Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 4-S, Image 40

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Ringside Sees a Bripht Future with
Jfew Commitiion and Increase
in State' Beocipts.
NEW YORK, May 1. This promt""" to
The a fnort active summer for the grand
old pmc of boxing for Manhattan anil
environments. Matters puglllstio In this
segment of the universe have been In an
unsettled condition Blnoe the new admln-
itratlon went Into control, what with
a proposed completely reorganised per
sonnel la the boning commission, and an
Increase In the boxing receipt, tax from
t per cent to 7H per cent
These radical change, would appear to
lrove a hindrance to the game, but In
stead they will prove a boon and will tend
to plae the ring Kama on a higher plane.
The Increased tax will ntan tha ex
termination of a number of fly-by-4itght
duba. At present thera ar thlrty-filne
club remaining of tha original compl
roent of 141 that sprung "P when tba
Frewlev law went Into effect In thla
rtate. Greedy managers and grasping club
owners helped pare the large list, until
now there are only a few undesirable
clubs doing business.
Heretofore boxing In New Tork during
the summer months has been practically
dead. Not more than one or two duba
attempted to put on bouts during the
torrid spell, and their expenses absorbed
the receipts all the time. This last win
ter the boxing game In New York was
bordering the moribund stage, as not
more than three or four good bouts were
arranged during the entire sesaon.
But under the new order, boxing as
sume a roseate hue. for at left New
Yorkers are to hare some real flghtfrig
during the summer months. licenses
freely granted to open air clubs now In
the process of formation make such a
condition possible. Already the new clubs
re bidding for patronage, and the press
gents are dreaming of attractive
matches for their respective clubs.
Base ball parks and race courses are
.being impressed by - enterprising pro
moters far their fight arena. Syndicates
have been formed and flret rank bokert
placed under contract for opening shows.
And a strange coincidence Is that each
one of these clubs claims to have the ex
elusive right to match Jess Wlllard for
Ms first battle when he Is ready to return
to the ring. A. an old song runs. "Home
body lies." .
Disregarding the Wlllard angle. It-ln-deed
dons seem as i,f the sport will thrive
here during the supposed off ieaaon.
reparations are being made for Inaugural
boxing shows shortly at the grounds of
the Brooklyn National league ball club,
the park of the Brooklyn Federal league
ball club and the old Brignton ueacn
rare traok.' In this city BUly Gibson Is
considering a suitable site for an open
air arena 'It la Blllvum's fond hope to
Ckunnlm Jess Wlllard lecome em
broiled with dbson. Irish hesvywetght
champion, Jim Coffey, and for this rea
son ehieflv la the Bronx restaurateur
desirous of securing an open air club
Welch Is latrested.
Harry Pollock, manager of lightweight
Champion' Freddie Welsh, Is enmeshed In
the Brighton race track proposition; so
It Is a sinecure that the lightweight bos
will appear exclusively at the seaside
arena The Broadway Sporting club will
transfer Its paraphernalia to Efcbet's field
for the summer, and also Its policy of
conducting bouts between the leading
middleweight. Those In charge In the
port at Washington park the Urook
feds' heath will not specialise In any
particular division, bet will put on the
beet matches they can engineer.
Glbbaas anal Pachey. .
If Billy Gibson goes through with his
plana of conducting bouts In the open,
Ms card for Independence day will read
"Mike Glbhons vs. Packey McFerland,
fsnr the world's welterweight champion
ship." Packey has signified hie Intention of
returning to the ring for Just twf more
battles with Gibbons and Freddie Welsh.
The McFarland-Glbbone match has been
hanging fire ilnce last January, and
ha not been cmsumated because Packey
is waiting to see what the Illinois legis
lators will do with the boxing bill they
have under consideration. Packey Is
averse t traveling l.OOO miles to do hat
tla when he can have matters settled In
Ms own bark yard. t
Te Fight CUbby A gal a. -
Mkhaci Gibbons Is priming himself for
a busy campaign at his adopted profes
sion. The clove wlsard had been 'idling
for many weeks, but intends to get boey
in another fortnight; and he will not ba
content until he la universally recognised
the undisputed champion In the welter
n't middleweight divisions.
Mike's first opponent will be Jimmy
CiaUhy, an old acquaintance, whom he
will tax kit- fori twenty rounds in New
Orleans some time this month. This
will be Mike's first, effort over the
twenty round trail, as hes has never
fought more than fifteen rounds at one
. Kveryhwdr After Wlllard.
