Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
Bringing Up COLLY NOW If, ME-oWlCE ' TO JrAb s-a "' BLODGETT HURLS AMD HITS FOR WIN 1 'JJongntj Pitcher of Omaha Tribe Shows Sioux All Department of the Game. WIHS CONTEST BY FIVE TO TWO SIOUX CITY, la.. May 7. Hpern. Tal earam.) Omaha overcame two-run load taken by the Indiana In the Initial frame and hammered Clarke and Caspar for three more, winning the third game ef the aeriea from Sioux City by a 6 to J score. Blodgett hurled a (treat same for Omaha, and after he nettled down In the. Xirat Inning he had thinss hla own way. "Pepper" Clarke started for the cham pions and aailed along In great shape until the fourth Inning, when he ran Into ana. Thla ana waa a couple of clean Mta, and It netted the Kourkes two runa, enough to deadlock the count. Harry Caspar relieved Clarke In the rttrhth and "waa found for two hlta. Including a double and one run. Blodcett waa the Mar of the Omaha . batten. In four trlpa to the rubber he mashed out a double and a home run. The latter came In the sixth Inning, and the ball waa plastered Into the Missouri river, over the right center aoreen. Kana landed aafe tit the' opening Inning, when he forced Cooney at second. Iejoune put him on third with a double, and Mc- Cormlck'a double over the right field fence sent Kane and lJune home with the only two runa made by the Indians during the nlna Innings. Omaha evened It u In the fifth. Bchtlebner walked and scored on Whalen's triple. Whalen counted on Smith's single. Krug tripled In the sixth and romped borne on Krueger's single. Blodgett made home run In the seventh ana in me ninth opened with a double. Smith aae rtflced him to third and he scored on For ythe'a only hit of the game. I JOsIRS Dl'NCU 1IITB ASD WIN Both - Vaaet Hd Thoanaa Are Hit lard. KT .TOPFPIT. Mo.. May T.-Koth Vanea end Thomas were hit heard to.lar. hu: fhe Ft. Joaeph hlta were he visitors loat. Bcore: PES MOINF.H, ab. It. H. O. A. F.. I 1 1 1 ft 0 0 . 1 0 0 j 1 3 12 0 0; 0 0 0 0 el 1 3 8.8 : 0 0 S I 0 0 10 11 0 140 1 5 Jj 4 10 lit 13 3 :ph. R. H. o. a. a 1 13 i 1 3 13 0 1 1 3 3 0 0 0 i n o o; 1 3 0 1 v 0 0 0' 0 13 3 0. 110 10. 0 3 0 0 8 ii zi Ii "a. 3 0 0 3 0 0-4, 8lahn. rf hhanley, cf Jones, lb HUH. If fawyer, 3b J.artford. as... Tannehlll. Sb... 5-reen. c b'honiaa, p Totals ,.J7 IOHE AU. &age, 3b Vox. If Watson, rf...... 31. I'atteraon, lb. Vrilton, 8b........ Hlillams, cf piwoldt, ss Agnew. c ,Vuce. p .... 8 .... 3 ... 4 ...S3 ..0 0 ..3 0 Totals ....... Sea Molnoa...... M Joseph Three-baae hit: 0 04 3 0 3 0 0 ) Jonea. Two-base hlta: Tax. Brltton, llahn Nieriiitw m I Ml ' . eo. Agnew. Double play: Kawer to 8 fart ford to Jortta. nn h.u.. oif hThomaa. 4: off Vance t Mini, !. .ii u 'inomaa, ; off ance. i. Blrutk out: Hv Vance, 6; by Thoinaa. 3. Kit bv t'ltrhed ii . y Vance. Ilshn. utkii. i, i inie: a ou rmn rn' (iclsel. XIMCOLN WIM FHOM TOPKK.t w Take IMtrklagr Cattle by Fear Natklast Score. J,.,.'.NC.I-N. Nh - My t -,n pitchers' lattle Uncoln wnn fiom Toiwka, by a avore of 4 to 0. fr-ore: LINCOLN; ; AU. 1L H. 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 'Wolfe, If. WrOafflgan. as Nv illlama. lb. .. Wclatyre, rf. .. J-Hiley. Zb Kchrlbcr, cf. . (Krueger, 3b. .. McAllister, c. . jXJawnaoa, p. .. J Totals O. A. II 0 3 6 63 I 0 1 '.' I 10 0 i!4 4 TOPEKA. AU. IC 4 17 It A. 