Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 5-B, Image 17
TirR OMAHA SUNDAY HEK: MAY 0, 1015. 5 B It yiity- af:v V- 1 " C-jA gh-ii Marion Carbon. ic&T - :- r r-M.Vil ' . w ,.. Hv. y v 1-ookinRii. 'Thr Hod lioic" hlnr iTlichtly, is Rortoily wountJ nrnl lirilllnntly tuni'ful. Tlir porformnncc to- nlBht will i loc thr rnmiKnirnt. "I.lttlo Johnnie Jones," whloh If to bo piyjicntoj at the ltoyd thonlpr (or the work tirglnnlnK ltli the matinee thl nflrrnoon. In the enrUi-nt of (leorce M. L'oliati iiiHf-eiises ns iv writer of muMcnl comeillrn, nt In many wnya hl b"pt. It lis ii plrsKlnn mixture of mimic, melo drama, comedy and romance. The atory i of how Johnnie Joncp. honcut Amer icnn Jockey, la nceuacd by Anthony Anatey J of a ahady rlile tn an Important l ice, and how he rloared hla good name, with the !n 1.1 of tioldle dates, a rharmliiK (jlrl, nnd ' Whitney WUaoii, a very rllent man, who : haa a Rreat deal to do with finally hrii'nr I Ina Anstry to book. The rhaae hrclti" In London and enda In Sun Franelaco, , tnklnit In New York and Chinatown on ! the wav. IMher eharnctera are ahown In i the notion of the Vtny. which calla for 1 a ureat donl of alnslnn and dnnclns, no leap than ten Mr Hons numbera belnn act down for the four acta Mr. Thelpa will play the name part. Mia Oatea will rlay Ooldle. and Mr. I.ym-h will have the rol of tha Ma; allent ati-anner. Mr. I.lndholm will double m n aulp cnptaln and aa a fhlnesa editor. Mr. T'rli-e will piny An atey, and Mina ' Pewnr, Mlaa Keppler, Mlpa Purtla and Mr. Horn will bIko be In the paat. nil of thes with aonKa. Mlaa Oatea will have to dlsculne beraelf aa a, boy tn order to make the atory come out rlsht, ami Mr. Thelpa and Mla Kepplrr i will put on a pong- and dnno apeclnit In the Inat net with the heli of a bit ihorua. Thla ineana "action" ffcm th. atart. For the apeclnl niualcal attraction for Tueedav evenlne. Manager llurnepa announcea Mpa l'.dlth KllcklnRrr, the well known aoprano, In a program of her own lection. j Widows and orphan of Clerman aol- J dlera will receive a generous a'nare of the j I . ...... . 1. ... ..I. tn Virt i ahown here at the 1lr.idela theater for , (two days beginning tomorrow. Matinee, j and evening exhibitions will be given; dully. The photogrnph were taken Ml !the Oermnn flKhtlng fronta with the per- ! mlsplon of the general staff and the kaiser, the only condition lielnit that Ocr- 1 man widows and orphans share" In the j j receipts. Local Herman-American nW- , sens are sponsors for the pictures. Heading the bill for the first half of ! the week at the Kmpress Is lliile Nor- , AMI HKMKNT. 3 FFAIRS of the Rngllah-speak- Iiik stage Buffered a. tremen dous loss when the Lupltanla. wan torpedoed by a Gerrnan submarine. Three very dis tinguished gentlemen. Inti mately connected with th theater, and each a power for good, went down with thxt great steamer, and, although the body of but one has been found, but lit tle doubt la left as to the fate of all. Charles Frohman was the most noted manager of his day; neither England nor America, nor any other country, has yet produced a man whose genius for big things was so marked, nor who had so well developed the faculty of also looking after the little things. " Ha has otood alone at the very front, of the producing managers of the world for years. In this country his name haa been the guaranty of excellence. , His Influ ence on the progress of the theater, In all its activities, has been beyond cal culation or understanding, and It . has been always for good. Omaha will hare lost a good friend in Charles Frohman, for he was one big man of tha stage who did not forget this town; his "stars" played here regularly, and hla biggest and most expensive productions and com panies visited us In turn. Volumes can, and very likely will, be written about him and his work; at this