Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 24

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    xi n
nre omajlv sunday bee: may 2, 1915,
Dentine of Stella Telli Story of;
Taking- President of Southern
Confederacy to Fort Monroe.
roMrous akd not talkative
A itinn living In NYbraaka ti1r '
nr. of the officer In commend of th
f'nrd wht li conducted Jffrrm Davis.
th ronf o!c ra If prc.Ulrrt, frnm Atlanta,
fo AtiRimta. Oa . enroll!" to his prison
at Fortrt Mnnroe following hla rapture ,
at trwlnvillc C.a.. on May 10. 1V
This man la R. M. rrtlp of Ptlla,
Th story a ha tells It has th ahort
Inc Interest of lb first-hand narrative.
.Trffrriwn Pavls. ' following tha sur
render "f l,c nnil of Johnston, started
with a few frl-nds for Wsshlnnton. na.,
for the purpose of maltlna: their vay to
tha trsnsmississlppl country. A report
thnt hla wife waa In dancer led Mm to
change his -onra and ha was raptured.
"After the armMIr between Kherman
anl Johnaton aald Mr. Drratln. "Oen
rrsl James II. Wilson, In command of tha
calvary corps of tha wt. assemble hla
forces at Maon. na. About th first of
May. Oeneral Aleirandor. In command
of tha Second bria-ade, Fmrrth dJvlalon.
rompoaed of the Fifth Towa, Flrat Ohio
and Seventh Ohio rearlmenta. all cavalry,
waa ordered to proceed to Atlanta to pro
tect the city.
"f waa then lieutenant In tha Ben-en th
Order at Brent Mlaatam.
"About noon on May 14 an order waa
received from headquarters to take from
earn regiment a detail of 1 enllated men,
tho oaptaln and flrat and aecond lieu
tenaata. The order waa marked haxard
oua. Far h man waa to take hla blanket,
inn rounria of ammunition and three daya'
rat Ion a. No one knew what the aervlre
waa on whlrh we were to ba aent.
"A detail of 100 men and officers
marched to the etntlon. whlrh waa only
a platform, the butldlnK harta been
Iwrned down.
"It waited until a heavily miarded
train arrived from Macon Tha guard
detrained and tho new detail took their
"About 4 o'clock In the mom In of
May li another heavily guarded train
pulled In. Again waa the snard detrained
and the fresh details took their places
"I waa ordered by tha captain to place
thirty-two men to a car, sixteen on
each aide, eight men to be on duty on
each aide all the time and to be ralrved
every two houra.
"The train waa composed of box cure
with a cabooae at the rear and a paa
aenger car ami baggage car In front.
The box cars had a atrip of board torn
off at the heltrtit of a men'a shoulder
so that a lookout could b kept.
TraeV tm Rail Condition.
'Thla aecond train, on which I wu,
moved eastward following tha flrat,
lowly on account of tha had condition
of tha track, until wa reached Union
Point, where waa tha homo of Alexander
H. Stephens, confederate vice, president.
"I waa In tho rabooa when we reached
there and an orderly came from tha front
of the train with the command that the
general wanted ua to coma forward.
Obeying, wa found Oenetal Upton, di
vision commander, who, after an k
change of greetlnga, remarked:
" 'I have aome pet here that I want
to ahow you.'
"He opened a car 'door and tiahered
ua Inalde. An elderly man -waa Bitting"
on Lhe left hand aide of the oar, near
the center. Owners! Upton- tapped him
on the ahoulder and ha roaa to hla feet.
"Mr. Jefferson Davie,, aald Oeneral
Upton, introducing him. "
"We were then introduced atao to Mra.
Davla. to her mother, Mra. Clay, and to
her brother, who had been the fallen
president' private secretary. Next came
Introductions to Major PHtchard of the
Fourth Michigan cavalry, tha aergeant
and eight men who were la direct charge
of the noted prisoner.
Dxtls la Plaaralae.
The sergeant then showed' what ha
claimed waa the disguise In which Mr.
Davla waa traveling when captured. It
consisted of a woman'a waterproof cloak
with a hood and a woman'a black ahoul
der ahawl. He aetd that when Davis waa
captured the shawl waa drawn ' down
about hla head with the hood or tha
cloak hanging down hla bark. - ,
"On tha train both Davt and hla
brother-in-law wore suit of grey. Mra.
Davis and her mother were elaborately
dressed In the fashion of the ttmea, tha
former In grey silk and the latter In
black silk.
