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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1915)
THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY, MAV 3, 1915. 1 t t i t i i t- 5 ' i i : I ; 4 t i ? 1 : i WANT ADS W ant 1o received at any time, but to Insure Proper rlaaeiftcetion must pre sented before H o cl oo K noon far evening edition and 7 80 p. m. for inomlm snl "Sunday er,Uon Want as r'vlml ftr such hcurs will be under th heading, Too Lat to Claaatry." " CHARGE RATF-S Reran oorsecutlve time. 1 cent a word earn Inerrtinn. Three time within on week. W eents word Mrtl Inaertlon. One time. I cant a word. C'UHBATM. Seven ennaectitlv times, t Mtl a lm eecn Insertion. Three time within en week. It cents a lln each Ineerrron. One time. 12 nnu a. Irna, . ('"lint six irtrtn word to ft lln. v Minimum charge, 10 font. An advertisement traartM to b run "ft II disown tinued tnuat b atoppod by written order. ATI els line for arrora muat bo mart within fifteen days after th last Inser tion of th advertisement . Tom ran ptar your want ad in Th Bo By telephone. TFXEPJTOrJlC TTLKR .008. Unclaimed Answers to th "Swappers' Column" 1mffradj p other arurs-ers naa e for and delivered during the last J -a toasoaabl to suppos that na popl below beve mad tha tT tbarafora do not oall for th balaa of their umca Bo Want BUT rwntka. a a in I4 r4 M I4 I JWT 144 4 J IK 1414 Jt 14K 47 liua J44 in at im i I . 1441 ia at i" J44 Wl Ju4) 141-4 lt - 14 14 l.T 14 I'M ltf 1T f ' 14i HI 14 KU UU4 tif 1481 11 a I -I 4 I a W 1M 1R17 l' Jd 1fc4 1M IMS 1.V4 V7 11?i 7H 1(174 15 ! 1&9 f? I aM a-4 7J MOVlli rKCMiRAMA ExrJ naively In Tho BtM). IiAKTTRK alldaa tor tnorlea Band your copy to aa. W can raproduc photoa r will pre para your copy. W will olor aa du-aetad. Baa Photo tMpC. 108 Baa Bid. D)wai Twwak. TUTU KO. I. 1 FAUNA M. Mr. Jarr'a Mtmatia frtand. Vila. com. Tha Klran'a liai-a (AJkc HoUlater), -rcal Kalrn drama. KA RN AM, JT DOUOUA8. Karnam Theatar Bpaclal 4 Mutual niaa- tfrrera a waak. Thuraday and Bunday our apodal day a. HIPP THEATER. UTH AND UAAMKT Homo of Paramount Plctorea A-AiiK ItiKAIaa. Fratur proffrani daily. Keyaiuna Cornxdlaa. ai n. una. PARkOR. J4H8 DOUOLAB, Mr. Jarr Take a Klfht Off. Vita. com. The W riting on tha Wall, l-r. Kal. dra. Tha Jungle ftlorkado. l-ialla drama rRiNChss. iai7-i DouauAa Nabhd, i-ral Bison. ii.oo LafRunla drama.' Cy Parkins in City of LH-iualon, Joker eomedy, north. AtJkMO . iiTIT AND FORT ril of the Wild. 1-reJ Blaon. Won by Pynamlie. Joker comedy. Huht .f the Ullnd. K !alr. AIiHAM BRA, 1K14 NORTH 4TH 6T. Satan McAiileter Heir, l-real Domino. lAjrky Tranafer. Ilia Lucklrea Ixn-a, Kayatna eomady. Cl.IFTON, MUliary Ava and Hurdatt. Through tha Murk, l-r.. Domino drama. The iJootor'a fetratery, P-eaufy drama, liratina' Hear La and Carpets, Kay. com. IJIAMOND. fllO LA K H. tonor of Ormabya. 1-reel Victor. 'finr Pullry. KO. pnmwly. flUNKU.N, 4iH AN L) KKAMkUN. la (,lrl. it-real Rel. VV. Drama. 'J ha Tl of a HaL KaL Corrtady. Tha Wlnthrop Dlamonda. Lub. Drama, KROIJC. 84TH tPRAjfUK. The Two Bentn"a, S-raal Am. drama. The Deputy's Chanra That Won. VtHfi AmbroM, Kayatona comedy. GRAND "Theater Beautiful." la-Bloney. Vaudavllla, A Marnet of Daatruotloo. -r, dra A Call to (juartare. -r. dra., and a aod Kyaton rxunedy. Hlf I ODKOWE. TH AND (.TUMJNOk A Tempereno Iaaaon. Ma.laatln drama. Bhcrty'a ftrrrH- 1-real feature IBeauty om. A Doctor's Ptratery. Beauty oom. IVY. . aSIXTEKNTK AND H VRD ETT kI Curaa of the TwserL l-rrl Qoid tal. T'nknown Brother. Powara. Ravod by a Shower. Joker comedy. J.')YAL. WO CALDWELL Blark Box No. . s-real aperlal. Iwa That Laata. 'owre drama. Two Hoarta and a PMo. Nior oornedy. LoTiiKOP, biTH & LOTliivOP." Tha First Commandment, l-r Kstaan dr. Cutey becomes a Landlord, Vita comedy. PALACE, ttt DAVETS'PORT. A LeKaon From Far OaL 1-reel R. Tha plitrh. Laemmia drama. la a Jarkpot. Nutnr CJTnxly. fcllBClviiAN, A Li'e n th Balance, Kalam drama. The frwrniM, l-rel Vita, drama. W4B. D AND ARBOR. ARBOR. An tha Btrek of Twelva. Kdlann dra. Cupid a Column. Vltagraph oomyd y . APOLLO. i&H LEAVENWORTH, Tha Tdy of tha Bnows, -r. Fas. dra. Tha Fa(a of Frar. lMtt-in drama. l-Vy.B" . w lfiri TUNTH. A Nixht to Kanturky. Eaaanay drama. The Man at tha Woman Club, Kaa rom.A n Ona) Ring, l-r. FVa. drama. f OMFOKT. S4TH 4k VINTON. Runaway June Eplaod No. I. The Faker, Iwrniuo. s to Ra Mi Boom. Karat ona. J.AV.R.,TE-. 171 VINTON. Tt Olri at Lona Point. Kal. dra. Lift Ins; the ban of Coventry. -r. Vita. dra. It H.rr-n-d i.n Waah Day. Iub. com. Gh.VI. A'- af Oub'a Powara 13tS a 13TH, Chffa Bvacra, Pterllna; eomady. Eiflolta of Klatwa. -reil Fpeolal X-TKIC. lWlT VINTON. Hla Only Panta Nartor comedy. ORPHK-fM. fcOLTH OMAHA. CuMlaa i ay of Raat. J-reel. Kayatone. Another tood Kayatone and a 1-raei draiaa. PAtvriMK. i2D A LEAVENWORTH" 'iuaroian of Hla Flock a, Vh-lor. "M'li'i Hi!a hhall lung, comedy, - 'jy I I' i urn. VENEZIA. 121 BO. UTU Bt Four raala of Mtual Baotwraa. MONROE. - Jf'4 FARNAM. The liDUae of Srcreta. Lubtn drama. c.uiitrwi Veerhl a Juaraia. l-r. fKa. dra. f mj-v iJnn-y Uaa lorrlaon). 