Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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- V Y Wr-VV " y'i- iT-
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, May 5, 1915. .
DID you ever notice the kind of smsl) tslk thit precedes a wedding?
An burst forth In gleeful exuberance over the tiniest things.
The bride in always a perfect dear, the groom invariably lh
;j; catch of the town (until then we never realize we have to many
patches), the plans for the wedding so unusual and splendid, everything
perfectly lovely.
But on too return of the bride and groom the babel has a different
ring, sort of like getting down to bedrock. ,lke a Jsek-tn-tbe-bosy this
conversation, taken from Life, Jnexltably bobs up to humanly terminate
the honeymoon atmosphere:
"Of course you didn't see anything." .
naa no iaea you were going
going to board."
now perfectly lovely your wedding presents all look. I hadn't the
slightest Idea your friends were so
"Of course you'll miss your parents terribly at first, but it's so sensible
, to start alone. By and by It won't
"Yes, it'a always the first year
t romise me If you want anything you'll let me know. I'll be over
very day, anyway, until you're settled." -
Opening Tango Matinee.
Th. first tango matinee at t fkiyd
theater will bejrlvn Thursday after
noon. Immediately following the mati
nee the stage will b cleared and all Ui
patrons are Invited to stay and dance.
The orchestra will remain to play for
the flan s. and there will be one hour of
fcdward Lynch, leading man, and
George rfeelpe, who has gained quite a
mrmtatlon as a dancer, will be there to
dance, a wilt aJao Mini Ruth Gates, the
leading lady, and Miss Frances Kepplei
another clever dancer, beside all of the
ofhT members of the stock company.
To Honor fcride.
Mrs. Thomas F, Xlanley of Rtd Oak.
la., formerly MUft Hoxtna Cullen, will
entertain at bridge at her home la Red
Oak on Saturday, May a Her guests
will be Omaha friends, who will motor
to Red Oak. arriving for o'clock' break
fart. Mrs. Ilanley will serve dinner at
4 o'clock, and the guests will return to
Omaha the same evening.
The giwicts are members of the Satur
day Bridge Luncheon club, of which Mrs.
Hanley wu a member. Those present
will bei-
Mlfloo- MIbiws
Jrne IjmKrton. - Mayme OTtrten,
Hln Non-U, n,M Kherlock,
Marie Foley, , Jvrina Tate.
Marl Kuland, Jlartle Beck.
Ann Welch,
Mtsnca Mlsx.s
Kathertne Buillvan, Mae Oreerne.
Mory Welch. r ;rece. l.anndon,
J.velyn McCaffrey, Mniinnli Talc,
Winifred Trsynnr, Margant Cullen.
Mrs. T. tlauley.
Fashion Hint
y la nroxTr:t su.
Of Jut stifriririt weight to be comfort
able for epiing woar or lor an occaa
eina!ly cl.i:ly Juy in midsummer, the
cot pii'tured U of blark' e.ik jiUardlne
in inuue t'fi'et't. the. li -(y k. nl fHtm.
a th.'ov. round oke ari'i a row
of Iiirliiw locals, fimohij Willi S-If-CUA--..!
I.jLI.j!. H.UiiiiiiK l ti.e tiiUi:tii.,
t!;c tut ficirt (trruluall l a tiicild
f ..;ii.. A fiokel fmt'irr is i .e lacing
t j,::.KT of th bll,- ath a hravy silked
tv. ,', fini jitd ith a it.t-l.
) ;
. ,- '
' r
( I
L i:
: J
X j '
i " " J
. . , v
.!,.:,,.T, ,
to keep bouse thought you were
good to you."
make so much difference who you
that's so hard."
Tea This Afternoon.
