THK UFA-.: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL T.O. 1015. LAWSON DEFENSE OUTLINED Miners' Leader Contends He Was Trying to Prtsem Peace When Deputies Opened Fire. HOT AT SCENE OF THE KILLING TfUVlDAD. Colo. April .-John R. l.trn. labor leaser on trial for Ma life en a chart of murdering John Nlmmo, will make tilt defenee on the claim that 1h battle or October SS. In which Nimma waa hilled was atarted by dep i ty eherlffe and that La son himself re mained In the tent colony and did every IMM In Ma power to preaerve teace. TMa waa revealed by the opening state ment to the Jury by Horace N. Mawklna, i hlef enunsel of the defence, today. Mawklna sketched the life of Lawaon tiom hla entrant Into the coal mlnea aa a mere boy. Outlining the "'theory of tha rtflenae aa to tha eventa of October 25, '.Pi;. Hawklna declared that the battle waa larted by tha party of deputies, which rode from the I.udlow section house to vard the railroad atatlon to meet a pea s' nger train. M embere of this pertf iestl f'fd for the state that they were fired ' upon by atiikera without provocation, t.awklna alao denied that John R. ! aon waa In the Colorado Routheastern railroad cut from behind which Nlmmo aald to have been ahot. He declared thai Lawson "waa not outalda the tent t olony that day except when ha eacorUd Mas Anna Cameron pact tha danger aone, a related by, Mlaa Cameron on tha altnesa aland. Mr. Hawklna declared that Lawson In a apeech at !ud!ow .tent colony on October T, lull, advlaed the miner to refrain from violence. He aald that on about October 30 ax ma were pur rhaeed to defend the liudlow tent cotony firm Attack. On October. Hawklna aald Lawaon "as assisting rn disbursing tha weekly tellef at Ludlow when ahota were heard ctftelde the colony. . . APTITUDE WORTHY OF ITSDUE REWARD (Continued from Pace One.) a III cook hla flah; someone will wear mora than one yard of tnualln aa gar ment; someone will build a house, and, aa they advance In rlvlllaiytlon. distinc tions will multiply and Increase, la civllltatlon a failure? I auhmlt the prop osition for your thoughtful conalderatlon without expressing any opinion. . Matter mt Meaaol. "Ri't there ar other etemema which enter into tha equation aa muh aa aptl lU'je. During tha political campaign of IVS. when all audience contained a, goodly number or popullata, generally dla- ernlble by the way they wora Ihelr hair end heard, a man waa apeaklng at FeaMle. Alter having been Interrupted sewrej limea by one of theaa woolly fel. loa. hla tormentor again aroee and Mtiealed out: "How do you aocount for the unequal distribution of wealth T" The epeaVer answered: "How do you amount or the unequal distribution of vhlsfcera?" : After the audience had quieted down fcr they did quiet down during tha after-noon-he might have aald to him. and I egret that h did not. "My friend. I . did not ear thia to nauae merriment at 1 our expenae. but to llluatrata a great '. tri'th. , . born with equal epportnntty and equal aptitude for wMsher with 1 yourself. But I have dissipated mine Whenever I Java found myaelf in tha roiacealon of any perceptjble, amount of The Peopled Candidates John C. Drexcl Harry J. Hackett Walter S. Jardine . A lbert A. Lamoreaux James W. Metcalfe Harry B. Zimman They Stand For: 6 Cent Electricity Lower Gas Rates Municipal Ownership Vote For Six Free Men a II a II aa II aa II aa II II a II aa II aa II aa II aa II ' aa f! aa II aa II aa II aa II aa II J SB. hall the lr eoele or the i momc bervice This is the Only Vital Do Not Be Misled by "Bunk" v Fake reduction of light rates is ALL the present commissioners promise you. The People's Candidates are pledged to give you rate reduction without the dicta tion of any public service corporation. SFEAXEft AT CREIGHTON COM MENCEMENT LAST NIGHT. -; , ' 1 HON. LESLIE M. 811AVV. whlakera I have dissipated them. ' Had I conserved my whlakera. a you evidently have, I, too, would be a millionaire In whlakera." Problem of I aemplored. "Juet how much la being written, more' aald and conalderabla dona concerning and for the relief of the unemployed. But, no far aa 1 can dlacover, nothing haa been aald by anybody between tha can with reference to the efficiency or tha want of efficiency of then unfor- tunatea, and nothing to prevent or check the trend towarda Inefficiency. I re cently Attended an entertainment In New York given by the university forum and listened to two speeches by profeaaional philanthropise. 