A1. Reich and Jim Coffey have finally
been matched, and these heavyweights
who have been pestering Jeaa Wlllard
for a n atih, will settle their differences ;
at Madison Square Garden next Wed-.
lirndtiy evening (May t).
Thin pair have been nursing a grudge
asalnst ea".h other for over two years'!'
anil the fana are really eager to see them
square off In the ring. They will weight
almost the . same probably 2U6 pounds
each. a.H It should be quits a slamming 1
Jubilee while It lasts.
SayS Jennings Was
the Greatest of All
fcd Has Ion, famous aa the former man
ager of tha old Oriole aggregation and
iroLably the only Federal league mag
nate to retain the favor of Organised
Base Ball, believes that Hughey Jennings
In his playing days was the greatest
shortstop of all Urns. He says:
' Jennings was the greatest of short
stops. He never would budge from his
roition to cover on a nit and run flay
arntU he saw where the ball was hit. He
would take the throw over second while
on tha dead run and If there wag a
living chance he would get his man,
"There Is absolutely no reason why no
Stew Jecslnga has been developed, Maran
vlUe. Bush and others are faster on their
feet than was Jennings, but they do not
1 the game as only Hughey could.
Will Hare Big Parade Monday to
Bocit for Sunday Bate Ball
Vote Tuesday. :
By FR JfK ttflGMSY.
Boys, there Is only a few days left te
boost the Bunday base ball hill.
You and all the dtlxens of Omaha will
bo called upon Tuesday to legalise Bun-
day bam ball In Omaha.
It Is up to you to approve or reject this
Important Issue. No doubt many of your
friends that are not particularly Inter
ested In base ball will pass up this Im
portant matter unless yon tell them It Is
a matter of vital Importance to you.
You are the ones that are Interested,
and now the time Is ripe for you to do
something to encourage the national pas
time. Get out and dig up votes for Bun
aay base ball and show the peoplo of
Omaha that the base balllsU have some
prestige. At the mass meeting held last
week all the managers promised to do all
In their power to push thU bill over the
fire. The same night the Omaha Ama
teur association held Its regular meeting
mki i-reaiaent Isaacson said that he
didn't care to hav. the association go
on record relative to the base ball ques
tion unless It was necessary, because he
was afraid that the candidates would
think that the association was endeavor
ing to edge Into politics.
Ther, is not a local base ball organisa
tion In the city that has endorsed any
ot the candidates and they don't Intend
io. mis mass meeting was open to any
JO., as. .....
"vuy mai carea to say a few words In
the Interest of amateur base ball and
question at hand. Only two candi
dates showed up. namely. James Dahl
man and Joseph Hummel. These two
men simply told what ther had w,. t-
ue meal mm ball teams and they didn't
talk politics. They didn't beg for sup
port at the ensuing election. Theyasnly
ame as men Interested In outdoor sports
ana spose along the same lines aa Presi-
....... uni oi ins Omaha club and
ny iv rug, manager of the Omaha club.
Association Meets.
The association held Its meeti.. i
i thi .. " ""
7 , ' "JW"unT Because the presi
dnt has been busy with matters per.
-M . .." aiamonaa tie was un
able to prepare the constitution. It will
oe read and approved at th. .
. . -
.... weanesaay. May II. Dlok Orotte
, "PPointea as a committee of one to
liwilr et - . i- - . .
aurerent diamond He
"... mm uia, tney are In good condition
because he is an ardent h... .
mlrer of amateurs. The only other maU
-T ,n mlMni of dlf-
sol n , qUvbb" btwMn MoAndrew.
nd Oa, whl(.h took pIa 8una
' Aate Parade.
The Omaha Outdoor Sports club has ar
ranged for a big automobile parade for
tomorrow afternoon, the main object
being to boost the Bunday base ball bill.
About forty automobiles have been
aeourea. The parade will .tart from
Fifteenth and Fmmem streets at I
o clock, go through the prinolpal streets
nd Urminau at Hourke park. Mr
Rourke will delay the aam. Untn
1 the partlclpanu
CHRISTY MATHEWSON AND OIUEF MKYElKS The Giants' 42-ccntimeter battery,
will probably continue as favorites at the Polo grounds in New York this season, "Big
-Six 'lias always been the f a vorite twirler in the National league, not alone in his home
town, but all over the circuit. The big Indian, too, has won an enviable reputation as
a backstop.
I : -
) r
The Hypodermic Needle
:By r, m. htwtib:
formed in admirable fasnlon, striking out
' bail niayerg and these
loM-restea are eordiaJTy invited to par-
t nirMt ski- . "
" praa- " neoeesary more
automobiles will be awured. Anybody
that cares to donate their car and serv
ice, for an hour for the good of the cause
please commune with Frank Quiglsy at
Douglas as 7 M
At Chris trek Park.
