Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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Thought for the Day
Smttcttd by Sarmk McCkmmnm
Kontidrr tin pottagt stomp, my sort. Its use
fulness Komisis of stickin' to on thing till it
gets thst. Josh Billings.
Tha frost that never came will not be missed.
From wigwam to hotel palace It quite a
jump (or one feneration. &
Don't so to Mexico! Don't go to China!
Don't go to Europe! Bee America flret!
"Unanimity of purpoae" and "concert of ac
tion" are Omaha's twin needs just now, and all
the time. i
' Still, driving an automobile through a bail
ment window Is not tha approved fashion for
breaking Into a bank.
. If Genera) Harries wants to get a rise, It
would seem necessary for him to use language
more emphatic than the "short and ugly."
Still, If Omaha voters really wanted' to give
the "cowboy mayor" a ticket of leave there was
one way to do It, but the majority of tha ballot
cast at the election did not count out that way.
Over in Chicago they are going after viola
tors of the federal dope law.' It would be a
wonder if some little fellows were not also
edging up In Omaha.
It tha recall of Judicial decisions were aver
justified, it would be a recall of that decision
just .rendered by a learned, district judge
requiring the home plate to be moved to suit
the convenience of tha neighbors Instead of tha
Tha last of tha brilliant, group of statesmen
who placed Maine In tha forefront of national
affairs passed -away with the death of former
Congressman Charles E. Uttlefleld. . In this
group were Fessenden. Hamlin, Blaine, ' Fry,
Hale, Din g ley and Roed: . '
There U but one genuine unadulterated and
undiluted cowbo mayor in tha United Status,
and his lariat circle's the horizon of Omaha: The
claim' of Chicago's mayor , to that distinction
cannot be admitted without aa impartial count
of the notches on his gun.
The much-heralded antl-tipplng law of Wis
consin Is not a law at all. It was vetoed by tha
governor on the ground that It would restrain
human liberty. He might have added that stat
ute books are already overloaded with lsws Im
possible of enforcement.
. Ten million dollars a day, of five trillion
for a year. Is Oreat Britain's official figures of
war cost. Multiply these figures by five, the
number of principals, engaged, and a distant
view can be had of the mighty load which sur
vivors and posterity are doomed to carry.
While the people have generously approved
the spending of a million dollars on new school
buildings for Omaha, their endorsement is no
to be taken as invitation to real estate specula
tion or license to buy school sites at fancy prices.
Let us have full value for every dollar that may
be spent out of' the million.
t,mmt a S eao-w
'. Judja and Mr a. Jaroe W. harage antartaiuad aa
agreeable company at their residence at Twenty,
seventh and Chicago streets in honor of Judfe David
Hrewer. The others praaent were Juo- Dundy, O.
M. Lambrrtaon, Gaorge E. Burchard, Judge Neville.
Judge Wekttlry, Gorse A. Grant, C. 8. Mootfomary
and N. a. Harwood of Lincoln.
' In celebration of her eleventh birthday, Mlaa
NellM fcmlUi save an enjoyable party to her youns
frlenda laat evening at her home. MU Dodge atrect.
Among tboae preaent ware the Mlaaua Mamie Morse,
May Bums. Birdie lUc harda. Edltb Jonea. Mabel Tay
lor. Jennie Moore, Lulu Dolaa aad Maatera Tyler
Ik-lt, Ralph Richarilaon, Jeaae Rlrharda, George Miner.
XV Her Miner, Ed Moraman, Joseph Moraniaa and
Wood Allen.
Senator Mandtreon arrived In Omaha and haa taken
tuartera at the Millard,
z ' Mits Grace Parrtne la to Fort Lea van worth vlaltlag
with the family of General Wilaon, -
Mlue Mary Lake has gore to Chicago to anrnd the
aummer Willi her alater, Mrs. Joy M or urn.
Tluimaa Brennaa la atunding Lha national conven
tion of the Catholtca In America aa the state CeU-1,-tfte
from break a.
m . - -i - la raaa -aa
The Lusitania.