'lia. pom. BBMa. FKVSON. ls MAIN PT. Kits a la -The CHy of Tomble Mght." i-r. All In trte Name Boat, Nea tor com. Uv of Mary Waal, ins V dr. taaaoll Blatta T LITE. No. Ut, BROADWAY Tr.e Tr.p loor. -r Kal. Dta. The e'aga oa-h Imr end the Girl. bl. lia 11 .t uwn Hero, uiugtapb Co mad y. todays oorn,nrra ' MOVIE PROGRAMS FjcJ pal rely in Tho Pe. Coaarfl Rlaf ra. ' NICTfOLAS, f47 BROADWAT. Tha flr( Pllanr. S-r. Eseanav Drama. Th Matter of Hia Hcuse. Vlta-rreph Corned v. ROPF7R. .T7 BROADWAI. Orlm Mitiir. l-r. PI U. Artist anil tha Vengeful One, Victor. Two Herts and a flhlp. Ntor ComMv. oata UmIi. PHSSE. ?4TW ANT) C Klea a Brother, f-reel Vltaaranh drama- Ha Was a Traveling Man, Kalcm comedy. i ne uroootng; Heart, Plograph drama. MAGIC. 24TH AND O. War of tha Wild. rel Plaon. Tha Fatal Kiss, Joker romedy. ORPHBlM. 80T.TH OMAHA, I ha Taat Hoiiaa. -rJ Mutual Maatar rictur. ANXOCKCEM ENTS RKADT MAT 1ST Bulte of t Rooma r an. ft. tutn. Watar and F1arrl Ll;ht Tr. THE BF.B BUILDING, "Th Bulldlni That la Alwaya Tfaw." R. O. Pab-orJi. (Tup't. Room 1U. Inraatlrata T.M C.A. ont'a' park, aummar. r MA HA PIMXJW CO.. IOC'7 Cumin. I J rviurlaa 1447. Ranovatoa faathara and mattraaaaa of all kinda. makaa taatnar tnatrrr'aaaa and down eovwra. TOUPEKS KOR MKN-Halr aooda dept. J. L. Brandala Wona. Omaha. LUCKT waddinf rlnaa at'Br'odifraard'e. WE rant, rapatr. aail neadlaa and parte for all aawtnir machlna. NE- BRABKA CTCL.E CO.. "Mlokel'a," ffth and Hamay. Doug-laa I. Waddln announramanta. Don-. PI-. Co. DREMMAKINO, tallorm. altaraUona Work fiarantoad. tifm 4aa. Pad TS. KNOXWF.F.D kllla tha Dandallona. TWIV City Dya and Claanlna Worka , )7 S. IMh ft., oppoalte Orphoum. W call for and deliver. Lourlaa li21. AUTOMOBILES prnCIAL built Huomotilla Roadatar, Ideal car for city salesman or solicitor. Price tTO. Phon Douflaa 721. NEW Ford auto delivery bodies of all etylea. open or cloaed, alwaya on hand. Our prlcaa will save you mnnay. Pa .Tohnaon-Danforth Co., Itt No, llh. W0 REWARD for any marneto we can't Jpalr. Colla rapd, Bayadorfar, tip N.llt. o C CLBAiiSER, expert radiator and Usaa reoa Ira Tr. 7o. 1601 Lcvaaw,rtli. AUTO Clearing Houae, 2 Fernam. buys a ad saila uaad care. Phone Dnuslaa Ml. Overton's for iwaky radiator, too, dealera Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCasue bldr Induatrlal Oaraae Co.. th Harney fit a. FOR aale at a barrel n. If taken at once. Bteven-Dur ca big alx. iflO Main Ht., Florence. Matovctyelea. HARLTTT-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCTKS. Baraalna In uaed marhlnaa. Victor Roos, "Th Motorcycl Man." 27M Leavenworth. BUSINESS CTfAJTCKS FOR flALBOuud paylns; reataurant; all flxturea and Krocarlea. t rooma tin. atalra. 1 down etatra. ('all or write, Mr. F. B. Ruff, Hartlnrton. Nab. FOR HALB tTitar and confectionery atora. with ioa cream parlor. Live Ne braaka town of l.amt. Fnap if taken soon. Addreea, Y.4!7, Boa. imilQ at ore for sale, about 17,000, rent tM. Old man, want to retire. Writ a. o. Linnipy, ventral ui, nno. THKATMR-liuy, laaa or aell your tha atar, machine and supplies through Theater Excitant Co.. 1408 Far nam ML lou!aa lWl. MAN of ability to manage aaleamen can net Su.000 per year and handle hla own money. Inveatment of li'iO for opening 'etock. which Inveatment ahould not be neceaeary after 30 daye. Expenaea paid to Kanaaa City. Address or wire Stills. Manufacturing Co., Kanaas City, Mo W FOR HALE stucco In Hloux City, choice location, center of buaineaa, well eatabltahed paying buaineaa. Price, I1,0U. JlmWray. Kloux City. Is. NICELY LAJCATED BPACE for i PRINTING OFFICE, ETC. Water, Light and Janitor Service. Cheap Powar Available. Any slie desirable up to 1,4 an. ft THE BEE BITILDINO. The Building That la Always New." Buperlnti-ndctit's Office, Honm 1B T A ' ,t ( .- i , i . x nr. . . , x fy i i . lit it, nAixir.l oew suromooiie product, unlimited de mand. Imtr-edlat financial mturna and ""'"ni proms. i'1'eiiinH lactnriea in large cltiea everywhere Imperial Mfn. Co B K Main rVinwll Tllnff 1. THEATER Only ona Nebraska town W; atage, acenery, opera chairs, piano, ma chine, etc; fins condition: long leas. Hav other Interests. Caah onlv. Invest i. gate. Address L PM. Pee. BIONtt. show cards. Clark a Aon. D. UT WTtn tie Ia muIi . . , -.. .. . treatment QUICK BALE COMPANT. 411 Pea Bids. Phono Red UB1. RH1AL estats Buaineaa clacas supplied or h a adied; all stalea. F. V. Knleat. Omaha. WHY rentT Will aell hiO-acr farms In Ttad Rlvee vallev Minn . .ma! KttlMiM. supply cows and hogs on first paymant of ana at per acr ana interest at per rent each year thereafter W, O. Tamplwton. 633 Be Bldg . Omaha TO OF.T In or out of business call on O ANOEPTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Ioug. 1477. FOR BALE Pake shop, horse and wagon. OBKers' toois ana stock, cheap. Mil Q t. Houth Omaha, WANT partner to buy halt Interest in mine and take charge; want parties to Investigate before buying. For particu lars write W.. O. Logan, Ft. Fred Steele, Wye. Hoosalac lloasoa far Bale. U ROOMS, well furnished; always rented; tor quirx saia. t an at tzn Famam. CLAIMS PAID. WILL cash county claims. Douglas 7B0. s EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Night Kchool. complete buaineaa oouras. complete shorthand or stenotyps courae, complete teltgraphy course, dvtl sarvioa brancbea and 1ns llah. Students admitted at any tii-ia. 1ft rita, phot. a or rail for 1H caUlugua, BOYLFH COLIJCOE, ft B. BOTTLES, Praatdant Tai. D. 1W. Boylea Bids.. Omaha. Nab. The Van iSaut School Stenography Day school. I N u 4.0. Night ei hool. 4 U U ;1. Ulk aad Famam bU Aougas SBC. FOR aale th following eo hours nip jm a first cl.taa Omaita Buaiooaa Collas: Ons ununited combination busiaasa nd shorthand coura. On unlimited buaineaa course. ' On vnllmllad atanogrmphlo ooiuwa On three montoa' buaiueas or saaa graiihio coura. WUk be sold st a drsonuat at th ffio f the Omalta be. FOR SALE Karaltare, ltsrkU 4.oada, tic. FURNITURE BARGAIN 8. Refrtgtratora kitchen rablneta. rhlna rabineta, draaaers, tabk-s, c hau a. etc. lsi NS4ilv ahster law. OOOD QulikMea hole raaa. also 100- lb. I.