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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1915)
2-n nil'; auiiA u.j)Ai m:iu mav o, 1915. WEDDINGS INTEREST SOCIETY Miu Pickens Announce! Her Wed din; Attendant Cards for Miss Stewart's Wedding. BRIDGE PARTY FOR CRECHE I I lor la I laleaaar. WON DA T Or) f In t Monday Friilae Hub. Mr. Charlea Boaton. luncheon for Mis Frances Hochatctlrr. Monday Bridge club. Tl"InAY-MI Edih Norrla. brMee luncheon In honor of Mlaa Hlrn Norri. North 8ide Prralv "ard rlub rurd parly at Ita hall. Pehutante Hrldne rli h MlM Strlln Thummel hoateaa. WKHXESOAT W. V. rlub Wv break fast at ri)inouth ConsreKntiortat hurth. Mrs. B K. IMffanhaoher hnnt f Mtr Ixy t.r. Iiinrlion for Mlaa lielrn Norrla. XliKinley Hnal B'rlth -luh (Jar'-ln narly nt Ttotrl f'aatl. Mardfn rlub mtln. MM. Jeore I'al mrr lut.i. Mnw. Uiilliford Hmith. art hour of French dialogue at Hotel Fon- Till hkii V-nrlinAl Pooklnv rlnh. Mr.! H-rlrt vvherler. hotra.' .Second tiuno matlnw at h lloyd. FTt 1 1A Y i "oronado rlub danrln parly at (hanilr' erad'my. Sernml Hub- rlPtlon taitv of rymntir l-ake rlub. at the rlub ho iw. letter Currier" A'ix- Hfjry dnncinit party at HotM c'aatl. Women a Whlat rlub. luncheon In honor of Mrs. K. V. Uunther. 8ATI IliAY Mlaa May C.reen, bridge varty for Mlaa Helen Norrla. BHiJr and we'MIng plana aeem to ba the only excitement that Intereat oclty 1'irne day. llf Pl ken hea announced her bridal attendant. The wedding date la June and It will take plor In the evening nt All Bnlnta' church, followed by a re ception at the home of the bride- pr rnti. Mi. and Mra. Charle Plckena. A party cf ten will attend the young peo-l-lc. Mr, ruiph Peter and Mra. Paul OallKibrr will be the matron of honor. Minn (llndya I'rtera maid of honor and Mt Paphnn Petera. brldeamald. Mr. I'atTson will be attended by hla brother. Mr. Ronald Pateraon. a bet man and l ho uihra will b Mr. Paul Gallagher, Mr. P.i!rh Petora. Mr. Ware Hall, Mr. f-en tiallHchrr and Mr. t'uthlwrt Potter. jun.r entertainment are being planned lr. honor of Mlaa Pl-ken and Mr. Pater aon. Mr. and Mra. ("Wile Teat Stewart l rH.nA rards thii week for -the marriage of tVelr Aa tighter, Marie, to Mr. Donald Jo rojili MrFriren, will' h will be celebrated Baturda', June i, at a o'clock In the evening at St. Paula church, Coiirt'll ISIurr. Th caremony will bo followed by n rerepllun at tho ftewart home, Kf tfouth Sexenth street at 1:20. A number of ,oul-of-town gueate will orrc lor tlila wedding, among whom will be Mr. and Mra. MoKerren of lluopeaton. Ml., parent if tie groom, and Mr. and Mm. William Beach of HUmford. Conn., urn la and aunt of the bride. California Sojourners. Mr. and Mra. J. K. Iodda Lurlltn i:iy left Wedneaday and Miaa to apend two rnontha In California. Mra. Jennie A. Hienoa will leave Wadnraday to apend two month In Cali fornia. Iter niece, Mia June Joalyn. of Mor.ti'lalr, N. J., will accompany her. Mr. and Mra. I. V. Shole leave Wedneaday for Ran Dirge and Ban Ftan claro and will return by the northern route, '-lilting In Portland and Seattle. Mr. and Mra. J. II. McDonald lsave ahnrtly to apend aoma time In California. Mra. W. J. Connell and her daughter, Mr. E. A. Creighton. who hava been at the Hotel del . Coronado for some weeka, have left there for a motor trip of ten dy beffer going to a Fran f lora to the 'exposition. They expect to reach Omaha about May 14. , Mra.' Louie Bradford, Mr. O. H. Wheeler. Ir.i Mra. Warren Ilogera and Mlea Mildred Ilogera left Wedneaday for Han Diego. Cel., to be gone three month or more. They wtil dhlde their time be tween Ran francntco, Bantft Barbara and f.:n Diego, Mr. and Mra. Chariea Blakely plan to - leave June X to epond lb auinmer la Callfornlv I Mr. and Mra. YL T. Folda, accompanied by tlwir children, have been v ltd ting in Imperial Valley. Cat They aall May 14 for Honolulu en the t earner Mataovla. Mra. Mabel Ogden plan to leave the later part f May for Monrovia, near Lo Ar.grlm. Cel., where he . will be the guext of her parent. Jlr. and- Mra, Pratt, and br brother,' Mr. Charlea Tratt. With the School Set Mia Elisabeth Read and . Mia Ern Uoed will return together from aohool and colbgc tho first week In June, Mia ftlarjoria McCord la expected homo fiom rhoo In New Tork tho latter part of thl month. 