1 mean thorn who are In tha philanthropy business for a liveli hood. They each charged the blame for the leplorahla condition of the unem ployed to the fact that previous wage had been insufficient to enable theaa people to loy by enough to kep them when out of work, and they each advo cated a minimum wage. There waa not one word aald on tha aubject of efficiency or economy. "f have this Indictment of our present school system. I do not blame anyone for tha existence of tha conditions which I shall attempt to describe, and if I falaffy tha facta I shall ba glad to apolo gise for tha libel I think our echoole quits generally teach that labor la hon orable, and alao very undesirable. I think tha atmosphere of tha achoolroom can be 'thue expressed: "Oat an education and you will not need your left arm to get bread to your mouth.' Tha result Is that. our highways are mads by emi grants) our food Is cooked by emigrants; our lawn are snowed by emigrants; our railways are constructed and kept .la repair and our factories operated by emi grants. - ' ' ' lata' Steve "Let me asaiire you, my young friends, that nature keep a one price store. Whoever pays tha price gets tha good. X don't know what you consider Industry. "Mark Hanna once told ma that ha had had ocmilon to tall on rtill Armour. He did not tell his mlMon. hut it waa In 1x9. Ilia secretary made the ep)x-lnt-mcnt. He called at t o'clock. He found, th- great packer In a barbcr"a chair, ent ing hla lunch and dictating to a ateno grarher. It waa the only leisure time he had. 1 don't ask any of you to Work that hard. I only mention the price Phil Armour paid for writing hla name under -ery rky and In every language. And there are no bargain enumerator these goods. "Iel me assure ymi tat I could give llluntratlona that hare come under my own observation from now until morn ing. I will gtv you one. I knew a man In after yeara who, unlike Ax tel. could claim no pride of ancestry. He waa not over fortunate In hie physique, and hla envlronmenta had bean very ordinary. At IS yeara of aga he waa a common day laborer, aa honorable aa anything, but perhapa lesa desirable ttian some. By the premature diacharge of a cannon one Fourth of July morning be lost his right hand at tha wrist and his left hand one-half lnh In front Of the thumb. While waiting recovery ho became pain fully conacloua that he had his Ufa on hla hands. He atarted to get an educa tion. Ha once told me that he had threaded and had sewed on his own but tons with a naked thumb of a left hand. They railed him Judge whan I knew film. Ha died president of a bank, with many millions on deposit. God grant,- my friends, that It may not be necessary to malm or cripple you that, you may wake up to the possibilities that are youra Room for CJood Men, "I congratulate you that you have come to man'a estate when tha world is willing to pay any price for excel lence. There are today ten tlmea as many tX.OOO positions a there are 125,000 men to fill them, and we are creating big poaltlona faster than wa ar pro during strong men. "But let me warn you who are enter ing tha professions to remain profes sional. Do not try caeca or treat teeth or amputate lege for hire. At all tlmea perform your professional dutlea with an eye single to the Interests of your clients and your patlenta and, my word for It, neither you nor your children will need beg bread." Met af (iradaatea. Following la a list of graduates: COLLEGE OK ARTS. John J. Cordes. Raymond OTlonnell, Henry F. loln, Kmery W. Planck, Morris C. Howard, Raymond T. Traynor. PHARMACISTS. B. E. Oauvreau, I. Oreenberg. K V. Hchobel. . If. F. Murphy. Mlaa Pauline Daneky.F. A Shields, T W. Bally. . 