Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Needs of Tamer, He Sayt, Cannot
Be Met by the Ordinary Com
mercial Institution.
(From a Stuff Onrrearonrtffnt.)
LINCOLN. May 7-(Spclal.)-Fprakln
laat tilRht at the bamuet elven br Ui
TJnnoln Clrarlns; llmise aawtrtatlon to
thn momhTH of Oroup t of the Ne
braska HanWs' aaaorlatlon. Conrrras
nnn C. F. Feavls of Tall Cltl took for
Ms subject rtiralTena. Ha aM In part:
"Credit in the life of rommeife. and tt
la panning atransre that agriculture, which
iinflprlles the proprlty nf the nation,
he not kept pare la tlila mntter with the
evolution of the yeara."
"Crellt and working capital are a es
sential to the development of agriculture
a a they are- U tha railroads or to teo.
The efforts of the farmer to ro-operate
and romblne have be on local and, there
fore, abortive. Ha Uvea and doea bualneaa
aa an Individual and will continua t do
o because tha ohjerlinn to co-operation
la Inherent In Ma avocation.
Keeda f Farmer.
"The needa erf a farmer cannot be met
by a commercial bank. II can not Im
prove hl farm or plant, grow and har
vest hla cropa on a ninety-day loan. In
answer to hla need tba annate of tha
T'nltcd Slatea aerit a committee to Europe,
to etudy tha question of farm credits.
The recommendation of thla committee
have been rryataltxed In a bill now rend
ing and which, ln Ita preaent or In some
modified form, will be enacted by the
next congress. I favor certain amend
ment to the bill, but even If It be not
amended I aha II support It because tt la
an advance atrp Int n night direction."
farm I.oaa Baak.
"Thla bill provide for a farm loan or
mortgage bank under a charter Issued
by the general government and subject
to atrlct governmental supervision. My
peraonal view are that tha atata la tha
ideal unit for a farm loan bank, but tha
' necessity for uniformity In sunn bank
and the experience we have had In at
tempting to secure uniform divorce and
commercial paper laws Indicate that tha
federal government ahould Issue the
"Thcae bank have a minimum capital
of 110,000, with an Increase tip to a cer
tain sum mandatory in order that the
credit requirement a of their locality
ahould be met.
"Hecause of tha comparatively email
annual paymenta tinder thla ptan It will
prevent temporary misfortune,- such a
crop failarca, from reaultlng In foreclos
tire and thus depriving the farmer of hi
t.'nte Down Forecltwaren.
"InEurope the per cent of foreclosures
I Iras than one-sixth of 1 per cent. With
the earning rapacity in thla country ao
much greater than that abroad, the per
cent of foreclosures ahould be even leu.
Method ahould be provided, however, for
apeedy and Inexpenalve foreclosure. The
legal profession haa not kept pace with
the time. Tha law delay and the ex
penee of the admlnlatratlon of Justlcs I
an offense to even thoughtful lawyer.
The aenate eommltte report that tha
average expenae of forecloaure under the
Itelxlan system amount to Hi In thla
'country that expenae I multiplied many
time, and I all paid by tha unfortunntn
man whose property I o!d.''
Tt:cr.M?Klt. Neb.. May ". Special .)
The extensive dralnaga .work which Ms
heen carried along In he Nemaha river
alley through Johnson county I draw
Inn to a close. It haa been In progrcsa
for two years. The List dredge on the
Job reached the county Hue to tha south
yesterdsy. Thla I the main channel
nltch. A mall -amount of earth waa left
between tha Johnson county ditch and tha
ditch In Pawnee county. Into which this
ditch I to empty, backing the water of
tha Nemaha tha dredge can back up
and run a thrae-quarter mile lateral
ditch up Elk creek. When thla la done,
which will he In about thn wekea, the
contractor will blast the l:rt away be
tween tha two ditched with dynamite, al
lowing tha water from thla county ao
resa to the ditching to the Missouri
river. It ha been an extensive contract,
requiring about JJTpO.OO to finish, but
thousands of acrea of farm land along
the Nemaha river bottom, which have
been subject to flood, will now prob
ably b reclaimed.
