Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
Lusitania Death Roil Now Reaches LW8 Omaha unday Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION ONE TO TwTXVT. THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XI iv NO. 47. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOTtXM., MAY 0, VlVK SECTIONS KOlJTY PAOKS. SINGLE COPY FIVK CENTS. HE COUNTRY FACES GRAVEST CRISIS FOR MONTHS President Hopei People Will Assume Examining Attitude and Reserve Judgment Until Facts Are Known. INSTRUCTIONS SENT TO GERARD Ambassador Will Ask German Got erhment for Its Report of the Disaster. 137 AMERICANS ARE MISSING WASHINGTON, May 8. AppalPjJ by the tragic aspect of the Lusitania disaster as hourly developments disclosed its magnitude and far reaching possibilities, with the prob able loss of 137 American lives, President Wilson and his advisers are waiting for all the facts and for a crystallization of public opinion to aid in laying out the course tho United States Hill pursue in this latest international complication the gravest the president has faced - since the outbreak of the Europea-i war. President Wilson. while seekiug the facts, hopes that the country will assume an examining attitude and reserve full Judgment until complete information is at hand. Secretary Bryan cabled Ambassa dor Gerard at Berlin today to infor mally ask the German government for its report of the disaster, and to Ambassador Page at London be Bent messages urging renewed efforts to aid the jufferlng and gather informa tion. Cabinet Member Stay la City. President Wilson, while be went to the golf links for his recreation, left strict 'instruction to be notified of any Im portant dispatches. Cabinet officers who had lonned a week-end holiday away from Washington, cancelled thelH plana. Chairman Stone of the senate foreign relations committee Issued a statement counselling calmness. - Chairman Stone pointed out that qualifying circumstances must be taken into consideration because the Lusitania was a belligerent, but he could attach on the American steamer Gulfllght a much more serious offense against neutral rights. . The American consuls at Queenstpwn and vicinity were ordered to render every assistance to the injured and survivors and take testimony. Women and Children Killed. Tho fact that the Lusitania was a Brit ish ship, flying the British flag, and even had contraband of war aboard, did not remove from the minds of officials the ever recurrent thought that a hostile sub ' marine deliberately destroyed the ship with the knowledge that hundreds of defenseless neutrals and women and chil dren were aboard. Everywhere that aspect overshadowed the legal phases of the case, for, while there is said to be no precedent In In ternational law for the attack without warning on a belligerent merchantman, it was realized that defense might be made on a charge that guns were mouated on the deck. That, however, (.Continued on Fags Four, Column Four.) Schwind Named ' Bryan's Secretary WASHINGTON, May 8.-W. V. Schwind of Lincoln, Neb., has been appointed temporarily as private secretary to Secre tary Bryan. He succeeds former Con gressman Ferguson of New Mexico. Mr. Schwind is a lawyer of the carltul city, who has devoted his time alternately to the law and to the southern Inn I pro motion business. He has been identified with the Bryan campaigns at different times. Of late he has spent much of his time at Francltas, Tex. Child Dtowm In Crock. HASTINGS, Neb., May 8. (Special Tel egram.) The 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sybrandts of Glenville, ac cidentally fol Hnto a ten-gallon crock full of water today and was drowned when found, by his parents. The Weather For Omaha. Council Bluff and Vicinity Pair, warmer. Teinprlre at Omaha Yrrrday. Hours. 1K. til Ai&it ;"" r t I m r ... ii i r h -vr i a. m WImV A S . m ; 10 a! m 60 (rwwtXT I i2 m"::: :::::::: 1 p. rn bn p. m 61 X p. in 59 4 t. m 6 . m U 6 p. m 57 7 p. m 57 Comparative Loral Record.. 1!15. 1914. 1311 1912. Highest yoaterdav i& 77 81 lxweat yesterday "... 4 41 M M Mean temperature f K H I'recipitation " 0 j Temperature and precipitation depar ti ies trom the normal at Omalia since March 1. and compared with the lut two years: . Normal temperature W lteii.lenoy (or the day... 10 Total excels mwe llaren 1 & Normal precipitation 14 Incli ivfieiency f"r the day........ .14 Inch .Total ralnfHll ain'-e March 1.. Z.m inehee Ttiiny niiiCH Mar.h 1 2.Ulnrhea leii-i'li''y for cor. period 1W4. no inch IittM for cor. periuL IM2.... 2.1i incbea A f sV t v I , 41 wiirK'.w - -. V til l ZS . . tk ' TvVaM - .? :. ir'iimiraiwiiwimf GERMAN SHBSEAS , DEAL MORE BLOWS Two More British. Vessels Sent to the Bottom by Action of the ' Teuton Submarines. DESTROYER IS SUNK BY MINE LONDONMay 8. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from. Hull" says the " Wilson Una steamer, Truro, was aunk this after noon by the German submarine, U , -off Day -Island. No- Uvea vera' lost.- The crew of the fcteamer was landed at Rosmyth castle, Scotland. The Maori was 280 feet long and of 1,305 tons displacement. It was built In 1909 and Us complement was seventy-one, men. It was armed with two four-Inch guns and two torpedo tubes. The British Admiralty announced tonight that the destroyer, Maori, had been blown up by a mine. The British eteamer, Don, of Goole, has been torpedoed by a German sub marine off Coquet Island, near the Northumberland coast. The crew waB rescued. " Americans to Blame ! for Their Fate, Says Cologne Gazette AMSTERDAM, May 8. (Via London.) A dispatch received 'her 'from'Cologhe quotes the Cologne Gazette on the Lusi tania incident- as' follows: "There is no German living, who will not regret . tills Incident ' and . pity the J travelers arownea. xncy, responsible for their own ruin, since they trusted their fate to vessels which would pass through waters that was the scene of war. Americans, and aome Americans of high position, suffered by the destruc tion of the Lsusltanla, we are doubly sorry, but it was their own fault." Tumulty Resents Belligerent Talk by A. P. Gardner WASHINGTON, D. C, resentative A. P. Gardner, May 8. Rep while at the White House today getting permission for some constituents to visit the parlors of the mansion, issued a statement on the LiiBltania disaster urging that President Wilson deal firmly with Germany and giving his ideas of what Colonel Boose-, volt would do. When Hecretary Tumulty heard of it he issued a statement saying the White House resented Mr. Gardner's "using the executive offices as an annex to bis press bureau." Causes Sensation In the Netherlands AMSTKRDAM (Via London), May 8.- ra r his wife. The message. The news of the sinking of the Lusitania ueenJl,rtown- M red: has caused a tremendous sensation in L "Torpedoed without warning, port side. Holland. The Amsterdam newspapers JumPc overboard starboard side. In the published numerous extra editions and ! water four hour"' No " . the keenest Interest as displayed as to' Mr- Bowrt"K u President of the St. whether any DuUh passengers were ' aeors society here. among the missing. j ' . (AMERICAN VICE CONSUL STEAM TRAWLER PENNINGTON IS SUNK! LONDON. May .-(8:15 a. m.)-A dis patch to the Central News from Aber deen says the steam trawler Rennlngtoa, one of three which jfscsped from a Oei inart submarine Sunday, was aunk by shell fire from a submersible off Aber deenshire at I o'clock yesterday (Friday) afternoon. The crew was saved by a Norwegian steamer. St Lusitania Hit by Three Torpedoes; Boats Blown Off QUEENSTOWN, May 8.-A cabin Stewart of the Lusitania today gave' the following account of the sinking o the vessel: "The passengers, a large number of whom were seriounly injured by the ex plosion of tho torpedoes and by splinters from the wreckage, were all at luncheon. The weather was beautifully clear and calm. We werei goinif at about sixteen knots and were seven or eight miles south of Oolrcy Head -when we wei struck by one torpedo and In a minute or two afterward by two more.' ''The first explosion staggered us and the others- IrntuWefttfs, ' shattering 'the gigantic ahlp. The LusHsnla disappeared In twenty minutes after the first tor pedo struck. , - "The passengers ., wero surprisingly cool. " ; "Nearly . all . the. first class passengers were drowned. Most of those saved were second and third class ' passenger. - "We did not got" a moment's notice TRAVELERS AGAIN WARNED OFF SEAS German Advertisements Once. More Appear in New .York News papers. SAME AS RECENTLY PLACED NEljYORK, May 8. -There were frequent mentions during 'he day. of the fact - that the advertisement piaced ' by the 'German 'embassy In New; York newspapers the morning of' the