Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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if gltfciiii) lulidlf raiFi
New Exposition Girdle V-Ji
Like illustration. Special Saturday, in rijLyti rf
section, each DUC
Ha Underwear, in variety and daintiness of styles and in values, so
exceed those elsewhere, but should also exceed our own previous
loveliest possible garments refined, dainty, unusually well made.
I .-J V T .i I
if f rl
J..- -ii 'i' r 1
rriu daiiilincss of (his
nssortmcnt and tin
boauty of t lu par
inonts will ln nioro
tlian you liavo ox-poiMcii-jiowns,
conibinatinns, corsot
covois, onvt'lop clio
niiso, (If.
The May Sale of White Blouses
Ah sonic of our merchandise was iKlayed in shipment for
last Saturday's sale, we will put on sale thousands of new,
crisp Mouses, at a saving of XV :, to f( per cent.
I:untv IfliiKiTic IMouses, worth to $1.(H), at. 50c
Dainty Lingerie lilouses, worth to $1. !,", at. .$1
I)ai!ity Linfrcrio IMouscs, worth to $'., rU . . .$1.45
Painty 1 lingerie F?lous-,s, worth to $J.7."). . .$1.95
About l,(MXl Xew CYepe do Chino lUouses,
$.".00 values, at $1.93
lfio" or embroidery trimmed som-
liave new frills now o popular: low or
hiith neck, Ions or .short sleeves.
$2.50, and
(iowu.s ajul Skirts
A specially selected
assortment of th
prettiest and dainti
est sheer and filmy
lingerie are to bo
found in this lot.
Choice of a lot of
"pretty, dainty gar
i ments, made in all
the new and practical
Unsurpassed Values in Beautiful Crepe
de Chine Underwear
The season's most distinguishinc: features in underwear are represented
in our large showing the free use of hemstitching, the finest of embroider
ies. Some of the nightgowns incline to Empire effects. Under bodices and
combinations are promjnent, and are here in an unusual variety of 6tyles.
The following lots are special features. We cannot enumerate all; only by
a visit to our store will you be able to judge the immenseness of our preparation.
Two Exceptional Corset Values models are new, purchased especially for our May Corset Sale,
and are very remarkable value's.
('out il Corsets Well boned. The bones j:re flossed at bottom so fA
they don't wear through; trimmed with lace ami ribbon at top; y I
drawstring through bust. Long hips; heavy web garters attached. . . . '
Two Popular Models Which We Offer
Saturday for $1.00.
One model is low top, embroidery trimmed, with long skirt oxer hip and
back. This model is suitable for the tjill figure. Vov the short, stout figure
there is n medium length model with rubber band in back; medium di
bust a comfortable corset, guaranteed rust-proof. Choice Saturday., yl
turday, $1.98
Seal Walrus, Real Pin Seal
s $3X0 to $7.00, some worth
Uday for S1.98.
lYliw,we have had in bags in
hi latent shape and design;'
rjped; two to five vanity fittings.
1 1
jValues for
"Jo if you need a bag.
ha For Choice of Crepe de Chine Camisole, nf
made with pretty Val laces and ribbons. M
V W V1,U nA finch KJoa rv 1 t V
Gowns, Combinations, Skirts, Underbodice, Envelopes
' Chemises, Divided to Sell
Lot 1 Lot 2 ' Lot 3 Lot 4
$1.89 $2.69 $3.95 $4.75
Trimmed Formosa Panama
and White Hemp Hats
A timely )urcliaso enables us to offer you 5(H)
genuine Japanese, Panama and white "Maytime"
Hats, all smartly trimmed with beautiful silk rib
bons and flower effects. Principally, sailors and
mushroom shapes. The colors are white, fljraC
black, burnt shown for the first' time J) J lO
Saturday; ehoiee for... .
Untrimmed Hats
On the Main Floor.
M'hite, black, burnt hemp sailors over L'5 styles to nelcct from. Kxtra,
fine sewn hats, made of imported hemp braids. These hats would
be cheap at $2.50. On bargain square Su turday, choice for P 1
Cut Flowers For
Mother's Day
A Large Quantity of Fine
Carnations and Roses
at Special Prices.
Fine Pansy Plants, doz. .29c
Geraniums, each 120
Cut Flower Dept. Main Floor.