1 Mlas Dorothy Hall left Wedneaday for Penttle for aeveral weeks' vlalt with Mlaa Helen 'Brown, who wa her acheolmato at Inglealde,' New Mil ford,' Conn. MlaaDorotby Woller, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Harry- B. Weller. will deliver the valedictory at St. Mary'a echool at Knoxvllle, III., at the graduating er cUe Juue a Mia Weller went from the high school to St. Mary'a two year ago and mtortd the Junior claaa and thia year waa elected preaident of her claaa. Mr Welter- plan to go o for th com ironiement aenk at Knoxvllle and Mr. WrlU-i- mill he thero commencement day to aee his daughter graduate. Mrr Ft. C. Howe expect to go eaat tlte nilddle of tlila month for th closing eirrvlsea of the Comaturk fk'hool of Muaio, .where her daughter. Mia Marlon - Howe, haa beeo a student thl winter. Tliry will remain eaat until after th Yale commencement the latter part of June and Mlaa How will attend June week at ' William college. Mr. Itobert Howe will graduate from the Bhef field r-VIrn rifle Bchool of Tale thl June. Oi Interest in Army Circles. Colonel D. E. McCarthy of Chicago, formerly atatloned. here, ha been 111 la a Chicago hospital, where he wa oper ated upon for appendicitis recently. A aoon a he 1 able to travel h will be taken to Hot Rpringa, Ye., accompanied by bla wife and daughter. Perclval Boiling Bannister, eon of Colonel J. M. Baniater. V. 8. ' A., re tired, of Omaha, ha been appointed to vVeat Point as vno of the aisteen success ful candidates out of t.lnety-atx odd who recently underwent examination at ' Washington for the president' appoint- meat to the military axademy. Toung Banister waa a lleuteaant In tae high a'.hool cadets and waa graduated last June. Tinfo Matinee Thursday. Th first tango matin ever gives In Omaha wa bald at th Boyd Thursday afternoon. It wa a great auto r, o much so that tli theater man agement announce a continuance of hem until tb cloM of th season. Mt Ruth Gates, leading lady oi th ?omny, and Mr. Edward Lynch, tba rilng man, received the guest as they . .am up on the stag to meet the earn vi ny. Mr. Lynrb proel to be the very Coming Bride and III ' ',' , II Mr- w- c- "oodnow of Mlnneapulla III v t Mir rai I V,-.,.?" k ilr - : , -' -:v.' 'I gallant host of the occasion, and wa even anxious to condui t hi partners In person from the audience to tho stage floor. The second maUnee will he given thl oomlng Thursday afternoon following th performance. Among those who attended Thursday were Meadames Louis Nash, William Hill Clarke, Mis Claire Helen Woodard, Mis Halcyon Cotton, Mis Harriet Met. Ml Alice Jaoulth. Mr. Louis Clarke. Mr. Barton Millard, Mrs. Samuel Bees, Jr., Mr. Clark Towell. Mr. Henry Doorly. Mr. King Denman, Mr. Robert Connell. Miss Margaret Brure, Mis Hilda Hammer, Mr. Mile KtandlKh, Mia Marie MsKhan. v.,,- . Surprise Party, , Mr. II. Anderson Save a aurprl pArty, In honor of Mr. Corinne Cortise, Friday venlng at her home, Tho room were decorated with pink and whit rosea and various gamoa wcro Mayed. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. . Mnednmea C. W. Hokanaon, V. A. Anderson, M isceo Helen Anderson. E. Davis. Mesdamea L. Bruebaker, 11. Anaerson. Misses Myrtle Anderson, Uenevleve Wood I y. Hm-I BlNhop, . Corinne Carlsae, Bloaars. Messr. Laurenc Hokanson. Arthur And.rann. Clifford Hokanson. lwlght Davis, w imam Norton, Raymond Bishop. ataynara Davis, , v Kews of the Wayfarers. "Mr. and Mr. Nathan Merrlam fiav horn at Colfax Springs, la., for tli last two weeks. Mr. and Mr. Fred itamllUm. with Mr. and Mr. Jack Barber, Itava been In Waahlngton thi week. They will return to New York before coming to Omaha, whr they ar expected next Wednes day. Mr. and Mr. Barber will make a short tay her, before ' going down to Virginia to visit hi parent. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee, who ar rived her last week from Montana, left Sunday with Mr. J. A. Caver' in hi motor tor Chicago. The roada. however, were o muddy In Iowa that they were compelled to take the train for trie rest of the trip. Mr. Mage goea on further eaat from Chicago, but Mra. Magee will return to Omaha. At Brownell Ball. Th Brownell Hall Parent and Teach era' association ha adopted It consti tution and elected officer for th year, with th following result: President, ' - MXJL ST 1ST A ItlO. ProprUto'. Tb moat aclentlflo anl up-to-dat tn th eouatry. Th Martnallo operator 1 a student of faelology. In other words. aha underatanda thoroughly the anal WeR MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP, 564 Brandeis Theater Bide Her Attendant - II - 11 J m-A it " - ' - 1 x i Mr. A. L. Read; vloe president, Mr. E. L. Burke; secretary and treasurer, Mlaa Galloway, and an executive oommltt composed of Mesdamea Joseph Barker, J. J. . Hes of Council Bluff and V alte Equler. Th membership la composed of tho parent and the children who attend th Hall, the faculty of th Hall and a board of trustee. ' Among the Visitors. Mlaa Emma Harvey of Moncoa, Oolo., la vltdtlng her sister. Mr. E. L. Bridge, and Dr. Bridge.' Phe will remain' here for several week, later visiting In New York City. Mr. and Mr. Max Burkenroad have a their guest Mr. Burkenroad' mother. Mrs. B. Nathan, and her sister. Mr. William t'rbajch. both ct Lo Angelea, Cal. They will be her U week. Bilvlo Burkonroad. their son, returned horn Friday from New York City. Mlxs Virginia Hanacora and Miaa Mary rranco arrived FTlday from New York City, and will be the guests of Mr. and Mr. John L Kennedy for several weeks. Mr. M. J. Carney of Chicago la visit ing her sister, Mrs.' George BraodeU. Mr. Brandel and Mr. Carney have just returned from six week In California. Mr, c. K. Martin of .Chicago I th guest thl month of her son, Mr. William Martin, and Mrs. Martin mis Theresa Sheridan of St. Joseph Is th guest of her Uter, Mra. Torn J. Mc Shan. Mr May Auld I the guest of Mrs. Willi Todd. Mr. Joseph McKell of Chtlllcothe, Mo., i in guest of Mra. Howard B. Smith, Mia Mildred Chapman of Rutledge, ecognize No - Equals A? : omy of th far and knows at all times juat what nerves and layer she 1 at work on. Instead of giving the asm treatment for everyone, each individual Is atudled separately. Th line of th face ar taken Into consideration. Th location of the muscles and nerves ar studied, even character and expression ar thoroughly studied before the opera tor begins work. She know what ah la doing all th time. The ru.nilamr.ere meter, the most aclentlflo and up-to-date Instrument known, la used and th cur rent of electricity reaches th face through th finger of th operator. It I a moat refreshing and revivifying operation and the appllancea used in thl department ta is the case of the other departments) ar In sterlisatlon at all times, both when In th hand of th operator apd wbn lying In their cases. Th Hair Dressing and Shampooing Department One a customer en tare thl depart ment .he do not leave until the work l all oon without having to rise from ner seat. The electric dryer is used In this department which. s is well known FORMER AK-SAR-BEN QUEEN AN K0ITNCE3 WEDDING PLANS. -.SAW, T ' S4 i pnQT0 Vt., 1 visiting her aunt. Mr, dike, and Mis I-ury t'pdlke. Mr. W. C. Ooodnow of arrived Thursday to visit Ruali. Mr. and Mrs. 