Lusltanla's sailing, has reap peared In the newspapers today. ' Simultaneously with the reappear ance of this advertisement the Lusl tanla's name was stricken from the advertisements of the Cunard line. Revlaioa of Llat. At the offices of the line it was an nounced at noon that it was known that seventy-nine of the first cabin passengers had Men 'saVed,ac(?ording to lists com piled from their own advices and other sources. A revision of the passenger list placed tho total number of passengers aboard at 1.2M. The crew numbered &15, making a total of 1,919 persons on tho shir. Cablegrams from abroad telling of the safety of passengers, or saying their fate was unknown, were received here today J by Natives of thoo aboard, j captain Isaac Emerson, father-in-law : 0f Alfred G. Vanderbilt, made public a brief cablegram received today from the Vanderbilt agent in I-ondon. The sender estimated the number of survivors at 600 and said Mr. Vanderbilt was "still miss ing." Mrs. Vanderbilt is with her father here. Coal Klsg Safe. R. M. Bryan received a cablegram tell ing of the safety of D. A. Thomas, the so-called British coal king, who was rescued, with his daughter, T.ftdy Mack- ' worth, and his secretary, Keese Evans. I C. W. Bowring of Bowring St Co.. own- era of the Red Cresa line, was In the j water four hours, according to a cable- AT CHEMNITZ MISSING LONDON, May S.-E. Kllbouraa Foote. American vice consul at Cheronl'x. la missing, according to an announcement made here today by the Central News. This organization says Mr. Foote left his post a month ago for America. Noth ing ha been heard from, him since, and it Is (nought that he l.a been stopped by the German authorities. Mr. foote la a uatlve of uliio. SOME OF UNCLE SAM'S SUBMARINES NOW IN NEW YORK HARBOR A few of the vessels of the At lantic fleet have Already arrived in New York for the bis review by President Wilson. The vessels which have dropped anchor in the Hudson include five submarines with their tender, the monitor Tonopah. The picture shows tho Tonopsh in the background, with the submar ines, E-l, E-2, D-2, D-l and D-3, lying from left to right alongside the dock. On account of the activities of the submarines In tho European war, these little under water craft of tho U. S. Navy are coming in for a great deal of interest by the public. "1 1 if " J i i ... 'tt tr.r HI r.'W. Jnt-Ha - Ship by Explosion from tho submarine. It appranvl sud denly above the surface on our star board bow and dlschsrgej a torpedo at us. The submarine disappeared J sud denly as it came Into view. "We caw the track the torpedo made In the water and we got it fairly cmld shlps. The Lusitania listed forwa.'d and started to settle. Then the submerged submarine discharged two muro torpe does, which also struck us, and our ship sank in twenty minutes. - "After the auomarlne dived, It was not see again. It went ft after ac complishing its work and did not at tempt' to save men, women or children, but left them to drowa like rats Id a trap. . ; "Tho scene was frightful as tho ship went down- A fX". many persons were carried .'ddwn at once by tho auction of the' big 'yesscll About 100 persons jumped. overboard and clung to floating wreckage or upturned boats which were blown off the ship by the explosion. TEUTONS ANNOUNCE CAPTUREJF LIBAD German War Office Eeports Ens' - sian Fort on Baltic Sea x . Taken. . ONE OF THE OBJECTS OF HAID ' ' BERLIN, May 8. (Via London.) nrnclAH announcnmAnt mart . . . . ... A . .Liverpool was put ' to work .' answering at the German war office today that ,n(,ulrle. . The walI of the otlceg Mi tba city of Llbau in the province. Of the counters were placarded with pas- Courland. .Russia, had been captured by the Germans. The text of the communication fol - lows "On the greater part of the front there were yesterday the usual artillery duels, in which . places, namely at Vpres, north of Arras, in the Argonne and In the hills of the Meuse Increased violence from time to time. Fight In Vosges. "An Infantry battle took place in the Vosges. Only in this section did the French attack - our positions. At rUrln- bruck, on both sides of the valley of the river Fecht. they attacked after a pre- Uminary fire of artillery, which lasted for hours. All these attacks resulted In fall- ure, witn heavy losses to the French, "In the eastern theater of the