Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
Lmiiania Sunk: Several Boatloads Saved i The. Omaha Daily mm NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. VOL. XLIVNO. 278. P- 'A, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1915--TWKNTY PAGES. - On Train g and at otel Mewa Stands, bo. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. v ; uuiULuauo ur uoYtnan r ?mnft that BSnnm lAmnitotl I mhooftoti 0 II DWIMnnO flM Vsw , vf -tahiti a -iw&b 4 AMu&iu f iff in 14. tun. way to shore Cunarder Lusitania Sinks Under Submarine Attack Bee r I 1 A 0 Mettaget Ecaching; Cunard Line Say Nnmber of Craft Carryini Pas lesgers Into Xiniale from ' Ship. NO OFFICIAL WOED IS GIVEN No Official News Given Ont Con cerning Passenjen and Crew of lost Vessel. SHELL HITS WITHOUT WAKNING NEW YORK, May 7. The Cunard company tonight announced that at 8:28 o'clock they received the fol lowing message from Liverpool: "The admiralty has had a message from Queenstown saying between 500 and 600 landed at Queenstown.. in cluding many Hospital cases, some pt whom have died. Also number landed' at Kinsale. CUNARD." BCLLKTIX. QUFENSTOWN, May 8. Some dead and injured from the Lusitania are bolus brought ashore with sur rivers. niTLLETIN. DUBLIN. May 8. A private tele gram from Clonekllly aays that sev eral hundred passengers have, landed there from the Lusitania. Three tsteamers loaded with gurvtvora aave gone to Queenstown. BULLETIN. LONDON, May 7. Several rescu lng steamer have been flighted laden with passengera from, the Lusitania, m.kinr their war- toward Kinsale and Queenstown. '-' ' LONDON. . May . 7. -TJp ia the present hour no official nawt of the passengers and -crew of the Lusitania hat been made public, ' , ; ' ftTTt.I.KTIjr. ' - , LONDON, May 7. The -Cunard line has received message aaytng that a motor boat, towing two boats containing fifty passengers and two turns with passengers are passing Kin- sale. A majority of the rescue boats or nroceedinar to Qaeenstowu. A dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph from Liverpool aays: 1 "The Cunard company states- that the , Lusitania waa sunk without warning." Towel In Kinsale. Several boat loads of survivors of the Lusitania ar now being towed Into Kinsale by a Greek steamer. Officers of the Cunard Steamship company tonight said that they "have great hopes that many Uvea were eaved." The Cuna rd company has defl nltely ascertained that the Uvea of the passengers and the crew of the LusltanUk have been saved. (.Irrn Jio Weralag. NEW YORK. Utv 7. According to a London dlspatolTput out by th ow Jones ticker UU today, ' the, Cunard Steamship company In London Issued an official statement there tonight, declar ing that the Lusitania had been torpedoed (Continued on Faj Two, Column One.) The Weather. For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair. Temperature at Osnaha Yesterday Hour. VK a. in. ....,.. 29 a. nu ... 40 7 a. in 41 a, m 47 9 a. m. ... ...,. fcl M a. m 06 11 a. m f 12 in . S3 1 P IQliOtltlMMM i I P. ra ! S p. m. ...., 70 4 P. m. p. m 67 7 p. m 65 p. m 63 Cow par tire Loral Record 1915. 1814. 191!. 1912 Highest yesterday 70 H 67 72 Lowest yesterday 64 48 M 64 Precipitation T T .( .W Temneraturu and precipitation depart' ures rrem irua normal; Normal temperature Deficiency fur the day g Total excess since March 1...... 7& formal precipitation ............. .IS Inch Deficiency for the dsv Hindi Total rainfall since March 1..IM Inches Iteflclency since March 1 ISi Inches lVflc loner for cor. period. 1914.. .46 Inch Excess for cor. period. 1S1,... lis inches Report Iran Statloas at T r. M. Station and Btata Temp, liish- Rain oi w eauier. i p. m. est. Xail. neyenne, tan ctouay... M Davenport, clear 62 Denver, clear ht ies Moines, part cloudy 66 Dodge City, clear &! Intier. part cloudy nti North Platte, cloudy 4 Oniaha, etaudy 65 Vueblo, rlesr 66 1 ttM rid City, part cluudy.. 62 Kelt Lake Cltr. clear.... 