TJIlv UKK: OMAHA, SA'J I. KHA V. MAY S, J'.U.i. TELEPHONE MAN IS HELD FOR FORGERY It. Allen Grim Bound Over at Fre mont Company Get the Money Back. KIPLING RESENTS SLIGHT TO RUSSIA BY WITHDRAWING PATRONAGE FROM POLISH FUND Rndyard Kipling has withdrawn from the Polish relief fund, organized by Itjnace Jan Paderewski and Miss Lawrence Alma-Tadema, because of state ments, in appeals through the press which he regards as reflecting on the Russian policy and army. The appeal which annoyed Kipling was prepared by Miss Alma-Tadema. BANK MAKES THE CHARGES R. Allen Grim of Omaha. iilrit plant rhlpf of thr Tele phone company. Is under arrpft at Fremont, mherr- rhargo of for a: fry re made against htm hy the (nm merclal National hsnl: of that place. The rase Involves a ro?ular vouchor check of the Nebraska Tilf-phone rompany, rahNl a I Vii t bunk for 1400. The rhck ras mad In favor of E. L. Mlnton. a line foreman, on emergency line work with a Rani; of men. In February, when the check was made. Mlnton. th lino frrcmxn, ivt r Rot tlie mirtH'jr, tic v s, snrl lino- r min.tiR of lle rlrVc. Minion' pmc wim enlirsfd on 111 bacK of the rbrck howpvr. hy snnif on. anl tlic n k wes rn-t-fd nt the Com-m rclat National bnnk !ruary it. The tc'eplionc rnmimnv ha tie money hack, buf the lank in loner tor havlna ashrd a fonred ?h k. Thus the bnnk brought the chaises throiiRh the c-ouny attorney of Po1te county, and Sheriff Condit of Fremont rnme In Omaha Mon day and arrested Orim. Th arrest was tnada only after the telephone company had made a searching Investigation ami after the tWtertlres employed hy the American T?ankera' aawK-latlon had .made an Independent Investigation. rjoth In veatlqationa, conducted lndeiendf ntly. led straisht to Orim; and Teller Cleland of tha bank Who cashed the check, came to Omaha and says ha can positively Iden tify Orim aa the man to whom he paid tna money . Recr4 Jfitt Qalte Htmlaht. "Ha rave me a awell line of talk and t got a rood chance to observe him." said the teller, "ao 1 cannot be mis taken in the Identity." The chHCk waa drawn by the auditor's office, signed by the tremaiirir, and turned over to Grlms office, aa waa cus tomary la auch caaeg. It If known that the. check waa etlll In the office at J o'olock In the afternoon of February a The following day It waa caahed at the Commercial National bank at Fremont between the houra of 11 and t o'clock, the bank - aaya:- Mr. Orim acta up an alibi, sliowlns that he waa In Ms office In Omaha tha day i before and the day after the check waa caahed. ' Orim waa formerly employed aa man ager of the Kocky Mountain Telephone company at Idaho Falls. Idaho, Iravlnc its employ March. 10. 1W6, according to a letter received from the company.' When called to account by the Ne braska Telephone company since this matter came up, Orim Is said to have ad mitted that he falsified hia bond applica tion, and falsified his record In n.aklnr his application to the Nebraska com pany. Asked for a statement aa to the com pany's attitude In the case. President Yost of the Nebraska Telephone com pany, said:' "There la nothing much to say from our standpoint. The bank has made good the money to us. The Dank er' association ha the matter In ebarge., They think they have the guilty party. So we are eut ef It entirely." Mr. Orim waa arraigned before a Jua-lii-e court in Fremont and Is bound over to the district court on the charge of for- 1' -- '-I . : 'KiPUNG. TAOMS.. -vi KILLING FROSTS FAIL TO APPEAR Slight Frost in Various Sections Does Very Little Damage to Grain or Fruit. SOME DAMAGE ON LOWLANDS Elevators in U. P. Building Carry Two Million Passengers Dr. Milliner, suienn(endmit of the 1'nlon Peclflo headquartera building, has figured out some elevator1 data with reference to the atructure that la twelve atorles high and In which eight elevators are operated 2& daya of each year. The doctor figures that the elevators carry an average of B.Sls passengers dally, or a total of 1,W,870 during a year. Each ear travels an average of 12.1 miles per day, averaging 23 trips and making an average of. l.tsT stop. To operate an elevator In the t'nlon Pacific building means an average ex penditure of ttl per da', and the cost of carrying a alngle passenger is figured at .0007 cents. The coat per car mile la JO.St cents. V . The floor space In the T'nlon Taclflc totals 301 .Ml ariuare feet, or about eight acres, and' the cost of mslntenunce is about MA cents per month, or .0001 centa per day. Summer Kecreation Planned for Summer HMFirmby"Y.W.M Hans for Young Women's Christian association summer aotlvlil.