Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Not Modifies Certain Dem&nda
Had on China, but Innisti -Upon
a Prompt Ac
United States within the last twenty-
four hours, through lis ambassadors
abroad, baa consulted Great Britain,
France and Russia, as the allies of
Japan, to learn their attitude toward
the present status of the Japanese-
Chinese negotiations.
PEKING, May 7. Ekl Hlokl, the
Japanese minister to China, went to
the Chinese foreign office between t
and 4 o'clock this afternoon and pre
mntMl the lananM ' ultimatum.
which Insists that China accede to the
demands persented by the Toklo gov
Previous to this action on the part
of the minister, the secretary of the
legation visited the foreign office and
Informed Vice Minister Tsao Yulin
that the ultimatum of the Japanese
government contained certain modifi
cations of the twenty-four demands
presented by Toklo. N ,
Chlas Probably Will Yield.
There Is food reason to believe Ahat
China U prepared to conoede every thing
detnaaded by Japan, realising that the
situation la hopeless.
This possible outcome to the present
tense situation la not generally compro
KtniUd in Peklns: oonaoauently a num
ber ef fore ten residents, as well as Chi
nese themselves, are today pecking their
personal belongings and otherwise pre
paring for eventualities.
Japan's policy, says the Peking Oasette,
is to extort the entire body of ber de
mands while ' avoiding the odium of
- aH A ntArna ms aavakMOtvlai fmm
China through an ultimatum.
f It ' waa ascertained here early today
that the Japanese government -yesterday
presented to the Chinese minister at
Toklo a note warning him that China
must accept the demands ef Japan, aa
otherwise there would be presented aa an
ultimatum, the expiration of which would
be fixed f or p. m. of Sunday, May fc
Japanese Hary Is Ready.
T0K3O, May 7. The press generally de
precates the necessity of further conces
. stone to China. Some newspapera ex
press the fear that the Impression will go
abroad that the elder statesmen are still
the power behind the throne.
More than forty warships, including
the battleship HI sen. and 1b . battle
cruiser Kopgo, are preparing at Sasebo
for possible operations against China A
aeeond . squadron under Admiral . Kawa
has arrived and is hsstlly embarking
Rear Admiral Kamunarla's fleet. In
cluding the battleahtpa Bagaml and Suwo,
has been erdored to the Gulf of Pecltl to
be in readlneea to take aboard Minister
Hloka in case, cfl necessity.
The police are protecting Prof. Arlgfc,
Japanese adviser to President Tuan fchl
Kai, who apeakera hit denounced aa a
Chinese spy and are arranging ample
protection lor Chinese residents of Japan.
Baron Kato, Japanese foreign minister,
is understood to have Informed the am
bassadors of other powers that the ulti
matum to China, which expires at p.
m. Sunday, was accompanied by addi
tional modifications of Japan's demands,
notably the questions relating to muni
tions and advisers, which interested the
Unttedy States.
It I the general opinion in diplomatic
circles that China will submit. Meanwhile
Japan la making extensive preparations
for a possible rupture. Warships and
transports are held In readiness for in
stant action. Japanese, who have large
Dusinees interests in htaa, rearing a
forced exodus of Japanese employee, are
sending foreigners to China to look after
their affair. . v
The Impression prevails that the in
fluence of the elder statesmen resulted In
further concessions being made to China
in the belief that the lasting Interests
of the empire could best be served by
convincing the powers that Japan la
guided by a spirit of Justice and a desire
for the preservation- ef peace in the
WASHINGTON, May 7. Informa
tion from a high official source late
today is that the tar eastern crisis
has been averted and that a favor
able settlement between Japan and
China is in prospect
Secretary Bryan announced today
that the United States had received
the substance of the Japanese ultl
matnm to China and that it contained
Important modifications by Japan
He declined to say whether the modi
fications were satisfactory to the
American government.
