Omaha. Address M-:M. Hee. WANT K; Moneyed people for ground floor pliicer mining proposition, nean. square and above hoard. Full particulars upon request. RiiHh Creek Mining Com pany. Weaverville, t'kl. ' , HOTLL hir Sale Doing splendid busl nes at rnlg, Colo., a county seat town at end of Moffat railroad. Large dining room, kitchen, pHrlnr and office; 20 bedrooms, all neatly furnished. A bar gain. Box 2i4. Craig. Colo. o Patents, That Protect and Pay Books and advice free. Send sketch pr model for search; highest references; best results; promptness assured. atsun H. Coleman. Patent Iwvr 624 F. St.. N. W.. Waahinglon. D. C. o ti .V(.sTMf..Mf in land and co-oper ative oil well, may make 11.010. iv i mpnt l monthly. F 1 V,r,"H8 "c"-''.ulf Co.. ,ili.2rl'T?-l For particulars, ad. 743 Union Bank, 1 W AN r a good, clean arocerv or u un. eral merchandise stock In exebange for the following properly: OjO second rnortxaae. G ner cent Intorl 1 est, on 240 acres raw laud at (Isrrl-M county. Neb.; the land la Worth $3.iiU0: the fir h. . ... , 1- . 1 . . .v - ' no acres raw lund, partly fenced, loin g a lake aoutheust of Newiioi-t. linli countv. Nch.. nil .f inni,.K. and good title. Price. 12i",.o0 ir i-i-a. Also lw acres, all level Isnd, alMut i nil ea northwest of PaoU. Phillips county, tolo. price 3-V0O per acre, Incumbered, tor .r00. running for about two veais. VMd trndo all or part for a good grocery 18, ,w stocK. hut no junk wanted : '..,"","ri' on-tmean huai Iresa 2311 Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. WrliyTJTntT V" Ml1 0-cre farms In Red River valley, Minn., erect buildings supply cows and hogs on flrt payment of mi and (1 per acre and Interest at Dar tent each year thereafter W. Q. Templeton. 003 Bee Bldg.. Omaha FOR SALE A new book, stationery "ud;'nt upply and Vlctrola store! Established seven monthr. stn-k n ni fixtures new. Monthly profit to date over iiu. oiuMi or soiu ai once. owner hna oilier ami nnrirpr biiNiness Invuli'n shr.ii. 2,nu No trades Box 1003, Linooln, Neb. FOR SALE-Will sell 0110-half or all of m ..MTO-v.mii iriT wiop, ooing a good I lavlna'town An ir... ji''..' "'k.f!- , lOxcelnior SprlnKs Mo ' Nfx ;-T ---J TO C,KT In or out of business call on I e ,iog. uoui, 3477. I I'armer 10 Duy lutlf Interest In mine and tfcke tlmrin: want r.-.i-. . j wFite XV 6 Lo7a Ft Fr.n'T. fU" wVo Logan. Ft Fred btee.e, niYvnuiiakii I'eiore uuying. r Or nrtlrti JE1GNS. show rjirn. (.rk it. f WILL ! good n n l mi sell my half Intercut In ... ..,i.. dyeing business which i ...?. good money. Reaxm, moving to my farri n. real uJuri unity 10 ouy good going business downtown. Address A 39, Hee, C iNCESSlONS at Krug Park for ut'lZ Restaurant, soft drinks, cigars, camlv and box bull alleys. luuuiru ut n.rL sflernuons. TRUSTEES SALE OF MERCHANDISE The undersigned trustee will on Wednes day, May 12. Vjli, ut one o'clock p. m., at Palmer, Merrick county. Nebraska, sell for the benefit of creditors, at public venduo for cash, the coinnlete stock rf J general merchundlae of S. E Starrett, consisting or groceries, dry goods, rubber goods, furnishings, notions, stationery, fixtures, etc. Inventory, 3,',,8.!3.&o. Hood, clean stuck In live town; splendid farm ing community. Offer rare business opening. Stuck and inventoiy ran he in spected st any time. Call or write, H. J. TKMI'LIN. Trustee. Palmer. Neb REAL eststa Business places supplied or bandied, all states. F. V. Kmest. Omaha. 111SINKSH CIIASCE8 C. M. EATON 11 (Hi W. 0. W. Bid j?. Doup. 1PS4. EATON Offers for your Investigation ho following Investments with position- EATON H In on" of Omahs's mot promising manufacturing Inst l tutlons the position of office superintendent and efficiency manager with a good salary, not less than l.0 to start with, and Investment should be front $U to IJf"t0. EATON Pnn use In ope of our grow Ifig elceailcal and fixture companies a man to look af'er the outside rltv business: will provide with a machine most of the time, and duties will be largely along the selling end. Investment (M; could arrange with i.1.000 cash and balance easy payment. EATON Hni a little manufacturing plant; will require I2,0"0; only plant of Its kind In the we.t, profits large, and unlimited