PROBE BEING HADE ! Notes from Beatrice
tmta rpuu i c ii w ' And Gage County
1111V lllij A. V. U. II.
Clearance Sale of Men's Top Coats
Examiner'! Kcport Show. Many In
vestment in Western Lands
Where Interest in Arrears.
OXFORD. Neb., May 7.-Spec!al. The
operatta, "Wlndmllla of Holland." waa
given In the opera, house last evening by
student of the OxfoTd High school,
under the direction of Miss Clara Haw
yer, supervisor of music. Thla 1 the
fourth and lat of a series of rmatca!
program planned and directed by Mis
Sawyer for the purpose of Improvement In
music and for the purchase of a Vlc:
trola for the achool. One program waa
given by the seventh and ertghth gadea.
one by the fifth nd sixth, and one by the
mailer folk, and all hva proved highly
satisfactory to both pupils and patron.
The operatta given last evening was In
Putch costume and waa a tuneful pro
duction, aa well a extremely amusing
In tha Comedy part.
MNEKAT. Neb., May 7.-fpecal.)-Rcv.
William Borer and the Rev. Edwin
Fmlth will celebrated their first masa
hera at the Holy Family church, June
16. Both nf the young men have groan
to manhood here and aa It happens but
very seldom In any pariah that two
young men enter the priesthood on tha
aaine dav, the whole pariah decided to
make the day a holiday In their honor,
and at a meeting held of thn cornmltteee
of the various societies, they drew up a
tentative program, Inviting all who will
accept to attend. The masse will be
held at and 10 a. m. A dinner served
immediately after the last maa and a
definite program will be arranged for
the rest of the clny.
TECUMSEH. Neb., May T-The John
son county . district court. Judge J. B.
Raper sitting,, haa been usy all thla
week In the case of OcKrga l. Itothell,
guardian of Mrs. C. D. Dennis, against
.PVankI IHnsmore and M. E. Cowan.
Mr. Ruthell brought suit to prevent
Messre. Dlnemore and Cowan from dis
posing of a not for t!,K given Mr.
dnsmore for hla aervice aa an attorney.
In giving the rote Mr. Iennls did so
a a peraonal action, and also aa tha
executrix of tha estate of her deceased
husband. Th plaintiff allege that tha
amount asked by the attorney waa ex
cessive. Tha da t lug of tha Instrument wa
in Question, aa was the mental compe
tency of the giver. The allegation of the
defense are that Mr. DlnsCore. a Mr,
Iennla' attorney. I performed consider
able work and that tha fee were all
right, not exoeealv, and that Mrs. Den-
r.l was mentally competent to transact
her bualnesa. Mr. Cowan appeared In tha
court, gave the not and contract to tha
court, and become dlsaaaodated with
the rase. There 1 no jury. Many wit
nesses have been examined. Tha prosecu
tion Is repjrraented by Jay C. Moor of
Tecuinseh and H. H. Wilson of Lincoln.
The defense Is represented by JuUg eV,
P. Davidson of Tecumseh and W. B,
Price of Lincoln.
atraab Brothers Nell Hank Stock.
AVOCA. Neb., May 7 (Special. )
Ktraub Pro., who have owned a large
portion of th stock In the Rank of
Avoca, have disposed of their holdlnga
to Kamuel Johnson and E. Nuliman, sr.,
of thla city, J. C. Ztmmerer, who haa
been , cashier for several yeara, haa re
signed and will engage In the banking
business in Iowa. C. W. Fahenstouk, as
sistant cashier, ha been elected cashier
In hi stead.
I KHATniCK, Neb, May :.-FneCal.)-
C. W. Mnson, a civil wnr veteran Wi years
of age, was assaulted and quite badly!