"Tha manner of Mr. Davla waa haughty
and pompous. He merely ahook our
hands and repeated our names as wa
were preeented. Ha looked straight
ahead and. aa ha waa six feet two Inches
tall, he didn't acem to sea any of ua.
lie had one glasa rye and among the
wUtllj-a was commonly called GJaas
Eyed Jeff.1
"We who had been on tha caboose
didn't know until that time the mlaalon
on which we were going or even that
Jeff Davis had been captured.
"From Union Point to Augusta tha rail
road be J waa In good condition and tha
train moved rapidly. I aent two men and
a sergeant forward to keep atrlet guard
tver the engineer and fireman.
"At Auguata we took the prlaoners from
the train and placed them on board a tug
at the wharf. Thla tug took them down
the river te the city of Sa-annah. where
tbey were planed on a sloop and taken
to Fort Monroe. Va.
"We inarthed back from the wharf.
Into the city of Auguata and went Inlo
camp until the next morning, when wa
boarded tbe train and went back to
Mr. Derstine waa In the army two yeare
and ten months, enlisting at Ripley.
Frown county. Ohio, In September. Iui
and mustered out at Nashville. Tenn.. In
July, le3. He Is 7s years old. He la ad- '
J ilant of MrKlnley poet. Grand Army j
of the Republic, and takes an active part I
in old aoldiere' affair. His only son j
was a eoldU-r In the Philippines during
tho tniiuh-An.rkaa war. j
Davis Talklaar.
He aya J-fferson took no part In the
conversation when hla disguise waa '
alio a by the sergeant. In the yeare fol- !
lowing he alwaya denied atrenouaty that
he waa In womaa's dreaa when captured. '
An lullniate friend in Cincinnati once '
wrote asking frankly for the exact truta '
and Davla periled emphatically that he
waa rot In woman' clothea. but aaVed j
thit the contents of the letter oe kept j
ncrvt until after his (IHvks') death.
Afur that event la Ww tha letter was
ri'ttie public and raine to tha notice of
tie late Mtdt;e Wheeler at fchubrrt. Ne'j,
a town near f tt !la. Wheeler aald the letter
M untrue. Mr. Deratlpe also boida to
s v. r' I
v.: !
n , i
mjL -
, Mrs. John O. Oreusel of Ulncoln MIK
These Are the 111 lUtVi.. TAitie. :Kvnolda waa graduated from the Omaha
- w s w a. A si UIvl ViJi eSV'IVf
Which Ar Now Intereiting:
Society Folks.
(Continued from Page Two.)
Joy Mr. Peter Mnhren and Mr. J. W.
Hood. Thoae present were:
! Messrs. and Mesdamee
W. A. Bmlth, J W. Hood.
(Alex Jetea. W. H. Ire.
I. K. lx.veJoy, Frank o. browne,
I'eter Mehren. J. F. Zipfel
i ir. H. T. Newton.
Rajah Clnb Dancing- Party.
, Among the fencing parties of tha laat
week waa one given Friday night at
, Turpln a academy by the Rajah Dancing
flub. The hall waa elaborately decorated
tn tha club colors. Those who attended
High school and for eevral years has
fcen a kindergarten teacher at Park
school. Mr. Oreusel la a graduate of
Crelghton college. The wedding will
Uke place the latter part of June.
To Celebrate Birthday.
Mra. J. C. Kuncl entertained at a I
o'clock dinner ffunday In honor of Mr,
Kuncl a birthday. The guests were:
Messrs. and Meademea
K. r. Jscksin.
(. F. Plmanek,
Rom eitnanek,
VMa Kirchman.
Udeal Jaokeon,
Kdward iack,
Frank Vlack.
Charlea Vlack,
t'ma Jackson,
Jeanette Kirchman.
Robert Kirchman,
Oleotg-e Vlack,
Ouy ttmlth.
Agnes Bushman.
, Madeline Mulvablll,
i .Viae Walsh.
t !are Morrison,
Marie Holland,
Marie Welsh.
Mary Drunimond.
the opinion that Tava waa disguised
when captured.
The government divided the Sion.ors) of
fered for the capture 'of Davla betveen
tha two reglmenta which claimed the re
ward. Whoeler waa a rnemtier of one
of theaa regiments and hla ahare of the
reward went into Nebraska land when
he bought hla fine farm near Shuhert.
What Omaha Social
Folks Plan Doing
i in Near Future
Tht CMumbua club will give a dancing
party at the South Omaha Country club
Friday evening.
The North Bide Progressive club will
entertain Tuesday evening at their hall
on Fowler street.
The Fidelia club will entertain at their
hall. Twenty-ninth and Wobater atreeta,
Tuesday afternoon.
