THE nKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 1915. ITALY CONTINUES WAR PREPARATIONS Carabineer and Customs Guards Are Called to Colors and All Mili tary Leares Cancelled. FRONTIER STRONGLY FORTIFIED ON THE ITALIAN FRONTIER, Wednesday, May S. (Via Paris, May 6.) At the game tltna tlat tha negotiation between Italy and Aus tria are being continued, Italy mil itary preparation are betnjr com pleted with as much energy as though the country expected to par ticipate in war tomorrow. All the carabineers and the cus toms guard, who In Italy are at tached to the army, have been called to the colors and all military leave of absence have been suppressed. The frontier of Italy on the Austrian sid hu been strongly fortified. AU the Fmm ere protected with entrenchments and wire entanglement. Concrete hu been used In a number of places In the hectlon of barrackadr for the protec tion of the soldier. 8pecial measures have been adopted for the defense of Venice and It art treas ures. The naval authorities are of the opinion that Ions ran suns of large caliber are sufficient to prevent any hoe tile fleet from bombarding the city, but attack from aeroplanes Is feared. To af ford protection against tbe onslaughts of aviators, anti-eiu-shlp guns have been set i.p at several points around the city and it Is believed this will surfloe to protect Venire from assault above. In addition to the troops concentrated on the Austrian frontier, another Italian army has been brought together In the vicinity of Brlndlal oa tha Adriatic. This concentration Is Interpreted as a aign that Italy foresees the possibility of action In the near eait. i , very violent onslaught, during the course j of which they again made tiae of asphyxiating gases, made them masters in the hrirtnntng of this position, but nir ames siinet-quentiy delivered a counter attack and recaptured a portion of the trenches previously Inet. "In the forest of Allly, the counter at tack delivered toward ua near the end of the day made slight progress and w re rapture! a portion of the position where the Oermana had succeeded In galnlns- fooUng In the morning. During the night the Oermana delivered a counter attack against our position at Msmelon. to th east or milahrwse n, the summit of which they occupied. All the remande of our gain in the direction of the Fetht river has been consolidated and main talnad." VIENNA ASSERTS 50,000 RUSSIAN CAPTIVES TAKEN 'Continued from Pag One.) FLANDERS AGAIN BECOMES CENTER OF WAR INTEREST (Continued from fag One) pected. Nearly ail the apodal news dis patches front Northern Prance and th Belgian frontier My the Germans are massing men for a new assault In th direction of the French ports and as gas now teems to be a regular adjunct of th uermeo attacks the allies expect it will play an Important part hereafter when- ecver the direction of the wind is favor able to the Oermana British observers of the war sifting all me news rrora the eastern arena of hos tilities, admit this morning that the Otr man allies have inflicted several, ooneld- erabls local defeats upon the Russians on the West Oallrtan front, but they point to the fact that the entire front has not been crushed as w at flfSt claimed, end that the stubborn fighting U pro ceeding. In view of the complexities ef the situa tion there to comparatively uttle editorial vommeta In th London papers en the Chinese-Japanese situation. Nevertheless there an indications that the public le acutely interested la the progress ef th negotiation between Toklo and Peking. " Artillery boomed In London, The shots were not aimed at alroraft or any hostile raider, but wre In honor ef the fifth an niversary ef the access ion ef Xing Oeorge to the throne. , , , Great Brltala Will Retaliate. The suggestion that Great Britain adopt measures In retaliation for the use of gasee in battle by the Oermana took con crete form today. Joseph Kins, rpr stinting the north district