TIIK BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 3, 1015. 0 Spring Calls! By Nell Brinkley j- .';..,-,UV,w5v V. X1 7, 37 --1 r9 It .4 I i t I III Wilt 5 'ttvT Lit' I o .33 v -J-" vi . itA m V "La- : p 3fc H,Wf frr" "T?","fi,iiiiiifK 5 J iVe Brinkley Says: Spring Blta la the deep woodser places irttfa her der com ra4e. Lav and furry rabblU, and 1h toad-f rog," aewly out of bla earthen sleep, and the little field-mouse with the little ears like periwinkle shells and the dainty paws! And he calls! Tom know she calls! Forbr song floats out of the far-place where ahe wakes and creeps to a faery-stool in the whispering grass among the tender flowers that nod tkere, and it rises and comes, strong and sweet into the city through tho writhing smoke and the clatter and banging and it sifts pene tratingly sweet and insistent through the office of the chap who's been digging away all winter. ' And content . to dig! But when he hears the first soft note of Spring's song calling calling calling, "Sneak away, Winter's dead, sneak away, there's delightful things to be doing eaillng and camping Where's your white shoes and your moose-hides and your old riannel shirts listen listen the sea call and the trails call, and I call and in my song is the call of all these things and the call of Love the call of LorM His Winter-wound spirit aches black hatred of the office-shell comes In a blind cloud over his heart; he swirls his papers Into the air (when he can he flies out of his coccoon and follows) -and after that folka say, "He has the Spring fever!" The Winter-wrapped girl who's been at peace in her furs without green places and lasy days stretches her arms in dim-awakening when the soft, lasy, repeating note-reach her ears tn town. And under Its speU she sees wind-washed slopesenywhere--anywhere blo with flowers herself In her middy Jacket and flat white shoes blue sky sod whlte-olouds and sailing yellow butterflies and a man! Spring calls and listensand chuckles, I reckon, when she hears the stir in the city places that her musio makes when she hears the fever of her magic tn the turmoil la myriad spirits behind the desks! Lesson for All Women in Grandmother-Wife Who Eloped at Age of Sixty (Copyright. 1916. Star Company.) By ELLA WHEELER WILOOX. "The dangerou- ago for women doe not sem to limit U bounrta to middle life. A woman of e has recently eloped with a man of bar own age. After hav ing lived with har it husband aince 1877 and belli a mother and a - grandmother she olaoovared herraal affinity and eloped with htm. 1 f V; It would aeem that a man and a woman who had reached the age of (0 might poeaeaa the aetf-ontrol and the reasoning power which would enable them to avoid a courae of L .. "Vhtf.J action that most bring sorrow and humiliation upon their falmllles. But It Is lrapoeetbie to judge of one's fellow being without knowing their temperament, their temptations) and liialr trials We have all quoted frequently the i!am. "There's no fool Itlce an old fool,' but few of us have stopped to analyse the causes which produces old fools. A rmd mtk freouently produces a vo racious maturity. Men and woman who Take A 1 1 sr of cloth withe few drops of aJn-Onaen It. Wot drills saws, chisels, iron eUnes. all tools, to prevent met. Oil automatic tools wtUk g4n-Oo. Also oae on oil atooe for quick edging h works On. A utcoonary a 100 other asee with every bottle. 10c, 25c, 50c ell stores. Un-One Oil Co. 42 N. Bdwy. K Y. marry young, and are engrossed through all the years of youth and maturity with family cares, find life dull and common- place when those cares .drop away and leave them once more with time te think of other things than material neoasaltles. Tho romantio sMe of life again presents itself, and If there la a strongly tempera mental tendency, with a correapoading laok of balanoa, trouble Is ' certain te ensue. That la, trouble Is certain to ensue If, as la usually the case, this late Indian summer comes to only one of the mated pair. It Is mere frequently the man to whom It comes. A man who, having filled all the 4 ut lea of father and grandfather for many years, finds himself with leisure and means to enjoy life, awakems te a consclouanesa of heart hunger, and Is surprised to discover all the romanUo Impulses of youth fully alive la his na ture. . Meanwhile the wtfe, who la also mother and sraadroother, has "settled down." satisfied to seek her distractions In her physical ailments, and her recital to her friends of experience wtltt aurgeons and operating tables, or tn the pursuance of duties and pleasures which appertain whofly to tho grandmother period of her existence. It la so long ago slnoo She walked, In the wonderfulneaa of romance that tt Is all like a forogtten dream, and If her husband should attempt to renew the old dream and to make It seem reality she would probaMy rail htm an "old fool and aak him If he were losing his reason. Only a few years ago a situation of this kind developed Into a great tragedy. A woman In Brooklyn of 10 odd years died suddenly and her death revealed the fact that she had been making frequent trips to New York to meet an admirer of her own age. The woman had been for twenty years the wife of a hopeless Invalid, and the role of nurse and mental comforter and companion for this husband failed to aatlsfy the longings of her heart; hence a revelation which brought shame and sorrow upon twe families. It Is a wise thing for men