Two classy contest, are booked for
Chris Lyck park today, when a quartet
of team belonging to the class "A"
Greater Omaha will fight The Initial
ontert wfll be between the Workmen and
the Bourgeois and the second h.m. i
tween the Chris Lycki and the Town-
rour nne pitchers will be seen
in action. First game at 1: o'clock, sec
ond at "(. clock,
Dlaaaead tHtnt.
Catchnv nm.-i-r .... ....
Bom. uit ViZTV Cumr
mKJnaXSS' " ,'"'"'-
fhe f tors and Iuxus bad a
and another on Sundays iuruys
iJF J. leader of the Nehru k a Auto
,,Ktr,.b' l f rr1 httamithT He is a
ganw buster of IMU order.
With James Mllota at tha helm
Br.,wn I'k Merch.uu will undoJbtedW
show sonte class this term. unaouoteaJ'
From Woodbine, la.. Lsoev the
lVTi hallah,'rt?rvU,; h.' HlsST,
Kau halls. He looks rather awvet
i Th. BtuJy class "A" league la atlll
ooklng fr another team, S rurthii
Infonnatlon call gulgleyTt DtTuglae
the initial thief to steal
home this season. Ha excutd JIli
l,et Sunday Kdward MoCVeary got on
tli'i slab for the rhri. i.iT7 I5 1
ioAndrews. Web-
Wh a t do vou know about th nmimnim
anuad cleaning up the Armours by piling
" in n iiniu aiier two men
were outf
This season the Tlets rlub win nn w
outsider" In or. then grounds. If there
is any base ball there It will be bv rnt
For the Mnrnhv THA ytm M.k-.. i.
twlngllng wonderful base ball. He is
striking them out like a real MUladelphla
Aioxemier. ,
Another man who used tahti itmrn
amateur mun tht h rnn k. k-
wayside la Kay Tsnton. Ue used to handle
the Cross tribe.
Guess rod can't keen Wlimaii w.m
playing with a suds crowd. He was
pushed off the Ktora and ImmJInJj
joined the Lux us.
... The Alamltos were forced to lav eff
last Sunday because the A. O. U. W. team
was suaed to furnish a diamond and
they failed to do It
Eaco Adams Is not the manaser of
lUeman a Hnllva.
Their leader Is John Mc
ter M will catch him.
f ! ."Wht, who Is a pernicious gent
. P JLh,. "n 'urnlture, is performing
with Ducky Holmes' crew. He ought to
help thorn cop the gravy.
Across the waves Hanson and Water
man are the chief sltngera for the Jo
(Smiths. They have everything on the
map, so thvy ought to go good.
Bernard Probst Is apparently the chief
gwatter for black s Kats. It Is a dif
ficult matter to shoot 'em around the
pan without letting him poke them.
Although Gentleman's Athletics were
swamped lat Sunday, nevertheless. Pres
ident McAvln saye his boys will be near
the top before many moons glide by.
Today tho A. O. V. W. team wtU play
their initial - game cf the season. Bald
fracas will be staged at Chile Lyck park.
They have a fast troupe, tttep out and
Witch them. ,
When Ducky Holmes team travels they
take their quartet with them. They gen
erally scout up a piano and the musical
muff keens them In good spirits until
time for the duel.
Home of the local ball tnasere are a
trifle lame relative to playing at Hiver
viT Prk. They claim they are afraid
of the rough necks stationed there. This
is all bunk, fo. get it. .
OUligan. of the Kennedy Reaell'n team
was badly crippled ISt Sunday when he
stepped into a hole Just as he was about
tc snag one out of the clouds. His knoe
received the damage,
lst Bunday it was Impossible for
Frank Qulclev to catch any of the man
agers of the Southern lean vie at home af
ter the game. If you K-jutlurn league
managers v.tnt your games in the paper.
plMaee call htm tonight or leave word at
home how the gumo canu out. Douglas
704 Is Vluliley's number.
Merheaaey. Signs t'p.
The Fort Worth club ' of the Texas
league has signed outfielder Harry Mo.
Chesney, recently declared a free agent.
- t
Karv to Lh Aagelea.
Pitcher Karr, secured by Detroit from
Sand Lot Games to
Be Played Today
Following games are scheduled for to
day In the various amateur leagues:
League-Fontenelle park, east dia
mond, Nebraska Auto School agalnet
Masclas. f.M o'clock; Thlrty-seeonJInd
i ,eW;v, Vi"nut' Br?.7,F& Merchants
against Murphy Did Its. : o'clock;
vSrT'?wp,l,rk B'eon Press against
Mlckel Vlotrolas, 8: o'clock; Miller park.
