Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 24

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12 U
Passengers n Route Through Suei
Canal Witness Engagement
Between Troopt.
At the Theaters y
iContln'jd from Pae Five.)
tCorrspondcnce rf The Associated rvvss.)
CAIRO. May 5. Ttir " two strain
ers bound from England to India, which
psiwd through Ihe flues canal while the
stuck by the Turkish troops was
It-ally In progress. One carried a con
siderable number of passmRTS, who
wtrc privileged to get mors complete
rnnorsmlv view of a big battlefield than
ha probably ben th Rood fortune of
ii"n-mllltary observers In any other field
f action. They Dot only saw fragment
. the repulsed Turks at KlnUra, but
alto the advance of British troopa Into
thn desert In their wide flanking move
ment farther down Hie cmml. A Icttrr
frnm one of thef pafSfnpers says In
part: - !
"A few mlnntea after we left Tort Paid
a notice' wa sent around thftt paanen
cers were to keep to the porf? deck, s
Turkish sniper were at work on the
north aide of the canal.
-For the first ten mllea all the low
lying land had been flooded, but from
there onward we commenced to see
troop entrenched. Every tenth mile
was a camp, and about every hundred
yard between were small trenches con
t nin about u doan Fnrlli-r
up the troopa were mostly New Zealand
cm and Australian.
Captala nail Pilot lit lie.
About the thirtieth mile we. pnrd
the Indian marine cruiser Hardlnge, and
here was our first evidence of there hav
ing len a flK". for It funnel wa gone
all the way down one able and the other
unle waa riddled with bullets and It
bridge gone. Of course shim In the
canal pass within a few feet of each
othcr so we could see everything. II
captain nnd pilot, who were on the
bridge at th time, were killed, and about
sixteen other were wounded. ,
"From this time on we paed several
warships, and troops were on both aides
of the canal. We amused ourselves by
throwing tin of cigarettes out to thatii.
We cleared all the cigarettes from the
'All this time we were going nt eljjht
miles an hour, which Is three miles moro
than the spend limit, so it was evident
that they wanted to get through tho
canal as quickly as possible.
Tarku Klajht Mllea Away. ,
At the fortieth mile the men In the
trenches told s that they had been en
gaged with the enemy on the previous
day, and that the Turks were now about
right miles off. 1 went up on the deck
and saw troops In the distance, but could
not say whether they were Turks or
not. From the forty-second mile tha
banks of the canal are high nd I could
not sea any great distance, except be
tween occasional gaps.
At the forty-sixth mile I saw a dead
l.orse, half on the bank and half in the
water, and. a little farther on a rfead
camel. Then the ejtciteroent began. First
one dead Turk was seen, then two. then
a batch of aeven or eight, and at tha
forty-seventh mile a crowd of them, with
n.imher of broken small boats, ful'. of
' dead, simply smashed to pieces, some
hanging over the aide with a leg (tone,
thers without an arm, and some you
could not rarceolse aa men at ail. Juat
h re the bank ar quite high, but they
ftope down to the mater, and on these
slope were dead Turks in all aorta of
. h all Ions. Borne bad fallen with their
heads and shoulders just In the water.
I climbed up In the rigging to see what
waa over the top of the bank, and titer
1 saw almost hundred. . ,
Causal ta the Pwntooa.
"It appeared that tha' Turks were seen
coming, and the warships in the canal
allowed them to throw a pontoon across.
When they were ail gathered at this
sl ot the warships let fly. They hd to
.'tire after losing several of their guns.
Tills place waa Klntara, a few miles
from the Hitter Lakes. The battle oc
curred on the previous day.
On arrival at the lakea w and orert
for ihe night, with all lights out, and
among about thirty other ships.
"righting was going on all night a
littU farther up the canal, and we
thought wa should be held up In the
lckes. but we started off the next morn
ing with our bridge and deck protected
by sandbags.
iora here to ruiea we passed camp
after camp of soldier. Most ot them
had been In action. The Turka were
about eight mllea away.
era tae ak f Battle.