't. U. Cupp. their way from Memphis. Duluth, Minn., where they will ispend tho summer, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Pendell, parent of Mr. Copp. Mra. Pnarlln of Canada and Mrs. Ed ward Bailey of Detroit are visiting their parent. Mr. and Mra. J. O. Phllllppl Mra. C. JudKon Chapman and little daughter. Anna Jnnr, ar the guest or Mra. Chapman" parents, Mr. and Mr. M. a. Kohrbough. for a week or ten day. Mr. and Mra. Chapman have been making their home In Harrison, Ark., where Mr. Harrison I Interested In a large fruit ranch, since Inst October. Changes of Address. Mr, and Mra. Horace Orr have moved from the Thorwald nnd hve taken partment at Thirty-eighth and Farnam street . Mr. and Mr. H. E. Patterson will take the Ocrrlt Tort houso when Mr. and Mr. Fort leave for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l. Crane have given lip their apartments at tho Col onial and have opened their summer home near Florence Mr. and Mr. Oerrlt Fort, who have Just returned from California, are now making plan to move to Chicago, where they have taken an apartment at ITS Kaat Cheatnut street, on the North Side. Mr. and Mr. Fort will leave Omaha next Friday, but their daughtera, Hen rietta and Louisa, will remain here with their uncle, Mr. James Fort, to complete their class work at Browncl! Hall. To Celebrate Birthday. Mr and Mr. P. R. Lage entertained Friday evening In honor of their daugh ter, Mary', birthday. Musical number wore, 7 given by Msra... Adolph Lloge, Clye whtt and Clarence WJUt. Those present were! . Messrs. and J. T. Straaaer, Mesdamea - l. w. Henaley, . Lage, MUses Sine Johnson. Mary Hanson, Bva Huntley, . Mary Lane. . T. R. Lage. M laaes F.lbert McCrono, Frie Henaley, Hilda Lacemann, KIsM Lage, Ullle Lage. Messr John Smith, Klmer WuUUtrom. Henry Lage, William Jorgenaen, Adolph Linge, Victor Llnqulst. Jullua Bogaard. Jorgenaen. Emily Taylor, Messrs- Louis Hansen, Clyde White, David Lag. Rudolph Helgren. Clarence White, Roy (Smith. Arthur Wahlatrom. .Wedding. Announcement. The wedding of Miss Alice Mario Mo- Govern and Mr. Thomas I. Purcell wa celebrated Wednesday. May 4. at St. Mary' church In Colorado Spring. Th Rev. Father Godfrey Raber, rector of Bt Mary's church, performed th ceremony, Ml Anne Purcell and Mr. James Pur cell, brother and slater of the groom wen th bridal attendants. Th brtd wor a travel! gj gown of sand colored Ilk poplin. With thia was worn a hat of cream lac and flnk rosea. She wore cottage bouquet of Mrs. Ward rose and lllle of the valley. The wedding ceremony wa followed by wadding breakfast at the Antler hotel. Tho bride la tho daughter of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Coughlin of Omaha, and a graduate of tho Sacred Heart academy. Mr. Purcell 1 assistant district attorney Lorette De Lone SCHOOL FOR HARPS aoa Z.yrlo Bldg. Iumt 3971. starp rwnih for rraotto. Superiors has many advantages over the gaa dryer, the latter being very Injurious tn hair. No aonllance in thia .ninmini I aver used a second time, they are kept sterilised In a 4 solution at all time. Manicuring Department The system of radiant of manicuring j la used, th cutlcl of th flngr I ' never cut, except when extreme casea : where hang nail occur. Th orange ' stick 1 used on the nails, th cullcal I being curved backward by us of the' etectric radiant lamp. Tha featur bout thl department as well as th others la the strict attention paid to cleanliness and alertllxaUon all appll ancea are kept In a solution of formaldehyde and are even la a dry steriliser when out In the air. v This Is strictly a Marlnello Shop, the methoda ar strictly Martnello, the ap plicant ar Martnello. th full line of toilet preparatlona carried ar all Mar lnello and In faet thl ahop la equipped Juat a completely a any of the Mar lnello Shopa la th East Without doubt thera is no other shop West of Chicago that ran compare with It. I at Ci.ri do Sprins. Mr. and Mrs pur- tell will reside 0t Colorado ftprlng Farewell Surprise Party. A fan well surprise party was gitn in htnor.f MIfs !i"sKi.' l.nvr- y t tho home of Miaa I'f.r. I Hi Km n '-n Tiieelny evert : Ing. I'lnk arid wtuto cnrnatlone were 1 1 fed In th df rot 1 : ' jii.-i Those present werr: Ml5S-S - HcsBle l.owrey. l-.ller N'-:.'in. Ml'M s ll.