Gentleman Tfr.llv, i . . ,
Clarks, 8:30 o'cKcV '
American League Lake Bide park.
Omaha Huhber Co. against Kennedy sc
Beeelin. 1:30 o olook; Fontenelle park, west
diamonds N puree Oil Co. against Mandv
Tr" "" 'oc"; r,imwooa parir, east
diamonds. West Leavenworth Street Mer
chants asalnat DnnHw Wnmn Mm. u.on
o'clock; west diamonds, FNrd Motor Co.
against South Omaha Merchants, 130
o clock,
Hooster Ieague-Fontenelle park, east
diamonds. J. I rmm mi,.
Tows 1:80 o'clock; west dlamonls,
Ihorpleans sjralnst William Pharmacy,
1:30 o clock; Rlvervlew park, G. A. Nell
sons against Tradesmans. 1:30 o'clock;
Ihirty-first and Boyd streets, Central
Parka anlnat Utrrhuiti Hnhl am
Southern Lesgue-Mlller perk. Omaha
in Fltl !1 S Co. airulnat Juiim rnw n.,.1,..
1:30 o'clock; Thlrty-secvnd and Dewey
avenue, hlversldes againnt Southeast Im
provement uiuo, i:a o'clock; Elmwood
Sark, north diamonds, Nationals against
t Francis, 1:30 o'clock.
Greater Omaha League I.uxus park.
Armours against Lutun 1 n'rWi,.
Jhrls Lyck park, Bourgelous against
Workmen, 1:80 o'clock: Townaends against
Chris Lycks. 3:30 o'clook: Alamltos and
Black's Kats not playing.
National league Fort Omaha. Florence
Athletics anlnnt Tta mhlra l l n'ink.
Krejecekn against Itrownlng-Klng, . 8 30
o clock; Fontenelles not playing.
Inter-City league Kim wood park, west
diamonds, Trimble lirothers against
Brown Park . Jnniora 1 r nVWv- n.r
dlamonda. Spring Lake Park pre aralnut
South Omaha Midgets. 1:30 o'clock: north
diamonds, Vinton Street Cubs against
Gentleman Athletics, 8:30 o'clock.
Mercantile League Fort Omaha, Bran
rtelw egKlnst Havdens. 10 o'rl
Lyck park, Drejels against Ktlpatricka.
10 o'clock; Thirty-sevond and Dewey
avenue, vingi-cK to., against Hup
moblle, 10 o'clock; Burgess-Nosh not play
ing. ,
Independent Games Ducky ' Holmes
agalnet Stars and Stripes at I o'clock at
Jjrllevue; Worl VHerald agntnat Omeha
Dally News, Thlrtyeeoend and Dewey
avenue at 10 o'clock; stors against Grand
island at Grand Island.
The Ring King prison Base Ball leaaue.
known as the Mutpal Welfare association.
openel us soason recently. While there
was no brass bend. the'onerJne MM.
monies were Impreastve and the players
wore nirty new gray uniforms. There
are several star ball nlavera In
leagi-e. but. they will reanect their con
tracts with. Warden Osborne.
Western League
. Clnh Batttag. .
g. w. L t ab. r. so Dot.
Denver ...4 l
D. Moines. K 1 1
Omaha ....4 3 1
St. Joseph. 4 1 8
. City.. ..6 S 8
Topeka ...4 3 1
Lincoln ...4 1 9
Wichita ..4 8 I
in u ( in .zn
in s 42 3 19 li .m
135 IT 33 7 13 17 .244
1S3 18 30 ( M XXI
161 16 34 1 23 28 .217
134 15 89 7 15 1 .21
13 10 87 1 88 88 .814
133 U 80 13U .1H
Clah Fielding.
Dee Moines..
Omaha ......
Lincoln . . . .
Denver ,
Sioux City,
- 4
Po- a. e
130 7
114 SO
111 48
10S 60
108 48
133 6S18
111 0 14
JU 88 14
St. Joaeph... 4
Topeka 4
Individual Bat t lag.
ririieger, umaha.... ...... 4
Bpencer, Denver 4 15 S
Lloyd, Lincoln 4 js 1
Hoche. ToiMika a 1 t
Breen, Omaha "'.4 ia 4
jjane, sioug City J js
H. Pattarann Kf In. if I
Phelps. Sloug City.. ...'.; 1
Blitton. fit. JnonK A 4 X
Lattlmore, Topeka 4 18 3
Jones, Des Moines ( 81 4
Clarke, Sioux City 5 ig
H. Schreiber, Llnooln...4 18
Ritter. WlchltaT...: lis !
