Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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Jl, .. . - JLjrya..
American Banker in from Berlin As
sert! There i Plenty to Eat and
prices Are About Normal. I
( rrern)ertce of the Associated Press.l
lONDON. Arril . An American
nsnkcr who h Juft returns from Per
Mr. talked with a party of English imwi
raper men on Ms arrival in London. Ha
rave them rather a different ths
state of affairs In Berlin than that con
wred by most of the nmrrlsb newspaper
cr roment. He said: j
Tou EnKllsli should not be deceived by j
iiewnnaper statements reselling you from J
srious continental points to the effect,
that Germany Is on the brink of starva-J
Hon. I have Just Honed my houae In the I
fashionable residential part of lierlln. My
hotjueihold budget was not more than iB
per cent higher March 1" than It was a
year ago. Various staple articles of food j
tost more as they do In Iondon but.
Hardly one la beyond tho reach of the (
ordinary middle claaa householder, or
een of the humbler rlnsses. Everybody i
mint have a broad ticket, and there la
no shortage of bread. My family of four !
inJ two scrvsnts never used the whole j
ftf our tickets for the week. The potato
flour bread Is only slightly less a'Mhl
ban the old-time wheaten loaf.
Not Drramloa of Defeat.
"At present no German Is bI'hIIo even
of dreaming of tlm possibility of defeat.
"I find also a Hst amtmnt of foolish
misapprehension In England about Indus
trial condition In Germany. Trado does
not seem to me to have been materially
dislocated. The shops appear to have
their regular flow of customers. The cof
fee houses, the restaurants, tha theaters,
the concert halls, the pb-ture palace and
other establishments depetfdant on public
patronage seem (o be doing as well .is
eight months ago The coffee houses
which have cabarets are always era nmed.
"Is It gonorr.My understood ' here that
Germany la at the moment short of arti
san labor? Unemployment la almost non
existent. Wages are high. A skilled man
who used to get only tl or tt. day
ran now earn $2..V or ft Everything con
reeted with the output of munitions I
working; at utmost capacity day and
night, Sundays and holidays, without ces
sation. New factories have sprung tip
like mushrooms to produce goods here I
tcfore Imported Into Germany.
Women Msklsg hrnnel.
"A German friend of mine who used to
mske furnlturo and found his business
temporarily shelved by the war Is now
making shrapnel, employing women and
jrlrls In plsio of the men who have none
to the front.
"It Is also wrong to conclude, as I some,
times read lo the English newspapers,
that Germany is so near the tUcgs of Its
resources that boys of 10 arc being dra
gooned Into the army. Nothing of the
sort. A Gorman boy of my acquaint
ance, a fine athletic fellow of 1. ha not
been summoned, although he Is ready to
volunteer. They do not need him.
"In short, to the casual observer, there
Is no outward sign that Germany la on
tha verge of a famine In either men, pro- j
visions, munitions or money. Tha plentt
f ulnes of money Is almost the only bluff (
that Germany Is putting up. Tha money i
so pienuiuiiy in circulation Is paper cur
, rency of value as low aa 3b cents, tlow
lng front the Imperial treasury like water.
The Get-mar. In my Judgment, thanks
U farslshted precautionary measures and
natural frugality, can never be starved
Into surrender- They can be Incnven
lencad they are now but that Is dif
ferent thin."
Panama Canal is
One of the Expo's
Greatest Shows
A visit to tha Panama-Pacific exposi
tion would be Incomplete without viewing
.he reproduction of the treat Isthmian
Selng celebrated by tha world at large
waterway, tha completion of which Is now
through the medium of the present fair.
It is ono of the wonders of the exposition.
The original canal and tha surrounding
one territory have been reproduced In
miniature form, so accurately one can
almost Imagine that he Is taking; an aero
plan trip over the Isthmus of Panama.
A blrd's-eys Mew of tha entire country
Is obtained as tha moving platform slowly
conveys ona over the five-acre tract of
land Upon which ha been constructed
.his clever plec of engineering- work.
The topography of the Canal tone Is
'Id out In accordance with ths character
of the soil, and as the panorama, painted
ry the scenic artist blends harmoniously
with the other work, one obtains a view
of &. square mllee cf territory In mak
ing the, helf-ho'tr Journey.