The Visiting Kurao association gave a
tea this afternoon In thr;r rooms In the
city hall. Spring flowers decorated the
rooms and the guests were received by
the officers, who are: Mrs. Herbert
Rogers, president; Mr. W. J, llynea,
vice president; Miss Clara Thomas,
secretary, and Mrs. W. R. Adams, chair
man of relief work. Assisting through
the rooms were the following members
of me board or directors:
Mesdamcs Mrsdsmrs
ft. R. Towns, O. I j. rrii1ley,
M. li. Arthur, Viclor t.'ahle. rll,
Ralph Brecken- Benjamin (Jalia-
T. 1 Davis. W. J. Jlyncn,
WUIard 1). Hosford, Myrt.n U. learned,
Thomaa K 11 1 trick, H.rton Millard,
Charles Mrts, .John L. McCague,
Iterre O. Mortar ty, Albert N,
V. 1. McHhane, W. E. Rhodes.
Frank Norton, Victor Rowwater,
Herbert M. Rogers, Adolph Htors.
J. Sonnnberg, v John W. Towle,
T R. Ward, ' W. A. Adams,
Mlsac Misses
Alice Buchanan, Ellen BtewerL
On the Calendar.
The Cambo American society will meet
at the Toung Men's Christian association
Thursdsy evening. All the Welsh and
Welsh descendants are cordially Invited.
For Misi Curtis.
Miss Lynn Curtis of New York City
was honor guest today at a luncheon
given by Mrs. Joseph Barker at her
home. The table was decorated with a
large bowl of purple pancles and covers
were placed for:
Mead m,i lTAail
Joseph haldrlge, Frank Juitmn,
C. K. Crane. W. K. MhiII.i,
F. A. Kronen. Frank Hamilton.
hi. II. Hrague,
Entertain Clnb Memberi
Mrs. W. II. Karl entertained the mem
bers of the Crochet club Tuesday even
ing at her home. The next meeting-will
be In two weeks, when Mrs. Tlandcler
will be the hostess. .Thoae present were:
Meadamns Meednmns
AllKUll Wredsm. B. O. John.
J. '. Prawn. .L. liouser.
K. C. Jlarslelcr,
Fenonal Mention, ,
Mr. Arthur C. Stnra. Is confined to his
home with a severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. PurdtU Uoycs and
daughter, Barbara, of Howard, are visit
ing at the home of Mr. W. Masters.
Girl is Attacked
As she was leaving the house of a
friend at 'Twenty-third and A streets.
South Omaha, Tuesday night, Miss Laur
Ine Turner, aged IS, 1804 Bancroft street,
was tolled by a at range man who stuffed
her mouth full of grass to prevent her
screams, locked,, her hands behind her
back and rushed her to an adjoining
alley half , a block away. The girl put
up a stiff struggle and finally was able
to deliver a well directed kick, which
landed upon the man with such force
that he struck her a blow on the head
and made his escape. The blow did not
Injure the girl.
Omr "Jl(r" Offer This mm fte.
Don't mfas this. Cut out this .litv
enclose with to to Foley A Co., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive In return a
trial package containing Foley e Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Mils, for pains
In sldea and back,
ache, kidney and bladder ailments; and
r-oiey fatnarllQ Tablets, a wholesome
and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Stout
people enjoy them. Sold everywhere.
Advertisement. s
Miss Ella Brackin
Laid Away at Rest
The funeral of Miss Ella Brackin was
tcld at t o'clock at the First Tresby
lulun church, of , which she was an
arly member. - Rev. Edwin Hrt Jenks.
Il.f iaater. conducted ha ivu ...
sleted by Rev. M. V. Hlgbce of th. North
rywrian ruurcii. Burial was In For
.at Ijiwn cemetery, which Miss Brs .kin's
ftther founded. - l'allbcarera wrn i..
likra and m. mbers of the church: Rob.
eit 7)emptHr, Dr. W. B. Olbbs. It. A.
voua. .. i. Wood, Randall K. Blown
and Henry K. Maxwell.
The sufferer from kdrey and bladder
diwMHe ta despondent and dowa-heerted.
b,UM it u liard to be anytl.lna els. with
" h trouble filter up, folk.! n-r.r
tU S',.rfr rlbl pains are
. mimic mun.trr wr
s.uerlnM Vuur kidneys with a rlu of
el U ht you h.T. violent headaches
and don t simp at mshts. tr. If
you do fall kliteep. you tntv awak.nvd
st-vera) linn tu urinate. " When you a he
all or. and eiiaro. knlfe-llka pains
shoot throuxh your body. Or your UeL
hsnds or Joints swell up. lt u rheuma or drop or a forerunner of terri
ble Itrlsiil s ltae4e.
