Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    7 A
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1915-
W.w Tletoe metre's for
"May Many aew favorites"
lisctnslve Arente for the
' Famon. Chickeiing Pianos"
MAY SALES of More Than Ordinary Importance Begin
Ired Gordon Pleads Ouilty to Of.
f Viie with Stipulation thai H Be
Bent to Grand bland Jail.
With the stipulation that he be
aent to the Grand Island Jail and not
confined In Sheriff McShane's high
priced but low-qualltied calaboose In
the court house here, Fred Gordon
pleaded guilty before Judge T. C.
Munger In federal court to having In
his possession morphine contrary to
the new "dope" law. He was given
thirty days. Flossie Cain also
pleaded guilty and drew the same
The verdict of unfortunate against the
quality and quantity of the menu at the
Douglas eounty Jail seem to be unani
mous. All federal prisoner confined there
recently have been loud In condemnation
of It. A number have berced the court.
when passing aentence, to have them
taken to Jails out In the state. This has
been a source of additional federal ex
pense. Some prisoners have even been given
the minimum federal prison sentence, a
year and a day. because, the court
pointed out. they would be better cared
(or there and . would pot mind . the year,
of confinement as much as they would
six months hi the ooupty jail.
A. H. Comstock
Dies Suddenly . ; '
of Heart Failure
Heart failure, caused by elimblns the
stairs Into the Elks' club rooms Friday
night was tha cause or. the death of
Albert H. Comstock, Justice of the peace
and prominently known In business cir
cles In Omaha for many years. Ex
hausted by his efforts, Comstock sat
down In a chair and soon expired. A
physician was called but the venerable
man was dead when ha arrived.
Mr. Oomstock, who was about TO years
old, was a bachelor, and his sister, Mrs.
Charlotte Gray of Brooklyn, has been
notified of his death. Funeral arrange
ments await word from her.
Mr. Comstock was born at Cambridge,
N. J., and after attending- school there
learned the printer's trade and worked
at the case for several years, afterwards
editing several newspapers.
Coming to Omaha in IB Mr. Comstock
engaged In the real estate and Insurance
business, and from 1892 to 1913 was man
ager of the Omaha Printing company,
retiring to go into , the Insurance busi
ness. The , only - public office . held by . Mr.
.Cbmstook before being elected justice of
the peace, the office he held at the time
of his death, was when tie was appointed
to fill a vaoanay In the city council.
Mr. Comstock always had a cheerful
word for his friend and wis exceedingly
well liked In the circles 4 which he
moved. 'a
Eealty Men Want'
; G. A. E. Encampment
: An effort will be made to , bring the
seml-oentennial meeting of 4the national
encampment of the Grand Army of the
Republic to Omaha In 1916, if the special
committee appointed by the Omaha Real
Estate exchange has) Its way. This com
mittee la composed or W. M. Green, Q.
B. Las bury, F. H. Myers, George T.
Morton and Georga O. Wallace.
la Its report the committee recttea that
the official figures of the encampment
show that visitors at the last twenty an
nual encampments have never been under
JOT.Ono and that tha attendance has
reached S00.000.
They point out , the advantages of
Omaha, 'with Its Increased hotel facilities
and lta mld-contlnent location, and say
that the probable cost for securing the
encampment will be $30,000. The exchange
Is advised to take this matter up with
other local organizations and tc appoint
a permanent committee to carry on the
Dahlman Declares
He Will Recommend
Amended Light Bill
Mayor Dahlman states that at the reg
ular committee of the whole meeting of
the city council Monday morning .he will
recommend for passage Tuesday morn
ing the amended electric light and power
rate ordinance, which has stirred up con
siderable controversy In this campaign.
He declares the ordinance will be passed
on Tuesday morning upon the strength
of his recommendation, i
In its amended form the ordinance
declares that the primary rate for elec
tric current shall be 8 cents and the
secondary rate 64 cents for residence
uses, the application of the primary rate
to remain on the present plan used by
the light company. The 60 cent monthly
minimum has been cut out.
The mayor and his associates now say
that all bills will be reduced through the
operation of this ordinance, if the elec
trio light company will agree to the
terms of the ordinance without fight
la the courts.
fERL.IN, (Via London), May 1. Oxen
may soon take the places in this city of
many of the truck horses which have
been requisitioned for military purposes.