of Somerset, the House of Commons announced hi intention of Introducing a resolution oa this subject on Tuesday. The resolution set forth Teat this house agrees to such measure ef retalia tion as Is essential to prevent success attaching te ueh gross and unparalleled violation of the rules oC war; . eubot. howvr, to th condition that the pre paration ef any gas used by his majesty's military forces, th utmost regard be paid to the dictates ef humanity." British 'Racastsr Tveaeatae. PARIS. May . The French war office this afternoon gave out a report on the progress of hoeUritleev reading-, i "To the north at Tprei w repulsed with facility a eight attack made by the German from Steensstraste. "Te the south of Yprea, the German yesterday at a point near Z wart el en at tacked th trenches ef HUM No. SO. ore. f4ed last month by British troops. Their IF BE 6KILES Sont ria Them With a Tsui , Th Wit ha tela SVesoViptioa This prescription for the removal ef freckles wee written by a prominent Physician snd la usually so eueoeasful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that It la sold by Sherman MoOonnell or any druggist under guarantee to refund the money If It fails. Don't hid your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othoe and remove them. Even the first few application should show a wonderful improvement, soma of the lighter freckles vanishing entire ly. B sure to ask the druggist for tea double strength thins; It la this that Is sold on th money-back guarantee.- Advertisement. upon the retreating Russians has twn brought to bear by the forces of Oen erai von Mackensen and FleM Mar shal Daren Von lloetiendorf, which are advancing from the west. Tbe operation of th Austro-Oerms roe wnlcn is now threaientna- tha Russian line between the Dunajec and BUI river I regarded as a flret-clas performance, from a German military standpoint, particularly as It Is the re sult of a frontal attack against strongly fortified positions. The Austrian crossed the Dunajec near It confluence with the Vistula, although tha Russians were strongly protected behind a dike on the eastern bank. The Austrian. behind a dtk on th west shore, ad vaaoed pontoons by night, tutting through the dike and depositing the pon toons among high reeds along tho shore, Tbey refilled and resodded the cut each night. In- this way a aufficlont num her of pontoon was concealed In three night for effecting a crossing of the river. When these preparations had been completed a terrific artillery bom oerdment enabled the Austrlsns to bridge th stream with comparatively little Artillery Attack oa Gorllce. The A yet no-German attack near Gorllce la described as an unparalleled artillery performance. The Russian believed thstr positions to be absolutely Impregnable. The artillery of the allies, from 42-cent! metres down, so completely overwhelmed the Russians, however, that the Austro German Infantry was able to take the opposing position at th first rush. These operation were veiled by i heavy bombardment of the Russian post tione along the Nlda river last week, the Ciena ans and Austrian meanwhile bring' Ing up a powerful force. Including an enormous amount of artillery to the Dunajeo for the great push eastward to ward Lemberg. The Russians tlt! hold one strong post Uqn oa a range of hill more than 1.009 feet high, near Tuchow, but this position la now threatened from both the north and south. Artillery la already preparing th ground for an attempt by Infantry to dislodg tho Russian. In view of this situation, it la gen erally believed In Berlin that the opera tion in Oaliola during th nest ten days win yield big results. Kaaeet to Take Yprea. The situation at T pre-Belgium, where the grand duke ef Wltteraburg la com manding, is also considered highly prom ising for th German. It I believed here that the Rrltlsh and "Tench will be able t hold the town of Tpre for another week. The German are said to hav gained