Injured by C at Rain, a resident of this j
city, Thursday. Mr. Mason and his wife I
I ere traveling through tba country In a
wagon for th l.en fit of their health,
end have Just returned from a trip to
California. They were camping on In
dian creek north of the city, and Thurs
day Itnlns visited their camp, where he
had some trouble with Mr. Mason over
a horse. The aged man aa knocked
and badly hurt by
Rnlns. who waa arrested and acntenced
to thirty daya In the county Jail. An
appeal waa taken to the district court
end Rain was released on bond. He
him with
knlf and that he waa compelled, to
assault him In self-defense.
Mis Klsie Sandman of Harblne, a
graduate nurse of the Beatrice sanl-
txrlum, has been appointed a member ofi
the Htate Board of Nurses. Mis fand
rr.n horn I at Harblne, Jefferson
Th Commercial club I pushing tha
project of a new county Jail and a com
mittee from that organlxation propoaea
to make a thorough lnveaturatlnn rein.
tlve to the coat of a new atructure.
(From Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. May T.-fSpeclal.l-Furthef
development In the condition of the An--i-
. f i . -, T'niiA.i 'Workmen are he
ng looked forward to with much Intst tl-a
by membere of the organization ana
other Interested. The pulllcstlon thl
morning of a story howin that one of
. i V. n ,1 rminil a lax
T,n7 r-"h, 'mgenent of : h.t Maaon .Hacked
the buslnes of the organlxation was very
much a surprise.
An lnveatlgatlon of the filed dis
closed tht tiiuch of the investment of !
the funds of the order has been me in !
mortgagee on weatem lands ami that the ,
Interest has been paid in very alonly and
In many cases the Interest Is dMIiviiicnt I
for a considerable time In the past.
The report asserts that in the publica
tion of the official organ, whlrh Is done
by the Hub I'rlntlng company of Nor
folk, th order has been paying 14 cent
per copy for each copy of the paper sent
out, while It la declared other orgunlxa
tlons pay from 1 to 4 cent per copy
for their official organ. The button worn
by the member coats 14 cent from the
msnufactiirer. while it la said that local
dealer will furnish It for T'-i cents
Two yeara ago ',0n0 waa paid for the
printing of a book containing informa
tion regarding th organisation and con
taining fine half-tone photo of the offi
cer of the organisation. The work was
alleged to hayo been done by the Amer
ican Photogravure company, but the re
port show that the warrant was drawn
to the Norfolk concern. Tha leport
how that $:0,iOO has been paid out in
the last year and a halt for printing and
Four yeara ago there waa a sitrplus in
tha treasury of IflOO.OOO, according to the
report of the examiner, but that has been
diminished until bat 1120,000 now remains
In the fund. The membership la given
aa 41,000. an Increase of approximately
1.000 during the last year. The exam
Ir.era say that an Increase of rates will
be necessary In order to keep up the or
ganisation, although tha rates were
practically doubled a few yeara ago, ac
cording to members of the organization.
Tlie Nebraska organization hna a acp
ar&tn Jurisdiction from the nntlonr.l or-
gnnlsatlon and haa no duea to pay to the J
national headquarters.
tell Will Have plargnssil.
STELLA, Neb., May l.-The Ladle'
lleaearch club I creating a fund to es
tablish and finance supervised play
grounds, and last evening gaye an en
tertainment known aa "Stunt Night" In
the opera, house, thereby realising a cqn
stdarabl lura. The program waa mada
up of atunla put on by the varlou
church ooltiea, by th high school and
the Alumni, and the Commercial club.
Lindsay. Commercial Club Klecta,
LINDSAY, Neb.. May 7. (tpeda1.)-At
the regular meeting of the Commercial
club held last night the following officers
were elected for tho ensuing year: Presi
dent. V. Laueacn; vice president. Dr. J.