- box. Walnut 2a;, i. ' " r,,v' ''ve most new, Quick Meal gas range, lawn mower. I sanitary cols. 1 dreasr sad a few other aril.-l.-e to .-ll hrr pb.,i, Hurn.v Sv,4 I)FSKS b"ut au.i WLOIYO VMl .,t1p sold. J. C. Read. 4144. Lft t,t 1). FUlt capaaty Herrl.-k vrrlavratur. wlilte enamel. Call Flor eni'a It N at I taie A Auction Co.. LnJT W u." "w U" Stac-kt C saau.1.11 Mrrtkasia MARTIN UROt. a. CU. Eaeaaa mag. FOR RALE Horse mm Vaklela. BHIP TTa atock to Bontk Omaha, dav tnllaaaa and ahrlnka. Tour coBairn manta racclr prompt and cartful aiua- tKm. I HOFtfKS and harnaxa. two ataka waaona, Whatr X2X9. 4111 N. 8th Ava. POL.D. Maaleal I tram vata FT RST-CLA M comet Webater FOR 8A I JO Fine II cabinet Vict ml a and a-ood selection of recorda 140, caah. Addreaa L K4, Pea. ' fciixhtly uaed high grade piano. D. 17. Poattry, Fcaa ! Baovllaa. BTEREOTTPB matrloea make th boat and cheaDeat llnlna foe noultrv hmiM They are 17x9 inches, atrongor and mora ouraoi man tarred felt and practically nrvfrOTi. toa a nunoreo ax rne ta orrioo. WH1TU HOLLAND TURRET egge for hatching; 26o each. A. It. Raker. R. F. D. 1, Benson. Neb. Telephone Benson 747-W. Tho. barred rock hena, 76; egga to. Wl.ln. Mixed grain, 1-m lha.. 11.7a. Waanar 01 N.1C Trae writer" REf-T an Oliver Typewriter t mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, loS Famam. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired. v antral lypewriter Etc. l'ws Faroam. All makra typewriter rented, aold. tarma Butts Typewriter, 3tt Famam. D. 40M Htaoellaaeowe. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and Bucket billiard tab lea and bowling sllers and acc as aortas; bar future of all kinda; easy payments. Tha Brunswick Kame-t.mtender Co., 4"7-4T B. 13th 1-hand mch. Orosa Wreck. Co.. a Paul Id-hand machinery. H. Pros. 11 snd Paul. 1 COW, 1 gas rsnra, 1 hard ooai heater. WE bought 66 Des Moines bar fixtures, front Kara baylr Kara mi-mm v- . cash register, cigar and wall cases, eto. rur aaie line wa DOUgnt t hem CiJ B1A P. Omaha Fixture and tfupply Co., 414 So. 12th PL 1 ELECTRIC piano, 1 Nelson piano. 1 set buggy hameaa, 4 electric calling fans. GO electric light fixtures. Illmhar tnnl. end plumbing supplies. For ssl or trsdo tor diamond. J. C. Ish, Executor TO B. list Ave Phon Harney 14a. FURS STORED Absolut Guarantee Against MOTHB, FIRKa BUROLARa" REFERENCES: ANT BANK. G. E. S1IUKERT, Call for Oooda 401 at. mtw at. Telephone Douglas 1447 and W Will HELP WANTED FEMALB Clsrleat and Office, NO FILINO FEE. BEBT COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROOERB RF;F. CO.. M-B i'tate Bank. EXPERT KNCED billing clerk. Mlr;rus Ivtr r.K-KNt fj CO., 634-1 State Bank Bldg. uumi,b.BMiup carnage, good as new, i.esvtng ony, must aell. I. 7S74, A ii4 .l...... WANTHD-Experlenced "closk saleslady. 4T.e-.rl. Tim.m IT O VS T-l J ftCSB mm ast ss. a.Ju LEARN ha-rlrea!nf..OppifBtm Prlorti WANTFD-Firit-claM .drMrnakra at llnHBatbMMwBM SB aa a41 Iaaa.a4l.. WANTED O nod girt for general house work; small famllv; house with mod ern convenience. g26 Farnan fit Phon Harney Rj. COMPETENT girl for general housework. WANTED A nea, rellnbl foreign girl to do laundry work and assist with house work. H. 4M4. "ANTED A good, neat girl for general niTuiwwiir., J-V lOUgtSS. WHITE girl for housework; references required; nle room on 2d floor; In fsmlly; no wsshlng. Walnut 24ia. A GIRL for housework. MOJ Park Ava Hsrney .ti. WANTED Single girl for general house work. Good wages; fsmlly of 4, D. MM. THE Servant Olrl problem tkilved. The Be will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FitEIS until you gat ta weaired resulta Thla applies to residents af Omaha, South Omaha and Council ktlurfa Bring; ad t Th He office or telaphon Tyler lou. GOOD girl wanted for light housework. Beat of treatment and a dandy horn to right girl. Treated ss ons of family. Phone Harney i'.-xt or Harney I2S8. WaVFeD-A girl to assist with gvnaral housework. H. 4137. W HITE glri for general housework, muat be good cook, good wages. 4hli ChlcavYV Telenhene Velmtt 41 U WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework. Harney to3. 2141 S. 4th Pt. A MAID for7 upstairs work; Scandinavian yirirTil. ni v-ei'lioi Ave. WANTED Reliable girl for housework in small family, no washing, but must he good cook; prefer girl 25 or It year of age; good horns snd psy to right party; must be shl to give good ref erenne. Phon Walnut U74. 6008 Dav enport Bt. WANT WD A middle aged woman for housework. 