8 I
T .
S .
3 .
4 I
T .
National League
Cincinnati .
Chlcaso ....
frit Lou la.
Clsih Batting.
W. U Aa R. H. Pet.
...... e 6I 53 12S xrt
New York......
. 7 .
Clah Fleldlaa.
2f .
Manager Matty Mclntyre of the Lincoln
me spirit of his plsyers. He
aays he baso t a loafer In tha lineup. H
uid be Utter If mere managera la
tiiis loop oould mjt the same thing.
Schedule of Nebraska Stai
' '
7" " T" : r 1 : "
KKAKKBT..... gj-Jf,
Au- 4 . July 27. 28
0 RAND ISLAND JuTy'Vl. , '
July 24, 25,88 5u8V.' -tt
cobub fSX&m KSWb-' '
July 81, Aug. 1 July 83. 84 .
,o'.....- Hur uw im?H-':
rnu.r JM " V.VvrV
" II Auf . f. Au, it U
i'ui; li- s-" .
Aug. 7, 8 Aug. 5,4 - Aug. . 10
Pittsbunrh KiK
6t. Louis .-. . S7S
Cincinnati t.. 4i
Chicago sa
Philadelphia .......... Si4
g0 81 s
Hrooklyn 831
New Toi..i jui
ladlvidaal Battlag.
yr vr. AH j
CJroh, ClnclnnaU...,.,l'6 49 g" n
""""nn, inna 13
Connolly, Boston... . 8
Whltted, Phlla.......VU
Schmidt. Boston..... 13
Clarke, Cincinnati... 11
Good. Chicago....'.... 14
Kllllfer, Clnctnnatl.. It
Hmlth, Boston 18
3 .420
. .4J6
. .
. .3H8
1 .875
I .3K7
3 K
8 .803
! June 7. 8
rJuly i.
July Z3,
J une !. 4 '
June 27. 28, ft
July 23l !0 '
June S. t
June 0, .Tuy r 3
July 87. v
June t, 10, 11
July. 10 -Auf
1. 8
June 13. 13. 14
July 7T
Aug. 1
May 17. 18. 19
July 11. 13
Aug. 9. 10
Msy 14. 15. M
July 13, 14
Aug. 11. 13
May , ?. 23
July 17. 18
Aug. 17,18 -
: 'At
May 84, 15, i
July t. 5
Aug. 13, 80
June 18. 19, JO
July .7. 8
Aug. 13,11
June VS. 17
July l. 20
Aug. 15. 14
June 1, 8
July 15, 18
July 81. Aug. 1, 1
May P. n
June 14. 85, st
July 8X 84
May 89. S
June II. 23, 23
July 83. 84
May H a. 34
July a, t
Aug. l.i. 30
May 21. a. 23
July 17. lit
Aug. i;. 18
June 15. 14,17'
July l:i. 30
Aug. 15. 18 .
June IS, 19, JO
July 2r 82 .. .
Aug. if, 14
June 15. 18, 17
July IS, .
Aug. 15. 16
June 18, 19, 30
July 31, 8
Aug. IS. 14-
Mayfl, ?. 28
July 1. 14 k
Aug. 1. 30
June T, 3
July 3. 4
May 89, 80
June 81, 28, ft
July 83. 34
Mav Tt. V.
June 24. St, 88
4uiy a, z
May 24, 35, 3
July 17. IS
Aug. 17. U
June B. (
lunerA July t 3
July tf. 30
une 2. 4
une 27. 28. 39
uly37. 28
Tune 1, I
July 8. 4
Aug. 11 4
AT "
June IS. 19, 30
July 21. 22
Aug li. 14
June 15. 1, 17
July 19, 80
Aug. la. 18
May 24. 15. 2
July 17. 18
Aug. 17, 18
May JO, a. 23
.'uly in. H
Aug. 19. 20
Game f ailed at .1 P. M.
No matter what may happen,
Dorv't say a word to me;
Don't bother me with c makings,
No matter what they be;
No matter If the houee burne down.
Or Mnmine wants to buy;
And If they ak you where I am.
Why I've gone out to die.
I'm on my way to see 'em play.
And Mrk the Drummer dun;
We'll knock that gang all o'er the lot.
And on 'em rmt n ban.
Believe me boy, we've got some team;
We'll always set that way.
So let me be and bother not.