. . " A little farther on we heard the gun
and Snw the British troojta moving off
:o the attack. The battle waa quite a
. r.itan-e Inland. 1 could ae the smoke
fiou: 'the guns through my g.a-sea
Titer ci sum low sandhills about
five mllea away, and I could aee me
i n tbia ridge. The British had several
thousand men and six guns marching
over the flat ground for thla ridge. '
"f don't suiiKe many neonl hva
cross and company In "After the Honey
moon." Tills is a brexsy little comedy
sketch, dc(4ct!ng the trials and tribula
tions of the recently mnrrlcd, who spend
their honeymoon endeavoring to estab
lish themselves In a light housekeeping
flat. Pulllvan and Mitson. character sing
ers, offer bunches of laughs nnd grins In
their novelty, "I Don't Care" Spencer
and 'Williams put over a muplcal frivol
ity entitled ' Putting It Over" and the bill
is completed by Lady Alice and the cute i m
and cunning capers of anlmaldom. The 1
photo production for the rst half of the I
week offers Julius Fteger in rtla well1
known dramatic sketch. "The Fifth Com- j
nmndment" 1 1
Tiie Musical Ellisons offer a spe-larulsr j I
scento musical novelty in three scenes, !
"The Musical Blacksmith Phop." for the
fsture attraction starting Thursday. I ft
Howard and , Mason offer a aobg and I
dnnce number of merit and Eastmnn and I
Moore a slmring novelty. "If Is apsy j
Pweftheart." The Three Iyubblns com- (
pletc the vsudevl'le ofreilng. Fred Mace . I
In ihst riotous comedy. "What Happened II
to Jones?" Is the photo-play for tha last , I
half. I?
May Sales That Offer Gratifying Savings to Monday Buyers j
1 fr- F.. f- Q-:K MJA F c'VTlCrw' (" Pint nnrf Snnti 99 -White DrCSs
When I'herlcs H llsnford. the eminent : 1
Phakespeiean actor begins his week s' ,
engagement at the Brandels theater on j
Sunday afternoon, May 11, In the iindy-
Ing rtory of tlie expedition of Captain , I
rtobert Falcon Bcott ti the Kouth Pole, j J
this htrn'c tlctorbil draria of a daunt-.,
less fight with grim nslure In Us most , I
terrible aspect will make many open 1
wide their eyes with sstonlf'iment at"tbe,f
sights recorded by Herbert O. l'ontliig. J
fellow of Vhe Itoyil Oeourapl'li al soi lety, I
who accompanied Captain Scott aa the of- I
filial camera artist. p
Few people have ever seen hugo motor m
rlMluei pll'Hng over llmltlens fields of ft
lee. Not only loea the slclge propel Itself, 1
but it also transports tons of fralghc; I
true the speed Is not the kind thnt would
break any traffic regulations, never ex-
reeding more thn three miles an hour. B
but It is sura and sufficient. In the rear i
of the sledgo there is an Innovation to f
he observed. It Is a meter attached to a
miniature wheel, which Is hitched to the ft
roar of the sledge and at the end of the 1
Journey the number of mllea , traveled H
are recorded. In a direct contrast to the
slow moving. If unique motor sledges. Is a
the flying dog teams. These noble brutes I
from East .siletla literally race over the I
Ice from ttart to finish. I
Then there is the amusing and diverting
side of this absorbing drama, an exciting I
game of foot half la played on aea Ice 1
and thla waa tho only recreation possible
in Ihe tanc line except the race with
,ci;uins ovtr the great fee 'barrier, 'the
laugliahlo fait the men take on the B
slippery track giving all the advantage to 1
Iho pngulna. Then there Is the thrilling 1
storm at sea with the waves mountains (
high, that threaten to send -Captain I
Bcott's vessel, the Terra Nova to the j J
bottom. The unloading of tho Terra j '
Nova Is seen, the erection of the winter j
quarters, the entire trip and location of 1
the Kouth Pol 1 shown and tho terrible I
return Journey la seen. This Is made
possible asVhe pictorial reoorda of thla
great drama are composed of those made ' 5
by Mr. Pontlng and the view found on 1
the dead body of Captain Bcott. Aa i 1
Charles B. llanford gives this story otj
unparalleled heroism, you will agree with , 1
the critlce who say: "The undying atory
of Captain Hcott vibrates with realism as
doe no Imagined play of a dramatist.
Society Women of
London Campaign
Against Enemies
(Correapomlenee of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, May 5. Society women have
called a meeting, to be held In the Man
sion house May IS, to organise a cam
paign against the employment of "alien
enemlea" In England. Lady Qlanusk la
at the head- of the movement, and Lord
Charles Beresford, Str Henry Dalslel and
Sir E. Cornwall will be tha principal
There are now 73,000 Germans at large
In England, and In London atone lfc.OOO
German men of military age walk about
at liberty. It a III be the aim ot the Anti-
German league to work up public senti
ment against allowing these to roam at
large or to continue employment aa
altera, barbers and the like, and also
to Induce the public to refrain from buy
ing German-made goofla both now and
after the war.