-.iy liiisl. l-'l'-renie Irin, Helen Krlnirr, Kluin 'irdy, Anne f hllnkrr. Ji nine Llijevnll, Mt-Hilivmes 1 ".In Wilson, Miiy .lesnis. 'tuy IJ;rks n. ("la 1 n I Me-jins. V.iniim 1 in h..n. Mary Zwluntlster, I orn l't' lieon, Nr.-ii Mullny, M stlainrs ' I IK'I.SOII, I J h i. i' .Mnuk. Alegars. Waiur Ni'-lml)., Informal Dancirg; Party. Mr. and Mrs. Urn B iker gave a time -In party lust evening In hotiur of their nice, Miss Kuthrrino IJnclierg. The young people danced at tno of thi Bnlvr houses on Thirty-seventh stif-ct and later went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baker for supp'-r. The dancing rotna wer abloom with pink roses, spring Towers 'and blossoms. Miss IJncberg waa aa- sluttd by the Misses Marlon Coad, Alpha K!M and Uuth Carter. The aupper tables were decorated with little May basket filled with lilacs and roses. The guests entertained Included: Misses M Isses Dorta Berry. Alpha Field-. Mi rircd Todd. j V; lea nor Austin, , Marlon ad, Kve;yn LrfMlnlKh, I fortune Klllott, ; Uuth Carter, Dorothy Balbaeh, I Messrs 'Russell lnrmoii. Fny Mmon. FTani-ea Clelland. Katherine Llneberg. Messrs Mnhns Berry, Jxrlng Klllott. rhigenc Snowden, Herbert Drexel, Kenyon Smith. Howard Steburd, Ptobort Edwards, Jack Ye'ser. Charlea perrigo, Vnce Powell, Edwin Oould, i Schopp-Norris Weddiflg. Trio weuding or Mis Helen Xorri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. YV. Norrla, and Mr. William Hchopp, will be cele brated Tuesday morning at St. Bernard's church in Benson. Rev. Father Buckley, pastor of the church, will officiate. The wedding will be ama.ll and the only attendant will be Mia Mary Norrla. sis- KM Special Watch Sale and Display of Elgin Watches The largest and most elaborate display of Elgin watches ever shown in Omaha. Our south win dow 13 devoted entirely to this grand display. Have a look if you wish to see the most artistic watch, display ever shown in Omaha. Elgin Watches From $5.50 to $150 Here are some of the attractive prices : Genuine Elgin, 7 jeweled, nickel case. . .$5.50 Genuine Elgin, 7 jew-eled, gold filled ease, warranted 20 years .0.25 Genuine Elgin, 17 jeweled, gold filled case, ' warranted 20 years .$15.00 Genuine Elgin strap bracelet -watch. .$10.00 Genuine Elgin gold filled bracelet watch warrantee! for 20 years, for. , ..... . . .$18.00 Thin is rrice Lenders f the AVorld competition display week it Brown' Our Elgin watch window will bo en . tered to compete for the $2,000 prize. Be sure to see It. C. B. BROWN. . Diamond MtnkanU..., 16th and Farrtam, Omaha ' Ff""-7 e7S 6hade and the Unfilled Grade of Brenlin Window Shades the reason why it is in the end the cheap est you can buy. TkclInfillctlGraJcof 5renlin Jr nut mm Mimw orr tJJL LCa.VaWk9 'is made of a different material a closely woven cloth with out that filling of chalk which in the ordinary shade so soon cracks and falls out in unsightly streaks and pinholes. Sun t won't fade it nor water spot it. Made in many rich, lustre less tones and in Drejilin Duplex. . If you want the utmost in shade beauty and economy, go to one of the dealers named below and get this shade. It is per forated with this mark BRpNLIN along the edge of every yard. Go see it today. CHAS. W. BrenemaN & Co, Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. There are two lower-prfced grade of Brenlin Brenlin Filled and Brenlin Machine MJ. exceptional value. Theie and leading dealer everywhere sell Brenlih OMAHA, NEB.: Beaton 8c Laier Aarora, Colambu. slab. ..... Grand Xalan.. sTb. . . . Hastings, Man. Xosoola. jr.. orfslk, Man. S.waxd. stab. ... Tork. Nab Clartada, Iowa . Xala. lowar . . Sbaaaadoah. Iowa tr of the bride, who will be the miild of honor, and Mr. Walter Prhopp, the groom's brother, who will be beat man. Many affaire are plnnnrd for Mlsa Nor-rl- Miss K.:ith Norrtii. a cousin of the bride, will entertain at a brldae-luncheon Ttineday In her honor. On Wednesday she will