nearly three mile during the last few day, their opponent withdrawing steadily before the Oerman Infantry and machine gun attacks. Advice from the Belgian front say that this retreat to place I a disorderly See, and that numereua dead or wounded soldiers are being left on th ground. Most Vlgoroa Offensive War. PETKOCI RAD, May S-ma London) With intermittent activity, consisting chiefly ef Intens artillery fire along the whole front from the Baltic provinces to the Austrian crown land of Buaowtna, th German are developing a most ser ious movement lit large force from th region of the Austrian fortress of Cracow In the direction of the river. rKinaJeo. The Germans succeeded in forcing the river, but according to Russian ad rice a they were effectively checked en the east bank by artillery fire. la num her of troope and pieces of ar tillery and generally through the vigorous character of the movement thta offensive eclipse all th other scattering man euver which the Oermana have been employing In kt attempt to dislodge the Russian from th Carpathian mountains On May t German force tn a hurricane ad vanned until they approached within pace of the Russian trench near Gor Ilea There, though badly crippled by nuHian artiiierr, iney neia tneir posi tion until nightfall. In th region ef Opatow and Lopuacno and at other pclnU on this front between Upper Vistula and the Carpathians, fierce fighting la being recorded. After long artillery engagement the outcome of these battles usually le drfeded by bayonet encounter. A furious engagement near Gorllce till continues undecided while to the eastward along the Carpathians' front, t Masolaboros, Koelovk and QtUovettkl, th heights changed hands three time before the Russian obtained permanent possession ef them en May t Bryan's Son-in-Law Has Landed Place WASHINGTON. May .- pcc :el Telegram.)- Hct tary Bryan's son-in-law has now been added tn the federal pay roll. The announcement has been made that Rl hard Hargreaves has been appointed a clerk in the In-mlvont hank division of the controller of th cuirrney'a office st S salary of ll.MO a yar. The appoint ment was made by John FkHlnn Wil liam. It la said that Mr. ltargreave In tend to learn th banking buelno and start up later for himself. pi Tke THOMPSON-BELDEN STORE g speaa a Ja rf a. sV SWA Sa - mm, mm mm av a ease a a m ease te m9 S HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS C0NNELL COMPLAINS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES (From a Staff Corespondent) LINCOLN. May . (Special.) W. J., Connell of Omaha ha filed a complaint with the State Insurance board alleging that the Reliance Insurance company of nttaburgh, which had issued Insurance t to hla son. Ralph. In the sum of 10.W. I and the Maryland Casualty company, which leaned a policy for $2T..(r) on the life of the same eon, had refused to pay the policies. Young Connell was killed tn Mexico during the late disturb ance there and the companies deny that they sre liable for that reason. GOVERNOR M0REHEAD GRANTS REQUISITION tFrom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, May . Speclal.)-Oovernor Morehead today granted th application for requisition papers for Mr. and Mrs. ferry Smith being held In Omaha and who were Indicted by a grand Jury In Nodaway county, Mlxaourl, for having in their possession gambling device. The hearing was had before the governor yes terday afternoon. May Suits $25 An attractive showing of well designed suits, which is meeting with instant approval. Every garment is hand tailored, insuring lasting good looks. The variety of fashionable models is so extensive that every woman may choose an individually becoming suit. $25 No Extra Alteration Charges. NEBRASKA INDIANS TRIM HASTINGS REDS HASTINGS, Neb.. May .-fpec1a1 Tel egram.) Tlie Nebraska Indiana today de feated the ITaatlng try outs. 6 te 1. on a rough and slippery diamond. No corps were made until the seventh when the Indians scored a run and four more In th eighth. The Reds scored one In tbe ninth. lilts: Indians, 8; Hasting. . rrora: Hastings, 3; Indians. 