Chr up! When you feel like this. Set
tuy Go to your drug!t and Kt a bos
of the nur.. origin! t-jt,o ME DA I.
Ilsarlein tnl Caisules, Imported frasn
every month by the Ameri.nn Offlie of
the Cruise lisariem Oil Mfg t'o M
U.ter M. New Vora City. I'leaaant'and
eny to tk. snd carry In your pocket
bu world-wide household remedy wtii
iliiise out ot your system the uric acid
"'in. The old-f.ilned Haarlem
Oll-;iI.I MrUAI-ln capsule form, la
Ihe National Itemedy of Holland. Three
sues. .-. t9c and tJ.08. Money refunded
if tney do liot help you. Ad vertiseniout
Makes Kecord for Asking Question!
and Even Want to Know Salj
. ariea of Bank Directors. ' '
"I'd like to go to Washington and
show that fellow how to run his bus
iness," said an Omaha banker, com
menting on Comptroller of the Cur
rency Williams' new demands for de
tailed information with regard to the
business of all the national banks.
"That fellow is a little lord all by
himself," continued the banker as h
unfolded the great complicated blank
form and Ironed the creases out with
his fist. "Look at this thing this
blank form. Look at what he wants
t know. There is no end to the fool
questions he asks. I think he Is ask
ing a lot of things that are none .f
his business. He Is throwlifg a lot
of extra work on the banks and de
manding that answer be made in full
on every Hem forthwith. He has a
string of a hundred or more bank ex
aminers drawing fine salaries and
knowing nothing about the banking
business. Why don't they come and
get this Information? They examine
every bank twice a year. They are
paid to do thl work, and why don't
they go over our books and get the
Information? Instead of that the
comptroller orders us to do this work
and make up the reports. He orders
us around as though w were his tn
ployes," as though he were paying us
a salary Instead of paying fat salaries
to his bank examiners for doing
The new blanks whlcn ...
rtVfd the offices , of the national
banks, ask about twice as many ques
tions regarding the bank's business as
were ever asked before.
Carloae A boat Overdrafts. 1
This time the comntrollur w.nt. n
know a dlstreaalng lot about overdraft.
especially about the overdrafts the bank
nas charged orf in the last one, two.
three, four and five years. EstMclallv
does he want to know how much ih. .
fleers of the bank or other employes are
favored with overdrafts, and how many
of these It ever becomes neceanary to
charge off. He wants to know what
overdrafts are secured and which on
are unsecured. .
The comptrollers tn former Vesra al
ways did ask a lot of queatlona about the"
officers and directors. Comptroller Wil
liams has gone about two stride hatter
snd has asked what salaries the officers
and directors get: what shars of stock
In the bank they own es registered on the
stock ledger, and what shares they
actually own, registered or not registered
on the ledger.
These and a whole reelment of fnmlil.
able new queetlons has the . comptroller
put to the bankers In his new form of
report. ,
Writes Letter, Teo.
Then. Just for good measure, he' wrnla
them letter each, setting forth a little
A Very Special
Glove Sale
Coming Saturday
We have focused unprecedented endeavors on this sale, which will prove one of the
greatest bargain-giving events we have had this 'season. We urge all who have not
purcnasea tneir spring wraps not to overlook this sale.
Vorth to $10,
program for banks to follow in the mat
ter of overdrafts. Here Is what he saya
In part:
"Tou are requested to pass resolutions
directing that o officer or employe of
the bank shall pay or charge to the ac-
ccunt of any depositor and check of euch
depositor when there are not sufficient
funds on deposit to the credit of the
drawer of the check to meet the same."