The propaganda la based on the as
sumption that every German not Interned
la an active spy. But thla view, which Is
not new, seemed to be confined to a 1 1
mall group of patriots, of whom Lord 1 1
Beresford 1 the moat active.
To cloae the restaurants to German f
waltera. Lady Glanuak, with the active'
support of the countess of Leicester,
Lady Wenlock. I-ady Mansfield Clarke,
Lady Owen Phllllpps, Blr. Lionel Parelt
snd other, has opened a training sohool
for waltera, admitting only British boys.
Arrangements have been made with a
French Institution of the same kind to
exchange boys, so 'as to teach each a
f!Xlgn, but necessary, language.
Imii or will have the chance that we had, E27!rf tnf tn
tv go straight through the middle of ii tWI ' liw
Stork's nrrivd
battlefield, before they have even had
n chance to. bury the dead. The effect
cf tin-so naval gun must be awful, and
finm the curious positions of the killed
they must have been dead almost btfore
I bey reached tho ground. Occasionally
ou would notice a man who appeared
to have atruggled. but most lay evi
dently where they feU."
HI. It Ni:. Bwitaerland, May . 5. Pevcn
earn, supposed to contain mineral water
for Germany, have been held up at Oomo.
has lag been found to be loaded With
iron r'.
At Krigue one car labelled fresh vege
, tabi- proved ta be filled with machine
gun. The' inspection ot all through
leisht has become very much stricter
Miee the brglnplng of April,
''orrea.-o.iidf iic of tha Associated Press.)
bMiLl.N. April JO. Berlin school chll
rtun are doing their part toward raising
Uhr relief furda. Each Bunduy abuut
j.uil; from tha public schools gather
at a Imal I'iratei- and present a
V: .ram tliU Includes a series of quartet
j.ui id tj.uru iiunibers.' The fu.aniu
I'lufui (rum tlie concede are etnilr
V le
ii'C Viei.t Aa produce result.'
- i, i .in insr f t
Among those things which all wmm
j should know of, and many of them do,
j Is a splendid external application sold
: In most drug stores under the name of
"Mother's FTlend." It la a penetrating
1 liquid and many and many a mother tells
' how It so wonderfully aided them through
the period of expectancy.. Ita chief pur
pose Is to render the tendons, ligaments
, and muscles ao pliant that nature's ex-
panalon may bo accomplished without the
Intense strain ao often charaotertatlo of
the period of expectancy.
I "Mothers Friend may therefore be
eonaldered a indirectly having a splendid
inliueuce upon the early disposition of
the future generation.
Whatever indue to the ease and com
fert of the uotkt should lesve Its Impress
Bpisi the nervous synleia of the bfhy.
At any rate It la reasonable tu believe
that ainoe "Mother's Friend baa been a
eompauiun to motherhood for mora thaa
! half a century It most be a remedy that
women nave teamed the great value ot.
Ask at any drug stor for "Mother's
Friend," a penetrating, external liquid,
of great help and vaiue. And write to
Pratrtrld Kxgulatnr Co.. 40 Unir iBkls.,
Atutnta, (ia.. fur th(r bova Ua(ul
Sad tusely bifurmatloa.
Intensely Interesting Specials tor Monday
in the Popular Daylight Silk Department
Beautiful New Tub Silks UK) pieces just received; iv
splendid assortment of color combinations, including the
jiopular new candy stripes; two njiecials QQ
at, per yard.... UOC-OOC
$1.03 and $1.25 Chiffon Dress Taffetas Sample pieces of
the now spring silks: broad npsortiiif-nf of choice shades
for selection; over 2,000 yards, included; on sale AQn
at, per yard iOC
(narantfrr! flilffon Tsffrtg,
36 Inches wide, In full Hue of
street and evening; shades, beau
tiful soft ftn- OC
ished fabrics OOC"pls-J
All-Hilk Cretfi tie Clilncs, $1.50
quality. 4 0 Inches wide. In all
thn Rftoton'g mo At wauted shades,
75 pieces to choose AO
from Monday, yard..'..