The police have abrogated the ordinance
which prohibited their use In the city
and tha first yoke seen In the streets In
many years appeared today.
Have Reajalar Bawel Movement.
Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and
have a daily easy movement of the bow
els. Cures constipation. Only 36c All
druggists. Advertisement.
Charming New Silk and Crepe Blouses in the May
i i
Special Exhibition, Showing the Art
of Glass Cutting on Fourth Floor
K have arranged with one of the leading Out Glass
Factories for on exhibition of glass cutting in our Cut
onay morning.
I A real frame and an expert glass cutter will
i demonstrate the manufacture of out glass and a
new and most difficult design, 4 4 The Diamond
Poin8ettia,M will be featured.
To Introduce this new pattern of tha glass cutting;
art the factory has made special price concessions and
very attractive values are offered. Including:
12-Inch Crystal Yaee, I4ke ninitratlon, Ik-autiful "1)1
mond.Polnsottta" Designs, for $5.U0.
IMckte Dish, Like IlluNtraUoa, Hlae Hxt-lnc h "Diamond
Polnsettla" Design, for ft. 00.
Other Items of equal Importance cut In the "Dia-
mond-Poinnettla" design are bowls, nappies, olive
dishes, trays, comports, water pitchers, vases, etc.
We are exclusive representative for "Dlamond
Polnsettla" design.
Barge IT ash Oo Tourth float.
Beautiful. Rich New Waist and
Dress Silks That Are the Usual
$1.50 to $2.00 Values Monday- 89c
CLOSE touch with the market brings those wonderful
silk values to you. The weaves, colorings and patterns
are those now in greatest demand.
Plain Chiffon Taffetaa at 89c
36 Inches wide, black and the wanted shades.
All-Silk Crepe Chine, 60c
42 Inches wide, light and dark shades, cream and black.
New Plaid Chiffon TaifotM, 80c
36 inches wide, pretty new and rich coloring effects.
Hair Line Striped Silks, 89c
36 inches wide. In taffetas and messallnes, wide range of colors,
All-SUk Poplins Monday, 80c
42 Inches silk poplins, almost every possible shade and black
Japanese Wuh Silks at 80c
- 36 inches wide, In neat embroidered .colored figures.
Hat In Stripe Tnh Silks, 80c
36 and 33 Inches wide, for shirts and waists, very desirable.
Brocade Crepe de Chines, 80c
43 inches wide, pretty light shades, newest designs.
, Black Satin Duchesa at 80c
' 36 Inches wide, very heavy Quality for dresses and coats.
Barf ess-V ash Co Mala moor.
May Sale of CORSETS With Values
That Are Most Vitally Important
TILE offering includes several of the best
known makes broken lines and agents
,: samples, such as r .w ' s
Warntr" "K & Gn
"La Vjttoiv"
"Lmdy Clarf ttoy
Corsets that are most desirable in every way, but the
Tact that the lines are broken we will clear' them
at a big discount.
Corsets that were $3.75, $4.00 and 94.50, for 98.00
Dorset that were $3.8, $0.OO and $7.50, for $5.00
Corsets that were $8.50, $10 and $12, for $7.00
$8.50 Corsets Monday at 05c
Reducing models and other splendid, numbers,
well boned, up-to-tbe-mlnute in style, very com
fortable, with six hose supporters attached, regular
13.60 values.
All-Over Jmbroldery Ilraswieres, $1.00
A special lot of all-over embroidery braBsleres,
In a variety of pretty patterns, usual $2 quality.
Demonstration "Bien Jolie" Corsets
Miss Jones, representing the Blen
Jolle corsets, will be here this
week and will gladly assist you in the selection of
the proper corset. Her services are free.
Bargsss-Hash Co. Bsoona lloor.
"Burnasco" Quality PERCALES in
the Big Basement Monday at 2jc
TIIE memory of the quality will last a long time after all
imitations are forgotten. All the new wanted black and
white stripes, together with hundreds of other new attrac
tive designs and colorings are here. One yard wide "Bur
nasco" quality dress percales-will be used by those that
want the best, yard, Vc.
