Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
By advertising In The
Be the torekeeper takes
his show window Into
the home of every reader
the Weather
VOL. XUV--XO. 273.
Oa Trains ana at
lotel Haws luati. Bo.
Extent of New Invasion of Baltic
Provinces Not Disclosed, but
Slavs Minimize It.
IN LOVE AND WAR-Youa German soldier off for the
front, wearing on his breast and in his helmet flowers given
to liim by his sweetheart, who carries his rifle for him.
Damage of Nearly Ten Thousand
Dollars Done to ?arm Property
and One Man Hart by the
Family Escapee from Twister -Just
in Time by Getting in
FUULERTON, Neb., May . (Spe
cial Telegram.) Farm buildings val
ued at nearly $10,000 were destroyed
west of this place last night by a
tornado that swept an area over a
mile wide and many miles In length.
The tall of the twister struck Fuller
ton In disappearing. Little damage
was done here.
. One man, living on a farm, who
has not been Identified, was injured,
but not seriously, It Is believed. No
one is reported killed.
Tho twister vu plainly seen. It first
appeared shortly after o'clock six miles
west of Fullerton, It struck the plac
of C.oppl Brothers, wrecking everything
on tho premises except the house.
x Place Strack.
Tho next place struck was that of Ben
son Brothers. Hero everything was de
stroyed houne, barns, corncrib and out
buldlngs. The house and farm buildings
of Charles Woolbranch were scattered
over the nearby field. In addition, every
one of the seventy-odd young tree In
the apple orchard was torn down.
The top' of tho barn of William Os
trandar was blown away and landed In a
wheat field half a mile away.
From here the tornado Jumped nearly
a mile to the ' place of John Nelson,
where all the buildings on the premises
were, swept away.
The Nelson family only escaped by
getting in a storm cave. On the Reeves
place the windmill was blown down, as
was every windmill In the path of the
Hire Mas Hart.
The farm places of Frank Donnelly
and Marshall Jennings, were swept. The
Jennings house was partially wrecked.
It was here that the one man Injured in
the storm was hurt. He was a hired
man. His name could not be learned,
nor how bad he was hurt Individual
losses of the farmers cannot be estimated
closely, owing to The condition of the
telephone wlri. Damages ,of from 11.000
-cr was flc-ne at half a' doaen dif-'
ferent places.. The loss was partially
covered by tornado insurance. A num
ber of hogs and cattle were injured In the
wreckage of buildings. , .
The tall of the tornado, in disappearing
northeastward, struck Fullerton. An old
livery barn In the outer part of town
Was toppled down. The damage here was
only a few hundred dollars. . '
James 'Smith, working for Frank Sny
der, who oftned the barn, was picked up
by the twister and carried several rods,
but was unhurt. The people of Fullerton,
who could see and hear the tornado ap
proaching, wore terribly frightened and
spent the evening In caves.
City Dads Say They
Will Cut the Light
Rates This Morning
The mayor's electric light and power
rate ordinance will bo taken up this
morning' at a meeting - of the council
committee of the whole, and will be
recommended for passage Tuesday morn
ing If the mayor can get sufficient sup
port. Commissioner Ryder threatens to
arouss opposition to passage of the meas
ure before it has been considered in de
tail in an open meeting.
The administration people contend the
ordinance as It now reads will reduce all
electrio light and power bills from 174
per oent downward. The square seven
expect to make this a big campaign coup.
26 Britons Killed
In Fight with Turks
LONDON, May 2. A casualty list Is
sued this evening by the British war
department shows that during the land
ing of British ' troops in the operations
against the Dardanelles, that is, between
April 25 and April 3t, twenty-six men of
the British fleet were killed and fifty
three were wounded.
The Weather
Tempera tare
at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Deit.
R a. m....
S a. m . . .
7 a. m....
I a. m....
t a. m..'..
10 a. m....
11 a. m....
li m
1 p. m. ...
.... M
.... (A
.... 7
.... 67
... 61
.... 7
.... 7
.... ;
: p. ra.