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 3 Cochran. So. . Ti airier. If. ... Jackson, Cf. . iMayerrf KP1. lb. ... Luttlmora, Six liiKjie, aa looroe, c, ... Lirovtr. p. ... Totala S0 J.lncoln 3 10 0 0 jTopek 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 -4 1 a-4 a- Two-um hits WflllsntM u.wi.rei-M T-atttmore. . Uoiihle plays: Daley to Jjc Oafflgan to WUIlanta. McGaftlgan to l'aiey t Wllllema. tt"lea baaa: Coch ran. Iajtlinore, Koclie. Racririce hits: Aii-Oaffican, Krvegnr. Ptnuk out: By Xiawmin. ll; by Cirover, i. Baaea on balls: a" iff IHwmon, 4: olf Urover, 3. Time: 1:U. L'jnpue; Vanalcle. PEMTEB DKKKtTI TIIK WirilCB Harrtagloa Tlgblma la Tlaae ta Dave Ike oaleat. DENVKR. May T -Tba flrat game of the aeaaon on the home grounds resulted In a 4 to -ilijory for !rnver froiu "AichlLa today. Harrington for Denver weakened la the third and fourth luninia. vui ii nient4 uo an tiiuv to sate the esame. iocnran Mr vMchlia waa hit tM-a bits nteaiit runi. Kcore: tly DEN V EH . AB. K. H. O. A. E". muutfer, ct... i ( 3 e &eil, U 5 1 1 I v Father 11 I IT 1 ffl LJ r tc- 21 . I poppy- -tJnr yn I i i v r azv w - i wrw i nnu FVkir . i i i i n. i i Coffey, rf 2 Ofilloway. .lb Kellelirr, an it Klsher. lb ii ) Matthews. 2b 4 0 riiwhr. c rt 1 Hnriinifton, p 3 4 Total 4 WICHITA, AH. R. Parnall. rf 4 0 Warea. 2b 4 Nicholson, If a 0 Henry, lb. 3 1 Tyoemnn, rf 4 0 Rappa, 3b 4 I Hitter, aa 4 0 Griffith, r 2 1 Ciraliam, lb. ......... a 0 Southern, If I 0 t 27 R. 1 0 0 n (i I a o o 0 t 4 1 0 1 3 i I 0 Total a: II 21 13 Hatted for Nlcholaon In eighth. Hntted for Jlcnry In eighth. Denver 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Wichita 0 A 1 10 0 1 Htolen baae: Dell. Two-hnae hit; man. Three-baae hit: Planer. 0 - 0 0 -3 runa: Galloway. Itapps. Harrlflce fly: Bpahr. Hurrlflce hlta: Oichran. Kellc her. Htruck put: My Harrington. ; by Cochran. 4. Kases on bulla: Off Har. rlngton, 1; off Cochran, G. Doulile play: Kappa to Warea to Henry. . Time: l:o8. L'niplrea: Meyura nnd f'arent. Joe Dawson, Famous Eacing Driver, is in Omaha for a Visit Joe Dawson, famous racing driver and lie man who holds the record fei too miles on the Indianapolis speedway. Is In Omaha stopping at the Hotel Fontcnelle and visiting K- IL Wilson, local agent I for Marmon, which car Dawson now represents. Dawson's achievement at I li ("anapolls Is one of the high marks la American, racing records, aa he mada hl rocord with an American ear Irt 131. j'hd even the fastest foreign cars In the world have failed to break the mark In V later races. Dawson also holds the Indianapolis records at 800. 350. 400 and so mile. Last year Dawson ,wa aa vercly Injured when a car blew tire and buckkd on the track ahead of him. NELIGH WINS FIRST PLACE AFTER A TIP WITH EWING NELIOII, Keb May T.-(Hpeolal Tete- x-.i.u i.... - "r ' . . ' " . " 0 0 ' hunched andimn acnooi tracg meet here today, par ticipated In by Nollgh, Kwlng, Tllden and Oakdale schools. Nellgn was atrong In the track events ami Kwlng In the Id. Nellgh and Ewlnj tied on thlrty r points each, but the honors were by the association, providing In such esses they should go to the team hav ing the moat firsts. Tllden won twenty-two points and Oak. dale five. The attendance was large. ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATS OMAHA HIGH ABHLAND; Neb.. May T.-(Speelal Tel egram.) In the flrat game of the aeaaon on the local grounda Ashland High school school team this afternoon. 