The Rourkes are here today. . ..
They shot an umpire In California a
short time ago. Tlpperary Tip ought to
end a few of .his present crop out there.
It Is mid Frank Baker Is listening for
the call of the game. Nix, he's listening
for the jingle of the roln.
Connie Mark is quoted as saying that
he wants no more of Baker, as Baker
went back on his word, treated the club
unfairly and that he has no time to treat
with a man who deals unfairly. Uh, huh.
Phil Ball, it Is said, wants to get la
Organised Ball After lamping the stand
ing of the Sloufeds In the percentage
table, we can't, blame him.
Jess Wlllard says foot ball Is brutal.
Probably J. Johnson would say the same
thing about J. Wlllard.
Larry Chappelle has gone back to Mil
waukee. The whereabouts of the thir
teen thou, are unknown.
Whaddyemean ball pin vera.
Starting today the rules say National
league clubs can carry but twenty-one
players. We know a few National league
clubs that ars well under the limit.
The White 6ox. says a Chicago scribe,
have hit their stride, ,but the percentage
table refute, the statement The Sox
have won several games.
Berlin say. the 1910 Olympic . will be
held in Berlin, provided, Of course, there
Is any Berlin In 1918.
io matter what thty UU ytu,
. Do not thed a ttar.
We may not trtn ptnnant
In the vtt'em h op 1hi$ year;
But remtmLer, jutt rtmembtr,
And ot this glue your limp,
We didn't rots our JiourkeleU
To b the ctllor champt.
Bennle Kauff hag been suspended by
Jim Ollmore. Probably Bennle Is losing
a lot of sleep Ovr it.
Enter the hall of fsme. Kid Landla.
champion no-decislon Jidge.
The war has now proven to be n ab
solute failure. They are soon to hold an
W.noo-polnt billiard match In Irfmdon.
The English ought to welcome Zeppe
lin raids after that
Freddie Welsh has not lost a decision
in several days. Truely Is spring fever a
terrible thing.
Marty Krug can at least pull that neat
l)lt of philosophy, "It lu better to have
led and lost, than never to have led at
But .Ince when, we ask, did Jess start
wearing a wrist watch T.
We look apon this merry world
As one swell plaee to live.
We love quite all oar nelchbora.
To them woald gladly give
The days arc bright and saaay
' la this little" Waiters race,
' This world Is fall of sanshlae
When yoa're riding la first plaee.
Jack Curley makes the startling dis
closure that there are ptresitea In the
boxing ' game. Probably soon Jack will
discover there are crooks Is the wres
tling game,. , , , , ' -
Poh Perritt, we see, has been gent to
Brooklyn. Back to the minora again.
Cravath, Phlla
Snhang, Pittsburgh..
Fisher, Chicago
Ntehoff Phlla
Doyle, New Tork....
aler. Chicago.......
Zimmerman, Brook.
Hnyder, St Louis....
iMerkle, New Tork..
Glenn, St. Louis
Miller, St Louis
J. Wagner, Pitta....
Williams, Chicago...
Kllllfer, Phlla........
Bescher, St Louis...
Carey. Pittsburgh....
CTutshaw, Brooklyn..
ixbert. New York..
Sfollwlti, Cincinnati.
11, Myers, Brooklyn.
Pitching Reeords.
Pitcher. g. ip. hb. bb, so.
13 39 T 14 1 .83
7 17 8 t .868
14 67 13 20 .K.l
11 88 8 18 1 .843
11 44 T 18 X .841
14 68 13 19 4
21 8 7 . .833
11 30 4 10 1 .333
11 38 5 13 3 .113
S 16 '1 S . .338
15 4A 6 14 8 .R7
14 40 13 1 .825
14 47 5 15 3 .819
12 38 7 13 1 .316
14 48 8 15 6 .313
14 60 10 17 8 .309
15 40 4 15 1 .
U 43 7 13 1 .802
15 GO 8 15 . .300
13 60 8 IS 1 .800
Alexander. Phlla.. I 19 I
(Schneider, Clnn.. 6 19 1 tf
Chalmers, Phlla 8 18 14 4
LPierce, Chicago.. 8 8 4 3
luaje. mncinnau. i
McQuillan, Pitts. I a I
K a if an. Brook.... I U U I
Meadows, St L. 8 11 8 6
S. Smith. Brook.. 3 11 S
iLear, Cincinnati. 8 19 15 4
Demaree, Phlla-. 19 4 4
Rlxey, Phlla 184
.Lavender, Chlo.. 19 8 6
Mayer. Phlla 4 30 37 8
Wenton, Clnn 6 27 18 8
iDoak, Ht Louis. 1 H ji iu
Tesreau. N. T 8 H 11 i
(liughes, Boston.. 3 23 19 8
TOamaux. ttoeton. 4 u m s
Vaughn, Chicago. 7 38 89
RudolDh. Boston. 4 36 80
Zabel, Chicago... 4 3618 17
Strand, Boston... 4 19 31 8
Adams. Pitts 8 23 19 t
iMaruuard. N. T.. 3 15 7 4
Nlehaus St. L.... 6 18 15 14
Douglass, Clnn... 8
Perdue, St. Louis. 8
ICrutcher. Boston.