The details of the sinking of the Lusitania
by German subsea torpedo srt still too rnennpr
to afford basis for comment. The destruction
of this palatial passenRrr sleamer Is to most
people like a lightning flapb out of a clear sky,
yet by almost mtrseUlous Intuition It was pre
dicted several dsys ao In this remsrkahle pars
grsph, presumsbly from the pen of Henry Wat
terson. in lsst Wednesday's Issue of the Louis
ville Courier-Journal:
Even In the fleehllirht of the (iulfltght may see
what a torchlight would m. an Suppose, Instead of an
ohacure tank steamer find fhrre unknown Americana.
It had been the Lusitania with three, or thirteen
hundred representative Americana making another
Titanic dlaaeter what then? Thte, Indeed, may happen
at any time.
True, the Item also predicts, In thst event,
a popular explosion that would make thst fol
lowing the blowing up of the Maine seem like a
popgun which Is, of course, decidedly, far
fetched. That the incident, however, is preg
nant with poBHlbllltlos of complications, avoid
able only by the most cautious handling, is
plain, and the necessity Is morn urgent than
ever for the continued exercise of self-restraint
by the people of this country.
Hughes and the Presidency.
The announcement made for Justice Charles
E. Hughes that under no condition will he, even
by acquiescence, permit his name to be used as
a candidate for the republican presidential nom
ination, is eliciting general comment which is
agreed on the one conclusion that no one on the
bench of the supreme court can seek the presi
dency. As to whether this declaration will
have the effect of completely eliminating
Hughes from consideration as a White House
possibility opinions must differ, and nothing
short of an emphatic notice from Mr. Hughes
himself that he would not accept if nominated
will take his name out of the list of last-resort
avallables. As a matter of practical politics, it
gets down to this, which was obvious all the
time, that without resigning from the bench to
become an avowed candidate. Justice Hughes
can never be nominated except as a compromise
choice of a convention first convinced that none
of the active aspirants meet the demand of tha
What Kind of Financiering t
In overwrought teal to anticipate consolida
tion our neighboring town of Dundee has voted
and sold 125,000 of twenty-year 6 per cent
bonds at a premium of 91,350. The bonds
which we in Omaha have Just voted for schools
and Auditorium are to bear 4 per cent inter
est, and cannot legally be sold for legs than par,
so that by waiting a few weeks this money could
have been borrowed for Dundee, if it had to be
borrowed at all, on an interest charge of not
mora than H per cent.
Now, take your pencil and do a little figur
ing. A $25,000 bond Issue running twenty
years at 6 per cent with a f 1,350 premium sub
tracted, will cost the taxpayers for interest and
principal S6S,660. A $25,000 bond Issue run
ning twenty years at 4 Vs per cent, sold at par,
would cost tha taxpayers $47,600., The differ
ence la favor of tha bond brokers, and against
tha taxpayers who foot 'the bills, on this . one
mall transaction Is $6,160, or about 13 per cent.
But who cares as long as someone else has to
djg up the money?
United States, Japan and China.
'Mr. Bryan's note, stating the position of the
United Slates In relation to tha affairs of China
and Japan, is clear on one point only. ' That Is
that the United States Is not. to remain passive
while Japan works Its will on its weaker neigh
bor. Much or little may He behind this state
ment of Mr. Bryan's. The demands made upon
China by Japan seem to transcend the territorial
Integrity of the empire, which Mr. Bryan says
must ba respected. The "open door," to which
tha United States is committed, is pledged by
- The historic course of the United States In
dealing with China Is unique In many particu
lars. Notably lenient and helpful in many ways
to the great empire in Its many complications
with tha world In Uter yesrs, the United 8tates
has looked on, while England, France, Germany
and Russia have seized and occupied portions of
Chinese territory. Just now the Japanese claim
Is based on Its having driven Germany out of
i nma, ana a consequent ciaim to some territory
lai rignts, woicu are Deing aipioiusucauy ex
tended to occupy a field somewhat beyond that
of Germany or any other nation lu relation to
Chinese affairs, both Internal and external.
Grave doubt may be entertained as to
whether Japan will stay its hand, unless under
pressure of stronger representations than have
been made. In Europe some suspicion is ex
pressed as to Inspiration for the exceedingly, au
tocratic and arbitrary course pursued by the
mikado's government. Is China to be made the
door throngh which the United States will be
dragged into the world-war?