Wlijr Not Make Vour Own Summer Dresses? Our dreBiunaking
school, under the competent management of Mrs. Catron, gives you
an opportunity for expert Instruction at a very gmall expense.
Inquire at Silk or Dres3 Goods Department.
g isiaaaJisSa1Bs ssllSi I sai IIisj gall nil sgaai Wirhafcll
. S
Suit Modes That
Are Strikingly New
The smartness of these graceful, becoming lines will
delight every woman who sees them and you'll find
Elegant New Silk Hulls In Tnffetas, 811k Failles, also a splendid line
of the popular Palm Beaches shown at . . . .825.00 "d $35.00
Tailored Hulls, made to sell at $20.00 up to $30.00, Gabardines,
Popllnn, Herges, Coverts and other popular fabrics, all colors and, remarkable bargains at $62.50
New Coats, spring and summer stylet). In the most desirable fabrics
and colorings, $0, $12 and $15 values, special Monday $7.95
Other Choice Coat value at $15. $10.50 n5 $25
35c to 50c Em
broideries, 19c. yd
A Splendid Special lt of
27 and 45-inch Embroidered
Flouncings, most popular new
designs and most wanted
widths. Sale price ' f Q
Monday,, yard C
ZO Knibroldcrles at 10c
A bis: showing of beautiful lS-inca
Flouncings and Corset Cover Em
broideries, actual values to 20e yd.;
Monday at, yard lOct
$2. .TO Novelty Embroideries 98c
A big Une of exquisite new novelties
for graduation and party gowns; on
6v.i8S, Organdies and Novelty Cloth;
worth $J.50 a yard; at. yd 08
Fine Organdie Flouncings
18-ln., 27-in., 40-in. and 42-ln. wide.
Regular prices from 76c up to $3;
on sale in 5 big lots at. per yard- -39.
59S 98t. $1.10. $1.75
Painty llaby Sets
In allovers, edges, Insertings and
flouncings to match, on fine Swisses
snd mulls; splendid assortment for
selection at, yard . . . 7 to 08
10c to 2.CLare 5c Yard
Vals.. Orientals. Plat Vals. and
Wash laces, in big assortment ot
choice new designs. ' .
$1.00 and 1.25 Nets at 60c
72-ln. Wash Nets, the very newebt
materials for frocks, used with rose
bud trimmings; to $1.25 yd. values,
at, yard 50
. 92.00 Oriental Flouncings 08c
18-ln., 27-ln., 36-in.. and 42-ln. wide
big assortment, from $1 to $2 yd.
values; at, yard.. ..49 nd 98
Duchess Crepe Chiffons
Specially choice value for Monday's
sale at. yard $1.00
"Plain and Seed" White Dress
Voiles, 35c Grade, 19c Yard
39-in. Vanity White Fabrics of Established Merit on
Sale Monday.
Irish 'Linen Satin Finish Table Damask, 71-inch, heavy
quality, special design, actual value ifl.'Jo; at, yd. 95?
Pattern Cloths, 2 yd;V long,
ready hemmed, mercer ized
finish, designs same as fin
est linens, each 98
Towels, hemstitched buck,
fine weave, 19x38 size, all
white or fancy red borders,
real 25c towels, each 19
White Suiting Linen, French soft finish, an exceptionally
fine quality, 4G-inch wide, actual value $1.25, our price,
White Waisting Linen, 30
inch embroidery or French
finish, evenly 'woven, gold
en flax, 65c value, on sale,
yard 49?
Satin Bed Spreads, extra
size, scallop or fringed,
compares with any $5 qual
ity; we have only 50 in this
lot, at .$3.95
In the
Domestic Room
Men's Union Hults Up to $1.50
Sr....'.:. 69c, 49c
Mesh or derby ribbed. In white
or ecru ; regular or athletic
Men's Underwear 60c
garment values
Whirls or- drawers.
Uetmenh and other well known
makes Mondty SOC per garmrnt.
Men's Furnish
ing Department
Fibre 811k Hose Oreys, black,
navy and white look like pure
silk; splendid wearing hose; on
sale Monday, per
Men's Itncn Handkerchiefs
15c quality, white, large else;
great snap; in May Bale Qj.
at O3C
Many Other Specials Monday.