64 ianta Ke, clear , S tsiiertdan. cloudy. ......... iu Sioux City, cloudy M Valentino, clear M T Indicates trace of Brec! M .00 6 .04 4 .00 6 . .00 M Mi M .IM 70 .an 70 T 7 T i .oo 64 .00 64 .01 2 .11 70 ! .00 litation. U A. WtWII, Local r'orecaster. LUSITANIA IS SUNK BY GERMAN TORPEDO Sister of goes down off Irish coast. German government had warned trip, saying they would send it to the bottom. r NEW PROBLEM FOR THE UNITED STATES Sinking of Lniitania Probably Most Serious Incident Washington Has Faced Since War. STRIKES OFFICIALS LIKE BOMB WASHINGTON, May 7. President Wilson was informed of the sinking of the. Lusitania . and White . House officials showed keen anxiety to learn whether, any American Uvea,. were lost. No comment was made. ' News of the torpedoing of the Lus itania struck.' official .Washington like a bomb.. While disposed to await full details before expressing opinions, all administration officials realized that the Incident waa proba.- Dly3ne most serious Washington has faced since the beginning of the war. War Industrials , Break Because of Lusitania Sinking NEW,,TORX, May 7.-On the stock ex change Intense excitement followed, the news of the. disaster. to -the .Lusitania. There was a wild rush to sen and prices fell away within one . hour' from 15 to JO points in war " specialties " and fly to ten points In the more stable lssuea. Bethlehem Steel, which had scored a aew record,1 yielded all Its gala and dropped, from 140 -to 130 between-sales. Weattas-bouse 'broke ' points. The selUoa continued for the balance of the session. j . Commission houses and brokers with extensive wire connections receiving- sell ins order from as far off as Saa Fran cisco, Las Angeles and New Orlean.s - 188 Americans on ' Board the Lusitania NEW YORK, May T.-Tber were US American' passengers in all aboard the Lusitania, according to a compilation made today at the Cunard offices. ' The British numbered 95 and other natonall- ties made up the remainder of the l,tA passengera aboard. ) Traffic Through ' Canal is Growing WASHINGTON, May 7.-The traffics through the Panama canal during March was considerably greater than for any preceding months. A total of 136 sea going vessels passed, carrying 635,057 tons of cargo. This Is between one-third aad two-fifths mora vessels than had used the canal In any preceding months, and 186,100 more tons of cargo, exceeding rec ords by over 40 per cent. Tba tolls during March were K06,U. making the total col lected in the canal since its opening .71.6. Chilean nitrates took first place in the traffic, amounting to 101.025 tons, two- thirds of which went to the United Btates. 8ugar cams second, coal third, lumber fourth and barley fifth In order. One American Una of steamers has car rled 698.343 tons of cargo through the eaaal, two of Its ships having mad six trlpa French Powder " Factory Blown Up ROME, May 7.-Vla Paris.)-Tea per sons were killed last night in an ex plosion which blew up a powder factory at Fontana Lirl. The explosion caused a panic in the village and troops inter vened to restore order. A rigid investi gation Is being conducted by the autnor- itles. -"ai List of Passengers on Lusitania as F urnished by the Cunard Company - - v; NEW, YORK, Majr 7.-The list of tha first cabin passengers aboard tho,Lusl tana Includes: Albert C. EUlcke and wife, Los An geles. Csl. Lady Allen and maid. Montreal. Jullen be Ayala, Cuban consul general at Liverpool. W. Uroilerlck-CIoete, Ban Antonio, Tex. i. H. brooks. New York. C. A. Plngwall, Chlcojro. Justin U. Vorman, New York. diaries Frohman and valot. . Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora. N- TC. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lsaroyd sad malt), Sydney, Australia.- , - Lady Mai-kworth. Cardiff, Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, iioston. A. ii. Adams, isew xora. W. MrM. Adams, New York. Miss Anna Allan, Monti-pal. Miss Owen' Allen and maid, Montreal. M. N. A lies. New fork. James Baker. KnSland. . . Miss -W. A. Baker, New Tork. Mr. and Mrs.:U. Vt. B. Bartlett.-Lon don. ' . - J. J. Batersby, Stockport, England. Leontdaa Blstlo, Atlanta. . J. J. Black, New York.' Thomas Bloomfleld, New York. James Bohan, Toronto, Canada. li 11. Bowen. Boston. , l ' Mrs. Boulton, Jr., Chicago. , Miss Bralthwaite, Morrlstown, 'N. J. Miss Josephine Brandell, New York. Allan Brege and wife. New York. ' C. T. Brodcrick, Boston. Mrs. P. C. Brown, New York, i William B. Brown. Buffalo. N. Y. Mrs. Burnslde. and maid. New York. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruno,' Montclalr, N. J. ; A. J. Bylngtmi, London. . . Michael O. Byrtle, . New York. ' D. L. Chabot, London. Mrs. W. Chapman. Toronto.? . J. H. Charles, Toronto. ' - Miss Doris Charles, Toronto. , Rev. Cowley Clark. London. , , , , , M. Cohen. New York. , H. Q. Colebrook, Toronto. r Miss Dorothy Connor, New York. Mr. ..and Mrs. Oeorge R.. Copping, .To ronto. ; . ..... ... . Mrs. Wllllsm Crlohton. New York. Mrs. William Crlchton,.New York Mr. and Mrs.- Paul CromDton. HteDhen John 'and Alhorta Compton and Infant and nurse, alof Philadelphia. Robert W.Crooks, Toronto. A. M. Cross, i R. K. Dearbergh, New York. Mra Ayt) Pant, New York. Vliss CT Dougall, Ciueiea. Alley Drake. Detroit. t ' James Dunsmulr. Toronto. W. A. Esmond, Quebec. John Fen wick, Switzerland. . IT. Howard Kisher, New' York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles b". Fowlea. New York. J. Friedensteln, London. Kdwln W. fcriend, r armlnKton, Conn. Fred J. Oauntlett, New York. Edward Uorer, New York Mr. and Mra Montague T. Grant, Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hammond, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hammond. New York. C. C. Harnwtck. New York.. C. T. Hill, Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodges and children, W. Jr., and Dean W., JUlla delphia. Maater Bobs Holt. Montreal. Thomas Home, Toronto. A. L. Hopkins, New York. Miss f. Hutchinson, Orange, N.' J. C. T. Jeffrey. Chlago. Miss Jones, New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. Keeute, Toronto. Francis K. Kellett, New York. Mr. Kemnson, Toronto. Mrs. C. Hickson Kennedy, New York. Miss Kathryn Kennedy, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Kteser, 1-hUa-delphia. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ketchum, New and Mra H. C. Kimball, New York. T. R King. New York. Charles Keltn. New York. C. Harwood Knight, Baltimora Miss tlulno K. Knight. Baiiiinore. B. M. Knox. Philadelphia, tkmator Hugh Lane, England. Mrs. H." B. Lasseller, London. F. Lassetiar, ljondan. Charles Laurial. Jr.. Boston. James Leary, New York. Kban A. Leigh, Liverpool, England. Gerald A. Letts. Mew York. Mra Popham Lobb, New York. R. R. Lock hart, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Looey, atlas Lossy and maid. New York. Mrs. A. C. Luck and two children, Worcester, Mass. John W. MoConnell, Memphis, Tenn. Miss rancea McDonald, MoatreaL William McLean, New York. L. MoMurray, Toronto. Fred A. McMurtry, New York. F. K. McLennan. New York. Mra Harry D. Macoona. New York. Mr. and Mrs, Htewurt . Mason, Boston. A. T. Mathews. Montreal Rev. Basil W. Maturtn, Oxford, Eng land. Ueorue Maurice. Toronto. M. H. Med bury. New York. II. II. Myers. New York C. B. Mills, New York. James' H. MlUh. 11, Philadelphia. R. T. Mood. New York. Mrs. M 8. Morell. Toronto. O. G. Mosley. New York. Mrs. Munro. Ijverpool, England. the fastest ship ia the world Americans not to sail on this ajT i"-1" " w-' r- . Herman A. Myers, New York. F. G. Naumann, New York. Qustav Adolpli Nyblom, Canada. Dr. D. J. Orr, Toronto. F. Oit. Lewis, and valet, Montreal. Mrs. A. H. 0bome. Hamilton. Ont Mrs. li. I'adley, Liverpool, England, Freilerlco O. Padlllo, consul general for Mexico in Great Britain. J. 1L Paae, New York. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Pappadopoulay Franit Partridge, New York. ' ' Charles M. Paynter, Miss Irene Payne ter, Liverpool, England. P". A. Peardon, Toronto. '. Dr. and Mrs. F.' B. Pearson, New York. Major and Mra. Warma F. PearL In fant and riiat," Nrw York. Misses Amy W. W. and guana W. Pearl and maid. New York. Maater Btewart Duncan D. Pearl, New Kdwln Perking. New York. Frederick J. Perry. Buffalo. AiDerx pj. i-erry, Burfalo. Wallace B. Phillips, New York. Robinson Plerle. Hamilton,. Ont. . J. Pierpont, Liverpool, England. Mr. and . Mra Charles A.. Plamondon, Chicago. Henry Pollard, New York. Miss T hod ate Pope and maid, Farming ton. Conn. Georga A. Powell. New Tork. N. A. Radcllff, New York. Robert Rankin. New York. Dr. Owen Rnan, New York. ' A. L. Rhys-Evans. Cardiff. Wales. 