Lafe Young- on the Firing Line.
The srrest of the noted Iowa editor and
statesman as a spy in Austria is but an incident
In a career that has been well packed with ex
citement and full of activity. -Lafe" Young
commenced bis real career forty-odd years ago
by making republican speeches In one of the
very few democratic strongholds over In Iowa,
and he has been at It ever since. He never low
ered his colors, and the democrats of Cass
county finally sent him to the legislature as a
radical republican. He eventually carried his
stand-pat ideas into the senate of the I'nlted
States, and went rwn In a primary fight under
a wave of ."progresslvelsm." but without leasen
lng his loyalty to the principles he had advo
cated, lowans. sro not worried over "Lafe"
Young in Europe, for they know It will take
something more than the combined military
forces of the continent to daunt him.
Who said peace? There is no peace. No coun
try is Immune to strife, not even the I'nlted
States. The embattled warriors of the diamond
brand as false the rumors of peace, and Insist
on warring to a finish. In the uildst of trouble
and tragedy at home and abroad It behooves
Americans to tske a freth flrlp on the culm
The campaign for the freedom of the seas
proceeds on the theory that freedom cau be
achieved by bending everything afloat to the
Transatlantic Cables
and Their Control
T. T. McOrath la erlew of BeTtews
ONE of the outatand'ng features of the war now
being waiceri in Europe la the advantage which
the poaacReion of the transatlantic telegraph
rablea given to the contestant who controls these, a
fact Illustrated by Germany's protent to the t'nlted
ritatea against Uio refusal of Britain to tranemlt code
meaeagea either by wire or wireless across the At
lantic. A ae ond feature of this- situation Is the primacy
poHmaaed ly Newfoundland in regard to the Atlantic
cable eituatlr.n. ."he enjoys the distinction of being
the birthplace of transoceanic telegraphy, both by
wire and ' wlreleaa. In An gum, lXW, ov r fiftyaix
y-nra ago, Cyrus field laid the first submarine ahle
between Kerry, Ireland, and Trinity bay. Newfound
land, end In terember, 1UM, Qugltelmo Marconi re
reived at St. John's the first electric signals through
his wireless medium, transmitted acroee 1.000 miles
of npsce from his station at Poldhu, England.
The reason why both these pioneers In the field
of electrical research chose Newfoundland as the
theater of thrlr wonder-working experiments la that
It la the nearest point In America to Europe, the
half-way house of tha continents. Owing to the
short atretch of ocean to be bridged here, aa com
pared with New York (lltUe more than half the dis
tance), the prospects of aucoess for such testa were
better than elaewbera, and when an aviator proposed
an airship fl grit across the Atlantic, ha planned
to proceed from Ft, John's to the Asorea and thence
to Spain for the same reason.
Rapid Growth of Camaaerelal Telegraphy.
Prior to Field's advocacy of a line under the At
lantic, one across tha British channel waa tha most
that science had compassed, and Field waa regarded
aa outstepping all bounds of reason when ha launched
hia larger project. Ills Initial venture failed prac
tically, though succeeding theoretically, and it was
not until Ui that regular transatlantic cabling was
really begun effectively. Yet we find that the com
mercial use of telegraphy, by land and sea, has grown
so rapidly In the fifty year since then that there
are now 1.7SI corporation and government cables,
with a length altogether or IM.hZl nautical miles,
while on tand there are 6.044,300 miles of telegraph
lines, over which land lines L 400,00) telegrams and
over which cable 16 000 mesaagee are sent dally, an
annual total of 478.220.000 telegrams and 14.140,000 cable
gram. Nor Is there any apparent relaxing of activity
In these directions. New telegraph tinea are being
built daily, and the cable-making factories of Eturope
are conatantly employed producing tnesa electric
nerves, by means of which to bring Into direct and
responsible contact with the great centers of the
world Its most remote regions. The telephone la a
close connection of the telegraph, and. although little
over thirty year hare elapsed since the first ex
periment was made by Qraham Hell, which proved
the possibilities of electrical transmission of speech,
the telephone has now become an almost Indispensable
factor not alone to commercial, but also to domestlo
Control by America Capital.