In perfect comfort one can watch the
entrance, of a ship at the Taclflc aide
and see It glide a,parently under Its own
power through the Miraflores and Pedro
M'guel locks, between tha great moun
tains of dirt at Culobra Cut, through the
Gat -in lako and locks and out Into tha
Atluntlo ocean by way of Colon harbor
and Umon hay. Darin this entire trip
cuch point of interest is described by
means of a teU-phonic-plionographic In
vention whereby the onlooker listtna to a
vivid account through duplex telephone
receivers which are attached to each
Art Nerdlc ork
Puollla and Royal Society MercerUed t'or-
donnct Crochet Cotton White and
ecru. Saturday, a spool
Kmbroldered Envelope Pillow Cases- Al
ready embroidered on "Fruit of the Ixom"
muslin. All Initials. ff 1 1Q
Pair pl.liv
Stamped Pillow Cases on Tubing 1 Q
Neat designs. Re. 50c values, a pr. 17 C
Art Xiwdlework
American Beauty Packages With floss.
Rabv nillows. sofa billows. Bran ana un
derwear. f(V and 75c packages,
Saturday, each
We are cloning out all Bralnard and Arm
strong Heat wash Embroidery buns kpr-
ular price 3 skeins for 10c, Satur
day, a skein
What's New in Spring Top Coats?
The questiou is answered full' and authorita
tively in our show in sr of coots for this season
srarr.'ionts of unquestionable correctness, in dis
tinctive styles and excellence of tailoring.
Special Sale for Saturday -
Choice of a big lot of fine coats of every style
Sport Coats, Iress Coat, Auto Coats and
Street Coats Kvery good color and material.
Many are sample and odd coat made to sell as
high aa $20.00. Specially priced, at r
Choice of a splendid assortment of Fine Coats
for every service. All are of the very latest mod
els and include many full silk lined garments. Pop
ular materials, such as golfines, gabardines, chin
chillas, serges, etc. The colors are all popular ones
and mnnv are made, to sell as high as $15.00, at
We have always aimed to excel in our semi-annual sales of Muslin
it is naturally expected of us that this May Sale should not onlfr ex
efforts. It has taken several months' effort to assemble here the lo
New Silk Summer Dresses, $10.00
The season's very latest demands are
silks for summer. We have a very ex
cellent assortment of nobby, dressy
taffeta and crepe meteor dresses,
made with all tho smart cuts of the
coming season, special
New Tailored Suits, $25.00
A special lot of Tailored Suits of the
late summer models just at hand. We
offer theso new ideas along with our
regular stock of smart up-to-date
tailor made suits, many that aro
worth to $49.00,
Special Offerings in Children's
Coats and Dresses
The coming graduations and confirmations will
require the new smart whito dresses for the young
miss. A very pretty showing of now $0 O 50
models will be offered ,at $5, $6.98,
$10.00, $15.00 and up to "
The materials are nets, organdies, lawns, ba
tistt , voiles, etcs They are trimmed with the dain
tiest sheer laces and embroideries and ribbons.
Girls' Colored Wash Dresses
Practical and serviceable school and every day
dresses, male of good ehambrays, ginghams, tus
sahs, voiles, percales, linens and Repps: Spe- r
rial values at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and. $0
Children's Colored Dresses
In the new suspender nrtd guimpe effects. Pretty
checks and plaids, good wash colors in d f A'
Specially priced .......... Y "
Girls' School Coats
A fine lot of girls' top coats for cool days', in checks and plaids, nobby trim
med and tailored effects. Large belts, collars and cuffs. All col- Jn Jf
ors. SpecialRaturday, choice for. yJtO
r '"V iff"
i J I , Massara buSB
plain and fancy styles.
A lot of 3,000 gar
ments, including
gowns, skirts, enve
lope Chemise, corset
covers, combinations,
etc. Soft lingerie
cloths with dainty
laces, embroideries
and ribbons.
Wonderful values in
the most practical of
pretty lingerie, about
2,000 garments in
the lot to select from.