618 S. 10th St wanted for general housework. Cell Walnut 24ft DIsifWAS'lfER wanted at th Neuraayar, Counfll Blufrs. WANTED A girl to do general housX work; slso a seconl girl. 3Jtl Wool worth. II 6342. HOUPEKEE1P ER Refined and axoar lenced Proteatant woman or girl to cook end help with work In private fam ily. Regulsr laundry work don by x. tra help. Reference requited. Good wages, can Walnut 1074. WANTED-A girl for general housework. ?wo Webster. Phon W alnut Ft. OCX. PET ENT maid for general house . , - - . . ,i- iiamr wno , can go .naina. sum mnaney Ft CAPABLE and experienced girl for gen ..... ....wi , iiiu.i anew now to MM, - 11' In.,. 7T. . l. ax, isaro m. WANTED An sxperien-ed white nurae majo; nieranccs required- aM N. 38th WANTEt- Competent girl for general housework, no washing, small fatnllv. Mrs. J. Katx, 70 Bomh 87thi Harney 8373. WANTED A white girl for general housework, no washing, no cooking. Webster 4i-M. 303 No, lkth St. WANTED A girl for general housework. up -ah can go bom nlghta 638. So. Vth Ava COMPKTKNT whits cook, references ra qulred. 4 Bo 8?d Ave. Harney m. ODM Ph.TE.NT while girl for general housework, smaU family, good wage. Harney 16ut , Mlallamaa. TOTJNCI wnmsii coming ta Omaha aa BUaugars sr Invited to vlalt the Young Women's Christian eeioclatton butldlsg at Mary' Ava and 17th Bt. whac thay will b directed to suitable boarding rlaca or otherwts assisted. Look for our ratlra guide a: Ubtua tattoi HELP WANTED MALX Clerical as4 Off tw. WR WANT a good offloa clsrk; muat be aa excsllent penmaa and make ax tra good figures; ths salary Is 1.0 and w can send you out st once. bl SINKS8 M K.N" 8 REFERENCE ASS'N, ll-s o.1mB of World bgl.'AhE PLMS IN SaUARM U.u.r-. s find poeition fist fits you CO-OI'r RATIVK REFERENCE CO ."IS-ie CITY NAT. HK. BLDG. BAI..-VA. m'., Vjb snd exnea. WATIS ItKF Ct. Mu-41 Bramtela Thee. Ytil'NG man fia aener-l nttt,. n .... r . ...... v . ,.., ..toimV" AnPlw -Hdaest Bonding t o.. 112 Itea Bldg H 111 H -GRADE rr,m.,,.r.-,.l ....... JWiiaT. RKFKBENCE A PON D A 6SN. - cane oiag. HEI.P ITAXTED MALE Aareata, Saleamea aa aollcitora. SALESMAN WANTED Automobile ae ceaory with unusual appeal to auto mnbUiata who like outing trine. Fxcln Ive territory. Ijheral rnmmlnloti Writ STRADER-8MITH RALEf CO., Llnccln, Neh. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, good !; two in family. 2304 B. Z2d Ava. H. 21 B. CANDT. cigar or llouor aaleamen. ele gant aide line, pocket sample, no in veatment; make you big money. Plate line end territory; give references. Ad dreea T 47. Pee. EXCELLENT proposition fo two good men in Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Aaaociatton 4.'-M City Net'! Bank BMg AGENTS New policy covering all ac cldenla or alrkneaaea for 10 yearly. ".000 principal aum; 1100 monthly bene fit. Deposit with stat Half above bene fits to yearlv. Ltberal commissions. Great Daatem Casualty Co., Dept. S3, Newark, N. J. Faetwrr sal 1 rages. Drug store snsps; Jobs. Knelet Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition US, on sccount of big trade. Wages for i snd 10 csnt work. Electrtp maseage taught. Hydraulio chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas Bt, Omaha Moler Barber Oollege Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now In effect. Catalogue mailed free 110 8. ltth Bt, Omaha. Sdtscellaaewaa. . GET. WISE A thorough, practical automobll edu cation at minimum coat Ask for cata log" "C" and explanation of our got NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. isia-u tnw etreer. utMM, piea. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. IT. month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partclulsrs. Franklin InaU tuts. Dept. Tl D. Rochester N. Y. WANTEkD Names of men, 18 or over, wishing government jobs. 16 month. No pull necessary. Addreea T 460, Pea. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a larg salary, or o Into th auto business fur yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shop will bring this result for you. Writs for free booklet Nat'l Anto Training Ass'n, 114 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Nab. PHYSICIAN licensed. Kebraska; dentist licensed. Iowa. German doctors. Coun cil Bluffs. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ham and eggs, ltc. Coffee John, MUrarid Capitol. SITUATIONS WANTED TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability desires position as cashier or .clerical work; is college gradual and good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job; very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phon Douglas 6037. or ad dress I-a32. Bee. WANTED Bundle and .family washing: satisfaction guaranteed, webater bom. A MAID for general housework; must be rood cook; no weaning or ironing; good wages. 1 8. 8&1 Pt. Har. 11!4 EXPERIENCED young man wants steady work with private family; honest ana sober: willing to work. Ash Gralneri. Douglss 4SX. or 2024 Douglas Pt. fW ANTED Situation as city salesman by married man: good references and reliable: answeri at sola lln preferred. B. L P., care till Cass Pt, Omaha. WANTED By teacher, position as trav eling companion ror summer vacation; no objection to on or two children. Ad dress A 174. Bee. LACE curtains and fancy clothe care fully washed. Webster 4J33. - WANTED A place to take oar of an apartment house by a colored man ana wife. Call Webster 2100. MBITIOUS and trustworthy man, 26 years of af. with banking, real estate. loans. Insuranca and salesmanship ex perience daeire clerical, offica or road position. Excsllsnt references. Address H 17. car Be. LADY as housekeeper on farm or near umana. Douglas 4371. LOST AND FOUND LOST eillvar meah beg. laat Bundav while driving. Contained money and valuablea Finder phone Douglas 8104. Loser a widow visiting party who sn swsrs phone.