12 to 11. Ash- 'nnt team Tnade their acorea pn timely hitting for extra baaea. while they tried ! to hand the game to Omaha by making 1 . v. V " I Aahliinrt .. Kcore: R.II.E. 0 - 13 10 0 0-11 lit 3 4 3 i Omaha 03 Batterlea: Aahland I-:titta. Kleaenbeln , i and N'ewham: llinuhu. Wlnin. .rKfkn ! anu aroenier a Tkarer t'oanty Ball l.eaane. HEUHON. Neb., May T (Special.! A Thayer County baae ball league la being formed and each town promises to tx In the race. Hebron will ic In the running. An en thusstlc meeting w.ia held at the Com meiclnl club room last evening at which upwarda of flft) ' fsns" were proaent. C. M. Hnilth waa choaen president; Bert like, aecretaiy. and Dr. Ring, treasurer. These were empowered to draft the constitution and by-laws, also to procure uniforms. 1 here will be no scheduled Sunday games. The organisation of the Hebron ag gregation can be credited to Mike Cruise, who circulated the petition, raised the money, and called the meeting. Borneo thing like 10 men put up II each to start the project. Mason City Wist. MASON CITY. la.. May T.- Special Tel egram.! Central association: Maaon City. . Muscatine. 2. AGED POLK COUNTY FARMER KILLED IN AUTO CRASH ORCFIA, Neb.. May 7.-8rcisVrele-grain.) I.etumlng hrme from Osceola this afternoon James Jerdln, living S)V-ente-en miles northeart, met hla death In an ai.tomohlU accident. He was driving oer twenty-five mile an hour, and In at tempt;!! to pass a buggy going In the same direction he loat control of the car. with the result that it overturned and pinned him under, the running board crushing the skull. In the auto with Mr. Jerdln were hla wife and daughter, the latter having a baby In her arms. While both were thrown some distance from the machine they received only minor bruises. Mr. Bralthwair? who was In the bung), was also thrown out of his rig and fell within a few Inches of Jerdln. The dei eaM-d was a man alout TS years of age and had realdd on bis farm In I the northo-ut part of this cotinly for four teen years, lie was an old soldier and nu-inbur of tl-e Grand Army of the Repub lic. The baby was taken horn thla evening. THE REE;- CopyrUht. TfU. International CUB HURLERS WILD: REDS TAKE GAME Benton. Baffling with Hen on Bases, but Splits Finger Stopping Drive. RESULT IS NINE TO TWO CHICAQO, May 7. Wlldness of Chl--ay-'s pitcher gave Clnclnnatl-an eaay 9 to ! victory today, the Cuba' first de feat In eight games. Henton waa baffling with men on hascs, but stopping a lino drive from Kchulte's bat In the sixth, he apllt a finger on hla pitching hand and may be out of the game for weeka. Ames let down in the ninth. Herxog played In his flrat game since his suspension sev eral days ago. Score: CINCINNATI. AB.H.O A r. rinr-Ano. i AB.H.O. A. Ew! rh. cf ... 4 11 t OOond. If 4 2 0 I Haraog, a. , 9 Omh. lb..., t flrtrtitti. rf.. I Twnmblajr, It 4 OKI.h.r. ... I Hchalie. If.. A OKImrman, 21 4 II 1 1 1 a 4 i 0 10 I t ii Wlnno. It ... 0 OWIIIlim. rf 4 Warner, lb.. Mollwitt, Ibi Onrka. .... t I (iHrNnalMin. c I o 0 1 I I 0 O'helan, lb.. I i OVtuglin. p... t 1 1 Ilontim. ... I 4 Ollmphriea, pt 0 1-1 Ama, s 1 e a lvenler. o. 0 0 1 l Vtrrl.lnn II A A TvUla M 11 n U 0Mdrry - Kalael .. I 1 v Totals 2 Itlt I Hatted for Vaughn In tilth 4nnlng. Batted tor Humphries In seventh. Hatted for Lavender In ninth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 ! 20 Chicago ." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Two-base hlta: Vaughn. Leach. Htolen basea: llreanahan (3). Heraog, Twomblev, J'nelan. Knlaeley. Karned runa: Oif Vaughn, 6; off Lavender, 3; off Ami, 2. Double plays: Heraog to Warner to Moll wltg (2), llumphiioa to Baler to Humph rlea, Clarke to Uroh. Baaea on bade: Off 5 In five Innlnga; off Humphrlea. 3 In two Innlnga; off lavender, 4 in two Innlnga; off Benton. 8 In five and one third Innlnga; off Ames. I In three and two-thirds InnlriKa. Mtruck out! By Vaughn. 2; by Lavender. 