Every style and size
Corset Covers Worth to 35c, ea. 18
Drawers Worth to 35c, pair. ..18
Brassieres Worth to 25c, each . . 18c
Corset Covers Worth to 50c, ea.25
Drawers- Worth to 50e, pair...25
(Jowns Worth to 50c, each 37
Brassieres Worth to 50c, each. .37
Children's and Misses' Gowns, Skirts,
Special Lots
Children's Wear
Drawers Worth to 15c, pair 9
Ideal Waists Worth to 25c, ea. 18
White Skirts Worth to 25c, ea. 18
Infants' Slips Worth to 35c, ea. 18f
Rompers Worth to 35c, a pair, ,18c
Wash Gingham Skirts-Jhto .18
Envelope Combinations and Drawers
trimmed with laces and embroideries. Many styles. Choice
French American Undergarments
Gowns', Combination
Suits, Drawers, En
velope Chemise, Cor-4
set Covers and Skirt?!
Dainty lace and!
e m b r o i d ery t rim-mings.
Crepe Gowns and Crepe Envelope
Chemise A special lot made of good
crepe, lace and embroidery trim
mings ; cut full. Special Satur- ACn
day, choice for HtOC
Marcella, Drawers One lot of several
styles. Regular 75c to $1.25
values, Saturday for '. .......
Double Panel Skirts and Drawers A
special lot, with embroidered scallops '
and sprays. Worth to 75c; 00-
Special at .OsjC
Special Lot of Gingham Wash Skirts
About 30 dozen striped wash ging
ham skirts, made to retail at Q7 '
75c. Specially priced at. . . . . . ,J I C '
Odd Sample. Gowns A manufacturer' Saturday, your unrestricted choice for,
s samples that are slightly soiled an(J(. Special An q
mussed from showing. Worth to $10.0 '. ytJaUa
Boys! Blue Serge Day!
Boys' New Department-Third Floor
Blue Serge Suits, with Two Jf fiA
Pair of Pants, at pt.OU
200 etrlctly U-wool Blua Serge Bults that are worth to $7.50. made
In snappy new model, rut full und roomy; patch pockets with
flaps, double pleat front with watch pocket under pleat. Four
pleat la back; lined with splendid eere lining.
Two Pairs of Pants With Each Suit
Throne for Queen
So important do tha rotda of ths Unl- !
raltjr ol Omaha consider the May quten
who la to b crowned at ths annual gala
day festival May H on the achool campjs
that they have aet about tha construction ! I
of a largs throtit. Mascullna asslsUnce j
has been apurned ao far. The work Is
under chaise of Miss Olga Andersen, a !
sophomore, who wiij also lisve charge cf j
the May pole dancers. . I
Coukldereble intermt has been ahowa ,
by tha stuJcnt body In the ouuom of I
the elevtlon which has been in progTsat '
the last week to chooaa the May queen. I
The reeult will be announced next Weak.
The co-ed who takea second place in tho
voting will also be honored with the po- :
altloa of maid of honor, ltoth nf theea i
Pisces are filled by either juniors or j
st-uiors. I
Kvery class, society snd organisation 1
Kas been hard at work during; the last
three weeks arranging for the festivities.
The afternoon event ll tska place In
the university gymnatlum at Twenty- '
fourth and Pratt streets. At the eveninrf !
performance the queen mill be the guext 1
f honor.. I
- !. I
Fully lined with extra ttne gray twill.
Tabs on pockets, watch pocket: buttons on
bottom or band. They are cut full to al
low plenty of blouae.
Parents, these are worth to 7.50, and
be told Saturday only at
this price
For like llig lloya
A Kpwlal Itlue hre;r IOt, In
Jng TrouMT Suits
Strictly All-Wool Splendid Weight Blue
Serge Suits with long trousers. Choice of
either patch pocket, models or plain coat
styles. Ages H to 1$ years. Post- J7
tively worth J10. Special Saturday, J
Clean-Vp of IUijk' Spring
Coats ail (I Keefer
All broken lots of boys' coats made in
double-breasted. Norfolk and a few Bal
macaan styles. In fancy mixtures, plain
grays and tans; also black and white
checks. These coals are worth to $5.00.
vAgee 2 to 8 years. Specially
Vnrlced for Saturday, each
This instru
ment has all the
latest features of
the highest
priced Victor
V i e t r o las, in
cluding automa
tic stop, tilting
motor, improved
tone chamber,
shelves for hold-
- . rev U I )i ism rr i n saaafcsja, 1 , ... 5 . .
ing record
bums, etc.
Our stock i
complete. Come
in and select the
case h at match
es your furni
ture. Our Record
Service is near
est jierfection.