11. Tehkln; secrets ry. II. B. Miller; treas
urer, John Muck. The club also decided
to allow W out ot the. treasury of tha
club toward the 'erection of the band-
ianu. , ' ', . .
, Apartments, flats, houses and cottage
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent" Ad.
Mrs. McCarthy Well Knorrn.
QRKELET, Nb., May 7.-(8peelal.).
Mlaa Margaret Murphy, whom th labor
commissioner waa desirous to locate, haa
Ured all the year sine aha cam west
In O'Connor and ha been moat of that
Urn Mrs. J.'W. McCarthy. She la a
daughter of Jeremiah Murphy, a civil
war reteran. .
KEARNEY, Neb., May T. peeal
Hy winning every game on their schedule
the Htate Industrial school's basket ball
team, composed of member of the fac
ulty, wss awarded first honor In the
city league, which closed recently, and
will receive tha large Kllllan chip". This
lesm lost but on gam during the sea
son, being nosed out by the Stat Normal
team, 31 to 2. early In the season. Other
member of th league were tha Normal
Second. Kearney High rVhool.
Military Academy and th Community
Many -Disorders Come from Liver,
Constipation, headache, bilious spells.
Indicate a sluggish liver. The tried rem
edy Is Dr. King's New Life Pill. Only
All druggists. Advertisement.
TIERRR. F. r May 7.-(PpeclsI Tele
gram) Judge Dlghtnn Corson, first pre
siding Justice of the supreme court of the
rtate of South Dakota, and for many
year upon the bench, died at his home
here this morning from old age debility in
his elehty-seventh year. He was born
In Maine In 1S27. He practiced law In
Milwaukee, went to Nevada and bark to
Dcadwond and was elected to the supreme
bench of the state In m. Ills body will
lie In state at the capltol, With funeral
Sunday afternoon and will be taken to
Leavenworth, Kan., for burial.
In ordor to clear oar Block of
Spring Top Conts and Uaiii
roats before tho wet Reason is
over bJtve decided to offer the
entire line. Including thope usually
sold as high as $18.00, on $ntiinJa)
Men's Suits at $15
Benson & Thornn quality Suits at
$15.00 are a real sensation and a
great many men are taking ad
vantage of this unusual opportu
nity to buy really first class suits
at a nominal price. Choice soft
woolen materials in tilen Urqu
hart plaids, Tartans and Stripes,
as well as hard finished Sergei
and Worsted fabrics, in more
conservative colorings. Sizes
from Ml slim to 40 stout.
A Large Assortment
Many coats are silk lined. A
desirable assortment of Cov
erts, Cravenettes, mixtures,
plain Oxfords and black, in
sizes up to 42 chest.
Men's Suits at $20
Twenty dollnrs has always been a
strong priee with this store and
this season we have been able to
take advantage of unusual mar
ket conditions to make the assort
ment greater and more varied
than ever before.
Size 31 is the smallest sizo and
the models aro by Sam "W. Peck.
In a comprehensive way we cover
the whole scale of sizes to 46 stout
by Stein-Bloch tho Man's specialist.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
In most Excellent Quality with two pairs of
Knickers to each Suit, in Serges and Mixtures
OJxer from $3.50 to $10.00
Confirmation, and Graduation Suits for Youths
In High Grade Serges and "Worsteds, 13 to 18 years
1516-18-20 PARNAM STREET.
.7 DA&C&RtO
Bar Uaa III Brokaa.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Mar 7 - Special.)
Aa a fault of a bad all in th barn
liilwln Marka, tba B-year-old aon of Mr.
and Mra. John Marka, the family living
runt of thla city, it now in tha Ortho
Ptdle hoapltal In Lincoln with hrokait
hip. Tha boy had cllmbad the ladder to
tha barn raftera alttr equaba. Ha had
turtrd to descend whea ha mtaacd a
runs In the ladder and fell fifteen feet,
allchtlnt upon hla hark on a maacer.
Ilia riaht hip waa broken.