-a are rapidly being formulated. Hummer Hill In nil will be open to guests from Pstrrday, May 30, until August 30, and will oe In charge of Mrs. l.nura Bancroft, thn new house secretary. The first two weeks In July are to be reserved at the farm for girls under 18 who hsve no spetinl chap erons., Mia Helen Lawrence, -eeoretsry of the girls' work committee, will be In charge then. The Athletic club 1ms al ready engaged the entire space for the opening week-end, and the Business Girls' club Is planning to spend the first week In June at the farm. Swimming lessons will' begin June 1. The tennis this yesr will be In chsrge of the Athletic club, and reservstlons may be made to the members or the physical directors beginning Monday.' Two Fired from ' City Hall for Work For the "Big Six" TCd T. i'eterson, levy clera, and Andy Jensen, rlrrk in the iffc. of Pity Com missioner MJivern, defeated lor ro electlon, were discharged Friday. The action was a result of the rnmpalKn, during which Peterson and JciiHen as slated In defeating ' Mcfiovei n. "There la Ipsa work now thsn there was," said SIcUovem. "It nwss possible to reduce the force by two men arid thoeu were tho ones who were selected." From Steel to Auto Shown at the Movies From Molten Steel to Automobile'' Is the title of an Interesting motion pic ture film which Is being shown at Omaha elcotric theater this week. Tho pic turea ahow the complete construct on of the Maxwell car from the casting of the parts in rough to the assembling, ai d, to complete the picture 'there Is included g little story of the purchase of a cur by a doting father for his daughter, and attendant demonstrations of the car' operation. The pictures show all de tartmenta of the big Maxwell fsrtory and the operation of many of U.e big special machines. The film Is being tUown at the local theater this week In connection with the special demonstra tions put on by the Francia-Cullla Auto company end may be seen today at the local theater. COMMISSIONERS PUT LEAGUE PETITION IN WASTE BASKET The mayor and commissioners have re ceived from a committee of the Kco noinl league lettera urging against the selection of Mayor Duhlmsn lo. en other term. The recipients of these missives threw U.enj into their vasts baskets with com n.enta more emphatlo than elegant. it Hid r "Aprlas; Fever." A laxy liver and sluggish bowel will overcome any ambitious and energetic man or woman and make th.-m rw all tired out. dull, stupid and lifeless Foley Cathartic Tablets relieve constipation, re store healthy buwei action ami livn up your liver. They are wholecome end tHor cughly cleansing: do not grtfe or nause ate. They banish that full, close, heavy feeling. J. L. Knight. Fort Worth. Texas, nays: "My disagreeable symptoms were otlrsly removed by the thorough cleans ing they gave my system." Sold every wbre. Advertisement. Porcelain for v Cleanliness "rOU doal eat frooa anything but china X dUhea. Yov aee porceiatn foe preeerv- iM. You hare porcelain waehslsnde tod bathtubs. Why tbea, keep your food la sylhlng but a parttUtu Um$J relhgerstoit "Poreslaln for clean 11 new" don't accept tny- thlag else. There's ooiy en refrigereror with ooe pleo porcelain lining the celebrated Leonard Cleanable i On.PivA Porr1aIn I Lined Refrigerator ' tt'a aa risen aa a cbloa dish. No cornera to bold dirt or grease no place lor grease to collect aatde of smooth, pgr white porce laia fueed oo tteeJ. Ten Insulating waQ and ka perfect dry eoldHttr circulation rata down the Ice bills. No spoiling of food, do west. Door ahnt tightly bat easily with tha aew Trigger Lock (patented). FHE&-.Aak for Mr. Leonard book oa "Selection and Care of Refrigerator" full of