time It must suffice to say hla loss to the theater Is are near irreparable as that of any one man could be. i Mr. . Charles Klein was an ' author of long experience, best known, perhaps, be - cause of his "Lion and tho Mouse," and similar dramas. He had written much of the lighter comedies, and some farces, but for several years had devoted Jilm self to the study of the more serious drama, and was In hopes of giving the world a masterpiece. Justus Miles For ma n, singularly enough, had Just pro duced for Mr. Frohman In New York "The Hyphen," a comedy dealli.g with the patriotic thought of the day; the action of the play turning on the rela tion between Germans who had become Americans a-d one who persisted in re maining a "German-American." On the hyphen the fabric of the drama hung. ' Mr. Forman had long ago , established hlmtelf ns an author, end his contribu tions to the literature of his day ere many and worthy. One of the most promising signs for the future lu Omaha is the organization of a local branch of the Drama league. The purpose of. this organization, that of giving sustaining support to what Is good at the theater. Is worthy of the attention it has received in other com munities, and which it will certainly gel here. H Is not u "highbrow" organisa tion, nor does it morciy meddle in the el fairs of the theater. It Is competed o. seilous men and women, who have a lull al preciatton of the responsibilities th y have assumed Mi connection with the work they nave undertaken, and who go about tlietr buslne in a way that is both unobstrusive and effective. In du time further rtTerence will be made to the league and its alma. Now tiiat the Orpheum season, with this ii U, reaches lis termination, Man a ;ct ltyrnc taVc'j this opportunity to (hank patrons for their part in making ' the latt niu? i.iouths ono of tho most pi.r;tehK' fceatonj In the history of the theater. Thu attendance has been such aa to Juiitify both the faith the Orpheum circuit has manifested in Omaha and tha assurance on the part of the public that j It wants wholesome diversion at economi cal prices. A glance backward over the season will suffice to show that Orpheum offerings have been. In at least several phases, more than entertaiUng. Some of them, especially in the field of music, have been diB'.inciiy cultural. Only recently the most distinguished of women 'cellists, La Ruegyer, was an Orpheum feature appenll'iir to the loftiest of musical tastes, and of the same high quality was the singing of Mme. Jumelll, a prima donna of International fame. There was also Theodore Bendlx, with hui four associ ates, whose parlor music proved a par ticular delight to Orpheum audiences. In the dramatic field, likewise, there have been some unusual offerings. The sctikon wss period' last August with Arnold Daly in one of Shaw's) most satiri cal one-act plays. Later cam Claude Glllitigwaier. who presented a thrilling dramatic episode, and later still came Joseph Jefferson in a very pleasing comedy. Regarding popular attractions of a high greater' abundance of them. Gertrude Hoffmann with her revue was seen at prices within tho easy reach of people who either do not desire or cannot afford to pay f2 to, see the celebrities of the stage. Kitty Gordon, Emma Carus, Blanche Ring, Elizabeth Murray, Hyams and Mclntyre and Billy B. Van were a few of the others especially approved by Orpheum au diences. For the final bill of the Orpheum sea son, which closes Saturday night. May If:, the stellar attraction will be Miss Joan Sawyer, a dancer who has won the reputation of 'being the most beautiful wnltxer in the world. . In New Tork she has been named "the high priestess of the danoe." For an engagement of twenty weeks she was the favorite . dancer at the .Palace theater. New York CUy. In her work she Is ably, assisted by Georga Karcourt