- Contents represents all I hav. Jewelry belonging to a friend. Keep money, return balence it you wish. Address Sm 8, 24th St. OMAHA 4V COUNCIL 6LUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. Parsons having lost some artlcls would 4 well to call up th office of th Omaha 4k Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain wbU.r thay left It In the street ear. Many article each day ar turned la and tha company I anxious to restore ti em to th rightful awaar. Call Doug. 48. MEDICAL AlOJANO-Keally .helpe get rid of that pain In th back, touch of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling snd brings bark that lost appetite, purifies ths blood and builds up ths entire sys tem. Just send a postcard to the Sheila barger Co.. Mfg. Phsr.. West Liberty, la. NURSERY SEED AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming; scientific sur gery and treatment of diseases of trees. Call Douglas (SI and our Mr. John son will make a personal examination free. L M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO Bargain prlcaa at our old location, 17th sad Dodg. Phonss: D. m snd Web, 414L ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants, rosea conaord grape, uc dosen Home sales ground, Clrt Biggs, Benson. Omsha sales ground, 24th and Cuming. Bauson-Omaha Nursery. Beneon 684. BEAUTIFY your home with the finest of nursery stock ever grown. See for your self. Gate City Nursery. Phon D. 2060. Sale ground. 1118 Dodg Bt CHOICE, complete lln of shrubs, ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees; save stents' commission. J. Wastrom Nursery Co., at old location, 20th and Harney bta. PERSONAL YOUNO Bremen 00 ruing to Omaha a stranger ar Invited to vlalt the Young Women's Christian aaeool.tioa building at 17th Bt and St Mary's Ave., where they Bill be directed to aultabi boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for oil trav elrs' aid Bt the Union station. . $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless w reoalvs MB subscriptions to th L H. Journal, 11. 6u; 8. E. post. 81.60; or Country Gentleman. II, In April (also to by Sept) that 7,eno for THE IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION can not be earned. Your renewals contribut W cants. Phon Douglas 714. or mail, Gordon. The Magazine Man OMAHA. THE BalvaUoa Army industrial boms ao lictts your lC slothing, furniture, maga glnea We coileot We dlatxlbuta Pbon Douglas 41K and our wagon will call. Call sad Inspect our new home. 1U0-LLU-U14 Deda St LlVki WIRE BISINES MEN OK OMAHA A eaan a ta a ta. v K. A. DWMRAK. C. P, A.. Address 49 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglaa 7u. luaitsr KUUkla. FILMS developud free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 414 Be Bldg. Upt D Areniteota. Everett S. Podds. 11 Psxtoa Blk. P. Inn. Anetloaeora, Dowd Aut'tion Co.. l'.16-l W. O. W. R ta. In Prlattng. HORNBY BLl S PRINT CO.. 808 Omaha Nat I Bank Hidg. Itraaa ysaadrlss, Paxtua-Mltcbsli Co , rth and Martha 6 la. LITE TCTRK BIMXESS ME! OK OMAHA f aroeatera aa4 Coatraetora. BTKVENBON. vt . It. Douglas MM. flat. IT I U. 3. LA T, Ha PEW BLPq. DOTJQ. 471a. Daarias Aeaaemea, CHA MBERB' Academy, ctsastc. P. VTL try Mackle s first. 14Hsrrwr. Doug. B4. Dreeama k t a a. Terry Ureaamck'g polltge. 20th Earn am. MISS STURDY. 2414 CASP. RED TSaoT" Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out tn any part of United Btstea, Canada or Mexico. V Paxton Blk. Doug, im Walnut IMP. n,i. Pyorrhea.' Dr. Flckes. T24 City Nst Peak. Taft Dental Rooms. 1,",!7 Douglas. D 211. Dr. Iiradhury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Uraata. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on HO orders; rstslogues free. Sherman A Me Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Block. Evt- wniv, Ki:uira in all caeee. i 7 irr 11.1a. Everythlag for nsars. ' ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst. c pleating; covered buttons, all slses and Styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Jdeal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1.IS, NEW YORK sample atora Must racata, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed' 20 N. Ifith St Flortaia. - BATH'S, florists, l04 Famam Ft p. fmO. U HENDERSON. 1519 Far nam. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aas'n. ' H ESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Famam St A. DON AGHUE. 16 Harney. Doug. 1001. Feathers Made Over. Fancy tlckupa, Dora Kiaeie, nag Clty'Na. Ltahilasr Klxtarea a4 Wlrtas. DTTTIKJN Thomss. Douglas Sll Mawrsser aa4 Tewsastev. WHITE LINE. flO N. 14th ft. Doug. Mil Mask, t'oataanea aaa avadsra ganBltaa, MFO. of lodge regalia and costumea Tho. Ltehen 4k Bon. 1614 Howard. P. 411. Maaseaaaa. MAP8AOB. 1721 Podge. Mrs. Steele. KATIIrid mass., alcohol rub. Laura -'---Wilson. 1802 Famam, room 2, Doug. 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. HATH end mass., alcohol rub. Laura AJ-x-A-AA Wilson. 