3 p. m. ........... n
i P. m M
f p. m 7
p. m 7.1
T p. m Ti
Comparative Local Becord.
ins. nit. uit mi
Highest vesterday 7S 79 M
lowest yesterday 86 bt 63 ' S2
Mosn temperature 64 6 66 74
I'recipitation 0! "2 (r .00
'temperature and precipitation depar
t'lrrs from tha normal:
Normal temperature 64
F.xceas for the day 0
Tula! excess since March 1 1")
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
reflcency for the dsy 19 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 l.s inches
Deficiency since March I l.7 inch
( for cor. period. 1PM ? inch
Exctcs for tor. period, 1313 1.61 inches
L. A. WELflL Loral Forecaster.
Both Sides Prepare for an Exciting
Windnp of the Campaign Today
Before1 Ballot Battle.
Administration sharpshooters kept
np a desultory firing yesterday, the
main body charging upon and taking
vantage points st 1458 Ogden ave
nue, a Greek club at Fourteenth and
Jackeon streets, Second and Wool
worth avenue, and the Swedish Au
dttorium on Chicago street. Attacks
will be made this evening by the
same contingent at Sixth and Pierce,
Tenth and ' Hickory, Thirteenth and
Vinton, Eighteenth and Vinton, and
Twenty-sixth and Martha.
The ' antis slept within their
guarded tents, but they say they will
be on the firing lines again today
and tomorrow.
F.xplnetn Is Heard.
Mayor Dahlrnan made the emtlre circuit
yesterday and others of the square seven
preceded or followed the chief executive.
Jamea H. Hanley. Congressman Lobeck's
secretary, and I J- TePoe! were among
the volunteer speakers. The mayor's trip
was marked by several Incidents which
served to break the ennui of campaign
work. While addressing a large gather
ing of Greek cltirens on Jackson street
a report of a powder explosion was heard
from the Eleventh street viaduct, and
some wag suggested that It was the antls
getting their 42-ce.ntlmeter guns In
action. A shower Interfered with tl
mayor pitching the first ball at an ama
teur' ball game at Twenty-fourth and
Vinton streets, and at Second and Wool
worth avenue he spoke on the bank of tho
Missouri river. . -
Roth Oldea Confident.
; Administration and antl leaders declare
they are all ready for the flnsl heat to
morrow. They say there are ho de
flections In the ranks, . and eaoh side
maintains their men will be elected.
Speaking on Ogden avenue, the mayor
said: "I have observed that In all of the
campaigns I have been In tho fight has
been centered upon me, because they
know they' can't control me. A certain
newspaper Is, continuously fighting me
because it cannot control me, but I want
to say that I have compelled that paper
to stop using my name."
He also declared that he has. ben
elected mayor three times, but in this In
stance he does not believe that the "three
times and out" rule will hold good.
"I despise a . coward, and a .hypocrite,
and I want to tell you that I will go
down fighting these fellows.' They cant
make ma quit." he said."
, This Is the manner la whloh fh mayor
hi J the target: j lf yo believe itjfrae
government, Tote for tba aquare seven.
Are you going to stand for bunk? If
anybody her knows of any reason why
the antls should ba elected, 1st htm stand
up now and give his reason and not wait
until Jtmmle has gone. ' I want, soma Of
them to stand up before ma and tell their
vicious Una, and then 111 tell what I
think of them. - We'll throw these four.
fruahars into ' tha deck ' on Tuesday. I
oould have rested upon my primary fight
and would have bean re-elected without
further effort, but I want six other
men In with me. I would not give two
cents to ba re-elected with those six
antls. Do you want those b rasa-collared
fellows in tha city hall?. Do you think
you could shake hands with those antls
tf they are elected? Why are they so
anxious to get rid of Little Jlmmie? I'll
stay with them until hell freezes over!"
In the evening the mayor and others
spoke at tha Loyal club on North
Twenty-fourth street and at tha German
Home on South Thirteenth street
Dewey Congratulated
By Navy Secretary
WASHINGTON. May a - Admlnl
IDewey received this messaga today from
Secretary Daniels, commemorating the
anniversary of tha battle of Manila bay
in 1898:
"On board United States Steamer May
flower, Hampton Roads, May L ,
"Admiral Dewey:
"Upon this, the anniversary of your
victory, tha fleet assembled In Hampton
Roads Joins me In cordial felicitations.