Tbs situation Is of exceptional Importance to the
United State because today American capitalists
control all the cable acres the Atlantic operated
by English-speaking agencies. In order to under
stand this It I necessary to remember that there
are now seventeen working cables across the At
lantic. The Anglo-American Cable company enjoyed a
fifty-year monopoly In Newfoundland, which, made
It Impossible for any. other cable company to effect
a landing there until 1904, but aa soon a this pro
hibition waa removed, all the other cable companies
at once began to seek terms of entry, and today
every one of them has some cable landing on its
shores and la maturing plans whereby the remainder
may be brought In. Borne have cut the existing cables
from tha British coast .to tha Canadian or American
littoral to land them on tha Newfoundland seaboard,
and tha landing place of these cables is as follow:
Trinity Bay, four Anglo-American cables. -
Conception Bay, two Western, Union and one Di
rect cable. .
Bt John's, two Commercial Cable company cables.
" Early In J!12 all the British telegraph cable In
the North Atlantic, those of the Anglo-American
Telegraph company, were secured by the Western
Union Telegrarh company of New York, under a
nlnety-nlne-year lease, the one cable owned by the
Direct United States Cable company being also, se
cured on similar terms. The result of this wa that
the control of every cable submerged in this section
of the ocean, except the two French cables and th
two German cables, passed under American control,
and even the German cables may be virtually said
to be so controlled also as to their western ends, be
cause the Commercial Cable company has an alli
ance with them. Thla brought about the astonish
ing situation that, although , the United States haa
never manufactured a cable, all thla work being done
either In England or In Germany, American capital
ist are absolute master of this whole system of
Intercommunication acmes the Atlantic, wtta, all the
advantage appertaining thereto.
Kaelaud's fable Systems.
Kxcept on the North Atlantic, however. Britain
enjoy very largely a monopoly of the rontrol of the
world' cables. Through the Mediterranean, the Red
Sea, the Arabian Sea. and all over the far east,
through the West Indlee to South America nd over
tha African continent, most of the cable are hers,
and she also own one of the two cable systems
of the Pacific ocean, extending to Australia and from
there to Borneo, Sumatra, and China. Thl give her
a great advantage commercially and also la of lmT
menee benefit to her. when a great war Is being
waged, aa now. It Is of Interest at the preaent junc
ture to note that In 1JS, when the first congratula
tory message was sent by the then president of the
t'nlted Statea to Queen Victoria over the newly suh
rnerged Atlantic, cable, he asked "that all clvllired
nations should declare, spontaneously, and as the
reault of a general agreement, that thu electric tele
graph shall be forever neutral; that tha messages
to be entrusted to It shall be regarded a secret, even
In the middle of hostilities."
In the fifty-sis year that have sine,- elapsed. In
spite of civilising advance made otherwise, thla pious
desire has remained untranslated Into a reality, and
one of the first developmenta after the outbreak of
the present war waa the cutting of the German
cable, with the reault that the German empire was
deprived of this aource or communication with the
outside world. In the meantime. Enptand. "like a
great overgrown spider." na a French writer put It
soma years ago. "has enveloped the whole world In
a network of submarine lines, so thet nothing can
happen anywhere wUnout being immediately known
In tjondon."
Germany's t'neosafartakle Drpesdrirt.
The dependence of ether countries on British sys
tems is almost absolute. hen the Spanlah-Arnerlrun
war broke out. Spain had no Independent and trust
worthy communication between Madrid and Havana;
she waa obliged to communicate with Cuba over Brit
ish cables, aome of which possessed American con
nection. In the aanie way, France, In conducting
the bualnes of her colonies abroad, ha to mako
use of British cable very largely. Germany, too, haa
only poaaessed her own cablra to America within Ike
laat ten year, and when the two cablea were de.
stroyed a few week ago, she had no ether outlet
except through line controlled by her most formid
able antagonist.
People and Events
War scores another reform. Maine sardines hava
discarded iho foreign label for oiw "Made In tl-
i r. s. a."