war the troopa we sent against the city of Llbau took possession of tlUs town yesterday. Hlxteen hundred prisoners, eighteen can non and four machine guns fch Into our hsile. "Southeastern theater: The pursuit of ! the defeated enemy by the army unJr ' General Mackenzen and such troops of our allies as Joined this army, was con- tinued steadily throughout yesterday. Our advance forces crossed tho river Wis- loka In the neighborhood of Krosno ve. tcrday evening. Hsu Cat Off. "Th. inlnt .Kllon of alt n.rl. nt th enemy engaged In this advance led to the cutting off of not Inconsiderable Hu- sian forces. Consequently tho trfal nu.n- ber of orlsoners taken in the Oallclan arena since the end of April should si) far have been Increeed to about 70,00 men. Thirty-eight cannon, including nine of heavy caliber, have beentaken from the Russians." Turkish Batteries , Far Up Straits Are Reported Silenced PARIS, May l.-A dispatch from Tenr dos to tho Ilavaa Agency says that al though the bombardment of the Darda nelles forts Is boiug continued by the al lied fleet, all of the Turkish batteries as far up tho straits as Nagara, at the end of the i.arrows nearest Constantinople, have reaKCMj firing and ap;urently have n destroyed. Jnv r t W iU.. i'-0, Tir'iiriTr'''-' DENIES REPORT LUSITANIA ARMED Government Says it Carried No Guns and Company Says No Explosives in the Cargo. STATEMENTS ARE MADE PUBLIC Dl XLUTIN. LO.NDQN, May 8. The British government today made the follow ing announcement: J "The statement appearing in some newspapers that the Lusitania was armed is wholly false." NEW YORK, May o.F. t. Oas kell, in - charge, of the outbound freight of the' Cunard line, denied ft report that there had been picric acid aboard the Lusitania. Mr. Gaskell said there were no explosives, ammu nition or Inflammable mdturlal on the ship. Telegrams by the hundreds poured into the Cunard offices hero today making Inquiries regarding survivors of the Lusi tania, As the day wore a crowd gathered at the Cunard lino office and by noon, the offices were filled with men and women, many of them erylng, who waited for word - of relatives and friends aboard. Several hundred more, unable to crowd I Into the offices, crowded the sidewalks. Lists of survivors Issued wero scanned I anxiously. j i,.rd. Ar i. I Kvery clerk in the line's employ, ex- j cept those engaged in making-out lists " " nuni senger lists showing all aboard.' A check mark in ink was placed opposite the Urere roaijy whIte Detween tne chl50i marks. Most of the Inquiries wero for psssen, gers In the second cubln In which there were more than 600ond the steerage. Many women begged beseechingly for word of relatives. 'A message Imllcat'ng that the surviv ors landed on the coast of Ireland would sail today for Liverpool was received shortly beforo noon. It read: "The Queenstown wires nil passenger for Liverpool now at station waiting for '3 o'clock connection for Holyhead. Will send you romitieto list as soon as we can get It ready." Italy Decides Upon War' Against Turkey And Teutons Leave GENEVA, fiwllaerlund (via Taring May S. The Tribune publishes a dlepatci from Home saying the Italian government has ! Welded, " to the recent uprising In ( Tripoli, to notify Turkey that It eonsld- ered void tbe treaty of Lausanne. Such a notification, the Tribune says, would amount to a declaration of war. ' "-" " crowaca iw,lh G-mana and Austrlans. A number j0& Uernan correspondents from XUsn ! ,pd Turln hav arrived at Lugano. After the uprising ot rebels near Mlaza, Tripoli, last month it was reported from Rome that the Insurgents were belli led ly Turks. Yankton Doctor Among Survivors YANKTON, 8. D., May s. -(Special Tele-grami-Dr. D. V. Moore, a prominent Yankton phytlolsn. on board the Lu. HanU cables that hu Is safe in gueens town after terrible txitnrnro and Is at tending the injured. KIOL'X CITY, la. May a-Dr. D. V. Moore of Yankton, on his way to Eng land to riilikt in the Urltiuli hospital corps, cabled the Journal that he saves his life by clinging to a keg. lie was picked u by a patrol boat. - v w ? I"1 - i STILL BRINGING IN SURYIYORSTO LAND Many of Those Rescued from Doomed Liner Are Women, Ac cording to Reports. NUMBERS ARE SERIOUSLY HURT Ql' KKNSTOWI. May R. ,(Vlai London.) Tho various craft! that i ycotorday afternoon went out from lic-re to th smio of the Lusitania