All sincarely hope you may be vouch
safed many more years of -active serv
ice to your grateful country."
Tha society of Manila bay held Its an
nual reunion tonight at tha Army and
Navy club. ' It is composed of officers,
who served with Dewey at Manila. Tha
admiral was unable to attend.
Of Dances Perilous
CHICAGO, May I Misinterpretations
of modern dances by young society
women i corrupting the youth of the
land, according to O. B. Johnson of the
deparUrrnt of play and recreation of
the Jrrw York school of philanthropy,
who spoke today before the Society of
Physical Education and Hygiene at the
t.'rfverilty of Chicago.
"The dance problem Is now a boys'
problem as well as a girls' problem. It
holds a greater danger for this country
If not handled properly, than It has ever
held for any country la tha history of the
A business men's outing la planned for
some time during the Summer. This is
planned to take In all business mm In
the state who want to take advantage
of It. and is planned to ba in the nature
of, a Chautauqua, where entertainment
and business talks would be given. A
preliminary meeting was held In Lin
coln Thursday, but the place of holding
the proposed mas left unde.
elded. Commissioner Manley of the
Omaha Commercial club urged them to
select Omaha.
. jr "--.Hi . . . "
Young- Ranch Hand in Love with
Nurse Makes Attack on Her
. and Clergyman,
PALM SPRINGS, Cal., May 2.
Peter Glennon, a young ranch hand,
was killed and Rev. Paul Reinfels, a.
Catholic priest from Palo ma. 111.,
wounded In the.' right forearm, In a
battle last night at Chlno canyon, a
gulch frequented hy healthaeekers,
five miles 'from here in the River
side "county desert. '
Tries to Kill Tbesa.
Glennon shot Father Retafels In
an effort to kill him and Mies Clara
Sherrer, a nurse attending the priest,
who-baa been 111 from pneumonia,
but whether the young man received
his own death wound from a shot
fired by tho priest, or was slain In
a struggle with Miss Sherrer; was the
subject of an investigation by the
sheriff, who remained over tonight.
Father Reinfels was taken to Bennlng
today, where examination revealed that
the wound was only slight. He arrived
at Palm Springs two days ago, to re
cuperate, and went at once to a tent In
the canyon. Miss Sherrer. a nurse from
Ban Francisco, attended him.
la Lore wltfc Girl.
Glennon Is said to hava been In lova
with tha girl, and last night, according
to accounts given by tha priest and the
young woman, he made his way five
miles from the ranch where he waa em
ployed, to the Chlno camp and announced
that he Intended to kill both tha clergy
man and Miss Sherrer. He thereupon
oponed fire, wounding the priest.
Miss Bherrer grappled with the assail
ant. . As she and the man fought. Father
Reinfels drew his own revolver and fired
one shot. Glennon stumbled and fell Into
a small spring near the tent- Miss Bherrer
asserted that still another shot waa fired
and that this came from Glennon's own
revolver, which was discharged" during
her battle with him. "
Germans Defeated
' In African Action
CAP ETON ,vla London), May J.-The
following official ' statement regarding
the operations In South Africa was Issued
"General McKensle's mounted forces
which were designated, to cut oft the
Germans, who after the evacuation of
Kaetmanapsch retreated northward along
the railway, Inflicted serious defeat on
them In the vicinity of Glbeon. The
union forces, .by destroying the railway
north of Glbeon. captured a whole rail
way train, a number of transport wagons,
a great quantity of live stock, two field
guns, several maxima and WO prisoners.
Tha remnant of the German' force which
was DM strong, escaped, owing to the
rough ground obstructing the movement
of the cavalry."
No new developments have as yet
arisen in the labor situation In Omaha,
and there Is every Indication that all the
building tradesmen will continue to work
on the various building jobs in the city
without trouble, at least for some time
to come.
"1 have nothing to say and nothing to
give you," said Ed Shannon, secretary of
the bricklayers' union, Sunday, when
'asked for a statement, for The Bee. It
! was the bricklayers who had asked for
jsn Increase of & cents per hour, beginning
May 1. This request was refused.