I Married last October after a whirlwind courtship,
j the 19-yrar-old b of a Granite City. III., preacher
flrw away from the parsonage and told her beart-
achra to St. sm rt portera bhe she ha been
klsalass for most of the seven months of bllssler
wedded lite- IVsldea, hubhy rrltlcUeu her atyle if
walking, aniffed at her coif lure, wouldn't let her wear
Jewelry and 111. nod her to a U-lephone pole. Evt
dvntly two more pt-ople have coin out of the tiauce.
Mrnnlna of the Klrrtlon.
OMAHA, May . To the Editor of The
Pee- Aa the election ia over and every
body ahould le content with the result.
It haa astonlrhed several people not par
ticularly interer-te! In the "Square Seven"
to hear that Hummel la to be urged for
mayor. If memory serves ms right.
Hummel gave aa hi reason why he
ahould be re-elected that he wanted to
continue what he had so ably begun aa
park commissioner.
Mr. Dahlman ran aa mayor and was
elected for that position. Does any fair
minded man believe that Mr. Kugel. for
Instance, could have been elected had he
announced that ha wanted to displace
Dahlman as mayor? Or any other of tha
"Square Seven?" Don't all speak at ones
One hysterical newspaper suggest that
to defeat Dahlman for mayor would work
a change in our police administration.
And here comes one of the strangs antics
of publio thought a wltneased by tha
big vote given Kugel for re-election.
Many men refused to vote for the mayor, of Kugel smooth exterior and
reputation os a churchman and what-not,
cast a vote for him. when, of all the
commissioner, he la the on moat respon
sible for what Omaha's police department
is. '
But let. us ail be fair.' the election Is
over and nothing la to be gained by
creating friction and strife. .The present
administration was continued In office
and no fair-minded man on either side
should allow himself now to use flattery
or any other Inducement on the re-elected
commissioners to make them forget who
the man waa who really made the fight
that landed them all.
been double
"So you
New York World: General Wood I
flagrantly guilty of lese-jlngolsm when he
announce on hia return from th Isthmus
that the defenses at the Panama canal
are "adequate for all purpose and In
good condition." How can they ever b
adequate for any purposes except those
of agitation for larger armament?
Indlanapoll New; Well. well. te the
Lehigh Coal am! Navigation cotni any lies
been Indicted for rebating? It's ntty
late In the day for ti-at sort ,f riiinir,
especially when V $ well known that
(1) there never waa ary sueh, thing as
rebating; and (2) the pretl" abandoned
long ago. And these thin: we have lonfc
been aware of from the pesfthe and re
iterated statement of those most con
cerned. Washington Poet: The dlplomatio skill
exhibited by Japan in thu exerting pres
sure upon China at a critical Juncture Is
of the highest order. Japan bids fair to
emerge from It brief and inexpensive
war with Germany with the lion's share
of the profits, all at the expense of the
enemy and of China. Bo far as surface
Indications go, the United States la per
fectly willing that Japan should absorb
Baltimore American: Publio opinion In
New York, stoutly backed by the press,
has killed the proposed law to establish
a twelve-hour working day for women
and children in the canneries of the
tats. But legislature which so mis
represent the people of a state .ought
to share the fate of sueh generally repro
bated meaaurea. Publio opinion does not
go far enough when It Interest Itself
with effects only, considering It Is pri
marily responsible for the cause.
New York 'World: Frederick W. Sew
ard, dead In Auburn, N. Y., was assist
ant secretary of state In two administra
tions and often ent upon delicate diplo
matic errand. Yet such is the effect of
a dramatlo and critical event upon pub
lic imagination that he will be far
longer and more vividly remembered a
the faithful and valiant son who was
wounded almost to death while seeking
to protect his father. Secretary William
a, bewara. on tne rateful night when
Lincoln was assassinated. That w as the
high light in a long, busy and uaeful
private life and public career.
Nebraska Editors
Ths Dakota City Eagle celebrated Its
thirty-ninth unnlverslty last week.
Dr. C. G. Barnea recently celebrated
his thirtieth anniversary as editor of the
Albion Argue.