facta jov to know. 22 STYLES To Select From , nH r TO ) W XJ i 3 ( SIT VTIp Cinw I f Our, Rug, Values Are The Talk off the Town HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAIN OFFERINGS: 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs An rrv at, each ipO.DU 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs - MO flft at, cacli. plaC.UlP 9x12 Axminster Rugs ClC (( at, each., piO.UU See our complete line of Wilton and Body Brus sels Rugs. v Quality high, prices low; cot cne day, but every day LK!EM!ii FURNITURE CO&PANY' - 24TII AND L STS., SOUTn OMAHA. See Our New Daylight Display Room, BUSINESS MEN STILL TALK OVER SUMMER CHAUTAUQUA A half doirn business mr.n from Iln oiln and Other ports of tho stato int. to day with a targa cotnmlttcn of whole salers nnd othrr btitlneH tnn of Omaha to discuss further the proposition of Instituting a business men's rhautauque soiiipwhere In the stato this summer. The teMatlv plan Is to fimnrr a chutauua on a larKe s- ale In which lumlnoxa talks .'tiul lectures ot a printirnl sort Would pn doiiilnute ItiHtead of the imual fun and entertainment features. The plan Is not at all definitely worked out, and It Is oftsHle that pnoug'u fun and frolic woulil he sprinkled In to draw the crowds. The question of locating the cluHiiuuMiia at Omaha Is up- According to morning reports to the railroad headquarters, coming from station agents out on the west ern lines, the killing frosta .expected for Thursday night throughout' Ne braska failed to materialize. ' The j weather in now mucn warmer, the i change having set tn throughout the ' western and central bortlons of the Plate at an early hour this morning. Of seventy-two stations along the Hurlington, scattered through all por tions of Nebraska, fourteen reported frost, but nowhere severe enough to injure the most tender vegetation,' except at Belmont, in the extreme west part of the state, where the tem pernture dropped to freezing.' A Ion the Northwestern' line tempera tures during the n!g!-.i dropped to 30 to 36 degrees nbovo zero, l-ui the brisk wind prevented any frost. ' On the southern line temperatures during the night ranged trom to so above eero. Wind Heads Off Frost. Over the entire Union Pacific system In Nebraska thijre was a brisk wind' dur ing tne entire night, which did ' an ay with the possibility of a damaging- frost. In a number of places In tho western part of the state light rrost was reported, but not heavy enough to do any damage. Reports to the Missouri Tai-i'lc. from the fruit growing section In the south east corner of the state were to the effect that the mercury did not drop to the front line during tho night. Around W to'.V) above rero being the coldest recorded. Market gardeners In towns from up ana down the river reported that n some of the low lands there was a light frost early this morning, but not enough to Injure the moet tender plantsv except In rare Instances. On the high lands, gar Oner asserted there waa no Indication of frost. Den Show Rehearsed for the First Time "the Isle of Pep" was rehearsed for th first time Thursday night at Ak-8ar-Ben den. This I the name of the little sketch prepared for the Pen road show this year. It haa the pep good and plenty, and the 100 men who constitute the crew this year left the Pen chattering and humming their enthusiasm oer the sen sational features of the show and Initia tion. A trip through ' Yellowstone park la Included In th Initiation. Oh, no. of course Yellowstone National park haa not been moved In from Wyoming for the occasion. No. but the Union Paclflo has furnlsed views for the scenes that do nothing If they don't make the visitor think he Is actually wandering In the canyons and getting sprayed by Old Faithful geyser. The first musical re hearsal at the Den Is to be next Monday night. Big Convention of , Lutheran Society Will Be Held Here The nineteenth bi-annual convention of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission ary society of the General Synod Evan gelical Lutheran church will be held in Omaha, May 8 to IS. This is the ftrst time in twenty-two years thia convention has been held