2; by Benton. 1; by Amea, J. Umpires: lllgler and Hart. Pirates Trim Cards. PITTHBITROH. May 7.-I'lttburgh made made It three straight vlrtorlne today by wlnnlna from Ht fvtnia i,v a i i Th locals were outhlt more than two to one. ui mcyuimu -was strong in tae pinches. Hoorea : BT. IiriS. rTrT9Ul'RO. AB.H.O A B. AH.H.U.A 1C. Hucglns, lb. 4 t e ItoUn. If.... I I 1 W'arey. If.... I S SJohnilon, lb 4 I 0 1 I 1 1 I 0 I 1 I 1 0 una. ci.... I I i OHalr.1. lb.... I Miitor. lb... t W'Mmii. rt. ., 4 berk, lb..... butler, M...4 Hnyifer, ... 4 loa. s... Hytt t Urlnar, t... 1 attinckma, rf I I lis IWiimt, m.. 4 0 I OCiiatxIlo, cf.. I I ovioi, tb i e t OSchana. ... I 1 I 1 I T 0 I 1 I uMjulllaa, 1 1 to I Totals M IT 14 8 Tattle It II N II 3 Batted for Doak In eighth. ft. Louis o 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1-4 I'ittsburgh Q 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 Taro-baae hit: Rchang. Three-base hit: .j ,4om run: Cnrey. Sacrifice fly; Balrd. titnlrn baaea: Butler. Long, lllncn inan. Double play: ltatrd to Wagner to Johnston. Bases on balls: Off lxak, i; off Orlner. 1; McQuillan. 2. Hlta: Off Doak. ( In eight Innlnga; off Orlner. 0 In one inning, struck out: By Doak, ; by Orlner. 1; by McQuillan, 7. Umplrea: Bvron and Orth. Braves Rent f. la ait a. BOHTON, May 7 The Braves defeated .7 'lk in "lugging bee today, 11 to 7. The delivery of each of the five pitchers waa hit hard. toore: NEW YORK. BOHTON. ' AB.H.O.A B. AB.H.O A E. Yj"?':St I ! iFttapafk. rtl l .. 1 1 tiM.,rn. rf.... I lis Lob.rt. lb . I t 3 I K(.n. b.,.. till xichr M l I I I l.-,ii,r. i i Puma. If... . I 4 3 Oroniiolljr, II. 3 I 1 !ertB. rfllll DMhsm. ...! I I a Hr.ln.rd. lb I 1 H Vmldt lh I 1 i I . Mr.. CN..4 1 I t tfrtmlih. !b...4 111 . - - - ...... .11,11, .911 rromm., 1, .... Ill Klu.r. s a a . i w....i.V ' : . I : T S'Ut I o OJUs.a. V"". 111!! T,,,ah 41 II 14 13 I Tirt.l. 17 14 37 It t Halted lor b roinine In the aevemn New Voik 3 03100300-7 u,'t" 0 3 3 4 0 1 3 0 -ll f'T"0."'!? Maranvlll. 2). Buma . fmlui (Ji. Connolly, Al.igee. t.rajnerd. r IvU her. Molen baaea: f ict her. Con- to Schmidt. Buses on balls: Off Bctiupp. . oft rrommc. 1; u Hitler. 1- Lit lw,S!lirlullfU;1 " SlhUp"' two-tnlnl. Innltuis; ,if Kromme. 0 n three ami oiia-tlJrd .Innings; otf Hitter 4 In two innings; oft Rudolph. In six ,.- Su,;K"i.v"n' V" '"". struck ? Sj'hupp. 3; bv Hudonh. 3; by Haan. j. Lmplrea: Klein and Kmalie. UBOR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY TEST SUIT IS DELAYED iFrom a Staff Curtespondent) LINCOLN. May 7 -(Speclal.)-Tlie hear ing on the Injunction suit asked for by representatives of labor employment agencies to test the constitutionality of the new employment airencv l n....i by the laat legislature has been nost- yuum unui loinorrow. v Attorneys H. II. Bowea n,l j ti w,,i... of Omaha will conduct the cane for the employment agencies and Assistant At torney ueneral Avers will represent the state. REGULAR ARMY MEN AT OFFICERS' SCHOOL (From a Stafr Correspondent) LINCOLN. May 7.-tieclal.)-The offl cers' school of the Nebraska National Ouard will be held at CrpUnl Bea. h, -tear Lincoln. June 20 to 24. Regular officers assigned as instructors by the War department are: Malor lRov 8. !. ,n. Tenth Infantrv. Captain Pi ran Wliitworth. Teuiti in fantry. t'antaln Walter 8. Batra. Infantry. Captain Robert 8. Maxey. Kighteentli Infantrv. Captain -Benjamin R. Wada. Fifth in fantry. Lleutanant William C. Btoll, Infantry. OMAHA. BATCH PAY, MAY a TIP TOPS WIN FROM CASEYS Brookfeds Take Game by Score of Four to One on Home Grounds. PACKARD IS BATTED HARD BltOOKLTN, May 7. Brooklyn won from Kansas City today, 4 to 1. Chad bourne's pass and Ftovall'a triple scored a run for Kansas City In the first Inning, but aftr that Peaton. although wild, held tliem safe. The Hrooklyna battd Pack ard hard, but sharp fielding held the runs down. Hcore: 1 R.H.K. Kansns Clt . 