i I UK-aster returned to Queenstown Ubt j night aud early this morning. All I of them brought survivors In greater or lesser number. It Is now sti inated here that 600 will be the out side, number of those saved. No trace has been found here of either The latest estimate of Uvea lost as Alfred O. Vanderbilt or Charks 1 a result of the torpedoing of the Cun I'rohman. ard liner Lusitania by a German sab- The lutest rescue boats to arrive 1 marine off tho Irish coast yesterday arc brliiRlng mostly bodies of the! Is 1,1 98. It Is believed that almost dcHif picked up from the water at the all. If not all,, the survivors hava scene of the disaster. The dead now , been brought ashore, and there is here number 124, and many of them 1 little hope of recovering any other are womon Tim nuvM and military sulhoritirn of 1,1 "tn "r', rrndrriiiK svory asatnt- i r.nvn possible In the reniovsl of the flrad i .d in .,Mntin th injured to ho,,HaU. Tho manager oC the t'unard line ha ' mum unirie notni accommodations as well as rooms in lodging houses, and here the survivors are being sent. Many aerlonsly Injured. Queenstown has nev witnessed such a scene before. The dead are being con veyed to morgues and undertaking es tablishments and a number of motor cars have been broiia-iit Into service to take the Injured to bonpluls. The less seri ous Injured are being helped ashore by pallors and soldiers. Both men and women icscued. If they are able to walk, refuse to remain in their hotels. They haunt the docks, waiting and watching for friends and relatives. Many of the survivors are still bewild ered from their terrible experience and their accounts of the sinking of the Lusitania are not entirely clear. It is to be noted, however, that one anjLrall unite In eulogising the manner In which the ship's officers behaved,. ,, ' Ship Lists Ualcklr. Five, minutes after the Lusitania was hit wllK tho second torpedo amldshlp t had listed to such an extant that the life boats one one aldo eould not be launched st all. The work of getting as muuy peo ple, for the most part women and chil dren. Into the. lifoboats that could be Cot cloar, was at once undertaken by the captain and officers and men of tho Lusitania and performed efficiently and with heroism. The scene st theblg liner went down is described by 'the' survivors as heart rending beyond wends. Battling for life, the passengers called to relatives and friends' or bado each other goodbye v Many Picked I . To small boats which had gotten away from the side f the liner picked up a good many survivors, who with life belts or clinging to wreckage were floating on the surface of the water. But', soon tho boats all were crowded. These boats were In turn picked up by rescuing steamers coming at full speed from shore points, but In many cases four or more hours e.apsud before 'the rescuers reaohed the scene. In many rases the only work left for the rescue. workers to do Was to col lect from the water the floating bodlea of the dead. Hrveral passengers were taken aboard trawlers severely Injured, only to die beforo they could be transferred hw". Lusitania Delayed at Dock, Says Note -.Passenger. Writes MEDFOltD, Ore., May l-"The Lusi tania is now being held up and there Is a report the captain has lost his nerve, but I think we will get off all right." This la an excerpt from a letter re ceived here from New York from Miss Dorothy Conner, one of the Lusltania's passengers. Phe Wrote Just before tho vessel sailed. Mix Conner is a (laughter of Mrs. John Conner, a wealthy ranch owner residing near here. She was accompanied by her brqlher-ln-lnw, Dr. Fisher of Washing ton, D. C, and she Intended to join her slstor wha lives In Knglund and engage in rted Cross work in Belgium. Strong Feeling Manifested Against Germans in London LONDON, May S.-Thn feeling of re- sentment against Germany over the tor - pedolng of the Lusitania was so strong on tho Stock exohsiise this morning that the British members united and turned all their fellow members of German origin and also all (lennan clerks bodily out of the house. The Itritish members have arranged to have petitions put ui In every market ' on Monday, asking the committee to ex clude all such members from the house, and this in spite of the fact that the members of German origin aU have naturalization papers. Workmen Pay Only Cent and Fourth a Copy for Paper DAVID CITY, Neb., May .