11. W. Bauer. II. N. Chrisiensen, I A. Johnkon. J. F Murphy. Htava, A. F. Oaeth, A. T, B. K. Quick. MISD1CH. M. B. Moran, O. P. Morganthsler, F. P, Murphy, J II. Murphy. E. L. Pander, II. A. Basmasren. N. H. Rasmussen, O. Rlpa, H. 8. Routs, A. Rhonalt, V. Koney, . K. D. Ryder. - J. Ahluulat. J. Anderson, C. R. Atsen. A. U Barr, L Barrott. J. W. Brophy, CI. B. Brown, C. Beadles, A. W. Ceclia. A, Conrad, A. J. Kdrtrom, R Farrell," vv. p. Homhach. Charlotte Hatvera, ' J. P. Bheehy. R A. Hmlth, H. K. Simpson." ' ' A. F. Hrb. J. J. Hrb. J. 1. Thomas. V. II. Traxler, ' I F. Vandlver., - H. P. Walker, J. J. Toung J. H. Hubenbecker, J. M. Johnson, J. F. Kelly. P. H, Klnyoun, J. R. Klevla, J. laraon, R. McNamara. v. K. Manning, V. A. Mokler. C. a Moiaeed, LAW. William Barnard, Charie V; Dutii, -i Kdwln C. Boehler, W. J. Bo, Matthew V. Brosaard, amuel H. Cohan, Cornelius F. John H. Caldwell. .' . (A. B., Tale), t.awrence Chapraait, James J. Oleeaon, . Frank A. Hebenstrelt, Louis U. Kavanagh Connolly, Andrew B. DeDual. ' A. B., Crelghton). CLEMHJP DAY i( in nr TH Question the Only Real 0? PLATFORM: 6 Cent Electricity In Omaha Homes. Lower Gas Rttes For the People. Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities. Garbage Collections Properly Performed. Justice Jfot Favoritism, in The Police Court Police Department Uncontrolled By Outside Influences. City Commissioners Who Are Free Hen. Clarence K. Becker, Hugh F. (Jlllesrle (A. B., C'retghtnn), Kugene L. Muhlln (II. 8.. Fremont , rinurie B. Mntthal. Hugh U. McCulloch (A. B. KnoTt. I,eonard I H n. TAL. CBN Charles F. A (lime, C. W. Anders. L. M. Hlusn. l,-roy A. Burgess, Ralph B. Carney, llowarld U ' "le. George C. FVhllman. Ilotwrt J. Oallagher, r tioMner. Krvln 1). Heltsel, Harry 11 ilea. John J. Holland, Richard f Kelly, W. M. Klmpeton. F. W. Leonard, Charles j Mallet. Arch R. Luc a a. Herman Meier, Craig MorrlB. Frmik J. Murphv. Frank A. O'Connell, I-eo F.. PhllMpe. It. R. ruieton. Stanley H. Rogers, Herbert M. Pumpeon Wllllsm R. Thomas, F.dward L. Traxler. BUSINESS MEN TO STAND BACK OF THE BUILDERS Pecretary Branch of the Omaha Bual ncaa Men's association, announces that his organisation adopted the folloestng resolution, pledging support to tho Omaha Builders' exchange In maintain ing aa "open ahop" policy: Resolved. That the Business Men's as sociation hereby pledgee Its full moral support to the Omaha Builders' exchange snd the building contractors of Omaha in rnslstlDg any and all attempts against the open shop policy which has brought Industrial peace to this community and haa eliminated the aympathetlo strike. Resolved,- That all members of this as sociation bo requested to co-operate with the members of the Builders' exchange In maintaining the right to employ work men upon their Individual merits, and regardless ef their afflllUUIon or non afflUaUon with any unions. DRY CLEANER AND BAKER . START ON A LONG HIKE E. V. Mltcheltree and It E. Bryan, dry cleaner and baker, respectively, of New Sharon. Ia,, are here. . having; walked from their horn town to this city, their plans being to complete their hike to San Francisco by August 1. If thsy make the trip within the agreed time they wilt receive tl.OOO from the Booster club of New Sharon. They averaged twenty-four miles a day and carry twelve pounds f baggage apiece. Head Th Bee' "Business Chances" snd get Into your own buslnaaa. flECKLEFACE 1st aad Wind Bring- On Ugly aota. low to BsmoTi Saatiy. Hare's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guar antee of a reliable dealer that It will not cost you a penny unless it remove the freckles; while If it doe give you a clear complexion th expense Is trifling . Simply gat an ounce of othlne double strength from Sherman McConnell or any Idrugglat. and a few application should show you how easy It is to rid yourself of tbe homely freckle a and get a beautiful -complexion. Rarely 1 more than one 'ounce needed for the worat case. Be aura to aak the druggist for the double strength Othlne a this la the pre scription sold under guarantee of money back If H fall to remove freckles. Ad vertisement. Make Teething Easy for Baby use-' v Krslffinslsw's Soothing Syrc? A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VtCETABLE-KOT NARCOTIC VOTE. FOR. tre E BIG- Thomas J. Keenan, Fo In I. Mitchell, John W. Reel. Ldward J. Ho bins. .1. P. Btumho Oeorae Busnrman. Uovd (i. Thorn r son, IVrry AVheeler (A. B., Hellevuel. SIX. Loeb's Testimony in Roosevelt Case Ruled Out by Court RTRACVSE, N. T.. April J9.