The briklsyers have referred their
rase to the international union, and an
international deputy Is now on the way
from Minneapolis to meet with the local
bricklayers Tuesday at the Labor temple.
'J ' .-V.W
I sssw ' I 1
A. W. Jefferis and W. N. Chambers
Tell Street Crowds Repub
lican Doctrine.
Entry of the republican "band
wagon" Into the municipal political
situation Saturday waa the most im
portant development of the later
stages of the campaign.
,The "bandwagon," which was an
automobile truck . carrying four re
publican speakers, a fife and drum
corps and several horns. Invaded tha
downtown districts last' night and
made : the "hit" of the campaign.
More than 5,000 persons, it was es
timated, listened to speeches of wood
republican doctrine and exposures of
"prang-faced democrats' love of non
partisan ' politics in a republican
city.'f The trip will be repeated Mon
day evening.,
At Fifteenth and Douglas streets, the
storm center of the campaign, hearers
of rival "Ins" and "outs" oratory, de
serted In large numbers to listen to the
republicans. They visited also. Sixteenth
and Capitol Avenue and Sixteenth and
Douglas. , All afternoon the "Bandwagon"
traveled tha streets ot Omaha bearing
huge signs reading, "Help to Has tore
Confidence and Prosperity," and bearing
tha names of republican candidates for
the city commission.
E a poses Democrat Plot.
A. W. Jefferis, chief speaker, gave bis
audience plain talk. Ha told thorn of
the wave of republicanism which Is
sweeping tha country, of the need for
Omaha to put men in its city offices
who will be in sympathy with the next
national and state administration, and of
the closed mills and factories in the east
walling for republican prosperity to re
open them. He exposed outwardly in
nocent but really designing attempts ot
democrats to elect all but two commis
sioners of their own party, and their ef
forts to put democrats In control of po
lltlcal machinery In the city.
"Seventeen ' thoussnd republicsns are
registered In Omaha," he declared, "which
is T.000 more than the democrats can
muster. A hopeless minority of demo
crats is attempting to elect five out ot
seven city commissioners.
Osaaaa, Mast Get la Mae.
"Omaha should get In Una with Chicago,
Bt. Louis. Oklahoma City, Kansas City,
Kan., and all the other cities that just
the other day voted republican. It Is a
part of the wave of republicanism which
Is sweeping the country. Omaha should
get ready for it; should join In.
"National issues now are effecting
every man and woman in the west, as
well as in the east. Placards on the
closed mills and factories In the east tell
th story 'Closed ' by democratic tariff
theories.'. The. nation Is about to make
Itself prosperous once more by putting
republicans back Into office.
"Leave nonpartlsanship to the democrats-who
are trying to get republican
votes by a. plausible outcry."
. Ed Lander.. Will Chambers. Matt
Qreovy and Sam Scott rode on the band
wagon. Colonel John M. Berger, wr
veteran,. was In charge of the music. Mr.
Leader Introduced ths speakers, who
ware. Mr.. Jefferis and Mr. Chambers.
Mr. Chambers spoke of tha records of
tha republican candidates for tha com
mission, laying emphasis on good work
acecmpllshed by Edward Simon In bring
Ing about the passage of anti-shark and
mothers' pension legislation, whose op
ponents hsve attempted to take from him
the credit doe him.
The following are the republican candi
dates fur the city commission:
H. J. Hacked John J. Rvder
J. R. Hummel 11 ward Simon
Waiter Jardlna H. B. Zlmman
A. V. Kugel
Taa lost la t ola Plre.
COLO.V. May J.-The olty of Colon,
riair of whlih was destroyed by fire
V-trdsv resn(eil a scene of denolatlon
tndav. Annrdlruf to the police records
t' n persona loel their lives. an! many
were tntured. The loss Is eitlrrated at
Oil Tank Steamer Gulflight Pays
Toll Captain Dies of
Heart Failure.
Captain Is Shot and One Boat Containing-
the Survivors Cannot
J3e Located.
