Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9
Till; U.UAHA. SATURDAY, MAY N. BEATS BURLINGTON AND THEPULLMAN Porter Start in Business in Com petition with These Two Concerns. HAULS A FRIEND FOR PAY George Smith. Pullman car porter fn Burlington No. 6, one of the Denver-Omaha trains, Is confronted with the possibility of being assessed a heavy fine and nerving a term In Jail 011 account of having violated a sec tion of the Interstate commerce law. Friday afternoon, at Denver, Smith was epproaohed by Kd Graves, a colored frtenil. who nevetiated for transporta Hon to Omaha. Oravea ijad but SB. Smith took this and furnlshea hlro with Pull man car accommodations, not In a berth, iiwt in the porter's locker, aa fur as Lincoln. s Some time duxtrur Friday nicht .Den ver Burlington officials learned that Smith had a deal on by which he waa running a business in competition with that of both the Burlington and the Pullman company. They wired the offlca of the special agent at Lincoln and when the train reached the Lincoln yards, a couple of agents boarded the train and securely secreted In Smith's locker found Graves stored away. The stowaway was brought on to Omaha, but it has not yet been decided whether or not a prosecu tion will be started under the provisions tt the federal law. It It It is and the two men are found guilty, csie will be as liable as the other. For violation of that section of the interstate commerce law that would apply in this case, it is as serted that a fine of 11.000 and Imprison ment for one year might be imposed. Suffragists Have Wordy War With Secretary Tumulty WASHINGTON. Mav T. Mrs." L fence Lewis, Jr.. and Mrs. Harry Low enbersr, two Philadelphia nmm suf frngists. who have been besleKlng the White House to personally a"1 Presi dent Wll.on to adilres sonic of their number In Philadelphia Monday rave It jtip today and they would re new their efforts whr the president goes to Philadelphia.) Secretary Tumulty ' had a wonly ex change with the suffragists, who ob jected because the president had gone golfing yesterday when they were wait ing to see him. Mr. Tumulty replied that golf was a re. : en lion ic.enmr t.i keep :p tlse prcMenl's r.Hlth nn-1 ol served that the suffiatlsis er not advancing their flu' hy hesl'-gitig the president M. E. LUDLOW NEW MANAGER ' OF CRANE COMPANY HERE It. Inold 1'.. Hunrh. vice president and manager of '.he Ynne company In Ne braskd. 1ms sold his holdings In the firm and resigned hit. position, which will be filled in tlw future by M K. I.u.llow. inaiiaser of the 1'iOias branch .f the Crane company, which has lust closed. Mr. Ludlow ' whs a resident of Nebraska sonio twenty years o when at the head of the Challenge Windmill company here. Mr. Tt'ievh sold hi holditms to the Crane company of Illinois, which now completely controls the Nebraska concern. DAUGHTER OF COL. PRATT CCMING TO OMAHA FOR TRIAL Atfain Tomorrow TPTLa 2 Mrs Margaret Pratt Olnon ol" .eilen ' ilatisjhter of hr Me Colonel .1 ' I Tratt of Cnviha and central fltinre in K contest oxei the rmrlltioii of hi .'.'" eft.itc, which ti suited ht . Ci'istr. ' aired 1 tip I'lstrlct ,1'idse Seam- court ''.'tween Jerome MiiS'r and his father, IImmv V. i iMager of Cliicngo, and brother. Wayl io.! ' Ma gee of Omaha, ad prominent :i, bust ness to Omaha to testify here. Is on liei w.iy to Omaha to testify In ,hc sot iwhi. h has been set for rearing May Cl This Information wi,s given to I'lstrlct 'Judge Seats by Vttprny Pen S linker, who presents lleniy W. Magee. The latter went to Sw.den to consult M : IClsnn snd la accompanying her to Omnha. They arc now in tiie ocnn. Wo Will Give ctbLarrtc 2-Inch Posts TTTl rass oea T7 T73 T7- W.'tV. VJUUU Churches Plan to Observe Mothers' Day This Sunday Preparations for Mothers' day, which will bo observed Sunday, are being made by cltlsens, churches, florists and the Young Men's and Women's Christian as sociations. The occasion is now a na tional one and In said to have been founded by Elmer J. Burkett while he was senator from Nebraska. White flowers will' be worn la button holes or sent to mothers, along with let tars from sons and daughters away from home. Special note of the day will be taken In many churches, and the Toung Men's Christian association will make its Sunday afternoon meeting a Moth ers' day meeting, with an appropriate address by President R. B. Wallace of the Council Bluffs association. Deposed Chief of Police at Benson Fights for His Job James Maney, former chief of police of Benson, has begun quo warranto pro ceedings in district court in an attempt to oust the - new chief. E. S. Phelps, Iccted Wednesday evening by the town council with the mayor casting- the de ciding vote. Maney believes bis snooeaacr was Illegally elected and maintains that ha still Id the rightful chief of police. An nrder requiring Phllpa to defend hla posi tion was signed by District Judge Day, hearing being set for May S. In a companion suit an attack la mad on the appointment of William Bowes as fireman by Jay McGuire. Woman's Press Club Has the Daughter of Fonjenelle as Guest i Mrs. William Tindell, daughter of Chief Logan Fontenelle, and Mrs. Mary Mitchell, the Indian interpreter, who came to Omaha with a party of Indians from Decatur to attend a banquet at the Hotel Fontenelle Thursday evening, were entertained at luncheon by ths Omaha Woman's Press club at the Hotel Loyal. Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy, president of the club, introduced the guests. The In dian women left for Decatur directly following the luncheon. SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL HELP OBSERVE HUMANE DAY On May 20 over 20,000 public school chil dren of the city will be Impressed with '.he sinfulness of teasing a cat or fatten ing a tin can to Fldo'a tall. This day will be observed throughout the public schools of the country as "hu mane day." as requested by tha Ameri can Humane society. Superintendent l-raf f has urged the teachers to ioltv In the spirit of the occasion and give the children object lessons on the subject of humane treatment of dumb animals as e.ell as to human beings. . Among the books which will be referred to are: John Mulr's "tticknee," "Dog of riandejs" and "Black Beauty." The New Bank Building OF THE- IBank United States Nationa Sixteenth and Farnam Streets Will be illuminated and open to the public for inspection Saturday Evening, May Eighth, 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock. . The Savings Department and Safe Deposit Vaults Will Be Open for Business Until Nine o'clock. Three per cent interest paid in Savings Depart mentDeposits made on or before the tenth of the month draw interest from the first. Safety Boxes, $3.00 per Year Upward. Open a Savings Account or Rent a Safety Box Now LliXLLI 1 J I Will .ii -i hi ii i r- mr mi s n mr iM risasa Copyright Bart SduUnu ft Man REV. ARTHUR L WEATHERBY TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY The Unitarians of Omaha mill have a special service tiunday afternoon at 4:30 at the parish house. 43 North Fortieth treet Itev. Arthur L,. Weatherly of Lincoln will speak on the subject, '"An Kfflclent Church." an outline of a pro fram of reorganization for the Omaha church. This Is the first of a preliminary erics of meeting looking toward a strong revival of Interest In liberal religi thought In the city. Plana are under consideration for commencing an active campaign In the fall. WATER BOARD AND PARK DEPARTMENT IN CAHOOTS Ths world Is reported aa advancing. Late evidence of that observation Is a statement made at the city hall that the landscape architect of the park depart ment will co-operate with the city water department officials In working out a scheme for the proposed parking of the Walnut Hill water basin and grounds. The work will cost about IIO.OM. which 'nrludea driveways and other features. Manager Howell of the water depart ment announced this entente cordial be tween the two departments. Men W Young Men's $25 Suits, $185J A Fortunate Special Purchase of Spring Suits from Hart, Schaffner & Marx enables us to make you this remarkable offer. No matter where you arc you'll always feel conscious of being well dressed if you're wearing Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes. Styles absolutely correct yet invariably distinctive fabrics and tailoring as high class ad you'll find in made-to-measure clothes at double the price. a I L- c u. . D t J i ii c ouidiicsi i uymcius a iu (be Most helpful Service. By Far the Ea$i et Credit Terms in All Omaha. This Handsome BRASS BED GIVEN FREE With Every Purchase of $100 or Over. "SsSssSiLfe iwrrivA" ''v'ti'.-w rim i 49 7C FOR THIS COMBINATION GAS and COAL RANGE Two Ranges In One Come See It. By far t ho nost interesting combination (Ja and Coal Ikinge offer of the year. Two inures in one. Burns either v-i. ii. . : i i T-;i.i. ii ll iCT kcin 'i i urn. i V-i l ijiv" intuit inii'i rii iii.ui(-n. uiiiiri ill I" sAri g r v a a - v v f i'ticini. niu biiiii iiii it m liiti rw-r v & U either coal or gns. Come in and we thi wonderful Range value. your Qi g40VC tafcpn n exchange. T - -r: 1 i I 1 31 Refrigerators Thre-door Blze, roomy, lever lock doors and adjustable shelves great ice aaver; sanitary. special at. . Go-Carts Exceptionally good values The "Tourist" line and the "Sturrls" line 'best carta. newest features. Prices ex ceedingly low $3.95 to fSO.OO. Bee our big special, at. 4 .65 Colonial Oak Buffet , A 6)lendid Buffet, solid oak, f tuned, spe cially priced for A"" Satu rday , at HOWARD STn Near 16th Street Varsity Fifty-Fives" Included Suits that are exceptional values at regular prices and unquestionably unusual bar gains at sale price. Your choice of broad assortment of fine foreign and domestic weaves in (Hen L'rqua hart plaids, Tartans and club checks, stripes and plain colors. Men's and Young Men's $18 Suits $13.50 Hand Tailored Suits, made from fine all wool or wool and silk fabrics. Soft roll two and three-button models, full or quarter lined coats. These suits are wonderful values at $18.00. Size for all men and young men, at , o. null lU $13.50 Boy's 2-Pants Suits $3.95 All Wool Suits, made with two pair of knickers, both knickers lined. All new eol- ' ors and etyles. Sizes for boys 6 to 17 years; $4.95 and $5.50 2-pant Suits all U" rv .$2 Boy's $11 Wash Suits 95c Oliver Twist, liddy and Balkan htyles, about 200 suits in all; made from guaran teed washable fabries; Saturday g mt $1.50 boys' wash suits, sizes 2' 2 Ttf to 9 years, at ttC feprlnc C'ouah Hurts Ibe l.anaia. Dr. Cell's llne-Tar-Koney stops the omish and prevents your enld retting1 J worse. H'a guarantefd Only JfW. AH aruggists Advertisement HA YON BROS. SI: now your moral backbone Commercial depressions are caused by mental suspense. Fear and mental suspense among business men come from decreased business. Decreased business comes when YOU reduce your purchases. This country established for five centuries Un't going to the bow-wow in a day nor in a decade. Show you've got moral courage, backbone, faith in your country, your fellow men and yourself and Buy Now instead of hesitating and help business pick up. Then will return the time of smiles and sunshine. 4- Ruy-it-Now VhU is the time ef all Us for the V. . A. to ma vast strUUe. lfa ail area kaay. I tl a