1 O A 0 0 0 0 01 0 Fn.oklyn ...0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 12 S Hatt-rl'-r: Packard and Easterly, 8ea ! t' n and Land , llebela Beat Balfeds. I HA I.T1MORK. Mav 7. Plttsbugh d fented Baltimore today, 10 to 9. Three home runs were made, two by Baltimore and one by Pittsburgh. Manager Knahe wh put on, of the gnme in the first In ning for disputing with the umpire. Score: R.II.R. Pittsburgh .i001100 0-10 12 0 Baltimore .. 700230200 9 13 Batteries: Dickson, Ieclalr and Berry; Bailey, Smith. Qulnn and Owens. Whales I.oae to Newark. N'R'VAIIK, N. J.. Mar 7.Newark de fcaled Chlcaxo today, S to 4. Score: R.IT.E. Vewnrk 1 4000000 4 10 Chicago 00000002 24 0 Batterlea- I' and Rarlden; Black, Brennan and Fischer, demons. Coast Leaarae Reaalts. At Salt Lake aty Score: R.H.E. Oakland 16 4 alt Lake City S 0 Batteries: Oakland, Prough, Boyd and Kuhn: Halt Lake City, C. Williams and Hannah. At Los Angels-Score: . . .. .. . R.H.E. Venice .'. 3 4 0 Los Angeles 0(1 Batterlea: Venice, Johnson and Mitre; Lob Angeles, Ryan and Brooks. At gun Tranclsco Score:. R.H.E. Portland 10! San Francisco 8 13 1 Batteries: Portland, Kruse, Keefe and Carlsch; San Francisco, Baum and Schmidt. American Aaeoelatlon, At Milwaukee Score: R.II.E. Kansas City 14 3 Milwaukee 8 8 1 Batterlos: Kansas City. Delhi, Lefty Oeorgc and Oelbel; Milwaukee. Shackel ford and Brannon. At Indianapolis Score: R.H.E. Ixiilvllle 7 11 2 Indianapolis 8 9 1 Bstteries: Louisville. - Ellis. Scanlon Perry. Northrop and Clemons; Indianap olis. Burk. Tipple, Bchardt and Black burn. Mluneapolls-St. Paul, postponed, wet ground. . Cleveland-Columbus, postponed, wet grounds. ' . LABORE RSUES BURLINGTON FOR INHALING LIME DUST fFr'om a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 7.-(Speclol.A suit for damages , which covers a peculiar i clnt was Instituted In district court here esterday by ' John Vrana, a laborer, sBalnst the Burlington railroad for 83,990. It Is alleged In the complaint that Vrana was ordered to sweep the floor of one of the company's buildings at Havelock T.hlcli had recently been given a coat of whitewash on the Inside by hydraulic rprinkllng. He was not warned to be careful about Ibhaling the lime dust and for three hours worked sweeping the floor while i a cloud of dust surrounded him. because le was forbidden to dampen the floor. ,On account of inhaling the dust ha was I taken violently ill before tha Job wa 'finished and has since been In an en feebled condition and unable to perform work because of the condition of his lungs. EFFORT TO MAKE PULLMAN ' COMPANY PAY MOREJAXES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May T.-iSpeclal Telegram.) If the three new members of the State Bimrd of Assessment. Secretary of State Pool,! Auditor Smith and Taeasurer Hall, have their way the Pullman Car company will be raised considerably higher than the figures proposed by the representa tive of the company, Thomas Benton, last Monday. Mr. Benton agreed to a raise of al-out 23 per cent, but the trio now say that the property has been underassessed In years gone by and they propose to make up for it by raising the assessment this year. rhry would like to tack on from 8000 to $1,00 on the valuation of