and her own orchestra. Another featured act this week la to be contributed by the musical comedy favorites, Charlotte Greenwood and Sid ney Grant, They were last seen here In "The Candy 8hop" and more recently they were featured with "Pretty Mrs. Hmlth." Miss Greenwood Is known gen erally aa "the girl with the funny kick." Singing, dancing and light ' comedy are the chief elements of the skit to be of fered by Percy Bronson and Winnie Baldwin. ' Comedy, In addition to harmonious vocal work, characterizes the act to be offered by yie Big City Four. Known as the modern Hercules, Eertlsh will give an exhibition of strength and agility which stands In a class by ltselL With dancing steps Moore and iff . ; 10 ZJzthJVcJtftigejr Jenkins give various Imitations, sjc as the sounds of the approach and departure of a railway train, horses trotting, racing and galloping, and an automobile start ing and stopping. A comedy pantomime, "A Soldier's Dream," is to be offered by Mason, Wilbur and Jordan, For a num ber of years they have displayed their ability as comedy acrobats.; Onoa again thla week the Orpheum travel weekly is to project Interesting views in motion pictures of curious places the world over, Miss Zoa Barnett as the star tn her former success,' "The Red Rose," John C, Fisher's production, supported by an ex cellent cast, which opened at the' Bran- dels theater yesterdny afternoon, remains over for an extra performance tonight It la one of the ' gems of the season's AMUSEMENTS. AMI SEME1VTS. AMffcEMBNTS. 4, COOL.CLEAN 5 COMFORTABLE jf 0 HAL korcross a CO. sfrrri? me ranerrrocv ' SULUVAN8NAS0N V PONT SPENCER Q WILLIAMS j LADY ALICES PETS CUmm CXPffK Or ANHALS mm i (Continued on Tage Twelve-Col. Two ) AMMRNKITI. II IPP THEATER Kama nf Paramnunt Pir.tiirs. TODAY ONLY FRANCIS BUSHMAN In "The Accounting" Monday and Tuesday Return Engagement MARGUERITE CLARK "Wild Flower" Wednesday and Thursday LASKY-BELASCO Prewits "THE WOMAN" A drama of Ijoto and Politic In Washington with a Special Star Cast. A Friday and Saturday "LITTLE SUNSET" lMctiiriwitlon of the Famous Ilase Ball Story by Charles K. Van Loan. o THEATER Crawford, Phlllsy fe Eshrnns. Kgrs. TONIGHT Extra Tii Tlir Favorite I'rlinn lonna ZOE BARNETT in The Senson'a IligitcHt ttiirgnln THE RED ROSE ! 2 3 --Musical Kumbcrs-23 10 Modern Dances 10 "HEARD THE WORLD AROUND! a SOUSAandHisBAND 'The Delight of Nations JOHN PIUUP SOUSA, Csnssctor. At the... (Stindav. Mav 9 AlirlitnYIIITrtf ' Afternoon and Evening siuuuui iuui( Sacred Concert in Afttrnoont Under tha Ansploea of Oats Ottr Branch STo. S, Vatlonal Association of Xtt Carrier. HIM JUL it? UL-, 1 f ' ..-v " v -r 1 &mm :xr.x -Maisaa-MMMSnsiaaisL,iJ. 0 . - - - p,.,., . .. it Marvelous Moving Pictures TAKEN UNDER THE SEA Kz: SUBMARINE MOVIES An Unparalleled Achievement, Thrilling, Enchanting THAT Is IJ tjuestlui tha bottom of the sea llkeV That Is tha stloo whlcb has caused cWUlsatlan to scntU-h head slaee the beelunlns of tbe sues. Tha Williamson brothers hsve answered It. They know all shoot It I Thty'rs seen things that made them msrrel down there In tba Kingdom of Eternal Peace! They've made friends with tbe sharks and all the other monsters that prowl around down there: Monsters that glare right at yon with big Ttcloss eyes and jaws that conld snap your head off without injuring tbelr teeth! They are the first snd only pictures ever taken at tha bottom of the sea and depict that straDge, unknown no man's land that lies far below tbe pita of th ocean liner. Tba making of this ptrtore is one of the romaneea of selenee that discount all tbe dreams of the novelist. They are full of fascination and Interest and show tba beautiful tropical gardens down in tbe Bahama Islands, with all tbelr picturesque life, and tbe native boys, lithe, striped, brown figures, diving for coins, and so sgtle that they