Well, overdrafts have been Juat as regu
lar and customary a phase of banking
buelnees as counting silver. Po this came
pretty hard. Nevertheless the banks
passed resolutfons in a general way cov
ering this point In order to conform to
tho demands of the comptroller. They
admit that the resolution actually passed
l.asn t very good teeth.
Sutton Does Not
Concede Election
of All Five of "Ins"
"I don't concede the election of five of,
the administration slate, but If It doee
turn out that they have control of the
city of Omaha, the men that made the
fight for better government are of the
opinion that the close call given to the
Omaha Oaa company and Omaha Elec
tric company will tend to make them
reepect the people's wishes more than
they have In the past.
"As chairman of the people's com
mittee on behalf of alt those who worked
for better government, I desire to thank
all those who joined with us to better
conditions in Omaha's city government"
Sir Horace Plunkett
Buys Some More Lots
After buying a lot near Sixteenth and
Capitol avenue Juat a few dava aro and
planning to build a large store buUding,
Kir Horace Plunkett baa also purchased
the property of M. 8. 31la at the north.
east corner of Twenty seventh and Leav
enworth. This is what is known as lots
S and It, Jacobs' addition. The prloe
given is 140.000,
. Alleging conversions of mortgaged eattta.
which had been assigned as awurtt n
promissory notes, a Dryfoos A Son of
moux city, la., have- filed suit In federal
court for $13.6 against B. A. Fowler, a
farmer of Valley county, Nebraska; John
Walt, the Great Western rVmmluin.
company, the Commercial State bank of
Arcadia and the Loud City Stat hank
of Loup City. Plaintiffs assert that the
other defendants received the ' proceeds)
of the W$ mortgaged steers, when the
latter were sold on the South Omaha
market by Fowler.
Tropical climate of the Panama eanal
one did not agree with John Horn, a
.ortn Carolinian, who had been in the
army ten years and was sent there with
the Tenth Infantry. But he didn't want
lo cease being a soldier. Bo he bought
his discharge at Panama and came ta
JOmaha at jnce for the purpose of en
listing again, thereby avoiding the cli
mate that was oppressive to him.. He was
accepted for re-enllstment by the local re
cruiting officers and has been sent to
fort Logan, Colo., for aaalgnment to
some other regiment ot infantry, f
' '
Very Unusual
Coats For
Every Use
'Auto Coats;
Street Coats.
Sport Coats.
Dress Coats.
Summer Coats.
Vorth to $15,
Moorhead Agrees
With Bee Figures
An independent unofficial count of city
electron votes made in the office of the
election commissioner aa-reea with The
Morning Bee s totals In that It showa
Jardlne to have defeated McOovern by
'thirty -seven votes.
All totals In the election commissioner's
unofficial count agree substantially with
those published by morning newspapers,
showing the following results: Hummel,
iz,wo; KUgei. w,7; Wlthnell, 1.2;
Drexel. 10.143; Dahlman, 10,IM; Butler,
S.26R; Jardlne, f.CTO; McOovern, .9!J; La
moreaux, t.MS: Hackett. STes- Mo.if
,32, eimmsn, g,50t); Ryder, 7,M; Simon!
s.n. The vote for and against Sunday
base ball was 10.7W to IMS: auriunrinm
bonds. U.777 to 6,730; school bonds. 1J,
to s.eTj.
Commissioner McOovern
the election commissioner regarding the
iormcoming official count of votes. He
will watch the canvassing board at work
Mem oers of this board had not yet been
appointed this morning.
Ous Rense kss issued the last call for
members for the Ak-Sar-Ben initiation
team. Rehearsal will be held at the
Den Thursday night and everybody who
wishes to Join the team must report to
Rense at the Den for the rehearsal. Dad
Weaver also announces that he must
have ten bucks In, hand for memberahln
card before a chosen position on Heme's
team can be obtained.
Construction work has been begun on
the new St. ftarnabae' Episcopal church,
southeast corner of Fortieth and Dav
enport streets. The concrete foundations
are already in and . brick work s Just
started. Timbered stucco will be. the out
side finish, the structure will cost about
6,000 and will be occupied next fall.