Drugs and Toilet Articles
Cream Marquis 50c
size Jar, Haturdty
Aubry Slstera' Tint
pOc aiae for .............
Mellba Faca Povdar
All ahadna. tOe le ,
Melba faca Cream
&0c alze. for ; . . . ,
Jercen'a Benzoin Almond
I-otion 2Sc alze. . . '.
l'Uatrlte Nail Enamel
Special, 2&c size for ,
Madam Ise bell's Face I'ow
dr All eliadea. Hox....
Java Rice Face Powder-
. All Shades. Hox
Madam Ise'bell'a Dry
Rout 60c alze
Melorose Beauty Cream
LOc size for
Abonlta Face Powder
Special, S0c alze box
Pond'a Cold Cream
SOc size Jar
Palmer's Toilet Wate
60c alia bottle
MelUaline Face Powder
All shades. Box
White's Vaucalre Galeca
Tablets 11.00 size
Mennen'a Talcum Powder
Haturday. oan . . .
Tetlow'a Borated Talcum
25o size, can
Peroxide of Hydrogen
1-nound .bottle
Mentholatum Special, :5c
alee. Box
Red Cross Gause 5-yard
package for ,
lx-e's Hospital Cotton .
1 -pound package
Rubber Sheeting 38 Inches
wide. Yard
Gillette Razors All
styles. IK 00 kind
Gillette Razor Blades
SI. 00 size package
A Splendid Instrument
for Your Home
t v HlintL
I 1
. ,1,
ilk Gloves
freven more), Saturday at 85c
i(i one we had on tale a week aiaro last Saturday will
"th world 'a most famous maker of silk gloves. We
!vnows him as the maker of the famous patent finger
1 of them most M-onderful bargains. You cannot
wrjrtli even more) at-
These gloves come either with
plain arms or in beautifully em
broidered designs; also in tucked,
and shirred styles. The variety is
far too hrge to describe, but each
and every one is most beautiful.
ir-fi w imi
a? vasasas vaaaaar vaaaa lit
W H A D D O R JL "2m
Smart Footwear
at Great Savings
7o0 Pairs Women's Fine Pumps Mronze, kid and patent
kid, with gray and black or gold brocade, Colonial style,
satin or dull calf, Cuban leather, Louis or wood(JfrA
heel. Welted or light hand-turned soles. AllyyOU
sizes. Most exceptional values; worth to$.", pair.
.Every home should have a piano particularly wheru
there are growing children. Music has a good and
powerful i7ifluence on the young mind. Kvery member
of the household shares tho pride and satisfaction of
having a good instrument.
The makers ol our pianos have acquired a reputation
for careful construction and conscientious workmanship
in all details of the instrument. They are of splendid,
deep, lasting tone; the piano itself is an ornamental as
well as a useful, educational addition to your home.
Piano Department. Third Floor.
"Trustworthy" Oxforda for Men Black
or tan genuine ralfHkln, button or lair,
flat Kngllish or high toe lasts. The kind
of shoes that stand back of the name.
Ten styles to choose from, all 1Q "A
sixes. Pair $3eOU
Bath Slippers for Men and Women
Velvet-cord bound, finest 1Q
quality, Saturday, a pair TaC
Perfect Fitting Shoes for Children
Klther high or ankle strap pumps made
over the most carefully constructed lasts
for growing feet ever devised. All leath
ers patent, dull and vl'l kid. Every pair
an exceptional value. Hues
8 to 11, $2.23; 5 to 8
Hundreds of Pairs of Men's Fine Ox
fords Tan or black calfskin, button or
lace. All new lasts, splendid styles.
Most exceptional values, worth to $4.00
Special Saturday, at,
a pair
Free Lessons
daily, from '.) to .", in the art of making
attractive and useful novelties out of
pacr. Ample room for work on the
third floor.
Dennison's Paper Work
Crepe Paper Told 10
Crepe Paper Pope strand. .15
(Hup Hot tie . 10
Paste-,Jotth. ,. 5
Lamp Shade Collars.. ..... .10
CloUiTopoHoli 15f
A'ire Sjnxd 5c
Flower outfits. . . .5( and 75
Pecoratcl Crepe Paper, fold . 15C
Extraordinary Sale of
French and Colonial Mirrors
Mirrors for living rooms, mirrors for halls, mirrors for bedrooms. Pur
chased in a most unusual way at a great price concession.