Wash Drpss
Goods Sale
1- 5
. Monday
Tlie sewing season is now
at its height Our Special
Sales, Splendid Assortments
and Variety of "Up-to-the-Minute"
Wash "Fabrics for
Dresses and Tub Suits, and
our' Dress Making School
specially equipped for your
convenience and 'assistance
suggests this store as YOUR
Monday In this Daylight -Want!
Goods section we have on sale 7 3
pieces of Tokyo Silks (silk and
cotton) Rough weave, resembling
high grade "Shantung Pongee
Silk" assortment comprises all
the very best plain shades. The
low price does not do justice to
the quality. For Moo- f.
day only, yard IOC
What's the Size
of the Room You Want a .
New Rug
for This Spring? Here's un
derpricings for Monday on
all sizes of high grade, per
fect goods.
Seamless New 1915 Patterns..
9x12 slie, $2 value. .... .$22.50
8-3x10-6 size, $25 value. .$18.00
7-6x9 size. $19 value. ... .$14 JiO
6x9 size, $15 value $12.50
27x54 size, $2.60 value. .. .$1.08
., Tapestry Brussels Rugs
Seamless, 10-wlre quaUty.
10-6x18-6 size, $18 value. $21.98
10-6x12 size. $25 value. . .$10.08
9x12 size, $20 value $15.50
7-6x9 size, $15 value $0.08
6x size. $12 value $7.08
r We carry a big line ot
Bigelow Rugs
The best on the market at lowest
prices. See them.
Types in Summer Dress that
Will Command Attention
Artisticly distinctive, charmingly becoming gar
ments in.which superior quality is evident at each price.
See theso Dainty New Summer Frocks Monday.
Charming designs in Silk Pressed Crepes, Soft Chiffon Taffetas.
Novelty Silko. etc., In broad assortment, exceptional values, at each
puce $15.00, $10.50, $25.00 and $35.00
$15.00 and $18.00 Hummer Drfsnen in Poplins, Silk Taffetas. Crepo
do Chines, etc., many with Chiffon or Georgette Crepe WaibtB,
broad assortment for your selection, at. .' $8.95
Children's White Presses, a wonderfully broad assortment of beau
tiful designs, qualities and beauty of styles at each price exceptional,
t $1.05. $2.05. $3.95 "P to $10.00
The Season's Most Popular :. Wool 'Fabrics
for Suits, Coats and Separate Skirts
two csozoa wrxcrax. z-otb rom xovdats ixzj.ura
88 to M-la. gpriajr Dtmi Goods
Inclinllng all wool Krnnch sersi-s
IDniniM, Coverts, black and whlla
rhri-k fuhrlca. ate. choice new col
orliiKs and weaves; thrra u-tls.
par yard 8S0, 4tto aaA SB0
Varsity 0hsoka4 I ui tines and Palm
Beach Stripes, la the new sreys
and tana, light welshta for summer
suits, it.ln. wide; on sals In two
lota, at. yard $l.4 aad 1.88
anarata Bkirta Ara Xa Oraat Ssmaad. ' Wa will maJce them for vnu
at nominal prices auarantenliiK rwrfvot fit aiwl workinanahlp. Sec tha
new models lu lieaa Goods department. ...
New Waists
The choicest values you'll find
anywhere at our May Sale
price Monday
Beautiful Filet and Shadow Lace
Waists, also a broad assortment
of exquisite designs In Georgette
Crepes, Novelty Silks. Crepe de
Chines, etc. You'll find you can
not match them In beauty or
quality at less than $7.60, r
Bale price VJ
Monday Morning Specials
Women's Long Silk Kimonos, very
special values, 32 95
Long Cifpe Kimonos, 1 Q
$2 and $2.60 values, atJ 1 a A U
On Sale Monday
-Domestic Room
Amoskeag. Apron Check
Gingham at 5 Yard, Quan
tity limit of 10 yards to each
' customer. No mail or phone
orders filled.
. 12'4c Cambric. and. Mus- Al ' '
lln. in1 long mill lengths, DJC
10c Curtain Scrim, fancy fZ.
borders, yard O C
, 19c 40-ln. White Apron O 1
Lawn, at la2v
660 full size Bed Sheets AQ
bleached ......... v. . . TC
1 2 VI 0 Pillow ' Cases, choice Q '
of 45 or 42in. size, each,.. C
25c Madras Waisting and 1 r.