Princeton Clubs
Meet in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY,-Mar Delegates and
Ulsters to the elxteenth annual meeting
of the Western Association of Princeton
Clubs began arriving here today and will
spend tonight ' and tomorrow reviewing
college daya and enjoying the entertain
ment arranged for them. Alumni from
all points west of Pittsburgh are la
attendance. -
Tomorrow night the meeting will con'
elude with the annual dinner, at which
John Qrtar Rlbben, president of Prince
ton university and George R. Wallace of
Pittsburgh will speak.
Hellntaa Shews TJ Well.
Harry Hellmsn. first sacker. and
"Bucky" Jones, the third baseman of the
Reals, are two youngsters who are said to
be doing fine work for Harry Wotverton.
British Steamshipi Candidate and
Centurion Sent to Bottom by
Torpedoes at Same Hoar.
LONDON. May 7. Tho British
at earner Candidate was torpedoed by
a German submarine yesterday off
Waterford, Ireland. The members
of its crew were saved. The Candl
date was outward bound when It en
countered the submarine eighteen
miles from Waterford. Members of
the crew say the vessel was torpedoed
without warning. '
Four boats were launched from the
Candidate. Of these one wsa awamped.
but the occupanta clambered Into the
other boats. All of the crew, numbering
forty-four, landed at Mllfordhaven.
The British Steamer Candidate was 1.82S
tons net register. Built la Glasgow in 1M6.
It waa S3 feet long. It waa owned in Liv
erpool, where- it arrived April from
New Orleans. .
The British ateamer Centurion waa tor
pedoed by a German aubmarlne off the
Irish ooast yesterday. Its crew was saved.
The Centurion wa aattacked about the
same time that the British steamer Can
didate, owned by the aame company, waa
torpedoed off Waterford. Ireland. The
Centurion was bound for South Africa
and the Candidate for Jamaica.
CRAWFORD, Neb., May 7. Speclel.)
The city council met in regular session
last evening for the first time slnre the
newly-elected officials took charge, with
Mayor Arah I Hungerford presiding. In
his Inaugural address the mayor outlined
Ma program for hia term for a "bigger
and .better Crawford."
lie propose to have all streets In the
downtown district thoroughly rolled and
oiled, and running water along the curb
ing, all yards and streets and alleys kep
clean of refuse, public drinking foun
tains to be Installed at different lolnts
along be most publio corners, play
grounds will be fixed up for the chil
dren, the city park wilt be put in charge
of a competent caretaker and made aelf
sustaining, permanent buildings ' to be
erected in the park and fair grounds, eto.
One of the first official acta of the
new mayor waa to abolish all card ta
bles, alot machlnea and dice boxes In all
places in th city. No form of gambling
will be allowed whatever.
The city haa also established a rock
pile, and anyone not wishing to work
had better give Crawford a wide berth.
erdsy at the close ef day at Bagatelle,
In the Argnnne. It resulted In a com
plete fsllure.
"On the remainder of the front, par
ticularly to the north of Ypree and la
the region of Vauquols, there have been
violent artillery engagements."
WASHINGTON, May l.-Rlchard Olney,
secretary of atate during President Cieve
Und'a last administration, haa accepted
President Wilson's Invitation to become
American member of the commission
provided for In the recent peace commis
sion treaty with Franca. Charlea R.
Crane of Chicago haa accepted a similar
place under the treaty with Russia.
I ' -
Banish Scrofula
Jlood's SaraaparUIa Cleanse the
Blood, Skin Troubles Vanish.
Scrofula eruptions on the face and
body are both annoying and disfigur
ing. Many a complexion would be per
fect if they were not present!
Thls disease shows Htself in other
ways, ss bunohea in the neck. Inflamed
eyelids, sore ears, wasting ef the mus
rles, a form of dyspepsia, and general
Ask your druggist for Hood's Bar
aparilla. Thla great medicine com
pletely eradicates scrofula, It purifies
andenrtchea the blood, removes humors
and builds up the whole system. It has
stood the teat ef forty years, snA haa
received thousands' of testimonials ef
the entire satisfaction It haa given.
Scrofula ia either Inherited or ac
quired. Better be sure you are quite
free from It. Get Hood's Sarsapartlla
and begin taking It today. Advertise
Freweh Official Report.