3. Bat teries: Indians, Watson, IShegg. Connell and Towle; Hasting. Croka. Beed! and Richardson. om tn- Llver Complaint Makes happy. No Joy In living If your stomach and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King a New Life Pill. All druggists. Advertisement The Store for Shirtwaists The original store within a store made popular by its moderate pricings of exclusive blouses. The T. B. Special Waist for $ 1.00 ( is worth seeing as soon as possible. A Final Clean-Up Friday Any Trimmed Hat in our Department at two prices: , $2.95 and $4.95 Second Floor. Hats that sold for $6.50, $8.75, $10.00, $12.50 and up to $18. We are determined to make a final clearance of every trimmed hat in our stock, regardless of the for mer selling price, to make room for an entirely new line of summer hats. Come and take your unrestricted choice. Sale continues only until 1 P. M. Friday. . J. These Undermuslins Half-Price Friday Jew Government at Broken Bow BROKEN BOW. Neb.. May 1-tBDo. ciL Th new city administration took ovr th rein of government Tuesday ight. Retiring members are Mavor A. Drew. Councllmen Wilson. Van CotL Joyner and Oeorge. The new lineup I a follows: Mayor, W. W. Waters; city clerk. Roy Thompson; treasurer, Ray auns; water commissioner and chief of police, r. it. 8k 111 man; city marshal. Ed ward C. Orabam; councllmen. Walter Harris, Victor Beck. L. Cushmau. J. S. Austin. The holdover Councilman -. -' A B. Anderson,' C. 8. Toolev. Hrt. vi! ball and Ed MoClur.' City attorney, the wm, ol ouuivan. squire and Johnson; health officer. rr. W. B. Talbot. Blltoaa Atl-.i.- When vou have a hiitinu. ..... Uver fall, to nerform I,. 77, SZZZ become constipated. The food you eat lermonta in your stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a t.rHhi. i,-. ch Take Chamber lain' Tablet. They "... .u... up your liver, clean out your tomach and you will SOon be as well ea ver. They only cost a quarUr. Obtain able everywhereAdvertisement. Department -J- gram l-Charlea N. Richard wV. Si BoVaPil! n.? .)' Wn "et-tblhjhed at ?""' ?' Horn countv. w,i.,7. 1', Hi 'OKfllHIl WOMEN'S GOWNS, COMBINATIONS AND SKERTS, ALSO CHILDREN'S DRESSES, SOILED FROM SHOWOTQ. WOMEN'S GOWNS, low neck, short sleeves, regular $2.00, $2.25, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.75 qualities, at HALF PRICE WOMEN'S SKIRTS, embroidery trimmed; regular prices, $2.25, $3.50, $125, $8,25 and $8.50 at HALF PRICE WOMEN'S COMBINATIONS, corset cover and drawers, only a few sizes, $L75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50, $6.00 and $11.25 values, all at - HALF PRICE CHILDREN'S DRESSES, only a few sizes 2, 3, 4 years; most all colored dresses; have sold from $1.25 to $8.00, all at' - - . - - HALF PRICE Bungalow Aprons for 39c The best value ever of fered, on sale Friday, Base ment; displayed' in Howard street window. Gloves Reduced Full 16-button length silk gloves, in white only, all sizes; $1.00 quality - 79c Long white silk gloves, full 16-button length, milanese finish, all sizes in white only; $1.25 quality - $L00 1 HOW SHE ENDED TEN YEARS OF SKIN-TORTURE Oct O. 1914."! had ecseina on my fare for ten year. Uttle red pimpUa DEATH RECORD. . Mr. Pevld If. Tr. FAIRJBCUT. Neb.. May t-fipvUI.