each car of t. stuiidurd mako to the !15.iX)o agreed to by the agent. M Benton will remon strate with the lioard tomorrow. THREEOYS SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL FOR DEAF ( From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 7,-tpeclal Telegram.) The expulsion of three boys from the Omaha School for the Deaf by Superin- ; tendent F, W. Booth has been approved J by the Board of Control and they stand J reai'y to furnish the county attorney of Doftglas county with evidence In their poaneaalon If be dealrea to prosecute. The 'boys are Fred Roglita of Lincoln, aged U: Frank Herman ef Venus, aged IX, and Henry Poeplall of Platnvlew. aged It They were charged with setting fire to tha boys' cottage ef the Institute and also to the old school building. 8, 1I1."j. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus i i . RED SOX DEFEAT NEW YORK YAMS Boston American! Win First Game of Season from New Tork Club.. LEONARD IS EFFECTIVE IN BOX NEW TORK, May 7.-The Roeton j NELSON, Neb., May 7.-Speclal Tele Americans won their first game of the ' gram.) The opening- of the second day season from New York today, t to 1 Leonard was effective In all but the sec ond Inning, when three singles and a pass enabled New Tork to score two runs. Hopper'a ninth-Inning home run Into the right field stand, with Thomas on base, proved to be the hit which won for Boston. Score: . BOSTON. NEW TORK. AB.H.O-A. K. AB.H.O.A.E. rf.,6 3 I SMnliel. Sb... 4 6 4 1 0 n Winner. 2b.. i Hpealrsr. rl.. t Lewi. If I Hnhlltl. lb 4 Srntt, ss 4 MeNallr. lb 4 Thomas, c. . . 4 Ltooard, a.. I 14 OHartull. II.. 4 1114 Ft OHIsh, ef I S A 0 I APlpa, lb 4 1 11 0 0 Of'onk, rt 4 4 0 J 3 OP, klnpt. ss 4 I 4 3 0 41 ORnons. lb... 4 1 1 ft 1 14 3 ONun.mflkr. c I 1 1 1 0 1 Cldwll. p. I 1 3 4 Totals 17 U 37 19 4 Totsls It 8 37 13 I nost6n 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 lfi New Tork 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Two-base hit: Plpp. Three-baae hit. Leonard. Home rune: Hooper, Peckln paugh. Stolen baae: Wagner. Double Play: Lewis to Wagner. Bases on errors: Boston, 1. Bases on balls: Off Caldwell, 1; off Leonard. 2. Struck out: By Leonard, 4. Umpires: Mullaney and Evans. Marks Crash Senators. PHILADKLPHIA. May 7. Philadelphia, knocked Bentley out of the box In less than two Innings today and defeated Washington. 4 to 1. Shawkcy kept tho hits of the visitors well scattered. Score: WASHINGTON. PHILADKLPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.C Maetlsr, rf.. I 14 4Wtlh, rf.... 3 1441 stllaa, ef.... 4 1 Poster, Sb... 4 Gandll; lt... 4 0 Morsso, lb.. 3 1 Mhsnks, If.. 3 1 Hanry, o... I 1 MrRrtd. ss. 3 1 Neft. as 4 4 ooldrlDt. It-. 4 4 1 4 istrunk, ef... 8 I 0 4 egcbojif, c ... 4 3 ft OLsvlols, 3b... I . I 1 OMolimls, lb. 4 J lbs nr. ss.... Ill Kopt, lb.... Ill OBhawker, p.. 11-4 Bant lay, p.. I 4 Basel, p... Hoppr, p. . Harper, B.. Acoata ... 1 Totals..... IT 17 11 1 0 fi 0 Williams , Rondeau , Totals 4 14 U Batted for Kngel in siith. Batted for McBrtde In eighth. Batted for Hopper In eighth. Washington 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Philadelphia 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 t Two-base hits: Kopf. Sbawkey. Stolen bases: Walsh. Oldrlng, Schang t2. Double plays: Foster to Gandll. Naff to Oandll, Shawkey to Lajole to Mclnnla. Bases on balls: Off Bentley, 1; oft Engel. 