1802 Famam. room 1 Doug. 1761. Open evening and Sunday. -Clara Lee. bath and maseag. Doug, r SI. M Brugman, maas .MS Karhach Blk. R.272T. VISIT Miss Venlta, new maaage parlors: alchohol rubs and scalp treatments. 1' South 17th. Miss X, mudlavla mass. R. 234,Neville Blk. MISS JACOBS, Mass. Tel. Douglae 4237. MASSAGE 620 Bee ' Bldg. Doug. 4372. " BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Motion Ptptwrea, OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Poug. Motion ptotur machine and mm bargains. Offices. OFFICES When makinr vour new nlani. see us for office space. Tha best loca tion ana easiest round. THE BEE BUILDINO. Th Building Thst Is Alwaya New." Office. Room 103. Osteopathic phyaietaats. ' Dr. Peterson. 408 Brandala Bldg.. P. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 816 Bee Bldg Palatine and raa-sriag. HUGH M'MANTtB. 417 N. 40th. H. 6m Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Rsd 7117. H. A. Bturgee. AM Brandala Theater Bldg. Pa tan t Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. U B. Hth 8t Printing:. WATim9.ninMUiae bi- r. printing. Tel. Doug. 2390. 624 8.' 13th Bt.V CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 1754. DOUGLAB Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Planes Renovnt4. PLUMES V HATS mad over, cleaned 4k dyed. Bertha Krtiger. 428 Paxton. p. g&j. Bats, mmm Tins lwlr IT.-. SAFES w aa -l-vs Mr 1408 Dodaa n it. Ikas nAA.i4AW. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, fll 8. M. tan snd kksHamrsi. E. M CLARK 4k BON. Ul g. 16TH BT. teel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 119 g. 10, a ... a. MM-i nifiM. a. - DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shely. In- TX7- W,. 11 f. v.. ,"i . " ' arm. uuiiiia rixtura snd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 B. 12th. D. 1724. Tsen Sannllea. OMAHA Towel Puppty. 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Tnllom. CHAB. C. LANPERYOTJ. 108 N. 16th i-lt Trnnka a.i Sta I -.- FREUNO eV BTEINLE. 11M Famam Bt Wall Past, (laaal... WALL paper cleaning, work guaranteed, tl per room. Phon Red 1068. Wines a. a ALEX JETES, 201-1 8 llth Bt Wine, liquor, cigars. Plat dinners. 11 to 1. lOc. Glob Uquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wtne, II 86 par gal. Write for Price Hat BUT your family liquor t'a llllns UniiBA at a.T . W-. . - e-MnWI AAV'IBWs BKaw AvUle JWUsKlU IMikX SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobll baraalaa mmm tha fAutnmnhiw cation. ' Bl'SINFBi) lot Gregory. 8. D., for email grocery, rooming hous or what hav you? llarnev iK: CHILD CilU' and sanitary couch. What h A V ft) vnil nr niatiknv rxffmsv A ri4-.a. u C. istl ' " BIO CUPBOARD KITCHEN CABINET TABLE Good condition; will exchange for 1 days' service bv woman fee kmiu. cleaning. Adilreaa 8. C. TM. Bee. ELECTRIC FAN I have two good loc trio fana 16 Inch. A.I nlitlnn n 1. G. E. and ne la a Westlnghouao. What have you got. Address 8. C. S48, Bee. LOTS Two large lots, southwest part of city, worth 1360: trade for auto, piano uruiniiit'iiiii, -.UM I " 4)1 , rBf9, LAWN mower. 60 ft. 18-oent red garden hoae, spade, two shovels, two rakes, ons ho snd revolving lsa-n sprinkler; sll-fins condition. Will trade entire lot or any Item separately. Could use drop-head 4 B ,n,u:hln or kodJ-- Address 8 C HAVE JO-h. p. 4-cyU car strtppod for racing ; engine tranalaalon. magneto stc; thoroughly overhauled; rear Jlree 4 Nobby Treads, almost new; would maka floa chassis for truck or tltnsy. Want light car of some kind that lady can drive, or might consider lata model 8-si eed motorcycle, Indian . pre- -"- eimiw a. v.. axa, rtee. MEAL TICK KTS Have 1K worth of meal tickets on a good restsursnt and an' to trads these. What havs you to offer for same. Address. 8. C 862 Bee ONE new piano player and several rec ords, used only ten months; 1X4 equity. v ill trade for a good cow, horse or an automobile or what 1 can us. Addras PIANO-Lyon t Healy upright ptano7 virtually new, at a bargain; can ua a neat drllng outfit or Ford auto. Address PLAYtR PIANO-Used plaver, hTgh grad& used An months, cost lo&O 40 rolls of music. What hav you to trade for this? Address 8. C. tfA. Bee . eUA ENTY volumes of law books for good office furniture. Address, B. C. frl, lM. HAVE a r-omesUu sealng machine In ei-j'i n uuneitiun; trade for man dolin, guitar or. what have you for UT fiuuiva gT. V . ,, g-Vv-SJk BiGNB. ahow-ards Clark A Boa, p. TirgT T 1 P K W RI TER mlth Premier, perfect sllsnnient: new ribbon; new platnura rolled, worth 140 or more for aervu-a Want diamond ring, chickens or offer' What have you? B.C. h'.7. Bee PIANO Want a Ford runabout. In good running order, for beat vacuum waanats manufactured or a select sd Lyoo 4k Healy uprlsht piano Cullag Xu caaa. Addfe SWAPPERS' OOLfMX V PLATER PIANO with Isteat music, for auto or what hsv you? Bargain. Address P. C. 960, Bee. VACUUM SWEEPERS Have several kinds; would exchange for kodak. Ad dress fl. C. Wl, Bee. VACUUM WASHERS F Vacuum Wash ers to trade for something snd can ua these. Sell at II.: each. Will giv a bargain , drnl tn sorrleon UrXt has th selling ability to dispose of tnero at re tall price. Offer whst you havs. Ad dress. P. C r8. Bee. WANT a neat driving outfit or runabout and harness In exchange for typewriter. Address R C. 9f-8. Bee. WATCH, mandolin and cash for a dlsmond. or what have you. or will trade either. Tell me what you hsv and want. Address Oa-ner, care B. C. M8, Bee. WANT to give the rent of two unfur nished front rooms for carpenter work. Address B. C. Bee. WILL trade 6-paaeenaer Studehsker rsr, all new tires, speedometer, top, in first clsss condition, for roadster. 