Sheeting . . IOC
12,.'4c Nurse Stripe Glng-. Q '
ham, 32-ln. wide, yard.... C
19c Fancy Printed .Wash ifi
Dress Fabric, yard......1 1UC
16c Embroidered Dot ia
White Swiss, yard. ..... 1 UC
45c Infants' Blanket Robes, 30x40
size, figured, pink, blue; nn . 1
etc., each e&iC
15c Voile. Batiste and' ' Ql' '
Crepe, mill lengths, yd... OgC
18c PUsse Crepe, 31-ln. wide .
plain " colors and figures, .in
yard lUC
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Muslin-Gowns, . to
$1.00 values, at .59
Cut full and long, prettily
trimmed with lace and em
hroidery, '
Children's Mnnlin ' Pant or
Skirts, to 75c values
t .v. -12tt and 25?
Women's Italian Bilk Vests
Also band top bloomers, made
to sell to $3.00; two special lots
at ,....08 and $1.45
lisle Vests To 60c values, cro
chet yokes t 19c
Lisle or Cotton- Union Bnlta
AH sizes and styles; three spe
clal.. -25. 35e. 40C
Drapery Specials
$2.00 Lace Edged Scrim Cur
tainsSpecial Monday, $1.49
25c Hemstitched Curtain Scrim
86-in. wide, in white or ecru;
per yard - 15
25c Fancy Bordered Scrims'
With, plain .centers, yd-...X5t
1O0 Drapazy; Visa Sfats SS-ln. wide,
pretty patterns, . yard fto
Haw . Cnrtaias, . Xraprtas of ATI
Kinds, Oonea Covers, arsons.
Cedar Coasts, eto-, uadsrprloed.
Several Splendid Bargains in Dinner Sets for Monday
10 c
Wide Gold Band Cupa
and Saucers, 7 and 8-la.
Plates, Platters, Soup
Plates, Oatmeal Bowls,
Gravy Boats,
$14.00 Kemi IorceUln
Dinner Bets
4 pretty patterns, gold
lined edge and decorated.V
L100 piecea,
. $8.50
Choice of any Electrical Portable I.arap in the house, values up to $o3.00,
Fourth Floor Crockery department, Monday cial
$18 Kemi Porcelain Din
ner Sets, beautiful spray
patterns, 100 CJ1O50
pieces, at fL
42-plece , Dinner Set,
beautiful decoration, a
regular $6 val- O08
ue, Monday. . .
$35 China Dinner Seta
100 pieces, gold band
decoration, Q50
on sale at
Furniture Department-Bed Davenport $20
Genuine golden oak or fumed Davenport, large size; best grade
imitation' leather; small size Duofold Davenport. ... .$20.00
In genuine leather (fumed or golden) SpanisVor black leather
on this sale .$26.50
Circassian Walnut' Dresser
bird's-eye maple, golden oak,
old ivory or .mahogany,, extra
large size, worth $25 to $30;
on sale -$10.50
48-inch top, round extension
tables, fumed or golden oak;
on sale $20.00
Golden or ' fumed oak Buffet
'or ...... $2O.00
6 real leather seat Dining
Chairs ,. $20.00
Remember we have cheaper
dining chairs and tables than
Large. Library Tables, several
patterns In fumed or golden;
on this sale $10.00
Good Dressers in golden oak,
4 87.50.
Reed Nursery Chairs with
Me $1.00
Baby Walkers $1.25
Baby's Toilet Seats to fit over
hPPr $1.00
One-motion collapsible folding
5-tarts $4.50
mad sxo grxcxAX. amocxavr. ravxr. Yiaimtz aaxa for mom-day
II lba. best rranulated Tana Hugar $1
is-lh. saoka best hlah araite DlaJimniJ
II Flour: nothlna finer (or brul.
I.lrs or cakes, luk tlMt
Make your own bread It pays
one sack of flour will make from ii
to It one-pounl loavea of brriul.
Jl bars iieat-'tim-AU or Diamond O
Hoi S5o
10 bars Lenox. Laundry Quean or
Whilo Russian honp., tS
1 lba. pure Kuvkhut Hour...tx
4 H. fancy Japau luce tij
g lba best while ot yellow Corn-
niral fa
Tlie best rtotneatlo Mararonl. Veriut-
celll or 8rssUl. pk( ,.TS
4 lbs. best hiid picked Nary Viannt
f.r fsa
Tall cans Alaska Palmon loo
rana Oil or Mustard 8aHHne.Sft4
i ran fancy awoet Husar Cora, Waa.