5.fft,.?niMrf'. F' A- Rw. Toronto. T. W. Rumblo, Toronto. Mrs. Laura Ryson, Toronto. Mrs. Sterling O. Ryerson. Toronto. ; Io M. jBcheabacher, Baltimore. Aust W. Kchwarte. New York. Max W. Schwartx, New York. Percy Reoomhe, BoHton. Miss Rllrabeth fVcombe, Boston. natl1" nd,Mrt- Victor E. Shields, Clndn- M' TJ. Shymor, New York. M. T. Slide)!. New York. - - . fIl,?.J,,,, Taft Smith. Bracevllle, O. H. R. Sonn(ttorri, Baltimore. Commander J. Foster Stackhouse, Lon don. , Montre'aftePhn"' ,nfnt nUM ai ro,W' Duncan Stewart. Montreal. Robert S. Stone. New York. ' J,,arJ;,nvn traten. Iondon. O. F. Sturdy, Montreal. R. T. Taylor. Montreal, p. A. Thomas, Carrtiff, Wslea Mr. and Mrs. E. BUsh Thompson. In diana. nana Vleoi eorge Tuberrhlen. New Y'ork. J. Tlmis. New York. El O. Total v l.nnHnn Ernest Townley. Toronto. V.', U7"Ji0,ii Mrlliourne. Australia. Mlia Mabel Ta-enlow, New York. Alfred G. Vanderbelt and valet. New York. W. A. F. Vassar, London. Mrs. A. T. Wskef'eld. New York. Mrs. TK Walker, New York. Mrs. Wallace Wntson. Montreal nMra Catherine EL Wllley. Lakeforest, T. H, Williams. New York. T. F. Williamson. New York. Mrs. A. F. Wltherby, New York Master A. T,.-Wltherby. New York. Lathrop WlthlnirUn, Boston. Arthur Wood, New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Young. Hamilton, Ont. Phillip Young. Montreal. ASKS EGYPT TO BAR THE EXPUBT OF COTTON LONDON. May 7.-3reat Britain has requested the government of Erypt to prohibit the export of cotton Th all ports ether than French Russian. Spanish and Portuguese. Finances of Omaha's Public Service Corporations Meaty compilation of their stock and bond exhibits that will repay $tudy by our readers and preservation for future reference. Today's Dee See Editorial Pajfe. WANTEI RaJesman liarlne- tha ambition to work, hard fur six hours ds.Hr; ability to work at hlsh presaur and to aril one of the best and cleasieet propositions on (he msrkni. I'ennanent poxltion for the r!ht man. Tor farther laformatloa aboat this opportuait r. see tas Waal AA IkUos of Vha Bs today. Pride of Great Steamship Line Sent to Bottom; Many Passengers LONDON, May 7.-The. Lusitania has been sunk off Old Head, Kinsale by a torpedo. Assistance has been sent. LIVERPOOL, May 7. The Echo lias boon informed that a message to the Cnrnard lino rejuls as follows: r "Tho Lusitania waa torpedoed and sunk at, 2:33 o'clock this afternoon off Kinsale. , "Tliere is no word of its passengers or crew, who number over 1,900. j ' QUEENSTOWN, May 7. News received here .from tho eteamer Lusitania at 3:25 p. ra. said that before sinking its lite boats were over its sides. Many passengers aro reported dead or injured. . NEW YORK. May 7. Tta Cunard liner Lusitania, on of tha fastest blpa afloat, waa torpedoed and sunk this afternoon off the coast of Ire land, ten miles south of Klnaale. It bad aboard '1.25S passengers when it sailed from this port last Sat urday, May 1, and carried In addition to Its own large passenger list 163 passengers transferred to It from thfttor' - softer vessels. This is !- Anchor Liner Cameonla. - The news of iti slaking was an nounced by the local office of the Cunard line and was based on cable advices received from the home office of the company in Liverpool. Three dispatches, received In the order named, were made public by the line and read as follows: , "We received from the Lands End wireless station naws of repeated distress calls made by the Lusitania ask Ins for assistance at one. Bis list Position ten miles south ofiKlnsaia, Subsequently received telegram from Queenstown that all available craft in tba harbor baa been dispatched to assist." The second mcssags to the local office read: "QUEENSTOWN, 4:89 -p. m. About twenty boats of all sorts belonging- to our line aro In vicinity where Lusitania sank. About fifteen other boats ar making for spot to render assistance." The third Cablegram was dated and reaal. "Following received bjr admiralty: ' " -GALLEY HEAD, 4:25 p. m. Several boats, apparently survivors, southeast nine miles. Oreek stesmer proceeding to assistance." Dispatches received here from- London, Liverpool and Queenstown confirmed the news. One cf the messages said It was believed that all the big liner's passen gers had been saved. When tha Lusitania sailed if bad aboard Lao passengers. Borne nervousness had beealcaused because of the publication In the morning papers of Saturday of aa advertisement warning intending travel ers that a state of war existed between Great Britain and Its allies, that the son of war includes the waters adjacent to tha British Islet; that in accordance with notice given by the Qerman government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain are liable to destruction In those waters and that