Kvervone f-hould have several of thestj mirrors in their home verv
a a
suitable and inexpensive as a wedding gift. The most op6rtunft time to
secure one of these useful and beautiful home decorations at a small frac
tion of their usual selling price. We will not give the real selling values
of theso wonderful bargains, for the truth would sound like an extravagant
statement. Three prices
Size 8xJ54 inches.
Full French glass in
Ktniscan gold, delicate
ly hand modeled, bow
knot top, with classic
imported prints.
Size fx28 inches."
Full French glass, in
one-inch antique gold
frame, with classic
prints and bow-knot
Size 8x150 inches.
Full French glass, in
Circassian, taKistry
and French Kenais
sance frames, classic
imported prints.
nctnr D.partm.nt Third rioor.
t tv i en:
New Books
IWf.S K11IST. Tv Francis I'. Klllc.t.
3--' pp. l.:w. llsrir Hrrs
Thf "psls" arc two lioWn. whnni ron
rrfwtlon itvnI that thry ha '.cpn
prliMiri and tlisl nnc U 1.1 111 "-anted."
Moth Iibvp fnllcn frmn the inn of H,i-ont-(l
nnn; tl rlrlrr h:is born a clern
mini of Hip Chitrvh of Knaland. Tlril.
iHSacil. linnaiA, thiy arc Introduced
wt-srily IrnmpliiR a OtiKty road, whlrh
loads thrni to an apparently desrrted
iimnsioii In TVnniii intrsd of to tin
town tlirv aro srkln. An old nro In
rhsruo tlilnlo l)P o., the yonnarr
traveler tli. nm.Krr of the house, absent
for venr tn Knrope. whereupon the
trnnip proceeds with (.lent audacity to
inn-eisonste his npimrent riouhle. not to
the domestT. s alone, hut to the friend--,
and even to the betrothed of the vanished
1M.-K" all to the terror of his old com
pnnliin, dormant ronsclene at Inst
asserts Itself to sive the trusting lr
from marrliiire with the ms-inuerniler.
The regih r's nee es ar kept In a stat
f nlmn-i i M In f 1 il ten..i,)i, n nn,ln s'd
ssiiln the dariiia yiiii(r hoho appears to
he cn the verv hrink of detection.
Tin: imi.v Ki.owKi. uv tt. rtide-
llniamd. .VI pt. 1 1 . :R. Unnmm
tiieen A- Co.
The holy flower was a wonderful orchid
' Tf.hln.-d v.- ,. ,,! ,v m.t;Ull w M
lieople known as the Piingos. who lived
In a particularly inacccssihlc part f
Aft t. 'rhree w liite men. Stephen Po.u
ei . enthusliistlc oi. hiilist: oir old frl:i I.
Allan yunrtermniii. and ltrother John, of noihina was known u he was
nn Ainrilciiii who had liven wanderlu.
throuah rvntral Africa for nmnr vi-s.
niHke up an expedition to this un
explored country, and ei,,h adventure l
more eiicilina than tlie one that came
hefore i. There Is not a dull moment
In the story, snd iiiiiniiiR through the
tale Is the story of 11 love that never fd
tercd durlnir lout yrars. tnsshlna n msii
to a fine teat lessness which was resn .
to lira ve any peril.
A mi'H
llsi pe
A OKA T, Fit r FMplftl-:. Be
Josephine Mtirr. ;ri pp. ) y,
.f- ltr-os
A historto novel of Spain In the seven
teenth centi.1)', pii'lurlnir Its maTnlflcSn. e
and cruelly. Its court Intrluues. u,
diinaets ami the devotion of women, ffore
Is tolil the dramatic story of the arent
nnd smhltlnus Ollvar-s who dreamed of
welding an empire to iono.iier the world.
COMK-ON t'HARLKV llv Theai Ad
dison. .14.' pp. $1 (i. W. Ml ling ham
Come-on" Charley Ca-ter receives a
lln.onn benuest with the proviso that If
he will It grow to fl.iino.tsV tn a
cerlnln leiiRth of time he will then re
ceive l:iiiXi.flrin. ire and Perdval Teeters.
fa etlously known as "Merciful Skeeters."