Old Glory Cambrics, 10c
Yard wide, the kind to make up into fine undermusllns, yard, JOc
Fine India IJnon t 8Hc
India linons, various sheer grades, waist and dress lengths, yd-8e
Standard Shirtings Monday, 8 He . .
Mill lengths standard shirting and dress prints, a larger style'
assortment, would be almost impossible; Monday, yard, 34c
Bargssa-Maah Co. Bass meat.
Women's White Footwear That Was
$3 to $5, Monday Basement at $1.65
DECISIVE clearaway of all the women's white foot
wearshoes and pumps that were earned over from
last season, several hundred pairs that we
have transferred from the Second Floor sec
tion to the basement for quick disposal.
Among them you 11 fmd:
Women's white canvas shoes . . .
Women's white nuburk shoes. .
Women's white canvas oxfords.
Women's white nuburk oxfords
Women's white nuburk pumps.
I Burgess-sTash Co Bassmsat.
Your FILMS Developed FREE
when orders are left for printing.
This Is kodak time. Take a kodak
with you.
Bargees-Vaaa Co. Mala moo.
iWa. $3,
$3.50, $4
and $5
Monday, pr.
Sales--Wonderful Selection Greatly Underpriced
HUNDREDS of utylos; convertible collars, high and low nock, long and short hleeves in lingerie, penii-tailored and
dross blouses in batiste, voile, organdie, marquisette, erejv de chine, creje georgette, radium silk, chiffon, nets and
laces. It'a doubtful if there is another collection anywhere that ia more attractive, more pleading and that offers better
values. ,'
roll, blouses
Georgette t- DC I
crepe blouses. ''
Pnasr willow
taffeta pleases
$3.95 1 Mo'S2...$2.5o i siriiw5.95
Creve Ce eblaa
Remarkably Pretty Range of Choice of Lingerie Blouses at $1.00
The enviable reputation of our blouse section is more than deservably realized in this grout collection of the finest
lingerie blouses at $1.00 each. Scores of dainty fascinating styles the values are extreme.
Bargees-Wash Co. aoeonoi Yloor
And Here Are Thousands of Fresh, New Muslin UNDER
GARMENTS in the May Sales at Fully One-Third Less
s . q - t
THIS May sale of muslin underwear is like a new bunch of flowers, every day, just as fresh and' just as welcome; more
welcome in fact, for women riowadays like to make their dollars stretch and everything in this sale is calculated to
give the most of good material and good workmanship that is possible for the
money. No other such opportunity to lay in underclothes supplies at little
prices as this here Monday.
Corset Covers or Drawers, lftc
Good quality muslin or cambric, embroid
ery insertion, lace edge or hemstitched ruf
fle trimmed.
Corset Covers, Drawers, Petticoats, 2Bc
An excellent selection of nainsook, cambric
or muslin, trimmed with laces, embroidery
or hemstitched tucks.
Fifteen Styles Coraet Covers at 0c
Fine nainsook, daintily trimmed with lace
insertions, medallions and fine laee edges.
Nainaook or Crepe Drawers, BOc
Flu embroidery Insertion or edges, also
dainty lace trimming.
HeTeral Style Mnslln rettlcoat, SOo
Splendid quality of muslin, with embroid
ery trimmings, also double panel scallop.
' Dainty Crepe or Muslin downs, SOc
Several .pretty new. styles, low neck slipou
effect, neatly trimmed with laces and em
broidery. Combination Crepe at SOc
Also nainsook and allover embroidery,
trimmed with embroidery and laoe edges and
Crisp Undermnsllns at 0.1c
, Gowns, corset covers, drawers, combina
tions, petticoats and blips of nainsook, ba
tiste, cambric or fine muslin, scores of privy
styles, all beautifully trimmed.
rndernuilln Grouped at 91.23
Gowns, petticoats, combinations and Prin
cess slips of cambric, batiste, nainsook, crepe,
etc., many dainty styles from which to select,
all daintily trimmed.
Clowns, and Petticoat at f 1,78
Fine batiste, crepe, nainsook or cambric.
The gowns are the empire effect, while the
petticoats have the all lace flounce, circular
flounce, etc.