travelers sailing In tha war sone on ships of Great Britain or its al lies do so at their own risk. Th adver tisement was signed "Imperial German embassy." This warning apparently did not cause manycancellations, for the ship sailed with a full passenger list Just before the steamer's departure a number of the passengers rccehed telegrams at th pier signed by names unknown to them and presumed to be fictitious, advising them not to sail as tfa liner was to b tor pedoed by submarines. Alfred Gywnn Vanderbllt was on of th paaaengers who received such a messsge. II destroyed th messogn without comment. Charles P. Fumwr, general agent of the Cunard Ho said, when the Lusitania sailed, that the trip was not attended by any risk whatever, as the liner had a speed of twenty-five and a half knots and waa provided with unusual watertight bulkhead. In commenting on tha report of th tor pedoiig of th Lusitania today, marine men pointed out that In their opinion, tha Lusitania could not be sunk by a single torpedo. Large Fast Ship. Tha Lusitania and Its sister ship, th Mauritania, holding all speed records, were marvel of marine engineering and have excited th wonder of th mari time world. Beven hundred and ninety feet fn length, they are so gracefully proportioned that their vast bulk is not SI parent unless some other vessel is near 'for oompaiison. Th turbine enclnes are so smooth In actios that th vibration so frequently noticed In ether ships is prac tically eliminated. With a sustained sea speed of more than twenty-sis knots an Reported Dead hour, these splendid steamships marked tha greatest advance that has taken place In itemshlp construction. No less rrmarkahle than the slso and speied of these ships are their psssmger accommodations. Apart from the pala tial character, tha most striking feature Is spaciousness, the great also of the ships and their height between decks enabling prevision of generous allowance of spar per passenger far exceeding that parent not only W the public rooms and entrance halls but else in th private rooms. Corridors, promenades, etc Th design,, decorations and furnishing of th passenger accommodations were -en trusted to recognised experts, who schlevod results at onco tasteful,, artis- tlo .and luxurious. Tn short, these ship merit the title of "floating palaces." , Fat of Tasaenaere V'aknown. No definite news as to tho fate of the passengers has been received by the Cunard Una here early this afternoon. The Cunard line announced that It would make public as fast aa received all dispatches on the sinking of the Lusitania, Including those relating to the fat of the passengers. Tho stock market wss stnnned by the news. A torrent of selllns'orders poured In from every section of tha country. A period of Intense excitement followed. Prices In war specials broke fifteen to thirty points within art hour. Rtable Is sues dropped five to ten points. Late today the Cunard line officials re ceived a dispatch from Queenstown, stat ing that a large steamer and many small vessels and boats were In the vicinity rendering assistance. M an v floats (a Rrieie, N The dispatch follows: "Large stesmer Just arrived In vicin ity. Apparently rendering assistance. Tugs, patrols, etc., now on tha sk tak lng boats in tow. Motor fishing boats with two Lusitania boats bearing prob etly for KlnsoJo." This information came from Old Head via Queenstown. The news struck official Wasflington like a bomb. Administration officials, It vas said, realised that the Incident was the most serious faced by the govern ment since the beginning of the war. President Wilson was Informed of the sinking of tha liner and White House officials, while refraining from comment ing, were keenly anxious to learn if any American lives had been lost. Paaaeas-ors Believed Sale. LONDON, May T.