K to New York and at once become
Israels for the con"' men. How the,
crooks are outwitted at their own gams
! Is cleverly told.
IT UK MN OP IRON" Rr Richard He
j haii. ' i. 11.35. Frederick A. Stokes
company. t
j The story Is laid In the period before
nnd during; the Franuo-Prussian war of
1870. lilsmarck. the man who apent a lifo
tlm. of preparation and f'nally plunged
ruthlessly Into war In orck-r to cement
the German empire. Is the domlnattnr
riituro. The lu-ro is P. C. Breagh. a young
tinsh war correspondent, hot headed.
Plucky, proud, resourceful. The heroine
Is a highly strung French girl, daughter
of an army officer, who under the press
of circumstances finds herself at the
front. Here is a wealth of material for
character plot and situation. The author
makes full use of It. rtv tr. u. weiis. ;ii pp. gi.86.
Tim Miicinlllan company.
The saory of ti e Revolt of a little boy
who does not want to be a steward's
helper or a house servant of any kind.
j Ho hn runs away from his troubles, only
I to encounter fresh ones and to have
( such a very difficult time that finally
j ho Is gltid to go hack to the big English
1 country bonne and take up the duties
j upon which he had formerly rooked with
! lilsdnln. The tale Is written with much
1 whimsical humor and Is more In the
luituie of humorous funtasy than one
j of those studies of social conditions which
liavo occupied Mr. Wellj pen of recent
TUB VALB OF ll.l.rsioN. By l.oirslne
llln Urnver. 1J.'. pp. Il.ii. Uellly ti
A book dciillng with vHhI Issues, which
Is nut u discussion, though the ruling
motive of the plot Is one of the most
wb ely talked of tuples of the day. The
people of Its action are, too natural to let
It be up;iiicnt that their lives present a
problem und work out their., destinies In
accordance with the laws of thi-h- na
tures. TIJK KA'il.F. OF TIIK F.MPIKK. Yy
Cyrils Townsend llrady. ?70 pp. lt.3--tleorge
M. Oornn l'omnny.
It is the story of Napoleon. The title
refers to the eagle standards which each
of Nspnieon's regiments carried and' fur
which men gladly nave up their lives.
The central character, young Marteau, a
hiKh ranking officer, who yet had th
modesty of the peasnntry. Guarding th
duor where the great Napoleon snatche
a few hours ot sleep, riding on a perilous
firvcy of 1 enemy's disposition, goiiiR
; to prison wbvn Napoleon Is sent to Klba
I safeguai ding the eagle till the hero sltal
return, fighting to the lust hour of thi
llmiuoital ttruggle of Waterloo, youiil
jlarteau's career Is indeed romantic.
l.lll'.H OF TIIK IiKSFHT. Msrcui
lliirton. up. l-:. Harper Hies
The storv of J'at. a wondorful Hack
hoie, aod hl: fortunes as they were In
terwoven with thoso of an eastern mat
and a western (irl. Born In New Mex
ico, he was raved from the life of s
"art-corse by becoming the property ol
tl-e younn mistress to whom he gave hi?
wnole allcKiance. Tl'ien he was atoler
and taken, to the desert, where he learned
the life of the wild with Its hardships and
Its freedom. How he was rescued from
the runleis bv the man who loved his
mixlrcas. and how be In turn saved th
man's lite 1 told in a tile full of humar
Interest and 'uln psychology.
' Woodruff Anderson. 4'C pp. I.i;
tie. lltovvn & fo.
David Wealberbce, self forgetful an
lutri pld big of soul, far-seolng, had the
faculty ot winning lha entire devotion
and loyalty of Ida fellows. So, when he
met his death cn the frigid Alaska trail.
; his closest friend, Ilollts Tisdale, a United
status mineral expert, resolved to carry
out Have's long-rheriidied project Of re
claiming a section of land m bad bought
at tho head of a desert valley In the Co
lumbia river country and creating of It a
fruitful Kdeii. Alongside Ttsdal. s devo
tion to David lives a deep-seated abhor
rence of l.ia widow, whom .Tisdale re
solves to punish for her treatment of hm
husband by lorcing her to carry out
1 1 'avo's ambition, lu I lis end Mrs. Weatii
eibee pays in full the debt Tisdale claims
of her r. ul hsrdly in the siiint or by the
1 method he had untmally In Uncivil.