catch tbe cola before It touches the bot tom of the sea. Other plrtnre show the Innumerable different vart ties of fish that abound In those waters, snd tbst rsuge -all the way from tbe beantlful angel fish te tbe luuo eating shark. Then eomea tbe strangest moving pic ture film that the Ingenuity of man has ever constructed. This takes In the Journey from Nassau to San Ralva dor, or Waiting's island, the place where Columbus iirst set foot on the sew world, and the trip, which la 100 miles In length. Is taken way deep down below the surface of the water, through the strange garden that grows at the bouom of tbe sea. Nothing Ilka H has ever been seen before, and noth log like It will ever be seen sgain, unless tbe William sons do 1L 9 They are nniqne, educational snd marvelous! They have startled snd amased scientific and educa tional circles throughout the world 1 They are playlr-g- to capacity house everywhere! They sre internationally endorsed by leading maga alnes, newspapers, scientific and educational bodies! C T Ptctares that amass and Wonder I V M H The Wildest dreams come true! J Ji The most woaderful pictures In the world! The only pictures ever taken St the bottom of the seat The bla ugly cres tores which roam around In tbe deep! Tao aWa plalag Lido-Md-saJt down ia tbe depths I enchant, antics and coral gardens Plctares that ea thrall, enhance, en Lhasa I The wonderful, exquisitely beantlful down in tha see I The man and the shark la a desperate, death-defying struggle I "iUliUl. WawUrful.- tw Tork Wertd, AYETYstlingSix Big Rools ADULTS OR. AllrWEEK "DAY Displays l 1, J:1S, 7:30 4 I P.M. CHILDREN IOC '-mwms wtr e, r v ) w amn-w Jim Cruzc, Star of "Tho Million Dollar Mystery." Will Bo Your Teacher. f.lOUIE STARS HAKE FORTUNES Mary Pickford, Jack Kerrigan, Francis X.' Bushman, Mary Fuller. Charles Chaplin, "Broncho Billy" Anderson " ; and Dozens of Others Paid Thousands lAVeekly in Salaries and Royalties. MOVIES MEED NEW TALENT the rudimentary principles of the art. Jim Cruse's course of Instructing la designed to bridge this period of ap prenticeship and enable those who maji Zl 'I to. "' ,"lght Into good powltlona Tho beat movie stars, directors, produc ers and managers have praised this course i lu i v. Th-v u i. .5- v.:. only and most complete eourse ever of- """ "" are tlie people you would no t If you were asklntr for advice on Joining the army of movie playera. You can accept their Judgement. It la the vi experia. ma courao ia re JIM rnvzE (Master Instructor) The movie producers and movie fans want new talent, new faoes. new rr. aonailtles for tba flims, says Jlw Cruas. tlavu you talent, ublllty, skill, qualm cat Ions that would tit you t act for the filniH? If you have, .Mm Cruzc, mar of "Th Million Iiollur Mystery." "Zuilura' and other famous film successes will Instruct you how to hecouie a success ful movie ux tnr or uciress. Jim Cruz Is eminently fitted to teach tha art of movie acting. Jin will tell you how to win fame as a film player. He will tell you what yuu must know about acting, how to obtain effects for the films, how to tnuJs uo for different roles, how scenarios are prepared, shunt cento and llKht effects, about operating a moving picture camera, about t1"' Af ferent thInKS that are essential to this great profession. KXI'KKl KXCi: IN NKCKKSAUY Acting 'for the films does not require years of experience such aa regular stage acting requires, htiixe experleru-e ia not necessary. Hundreds of success ful movie actors won eminence after a period of apprenticeship. Many Jumped directly from ordinary Walks of life Into atelier roles after they had learned yon must know, I he question this work? for lloschiirl (artlcn Itoautlo. of Specially Kctltirrtl Price, llest Sent a $1.00 ?.!,n;&J.".e.s" May 10-11 Anthentlo Motion Hctures The War of the Rations C Basis a With I.ectnre CaUy Mat. 3 P. M. Kvenlnga, 8:13 Prloss, Cbllitren 15cl Adnlt. 