-The Cunard lln steamer Lusitania, from New Tork May 1 for Liverpool, with 1.T.3 passengers on board, waa torpedoed at about 1 o'clock this afternoon at a point about ten miles off Old Head, Kinsale, Ireland, and later went down. It Is believed that Its passengers are safe. No details of how they may have been rescued, however, ar at hand. On message received her says: "Tt I not kjiown how many of th Lusitania' pas sengers were saved." Belief was Immediately sent out from Queenstown. If It floated a reasonable length of time before going down, it is possible that some of lh rescuing ships got to its side. It u believed that the Lusltaiila's watertight bulkheads would tend to keep it afloat. Two hundred of the passengers on board th Cunaxdar were transferred to It from the steamer Cameronia before It left New York. Tha presenc of German submarlnee In th transatlantic lanes of travel has been indicated by th sinking during th last few days of other British vessels off the Irish coast. It was the Lusitania which, last Feb ruary, made us of the Amaru an flag to protect it from possible attack on the part OT the German under-sea boats. Th report received here says the liner was eight miles off the Irish coast whan It went down. Warned at Presenc af Sahsaas. Th presenc of German submarines off th southern coast of Ireland and along th Una of travel th Lusltsala would (Continued on Pag Two. Column Two.) FIGHT FOR HILL NUMBER SIXTY YET UNDECIDED Battle for Possession of Desolated Region Around Ypres is Now Approaching the Final Stages. EASTERN REPORTS C0NTLICTTNO Russia Refusers to Concede that De feat in Big Battle in Galicia it Serious. GERMANS STILL USING OASES The Day's War News Or'KIt I AL. ASMMl'M KMEST la made la a dispatch from onsal inplr that sever losses have been Inflicted on the French aad Brit ish troops vthlrh landed on Oaltl poll penlnsala. Reports reach In a I.oadon from the Dardanelles, while containing aa new details af the land flghtlnc, ear that tha . bombardment by tha allien fleet f tha Tarktsh fortifications la ara reedtna saccessf oily. GERMAN AMD AtnTRIAN reports at a spectacular victory la western Galicia are Increasing;. Petroaral advices, however, while eoaeellsg a measare af eaccesa ta the Tea tonic allies, say these claims aro areatly eaancraed. Tha Raaslan war office aaaoeaer a victory la a battle near Stry. IIOPK.N THAT ITALY woaln settle peacefully her differences with Anuria ar fadlnsr aa steadily aa they were revived a few days ago. LONDON, May 7. The battle to decide the mastery of Hill No. 60 and the desolated country around Yprea has not yet reached Its final stages, nor have the Russians shown signs of accepting the German claim that a crushing defeat has been inflicted upon them in western Calicia. That the Russians have been ' pushed back many miles, first serosa the Dunsjec and now across CTTerWia' loka river, which roughly parallels the Dunajeo fifteen miles ta the eastward, all the from, German and Austrian sources insist, but the English newspapers still re fuse to concede a great victory to tho Austro-Germans, although they ad mit that a great tentative success has been achieved. There is great faith in England In th recuperative powers of Russian arms. sr.d th disposition for th moment seems to b to suspend judgment on th ques tion of whether the Russians If driven from Dukla' pas will be forced to aban don their advance against Hungary and Indeed their positions in Western Oallcla. At any rate, the argument is being n.ade by British observers that the Rua si&na should have no trouble in holding their line on the River Ban in Eastern Oallcla, especially as tholr flanky would now be covered by Prsemysl. Germans Continue to Us Gases. '. Tha fighting In Flanders finds tn Ger mans still making use of, asphyxiating gases, and tber is a noticeable current running through the British press which insists that the allies should adopt coun ter measures at once. It is being re cited that when one power departs from the rules and precedents of warfare It la manifestly unfair for the others to remain tound by them. Still no formal announoe ment that Great Britain wUl make us of such method has been forthcoming. COMMANDER OF FAMOUS LIGHT BRIGADE IS DEAD LONPOJt. Slay T.-Lleutenant General William Henry Beaumont De Horsey, who , commanded th famous light Brigade In its charge at Balaklava, dtl last night at th sere of 89 years. Ha entered the army in 1M4. became a major general In 17. and retired in ISO. Ha was decorsted for gallantry In the Crimean war. Remember To Send Your WANT AD To The - OMAHA BEE Early SATURDAY , For Our ' BIO SUNDAY PAPER If You Cannot nring It to the Office, Telephone It to Us. BEE WANT ADS Get the Big Results TelcHione Tjler lOOO. THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Heads Boa- Wan Ada, ' s il