Siring. Ureon or Lint Baris..Sbo
4 rana Pet or Carnatlou iiU...S
K. C. Corn Flake. lk( 6
lirai Nuts, pks... .10
T lbs. bet lluik laundry Starch. S6o
Irss Imp It If Worcester Sauce. Fure
Tomato Cataup. I'lcklea, aaoM-d
klnda. or Mustard, bottle Sle
ljtrs rana solui packed TomiM
for , K's
The best oroamery butter, oartoa of
kola. Ik. 300
The beat stiUtly frtah No. 1 t.
doteu k Js
Fancy No. 1 country craniei-y but
ter, lb i o
Fancy No. 1 dairy table butter, per
iound SSo
Good dairy buttrr. lb MO
i vroBTisiB mini roa
1KB rOiX.XI. A sartaaT of 60 oar
cent to 100 par eea by tradlaaT at
t bunches fresh home grown onlona
for So
t buncha fresh home grown rad
ishes for to
The beat rooking potatoes, peck IT Ho
1 heada fresh leaf letture for ...60
t bunches fresh home grown parsnlrs
for M
J bunches fresh home grown aapara-
T gua for lOo
4 buncha freah noma grown pie-
Dlnnt for Se
Fancy rrrn or w beans, lb. . le
Arrx.a.i Tom. tan asAaosi
N This is tra Fajcy Friilt uolhlng
finer for canning Monday
Iji.h THo. loo, iSHe. 1B
l er dos afro, ei.10, 1.0. 1T0
Drugs, Toilet Goods,
Why Pay More
tic extra fin Hair Brushes 60
11. !S Ideal Hair Hrushes TM
60c set Military liruahea, at...aa
Sac Auto (sponges..... loo
1 2S .Vulo i iiaiiioia. . . . , 0
16c bar Hura fantlle tSoap; lSHe
iic Talcums, assorted lot. 10c, or
t for ba
I 10c rolls CrApei Toilet Paper, .aaa
10o Jap Koa or Witch liasdl Soan
f I 6t bottle Oriental Cream e
ZSo bottle beat Hav Hum 1&
iie -bottle Witch HaJfl... 1
'io tube gneannlnt TootB Paste. low
K)c bottle tal llepatlca. 3io
11. aO box L Trvfle Fare powder. SSo
6tu lar Head Heart Cold Crea4il.S
boo box U9 Iai Houge
. Tar Haga for furs, at.
6Uc Rice Powder
l.ea ' Fountain 8yrln
II 6 In, i Water liottle.
1 1.1a Combination Syringe tl-SS
11.00 Combination by ring, aruaran-
t4 I yeaxa AiMM
No phono orders.
Vest siaea 1874.
"Stone White" Whlta Mountain Boxes
axo the only refrigerators wailed
with a roaalae quarried atone; mas
sive. Indestructible, absolutely sani
tary slibs of stoae, tight aa an
nuariuiii virtually a chamber hewn
In aulld rock. Tha greatest cold re
tainer known. Walt as snow.
40-lh. rapacity white lined refrig
. erator, beautiful golden oak rase:
a regular 111.00 value, apeciat Mon
day, at ....
CO-lu. rapacity, same as above; regu
lar 114.00 valua ia.S
110-lh. capacity "White Mountain-'
refrigerator with patent duplex
Ice graJe. whit lined, golden oak
caae. a 121.60 vaiue S19.SS
US-lb. rapacity "Boston" pattern
side Icing. - golden oak case, w hite
lined. 4 shelves; a I2.e4 valur.
sal prlc taa-Oa
"Stone Whiter Bfrigrators. up
teotv"?rUr"e ida hnVle."wlth
tc 60-lb. size fancy Japanned Hour
(.an SSo
riread Box, aanltgry. ventilated
savory" ..4a. .
. . . . , WWII
n. koou -iie irroom
Any alza steel Fry Pan...
i,!f.?..!Lf',br,1 r Orlp'raiiiioo
Any a. so Pie Paus. J tor
20o Holllng Pins .
ic Honing Pins...,.'..!!;;"
1.00 medium sU heavy'
Plated Copper Tea Kettle.
cVL "t t hvV nickel
.. ..Tso
White Mountain Refriger'rs
Wa sail "Oarlaad" om lum,
A chance to buy on cheap Monday
Metlluni ixa cans, complete wltti
covr rk
Large fixe cans, complete with cover. ' ?