LONDON. May 2. Tha American
oil tank steamer OulflUht, which
Balled from Port Arthur, Tex,, April
10 for Rouen, France, was torpedoed
at noon on Saturday off the Bcllly
Islands, acrordtng to a dispatch re
rolved today by the Central News,
The captain of the Gulflight, ac
cording to the same advices, died of
heart failure as a result of the shock.
Two spamen Jumped overboard and j
were drowned. The other members
of the crew were taken off by a
patrol boat and landed. The vessel
was towed into Crow sound and
The OulfllRht wns a steel vessel of 3,fX
tons net and was built at Camden, N. J
in 1914. It was owned by the flulf Refin
ing company. The vessel was !WS feet
long, fifty-one feet beam and thirty feet
deep. It waa equipped with wireless
telegraphy apparatus. .
lilt 'by Sahmarlne.
The Rritlsh steamer Fulgent was sunk
by a German submarine northwest of
the Skclllg RorVs In the dark of Satur
day morning, says a dtsatc.h to Lloyd's
from Kllrush, Ireland. . 1
A boat containing nine survivors and
the body of the captain of the steamer
who had been shot and killed, was
rescued by a trawler and landed at K fi
nish. Tha trawler was unable to find
the second boat of the Fulgent contain
ing the remainder of tho crew. v
. German Torpedo floats flank.
Tha British admiralty stated thai even
ing that two German torpedo boats had
been sunk In the North Sea. The British
torpedo boat destroyer Recruit also waa
sunk. ,.
The French steamer Europe, from Barry
for 6t. Nasalre, with a cargo of coal,
was torpedoed by a German submarine
Saturday morning near Bishops. Rock and
sunk, says a dispatch to Lloyd's , from
Admiralty Report. T v-
The text of ths admiralty statement
folio wa
"A series ot small affairs took place
in the neighborhood of tha Galloper
and north Hinder lightships on Saturday.
"During tha forenoon, H. M. Destroyer
Recruit was sunk by a submarine, four
offloers and twenty -one men being saved
by the trawler Daisy.
"At S o'oloek tha trawler Colombia waa
attacked by two German torpedo; boats,
who aproached It from tha westward and
commenced an action without . hoisting
their colors. Tha Colombia waa sunk by
a torpedo,- only ona deck hand being
saved by the other trawl a ra,
"A division of British destroyers, com
prising the Laforey, Lannldaa, Las ford
and Lark, chased the two .German vessels
and after a brief running fight of about
ona hour sunk them both.
"The British destroyers sustained no
"Two German officers and forty men
were rescued from the sea and made
prisoners of war."
Federal Reserve Bank
Statement for Week
Shows Little Change
WASHINGTON. May 1-Th Federal
Keservs bank statement for tho week
ending April 30 shows little chance. . It
Resources Gold coin and certificates.
2&.21.0U0; legal tender notes, sliver cer
tificates and subsidiary coin, 2fi,6i9,ooo:
total, lZH.7i,n(io; bins discounted and
loans, maturities within thirty days.
$m.V:w,iO; maturities within sixty days.
H2.0Ui.00O; other. 7 TOO .000; total, $.16. WW,
0OU; investments,- is.,H.OO0; due from
other federal reserve banks, items. In
transit. SMfto.OOO; all other resources. 111':-
U4.000: tot si resources, tm7,on,0no.
LiabilitiesCapital pstd In. 130.69,000;
rtstrve deposits. 1284.832,000; federal re
serve notes In circulation, I11.03S.ixjO (net
liability): all other liabilities. 12,064,000;
total liabilities. S.t47.603.i: sold raservs
as-alnst net liabilities. M.4 per cent; rssh
reserve against net llaMUttes after set
ting aside 40 per cent gold reserve against
net amount or federal reservs notes In
circulation, 91 2 pen cent.
Lightning Hits Barn;
Nine Horses Burned
(Speclal Telegram.) A large tarn on the
Ehler farm. Just esst of town, waa struck
by nlghtnlng during last night snd en
tirely destroyed by fire, together with
nine head of horses, belonging to George
Hayes, the tenant. The barn also con
tained S00 bushels of grain and a lot of
harness. Hayes had Insurance to rar
tislly cover his loss, while tha building
wss well Insured.