The oholr of Trinity Cathedral will give
tha last of their musical servk-es Sunday
venlng at 7:) oclock. ' -
The Twinkle club will hold Ua laat
dancing party thla aeaaon at tha Hotel
Rome Friday evening. .
Mra. Chat-tea D. Beaton will give a
lunoheon Monday, May 10. In honor of
Mlaa Horhstetler, Ak-Sar-Ben
queen. '
Judge and Mra. Ben Baker will gtva a
dancing party Saturday evening. May
In honor of their niece, Mlaa Katharine
Uneberg. ' .
The ' Cambro-Amerlcan aasnclatlon will
give an' entertainment Thursday evening
at the Toung Men'a Christian association.
Office ra for next year will be elected.
An Invitation, haa been extended to all
Welsh and persons .of Weleh deacent to
Marie Nlesman,
Florence Nash,
Helen Detweller,
Reglna Molseed,
Klleen MoOffrey,
Kathleen McCrana,
Helen Itelsel,
race i hsmlrlaln, Winifred Donnhue
Marie 'loodrlch
Mary (kirmtn,
(iitlre Davis,
Pylvla Hoover.
Vera Barry.
Mary txirady,
Katherine Oarew,
Kdlth Murray,
Heaaie Warren,
F.lla Noone, .
Helen BIH,
Francea Kohler,
Mildred House,
Katherine Rngllah
Kleanor tlroeger,
Ksther Mulvahlll,
B. McDonald.
Bernadette Martin,
M; Orenough,
Margaret Mulvahlll.
Margaret Morrison, .
Irene Crelg.
M. Rnsslter,
I. tote Hweeney.
Kllr.abeth Holland,
Catherine Wllaon.
Irene Hmallay.
7'heresa Klanlgan.
Mary Colt.
Agnes (tentleman,
liaxel Arnell.
Mercelea Farrell.
Mary Wela.
Francea Dl.lell.
Kay Chamberlain, -F:ila
Mary Morrison,
Mary McCVeary,
Josephine vF.dwarda, Flleen F.dwarrta,
Helen Bramlea, Mildred McCrann
Ruth Connolly, Irene Pnleder.
Ansbelle Hlndnlr, Dorothy Fleming.
Ruth Norman, .
Messrs Messrs.
James English. H. 1 Hwygard,
rile Bennett. Charlea Ixveloy,
Raymond Travnor. Kmlel Nygard,
ram v. uuriy.
Dnrmard f.lcty.
Kdward WeUh,
Charlea Kllce.
A. J. Keane.
Jack Hue hart.
tteoraa Klevltt,
Jamea Hartnett,
A. J. Von Dollen,
Frank Parka.
T. J. Trarler.
loonard Kendrlch,
Ted Israel,
Albert Hogle,
K. Petera
IV. . Di.nn.
C. B. Pmlth.
Jamea Martin,
Victor Black.
Harry dimming,
Iave Rourke,
Hd McCaffrey,
A. Brandes.
J, Dougherty,
llov Smith,
Arthur Of formal!.
Bob Burns,
Paul Moore.
Pick camp.
F. Carpenter,
William Holbrook,
Dr J n Kelly,
Kidney Rchall,
Joaeph Htanko,
riddle Dund.
C, M. Moulin.
Robert Clarke,
tleorge Roland,
fl. M. Rtallard.
C. J. Cain.
Charlea Brttt.
Charley Cobrey,
Adrian Iund,
John Coatello,
J. I Nygard.
Jamea lialplne.
William Ranee,
John Moore,
Kogene O'Mallay,
Bart Kmeger.
J. B. Johnson,
Tavlor-Zinn Wedding-.
Monday evening Mlaa Manola Zlnn,
daughter of the lata O. W. Zlnn, and Mr.
Walter Taylor, eon of , O. . P. .Taylor of
Parpy county, motored to Papllllon and
were married by Rev.' Thornpaon' of, tha
Preabytatian church of that city.'.'
, Mr. and Mra Taylor have many friends
In thla city.- r
Betrothal Announcement.. ,
Mra. M. C. .Reynold announce the en-
To Celebrate Birthday. -
Mrs, W. H. Crawford entertained a
number . of young people at her home
Tuesday evening la honor of her daugh
ter, Helen', birthday. Tha guests were:
Misses Mlaaes
Virginia Kalteler. Ruth btine.
Helen Crawford,
Kathryn Price,
Mary Hayes
Ixrena Wlver.
Jeaale Innee,
Mlnnl Fray,
Kthel Pettengtll.
klmlly lttenglll,
John McCumber,
Arthur Ievy.