'! ' lv
ytmmj -"wan
Dr. Hutchison, the famous
dietitian, says that macaroni
is absorbed by tho system al
most in its entirety. Think what
that means. Faust Macaroni.
rich in gluten, is practically all
utilized in tho buildintf ud of
muscle and tissue. And Faust
Macaroni is easy to ditf est. too. Get
our free recipe book, and find out
tho many savory dishes you can pre
pare with Faust Macaroni.
0)iL) U o il - k
!M if
n r a iii i i In r ii I ,u,mr
1 v.
There's a reason for everything, and there's a real reason why Beddeo's has become the
"Busy Store" of Omaha. It is because he is giving the peopie of Omaha real values,
prices that are less than cash stores quote, and sells on such easy payments as $1.00 a week.
Look over these Saturday bargains:
MAULL BROS., St Louis. U. S. A.
A Ditfmritve I.tmt 0
Gtlf nd Ttnntt Sk$s
MEN find coming' here for Shoes is
following the line of least resist
ance. Their needs are satisfied com
pletely and quickly. Smart English
models in black or tan, at
$4.00 i $4.SO
iota flkDouama
Satedlay Sale
Lot 1 Up to $25 Values, Saturday at $12.50
We don't believe another store in Omaha can match
these values for either cash or credit. For Satur
day's selling we have grouped over 100 Suits that
formerly sold as high as $25.09 materials are fine
Serges, Gabardines, Checks,
etc., made up in the smartest
Spring styles in the best of
Spring colors, all sizes repre
sented. Your pick Saturday .
See Great FREE OFFER Below
f.lon's and Young YJon'o
y 0
On Credit From $12.50 to $27.50
The Original
MAl.TFn Mil If '
""" IHIHIl! I
Vi!s.m you y -HOnilOITS j ri
"y got m Smbttttmtmm I
TIBB A pay 'Villi
M Mm ead AU Ka
l' vlurat the katf
. fj' ntraatMt. Wr.
U VJM m U ti a Beetai tU
Beetal Saaaee oared
. reruaue at carea
for VrM t'laatrated
tlHUM aaa tMilmea-
uii nf auadrede of earea mumM la
Beraeka eua leva.
- - 240 De Bids., Omaha, Neb.j
o )
Our rin showing of
Men's i'lothlnit are maneU of
lirtthenUtlay Myliug. Vou'll
find all the good thing of the
seaMin, pronilneull j dis
played In our 3,000
ftqtiare fel of floor po
Klvrn over to mB and
Ladloes9 yMs
Lot 2 Up to $35 Values, Saturday at $18.50
Positively the best value I have ever offered. Your
choice of over 120 Beautiful Suits that formerly sold
at $27.50, $30.00 and $35.00, in all finest materials,
beautifully tailored all sizes in the lot. Shon anv-
. -
wnere you piease, out you'll fT v
come back to this store eager V ! f 0 J
Suits Saturday at the low
price of '.
See Great FREE OFFER Below
Toav choloe Maturaay ef
lit aii-woul eulta. sew.
eat etylee; tae Talaee,
on aale oae day only
oa credit
All Go at Great Reductions
A Grand Clarwy of Ladle' Coatee a4
. a i . i. . K i
tin aaiuma). iuu uiaj ruoM irom vcra
2fK) Coat a In Checka, Covert, PopUns.O
Hergr-a and Gabardine rrpry aiae ln
cluded for women and miasee. AU the
new lclt effects, and rut In tb proper
lengtba. lingular values up to ftO.OO,
on aale Saturday at
In order to make Saturday the biggeat day In our history, in tho
I-afth't.' leartment, we Mill guv a Beautiful ai-pWe Diuuer Bet AU
SOLI TKI.V FltKK to every lady that hoys a Kuit during this Ulg lte
d union Kale. Itemember! You get the (Suit liargain and Dinner Ket
on Saturday only.
'' '11 lfTrnTiatTfram3