Candy Specials for Saturday
frneelal Old-Faahiened Black flC
Walnut Taffy pound Q'J
Opera Cream Fmlt Boll rolled in
pecan nuts. Special Batur- AFA
day, a pound fcOC
Cream Dipped Brasll Nuts in
yanllla flavor, pound Wfw
Crisp Yankee Peanut Brittle
a pound
Take home a boic of our luscious
Pompeian Chocolate Bitter Sweets
snd Swiss Style Milk Chocolstes
fruit and nut renters. Spe. Oft
cial Saturday, lb. aUC
Bag Sale Salt
Every bag is Real Seal, Ee
or Eeal. Morocco, values $
$10.00; your choice Saturd
ThU is the best sale and bt U;
years. All are new bas in tbl
some silk lined, other leather I,,
Don't miss this etJc
Underwear and Hosiery
W omens Venetian Silk Vests With shield reinforcement;
crochet beading tops, silk ribbon tapes. Pink and
wnite. Kegujar 11.50 values, special, each..
Something Very New. Wom
en's Mercerized Lisle Hose,
with Fancy Colored . Boots A
real novelty. All full seamless;
spliced heels and toes. Regu
lar 36c quality, at, nr
a pair -aOC
Children's Fine and Medium
Weight Ribbed Hose Black,
sky, red, pink and white. Dou
ble knees, heels and toes. Reg
ular 19c quality. Sat- 1flir
urday, pair x5i2
Women's Pure Thread SUk Hose Black, white , and
All lull fashioned, reinforced Holes, heels and toes;
wide garter welt. Worth to $1.00, a pair
Women's Sheer l.lele L'nton
Suits Nil-shape cuff nl
umbrella knee styles. PA.
SI nee 4. S and S. Suit 3UU
Women's Kayser Knit Vests Swiss
rlll)rfi. dainty crochet yokes in various
deaigns. Mzva 4, 6 and . ttlp
In the China Department
Colonial Dinner Sets. . $3.88
White and gold dinnerware possesses the quality of harmonizing with -i
room decorated in any colors. This set is made of ure white porcelain,
treated with gold band; modeled in our new l!lo Colonial shape.
The ware is strong and durable and has a fine, rich appearance.
Specially priced, net
Automobile Lunch Sets
The body la made of heavy basswood, covered with enameled duck, complete with
knlres, forks, etc. Just the thing for Ions drives, pirnlc-s, etc. Prices from 3.45 to
$33.50. Special discount of 33 ' per cent from our regular prices Saturday.
Ktched Gold Table Tumbler Bell or straight shapes, beautifully finished. Special c
Saturday, each OC
Cut Glass Vase, 12 inches tall, beutifully finiied iu our
new floral cutting, each
Kea4 Tha Hee's "Bustneve Chances"
nd fet Into your own tmilaees.
Wall Paper Bargains For Sat.
Spring Wall l'aiers for
cover a room 12.lltt
Room-lot sale of new
Saturday. Kuouith to
feet hih.
Worth for 73c -Consisting
of 10 rolls of Wall Taper, t! rolls or
Ceiling Paper and IS yaras Border Suitable
for bedrooms and kitcheas. Special
Saturday, lot
92.S5 Worth for 1.J2
Consisting of 10 rolls of Wall Paper, u rolls or
CeilinK Taper and 18 yards Border Suitablo
for living room, library, dining
rooms and bedrooms. Lot
I Regular 50c quality.
: 2 ,
t J jfo on sale
L. must not ad
Pairs of
Long Sill
Ks.l.ViS Worth for SI. 08
Consisting of 10 rolls of Wall Psper, 6 rolls of
Ceiling Taper and 18 yards of Borders; als
several crown effeots. Extra quality QQ
paper, worth 4 15. Saturday, tha lot 9 X .aO
Worth for d.2t)
Plain Outmeal Tapers 30 Inches wide. Brown,
green, tan and red, with Cut-out Borders
Enough paper to cover 12x14 room, feet high.
Regularly worth 15.31. special Jo OA
Saturday, lot J0.aCl
Worth to $2.25 (some worthj
A still more, extraordinary purchase than tU'
sfo on
unnoiTow. TheKi? gloves are also froni't
every woman n
tipped gloves. There nre but l.HKj pairs, and allc
aliord to nii.-s this siilc Values to
These gloves are all 16-tutton
length (they turn the elbow), and
come in heavy qualities of pnro
8ll: tricot and Milancise, in
black, white and several colors.