Military Activity
On Italian Border
VENICE. Italy (Via London). May 2 -A
dispatch from 1'dlne, Italy, reports
sctlve military preparations on the Aus
trian side of the frontier. Trains of
heavy artillery, proceeding by night, are
said to cn'upy commanding positions.
Night traffic In the districts of Gorlts,
Gradlsoa, Mnnfalcone and Tolmten. all In
Austria, is prohibited without special
authority. It Is stated that recruits from
tha southern part of the monarchy are
being concentrated, at Lubiana.
LONDON. May 2. Interest has
turned again to the eastern front
snd particularly to the Russian Bal
tic provinces, which sre being raided
by tbo Germans.
The extent of this new raid has
not been disclosed. Although the
Germans announce that the Russians
evacuated snd burned Pxawle and
retired toward Mltu. there is no evi
dence of any big battle blng fought
and the Russians express confidence
In their ability to deal with this new
Renewal of Ftabtlna.
Along the Ksst Prussian frcntler and
In central Poland, there has been s re
newal of the flRhtlng which tha sprln
floods Interrupted, while In the. Carpath
ians, here the ground Is drying, th
Russians and Auslrlsna again are con
tending for t'ssok pass.
For the moment the Russians hsve
turned from their offensive against that
pass to attack the Austrlans; who were
threatening their communications In the
direction of Ptry and have, according to
their report, won considerable success,
capturing two hetKhta and a number ot
prisoners. They also claim to have r
pulrttd an attack by tha tjerrhans. who
hold a line near Wysskow, further to
the eastward.
nt Offensive Rsnerted.
It Is expected that a big offensive soon
will be undertaken on the eastern front,
probably by the Germans, who hava been
feeling their way toward tha Russian
positions around the eaat Prussian fron
tier, although this may ba a feint to hide
a movement on soma other part of the
line. . . . , '
There Is evidence In dispatches from
Athens that the allied fleet has recom
mended the bombardment of the Darda
nelles, but there Is no official confirma
tion available. The French minister of
marine, however, In an Interview, ex
pressed the opinion that decisive and def
inite results would come qulnkly.,
Forty Billions of ,
Capital Destroyed
In One Year of War
PHILADELPHIA, May 1-Flrst , places
in tha field of International finance may
come to tha United States as a Conse
quence of tha European war, , W, P. O.
Harding, member of the federal reserva
board, today told the American Academy
of Political and Social Selene In session
hers. ' '(., ' .. . ,
To obtain that pre-eminence In Inter
national finance, however, Mr. Harding
warned his hearers that the United States
must resist. any tendency toward Infla
tion and a wild temporary boom, such as
history has shown frequently, follows ths
conclusion of great wars. Hs declared
that tha nation now was In a command
ing position assthe only great world power
not Involved In war and pointed to th
fact that the trade balance has been In
favor of tha United States to the amount
of 1719,000,000 for the last nine months.
This balance, he predicted, might reach
12.000,000,000 by the end of 19U,
"W should not forget," ' said Mr.
Harding, "that although we hava passed
through no pronounced boom period since
1W7, there is a strong tendency toward
Inflation In this country as well as In
Europe, where inflation Is a necessary
result of war financing. Restoration o
peace will necessarily bring about many
. Alexander J. Hemphill, president of
the Guaranty Trust company of New
Tork,' snother speaker, said that - the
wastage of capital by the war estimated
on a year's duration was 140 000,000,000.
Mex Chief 's Women '
Leave with $350,000
NOGALES. Sonnra. Mexico. May 1
Jos Msytorena. Villa chleftsln In Son
ora, arrived here today to make his capl.
tal. Asked what ha had Ann n
Americans and other foreigners who are j
threatened by warlike yaquls. Maytorena i
answered: l'I hava nothing to say." j
Maytorena's wife and daughter pr- I
ceded him her. . They continued on to
Los Angeles, and. according . to hmfi!
current here, took with them 1360.000 gold.
Maytorena was reported to have begun
forcing Chinese merchants hen n
change their gold for Villa currency at
me rate or 11 gold for K currency. On
the American side Villa currency Is sail
ing fifteen for one.