Ames. Clnn
Griner 6t L 4
Bell, Brooklyn... 8
Harmon.-Pitts.... 8
Appleton, Brook. 4 18
Sallee, St. Louis. 6 25
rCbeney, Chicago. 6 17
Perritt, J. a is
Cooper, Pitts 4 16
Ruoker. Brook... 8 10
(Mgthewson, N.T. 2 11
C crown, in. x..s
Kanthlhner, Pltte 8 IS
Altchlson, Brook. 4 11
Pfeffer, Brook.... 3 4
Pchauer, N. Y.... 1
Hess, 'Boston 1 8
Vance, r Pitta 1 3
30 2J
14 ii
19 83
IS 30
8 1
8 1
L Pet.
. 1.O0O
. tooo
. 1.0n0
. 1.000
. 1.000
. 1.000
. L0UO
. l.ono
. 1.000
. 1.000
1 1C0
. 1000
.01 10
.000 i
Faber.. Chicago. ...8
JohnscW Wash.... 5
Coveleskle, Det....4
Dubuo, Detroit... .8
Pennock, Phlla.... 8
Gallia, Wash 8
Morton. Clsve 4
Loudermllk. St L.6
Mitchell, Cleve....8
Russell, Chicago.. 4
Foster, Boston....!
Shore. Boston 3
MdHalo, N. Y....I
Wolfgang, Ch'go..8
Boehling, Wash..!
Shawkey, Wash... 3
Steen, Clave 4
WellmanSt. L...4
Jamos, t L..,...4
Wyckoff, Phlla... 4
R. Collins, iBoston.8
Coumbe, Cleve..'...8
Warhop, N. T....3
Hagerman, CleVe.4
B'mgartner. St. X4
Bressler. Phlla.. ..4
Perryman, 8. 7U..S
Clootte, Chicago... 4
Jasper, Chicago... 8
Brown. N. Y......3
Reynolds. Det 8
Cavet, Detroit 3
Davies. Phlla. 3
Hoch, St L. 5
Leonard, Boston..!
Harper, Wash 1
88 38 17 38 4 1 . .800
86 28 18 8 1 .760
27 23 I 10 I O'.ffi?
tt 21 1 7 8 1 .067
24 18 14 17 8 1 .m
23 31 . 10 2 1 .B7
22 14 8 14 3 1 ,0S7
84 14 32 83 8 8 .600
K 22 IS 19 3 3 .600
23 24 7 20 3 3 .600
80 17 . 3 8 1 1 .600
19 24 6 14 1 J .600
1 IT 8 4 X 1 ,6m
13 10 4 8 1 1 .600
26 86 17 9 1 8 .3S.1
22 11 I 17 1 t .833
28 28 T 13 1 8 .260
38 38 8 16 1 3 .250
23 22 19 8 . 8 W
21 20 81 11 . 3 .000
17 IS 4 3 . 3 .000
1 90 , 8 .000
1 23 7 , 3 .050
18 20 8 8 . 1 .000
17 18 I 4 , 1 .0r0
17 17 18 7 , 1 .000
8 18 8 t . I .000
18 17 4 3.1 .000
16 8 t 14 t 1 ono
10 10 13 6 . 1 .000
18 16 8.3.1 .000
IS 12 8 S . 1 .000
6 8 t I , X .030
1 6 4 . . 1 .000
I T f , . 1 .000
. . i . 1 . 1 .000
NEW TOffe. April 24-rnctudrag the
prize money Which Is offered thla year
for th. 500-mlle auto race over the In
dianapolis speedway on May 81, ther will
have been awarded In prizes a total of
8X0,008 for the various races which have
been run' over The course Mince It wa.
first laid out In 1909. The first year
$35,000 wa. offered for a series ot minor
event. In 1911 g like sum was the prise
money for th first of the 600-mile races,
and the next year It was raised to 850,000,
at whioh It has remained for each suc
ceeding race. Now comes the announce
ment that a 1,000-mile race Is under con
sideration, and if tt Is deolded upon
definitely the prise money will total the
unprecedented figure of 8100,000. -
American League
New tork ..