Gowns of Sheer lint 1st, $1.0,1
, Also of nainsook, Frenoh hemmed neck
and sleeve, wide ribbon empire effect, also
lace with medallions.
frowns of rUllNte, $2.2A to SIB.AO
Clever new designs, with beautiful lace in
sertion, medallion and edges, v
Petticoats of Nainsook, 2.3 to 10.80
With flounce of all lace, rows of embroid
ery, lace insertion, lace underlay, ete. "
Crepe de Chin Camisoles, $1.00
Iace yoke and sleeve, very desirable for
wear with the sheer waists and very special.
Crepe de Chine Gowns, $3.08
Exceptionally good quality, neatly flnlshd
with lace.
Envelope Chemise, Hpeclal $2.08
Fine crepe de chine, with lace insertions
and edge, also French hem.,
Crepe de Chine Underwear, $1.08
A special lot that has become slightly soiled '
from display. Including bloomers, gowns, petti
coats, chemise, etc.; were $4.05 to $7.60; very
special, at ... $1.08
Bur ffess-Mash Co. Bacona moor
Decorative LINENS for Porch or
Summer Home A to i Underprice
A TIMELY offering. The sale embraces a wide selection
"of Hurst all-linen cluny, natural color linen, irimmed
with natural color lace, very desirable for summer homes,
porches, etc., from 6-inch doilies to 72-inch table covers,
with 36 to 72 scarfs to match. This idea:
36-Inch centerpieces, at
4 5-Inch centerpieces, at
20x4 5-Inch scarfs, at . . ,
2 0x6 4-Inch scarfs, at . ,
. . . $.7S
. . .$:i.oo
. . . $:i.r,o
6-lnch dolies, at 15c
9-Inch dolies, at 28o
12-Inch dollies, at 48c
24-lnch centerpieces, at ...$1.08
$1.00 Brown AU-linen Scarfs, 80c
Scalloped In brown and white edge, pretty design.
24-inch centerpiece scalloped to match, 28c.
Natural Gray Linen Scarfs, BOo
Also center and scalloped edge embroidered in blue, beautiful ef
feet. The prioe In the May sale about V usual.
24-lnch centerpiece to match, 00c.
Barress-Vasfc Co ataia floor.
Usual $1.00 to $1.50 Imported
White Goods in the May Sales at 65c
AN importer's sample line and odd pieces of sheer and medium
weight white goods, .embroidered and fancy weaves, suitable for
waists or dresses. The selection is very large and varied, but the quan
tity of each Is small some only waist lengths.
Kmbroldered Batiste at 88c
Sheer material, beautifully embroidered, foreign make, very sper
daily priced for the May sales.
Transparent Organdies at $1.00
Voile de nalg, batistes, voiles, etc., all embroidered, 45 inches
wide Swiss and French make.
:)Sc Imported Organdies at 10c
30 inches wide sheer and transparent, an exceptionally fine qual
ity at the yard.
28c White Goods, Monday, 13c
Domestic novelties, 3 inches wide, crepes, voiles and coin dot
marquisettes, usual 25c quality.
Pllsse Underwear Crepe at Oc
Pllsse underwear crepe, SO Inches wide, narrow and medium
crepe stripe.
Barress-sraaa po- aiaia a-iooi.
Beautiful Imported Fancy JAPANESE BASKETS Artistic
Designs, Including Values to $6.00, Monday Special $1.00
... . . . I . T 1. . - V. K ..t.l.l
D1KECT Importation rrom Japan, a remaricaDiy auracuve aispiay nnn uio uj mi .uunv....
School of Japan, recently created by the Japanese government. The baskets are made of the In
ner bark of bamboo, more receptive to a higher polish ana more uexime. sinew oaua mu uau
polished. Mght and dark colors, also plain ana cotorea ivusa d
v mninin haeketa rurtirr Auto baskets
wanket. V,,Wl Wallbaskeu
. w,rk hasketa ?T 1 1 f A 1 Flower baaketa
. B 1 V MM aT f .!... i
h..k. N. w II II Mil 1 Hanging oasatHa
Grocers' display
Fruit baskets
Kandwtrh basket
Bargess-Xfssh Co. Basement.
Lunch baskets
Trays, ferneries,
Etc., Ktc.
jsTX TXir"7 Matting Suit Cases, $1.98
jA i I if Also fiber, 2-4 inches with leath-
er corners, straps around.
Bo.rfoss.Hash Co. fourth floor.
Everybody Roads Be Want Ada.