field from which to draw. EATON Can use two 'iod men. one as office manager and other s sales manager This Is an old linn Just Incorporated, and other memters of the firm are producers working In the fac tory. This Is something eic rlally gxd. Investment from 13,1110 to IS,). EATON llss f,r ssle M ier cent of stock In one of the very liest ,1ohtlng firms; pnvs ordinarily J.'i per cent. Will require Ho.flW: will take part .real estste. if priced rlcht. Only ordinary ouslness training retpilred. Very best reason for selling this stork: most rigid investigation solicited. EATON-Hns a position in lobbing firm; requires lo.oiiO, will make you treasurer ami office manager. BATON Don't want you to forget thnt he has several hundred different kinds of businesses, all good, going concerns. Call and look over my list If you want to get into the merchandise game. G. M. EATON 11(X W. 0. Y. J3ldg., Omaha, Nob. Doug. 1984. FOR PALE The only second-hand store and general repair shop In good, thriving town, centrally located and well established. Address Y-W7, Bee. ' WANTED Young man for wholesale business who can Invest from $2,000 to ITi.ooi and take an active Interest; noth ing better-in Omaha. Address P. O. Box HI, Oma ha. - o PARTNER with some cash In gilt-edge proposition. Address K 422, Bee. MOV1EA Big film company reproducing under Colorado sunny skies, wonderlul exclusive romantic arenlu features, Cliff Dwellers, Indians, Cowboys,' etc. A movio sensation. Pictures already contracted for; ' large dividends probable 00 days aft4"r fliist' productions. Ixiw capltallia tlon, best banking references. Write today for deetalls. Fred Davy, president, 318 Den ham Theater, Denver,. Colo. Agents wanted. . o 4 ROOMS,. nw Fla-Is, loth and Cap itol Ave. I.Uhl and cool, 3i. PETKR8 TRUST X). D. f!W O FOR SALE (leneral stock of merchai. dise, Slt.OiD In Long Island, Kan. Ad dress Y M0, Bee. .M GIVES active partner half Interest; safe, clean business: pnylng you 2o0 monthly. K 409, Bee. 6C AND 0 STORE for sale; town lo cated In fine farming district;, good rea sons for selling.' Address Y Ml, Bee. ''" Financial. ' " INFORMATION JW ANTED To com municate with ell persons who have pur chased or Investigated. Ronin 'oal Mine snd Wyoming A Northern Railway stock. Stockholder. 315 Mass' Hlk.. Sioux City. Ia. . SMELTER Partner with a little capital wanted to assist . In erecting ' small smelter: a sure and , profitable Invest ment. Mace, 207 State Bank. Red 4X4I. B-kmIh. llMM lap gal. -' 11 ROOMS', well furnished: always rented; tor cpucK sale; iifu -i an m ' -wrw-ni. IaTestments. v . mmm Our 'Nebraska ' farm roort- tj CJ7 gages are not affected b ID European wara or panics, '-' Amounts 1400 to 120.000. W I collect all Interest and principal free of charge; 30 years 'to the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our. record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMIANT, (01 Omaha Nat. Hank Ulrtg . Omaha. a FOR SALE in Omshn. a well established wall paper snd pnint store. In a Rood business center. Splendid opportunity for a man with tl,5nfl cash, balance wili con lilr Irsc'e In real estate. Will Invoice Isbotit S5.00 net. Must go at 75c on a i dollar. Reason for sacrificing same la on I account of 'health. F. iwo. Bee. - o CLAIMS PAID. WILL cash county claims. . Doug '.aa 7800. EDUCATIONAL . . THREE MONTHS' . EXTRA. SALARY. ,' You ambitious ' young men and women you. who want tha opportunt llrs the salaries of splendid positions In busincsn! You Who expect to be come Advertising ManaKers. Sales Managers, the Executives of big in dustrial and financial Institutions! You can atart now to realise your ambition you can begin now to se cure tho training that will open up theso opportunities. You can save throe golden months of time. You can earn three months' salary In a splendid poaltlon that you can never get if you wait until later. POSITIONS PLENTIFUL FOR ' THE TRAINED. There Is no scarcity of positions for train young men and women. Rlfcht no v there are thousands In all parts of the country, open to young people with the proper training. Ve have more calls for help every month than we can answer. We" can train you for success In Stenotypv, Bookkeewing. Typewriting, Shorthand, Business English, Secre tarial and Telegraphy. PROFIT BY BEG IN NINO NOW. A plvone call or a postal card will bring you Information about the classes now forming. . . BOYLEd COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT Boyles Building, Telephone D. W& Omaha, Neb. . Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete business course, lomolete shorthand or stenotype course, complete teligiaphy course, civil service branches snd Eng lish. Students admitted at any tlr.i. Write, phone or call for 1H15 cstalogu. BOYLES COLLEGE, ' II B. BOYLES. President Tel. D. IW. ',..ylce Hlog.. inal.a. Neb. FOR SAllv-At redtiution, one scholar Vhlp at Omaha's bent busineos college. Address 11. e stover, David City, Neb. RISIXKNS CHANCES EATON Has a larpe number of places where from HoO up you can be fully satisfied. EATON Has a place for a good, bis, broart-mlmletl business man in one of our largest retail stores. Will require an Investment of I1R.O0O. Duties would be to look alter the financial end of the burlness and assist elsewhere as you could find time. EATON-Has s strlc'llr office business; sales. 1914. f 60; sales for 1!I5 can be very greatly In creased. Will require about U', 0DO to 1S,000 for half Interest. EATON Has In connection with one of our largest and best firms a sub-contract which ought to pav on a 10,00rt Investment li0 per cent the first yesr. Posi tively no risk, anl money Is fully ruaranteed. Prefer a man who can write fslr advertising ropv and devote his entire time ' to this department. This Is worth more then a suierfl examination. EATON Has a nlsce In a manufacturing firm where you will be obliged to put on a pair of overalls and learn a business from tho bot tom UP. Investment 5,0iio, and in a few months you ran get out on the selling end and he worth big money to your firm. EATON Does not want you to be dis couraged lecause above ads all call for large sums. EATON Hss a number of small firms, good money makers. Here Is just one: EATON Hss n good lob printing office 4? with $'- equipment: 110 will tniv half interest. Tour duties would he to attend to sol HI t . . ItiH. collecting and office end. Splendid position for Isdy or gintlman. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale the following scholarships Jl first class Omaha Business College) One unlimited combination buaiaaaa and shorthand course. . One unlimited business eeurae. ' One vn'imlted stnnographio course. One three inontha , b-slaeaa or steae- rnphlo course. -Will be sold at a diaenuat at tha offlee of the Omaha Bee, FOR SALE Kuraitarr, llpasrhold (Joods, Kto. DESKS bought and aold, J. C. Reed. 1SW7 Farnart St. D. 81 4s. FURNITURE BARGAINS. Refrigerators, kitchen cabinets, china cabinets, di-essers, tablea. chairs, etc, pi. ztn. wenster iw. Nat l Sale A Auction Co., 1627 W. O. W. Good gub k Meal tt-hole range for sale. walnut 2;i7." Live Mtoek L'O-iustMlow Merekaata. MARTIN BP.Ot ft CO.. Eaonanc Bldg Horses and Vehicles. hip ttve stock to Bouta Omaha. Bsva mileage and shrinkage. Tour eonsign menta recttve prompt and careful atten tion. JERSEY cow for sale; 34th and Howard; corner. Harney 1067. THREE horses and harness, two stake wagons. 4111 N. 3Nth Ave. Webster Tf BUYS good big team of work horse. 34th and county line. South Omaha. OOOD milk cw. h year old. Oives 4 gallons per day. 3721 Fowler Ave. FOR SALE It head work horsea and mares and pair big mules. Good top buggy and light runabouts. Transfer barn, 014 N. 31st St Maaleal lastrasaeaia. FIRST-CLASS cornet Webster tan. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 2017. Poaltry, e".ars wad BapDiiee. STEREOTYPE matrices make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry housea They are 17x33 inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt snd practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Be office. Silko Chick Food MADE FROM PURE GRAIN. Best In the market. Ir your dealer docs not handle it go to 1 . A. W. WAtiNER, ' SOI N. lfcth. -o THE eggs you sell, make the profit In the noultry business. Welr.hia -nnri. Jul While Indian Runner Ducks lay more large white-shelled, good eating egxs than neiis. aiy riocg averages over -0U eggs each for 1 year. Hatching eggs, fl.GO for 1!; Pi per 100. . J. J. Welch. -Cherrrcrof t, Omaha, Neb. Benson 40U. o MUed g.