- Mra. David . Terp died at her home In Falrbury after a brief 111. Mrs. Terp, nee Miss Ella H. Kroetschlog, was born la Omaha. November t, id. Peoeased la survived by her, h vis band. eon. parenU, t we el ate re m.mA lhiM tnttepa r-h. WwuMaday afternoon. Rav. R. N. Ortil efflclatlBg. Burial took plaw In Fair bury eecnetary. ftotee twm Vaektaa. YANKTON, g. IX, May a-8pscial.) "Founder day" we celebrated Wednes day at Taaktoo college la honor ef Dr. Joseph Ward. who we born formed In a small ernt on .h- at Perry Osnter, fc. T then spread ell vr my face. Thsv I RY' e" ltrhed and burned ra awfully. It was certainly embarrassing to me. and I would not go amongst peopl. I triad almost every remedy and treatment that uouid be used for this troubl. but Both May . Bouske. priest at Tabor, as tnveateg domestic prelate ' te the pope en Wednesday. Bishop O Oonnan a as present, a were many priest from this portion f the state. . Tr thirteenth aaaual eenteet la era- Ing did, me aoy good. I used Restnol nr d oclajntion for th blrt sohooU Ointment snd Resinol 8oap. sad w,ef th tt will tak ptac her Friday relieved In a day or two. In one month I ea cured. This was six month ago and the troublo ha never returned." Hined) lre. C. l Roberta. Weatkar ford. Okl. Kvery druggist sells Raatnal aader th usploe of Yankton eolleg. Flrtn achool hsv entered pecker for the event. Knights of Columbus of th state will meet here euodsy In large number for RSrilTraf-'e"!!- W"n " Po-'m! heJui M r"vn; route will be e.b 11 Jij M follow: In Nebrneka- ? tuej-man county, route Nn x I W;'WO-m!i-. femlli..- roa; Walthlli: , tcaaerer la Cleaa-fp. Oermany av-haefer. th former W.h lngtnoomedlan. has ben moved Tto fl-hJ field- from first bv Manager PhiiHrS" th. Nrfeda "Schaef "ThltUni tath. clean-up poaitlon. ing in the A Strength, Flesh and Body Btulder For Spring ttTeHllmdww1h eopU Fut oa lea to Twaavy VoauAu of Maaltay Flash. wet1 mVhodn''.'' teriMl In th 7.-:L" nisv , . .wu iney i. which t oiher seaeoi. kep fleen d aelVht normal is partially dlverVed in cold OULO YOU SAVE AND INVEST A DOLLAR IF YOU COULD i Guaranteed 7 Praferred Shares but earning more? Would you invent In hares as safe a Government Bonds if you knew you could get . your money back when you wanted It? We can give you the name ef hundreda who have received their money back and tha profit earned. ' Tou can lnveat as little or as much as you like, leave It as short or as long a tim as you Ilk. i Will you call or oh one for our booklet th "New Way," for mor Information?' American Security Company Fiscal Agent HOME BUILDERS (INC.) Cor. 17th and Douglas, Omaha. AMfSKMENTS. AMUEMEJT. AMUSEMENTS. rT. . oooy. men moat of u ac- tear'rffT' 'i0"?" or rl tear down rieeh. lower vitality, cause a consider.!. 0. 1 weight and lei". u In a rundown . on.imr. i.. .... ..T. riVrd-rt L ,,r ," " or e,f" s'OulJbe regarded with alarm and promi.t meas ures taken to rin the loet flesh A splendid tKKly buTlder nd flesh product Wl1" Preparation know as Hargol which can be found at druagieie ev.ryt,er. and which seldom f ", to glvs th user a Weight Incrv&ee of from ten to twenty pounds within a fe weeka bargol does not of Itself make :. "iV 'f small tablet which read lly dlseoivea in the stomach and. mixinK wltn the fats, sugar and sltu-chee of the rood you eat, prepares these fleeh making materials into a form where the blood can easily st.sorh and distribute them throuahout the body. It Is really amaalng how quickly and easily lon't flesh and weight return whn Sargol is used with your meals. With return ing normal weight tomes too a cor responding return of health, spirits biiioiiioii ana vitality and you soon feel your old self anln. Hherman A MWon neil Drug Company Htoros and lea.ilng druaalets everywhere sell and recom mend bargol and every packag con tains a Busranle of weight increase or money bark. Caution While rarol I also widely used for overcoming nervous dvauepal and g-nerl stomach troubles Its action In Increasing welaht ta so practically certain that ita us la not reconxnended to those who are not willing to Put on ten or raor pound of flash. Advertisement If You Have Good Teeth Without good teeth It Is Im possible to masticate your food properly therefore your digestion causes poisoned blood poisoned blood cause plmplea. headaches, drowainesa. rheumatism, kidney trouble and general tearing down of your system. PAINLESS EXTRACTION 1IY VITALIZED AIR. Taft's Dental Rooms 1S1T HOI G LAS STREET. Monster Shark Slain by White Man in The Famous