Milton Larson.
Lucien PettengUI,
Htanley Kurt.
Robert Mitchell,
Kugene Oglesby,
Irving Borensen.
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Young.
Card Party and Dance.
Tb Pa Jas Cabets entertained at a
card party at Jacob hall Friday eve
ning. Thla waa followed by a dance.
Thoe present were:
Mlaaes Misses
Helen Olaen, Alberta McCbone,
Marlon Joena, Patty Atklaeon,
Penelope Hamilton, Alice Allen,
Dorothy Davla, Paultne Davla
Harriet Warner,
Messrs Messra
Fimore Ballev, ' Richard Brady,
William Boyer, Percy Dalxell.
Morrte Oale. ( William Compen.
Reed Zimmerman. Kugene Blmmona.
La Verne Everaon, Frank Hunter.
Meademea Meadamea
El K. Zimmerman, 3. B. Jones.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
A. J. Lov 1 spending several day In
Mr. Raymond Low left Saturday for
New York. -
Mr. W. A. Redick returned Tuesday
from Minneapolis.
Mr. George C. Wlllata of Chicago waa
tn Omaha last week.
Mr.' and Mrs. Oerrlt Fort are expected
back today from California,
Mis Annie Doyle left Wednesday
night for a abort trip to Chicago.
Mra A. V. Klaaler and Mlaa Munchhoff
arrived home Frday from Chcago.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot returned
Wedneaday from a ten day' trip to New
Mr. Jamea Hayden and Mia Ophelia
Harden returned Friday night from a
two wweka" stay at Virginia Hot Spring.
Mra - Henry W. Yatea, Mr. Oeorg
Voaa and Nr. Hal Yatea have returned
from a three- week' atay. at Atlantic
city. '..' ;:
MY. and' Mr. C T. Taylor, who have
been In Florida for the winter, returned
home by way of , Washington and Buf
falo," where, thoy. vhri ted their daughter,
Mr. Gannett. ' ' (' it i-
Mrs. . W. A. C. Johnson and her sister,
Mlsa Katherine McCormlck, left Thurs
day to spend tao weens In New Tork.
Mr. Johnson will meet them In Chicago
upon their return.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Hamilton are ex
pected home thla evening from Califor
nia, where toey have been for the laat
Mr. and Mra. Charlea F. Weller re
turn today from a two month' trip
through the south and to the exposition
on the Pacific coast.
Mr. Oeorg H. palmer has returned
from the -a1, where she accompanied
her son. Moiee, back to 8t Paul a school
from his spring vacation.
Mra K. V. Lewie left Friday for Sheri
dan, Wyo to visit her daughter. Mra.
Bherman CanflrM. Later they expect to
go to the California expositions together.
Mrs. Anthony Frenon Merrill returned
Friday evening to Chicago, having com
pleted the second series of her lectures
Friday morning at th home of Mr.
Louia Nash.
At Carter Lake Clnb.
H. B. Ruffner entertained for Eugene
My at Dodge Jnn. Carter Lake club.
Tr.uraday evening, Thoae present were:
Agatha Oswold.
Cherry Oswold, Martlaon.
O. B. Penner,
Frank Olnger,
W. J. Ring.
Korrlne Saunders,
Carrie Edwards,
Irene Baker, ,
Mary Marsh,
Kugene May,
B. Fatten
Albert Kwanaon,
H. B. Ruffner.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C, daughter.
Personal Mention,
Miss Duth fUonehart an Easaney Movie
tar. I the guest of trie Misses Brandes.
Mr. and Mra Mitchell Waeserman, for
merly of Sioux City, have taken an
apartment at the Colonial.
Mr. and Mra George Redlok will be at
r r WW
rim .efc
' ' " ' f
tfl M T"
rO hT Z
to Supply Goodyear !Tires
In the jungle end the nek, in our rebric
factory, our Ure plants, cur branches, etc,
104,000 men are employed to meet the rJe
rnand for Goodyear.
That demand has grown until last year
men bought shout one Goodyear tiro far every
car in use.
It is growing now taster than ever. Our
sales to dee ran have this spring shown an
increase of 52 per cent
We Fortify Tire
The reason is, we fortify our tires. We
give you the best that others give, plus five
exclusive features. In cosily ways, employed
by no one else, we combat these six great
Loose Treads
Not all these troubles can in any way be
completely ended. But we combat them in
the best ways known. We
do it regardless of cost
Our "OrtfAir" cure one
exclusive feature costs
as $450,000 yearly.
tires. In fact scores of experts work all the
time seeking new -ways to improve them.