8; off Shawkey. i. Hits: Off Bentley, 4 in one'l and ono-tlrd innings; off Harper, 1 In' one Inning; off Kngel, 2 in two and two- j thirds innings; off Hopper, 1 Irk two In nings, pirucs, oui: ny cubbi, a. uy rcuK- , Connolly. i Hrawas i,ose to -i isrera. ST. LOins. May 7. Detroit slugged ! Hamilton, Hoch and Baumgardner alike here today and beat the locals, 11 to 2. : Score: j DirrnoiT. sr. urvum AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. ! Bash. aa....ft 113 lghottoa. if.. I 1 I Vltt, lb 1.1 1 1 OAurtln, lb... 4 Cobb, cf. .... 14 lPrstt, 3b.... I Oawfard, rf 3 1 4 4 OKautmaa, rf 4 Vaach. If.... 4 13 4 lwilhama. rf 4 4 I 1 -1 3 IIS 4 4 4 1 4 JaoohMO. 1st 1 4 4 4lrsr;. lb... 4 111 Hakar. e.... 114 1 VLatran, sa... 4 13 -k n E . nr iv .1... nf m Cevalsakt. pt 1 1 3 OAsoaw, c... 4 1 1 1 4 HasBinon. p. m Totals II 11 11 IHiKih. p 4 Pmncrdnr. p I ffererl4 ... 1 Howard ... 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 Totals 34 i 17 13 I Ratted for Hamilton In sixth. ; Batted for Baumgardner in ninth. ' Ietrolt S 0 3 0 1 0 0 4 111 St. Louis S 000000002 Two-base hits: C. Walker, Kavangh. Three-baae hits: Bush. Vltt Stolen basea: Cobb (2), Bush, Crawford, Agnew. Karned runs: Off Hamilton, 3; off Hoch. ?;. off Baumgardner. 1. Double play: KlV anagh to Buan to jacooson, nasea on balls: Off Ooveleakie, 3; off Hamll ton. 2; off Hoch, 2; off Baumgardner, 8. Hits: Off Hamilton, 8 In six innings; off Hoch, 8 in one and one-third Innings; off j Baumgardner, 4 In one and two-thirds in nings. Struck out: By Coveeleakle, 8; by Hamilton, 1. Umpires: O Lougblln : and illldebrand. - I ST0R2 TO PLAY THE SOUTH OMAHA WONDERS TWO GAMES Th. smith Omaha Wonders and Ston teams w"l meet 'today and Sunday at Rourke park, games to be called at o'clock. Manager Hunter of the Wonders has pared no expense to get the best talent v.ilsbla Probably the best known to incal fans la T.vnch of the Chicago Union Giants. Other classy players are Cooper. nrman. DeMoaa and McLaughlin ol me Ve Rnricn (Ind.l PI u tee. Murphy of rhn York' Olanta. Robinson and Carrey of the St. Louis Olants, Vans- field of the Kansas City colts ana Alien of the Texas Bronchos, San Antonio, Ttx. Shoes for Men and Boys That are Business Builders Ths extra values we give make It worth while for you to buy at M. S. Alkisson's 314 South 15th Ot. I'A. 8. Thompson, Mgr. MRS. DUNHAM HEAD OF DISTRICT CLDBS Federation Worker from Eustis Is Elected President of Fifth Dis trict Woman's Organization. MRS. DIETRICH ON "STJNNYSIDE" of the Fifth district Woman's club con- ventlon waa a business meeting-, only one . music number being given, a duet '"No body Knows But Mother," by Miss Fairy Knlne and MIssj Merle Koken of tho Nel son club. The bylaws of tho club were mended so that the district offloera are elected at each alternate district convention. In teresting club reports were than given representing; work In many lines, civic Improvement, philanthropy and educa tional. Mrs. Q. D. Fbllmer of Oak gave a re port from the Kings' Daughters circle of her town. v State President. Mrs. A. O. Peterson interested the dub members in a map talk on the municipal libraries of the dis trict, the map having been prepared by Miss Templeton of Lincoln. She also rave an appeal for the scholarship fund being raised by the clubst The convention voted 814 to this fund. A paper on "Home," by Mrs. W. A. Cote of Nelson, and one by Mrs. Howard Laird of Superior on "Russian Trade" were read and heartily received. , Eastls Woman President. ( Election of officers followed with this result. President, Mrs. C U Dunham of Bustls; vice president, Mrs. W. K. Korln of Nelson; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. P. A. Sunbury of Holdrece. At the conservation