-Evldence frcm William Loeb. Jr.. former secretary to Colonel Hooeevelt ihlle he was presi dent, snd later collector of the port of New Toik. con'ernlng alleged corruption In A I briny wss ruled out by Justice An drews lat- today. Constipation a Penalty of Age Nothing la so essential to health In advancing age aa keeping the bowels pen. It make on feel younger and fresher and forestalls colds, pile, fevers, and other dependent 111. Cathartic and purgatives are violent and drastic In action and should be ivolded. A mild, effective laxative tonic, recommended by physicians and thousands who have uaed It, la the Combination of simple herb with pep sin sold by druggist everywhere un der the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. The price 1 fifty cents and ona dollar a bottle. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, I Washington 8t Montlcello, 111. At the Reese Jewelry Store.... In a few day will appear an announcement that will be of most unusual Internet to the women ef Omaha. Watch the windows for tbe display ar. ranged by one of Omaha' inannfactiirera. 408 South 10th Street. KOri for First Half UUU Milt, 40c for oh aidtftal mil tfaero- fterforthi distinct you rido. No chars uH iif or rotarBtof. - Wartlos' Tlaoe at Bat of IM er Snr. v'Tkat'a Oa Berries" . Telephone Doug. 90. Omaha Tail SenrKca Go. 8104 Fa mam Sc. v OMAHA MAY 4 VU3 ttaoi X . juV .. U III' 5 k yL i Loroorations .Rule Our Litv Issue Before We Lift the Q ATTTDHAV M AV 1ST ui 1 U iV.lS.ft Every man in Omaha is invited to select a SUIT from a big clean stock now being assembled and arranged. Prices are to be The splendid values are so apparent that you cannot make a mistake. " See the eaat window and the ad in tomorrow' paper. 1516-18-550 FARNAM STREET. OLD TIME RESIDENT OF OMAHA PRAISES AKOZ FOR RHEUMATISM Mrs. Cha. Brown Says Mineral Remedy Relieved Her After Five Years Suffering. After visiting spring and trying many remedies seeking relief from rheumatism from which she suffered over five year, Mrs. Chaa. Brown, a pioneer resident of Omaha, resorted to Ako. the new Cali fornia mineral remedy, and since using It has astonished yher many friends by her rapid recovery. Mr Brown realda at 17SS South 27th street, Omaha, and tell of her experience with Akoa aa fol lows: "I Buffered with rheumatism In my back, arm and shoulders for five years. At time the pain wa so bad that I would hare to atop everything and rear. I visited spring and tried many reme dies but the aliment would cot leave. When Ako waa first introduced in Om aha, my huaband brought some of tbe treatment home for me.k The mineral plaster on my back and shoulders drew out much of tha pain the first night In a few weeks' time tha mineral water made from the Internal powder, wrth the assistance of the plaster. Improved ma wonderfully. Since then recovery ha bean very rapid. Not only ha the' min eral water driven acid and poison from my system, but aa a toalo It I excellent My general health la o mtfch better that I feet like a. new, woman. I know, that Ako I the beat' remedy that I ever Apartments, flats, hemeese and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. The Peopled Candidates John C. Drexel Harry J. Hackett Walter S. Jardine Albert A. Lamoreaux James W. Metcalfe Harry B. Zimman They Stand For: 6 Cent Electricity Lower Gas Rates Municipal Ownership Vote For The People's Men the People This is Your Fight It is your duty to rote TUESDAY, MAY 4 If you want Free men who will represent YOU in the city hall go to the polls and vote for the "Big Six." rrs up to you 1 Lid I, lYlrii 1 v . .. .v aj i .f ..-... . f ' rS . ". - f - - ..V. ? :- - , ,, o ' ". .,-? y- "T ' f . H v i ' . V"--V.- V. f !."" i '-fnaaa 3 MRS. CHA8. BROWN, used and I will recommend to all suf fering aa I was." Ako la a pure, natural mineral rem edy that contains nothing but th 'won derful curative qualities Nature ha given it. It haa proven most "effective In treating stomach, liver, kidney and bladder trouble piles, ulcers, ecsema, akin diseases and other ailment. It I now being demonstrated at Phermam ts. McConnell' leth and Dodge St. store. Visit, phon or writs the Akea man In charge for further Information regard ing thla. advertisement. ' fl II aa II aa II - aa II f f II aa II aa II a II aa II aa II aa II aa II a a II ii aa II aa II aa II aa II aa II 0 of Omaha r i. a a a