35o. FRIDAY EVEKIKG, May 14 XOWIir A, T1,KUt Vresents THE LEXOX THEATER CO. OF STBW TOR at. tnelndlng X.XOIT B I. AW It, Ct,IAS aOTH9TEIS,BELLa OUDIMSKT. ROSE KAItp and an AI.I, BTaVi OUT II A STBW PLAT Week Commenolng ff1a If! sua., Sally Mats. ,y CHARLES B. HAKFORD. The Xmlnent Aotor, airing tba Itlrrinr tory with Tbe Actual Motion Plotorsa Capt. Scott in the Antarctic Ills Thrilling; Adventures to , Tho Notith 1'ole. Sale Thnraday. moee SOe, 36o and SSo. peelal Matinee stats to PnpUa of Sobools, SI So for best SOo neat. Phono I ADTAHOXS X.ASTT Will Or 0DA8OH gTABTura Sally Matinee, tils Urht SilB. TAVBBTXX.X.S Hay 9 Tba Peerless Queen of tha Modern Sanoo. MISS JOAN SAWYER Assisted by Oeorge Xarooart PERCY BRONSON & WINNIE BALDWIN in "Ploklngs from Bong and Sance Land" BIG CITY FOUR . Bover B ates Emersoa Wood Quartette Stars of 1S15. BERTISH Za aa Smhibitlon of Asriutr. Strength and MOORE & JENKINS ZmJtatlon Doaoers. MASON. WILBUR & JOROQN fa a Comedy Pantomime IToyeKy, "A BoldUr's Dream." OKAMtiOTTS GREEUViOOD and SCDBTXY GRA11T Mnsioal Comedy PaTorlts , Late Peatttreo With "Pretty Mrs. Smith." OBPHBTK TaXATEI. WXXXXT The World at Work and Play Around the World With the Orpheum Circuit's Motion Ploturs photographers. Prices Mat., gallery, 10c. Beat Heat (except Kat. and Sun.), 25c Nights, 10c, 23c, 00c and 75c markably complete In every particular containing a thorough Instruction In ali la. are you fitted WHAT CAN VOIT DO? Remember, in analyzing your qualifl iM -'i",'"'. .'i'.f,1 "'"Vlus are as near Kr-AL, Mrh as they can bo made. Thev . tV,.,',le". or people. tKI. young an. I middle aged. Thin, fat and average size. Bliort and tall. Handsome, and homely All to to make ui the casts jf movie plays, llave you ability to mimic? t an you by facial expression show hate. niiKer, scorn, love, t-mderneeHM, pity, contempt, sorrow, siifferlngr Can you swim, run, Jump, ride a horse, motor cycle or bicycle? I'an you drive an auto, street ear or engine? Can vrni pla games of -skill such as baseball, foot ball, tennis or nolo? Can you sail a boat, row or paddle a canoe? Any or ail of these accomplishment are useful lu the movies. Can you wear good clothes with distinction? ln you look hand some or beautiful? Can you dunce', Htudy yourself. Hee what you can do that will help you win success tn tlua vi ork. CRUZE BOOK IS FREE Jim Cruae haa prepared a mighty lu teres) lug hook on movie acting. It con tains til pages full of Important infor mation about this great profeaalun and i anxans on une pictures or movie favor-, lies. Hen. I for tills book; It fei absolutely i KKKE. lie has also prepared a TEST, lesson arid matriculation examination If you want to know more about your qualifications aend for this test lesson and examination. It will tie sent to v.i If you will forward 25 cents In stamps or coin, rltudy the lesson, fill out the examination papers, and they will bo, reviewed for you hv our examiners. (Set ' this at once- and satiafy yourself! whether In your estimation you are fit- ' tod for this work. Just encloxe l'centa! In stamps or coin and the KltKFJ BOOK i test iaion ana examination loira will be sent you by return mall under plain cover so that no one need know about your secret ambition. lo It NOW I, fore you forget it. . HK CstUXX. BOYD Croatia's Most Popular Theater Starting Today Matinee, ALL WEEK GEo.n.couAtrs Patriotic MUSICAL Comedy, i "I g 148 ft mi Liiliu u!erica 1 Johnny George Phelps ' Johnny 5a ones Ttir MAuir nrvrADt s.t'N " aiii I 111. Ill Will. HVIVH4 H. la, IlITMichi is. Beulevaral Chicago, III. BIGGEST and BEST of Them All SCATS. Wed, Tnurs., Sat SSo. ETEMINOa 860, 6O0. Tango Matinee Bvery Thursday. Tuesday, SOCISTT Sight. MISS EDITH FLICKINCER aoFatAWO, Betweea Acta Meat Week TESS cf the STORM COUNTRY V