Lately we have added three eonapicuous im
prowemertU, each of wkich adds much to
our tire cost ' .
This policy is apparent Compare Good
year size and thickness with the average
tire, Compare the number of fabric plies.
Some . Goodyear supremacies can be seen
at a glance, , f
Prices Way Down
Goodyear has made in about two years
three great price reductions. They total 45
per cent The last was on February 1st
Every saving we makfj in rubber or cotton
or through multiplied output goes to Good
year users. Our present output enables us to
give you a value which none oan duplicate.
We Never Skimp
Despite all price reduc
tions, we never skimp these
Fortified Urea
fef our Ko-RJm-Ctit I
h Mae? (an.A ls- rawsa.
rsruiaal J I m. 1 res Si br ssea rufciiar ilim
I! ht sated
' Cbkk AU-Wsei
Men who use Goodyear Fortified Tires
get better tires than others. They have less
1 'trouble on the avei'Bife.
and leas cost The evi
dence Ees in our excht
sive features. It lies hour
dominant place. And it
Ees in the swelling Good
year tide. We urge you to
join this army. Any dealer
will supply you.
ShieAea byaibe
Uke tread.
de,R en srrnxvy
n.m. a
faUs o.Jb
i i, . jf
i esM
San Francisco
' Tha . leading flrsa-elaaa Hotel
of Ban . Franoleoo which has sot
raised its rates. '
Rooroa tram per day up.
Dtrwet ear ; Una' t KxpoelUon. '
- Bend for' booklet and room
chart ahowlna . artoas , of every
room. ' .
the Fontenelle for month, antil their
new home In Dundee la completed.
Mr. and Mr. Rurt C. Fowler have
moved to their country home. 'Hlll
creat." Florence Hnlghta. for th sum
mer. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Burgee will leave
the Colonial net week and return to
their own home, which has been occupied
thla winter by Mr. and Mra George
Dr. Trinder, who la atatloned at Camp
Overton In Mindanao, haa recently been
In Manila taking hla examination for
promotion to u captaincy. Mra Trlndler
accompanied him and Is the guest of
Mra. Fegram at Camp (Mot sen berg. Mrs.
Tegram waa formerly Mis Owendoltne
White of thla city.
Mia Mabel Allen will leave Thursday
evening for a vialt with school friend
In New Tork City and Clinton. N. J.
Later she will attend the commenoemanl
SKercleea at the Baldwin school building
st Bryn Mawr, Ts. Mlas Allen was a
graduate of last year's claas, the mem
bore of which will have a reunion clos
ing day.
For Information lliat will lead to the
prrchension and conviction of th
party or partlea who stole the Flrt
stone Columbus Automobile from the
corner of Farriam and lnth Sta., Oinahn,
Nebraska, about 11 o' lock P. M. We-'-naaday,
April 21st, last Owned by Gl'
bert Paterson of Valley, Nebraska. Car
tound later burned down about sever
mllee west of Omaha and about three
miles north of Millard, Nebraska, also
for Information that will lead to the ap
prehension and conviction of the party
or partlea who robbed the above de
scribed car of valuable parts after It
waa burned. -,
Source of any Information will be
kept confidential.
Notify If. W. Dunn.' Chief of Police;
F. J. Methane, Jr., Sheriff Dougla.
County, or D. B. Welpton, Adjuster.
Royal Insurance , Company, Arlington
Block, Omaha, Neb.
. : :j
We can do what Naw York, Boston,
Chloago and St. Louis hava dons.
Can halp Republican Success In 1913
by voting for tha following Rapub- .
. - ;
A. C, KUGEL...
. H. B.ZIMMANi . . . .V. ... . .V. fx
' ' ' I
TT TT fill ' 'TTT
iLet w m It
A Word With You, Mr. Voter:
The people of Omaha in selecting their pub
lic servants at the election to be held on Tues
day, May 4th, should keep this fact uppermost
in their minds. .
. Greater Omaha will soon be a reality, bring
ing with it not only its advantages but its re
sponsibilities. -Don't you think that those who are' familiar
with the needs of our great city; those who have
had to deal with its' many difficult problems, are
more likely to be able to handle them intelli
gently and for the best interest of all the people,
than men untried and inexperienced?
No employer of labor, especially when about
to enlarge his business, would think of chang
ing his honest and faithful employes for men of
no experience, in the positions to which they
Stand up for a Great6r, More Prosperous
Omaha by voting for these seven men to carry
on the work they have begun and which they
are better qualified now than ever before to
.. . !
Let Well Enough Alone