and women to prepare in youth for middle age. and to prepare In middle age for th more advanced period of life. There are In' numerable opportunlttea ore a in our land for the cultivation of mind and the pur suance of arts, profeealons and occupa tion which will lend an Interest to human existence when It passes out of the highway of the morning, through full noon, into the afternoon shadows. Forty Is aa excellent age for a woman to begin the real cultivation of her mind and heart and the development of her beat possibilities through knowledge of spiritual lawa The woman who ' devotes an hour or twe every day to surh occupations and Interests wilt not be liable at to to losel her mental balance or to make herself the sorrow of bar friends and the laugh Ins stock of her enemies. The Nervy Home By IRENE WE8TOJT. "I sometime think, said the head mistress of a large girls' school to me the other day, "that th children who are brought up In a nervy atraoephere are quit as much handicapped In life aa those coming from thoroughly bad homes." The speaker's vast experience, sot -only with children of fell classes, made her "The Mares of Diohedes" By ELBERT HUBBARD Th place of honor Metropolitan museum Mares of Diomedes." This Is a bronxe modelled by Outson Borgtum. Borglum spent his boyhood days In the far 'west, and he cannot remember a time when he did not ride horses. Only a horseman. familiar with all kind of horses, in cluding wild, run ning, terrified, f ren al cd animals, could v r have worked out this wonderful pieo of modelling. Beyond the marvel lous technique lies a story, th myth of Plomedes. ' Diomedes was a fabled character of Greece. Perhaps all fabled characters were once men. But let that pase. Dlomedea was a soldier who rode horse, back, and, not content with one horse, ha trained a whole berd of mare so they followed him and did hla bidding. These more would rush, headed by their master-os th back of a horse, upon the enemy and with teeth and hoofs would bite, strike, kkk and destroy. For a time this novel plan of Plomedes was a great suocess. But, alas and alack! there came a day when the enemy captured Dtomede and oorralled hi herd of horses. And behold, the horse then did the bidding of their raptors and they fought the force or Lnomede wltn the same fury that he had taught them to xri4se on his own enemies. And then one day th enemy took In the New Tork is given to "Th piece of statuary p -MSsrsxHsasssw Diomedes, the captive, and put him on one of his own horses and turned the herd upon htm this Is the Incident so vividly portrayed by sculptor Borglum. Dlomedoa is represented by a man of magnificent physique. Lean, bony, sin ewy, strong, he cling to th back of the mare. One arm circle to bur neck, tbe other arm la free and is warding off tli teeth of the oncoming horse that I about to sella him. Diomele is juat a little In th lead, but behind him troup the herd of horses- mad, frenzied, furhting horse Intent on the destruction of their master. Death In horribly tragic form for him, you are sure. Is lust ahead. The average person. If asked, after looking at this piece of statury, how many horses there are In the group, would aay there ar at least twenty-five. The fact is there are exactly seven. The movement, the motion, the onrush Is terririo Of course the Idea la poetic. The actual fact Is the horse Is a timed, animal, and when he strikes, bites of kicks. It la only for his Immediate protection, all of which EorKlum knows quite as wrll as we. Borglum points no moral. He leaves that for us, and th conclu sion Is that any man who uses horses, or engines of destruction, or men. for thi purpose of dissolution and death and visiting vengeance on other men Is coins to be eventually destroyed by the very means that he has employed to destroy omers. The villainy yon have taught m I will execute. It shall go hard, but I will better tho Instruction." Let It Ge at "Asa s re." ho (with nswsistrerV Here's a runny m intake in the report of that affair last mght. It says that Mrs HweUman ap teaxttd In a handsome "ampere" sown. In stead of "empire." He Well, 'ampere" Isn't very fur off, her sown was a bit shocking. Boston TtauacriyU opinion of extreme value to me. , "That sounds pretty serious," I said, "for I suppose the greater number of homes are nervy, as th raeult of th worry and overwork on the part of par ents and elder boys and girls." "Tou are quite correct. was her reply. "And though such homes are never thought of as other than good, their In fluence upon the children Is deplorable In the extreme. Then ar numbra of duti ful, oapable housewives who, as a result of their work and nerve-strain and mon etary worries, are wrecked in health and temper, and who, whilst filled with In dignation at the thought of children of th poorest classes being sent out to school unfed, yet allow their own little ones to start out for the day's duties depressed by the mental picture of a harassed, anxious, frowning mother, and Incapable often of experiencing th Joy of living which Is th birthright of every ohlld." ,1 realised the truth of all that my friend aid, and though she prasnntly mad th somewhat drastlo statement that th elementary school children with rough or drunken parents are no more to be pitied than soma of the better claas children from nervy h Tries, I know that she did not err very far. For whilst the slum child, who does not know a mother's love. Is generally