8. C. W. Bee. WILL exchange equity In sn 8-room house In South Smaha for a rd truck or runabout. M. 333. Be. FOR RENT A part neat and Flats. CHOICE APARTMENT, Pave car fare, 6-room modern. Janitor Service, CALIFORNIA APART MENTS. Sea Janitor. Douglas 6237. FOR KENT S rooms with toilet and bath, esey walking distance and close to car. 112.6TI per month. T. SULLIVAN, 21S Brandets Theater Bldg. Poug. 4411 $18 Splendid modem apartments, tip; nesr postofflce. O. P. Stehblns. BT. GEORGE 6-room apartment redeco rated throughout. Ill N. 31st Ave . se lect West Famam district Phon Web ster 1874. CENTRA I Ns equal a price or quality: 7-room house: 4-room fist 220 N. 2d. FIDELITY FREETice Phone Douglas 2S8 for complete Hat of ali vacant houses and apartment. ala for storage, moving, packing, shipping. NEARLY new flat, six rooms and recep tion "-hall; all modern. 3123 Cass: ona Mock to Hsrney car. Tel. Walnut y3. FIVE-ROOM, modern spartment. the Mason, Slst and Mason Sts., 137.60. Con rsd Young, 121 Brandets Thoatsr. P. 1571. TWO six-room, modern, steam heated) flata Can be rented separately or to gether: 1,10 summer, 18 winter. Conrad Young. 832 Prandela Theater. Dong. 1R7L "" ST. CLAIRE.- 2 and S-ronm apartments: east porch; 24th and Harney. Harney 647. Faralshed Apartment a. 1-ROOM furnished apartment In Chula Vista, south and east expo sure, very choice. Harney 1-12T. Famished Rooms. MADISON st and Chicago: steam hat 116 mo. and up: cafe Id connection. D.6SM. FARNAM. IT Modem south front parlor. rithee enoma reaaoneMe. 1117 PARK AVE., nice cool, summer room; prtvste tnmny MODERN furnished rooma 618 N. 17th Bt BTEAM heated rooms, H week. Ogdea t,a.i ,1 iiu n i . v.v.iaiv-u . , . . MOD, mi. in private family, tf. Web. 231S. ROOMS Nicely furnished, 124 N. 24th Bt; also. 2406 Capitol Ave. 6 ROOMS, modem, very desirable. "Phono Hnwy 6147 after 6 p, m. Hoard and Room. ' BHATJTIFUL uit of rooms, east expos ure; very large closets, large porch and -fara. in m ,.:. ruiiaiM .... splendid board. Telephone Hamey 498L 1 nice rooms, single or nsmi.ei, prmw family. 142 N. l!th. Phone Web. 1K4. Llaat HaaseksealBB Rooms, BTEAM heated rooms, with alcoise. kitch enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Ca, Council Bluffs. la. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for summer in coolest part of Benson. Call at 6101 Main St. Varnished. Honses. MOP. furnished 8-room house. H. 7311. Honsekeplnsj Rooma. MODERN housekeeping spartment. also suite rooms. 1812 Capitol Ave. HANDSOME 2-room home, furnished or imf iii-niahed. If desired would sell fur niture on payments; lawn, shade, awning, electric lights. 120 month. Respectabl place. HI 8. 4"tn Bt- DAVENPORT. 20181 or I nicely fur nished front housekeeping rooma TJnfnrnlshed Rooms. A bargain. 118, 6 larg mod. rms., upstairs, Q. Urush at 2411 so. 4tn Bt. Halls. BEST equipped lodge hall in OmatfV also larg modern dsnoe hall, finest floor In city. Druid HkII ,2fl4-l$-lS Ames Ave.. Web. 2900 or Web. 782. Honees and Cottages. 6-ROOM house; best Condition; mod. ax nest: 838 8. 21st St.; rs.w. M. in. VACATED MAY 1ST. Hanscom Park district, e-room all mod em house. Urge yard,' porches and good shade. Dislded tor two famines. 1 betn rooms. Will rent each floor separately or will leas to on tenant Half block to car line. Telephone Hamey 861 Sun days, or evenings sfter t. SEVEN-ROOM, modem house. Inquire 2416 Caldwell. For RentA strictly modern seven-room flat, $22.50. 16th and Corby Sts. . Phone Douglas 4174. FOR RENT $65.00 Dwellinj?, 41fSo. 38th St ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. S. Baker. Phones D482, H317, 2706 HOWARD, detached, south front. I rooms, modem, oak floors. Phon Wal nut 1617. ' Carter Lake club, aum. cot or vacant lot Geo. K. Thompson. 685 Branded. Wal. 144. MODERN 6-room cottags, 123 rer mo.; 14W Pratt. Omsha Reslty Co., Red 682. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 7-room modern house. 106 8. Sdth St HANDSOME 4-room hous having lawn, shade, garden. U S. 40th St, CALL WAIJ4UT til Sunday all day, eve nings thereafter tor some fine, low rental houses. NEW. sntlrely modem, 4-room brick, lo cated 1416 S. 10th St Phon Douglas 4870 E. D. Branch. - 61X-ROOM. modern houss. located at mo Decatur St; will be vacant May 1; 123 per month. Phone H 64S1. GlobeVan&Storage Stores, moves, packs, sblpa. t-horse van , pac 6 p and I men, 81.26 per hr.j etorsg 12 per Satisfaction guar. ti. m if. zj. Bl'VKN rooms. 427 Charles. 820. Phone Walnut Or will srU. FOR RENT W, hav a complet list of all booses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be aeea free of charge at Omaha Van 4k Storage Co.. 8u4 6. lata Bt J. C. Reed moving, A atora a main. I). Slal Gordon Van Co. blorh.. tit N llth Bt Tel P. t or Web. 181 Maggard'ssi aa sua t-torus Co. Call us for a Uroata for nan lag. pat.aing, nippleg. lill Wabstcr at Lvugia 144. FOR RENT Ilsaaes nnd Cottages. BFTC the Central Fureltur 8tora. smj-sI RENTAL LIST. WEST FARNAM. 