VILLIAMSON SUBMARINE Moving Pictures Announcement extraordinary I Coming- soon I Tbe 1 supreme achievement ef the Moving Pic ture Camera, tbe Universale World Famous Williamson Sub marine Picture taken at tbe bot tom of tbe seal - Tbey are unique, sensational end educational and were made to amuse. Interest, amass and Instruct. "Kvery man, woman and child will be the gainer by seeing this Slnascle of achievement la mo on picture." Ada Patterson. GAYETY All aTxt Week. Starting Bnau day. Display at ;00, 3:30, Tl30 and BiOO P. at. I 1 i ; i ? Saturday rf. ARE VOU GOIHG TO f.lOUE? If you are, now t a good time to get rid of your OLD PIANO. Tel. ephone I)otttIa 128. We will call for your Plana and give you a duo bill for it full raeh value. When you are nicely settled you may come down and pick out a new Piano or PLAYER PLANO and have) It delivered to your now quarters. Remember, we make you an allowance of the full cash value of your piano in esrhanxe for a new one and we will let you MAKE YOCK OWN TERMS on the Balance. We have the flneet piano on earth right here in etock for you to select from. We are exclusive mpreitentatitee for the urat STEINWAY, WEBER, HARDMAN, 8TEGER & SONS, EMERHON. MfPHAIL, L1NDE.MAN & bONfl and our own WHMOLUIU & Ml'ELLEIt Planoe. Also the Aeolian ine of PIANOLA PIANOS. SCIinOLLER&nUELLER PIAHOGO. 1 1811-13 FiU-nani HU The Oldest Piano House in the West. BOYD There are few things so refreshing after a hot, tiresome day as a good head bath, using Lee's Liquid Shampoo. The after-effects are pleasant recollection only. It (eel eleaa and is dean. 1 her U no soap leit in the hair. The hair goes right back into ita old training- Thar is but a lingering odor oi lavender and roseanary with tinge oi cedar. The beautiful emerald green transparency indicate purity; a taste will prove the absence oi ha caustic; the quick drying and after-condition of the hair prove that no eoap ta left beaind. 4 ounce ts. 25 cents. 12 or.. 80 eentt. 32 os, J LOO At Jeaif uto r itlifnJ CEO. H. LEE CX), Laboratories, Omaha, Neb, JSiJiife i - .v; OMAHA'S MOST voenr.ia wk..- Tonight, Mat. Tomorrow S:30 A BUT1EKFLY ON 1HE WHEEL Xstra Bvary lrformaao oo. Phelp. Prsnoee Keppler Soag and Dane. Wk. Oeo. M. Cohan's idni Johnny Jose. O-eo. Phelps a John. y. Tn., Conoert It ight. Mi Sditk tUoklager. Soprano, between act. Ma- "-. Wed., Thurs., Bat- S9o Tango Mat. Tharaday. arignts, aso, ooo. BflAflDEISK txzatss Matinee Sat. TBTB SKASOK'S BIOOSST BAKOAOT THE RED ROSE J?? a Mnstoal Vnmbri 10 Moflera Oaaoe A 93.00 Show for ll.OO. "MO" ltn-TVi;I"T i-"th. Mat. Dally ADTXEMTIO MOTIOV PICTOBES THE WAR of THE NATIONS - S Heels 6.000 rt With fcectara "Omaha -a rvw OXbTTXbV e... .Th,,k0, Closing Week SAM HOWE ,loeinal(er8,,Mu- Bit Beauty Choru and Prove of lx-llsiitfiil lnctne Divlnitlr Tand.inu, p OaiQIJTAX ' bed" Mot Bia- liUCDOV iKTrn kT.V cere Act, "ntnni dlOILhW in T..i. rt f . , . wwa . T '.. "?. JU ana Drama tic P Ketch. "The &vny Warnlni" ladles' Dime Matinee Week Bay. Advaaosd Taud. uUy Mat. right. 8 ita. Vaoa Sens'. Other ats; Whit ing A Burt. Hus sey A Boyl. Trav- ItfS MllliMj-v ... P5cr Hartr7 Wataklns. RIOO l.tTTO BROS.. Orpheum Travel Weekly Jl-fcUtl..: Oallerr. las. Bt CMt. inot SM-anUy aad Saaaari. It Nisutat Iw-aMnT Hugh Herbert Co. ' Tar-SolcMir Shasiiinn is West tot trnBmm aatf. a Sfrhsng ef swima esd tot taaesne ttw gieiia et aeer. Mesiee daadruf . srmla Oeaeiu. Uea, Wats. ilaiiromaioim'ixg tritment and Reeiaol Soap and doctor degree work, and on Mondy the atU hav prescribed th Resinol treatment convention of ta order will be' held for tsrnty yeara-AdrertlsemenL l.r. 27" NOW IN PROGRESS -TL HAYDEN's GREAT MILLIWERY CLEARANCE WE17 YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CORINNE PAULSON, Soloist BRAXDEIS THEATER Tonight at o'clock. Ticket Bow 60c. UjQQ and SU50. IPP T II E AT E P) Home of La Today aad Saturday Tk OUvr Moroaao VkotopUy Oompaay ; rrat Lois kriiom ta "Help Wantod" ZJ