B. F. Krler, proprietor "of the Daw.
son County Pioneer of Lexington, has
added a linotype to hi equipment.
B. E. Leedom A Son, proprietors of the
Gordon Journal, will begin the erection
of a modern newspaper building within
a few day.
Editor A. B. Wood of the Gerlng Courier
ddlcatsl the fine new home for his
plant with a reception to hie subscribers
and advertising patron last week.
Oakland Independent: A eon was born
on tne uth to Brother Heydon of the
Lyons Sun nr.d hia good frau. A short
time before Mr. Warner presented her
husband with a plump little daughter.
Now there la- competition for you. Mr.
Heydon was not even to be outdone by
hi competitor in strictly family matter.
Gerlng Courier: It wao a sight for
sore eye to see Don Van Dusen of the
Flair Pilot and II. Gordon Croaa of the
SL Edward Sun take part In a republi
can i-aucua at the press convention last
week. Notice that there ahould be equal
cmphaata laid on earh word republican,
as well a cauiu. While the tamp holds
out to burn the vilest sinner, etc.
Here and There
Viewing the situation from the lawn
standpoint. It Is clear that the home
owner who doesn't dig dandelions, or
cause them to be dug, ia bound to show
the yellow streak.
In breach-ot-promls as In other mod
em comforts, Japan Is leaping to the
front For the first time Japanese courts
have decided that a common law mar
riage, while pot a lawful one, I strong
enough to pinch the gay deceiver for
r.0.000 or SO.aU yen.
It happened in Chl ago. Stanley tiurek
was taking hia periodical exercise heat
ing hi wife. Mlfi Isabella Carruthera.
a member of tha Visiting Nurse' aavoct
ation and a former court bailiff, heard
fie racket and the scream and Jumped
Into the row. She batted Surek around
the room a few times, then dragged him
to the patrol box. railed the wagon and
gave hint the regulation ride. Moreover,
aha followed him into court and got him
a year in the bridewell. More power to
the Carruther arms
nections te bear 4 with yeti for the sum
mer? Why. sren't you on good U rmi
with your relations?
' Oh. yea, but they're not en gwd rela
tlnns with my term." Baltimore Ameri
can. "I've bought an automobile.''
' Have you?" . .
"Yes Why don't you cengrmtulate
Tm waiting tfl hear what make It is.
so I'll know whether fo laugh or sym
pathise." Washington Star.
Bacon Where did he first meet . bis
"I give mr wife half my salaiy every
week to spend on the housekeeping and
"And what do yei do with the other
hfllf of your salary?"
" h, my wife borrow that." Houston
Egbert At a masquerade ball.
"I suppose he thought he had found a
Messing In disguise. Yonkerg States
man. "Wltlcua doeen't reem to be at hi best.
Ilka ome. when he's been drinking."
"No: he is noted chiefly for his dry
humor." Loulavllla Courier-Journal
Hokus Why 1 he such an utter
failure? Poe he Jump at conclusions?
Pokus No; on the contrary, he seems
to be quite methodical about making his
mistakes. Life.
jdJosuiX uoisog Tioq treats oi jo
jton i a'Vm )aiRe air) s.ji aXAj. tin
Xja saooi no op Xq. X3 '-ip
1U3r iHOWxV AO. rV"JT
Payton A bachelor 1 a man who ha
been crossed in love.
Psrker Yes, and a married man hss
- crossed. Life.
can't get your family con
power in the
Last inch as
in the Flr&i
Uniformly power
ful and qulclc-start-ing,
whether your
tank . Is nearly full
or nearly empty.
Reduce repair costs .
with Polarlne. Fric-tton-frec.
Business battles
easily won-
when you are prop
erly entrenched in a
No better location
can be found than the
'Th building that it alwayt naio"
Wo offers
222 Choice office Suite, north light, very desirable
ior aLu-iur or ounueii; waiting room ana
private office; 530 square feet. . . .845.00
322 Choice office Suite, north light, very desirable
for doctors or dentists; watting room and two
private offices; 530 square feet. .. -$45.00
228 Suite of three'nire rooms with north light. 270
. square feet 823.50
Apply to Building Sup't.. Room 103.