able to accept her fate In quite a mattr-of fact way. and thoroughly enjoy the hours spent nut of her home, th sensitive little one from' a better environment, whose breakfast la eaten In the oompeny, or Irritable parents, and quarrelsome broth er and slaters. Is often quite unable1 all day to throw off the depressing Influence of the early morning hours. And when at the end of the afternoon she re-enters th home. It Is often to find th comfort of fire, cosy room and tea absolutely marred by the mother's preoccupation with the things and the labors of the household and consequent impatience with the little one's chatter, or else her very anergtla annoyance at having found during the day that th Pluybox had been turned upside down. The spirit which animate th horn I of supreme Importance; It Is of far more consequence though few mothers real's th fart that even the good management of the material things which constitute that home. There are houses where every thing Is in th best of order, the rooms always rlean and neat, th food excel lent and th clothes laundered and mended, and put away s regularly as clockwork every week; and yet tho In mates are not healthy or happy or at pear with the world and one another. Then there ar other hotr., none too well organised perhaps not even scrupulously clean where parents) and children enjoy on another's eecnpanlanshlp and affec tion te an almost Ideal extent. Of course, this doe not Imply for one moment that te order te assure th hap piness of the home a houswtfs must err upon the side of mtsroaaagatnank It does augrrest, however, that If a wife and mother Is not strong enough to keep her horn sple snd span, give her children all the attention they may require, and at th same time maintain m sarn mind, oheery face, well-roverned nerve a, and th ability to win th eonfldano of all under her roof, sh must hv sufTTmlent will power te shut her eyes te trifles and determine to 'let thing go." Comparatively few women are sen Bible enough te take a timely rest when nervn are In a bad condition. If they did so they would save themselves sad every other Inmate of the house a vast amount of Irritation, worry, and unhapptnea. There I probably no husband or ehild tn exlstene who would prefer a polished hall to an unpolished one at the expense of a fatigued homekweper, and yet how few women realise that thetr duty lies q jlt as much In keeping well snd cheer ful as In th good management of th home. A woman Is slow to lea an that excellent housekeeping alone canlot pro duce an atmoepher In which family hap piness thrives and to which people natur ally gravitate. Of coarse, sn Irritable, batemnered father la often a factor In fhe making of a nervy home, tut a general rule it la the mother to whom children com for understanding and sympathy, and many of the little Joys of home life; and though too much Is Invariably expected of her In th way of making an effort and . keeping her nerve which usually have to bear a rtraln so much g'it than that Imposed upon a man's nir good control, UJs worth while when It means th health and happiness of her children. For th atmosphere of the home Is something for which the woman la chiefly responsible. , her life mate playing the role of either helpmate or hindrance whichever he may choose. Do You Know That Tou can bath without water. A thick rob la entwined with wire and when put on a current of electricity Is passed through th wire. The wearer of th rob soon finds hia body getting warmer, until In a little while be set spires as freely as If h were In a Turkish bath figures compiled by th Austro-Hun-garlan and German ntiulata in New York show that U0,'A0 reservists of thoir oountrtes who registered themselves for service are unable te obtain transportation, It 1 statedthat "hundreds of tKooeands of gallons of choice nut oil are being loat very year in British irunduraa beoauao no practical means has beenYound for its recovery. Th salary of a general in the Russian army la not extravagant, andyvarles front 11,600 to ta,ur a year. 1 t t WOMAN IN " BAD CONDITION Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'ii VeeU bio Compound. Montprller, Vt "We heve great faith in your remedies. I was very ir regular ana was tired and sleepy all tbe time, would have cold chills, and my hands and feet would bloat Mr stomach bothered me, I had pain la my side end a bad headache moat of the time. Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vege table Compound has done me lots of rood and I now feel fine. I am regular, my stomach is better and my pains have all left me. Yoa can use my name If you like. I am proud of what your reme dies hsve done for me." Mrs. Mart Gauthieb, 21 Ridge St, Montpelier,VU An Honest Dependable Medicine It must be admitted by every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow in popularity for nearly forty years, and to-day hold a record for thousands upon thousands of actual cures, as has Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, without possessing great virtue and actual worth. Such medicines must be looked upon and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking person. If jou have the slightest doubt that Lydia E, I'lnkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you-write to Lydia K.P lnkbatu Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Masaforad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, aad be Id 1a strict confidence. ,