-aln. lbs.. L u. Wagner mil N.liT Typewriters. RENT an Oliver Typewriter $ mo. for $4. Qjiver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Famam. TYPEWRITERS aold. rnted. repaired. Central Typewriter Exc. IU05 Farnam. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter. lmt Farnam. D. 4031. Mlaeelleea. ' !;,?.,t ,f buRry harness, 60 electric light fixtures, lumber, tools, plumbing supplies, shovels, picks, one penny in slot weighing machine, 14; one total add ing cash register, fine condition, &0; one riding saddle and bridle, $u; 3 kitchen cabinets, $2 each;. 3 carpenter" i work benches, II each. J. C. 1SII, EXECUTOR, 703 S. 31st A ve. j Phone Harney 143. ELECTRIC MOTORS 1.11 P fin v, lis 1 rk. -1 P.. 320 volts3 Dhase! new!!!!!!.! 40 3-11. v., tm volts,; phase, new M fc-H. P., Z20 volts. .3 phase, new $7 DYNAMOS. 3-K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new $ 73 6-K. W., 110 volts, D. C new 140 z-k. w., 130-40 volts, new o 6 11. P. gasoline engine, thVotUIng go'v- finur QQ LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 313 S. 12th St. o FOR SAI-E llaby buggy, brown wicker; Heywood buKgy, In good condition. Ad dress G 396, Bee. NATIONAL Cash Regtater, three-drawer. lata machine, used one year. leyton Computing Counter Scales. MWht con sider trade. Address Y UH, Bee. OMAHA China Shop. White china for decorstlng for sate at AM Brandeis Bldg. FOR BALE New and secoud-hand ceroa and ticket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Ralka-Collender Co . 407-41 S. 101 h It M-band machinery H. Gross. 31 and PauK WE bought 66 Dra Moines bar fixtures. front bars, back bars, mirrors. Nat rash registers, cigar and wall easa, eto. F01 sale like wa bought them CHEAP. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 4i4 bo. 12th St. ' BUTTERMILK in wagonloada at the FiiR SALE Indian pottery and re Ilia. 3-J23 l,io St. FOR HALE One light furniture delivery wagon for one horse; also ona Poos engine. 14 h. p. engine, never used. In quire of E. C. Pierce. Blatr. Neb. o FVR-i STOUED Absolute Guarantee Agalnat MOTHS. Fl R H mmOUHll REFERENCES: ANY BANK (1. E. S11UKERT, Call for Oooda. 0l 8. 16ta St. Telephone Douglas . 1447 . and We Will BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A n t a tm bA- UV.VKAtC- P- . Address 431 Ramge Flrtg.. phone Douglas 7. Awe tear FiataMaa;, FLM.3 v;'rl free If purchssed from Photo Craft Shop, 41S Hee Hl.lg. Kept D A reh I lea. frerett 8. Dodda. C1I rsiton Ttk! D. Mat. Aactloneers. Dowd Auction Co., 111s-l W. O. W. R. S2SS. Hlae HrlBtlaar. HSR.l,y ".'-i,' rR1NT Ctt. 303 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Brass Konadrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. rth and Martha Sts. rsrprntrn nmi tonlraetoi . BTKVCNSON. Kt S. 2ld. Douglas P3Q laa l-alatln7 Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4!2. 4 sile. M. J. LACT, 611 BEB BLDG. POUQ. 71g, Dawrtaa; Aeae ilea. CHA MRBRg' Academy, daselc. D. Ti Try Mack's s first, mi Harney. Doug, 644s" ltreaa lakls Terry Dressmuk'g eollrge. th ft Farnain. MISS STURDY. 3416 CASS. RKD 73J SUITS and gown In .home. Walnut Deteetl INVESTIGATIONS, carried out In any part of United States. Canada or Mexica Pax ton Blk. Doug, im Walnut 160. De-tlxte. Pyorrhea. Dr. FIcKes. 774 City Nat Rank. Tsft Dentsl Rooms. 1..I7 Douglas. D. 2(1 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. Q, W. BldgT Dnn. ' DRUGS at cut prices; freight Paid on $10 wruers; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc onnell Drug t o., Omaha. Neb. Kverrialaa for Wsk. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst bo pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. D Douglas Block. D. I.. NEW TORK-ample store. Must" vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dreases aa rifloed SOS N. 16th St. Iee--ea. ... JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Block. Evl denoe secured In all cases. Tyler HUB. , Feat hers Made Over. Panamas cleaned. D. Klscle, 11 city Nat. Florlaia. BATH'S, florists, 1S04 Famam Bt P. trflb. L. HENDERSON. 1M Farnam. D. Member Florist Telegraph Dal. Ass'n. HESS ft 8WOHODA. 