Gems Worth $18,500
Hid in Skirt's Hem
valued at ls,f.00 were taken today from
tlie hem of Mrs. J. B. Frsncla' skirt,
tresaury ofriclsls said, after her arrest in
the Hotel Stewart. She Is charged with
smuggling. The jewels wer cut and un
cut opals and sspphlres. What appeared
to be a contract with a Sydney jeweler
was found In her possession. By It she
was to receive 5 per cent of the proceeds
from ths sale of the jewels. Mrs. Francis
arrived Thursday from Australia.
WASHINGTON, May J.-A peace greet
ing to the women of the world from th
Norwegian Women's Peace association
was delivered at the White House today
by H. H. Brvn. Norwegian minister to
the I'nitod States, who asked that It
be communicated to President Wilson.
The greeting, embodying resolutions
adopted at a meeting of Norwegian
women at Nobel House.
averred that "the dogma of tba necessity
of war must be overthrown."
English and Bnis Ships Torpedoed
I in British Waters day Amer
icans Told to Shan
Lion Boats.
Underwater Attacks, Zeppelin Raids
and Shelling of Dunkirk Bring
War Close to Albion.
The Day's War News
Carpathians the fighting, which
has been retarded by lacleaaeat
weather, has taken em w
vigor, and especial attention Is
directed toward the new Oermaa
Invaalon of (he ' Rnaalaa Pallia
provinces, where the Germans
claim fa ba making; progress.
through from the Dardanelles
eantly, anofftclal eictemeats ta
il I rat a that the allied fleet te ear
rylna an a heavy bam bar meat.
Danklrlt from tha land aide, and
th Oermaa sabmarlaes, after a
considerable tall tn their apera
tloaa, haw mad a saw raid oa
tha west coast of Rnglaad aad Ir
land and an alt two ataasaara, oaa
British reae aad tha other a
Russia a, (
LONDON, May 2. German sub
marines, which for a coupla of weeks
had beenigonflnlng themselves to tha
North Sea. where they sank a num
ber ot trawlers, again hava made
their appearance on the trade routes
off the coasts of Ireland and England
and caught two victims. They were
a British steamer sunk off the Scllly
Inlands and a Russian steamer at
tacked off the Blasket Islands. In '
both cases tha crews were saved.
What It Means.
This taken in connection with tha
warning Issued to American travel
ers on trans-AUantIo liners doubtless
means another attempt -with a '
greater nsnnber of submarine? to
combat the blockade by "England,
it la announced by th English papers
that tha admiralty has found a means
of dealing with submarines and tha peo
ple, . in view of . the latest attacks upon
steamers, are .awaiting the tesult with
considerable Interest , These submarine
attacks, Zeppelin raids and fhombrd
ment of Dunkirk are bringing th war
closer horn to England. .
Raealaa Coal Ship Destroyed.
Th Russian a.0CO-ton steamer Bvor- '
ono. bearing Welch coal to Arch
angel, a Russian port on the' White
Sea, waa torpedoed and stink by a
German submarine believed to be tha
U-23 on Friday at noon near th Dlaskat
Islands, oa th west coast pf Ireland.
Th Svorono's crew of twenty-four
men, mostly Russians, barely had time
to take to the boats when tha vessel
sank. All were rescued by a patrol boat
Th British steamer Kdale, from th
river Plate, South America, for English
ports, waa sunk by a submarine today
off th Scllly Islands. All of th Edale's
crew wer saved.
Th Edal was a steamer of 1000 tons
net and waa S26 feet long. It wa ownedl
by the Dal Steamship company of Mid
dlesbrough.' England. Th Edal waa
built In 190L It saUad from Montevideo,
Uruguay, for England on March t.
Craw Landed.
SCILLT ISLANDS,' England. May 1 -Th
craw of twenty-four of th British
steamer Edale, which was sunk 'off
these Islands by a submarine today while
on a voyage from th river Plata, South
America, to Manohaster with a cargo of
grain, have been landed her by a Brit
ish patrol boat. They say that th Ed ale
waa torpedoed without notice and that
they did not see the submarine until
after they were in their lifeboats.
. A patrol boat Is reported to have been
struck and severely damaged by a shell
fired by the submarine. '
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