session, tha au dience listened to a paper on tho "Lin fcoln Highway" by Mrs. W. H. Dillon of Hastings. Mrs. Clara A. West and Mrs. Clara Manlon rave a selection from "H Trovatore" by Melnot In the meantime the high school stu dents and the grades had assembled to W U The wise clothes buyer Is not the one who buys solely on the strength of "price" or of "cut price" sales. Being wise he roes into the matter a little deeper and considers quality of materials, wearing power, permanence- of fit, etu. The clothes which will fully measure up In the last respeota as well aa the prloe you pay for them, are the ones which will give the most satisfaction In the long run. Tou will find we believe in our Kensington Suits for men and young men, clothes which have the very best materials, splendid wearing power and not oly fit superbly when new but atay fit Before seleotlng your next atrlt try one of these Kensingtons.. Tou get more than your money's worth S20. 625, 830. Be our display of Dalpork Athlefla TJMerwaar. It has a new closed crotch feature. The crotch is so constructed aa to stay closed, yet fits snugly aU tha time 81.00 and $1.0. ill gmth r fr vAN" Remember to buy it 1 you will forget you. j iV, halve it on. A cool, easy fit J Perfect freedom, and oh! t A J how comfortable. The im- A L proved spring-needle knit I A , A abric doet it Men's t 'ti un'on snd separate gar- v V e h ments, $1 up. f UtkaKnlttlnf Co, Makars l ' V UUa. N.V. 4 V ,out fcr Spi"11M WHOLESALE I V V DISTRIBUTORS T -l V t r nit ii j w t' . Company .1 I J 1 - it." A Ham. jJJ -m Y J C Ooods Co. hear the paper on the "Protection er WIM Birds' by Mesdamca Par.inns am Sun- i xuiuieire. at, ine cmac of the paper the Nelson Bird club led by Gar land Fuller gave a very clever series of bird calls. Miss Cecilia Boudresu sang a group of three Indian songs In costume. Mrs. Charles Dietrich of Hastings told the convention of "Sunnyslde," the homo the Hastings club was Instrumental In starting, which cares for people who otherwise would be homeless. Mrs. Dunham, the newly elected presi dent read a paper on "Woman's Place in Municipal Housekeeping." , .. c, n i mil, was given by Mrs. Claude Henderson of Superior. The Commercial club tendered an auto drive to the club visitors and Nelson women which completed a very full and pleasant afternoon program. - . The concluding session was held this evening; when two addresses were given, ono on the "Econcmilo Training of Girls." by Miss Alien Lewis of the University of Nebraska, and on by 7tfrs. A. G. Peter son, state president, on "Values." Miss Josephine Day of Superior gavo a double number piano solo aa did also Harold Lewis of Fairfield. Mr Clara Manlon played the "Polon aise," by Chopin, and Miss Schacr of Superior gave' a vocal number. A complimentary theater party was given the delegates at the Kllto after tho evening aession by tho editor of Nel son Gasette. , . ' Tha weather today has been ideal for tho sessions and the local as well as dele gates attending have been greatly pleased. KENNARD DAIRYMEN FINF.D UNDER FOOD LAW i (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May T.-Speclat.) As a re sult of prosecutions of milkmen at Ken- nard by Inspectors of the pure food de partment three violators were fined no nu coats tor naving in their possession and for sale unsanitary milk. A test showed a large amount of dirt in each quart tested. The report of the food, dairy and oil department of tho state shows total re ceipts tho last month of 34.S02.14. Of this. $4,149.2$ was for oil Inspections. 16th Street.