Cleveland .,
St. Louis
flab Batting.
W. L. T. AR.
...U 4
... 9
.. i
.. 7
.. 4
R. H.
77 131
39 li4
83 114
61 83
66 111
48 81
Clah Fielding;.
. .972
A. &.
Washington' ; 818 KM 14
New York 27 148 16
Detroit ....a. 229 84
Chicago 402 13 26
Boston 2X2 163 19
Cleveland 877 1N3
St Louis 3M 217 98
Philadolphta 311 146 27
Iadlrldaal Battla.
Fournler. Chicago. 12
Veach, Detroit ;...16
Cobb, Detroit 15
Lapp, Philadelphia 6
Jarabson, Detroit. 6
Crawford. Detrolt.15
Btrunk. Phlla 12
Mrlimls. Phlla. ..11
Turner, Cleveland. 7
Jackson, t'leve 16
Hartsell. N. Y 7
Thompson, Phlla.. 6
Williams. Wash.. 6
Thomas, Boston. 4
Pipp. N. Y U
Boone. N. Y .11
Kavanagli, Det 15
PKehlna Records.
Pitchers. g.
Dauss. Detroit....
Fisher N. Y 3
Roland. Detroit.. .4
Bens. Chivago 3
Caldwtll, fc Y...3
nuin, isottiun
5haw. Wash 3
Maya, Foston 3
omatock. Boaton.3
Jones. Cleveland..3
Keating. N. Y 1
Hoehlvr. Ietro1t..3
Leverens. St L...1
AR R. H. SB. Pet.
20 7 12 3 Mi
W 11 24 t .4
U) 21 21 9 .43)
13 3 8 . .417
5 1 2 , .400
67 7 23 8 .3S6
45 17 1 .37
' 46 4 17 . .378
23 4 8 3 '.348
64 9 IK 4 .3.3
U 3 8 . .333
9 8 . .SM
SO 6 10 1 .3.(3
9 3 3 1 .3.13
43 10 14 3 . 2
39 3 12 1 .
63 10 11 3
ip. hh. bb. so. w. L pet.
33 26 11 17 4 . 1.000
27 14 11 10 8 . 1.0UI
21 9 6 6 3 . l.OOO
19 it 3 8 3 . l.OOO
18 17 8 7 3. l.ouo
14 10 7 6 1 . 1.000
10 6 U 4 1. LOW
10 1 3 1 . l.OXi
9 10 3 11. 1.U0)
4,7 7 4 1. l.uiu
3 3 1. 1.00-
1 .3.1. 1 000
1 . . . 1 . 14
Stagnant Blood Given
A Qdcltlmpiitse
Wonderful Activity
parted by a Famous)
v Remedy.
The appearance of pimples, bolls, skin
iruptlons and all evidence of impure blood,
calls for 8, 8. 8., the famoua blood purifier.
Cathartics, purges, bowel mover, and lax
atives won't do.
No amount of bile will destroy certain
rerm. wtlrh cause blood and skin eruptions.
They are away down deep In the tissues,
perhaps ia tba very marrow of the bones.
And such a condition calls for tha searching
Influence ot S. fi. 8. It Is Indeed a remark
able remedy, alnce It Is taken up by the blood
stream and never loaee Its medicinal Influ
ence. On and on it goes, through and
through the entire system aad always with
tbs same definite action to dislodge germs,
destroy their activity and stimulate the liver,
lungs, kidneys, bowel, and skin to threw
them out completely.
It stimulates stagnant bleed, provides a
rational exhilaration to the nerva centers and
thereby the astursl functions of the body are
aroused to cast out Intruders, ne matter bow
strongly intrenched they may be. It refute,
the aarlent theory that to destroy within ns
the germs tbst est into our vitals calls for
drugs tbst destroy our very existence.' Get
a bottle ef B. 8. B. today ot say druggist and
for special advice on severe blood disorders
write st eare to the Medical Adviser, The
ft w lft Specific Co.. 103 Swift Bldg., Atlanta.
Ga. Do not accept a suUUtais, Insist
pen what you ask for.
June 8, 4
June 27. , 2
July 37. 34
June S, 8
June 30, July L I
July 29. SO
June T. 8
July. 8.3
July 81, Aug.
1502 South Tenth Street, . '
Omaha, Neb. ' '
I heard you got two oT my friends yesterday. Thai,
all riht, I have some more that you won't get.