-To the Editor of The lle: l notice in your paper May 8 a statement that the grand lodge. Ancient Order .of United Workmen, is paying 11 cents per copy tor their offi cial paper. This statement is false. We pay l'i cents per copy. Please Insert this statemeut in your paper. A. M. WALLING, Grand Master Workman. LUSITANIA DEATH LIST ESTIMATED NOWAT 1.198 Many of the Dead Reported to Be , Women, Numbers of Them Being; Unidentified. PROMINENT AMERICANS MISSING Alfred Vanderbilt, Charles Frohman, Charles Klein and Elbert Hub bard Unaccounted For. HEAVIEST LOSS IN FIRST CABIN pansengers alive. Of the dead many are women. jne stories from Queenstown de- ,. i .v. 8Crlbe lhe bringing In of the bodlea or a great nunioer oi women, many of them unidentified. The Queens town docks are the temporary resting; places aUo of the bodies of several children. One dead mother still Is clasping in her rigid arms the body of her 3-year-old boy. x , When the Lusitania left New York on May 1, It had on board 1,901 persons; 1,251 passengers and 50 crew. The passengers were made up of 291 In the first cabin, S99 in tbe second and 861 in the steerage. The list of survivors shows o tar that about ninety first class and seventy- five second class passengers were , saved. It Is now probable that com paratively few first clasa passengers were saved. Small Mope More STe4. LONDON, May S. "Tha press bureau Is informed by the admiralty that no mora reportsregardlng tha Lusitania have been received, and that tha number of survivors already given niay be regarded a approxi mately correct. ; ' ' "Inquiries, are being made along the' coaut, but there Is little hope of news" of further survivors." . This statement v was given out by the' admiralty today. 1 The last available information seta forth' that the Lusitania had on board 1,251 passengers and a crew, of 816. This gives a total of 2,067 soula on board the liner when it was torpedoed. An admiralty statement this morn ing placed the number of' survivors at 658. Later a report trom Ireland said forty-five more had been brought In, 'making 703 known sur vivors. .' Prosalaeat A saerlcana . Mlaalasr. The work of compiling tho list of those saved Is progressing slowly because of the Indescribable confusion at Queans town, but apparently few first cabin pas sengers are Among tha survivors. Tho United 6tates consul at that port can ac count for only fifty-one Americans saved out of 1SS who were aboard. His roll does not include the names of Alfred Owrnno Vanderbilt, . Charles Frohman. Elbert Hubbard, Justls Miles Foreman, the au thor, or Charles Klein, the playwright. Of the Americans 106 were in tho - first cabin, sixty-five in the second and. sevea teen in tbe steerage. - Lifebelts Save ' Many Survivors DUBLIN, May a-Vany of the Lusl tanla'a survivors who landed at Oueons town were only partly clad, having cast aside as much clothing as possible when they donned life belts. Most of the men. women and children helped 'ashore ' by local bluejackets 'still wore these belts. jUne woman mora than 70 years old mas taken from the water after having been kept afloat for some time by her Ufa belt. "I was talking with Mr. Winters of tho Cunard line when the ship waa hit." said Charles C. Harnwlck of New Tork, I w" n" crossea tne Atlantic sixty-one llrne - wimeia goi inio oosi rio. J.' which overturned, and then swam to boat ! No. 1. Most of the saloon passengers i "e at luncheon and the proportion saved was small. "Mrs. M. M. ' Fappadopoulo, who was on Iter way to Athens with ber husband, swam for a long distance toward shore before she wrt picked up. She believes her husband was drowned." Julian De Ayala, Cuban consul general at Liverpool, although one of hip legs was badly injured, swam about for long time and came ashore wearing onl? his underclothing, lie climbed into three different boats, but apparently tbe first two overturned. Count Von Bernstorf f Stays in Seculsion NEW YORK. Mar .V Count von Berns torf f, German ambassador to the United States, who reached this rlty last night, remained in seclusion today. At the hotel where he was staying it was said fee had gone to Washington. It Is understood that he left orders not to be disturbed. At the en tram e of tbe suite usually ecu pled by Count von Bernstorff guar waa stationed today. " I t