tn Omaha. The day sessions of the convention will be held at the Kountse Memorial ehurch, while the evening sessions will be dis tributed among the' other Lutheran churches of the city. Mrs. J. F. Hart, man of Philadelphia is president of the body and will preside at the convention. Keveral Omaha women are active In the missionary society. Mrs. O. P. Baltzly, wife of the pastor of the' Kountse church, Is one of the department secretaries. Peterson Finishes Mural Paintings at Fontenelle Hotel Ktnar Peteranv the artist who haa been making dosena of beautiful mural paint ings to adorn the interior of some ot Hotel Fontenelle' s public rooms, has finished his big task and put the last of the alntinga in place. They ara so strikingly handsome that all have already be"en photographed for th benefit of out-of-town people who cannot come here to view them. For many weeks Petersen has been busv on the murals. He msdo them in an Improvised studio under the mansard roof of the big new hotel. All sre purely western In subject matter and style, and show many real and Imaginary scenes of the great west before the white man's civilisation took the place of that of th Indian. Among the murals la one ot the old mission building at Bellevue, with the Missouri rtver 0luffa In tha back ground. ' Read The Bees "Business Chanoes" and get into your own business. ATTENTION! Player Music Roll Purchasers For Saturday Only. 88-Noio Music at Half Pr.ce Head The Bee's "Business Chances" 1.500 straight from. roll" of cut music up-to-date to select Schmoller & Mueller PIANO CO. 131 1-1S Faruam St. Douglas 112.1. d iiiglBiiafiliiMiii n ft u msmi&mxpmn vv 0 -mmm H" mm IrS 11 fVe..V.-i I 'J1J n i mm- u m B Our Men's Clothing Department Scores Anotner peat A Special Purchase of' 1,200 Men's and Young D Men's Suits. have Durchased from a well Imnwn monnLfn.. 1 0(f ftt J V UK f Wpj Suits, made to retail from $20.00 to $30.00. H There are 385 plain Blue Serge -suits that sell regu larly for $25.00. ! We bought these suits from a well-known manufacturer whose name we cannot advertise. We bought them for spot cash for less than actual cost to manufacturer, and, instead of keeping them and getting the reg ular price-, we are going to turn our money quickly and give the men and young men of Omaha an opportunity of their life to buy the best ready-to-wear clothing for less than actual cost I . ; All sizes to fit big men, tall men, short, stout men, extra tall, slender men, tall, stout men, stoop shouldered, sloping shouldered and round or square shouldered men your size is here. Suits Worth $25.00, $27 Saturday for A FEW OF OUR OTHER BIG SPECIALS $20.00. $22.50. fflliW .50. and $30.00, IW'iM J Jfcij Fine All-Wool Pants, pair $1.93 -a. - i - w -w -v v a a. a) waVass' Men's Pure, Worsted Pants, pair. $2.98 500 Slip-On Raincoats, each . $2 9a Silk Mixed Worsted Pants, pair. .$3.50 BRANDEIS SERVICE : We are determined at all tinges and under all circumstances to meet our patrons more than half way. We consider each customer's complete and permanent satisfaction our greatest business asset. Wonderful Values In Hen's Furnishings 100 Dozen High-Grade ShirU Made of. fine madras cloth, soisette and satin striped blazer fabrics; neckband, $100 collar attached and coat styles, worth to $2.00. Spe-- v I uu cial Saturday, each A and 2,000 Mea'a Sprinf and 5mmar Shirt Neckband couar anacnca sryies. maae or percale and madras f r shirtinf. Most of these shirts are worth ft.oo Saturday, each 3J Men's Silk Shirta Wonderful variety of new selected crepe and tub silks. Vajues to J8.50. and patterns, made of specially Saturday, each, $5.50, M.98 $J98 Munslng Union Suits for Men Wa are exclusive Omaha agents for this well known brand. All atylea, qualities f and aisea. Suit $1 to 50 Dozen Man'a Sample Union Suite Nainsook, lisle ribbed and eonde mesh. Worth to $1.60. Spe cially priced at 95c and. 69c Man'a Silk Four-in-Hande A tine ' lot of beautiful aew pat terns. Rerular 60c ai- r uea, Saturday, each. ...... jUiC 75 Dozen Men's Silk and Llala Hoss All the new SDrtn iiul summer aha4)ea. Worth ini M 2&c. a pair. Me and ILC 1 1 inuaisUii-ao