he the fcuest of h"nor at a hrblgn pnrly. whth will be given by Mlaa Ivy l-e nt hrr home. The following Satur dnv Miss Miiy Orrene also entertains at bridge for this bridr nnd on Saturday May 22, Miss X orris will be honor guest again at hr'risn, when Miss Sullivan will be the hoatrss. Dancirt? parties of the Week. The Woman' auxiliary to the Letter Cariirrs' ussoclnt'on will gnvc a May 'lotf Ina- party at the Hotel Cnrtie Frl- Ct-ntlnui-d in Pnge Four. Column Ono.) Therc is genuine satis faction in eVery cup of Fontenclle Brand 1 Coff ee Intlavor, strength and fragrance it will not fail you. Order a trial can of your grocer today. Put up at the same time yd1 note1 the difference! m Here, at a glance, is shown the won derful difference in wearability be tween the ordinary ' Co. Chapman Kurn. Co. J. it. Galley D. G. Co. Wolbaxh Bona Plain Broa. Co. Hardy Kurnltur Co. , A. U Killian Co. , K. W. Ooehner. , Radamai her Kurn. Co. , Frultt Kurn. at Uod. Co. , Th Blle-Bro.1eraen Co. Cooper-West Kurn. Co. . 1 Gifts For The June Bride will he found in abun dance at the store of Combs. Sterling silver ware, sterling flat ware, plated ware, jewelry and in fuct everything that is most nppropriato for ti wedding gift. "Wi? are show ing an elegant line of wedding rloek.s which make excellent gifts. We have them at all prices. When you are con fronted with the gift problem come to Combs and it will be quickly solved. tl 0 tAtufrrtlTi W TtW BUST Tpl. Hy XlEWELERS Ia ISM aowotAg a OMAMA M iii she The Woman's Exchange Needle-Craft Shop LOBBY OF BEE BUILDING For tie Jane Bride The following is an Itemized Hat of what we have to offer as a suggestion to the June bride: Beautiful hand made Table Run ner", Piano Scarfs, Luncheon Seta. Sheets and Pillow Cases, Towels, Dollies, Center Piece and Hand Palm ed China. Girl Graduate - Dainty Handkerchiefs, Collars, Yokes and Novelties. For Infants Daintiest of Hand Made Out fits. Housekeepers Fresh Eggs, Bacon, Cakes and Canned Fruit. Mrs.C.S. Marshall Shop Phone. Doug. 8870. Kesldenco Phone, Walnut 830. Address All Mail to Lobby of Bee Building. I Our Cleaning and Dyeing la RIGHT, that's why we guaran tee satisfaction or no pay. We don't want your money if we cant give you your money's worth. Nearly eighteen years we've been building our reputatlou as Omaha's Quality Cleaners, and we think too much of It to turn out anything ' but first class work. Now is the time to have your summer clothes cleaned up also winter clothe less dan ger of moths if dry cleaned ana put away in the box or bag iu which they are returned. Phone your order. The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1515-17 Jones St Dong. 003. Branch Office, 3016 Farnam. South Omaha, 328 Ho. 21 III. We pay charges one way on all out-of-town orders. Write for Price List. SOCIETY KAIR STY,r" W TO nPY Any of th expensive oolffure whii-ti are worn by ladle of unlimited means may easily be made by anyon who 1 blessed with a lieavy head of hair. It Is much cheaper and uaaler to keep your own hair lone, soft and fluffy tban it Is to pay bair-dressers and buy transformations, swltche. curia, -te Discriminating ladle never leave the car of tbelr hair to others. They have found that In washing th hair it 1 ml advisable to use a makeshift, but al ways u a preparation mad fur shampooing only. Tou can enjoy the beet that 1 known for about three cents a shampoo by setting a parka of can thro from your druggist; dis solve a teaspoonful In a cup of hot water and your a ham poo I ready. After It use th hair dries rapidly, with uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt ar dissolved and entirely dis appear. Tour hair will be so fluffy that It will look much heavier than It It. It luatr and softneaa will alno delight you. while the cumulated caip gain the health which Insure bair growth. Ad vrtlment. v By Advertising In The tiee the storekeeper takes his show window Into the home of every reader