3i3 N. .Vth Ave., mod- ern; with t bath roofr.e. I". . ALL aiBss. Is per month 'ip W Paxtoa, TTnncno Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg, AIUUbLS , . prtt of th, cltjr. Stores and Offlees. OFFICES! IN THE BEST LOCATED OFFICE BUILDING. Near Court House and City Hall. Rates from 210 to X6. Vaults, Electric Lights, Water Ft. THE BEE BUILDING. The Building That la Always New." R. o. Paboock. Sup't. Room 108. FOR RENT Grocery store with sheJr ing. counters and 1c box. 413 No. 23d. St.. Co. Bluffs, la. Inquire at 2227 Av enue BV 6 TO RE and flat 1S21 Leavenworth. Call Ioa:las 3rJ6; evening. Harney IR, NEW modern store, best location; In North Omaha, 2414 Ames Are., Webater US or Web. 2149. TWO stores near postofflce. Sixteenth street; !ow rent O. P. Stebbtns. WANTED TO BUT TbI brjys everything I'd hand. Tyler 1411. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. I. C Road. 1207 Karnam. Doug. 8144. REAL ESTATE FARM At RAJICH LANDS FOR BALR California. Llv Oak Colnnlea, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 818-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 2S1. CALIFORNIA LAND. All counties; cataloguo free. Writ C M. Wooster Co.. Phelan Bldg., Pan Fran claco. Eatabllahed 80 years- Colors do. FOR BALE Farms. 360 and 80 acre. In Peets, Colo. Write Delstler. 1354 Ogdea Iowa. .HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE Writ a, good description or your land and send It to the Sioux City, la, Journal, "lAWa'g XI na.4 T). .. as- a . I Mediuin. Twenty-flv words cry Friday -w.v.i uM.jr morning ana every Saturday evening and Bunday morning fnr Arte mnn.K h. .. i . . . , . ai.iue aiiiein aaa on twelve different day for 12; or 60 words, Largest circulation of any Iowa news. BtVtes' 250,000 rUr' -uVln lour VraJt SIXTY acre nice blue grass. Umber, pas ture, 1 miles from town,; lota of walnut; K Tn'' 'encea hog-tight; 8 per acr Smith! " 7 iraae. uocx Dog 26, and, la. Kxanesotaw BARGAIN 240-A. farm 20 ra. from Min neapolis; 140 A. under cult: 40 A. good meadow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; good corn land; farm Is fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, eto.; li head good milk cows, 4 good horses, har nesses, wagons, complete set of machin ery, bogs, chlckena and everything on tha farm goes at 46 per acre; (3,000 cash, balance can stand for 10 years at 6 per cent Schwab Bros., lots Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 40, 80 OR 110 ACRES, good heavy soil, in wen settled part or Todd county. Minn. : rood roads, schools and churches; price io to -v per acre; terms, fl per acre cash, balance (1 (per acre a year until land Is paid for, 8 per cent Interest. SCHWAB BROS., . . 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. M iasunrl. OOOD South Missouri land on railroad. In wall settled locality, $11 per acre. Bmall or large farm on easy terms. Literature free. p. Merriam, Ellis, Ben ton. Ksnaaa City, Ksnsss. Nebraska. Douglas Farm Fine Upland, One Mile From Millard and ' Fifteen Miles From Omaha. Sixty Acres in Hay, Balance in Crop. Liberal Terms . For Plat and Particulars See Payne Investment Company OMAHA 15th and Farnam Streets Telephone Douglas 1781 COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. lll.OuO buys a highly Improved farm, consisting of about M4 acres located on one of our boulevards out from ths city, only a 4u-minute's ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, aoma alfalfa, tarn hay. nice large beautiful shads trees and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This is an Ideal propo sition for hsndling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spring in pasture. C. R. COMBS, lit Brandets Theater Bldg. Omaha.D. 16. NEW, modern, atesmheated storeroom and basement 8- Leavenworth t Conrad Young, . Sii Brandets theater. Doutf. 1B71. - Teuton. A PLACE to ralss meat and com for Europe; a stock farm; 17,000 acres; must aell In body; 1.000 acres In cultivation: ample tenant houses; artsslsn water; ona large reservoir; 1-storv house with fine flowing well in yarc.t30 an acre. No trading. W. H. Grah&J, Cureo. Texas nt laetllssrssa. TO BELL LAND reach th Iowa farmer. Dea Molnea la located In central Iowa.' The Capital Is Des Moines' lending daily, with over 48.000 circulation daily, moat of which goes to Iowa farmers. Th Capital will publish a 80-word ad 10 day for 82. Ths regulsr rate is lo per word per day. You sava H on this offer. Mall your ad todsy. ONLY 8326 buys a 640-acre school Una leas in Keith county; over J0 acre of which can be put in cultivation. Thl I a bargain. Terms. 1150 cash, balance note for 11 76 du in on yer. . Write owner, L. C. CraudaJl. 1644 Locust St, Lincoln, Neb. ABSTRACT OP TITLE T'v" Guarantee and Abstract fJT" I Co., a modern abstract offlos. a- U6 Bo. 17th St Phon D. 6o7. Jt ssen & Morrell 201-1 State Pk. Bldg. D. 122. KKED ABSTRACT CO., oldest a bs tract otfla In Nebraska, ru4 brandala Thaa. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WK" 6Aiil or :ange bath house." Elxcelslor Si.rings. Mo., with furnished flat 1 rooma. price liSOO. Take income property any town abov liiOua, J.m Wray. fcloux Clty la FOR EXCHANGE Improved fruit farm" also fin. tract of raw land, also fist-' dene In Grind Junction. Colo. Trsde one or all. C. R. Lough, owcar Junction. Cola. ,wtr' wa-U County . I ' 7 r i i s A. -t -4