141H Farnam St" A. DON AOHl'K. IKi Harney. Doug. lOf1. Llala I area aad Wins. 1)1 IRK IN Thomas. Douglas ,U. HUUlVlit m9 Cuming St. Mask, t oat a airs tnii aMMlsie Havaltea. MFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. LJeben ft Son. 1514 Howard. D. 411k, Mellow flrtarea. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion v picture machine and film bargains. f Offices. OFFlCES-.Vhen making your new plans. see us for office space. The best loca tion and easiest found. THE BKR BUILDING. "The Building That la Always New." Office. Room 109. Ostsatle Physic!. Dr. Peterson. 403 Prandelg Bldg., D. nit JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. SIR Bee Bldg Maaaenses. MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. bath. D 713. Open eve., p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 2. MISS VINITA, maaaage, alcnhol rubs and scalp treatments. I"S S. i;th, MASSAGE. 1712 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. M. HALLERON. Baths. 223 Neville Blk. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug cTara Lee. hath and massage. loug. STf T TlAT'irand mass., alcohol rub. I tura vi llson, 1WB Farnam, 4110m Doug. 37SI, Open evenings and Sunday. M A SHAG tt J0 Bee Bldg. Louglaa hT.Vl M Brwtman, msss .ti Karbach Blk. H.37T Mlas X. mudlavla mass. R. 4. Neville Blk." Palatina- d xBaria. HUGH M'MANTr 417 N. 40th. H. r7!5 Patent Deveiupateax. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 g. llth "t Pa tea fa, P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk!' Tel. Red 7117. It. A. Bturges, tn Brandeis Tweeter Bldg. Priatlas. WATER3-BA RNHART Ptg. Co.. qnallty printing. Tel. Doug. 21 W. 624 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG." 37M DOUOl-AS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Plant Nrs.TiilfS. PLUMES ft HATg made over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42 faxton. U. t3H. ate Tin uu diaperta. SAFES Opened, reoaireu, comb, changed. F. E. Da van - port. 14Q Dodge. D. la2i. -e Ueaairia. FRHCDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til ft 14. Blgae kksntarts. E. M CLARK ft BON. V . irTH ST. tael Cviliaga. " CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 114 8.10. BftM tfffiA Bft.- ' DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing m 1 K' m. W . . 11 ( 1 1 . ... . 1 .. w "ui ...... viusiis r hi u re nd Supply Co.. 414-1&-K 8. 13th. D. t.34. Twei kBBBllra. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. D. 423. Tallars. CHA8. C. LANPKHTOTJ. Kg N. I5th St Traski aad salteaaea FRF.LING ft STEINLE. 1804 Farnam St Wall Paper t IsaaUs. EXPERT wan paper cleaning: wjrk guaranteed, ueo. Kyle. Red 7M5. WALL-PAPER cleaning. l per room; Wlaea aad U4or. ALEX JETEB. $01-3 S IJth St Wines, lyiuora. ciaara. rime oinnera, u 10 s, inc. Globe liuuor bouse, 424 N. ltilh; California w m, i.o per gai. w rue tor price Mat. BENsRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSbT loin ann wapuoi ve. len-cent luncn. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor house. N lain. Duualaa ua REAL ESTATB LOANS WE ARE always In funds to make good farm and cltv loans. , PETERS TRUST CO., lt-3 Farnam St FARM I)AN8. snpER CENT. TOLAND ft TRUMUULL, 44s Bee Bldg. til TO 110.000 made promptly. P. D. Wead. Weed Bid., lKth and Farnam St CITY ad fan loaus, 6. it. 4 per canu J. If. Dumont ft Co.. 414 State Bank. WANTED City loans and warranu. W. Farnan' Smith ft Co.. 1320 Famam St. WANTED City luans. Peture Trust Ca bEE us first for faxui loans in eastsru Keb. United States Trust Co.. Orimlia. 6 C1TV lniVil f-. (i farllrv. O lliuXlI Rr.iM.1. ThMt UiA OMAHA homes. F.ast Nebraska farm O-KEKr K REAL ESTATE CO.. MI4 Omaha National. phone Douulae 3711 MONEY on band for city and farm loans H- W. Blnd.r. City National Bank Bldg.. ABiiTKACT Or" TITLK Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., modern abstract 01 flee, J6 So. 17th St. Phone D. 447 RkKD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract v offloa In Nebraska. M BrandeU Thea. N Jessen &Morrell 301-3 Stale Pk. Bldg. D. 32S2. REAL ESTATE WANTE3 LIST your properly witn H. 11. Lauder you, 30$ Neville Blk. D ftj0 LIST real estate and renaU with I)N- CLSON R. E. CO.. 301 Ou. NatJ Bank.