Direct from our wagons
To Your
200 O
wanted Saturdays and after school to earn
money selling it.
Visit our
Ne7 Sunlight dairy
see how we make it.
Sale for Thursday
Great Array
of Materials
Moire Silks.
Shepherd Checks
John D. Marr
Baffles Doctors
With His Condition
John T. Marr. representative of the
Neptune Meter company of Chicago, died
this afternoon at the Lord Lister hospital
from what Dr. Henry believes was an
Internal hemmorrhage. Mr. Marr was
taken from the Fontenelle hotel, where
he was stopping, this morning at I o'clock
and his condition was pronounced serious
at the time. He was 38 years old.
A bottle containing a small amount of
high proof alcohol and another bottle in
which were a number of pills, both hav
ing been dispensed recently from a local
drug store, were found in the room. No
trace that either the alcohol or medicine
had been taken was apparent after a
stomach pump had been used effectively
or any sign of foreign poisonous matter
noticeable, according to one of the physi
cians called In on the case. Mr. M air's
ailment Is decidedly puziling. '
He has been - coming to Omaha for
some time In the Interest of the firm
with which he is connected and a
member of the Elks and Knights of
Columbus. It is asserted that his present
trip to Omaha was to consummate if pos
sible a deal with the Omaha water dis
trict. He was also a member of the
Knights of Pull Moon at Council Bluffs.
Relatives in New Tor have beep noti
fied. Prompt Aetloa W1U Step Year
Dr. King's New Discovery will stop
your cough. The first done helps. Good
for children. 60a . All druggists.-Advertisement
A party of thirty Greeks went west, en
route to the Pacifio coast, where they
expect to find employment as laborers In
the orchards and on the farms. All of
them were between IS and 20 years of
y v
retail and wholesale.
home and
Women's Suit Sale
Coming Next Friday
in Our .
' Bargain Basement
Worth to $25,
S1I-.H 98
11 JL
Robbing the Bottle
Thst'i what yon do when yon take
the cream off the top of the milk
bottle. There's but little food value
left la. the blue milk.
MS Lair!
, Sterilised , Unsweetened
Is rich and creamy to the last drop.
Yon can use part of it full strength
for cream and dilute the rest for
cooking purposes and always have
the proper food value.
Cottage Milk is pure, rich milk with
moat of the water taken out and with
nothing added. It kss more thaa twice
the food value el bottle aula. -
Cottage Milk ie made in our sanitary,
spotless condenseriee located in the best
dairying districts in the country.
Get a supply today and see how
superior it is to bottle milk. ,
Th Milk Without
thm Cookmd Tattm
In Two Size
S and lOc
At all Good Dealers
This is a question that
confronts all who wear
diamonds, but it is
quickly solved if you
will but use
Scintilla Jewel Water
It is guaranteed to con
tain no alcohoL acid,
cyanide of potassium or
any other substance
that would injure the
luster of diamonds - or
other gems.
Come in and let us
demonstrate it' to you.
mm SWUX ejg otevn
Having a savings
bank account Is one of
' the best possible In
centives to saving:. If
you hare started, keep
itmp. If you have not
opened one, come into
this bank at your ear
liest, convenience and
find out about It. V
When Women Suffer
No remedy rive greater relief than i
Anti-kamnia ( A-K) TableU in all condi
tions generally known a "Women's
Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy
any woman that she has at last found
the remedy the has so long been look
Lng foe
Indigestion Dyspepsia
Are you distressed after eating? Do
foa have nausea when riding in the tn
or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab
lets and get instant relief.
Genuine A-K TabUf bar A M
monogram. At mil Drug fUtt.
You will find absolute comfort, style
nd war in the celebrated
"oooovrnr cobbst-
TBS beet eoraet Taluea In the city.
Braaoeia Theater Bias;.
XHmrUMi 474S. .
Tlttlaa-s at tome y ateqaeet.
The Mtosart laSsri
Or sa test Farm rthpcei.
J10,CC0 Cop Wetlly
TXM4 siie lit siilss ml OmoU