PARI8. May 7. The French War office
thla afternoon gave out the following
statement on the progress of hostilities:
"The Germans delivered' an attack yea-
It's' Free and Will Save
Money for Any Ford Owner.
We Sell Direct, No Long Profit
At Your Expense.
Ford Supplies Exclusively.
Auto Accessory Co.
S003 Farnam, Omaha, Neb,
Formerly The Ford Supply Oo.
: J
1 0 .000 Mies
' Mil
Thousands upon" thousands of "Nobby Tread",
users are averaging 8,000, 10,000, and 12,000 miles.
This wor- ul anti-skid tire properly inflated is
constantly giving these enormous excess mileages
over and above its extraordinary adjustment basis
of 5,000 MAes. .
We would . be glad to consult with any "Nobby
Tread" users who are not securing these excess'
mileages,, v
V I sa UU. " tr s '
' TQi?!fJtil
Id? ,M
JToday through sheer merit alone, "Nobby Tread!
Tires are the largest selling high-grade anti-sldd,tiresj
in the world, . .
Omaha Agency United States Tire Company
Omaha Rubber Co., 1608 Harney St.
"NobbyTread" Tire are told by Leading Reliable Dealer. Do not accept tubttitate
United StatesTsres
j?J Made by the Largest Rubber Company ia tho World
' i a i i i u
Unusual Savings on Finest
Hand-Tailored Suits
$35, $30 and $25 Suits at $23
they're t KING-PECK Quality through
and throutrh. stvled right made right
and fit right. Every suit in tho house ;
that sold at $25 or m
more is included in Jj)
this remarkable offer. p
Sizes for nil men. Models fot
young fellows as well ns lhir
eMers. Make your select ion f' V?
as curly in the day as possible. ( J
A Raincoat Sale Saturday
Included are more than 300 rub
berized . guaranteed rainproof coats
which were made by tho "R & W "Rain-
coat Co.,' to sell up to $15. In this immense lot you'll
find English Paramator,
English Cashmere, Gab
Ardines, Panama cloths,
BumberzinoB . and Egypt
ian IVills, ' lined with,
plaid nilks ' and worsted
and fancy cashmeres, sizes
to 52, values to $15, choico
Saturday -
Sale of Boys' Norfolk Suits
$7.50, $6.50 and $6.00 Norfolk and
Juvcnilo Suits, $4.85. Parents, that's the un
usual value we've prepared for you Satur
day. Smartest patterns and fabrics' of, the
season aro represented,' several hundred suits
included; sizes from
3 to 18 years; majority
of these suits have two
pairs of knickerbockera,
a value you cannot afford ,
to miss. . . . :
$ 7ffiK
1 v5.
The Right Sort of Shirts for You
' Your, shirt is a mighty conspicuous ar
ticle, of apparel; especially during tho
coatless days which are just around the corner.
Will thev8hirt8 you have on hand stand inspection t
If not, . drop in Saturday
and one of our congenial
salesmen . will be pleased
,to show you dozens that
wilL 'Noitrouble at all. and
r- tho values will please you
i immensely.
.91.00 Fadeless
Mhlrts now . . . .
Silk Bosom
fihirts .
Cool Sheer Si to SQ
ttotton Bhlrts 1 O
Choice feltk ' SCOO
Shirt O
The Hat you ought to get under
and the hat you often buy are not
the same. There are various causes for this mis
matching, but mostly because you, fail to choose
the right Btoro. . Here is one store that puts Uie hat
on your head that you ought 'to wear, and at a
prjco you care to pay. Our ,, '
greater assortment of na-. 5J'on s352 $10
tionally known liats ana MllUroy a5o and o ,f
tho ca r e f ul, painstaking tuu .' . .v. f
men make buying a plea-.;:Ji' -00
sure here. , cui.;. : , ..
4 Sfe
I ' I m a. I "W m.
m I i' t 1 I 1 a
Krug Jn Coupons
Phoiie Dougla 1SC3,
fc, mm mam
All Under One Roof
mum r;&rwn:i is)
kt,vw'V (Kmolovinsr 55.484 Men)
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